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The regional synchrony of short-term population fluctuations of small rodents and small game has usually been explained by varying impacts of generalist predators subsisting on both voles and small game (the "alternative prey hypothesis" APH). APH says that densities of predators increase as a response to increasing vole densities and then these predators shift their diet from the main prey to the alternative prey when the main prey decline and vice versa. We studied the diet composition of breeding common buzzards Buteo buteo during 1985-92 in western Finland. Microtus voles were the main prey and water voles, shrews, forest grouse, hares and small birds the most important alternative prey. Our data from the between-year variation in the diet composition of buzzards fulfilled the main predictions of APH. The yearly proportion of main prey (Microtus voles) in the diet was higher in years of high than low vole abundance. The proportion of grouse in the diet of buzzards was negatively related to the abundance of Microtus voles in the field and was nearly independent of grouse abundance in the field. In addition, buzzards mainly took grouse chicks and young hares which is consistent with the prediction of APH. Therefore, we conclude that buzzards are able to shift their diet in the way predicted by the APH and that buzzards, together with other generalist predators, may reduce the breeding success of small game in the decline phase of the vole cycle, and thus substantially contribute to the existence of short-term population cycles of small game.  相似文献   

Many predator species feed on prey that fluctuates in abundance from year to year. Birds of prey can face large fluctuations in food abundance i.e. small mammals, especially voles. These annual changes in prey abundance strongly affect the reproductive success and mortality of the individual predators and thus can be expected to influence their population dynamics and persistence. The barn owl, for example, shows large fluctuations in breeding success that correlate with the dynamics in voles, their main prey species. Analysis of the impact of fluctuations in vole abundance (their amplitude, peaks and lows, cycle length and regularity) with a simple predator prey model parameterized with literature data indicates population persistence is especially affected by years with low vole abundance. In these years the population can decline to low owl numbers such that the ensuing peak vole years cannot be exploited. This result is independent of the length and regularity of vole fluctuations. The relevance of this result for conservation of the barn owl and other birds of prey that show a numerical response to fluctuating prey species is discussed.  相似文献   

The alternative prey hypothesis predicts that predators respond both functionally and numerically (with a time lag) to fluctuations in the main prey abundance, which affects the survival of alternative prey. This pattern was found in northern Europe in the community formed by voles (Microtidae), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). We studied the same predator—prey community in a temperate latitude where, according to the predation hypothesis, only the functional response of predators to changes in main prey availability should occur. In the years 1997–2007, in western Poland, we estimated the index of common vole (Microtus arvalis) abundance (burrow counts), the density of foxes (spotlight counts), the young production in foxes (young/adult ratio), the index of fox predation on fawns (prey remains near dens) as well as the reproduction index (fawn/female ratio) and density of roe deer (total counts). The vole abundance fluctuated considerably, the young production in foxes did not correlate with the main prey availability, but the density of foxes showed direct numerical response. The index of fox predation on fawns decreased with the vole abundance and negatively affected the fawn/female ratio in roe deer. Thus, the relationships between voles and foxes were not fully consistent with the predation hypothesis. The direct numerical response of foxes should tend to stabilize this predator—prey community. It is suggested, however, that responses showed by vole-eating predators in temperate latitudes may sometimes affect their alternative prey, including animals with unfavourable conservation status.  相似文献   

Environmental variation across space and time can strongly influence life‐history strategies in vertebrates. It has been shown that the reproductive success of birds of prey is closely related to food availability. However, relatively little is known about intraspecific differences in reproductive success of birds in relation to varying ecological conditions across environmental gradients. We investigated the reproductive performance of Tengmalm's Owls Aegolius funereus in a temperate (Czech Republic, 50°N) and a boreal (Finland, 63°N) population in relation to long‐term variations in the abundance of their main prey (small rodents). Prey densities at the northern site were much higher, but there were also large inter‐annual fluctuations and years with steep summer declines of vole densities. Northern owls laid larger clutches but offspring production per nest was similar at both study sites. This resulted from higher nestling mortality in the northern population, especially in nests established later in the season. Despite much greater nesting losses due to predation by Pine Martens Martes martes, productivity at the population level was about four times greater at the temperate site, mainly due to the much higher breeding densities compared with Finland. Tengmalm's Owls at the temperate study site may benefit from relatively stable prey abundance, a more diverse prey community that offers alternative prey during vole scarcity, longer nights in summer that allow more time for foraging, and a lower level of interspecific competition with other vole‐specialized predators.  相似文献   

The consequences of cyclic fluctuations in abundance of prey species on predator continue to improve our understanding of the mechanisms behind population regulation. Among predators, vole‐eating raptors usually respond to changes in prey abundance with no apparent time‐lag and therefore contradict predictions from the predator–prey theory. In such systems, the interplay between demographic traits and population growth rate in relation to prey abundance remains poorly studied, yet it is crucial to characterize the link between ecological processes and population changes. Using a mechanistic approach, we assessed the demographic rates associated to the direct and indirect numerical responses of a specialist raptor (Montagu's harrier) to its cyclic prey (common vole), using long term data from two adjacent study sites in France. First‐year survival rates were weakly affected by vole abundance, probably due to the fact that Montagu's harriers are trans‐Saharan migrants and thus escape the vole collapse occurring in autumn–winter. Recruitment of yearling as well as breeding propensity of experienced adult females were strongly affected by vole abundance and at least partially shaped the trajectory of the breeding population. We argued that the strong density dependent signal detected in predator time series was mostly the phenomenological consequence of the positive direct numerical response of harriers to vole abundance. Accounting for this, we proposed a method to assess density dependence in predator relying on a cyclic prey. Finally, the variation in Montagu's harrier population growth rates was best explained by overwinter growth rates of the prey population and to a lesser extent by previous residual predator density.  相似文献   

Releasing gamebirds in large numbers for sport shooting may directly or indirectly influence the abundance, distribution and population dynamics of native wildlife. The abundances of generalist predators have been positively associated with the abundance of gamebirds. These relationships have implications for prey populations, with the potential for indirect impacts of gamebird releases on wider biodiversity. To understand the basis of these associations, we investigated variation in territory size, prey provisioning to chicks, and breeding success of common buzzards Buteo buteo, and associations with variation in the abundances of free‐roaming gamebirds, primarily pheasants Phasianus colchicus, and of rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and field voles Microtus agrestis, as important prey for buzzards. The relative abundance of gamebirds, but not those of rabbits or voles, was weakly but positively correlated with our index of buzzard territory size. Gamebirds were rarely brought to the nest. Rabbits and voles, and not gamebirds, were provisioned to chicks in proportion to their relative abundance. The number of buzzard chicks increased with provisioning rates of rabbits, in terms of both provisioning frequency and biomass, but not with provisioning rates for gamebirds or voles. Associations between the abundances of buzzards and gamebirds may not be a consequence of the greater availability of gamebirds as prey during the buzzard breeding season. Instead, the association may arise either from habitat or predator management leading to higher densities of alternative prey (in this instance, rabbits), or from greater availability of gamebirds as prey or carrion during the autumn and winter shooting season. The interactions between gamebird releases and associated practices of predator control and shooting itself require better understanding to more effectively intervene in any one aspect of this complex social‐ecological system.  相似文献   

Indirect effects of climate change are often mediated by trophic interactions and consequences for individual species depend on how they are tied into the local food web. Here we show how the response of demographic rates of an arctic bird of prey to fluctuations in small rodent abundance changed when small rodent community composition and dynamics changed, possibly under the effect of climate warming. We observed the breeding biology of rough‐legged buzzards (Buteo lagopus) at the Erkuta Tundra Monitoring Site in southern Yamal, low arctic Russia, for 19 years (1999–2017). At the same time, data on small rodent abundance were collected and information on buzzard diet was obtained from pellet dissection. The small rodent community experienced a shift from high‐amplitude cycles to dampened fluctuations paralleled with a change in species composition toward less lemmings and more voles. Buzzards clearly preferred lemmings as prey. Breeding density of buzzards was positively related to small rodent abundance, but the shift in small rodent community lead to lower numbers relative to small rodent abundance. At the same time, after the change in small rodent community, the average number of fledglings was higher relative to small rodent abundance than earlier. These results suggest that the buzzard population adapted to a certain degree to the changes in the major resource, although at the same time density declined. The documented flexibility in the short‐term response of demographic rates to changes in structure and dynamics of key food web components make it difficult to predict how complex food webs will be transformed in a warmer Arctic. The degree of plasticity of functional responses is indeed likely to vary between species and between regions, depending also on the local food web context.  相似文献   

The rough-legged buzzard, a circumpolar avian predator, is usually defined as rodent specialist in the tundra but as a generalist in the boreal zone, leaving open the question of where the shift in feeding strategy occurs. Here, we investigated the diet and breeding biology of buzzards as well as abundance of their possible prey during 5 years in the low-Arctic shrub tundra on the Nenetsky Ridge, Russia. We employed three complementary methods to assess the diet of this Arctic predator—pellet dissection, identification of prey remains on nests, and stable isotope analysis—to overcome their respective limitations. We documented fluctuations in abundances of the likely prey, namely rodents, ptarmigans, and hares. Nesting density of buzzards changed substantially over the years, but did not track the abundance cycle of the rodents. The number of buzzard fledglings was relatively low (1.08 ± 0.3) and did not change according to the density of rodents. In the year when rodents were at their lowest abundance, diet analyses of nestlings documented a shift from rodents to alternative prey, with a decrease in the proportion of tundra voles and an increase in proportion of hares, ptarmigans, and ducks. Here, we argue that buzzards may adopt different feeding strategies along the gradient from generalists to specialists. While the rough-legged buzzard is usually considered a small rodent specialist, our study shows that it can shift to alternative prey where or when rodents are scarce and when alternative prey are sufficiently abundant to provide subsistence for breeding.  相似文献   

Predation has been invoked as a factor synchronizing the population oscillations of sympatric prey species, either because predators kill prey unselectively (the Shared Predation Hypothesis; hereafter SPH), or because predators switch to alternative prey after a density decline in their main prey (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis; APH). A basic assumption of the APH is that the impact of predators on alternative prey depends more on the density of main prey than on the predator/alternative prey ratio. Both SPH and APH assume that the impact of predators on alternative prey is at least periodically strong enough to depress prey populations. To examine these assumptions, we utilized data from replicated field experiments in large areas where we reduced the breeding densities of avian predators during three years and the numbers of least weasels (Mustela nivalis) in two years when vole populations declined. In addition, we reduced the breeding densities of avian predators in two years when vole populations were high. The reduction of least weasels increased the abundance of their alternative prey, small birds breeding on the ground, but did not affect the abundance of common shrews (Sorex araneus). In years when vole populations declined, the reduction of avian predators increased the abundance of their alternative prey, common shrews and small birds. Therefore, vole‐eating predators do at least periodically depress the abundance of their alternative prey. At high vole densities, the reduction of avian predators did not increase the abundance of common shrews, although the ratio of avian predators to alternative prey was similar to years when vole populations declined, which supported APH. In contrast, the abundance of small birds increased after the reduction of avian predators also at high vole densities, which supported SPH. The manipulations had no obvious effect on the number of game birds, which are only occasionally killed by these small‐sized predators. We conclude that in communities where most predators are small or specialize on a single prey type, the synchronizing impact of predation is restricted to a few similar‐sized species.  相似文献   

Northern ecosystems are facing unprecedented climate modifications, which pose a major threat for arctic species, especially the specialist predator guild. However, the mechanisms underlying responses of predators to climate change remain poorly understood. Climate can influence fitness parameters of predators either through reduced reproduction or survival following adverse weather conditions, or via changes in the population dynamics of their main prey. Here, we combined three overlapping long‐term datasets on the breeding density and parameters of a rodent‐specialist predator, the rough‐legged buzzard Buteo lagopus, its main prey population dynamics and climate variables, collected in subarctic areas of Finland and Norway, to assess the impact of changing climate on the predator reproductive response. Rough‐legged buzzards responded to ongoing climate change by advancing their laying date (0.1 d yr?1 over the 21 yr of the study period), as a consequence of earlier snowmelt. However, we documented for the same period a decrease in breeding success, which principally resulted from an indirect effect of changes in the dynamics of their main prey, i.e. grey‐sided voles Microtus oeconomus, and not from the expected negative effect of unfavorable weather conditions during the brood‐rearing period on nestling survival. Additionally, we showed the striking impact of autumn and winter weather conditions on vole population growth rates in subarctic ecosystems, with a strong positive correlation between mean snow depth in autumn and winter and both winter and summer population growth rates. Our results highlighted that, in northern ecosystems, ongoing climate change has the potential to impact specialist predator species through two mechanistic linkages, which may in the long‐run, threaten the viability of their populations, and lead to potential severe cascading trophic effects at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   

Predators will often respond to reductions in preferred prey by switching to alternative prey resources. However, this may not apply to all alternative prey groups in patchy landscapes. We investigated the demographic and aggregative numerical and functional responses of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo in relation to variations in prey abundance on a moor managed for Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica in south‐west Scotland over three consecutive breeding and non‐breeding seasons. We predicted that predation of Red Grouse by Buzzards would increase when abundance of their preferred Field Vole Microtus agrestis prey declined. As vole abundance fluctuated, Buzzards responded functionally by eating voles in relation to their abundance, but they did not respond demographically in terms of either breeding success or density. During a vole crash year, Buzzards selected a wider range of prey typical of enclosed farmland habitats found on the moorland edge but fewer Grouse from the heather moorland. During a vole peak year, prey remains suggested a linear relationship between Grouse density and the number of Grouse eaten (a Type 1 functional response), which was not evident in either intermediate or vole crash years. Buzzard foraging intensity varied between years as vole abundance fluctuated, and foraging intensity declined with increasing heather cover. Our findings did not support the prediction that predation of Red Grouse would increase when vole abundance was low. Instead, they suggest that Buzzards predated Grouse incidentally while hunting for voles, which may increase when vole abundances are high through promoting foraging in heather moorland habitats where Grouse are more numerous. Our results suggest that declines in their main prey may not result in increased predation of all alternative prey groups when predators inhabit patchy landscapes. We suggest that when investigating predator diet and impacts on prey, knowledge of all resources and habitats that are available to predators is important.  相似文献   

Asko Lhmus 《Ecography》2003,26(5):545-552
Although habitat studies are essential for species management, little is known about temporal and spatial variation in the wildlife-habitat relationships. This paper explores annual variation in habitat preferences of and relative quality for diurnal raptors and owls. A review of 772 published sources showed that habitat×year interaction had been analysed in only 10% of habitat quality and 5% of habitat preference studies. Two major factors behind the year-effects were the fluctuations in rainfall and prey base, which together influenced a wide variety of species. Yet, 67% of studies had pooled data from different years and 17% relied on data from only one year. The conclusions of the review were validated by analysing a typical situation for which habitat×year interactions could be expected – habitat quality in a vole-specialized raptor, the common buzzard Buteo buteo , in an area of regularly fluctuating vole abundance. According to eleven-year data, the relationships between buzzard productivity and landscape characteristics were distinct between years. Habitat impact was more clear during vole-poor years, when successful buzzards bred in landscapes having diverse land cover, no wetlands and no conspecifics around. In contrast, during vole peaks, better young production was related to homogeneous landscapes. When years were pooled, the relationships were concealed and habitat quality model became not significant. Selecting 'poor-year habitat' or 'rich-year habitat' seemed to give a similar reproductive output for the buzzards in the long-term. The results indicate that one-year approaches to wildlife-habitat relationships can easily lead to erroneous conclusions, significant habitat relationships may become lost in pooled data, and the most typical situations that need annually explicit approach can be recognized while planning the studies.  相似文献   

One of the most studied problems in population ecology has been to understand the relative roles of top–down and bottom–up forces in regulating animal populations. This has also been a key issue in studies of vole population dyna mics. Vole populations exhibit a wide variation of dynamics, from seasonal fluctuations to multiannual variations or cyclicity. One of the hypotheses to explain cyclic population dynamics is predation by the specialist predators. A common counterargument against the predation hypothesis has been the lack of conclusive observations of the time delay in the predators’ numerical response. We studied the interaction between voles and their specialist small mustelid predators, the stoat Mustela erminea and the least weasel Mustela n. nivalis, by modelling their interaction to data sets that cover large areas of Finland. Vole abundance was monitored with biannual trappings and their predators with snow‐tracking. Results show a high dependence of the predators on the voles, and this connection is generally tighter in weasels than in stoats. Weasel abundance is affected most strongly by the vole abundance in previous spring, 8.5– 10 months earlier, while in stoats the effect of autumn abundance of voles, 2.5–6 months earlier, was the strongest. These results, together with the observation that the weasels’ effects on voles are stronger after a time lag of 6–9.5 than 2–4.5 months, indicate the existence of a time lag in weasels’ numerical response. A time lag in the predators’ numerical response is a necessary condition for the predators to drive population cycles in its prey, and therefore our results support the specialist predation hypothesis.  相似文献   

We used a 13-year time series of abundance estimates of breeding Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus), and of small mammals from central Ontario, Canada, to assess the numerical response of the owls to small-mammal prey species. We found that the finite rate of increase of breeding owls was directly related to estimates of red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) abundance. Thus, it appeared that the owls were nomadic, and made decisions about where to breed based on vole supply. The owls showed a much weaker response to deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) abundance. Across all years, 55% of variation in owl rate of increase could be uniquely attributed to vole abundance, whereas only 3% could be attributed to mouse abundance. Consistent with the model of nomadism, there was only a weak relationship between the proportion of hatch-year owls caught at fall banding stations, and small-mammal abundance. Instead, it appeared that Northern Saw-whet Owls avoided years of widespread reproductive failure through the nomadic strategy of selecting breeding sites based on vole supply.  相似文献   

We examined inter-specific interactions among goshawks (Accipiter gentilis), common buzzards (Buteo buteo) and honey buzzards (Pernis apivorus) in western Finland in 1983–1996. Because goshawks are among the largest birds of prey species in boreal forests they may take over the nest of smaller and less-competitive forest-dwelling raptors when searching for suitable places for breeding. Accordingly, more than half of newly established goshawk territories were found on the territories previously occupied by the common buzzard and the honey buzzard. Otherwise, territory sharing between these species was rare. Fledgling production of honey buzzards was not associated with the presence of goshawks, probably owing to the almost 2 months later onset of breeding. This probably decreases competitive interactions between these two species. An intensive interference competition, instead, seemed to be evident between common buzzards and goshawks, because the fledgling production of common buzzards was decreased by 20% as a result of failures during incubation and nestling period in the vicinity (<1 km) of occupied goshawk nests. Similarly, territory occupancy of common buzzards till the next breeding season was significantly reduced in the presence of goshawks. Relatively high proportions of occupied buzzard territories (17%) in the study area were shared by breeding goshawks on the same territory. This suggests that although their diets are dissimilar they inhabit similar habitats and might compete for the available prime nesting habitats within forest landscapes. In addition, goshawks benefit from taking over the complete nests of other raptors, imposing upon the original owners of the nest, because building a large stick nest is probably energetically costly. As a large raptor, the goshawk apparently has a competitive advantage over smaller ones, and may have an ever-increasing impact on smaller birds of prey, if there is a lack of sheltered forests inducing competition for the available nest sites.  相似文献   

The ongoing climate change has improved our understanding of how climate affects the reproduction of animals. However, the interaction between food availability and climate on breeding has rarely been examined. While it has been shown that breeding of boreal birds of prey is first and foremost determined by prey abundance, little information exists on how climatic conditions influence this relationship. We studied the joint effects of main prey abundance and ambient weather on timing of breeding and reproductive success of two smaller (pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum and Tengmalm’s owl Aegolius funereus) and two larger (tawny owl Strix aluco and Ural owl Strix uralensis) avian predator species using long-term nation-wide datasets during 1973–2004. We found no temporal trend either in vole abundance or in hatching date and brood size of any studied owl species. In the larger species, increasing late winter or early spring temperature advanced breeding at least as much as did high autumn abundance of prey (voles). Furthermore, increasing snow depth delayed breeding of the largest species (Ural owl), presumably by reducing the availability of voles. Brood size was strongly determined by spring vole abundance in all four owl species. These results show that climate directly affects the breeding performance of vole-eating boreal avian predators much more than previously thought. According to earlier studies, small-sized species should advance their breeding more than larger species in response to increasing temperature. However, we found an opposite pattern, with larger species being more sensitive to temperature. We argue that this pattern is caused by a difference in the breeding tactics of larger mostly capital breeding and smaller mostly income breeding owl species.  相似文献   

Habitat quality is an important but insufficiently understood concept in ecology and conservation biology, due to geographic and temporal variation as well as interaction with individual quality. In 1994–2002, we studied the Estonian population of the lesser spotted eagle Aquila pomarina in order to (1) explore the relative contributions of habitat and female size in reproductive success; (2) check for a switch to alternative prey in vole‐poor years and the relevant variation in annual habitat quality as confirmed in the common buzzard Buteo buteo in the same area. We measured five landscape variables, the number of neighbouring conspecifics and the relative size of the female according to large moulted feathers in 77 nesting territories, and related this to the eagles’ productivity in vole‐rich and vole‐poor years. Nesting lesser spotted eagles benefited from heterogeneous landscapes and suffered from the neighbourhood of conspecifics. There was no evidence that different‐sized females used different habitats. In general, female size was positively related to productivity in vole‐poor but not vole‐rich years, but in the presence of competitors, large size appeared to be disadvantageous. The mean annual productivity of the eagle was well correlated with that of the buzzard, both having peaks after every three years. In contrast to the buzzard, the share of voles in the eagle's diet and its habitat quality did not differ significantly between good and poor years. We concluded that despite a superficial ecological similarity to the buzzard, the lesser spotted eagle did not behave as predicted by the alternative prey hypothesis, but the study confirmed that annual variation in prey utilization and relative habitat quality are parts of the same functional response. Non‐switching to alternative prey may be related to a historical foraging strategy, used by the eagles before they spread to agricultural landscapes, since the current effects of body size strongly suggested food shortage in vole‐poor years.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that a delayed density-dependent mortality factor with a time lag of ca 9 months is able to drive 3–5-yr population cycles of northern voles. We studied numerical responses of predators in western Finland during 1986–92, in an area with 3-yr population cycles of voles. Abundances of small mammals were monitored in several farmland areas (each 3 km2) by snap-trapping in April, June, August, and October (only in 1986–90), and the abundances of avian, mammalian, and reptilian predators by visual censuses during trapping occasions. The 3-yr cycle studied was a cycle of Microtus voles (field vole M. agrestis and sibling vole M. rossiaemeridionalis ) and their small-sized predators (small mustelids and vole-eating birds of prey). The numerical responses of both migratory avian predators and small mustelids to changes in vole densities were more alike than different. In late summer (August), the time lag in the numerical response of all main predators was short (0–4 months), whereas longer time lags prevailed from spring to early summer. The length of the time lag in spring appeared to be related to the length of the winter, which indicates that strong seasonality may create longer time lags to the numerical response of predators at northern latitudes than at more southern latitudes. Our results suggest that, from spring to early summer, predation by migratory avian predators may act in concordance with mustelid predation to produce the long time lag necessary to drive the 3-yr cycle of voles, whereas almost direct density-dependent predation by all major predators in late summer may dampen spatial variation in prey densities.  相似文献   

1. Understanding which factors regulate population dynamics may help us to understand how a population would respond to environmental change, and why some populations are declining.
2. In southern Finland, vole abundance shows a three-phased cycle of low, increase and decrease phases, but these have been fading out in recent years. During five such cycles (1981–1995), all tawny owls Strix aluco were censused in a 250-km2 study area, and their reproduction and survival were monitored.
3. Males and females showed similar dynamics, but experienced breeders recruited more offspring and had higher survival than first breeders. Offspring recruitment, but not survival of breeding individuals varied in accordance with vole abundance.
4. The population's numerical response to prey abundance was primarily due to first-breeding individuals entering the population in the increase phase when immigration was the highest. First-breeding birds were younger, but experienced breeders were older in more favourable vole years.
5. A stage-specific matrix population model integrating survival and fecundity showed that, despite obvious variation in fecundity between vole cycle phases, this variation had limited importance for overall tawny owl population dynamics, but that the survival of experienced breeders during the low phase is most important for population growth.
6. Model and data agreed that the vole cycle drives the dynamics of this avian predator by limiting the recruitment of new breeders during the low phase. Population dynamics hence differ not only from the classic example of the species in a more temperate region in the UK where the number of territories is stable across years, but also from the dynamics of other avian vole predators in Fennoscandia where the recurring crash in vole abundance drastically lowers adult survival thereby creating vacancies.  相似文献   

Specialist individuals within animal populations have shown to be more efficient foragers and/or to have higher reproductive success than generalist individuals, but interspecific reproductive consequences of the degree of diet specialisation in vertebrate predators have remained unstudied. Eurasian pygmy owls (hereafter POs) have less vole-specialised diets than Tengmalm's owls (TOs), both of which mainly subsist on temporally fluctuating food resources (voles). To test whether the specialist TO is more limited by the main prey abundance than the generalist PO, we studied breeding densities and reproductive traits of co-existing POs and TOs in central-western Finland during 2002–2019. Breeding densities of POs increased with augmenting densities of voles in the previous autumn, whereas breeding densities of TOs increased with higher vole densities in both the previous autumn and the current spring. In years of vole scarcity, PO females started egg-laying earlier than TOs, whereas in years of vole abundance TO females laid eggs substantially earlier than PO females. The yearly mean clutch size and number of fledglings produced of both POs and TOs increased with abundance of voles in the current spring. POs laid large clutches and produced large broods in years of both high and low vole abundance, whereas TOs were able to do so only in years of high vole abundance. POs were able to raise on average 73% of the eggs to fledglings whereas TOs only 44%. The generalist foraging strategy of POs including flexible switching from main prey to alternative prey (small birds) appeared to be more productive than the strictly vole-specialized foraging strategy of TOs. In contrast to earlier studies at the individual-level, specialist predators at the species level (in this case TOs) appear to be less effective than generalists (POs), but diet specialisation was particularly costly under conditions when scarcity of main foods limited offspring production.  相似文献   

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