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Territoriality carries costs and benefits, which are commonly affected by the spatial and temporal abundance and predictability of food, and by intruder pressure. Giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) live in groups that defend territories along river channels during the dry season using chemical signals, loud vocalizations and agonistic encounters. However, little is known about the territoriality of giant otters during the rainy season, when groups leave their dry season territories and follow fish dispersing into flooded areas. The objective of this study was to analyze long-term territoriality of giant otter groups in a seasonal environment. The linear extensions of the territories of 10 giant otter groups were determined based on locations of active dens, latrines and scent marks in each season. Some groups overlapped the limits of neighboring territories. The total territory extent of giant otters was correlated with group size in both seasons. The extent of exclusive territories of giant otter groups was negatively related to the number of adults present in adjacent groups. Territory fidelity ranged from 0 to 100% between seasons. Some groups maintained their territory for long periods, which demanded constant effort in marking and re-establishing their territories during the wet season. These results indicate that the defense capacity of groups had an important role in the maintenance of giant otter territories across seasons, which may also affect the reproductive success of alpha pairs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In many research projects, reliability of collected data is dependent on reliability of field observers. However, it is uncommon for observer reliability to be either measured or reported in wildlife research. We tested whether observer skill affected outcomes of a northern river otter (Lontra canadensis) track survey conducted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Observers recorded presence of tracks at bridge sites (n = 250) throughout a 27-county region in east Texas, USA. Logistic regression indicated that observers were significantly associated with frequency of reported otter tracks. Because observers were not assigned to bridges at random, we tested and found associations between the bridges surveyed by each observer (SURVEY ROUTE) and habitat variables (WATERSHED, VEGETATION-TYPE, WATER-TYPE, BRIDGE-AREA) that may have influenced otter presence and probability of detection. A standardized tracker evaluation procedure indicated that experienced observers (n = 7) misidentified 37% of otter tracks. Additionally, 26% of tracks from species determined to be “otter-like” were misidentified as otter tracks. We recommend that observer skill in identification of animal tracks and other indirect signs be measured to detect and reduce observer errors in wildlife monitoring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   The effects of environmental conservation and development are of significant anthropological interest. Recent focus on the politics of knowledge and translation has shown the importance of cosmology in conservation encounters. I examine how Wounaan indigenous peoples and extralocal conservation practitioners "translate" eastern Panama based on their own cosmologies. 1 Specifically, I explore how Wounaan's social and river-networked rhizomic cosmos is overlooked in the practice of forest-focused conservation. This results from Panama's environmental history, in which actors simplified early representations of a complex landscape to one characterized by forests, as well as a Western bias toward forests with scant attention paid to cosmology. Finally, I note how Wounaan negotiate this cultural disconnect by emphasizing their ties to forests. In so doing, they buttress the arboreal bias, in turn reinforcing power relations, but also giving themselves political leverage in conservation activities. These results inform recent discussion about politics and scientific praxis in conservation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT River otters (Lontra canadensis) select specific habitat features when establishing latrines, but no studies have described latrine features in arid and semiarid environments. We developed a model describing those habitat features that influence otter latrine site selection on rivers in arid and semiarid watersheds of western Colorado, USA. River otters selected latrine sites with the presence of beaver (Castor canadensis) activity, large prominent rocks, adjacent to deeper water, with shading over the site, and rock or cliff overstory. Our model provides a robust predictive tool for identifying river otter latrine sites in arid environments of southwestern North America.  相似文献   

Material of small sauropsids from the Otter Sandstone Formation of east Devon (Sherwood Sandstone Group; Middle Triassic; Anisian) includes remains that were formerly attributed to a primitive procolophonid. In the light of new specimens, this material is instead found to contain remains of a diapsid and a procolophonine procolophonid. Among these fossils, the medium-sized procolophonine, Kapes bentoni sp. nov., is the first record of this Russian genus in the British Triassic. Coartaredens isaaci gen. et sp. nov. is a small diapsid tentatively assigned to Lepidosauromorpha. The heterodont lower dentition of Coartaredens comprises a row of large, conical posterior teeth and tightly packed, procumbent incisiforms. Two additional specimens are distinguished on the basis of distinctive dentary remains. One of these is of possible procolophonid affinity, while the dentition of the second resembles that of the aberrant Early Triassic parareptilian genus Sclerosaurus .  相似文献   

Lontra provocax is an endemic species from Patagonia that has been categorized as "endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In this study, noninvasive molecular methods were used to investigate the genetic diversity and haplotype distribution of L. provocax in Argentinean Patagonia. We analyzed 150 scat samples collected from 1995 to 2006 and obtained 13 sequences of control region with 1 haplotype and 34 sequences of cytochrome b with 4 haplotypes. The population of the south of Patagonia (Tierra del Fuego and De los Estados Island) showed a relatively high haplotype diversity (h = 0.71) and was statistically different to the population of the north (analysis of molecular variance, F(ST) = 0.15, P = 0.018). We concluded that there are 2 different subpopulations of L. provocax that deserve conservation attention and that the southern population appears not to have suffered a human-induced population bottleneck of the sort typically experienced by various otter species around the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modified random network model to illustrate how groups can form in the absence of evolutionary forces, assuming groups are collections of entities at any level of organization. This model is inspired by the Zero Force Evolutionary Law, which states that there is always a tendency for diversity and complexity to increase in any evolutionary system containing variation and heredity. That is, in the absence of evolutionary forces, the expectation is a continual increase in diversity and complexity at any level of biological hierarchy. I show that, when modeled, this expectation of increasing variation results not only in the formation of groups, but also in a higher probability of group formation than is found in a model that is purely random.  相似文献   

The Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensis (Zimmermann, 1780) is endemic to South America, distributed throughout the Orinoco, Amazon and La Plata River basins and numerous localities in the Guyanas. This otter is the largest member of the family Mustelidae, clearly distinguished from other South American otter species by morphological and behavioural characteristics. Large-scale pelt hunting in the 1950s and 1960s led to the classification of the species as 'vulnerable' by the World Conservation Union (IUCN, 1990). Habitat degradation and destruction now present the largest threat to remaining populations. The current distribution of the Giant Otter is presented, emphasizing recent information collected in the Amazon Basin. Morphology, systematics, habitat, behaviour, diet, predation, competition, reproduction, development and physiology are discussed. New data on habitat use and preference, behaviour and diet in northern Amazônia are included, and recommendations for future conservation measures are made. Because of the decimation of the Giant Otter in its southern distribution and the habitat destruction occurring in the remainder of its range, we recommend that this species be elevated to 'endangered' status in the IUCN Red Data Book.  相似文献   

Detecting spreading outbreaks in social networks with sensors is of great significance in applications. Inspired by the formation mechanism of humans’ physical sensations to external stimuli, we propose a new method to detect the influence of spreading by constructing excitable sensor networks. Exploiting the amplifying effect of excitable sensor networks, our method can better detect small-scale spreading processes. At the same time, it can also distinguish large-scale diffusion instances due to the self-inhibition effect of excitable elements. Through simulations of diverse spreading dynamics on typical real-world social networks (Facebook, coauthor, and email social networks), we find that the excitable sensor networks are capable of detecting and ranking spreading processes in a much wider range of influence than other commonly used sensor placement methods, such as random, targeted, acquaintance and distance strategies. In addition, we validate the efficacy of our method with diffusion data from a real-world online social system, Twitter. We find that our method can detect more spreading topics in practice. Our approach provides a new direction in spreading detection and should be useful for designing effective detection methods.  相似文献   

The Ultimatum game, in which one subject proposes how to share a pot and the other has veto power on the proposal, in which case both lose everything, is a paradigmatic scenario to probe the degree of cooperation and altruism in human subjects. It has been shown that if individuals are empathic, i.e., they play the game having in mind how their opponent will react by offering an amount that they themselves would accept, then non-rational large offers well above the smallest possible ones are evolutionarily selected. We here show that empathy itself may be selected and need not be exogenously imposed provided that interactions take place only with a fraction of the total population, and that the role of proposer or responder is randomly changed from round to round. These empathic agents, that displace agents with independent (uncorrelated) offers and proposals, behave far from what is expected rationally, offering and accepting sizable fractions of the amount to be shared. Specific values for the typical offer depend on the details of the interacion network and on the existence of hubs, but they are almost always significantly larger than zero, indicating that the mechanism at work here is quite general and could explain the emergence of empathy in very many different contexts.  相似文献   

Raccoons are an important vector of rabies and other pathogens. The degree to which these pathogens can spread through a raccoon population should be closely linked to association rates between individual raccoons. Most studies of raccoon sociality have found patterns consistent with low levels of social connectivity within populations, thus the likelihood of direct pathogen transmission between raccoons is theoretically low. We used proximity detecting collars and social network metrics to calculate the degree of social connectivity in an urban raccoon population for purposes of estimating potential pathogen spread. In contrast to previous assumptions, raccoon social association networks were highly connected, and all individuals were connected to one large social network during 15 out of 18 months of study. However, these metrics may overestimate the potential for a pathogen to spread through a population, as many of the social connections were based on relatively short contact periods. To more closely reflect varying probabilities of pathogen spread, we censored the raccoon social networks based on the total amount of time spent in close proximity between two individuals per month. As this time criteria for censoring the social networks increased from one to thirty minutes, corresponding measures of network connectivity declined. These findings demonstrate that raccoon populations are much more tightly connected than would have been predicted based on previous studies, but also point out that additional research is needed to calculate more precise transmission probabilities by infected individuals, and determine how disease infection changes normal social behaviors.  相似文献   

We consider the dimensionality of social networks, and develop experiments aimed at predicting that dimension. We find that a social network model with nodes and links sampled from an m-dimensional metric space with power-law distributed influence regions best fits samples from real-world networks when m scales logarithmically with the number of nodes of the network. This supports a logarithmic dimension hypothesis, and we provide evidence with two different social networks, Facebook and LinkedIn. Further, we employ two different methods for confirming the hypothesis: the first uses the distribution of motif counts, and the second exploits the eigenvalue distribution.  相似文献   

Social influence is the process by which individuals adapt their opinion, revise their beliefs, or change their behavior as a result of social interactions with other people. In our strongly interconnected society, social influence plays a prominent role in many self-organized phenomena such as herding in cultural markets, the spread of ideas and innovations, and the amplification of fears during epidemics. Yet, the mechanisms of opinion formation remain poorly understood, and existing physics-based models lack systematic empirical validation. Here, we report two controlled experiments showing how participants answering factual questions revise their initial judgments after being exposed to the opinion and confidence level of others. Based on the observation of 59 experimental subjects exposed to peer-opinion for 15 different items, we draw an influence map that describes the strength of peer influence during interactions. A simple process model derived from our observations demonstrates how opinions in a group of interacting people can converge or split over repeated interactions. In particular, we identify two major attractors of opinion: (i) the expert effect, induced by the presence of a highly confident individual in the group, and (ii) the majority effect, caused by the presence of a critical mass of laypeople sharing similar opinions. Additional simulations reveal the existence of a tipping point at which one attractor will dominate over the other, driving collective opinion in a given direction. These findings have implications for understanding the mechanisms of public opinion formation and managing conflicting situations in which self-confident and better informed minorities challenge the views of a large uninformed majority.  相似文献   

Three chirothere footprint sites are documented from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) fluvial Otter Sandstone Formation of Sidmouth, Devon, UK. One site, on the foreshore below Peak Hill, has revealed numerous tracks, including a probable manus imprint, which are recorded here. Another site, also beneath Peak Hill, has produced a single probable manus track from a higher horizon. The third site, on the foreshore below Salcombe Hill Cliff, has yielded a small number of pes tracks similar to those from Peak Hill. The footprints at all sites are interpreted as belonging to a large Chirotherium ichnospecies, perhaps C. barthii Kaup. Unusually, the tracks are preserved in mudstone, often in convex epirelief, and are inferred to have been generated subaqueously. The apparent restriction of the footprints to the higher part of the Otter Sandstone Formation supports other evidence, such as a greater abundance of vertebrate skeletal material, subhorizontal rather than vertical rhizocretions, and a greater frequency of lacustrine facies, for a less arid climate and higher water table than lower in the sequence.  相似文献   

Colonies of the social caterpillar Hylesia lineata (Lepidoptera: Satumiidae) form long, single-file, head-to-tail processions as they move between their shelters and distant feeding sites. Although investigations of other processionary species have implicated a silk trail in the processionary process, silk plays little or no role in initiating or maintaining processions in H. lineata. Studies we report here implicate both tactile stimuli and a trail pheromone in the establishment and maintenance of processions. Processionaries elicit locomotion in the individual preceding them in line by brushing their heads against prominent sulci that project from the tips of their abdomens. Caterpillars mark their pathways with a pheromone deposited by brushing the ventral surfaces of their last abdominal segments against the substrate. The persistent pheromone is soluble in hexanes and appears to be secreted from glandular setae found on the proximal regions of the anal prolegs and the venter. In Y-choice tests, caterpillars selected newer trails over older trails and stronger trails over weaker trails. They did not distinguish between trials deposited by newly fed caterpillars and those deposited by starved caterpillars. Despite the unidirectional nature of processions, there is no indication that caterpillars can determine from the trail alone the direction in which the procession advanced. The significance of these findings to the foraging ecology of the caterpillars is discussed.  相似文献   

Despite significant efforts, obesity continues to be a major public health problem, and there are surprisingly few effective strategies for its prevention and treatment. We now realize that healthy diet and activity patterns are difficult to maintain in the current physical environment. Recently, it was suggested that the social environment also contributes to obesity. Therefore, using network‐based interaction models, we simulate how obesity spreads along social networks and predict the effectiveness of large‐scale weight management interventions. For a wide variety of conditions and networks, we show that individuals with similar BMIs will cluster together into groups, and if left unchecked, current social forces will drive these groups toward increasing obesity. Our simulations show that many traditional weight management interventions fail because they target overweight and obese individuals without consideration of their surrounding cluster and wider social network. The popular strategy for dieting with friends is shown to be an ineffective long‐term weight loss strategy, whereas dieting with friends of friends can be somewhat more effective by forcing a shift in cluster boundaries. Fortunately, our simulations also show that interventions targeting well‐connected and/or normal weight individuals at the edges of a cluster may quickly halt the spread of obesity. Furthermore, by changing social forces and altering the behavior of a small but random assortment of both obese and normal weight individuals, highly effective network‐driven strategies can reverse current trends and return large segments of the population to a healthier weight.  相似文献   

In higher plants, the process of embryogenesis establishes the plant body plan (body axes). On the basis of positional information specified by the body axes, the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and root apical meristem (RAM) differentiate at fixed positions early in embryogenesis. After germination, SAM and RAM are responsible for the development of the above-ground and below-ground parts, respectively, of the plant. Because of the importance of SAM function in plant development, the mechanisms of SAM formation during embryogenesis and of SAM maintenance and function in post-embryonic development are priority questions in plant developmental biology. Recent advances in molecular and genetic analysis of morphogenetic mutations in Arabidopsis have revealed several components required for SAM formation, maintenance and function. Although these processes are fundamental to the life cycle of every plant, conservation of the components does not explain the diversity of plant morphologies. Rice is used as a model plant of the grass family and of monocots because of the progress in research infrastructure, especially the collection of unique mutations and genome information. In comparison with the dicot Arabidopsis, rice has many unique organs or processes of development. This review summarizes what is known of the processes of SAM formation, maintenance and function in rice.  相似文献   



Study of drug-target interaction networks is an important topic for drug development. It is both time-consuming and costly to determine compound-protein interactions or potential drug-target interactions by experiments alone. As a complement, the in silico prediction methods can provide us with very useful information in a timely manner.

Methods/Principal Findings

To realize this, drug compounds are encoded with functional groups and proteins encoded by biological features including biochemical and physicochemical properties. The optimal feature selection procedures are adopted by means of the mRMR (Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy) method. Instead of classifying the proteins as a whole family, target proteins are divided into four groups: enzymes, ion channels, G-protein- coupled receptors and nuclear receptors. Thus, four independent predictors are established using the Nearest Neighbor algorithm as their operation engine, with each to predict the interactions between drugs and one of the four protein groups. As a result, the overall success rates by the jackknife cross-validation tests achieved with the four predictors are 85.48%, 80.78%, 78.49%, and 85.66%, respectively.


Our results indicate that the network prediction system thus established is quite promising and encouraging.  相似文献   

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