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We describe a novel screen to isolate pharyngeal cell morphology mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans using myo-2::GFP to rapidly identify abnormally shaped pharynxes in EMS (Ethyl Methanesulfonate) mutagenized worms. We observed over 83 C. elegans lines with distinctive pharyngeal phenotypes in worms surviving to the L1 larval stage, with phenotypes ranging from short pharynx, unattached pharynx, missing cells, asymmetric morphology, and non-adherent pharynx cells. Thirteen of these mutations have been chromosomally mapped using Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and deficiency strain complementation. Our studies have focused on genetically mapping and functionally testing two phenotypes, the short pharynx and the loss of muscle cohesion phenotypes. We have also identified new alleles of sma-1, and our screen suggests many genes directing pharynx assembly and structure may be either pharynx specific or less critical in other tissues.  相似文献   

The mammalian epigenetic phenomena of X inactivation and genomic imprinting are incompletely understood. X inactivation equalizes X-linked expression between males and females by silencing genes on one X chromosome during female embryogenesis. Genomic imprinting functionally distinguishes the parental genomes, resulting in parent-specific monoallelic expression of particular genes. N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis was used in the mouse to screen for mutations in novel factors involved in X inactivation. Previously, we reported mutant pedigrees identified through this screen that segregate aberrant X-inactivation phenotypes and we mapped the mutation in one pedigree to chromosome 15. We now have mapped two additional mutations to the distal chromosome 5 and the proximal chromosome 10 in a second pedigree and show that each of the mutations is sufficient to induce the mutant phenotype. We further show that the roles of these factors are specific to embryonic X inactivation as neither genomic imprinting of multiple genes nor imprinted X inactivation is perturbed. Finally, we used mice bearing selected X-linked alleles that regulate X chromosome choice to demonstrate that the phenotypes of all three mutations are consistent with models in which the mutations have affected molecules involved specifically in the choice or the initiation of X inactivation.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is important for the integration of sensory perception and motor control, but its structure has mostly been studied in mammals. Here, we describe the cell types and neural tracts of the adult zebrafish cerebellum using molecular markers and transgenic lines. Cerebellar neurons are categorized to two major groups: GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons. The Purkinje cells, which are GABAergic neurons, express parvalbumin7, carbonic anhydrase 8, and aldolase C like (zebrin II). The glutamatergic neurons are vglut1+ granule cells and vglut2high cells, which receive Purkinje cell inputs; some vglut2high cells are eurydendroid cells, which are equivalent to the mammalian deep cerebellar nuclei. We found olig2+ neurons in the adult cerebellum and ascertained that at least some of them are eurydendroid cells. We identified markers for climbing and mossy afferent fibers, efferent fibers, and parallel fibers from granule cells. Furthermore, we found that the cerebellum-like structures in the optic tectum and antero-dorsal hindbrain show similar Parvalbumin7 and Vglut1 expression profiles as the cerebellum. The differentiation of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons begins 3 days post-fertilization (dpf), and layers are first detectable 5 dpf. Using anti-Parvalbumin7 and Vglut1 antibodies to label Purkinje cells and granule cell axons, respectively, we screened for mutations affecting cerebellar neuronal development and the formation of neural tracts. Our data provide a platform for future studies of zebrafish cerebellar development.  相似文献   

We review here some recent developments in the field of insertional mutagenesis in zebrafish. We highlight the advantages and limitations of the rich body of retroviral methodologies, and we focus on the mechanisms and concepts of new transposon-based mutagenesis approaches under development, including prospects for conditional 'gene trapping' and 'gene breaking' approaches.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the application of a phenotype-driven N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen in mice for the identification of dominant mutations involved in the regulation and modulation of alcohol-drinking behavior. The chemical mutagen ENU was utilized in the generation of 131 male ENU-mutant C57BL/6J mice (G0). These ENU-treated mice were paired with wild-type C57BL/6J mice to generate G1 and subsequent generations. In total, 3327 mice were generated. Starting with G1, mice were screened for voluntary oral self-administration of 10% (v/v) alcohol vs. water in a two-bottle paradigm. From these mice, after a total period of 5 weeks of drinking, 43 mutants fulfilled the criteria of an “alcohol phenotype,” that is, high or low ethanol intake. They were then selected for breeding and tested in a “confirmation cross” (G2–G4) for inheritance. Although we did not establish stable high or low drinking lines, several results were obtained in the context of alcohol consumption. First, female mice drank more alcohol than their male counterparts. Second, the former demonstrated greater infertility. Third, all animals displayed relatively stable alcohol intake, although significantly different in two different laboratories. Finally, seasonal and monthly variability was observed, with the highest alcohol consumption occurring in spring and the lowest in autumn. In conclusion, it seems difficult to identify dominant mutations involved in the modulation or regulation of voluntary alcohol consumption via a phenotype-driven ENU mutagenesis screen. In accordance with the findings from knockout studies, we suggest that mainly recessive mutations contribute to an alcohol-drinking or alcohol-avoiding phenotype.  相似文献   

ENU mutagenesis in zebrafish—from genes to complex diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Chemical mutagenesis has been the workhorse of traditional genetics, but it has not been possible to determine underlying rates or distributions of mutations from phenotypic screens. However, reverse-genetic screens can be used to provide an unbiased ascertainment of mutation statistics. Here we report a comprehensive analysis of approximately 1900 ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)-induced mutations in 192 Arabidopsis thaliana target genes from a large-scale TILLING reverse-genetic project, about two orders of magnitude larger than previous such efforts. From this large data set, we are able to draw strong inferences about the occurrence and randomness of chemically induced mutations. We provide evidence that we have detected the large majority of mutations in the regions screened and confirm the robustness of the high-throughput TILLING method; therefore, any deviations from randomness can be attributed to selectional or mutational biases. Overall, we detect twice as many heterozygotes as homozygotes, as expected; however, for mutations that are predicted to truncate an encoded protein, we detect a ratio of 3.6:1, indicating selection against homozygous deleterious mutations. As expected for alkylation of guanine by EMS, >99% of mutations are G/C-to-A/T transitions. A nearest-neighbor bias around the mutated base pair suggests that mismatch repair counteracts alkylation damage.  相似文献   

Myelin is the multi-layered glial sheath around axons in the vertebrate nervous system. Myelinating glia develop and function in intimate association with neurons and neuron-glial interactions control much of the life history of these cells. However, many of the factors that regulate key aspects of myelin development and maintenance remain unknown. To discover new molecules that are important for glial development and myelination, we undertook a screen of zebrafish mutants with previously characterized neural defects. We screened for myelin basic protein (mbp) mRNA by in situ hybridization and identified four mutants (neckless, motionless, iguana and doc) that lacked mbp expression in parts of the peripheral and central nervous systems (PNS or CNS), despite the presence of axons. In all four mutants electron microscopy revealed that myelin-forming glia were present and had formed loose wraps around axons but did not form compact myelin. We found that addition of exogenous retinoic acid (RA) rescued mbp expression in neckless mutant embryos, which lack endogenous RA synthesis. Timed application of the RA synthesis inhibitor DEAB to wild type embryos showed that RA signalling is required at least 48 h before the onset of myelin protein synthesis in both CNS and PNS.  相似文献   

The retinotectal projection is a premier model system for the investigation of molecular mechanisms that underlie axon pathfinding and map formation. Other important features, such as the laminar targeting of retinal axons, the control of axon fasciculation and the intrinsic organization of the tectal neuropil, have been less accessible to investigation. In order to visualize these processes in vivo, we generated a transgenic zebrafish line expressing membrane-targeted GFP under control of the brn3c promoter/enhancer. The GFP reporter labels a distinct subset of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which project mainly into one of the four retinorecipient layers of the tectum and into a small subset of the extratectal arborization fields. In this transgenic line, we carried out an ENU-mutagenesis screen by scoring live zebrafish larvae for anatomical phenotypes. Thirteen recessive mutations in 12 genes were discovered. In one mutant, ddl, the majority of RGCs fail to differentiate. Three of the mutations, vrt, late and tard, delay the orderly ingrowth of retinal axons into the tectum. Two alleles of drg disrupt the layer-specific targeting of retinal axons. Three genes, fuzz, beyo and brek, are required for confinement of the tectal neuropil. Fasciculation within the optic tract and adhesion within the tectal neuropil are regulated by vrt, coma, bluk, clew and blin. The mutated genes are predicted to encode molecules essential for building the intricate neural architecture of the visual system.  相似文献   

Alpha1-tubulin expression occurs in a neural-specific, temporally regulated, and regeneration-inducible fashion in zebrafish. A GFP reporter driven by the alpha1-tubulin promoter in transgenic zebrafish acts as a stable, in vivo molecular tag that follows neuronal development from birth/specification through postmitotic differentiation to axonal outgrowth and synaptogenesis. We exploited this transgenic system in a reporter expression-dependent (morphology-independent) mutagenesis screen to identify disruptions in genetic loci essential for neuronogenesis and axon elaboration, which would manifest as visually appreciable perturbations in GFP fluorescence. Thirty-two such recessive mutations were obtained, a subset of which was screened through a secondary RNA quantification-based assay to eliminate housekeeping gene defects. Three representative loci, when characterized in detail, were found to exhibit missteps in discrete, sequential stages of embryonic neuronal development. Mutation in sookshma panneurally diminishes the neural precursor pool by affecting cell proliferation in the developing embryo while patterning along the neuraxis remains unperturbed. Disruption of drishti on the other hand ameliorates the mitotic neural population by affecting cell cycle exit of progenitors and stalling their progression to the postmitotic neuronal stage, without impairing subsequent cell fate determination or differentiation. Finally, dhruva is required during neuronal differentiation for axonal branching and terminal innervation in spinal motoaxons and the retinotectal projection. Molecular identification of these loci and analysis of the remaining mutational repertoire will offer unique insights into the genetic inputs that go on to make a mature, differentiated neuron.  相似文献   

Target identification is a core challenge in chemical genetics. Here we use chemical similarity to computationally predict the targets of 586 compounds that were active in a zebrafish behavioral assay. Among 20 predictions tested, 11 compounds had activities ranging from 1 nM to 10,000 nM on the predicted targets. The roles of two of these targets were tested in the original zebrafish phenotype. Prediction of targets from chemotype is rapid and may be generally applicable.  相似文献   

The number of possible small organic molecules of different structure is virtually limitless. One of the main goals of chemical biologists is to identify, from this “chemical space”, entities that affect biological processes or systems in a specific manner. This can lead to a better understanding of the regulation and components of various biological machineries, as well as provide insights into efficacious therapeutic targets and drug candidates. However, the challenges confronting chemical biologists are multiple. How do we efficiently identify compounds that possess desirable activities without unwanted off‐target effects? Once a candidate compound has been found, how do we determine its mode of action? In this Prospects piece, we call attention to recent studies using embryonic and larval zebrafish to illustrate the breadth and depth of questions in chemical biology that may be addressed using this model, and hope that they can serve as catalysts for future investigational ideas. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 2208–2216, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Amanuma K  Nakamura T  Aoki Y 《Mutation research》2004,556(1-2):151-161
To evaluate the feasibility of a mutagenicity assay using adult rpsL transgenic zebrafish, 4- to 8-month-old females were exposed to N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) (0, 15 or 30 mg/L in a water bath for 2 h). At 2 weeks after exposure, MNNG showed a concentration-dependent significant increase in mutant frequency (MF) of 8 x 10(-5), 18 x 10(-5), and 51 x 10(-5), respectively, in the gill. DNA sequencing revealed that 60-74% of the induced mutations were G:C to A:T transitions, consistent with the known mutagenic effects of MNNG. A marginal but significant increase in MF was observed in the hepatopancreas only in the group exposed to 30 mg/L, with the induction of some G:C to A:T transitions. A time-course of the appearance of mutations was determined in fish treated with 15 mg/L MNNG. In both, the gill and hepatopancreas, a higher MF was observed at 3 weeks than at 2 weeks, suggesting that an expression time of at least 3 weeks is preferable for the assay. When embryos (29 h post-fertilization) were exposed to MNNG (0, 50, and 150 mg/L) for 1 h, MFs increased significantly with an increase in the concentration of MNNG (5 x 10(-5), 40 x 10(-5), and 144 x 10(-5), respectively) at 3 days after exposure. G:C to A:T transitions were the predominant mutations, and these occurred at the same sites in the rpsL gene as in adult tissues. Thus, MNNG induces typical mutations in the gill and hepatopancreas of adult fish, and in embryos, suggesting that the rpsL zebrafish is a useful tool for monitoring genotoxicity caused by water-borne mutagens.  相似文献   

Plasmodia are giant, multinucleate single cells which develop from mononucleate amoebae during the developmental cycle of Physarum polycephalum. In visible light, starving plasmodia lose their unlimited replicative potential and terminally differentiate into fruiting bodies (sporulation). Aiming at genetic dissection of the circuits controlling commitment and differentiation, we worked out a standardized procedure for the generation and screening of plasmodial mutants altered in sporulation by mutagenesis with ethylnitrosourea. To obtain a homogeneous population of cells of those strains which cannot grow axenically, we describe a protocol for preparing a suspension of flagellates to be used as starting material for mutagenesis. Flagellates can transform into plasmodia via the amoebal stage. Pilot phenotypic screening yielded plasmodial mutants altered in the photocontrol of sporulation or with disturbed developmental program. The existence of mutants with a disturbed developmental program indicates that the sequence and synchrony of morphogenetic steps of fruiting body formation can be uncoupled through mutation. Complementation testing by plasmodial fusion identified three complementation groups of non-sporulating mutants. The work described provides an experimental basis for performing mass screens for Physarum mutants altered in sporulation.  相似文献   

Random mutagenesis screens for recessive phenotypes require three generations of breeding, using either a backcross (BC) or intercross (IC) strategy. Hence, they are more costly and technically demanding than those for dominant phenotypes. Maximizing the return from these screens requires maximizing the number of mutations that are bred to homozyosity in the G3 generation. Using a probabilistic approach, we compare different designs of screens for recessive phenotypes and the impact each one has on the number of mutations that can be effectively screened. We address the issue of BC versus IC strategies and consider genome-wide, region-specific screens and suppressor screens. We find that optimally designed BC and IC screens allow the screening of, on average, similar numbers of mutations but that interpedigree variation is more pronounced when the IC strategy is employed. By conducting a retrospective analysis of published mutagenesis screens, we show that, depending on the strategy, a threefold difference in the numbers of mutations screened per animal used could be expected. This method allows researchers to contrast, for a range of experimental designs, the cost per mutation screened and to maximize the number of mutations that one can expect to screen in a given experiment.  相似文献   

Coupled mutagenesis screens and genetic mapping in zebrafish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Forward genetic analysis is one of the principal advantages of the zebrafish model system. However, managing zebrafish mutant lines derived from mutagenesis screens and mapping the corresponding mutations and integrating them into the larger collection of mutations remain arduous tasks. To simplify and focus these endeavors, we developed an approach that facilitates the rapid mapping of new zebrafish mutations as they are generated through mutagenesis screens. We selected a minimal panel of 149 simple sequence length polymorphism markers for a first-pass genome scan in crosses involving C32 and SJD inbred lines. We also conducted a small chemical mutagenesis screen that identified several new mutations affecting zebrafish embryonic melanocyte development. Using our first-pass marker panel in bulked-segregant analysis, we were able to identify the genetic map positions of these mutations as they were isolated in our screen. Rapid mapping of the mutations facilitated stock management, helped direct allelism tests, and should accelerate identification of the affected genes. These results demonstrate the efficacy of coupling mutagenesis screens with genetic mapping.  相似文献   

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