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The use of stream-margin habitat by age-0 salmonids has been studied, but differences in use among various types of habitat along stream margins has not been addressed. We described the nighttime use of habitat features by age-0 brown trout (Salmo trutta) among three types of stream-margin habitat late in the growing season (August–September) and assessed the extent to which use of habitat features within each type differed over the sampling period. Differences in water depths, water velocities, distances from shore, and substrate at the locations of fish along the margins of pools, the margins of riffles, and in backwaters were studied. Variation in habitat use also was observed during the study period as fish increased in length. Our observations are important considerations when developing habitat suitability criteria for assessment of instream-flow needs of age-0 brown trout.  相似文献   

Strontium was determined in trout scales from a river where it is often difficult to distinguish between sea trout and resident brown trout by coloration or other visual marks. Sr values were compared with values in scales from brown trout caught above the anadromous stretch of the same river and in scales from a river where sea trout coloration is typical. In the first river, the Sr concentration was generally low, and as a mean only 50 ppm higher in scales from individuals classified as sea trout from the anadromous stretch than in brown trout scales from the upper stretch. There was no consistency between fish coloration and Sr concentration in scales from presumed sea trout on the anadromous stretch. Individuals with a typical sea trout coloration could have a lower concentration of Sr than individuals that were classified as uncertain sea trout by coloration. Fish weight did not seem to influence Sr levels. The mean Sr concentration in scales from the typical sea trout colored population in the second river was 2.8 times higher than that of the anadromous part of the first river. The high variability of Sr concentration in sea trout scales may be explained by differences in individual and population life history. The Sr levels reflect differences in saltwater exposure, either expressed by length of stay or concentration of salt in marine habitats. The study has shown that fish coloration is an inadequate mean to distinguish between resident and migratory trout. Nor is Sr determination of scales alone sufficient, because of low inter-group and high intra-group variability in some rivers. However, Sr values can give valuable information on individual and population migration on a large scale.  相似文献   

Diurnal shifts in habitat use by age-0 (< 50 mm total length) brown trout (Salmo trutta) were observed from June to July 1989 and 1990 in low-gradient (< 1% channel slope) reaches of Douglas Creek, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming. Fish were visually located during day and night, and water depth, water velocity, distance from the stream edge, substrate, habitat type, and cover were determined at each location. The fish were found predominantly in locations with slow water velocities in stream-margin and backwater-pool habitats. They were observed in slower water, closer to the stream edge at night than during the day.  相似文献   

Brown trout, Salmo trutta, were allowed to thermoregulate individually in an electronic shuttlebox. Pooled data for 6 fish showed a diel pattern of preferred temperature, with a diurnal minimum of 10.3°C, an early nocturnal maximum of 13.7°C, a less pronounced mid-scotophase minimum of 11.7°C, and a secondary dawn maximum of 12.8°C, in a somewhat crepuscular pattern. The 24-hour mean preferendum was 12.2°C.  相似文献   

The rivers of the island of Corsica, whose catchment areas are on crystalline rock, have low salt contents and their invertebrate fauna is qualitatively and quantitatively poorer than on the European mainland. The growth rate of trout in Corsica was analysed on samples from of six coastal rivers: the Tavignano, the Fium Orbo and the Golo on the west coast, the Prunelli, the Taravo and the Rizzanese on the east coast. Mesological data — conductivity, temperature, calcium content and altitude and biological data — biomass and linear growth rate of the trout, and density of benthic invertebrates — were collected at each of the sampling station.Analysis of variance of the size of three year old trout revealed three groups of rivers. The first includes the Tavignano, the Rizzanese and the Taravo, where the highest linear growth rates were recorded; the second consists of the Golo and the Prunelli, and the third, of the Fium Orbo. Principal component analysis gave two main axes on the basis of temperature and benthic invertebrate density for the first, and trout biomass for the second. Linear regression showed that benthic invertebrate density accounted for 75% of size variance of three year old trout. Evidence of the limiting role of the trophic factor is provided.  相似文献   

Brown trout were collected from 36 locations inthe Iberian Peninsula representing thesouthwestern extreme of this species'distribution in Mediterranean drainages.Allelic distributions among these peripheralpopulations for 26 polymorphic allozyme loci(corrected to remove effects of introgressionfrom exogenous hatchery introductions)indicated a mosaic pattern both within andamong drainages. This distribution wasinterpreted to reflect reticular evolutionaryprocesses involving multiple colonizationepisodes by distinct lineages, secondaryintergradations, and drift. Under thisscenario, management to conserve native genepools differs from that commonly used underhierarchical structures (such as in AtlanticIberian drainages) where geographic patternscould justify regional stocking of indigenousfish in adjacent unsampled areas. Because suchaction risks erosion of native populations inthe present case, remedial efforts should focuson habitat recovery and environmental educationprograms, and harvest sustained by naturalreproduction.  相似文献   

We describe the age-0 brown trout (Salmo trutta) collected from a mountain stream downstream from a reservoir in June, July, and August 1990. Sample sites were 1, 12, and 20 km downstream from the reservoir at elevations of 2840, 2600, and 2230 m above mean sea level. The mean length of fish in the samples increased with downstream progression and from June through August. Zooplankton predominated the diet of fish collected in June from the most upstream sampling site, while Diptera larvae predominated the diet of fish from more downstream sampling sites in June. In July and August, the diet of fish from the upstream site was predominated by Diptera larvae, while the diet of fish from the other two sites was predominated by Ephemeroptera nymphs. Variation in diet among sampling sites and sampling months was related not only to increasing fish sizes over the summer but also to the availability of zooplankton flushed from the reservoir.  相似文献   

Allozymes were used to analyse the genetic impact of hatchery brown trout Salmo trutt a, morpha fario stocked in wild Mediterranean populations to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of introgression (regulation, elimination or homogenization). Analysis of the genetic structure of populations from the same river drainage basin but subjected to different incidences was performed in space and time (data on two generations and 2 years of sampling). Introgression is associated with high deficits of heterozygotes and linkage disequilibria. Genetic divergence according to age group was observed. These results may indicate selective forces acting against domesticated genes and limiting hybridization between the two forms.  相似文献   

Life history invariants,age at maturity and the ferox trout   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Data on brown trout in Norway and on Arctic char in Norway, Iceland, Greenland or Canada are used to make three points about life-history invariants. First, invariants constructed from adaptive programmes of development that are conditioned on growth and mortality rates are more complicated than those constructed solely on the basis of dimensional analysis, but are more consistent with the data. Second, if one allows the possibility of escaping a size ceiling (e.g. by switching from planktivory to piscivory) ferox trout — brown trout that are exceptionally large and long lived — are predicted with the theory only if mortality is size dependent and the growth rate on food sources with different asymptotic sizes differs. Third, a successful empirical approach for finding life-history invariants can be more fully understood as the result of adaptive programmes of development.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of nutrient enrichment on a population of brown trout inhabiting a small, alpine lake in north-central Sweden have been studied for nearly 20 years. The study took place between 1981 and 1999 starting up between 1982 and 1987 with full nutrient enrichment of phosphorus and nitrogen in a ratio by weight of 1:8, followed by a period of reduction by half between 1988 and 1994, and thereafter no enrichment at all. Growth of the brown trout population was low before the application of nutrients. Fertilization promoted the development of zooplankton in great abundance, which gave rise to abundant food for the trout. Already during the first year of nutrient addition the average 4+ and 5+ fish had increased in weight by nearly 50% and in length by about 30%. Maximum growth was reached 5–6 years later—weight by about 175% and length by about 50% higher than before application. The slope of the growth curves for fish of ages 2+ to 5+ increased significantly from 1981 to 1987, and so did the size-variation with a high proportion of the fish reaching larger size. After each change in nutrient treatment the mean weights of 5–6-year-old trout were maintained for about 3 years. Five years after termination of fertilization growth was nearly back to the original state. Although badly needed, long-term studies of fish populations like this are few in the literature.  相似文献   

Previous studies using mitochondrial markers and microsatellites revealed a new highly differentiated Atlantic lineage of brown trout in the Iberian Peninsula mainly confined to the Upper Duero Basin. Data suggest that Duero lineage (DU) hybridizes with previously described Atlantic (AT) lineages in that basin. However, nuclear and cytogenetic data suggest another hybrid zone between divergent lineages might be present in the Miño Basin, another Atlantic drainage located to the north. Here, we extend those studies by analyzing the mitochondrial haplotype variability of brown trout populations from northwestern Spain, a poorly studied area, to obtain an accurate picture of the distribution of DU. Results show that the DU haplotype is fixed in several isolated populations from the upper course of the Miño River and its main tributary the Sil River. DU haplotype co-occurs with two related AT haplotypes in the Miño Basin revealing a new secondary contact zone. The identification of both longtime stable populations of DU and several other populations showing introgression with widespread AT lineages will be useful for the management and conservation of such an endemic lineage.  相似文献   

In Lake Svartavasstjønn on the Hardangervidda plateau, a fine-spotted variant of brown trout has been found. The spotted variability shows a classical Mendelian mode of inheritance. In this population genetic variability was found in LDH-5 *, MDH-3 * and MDH-3 *. The fast allele at LDH-5 * had a frequency of 0,913. This is remarkable, as this allele has been found in frequencies above 0.4 in only five out of 50 investigated populations in Norway. The genetic characteristics of brown trout from Lake Svartavasstjønn were compared with 11 other populations sampled from a broad geographical area of Norway. Among these was Lake Setningen, where fine-spotted individuals occur at low frequency. Using a cluster analysis based on eight loci found to be polymorphic in brown trout, we found no indication of a close relationship between the fine-spotted brown trout from Lake Svartavasstjønn and the population in Lake Setningen. During a field survey in 1990 we found that the reproduction of fine-spotted trout in Lake Svartavasstjønn had terminated. The fine-spotted trout represents a valuable but threatened genetic resource, and attempts are carried out to conserve it.  相似文献   

Warlow  A. D.  Oldham  R. S. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,88(1-2):199-206
The diet of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and rainbow trout (S. gairdneri Richardson) in Rutland Water were compared during the first two fishing seasons (April–October 1977 and 1978).Fortnightly samples of approximately forty stomachs were obtained from boat and bank, rod-and-line caught trout giving a total of 1046 stomachs over the two seasons.During 1977 seasonal changes in the diet were divided into two phases; the first being a period of abundant drowned terrestrial food until June. This was followed by a period of more stable water level from July onwards when chironomid larvae and pupae were consistently the most important food items and the diversity of food also increased.In 1978 the proportion of chironomid pupae and larvae declined and they were replaced in the diet by Gammarus and Asellus.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The large microgeographical differentiation revealed by allozyme studies in brown trout ( Salmo trutta) populations is one of the most striking features of this species. Additionally, allozymes showed great genetic differences between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations on a macrogeographical scale.
2. This study was carried out in order to assess whether the great differences observed between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations persisted where the two are geographically close (the 'microgeographical scale'). Sixteen populations of brown trout, S. trutta , were screened for genetic variation at 25 allozyme loci. The sampling sites, which occupied a relatively small geographical area, were distributed across Cantabrian (Atlantic) and Mediterranean drainages in Northern Spain.
3. The neighbour-joining tree, inferred from Nei's genetic distance, showed that brown trout populations clustered into two different groups. These groups corresponded to the Cantabrian and the Mediterranean groups of populations, although no clear geographical pattern emerged within each of the groups. This geographical pattern is basically caused by significant differences in the frequency distribution of the CK-A1 * locus, with a higher frequency of * 115 in Cantabrian samples (0.586 ± 0.091) while allele * 100 was more frequent in Mediterranean samples (0.931 ± 0.038). In addition, this study revealed alleles exclusive to the Mediterranean and Cantabrian populations, agreeing with previous findings.
4. Genetic differentiation between Cantabrian and Mediterranean regions (14.19%) was similar to that estimated in Spain at a larger scale (13%), showing that most of the differences between the regions can be observed even in a small geographical area.  相似文献   

A comparative study of disturbed (downstream) and undisturbed (upstream) populations in a French Mediterranean river (the Sorgue) was conducted to assess the fate of introgressing hatchery-genes in the aboriginal gene pool. Variation was assessed at 27 protein-coding loci, three microsatellite loci and two mtDNA restriction sites. The results were compared to those from another Mediterranean drainage basin (that of the river Orb). The genetic pattern observed among markers and drainage basins was found to be noticeably different. A reduction in population size is hypothesized to explain the lower variability observed in the upper part of the river Sorgue. Estimations of hatchery gene flow were different between loci but in the same range of values between markers.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of protein loci, microsatellite and mtDNA markers revealed generally comparable estimates for introgression and apparent admixture rates in stocked brown trout populations at two sites in the River Doubs (Rhône dainage, Switzerland), which are 10 km apart and which belong to the same management unit. At one site, a significant deviation between mtDNA and nuclear markers could be explained by stocking of F1 hybrids originating from crosses between hatchery females and males from the local population. Substantial differences between diagnostic protein loci and protein loci having non-fixed private alleles indicated that caution must be exercised when using genetic markers not strictly diagnostic for the distinction of the populations under investigation. Congruent estimates of introgression and apparent admixture rates between diagnostic protein loci and presumed diagnostic microsatellite loci suggest that the latter can be regarded as reliable genetic markers for the estimation of introgression in Mediterranean brown trout populations stocked with trout of Atlantic origin. Significant differences in introgression and apparent admixture rates between the two sites and between age-classes of one study site were observed. Introgression is suggested to depend on environmental factors. Significantly lower introgression rates in age-class 2+ years as compared to juvenile trout might further indicate that introduced Atlantic brown trout and hybrids decrease in proportion between age-classes 1+ and 2+ years.  相似文献   

The Ldh-5 locus, which codes for the eye-specific lactate dehydrogenase in brown trout, has been shown to be polymorphic for two codominant alleles, Ldh-5 (100) and Ldh-5 (90). The Ldh-5 (100 ) allele is present in 11 other salmonid species and is therefore likely to be the ancestral one, whereas the unique brown trout Ldh-5 (90 ) allele would seem to be the result of a mutation in that lineage. The Ldh-5 (90 ) allele appears to have arisen in north-west Europe during or after the last glaciation, with allelic substitution taking place under the action of natural selection. The Ldh-5 (90 ) allele can be used as a phylogeographic marker to trace the post-glacial spread of the populations possessing it. Examination of the current distribution of the two alleles suggests that, in the formerly glaciated area of north-west Europe, there have been two post-glacial colonizations by brown trout. The first was by an 'ancestral' race fixed for the Ldh-5(100 ) allele. This was later replaced by, or introgressed with, the later-arriving 'modern' race characterized by the Ldh-5 (90 ) allele, except where physical barriers prevented colonization by this latter form. Artificial stocking has resulted in 'genetic contamination' of many populations of the ancestral race and there is an urgent need to conserve the remaining pristine populations, especially in view of the likely genetic propensity for longevity and ultimate large size exhibited by this race.  相似文献   

The Hardangervidda in southern Norway, the largest mountain plateau in Europe, has thousands of lakes and streams, mainly between 1000 and 1300 m above sea level, where brown trout is the only fish species. To describe the current genetic diversity of brown trout in this area, a total of 863 fish from 20 lakes were genotyped with eleven microsatellites. Most diversity is within lake populations, but diversity among geographical groups and populations within groups was significant, too. Neighbor-joining, principle coordinate analysis and Bayesian clustering show three major geographic groups in accordance with the river systems. Bias was caused by recent stocking in two lakes. Low/no genetic differentiation among some populations indicates that intermixing is common when lakes are well-connected, as was also shown by assignment test. We recommend preserving the genetic diversity of brown trout in this unique area by managing stocking in lake systems according to genetic structure.  相似文献   

The effect of the introduction of fry of anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta L., on the genetic integrity of landlocked brown trout populations was evaluated. Samples were taken from six brown trout populations from streams above impassable waterfalls in the Conwy river system (North Wales, U.K.) in 1989 and 1990. Three of these streams had no known stocking history and three had been stocked with sea trout fry from the lower Conwy system over the last few years. Representatives of these sea trout were collected from two streams in the lower Conwy system and from a hatchery. Allele frequencies at 13 loci, six of which were polymorphic, were determined by starch gel electrophoresis.
The stocked populations were intermediate in their allele frequencies between unstocked brown trout and sea trout samples. A principal component analysis suggested significant numbers of hybrids in all of the stocked streams. This shows that some of the introduced sea trout did not migrate down the falls to the sea, but stayed in fresh water and hybridized with the local population. The significance of this finding for the conservation of the genetic resource of brown trout stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

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