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The role of salt marshes in the Mira estuary (Portugal)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Mira estuary is a narrow entrenched pristine estuary of the Ria type, about 30 km long. It comprises an area of 285 ha of salt marsh, of which250 ha have been proposed for reclamation for aquaculture. Dredging, village and recreation development menace the yet undisturbed estuarine ecosystem. To assess the biological importance of this wetland, a multidisciplinary study was conducted in apart of the salt marsh, considered as being representative of the whole area. Halophytic vegetation covering 75% of the total salt marsh site is dominated by Spartina maritima (28% of total vegetation area). Total primary production attains63,766 kg/yr (dw). A net export of 1541 kg/yr of COM to the relatively oligotrophic adjacent waters was also found. Insects and birds are described for the first time in the saltmarsh. Macrobenthic communities are dominated by Hediste diversicolor, Nepthys caeca and Scrobicularia plana. The fiddler crabUca tangeri attains here its north distribution limit. The mud flats and creeks associated with the salt marsh act as a nursery for 40.8% of the fish species present. The food web is dominated by detritivorous species like the grey mullets. The results obtained in this study support the need for an effective conservation of this area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Until 1979, European salt marshes were known only through the inventories of fauna and especially of flora. On such criteria, the salt marshes of the Mont-Saint-Michel bay (France) were regarded as most significant of the French coasts. However, it took 20 years of research on the role of these wetlands of the estuaries-salt marsh systems to highlight the ecological, social and economic interest of this ecotone, between continental and marine systems, a long time considered as territory "without value", except for stock breeders or hunters.  相似文献   

One challenge in merging community and ecosystem ecology is to integrate the complexity of natural multitrophic communities into concepts of ecosystem functioning. Here, we combine food‐web and allometry theories to demonstrate that primary production, as measured by the total nutrient uptake of the multitrophic community, is determined by vertical diversity (i.e. food web's maximum trophic level) and structure (i.e. distributions of species and their abundances and metabolic rates across trophic levels). In natural ecosystems, the community size distribution determines all these vertical patterns and thus the total nutrient uptake. Our model suggests a vertical diversity hypothesis (VDH) for ecosystem functioning in complex food webs. It predicts that, under a given nutrient supply, the total nutrient uptake increases exponentially with the maximum trophic level in the food web and it increases with its maximum body size according to a power law. The VDH highlights the effect of top–down regulation on plant nutrient uptake, which complements traditional paradigms that emphasised the bottom–up effect of nutrient supply on vertical diversity. We conclude that the VDH contributes to a synthetic framework for understanding the relationship between vertical diversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs and predicting the impacts of global changes on multitrophic ecosystems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the state of deep-water fisheries to the west of the British Isles and aim to provide an overview on the key drivers behind community changes along continental margins. The deep-water fisheries to the west of the British Isles that extend from the shelf-slope break down to the lower slope and along banks and seamounts of the Rockall Basin, mainly target blue ling Molva dypterygia, roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris, orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus, with by-catches of black scabbardfish Aphanopus carbo and tusk Brosme brosme. These fishing grounds experienced a long period of exhaustive exploitation until the early 2000s, but subsequently the implementation of management strategies has helped to relieve excessive fishing pressure. It is widely accepted that a better understanding of the long-term implications of disturbance is needed to understand patterns in deep-water communities and what sustainable use and exploitation of resources might look like in this context.  相似文献   

海湾是海洋中最易受人类活动干扰的区域,构建C9泄漏造成的海湾生态系统服务损失评估框架并进行定量评估对维护海湾生态安全具有重要意义。本研究以x海湾C9泄漏事故为例,基于生态系统服务损失视角,综合应用市场价值法、替代成本法、碳税法及能值分析法,结合海湾生态过程,针对C9泄漏事故造成的关键生态系统服务(食品生产、气体调节、气候调节、废物处理、人体健康、养分循环、物种多样性维持、休闲娱乐)损失建立货币价值评估模式,分析了x海湾生态系统服务损失情况。结果表明: C9泄漏造成的x海湾关键生态系统服务损失总价值为1.93亿元,单位面积损失的货币价值达1.19亿元·km-2,是一般海洋溢油事件的2800余倍。其中,食品生产服务损失占总损失价值的77.1%,远高于一般近海溢油事故对人类的生产生活的影响。研究结果可为C9等有毒物质泄漏造成的海湾生态系统服务损失评估提供参考,为政府决策和国土空间规划提供依据。  相似文献   

消费者多样性对食物网结构和生态系统功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前所未有的生物多样性丧失使人们越来越关注生物多样性的生态系统功能.现有的绝大多数研究都是局限在单一营养级别上,主要是植物上,但是今天越来越多的证明表明消费者的多样性对生态系统结构和功能具有深刻影响.综述了消费者多样性对相邻或非相邻营养级的种群密度、物种多样性和生产力等方面影响的最新进展,同时也提出了若干研究展望.总体上.消费者多样性,无论是草食动物还是肉食动物,都倾向于增加该消费者所在营养级的养分和能量利用效率,以及生产力.这可能源于取样效应,或者物种之间的互补作用,类似于植物物种多样性影响初级生产力的机制.草食动物可能降低或者提高植物物种多样性,或者没有显著影响,其具体效应取决于生态系统生产力水平和草食动物的大小.捕食者哌能通过直接抑制草食动物而间接提高植物的多样性和生产力,但这种效应的大小差异很大,甚至效应的方向,都可能随团体内捕食者所占的比例而改变.未来的研究,应该考虑应用较大尺度的实验来检测食物网复杂营养关系对生态系统特性的影响,继续探讨消费者对生态系统功能的影响机制.认为异速生长法则和生态化学计量学在食物网组分关系研究中的应用将有利于增强人们对消费者.生态系统功能关系的理解.另外,全球变暖和转基因植物对食物网中消费者结构和生态系统的功能的影响也将是未来的一个重要研究方向.  相似文献   

Single trophic‐level studies of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning highlight the importance of mechanisms such as resource partitioning, facilitation, and sampling effect. In a multi‐trophic context, trophic interactions such as intraguild predation may also be an important mediator of this relationship. Using a salt‐marsh food web, we investigated the interactive effects of predator species richness (one to three species) and trophic composition (strict predators, intraguild predators, or a mixture of the two) on ecosystem functions such as prey suppression and primary production via trophic cascades. We found that the trophic composition of the predator assemblage determined the impact of increasing predator species richness on the occurrence of trophic cascades. In addition, increasing the proportion of intraguild predator species present diminished herbivore suppression and reduced primary productivity. Therefore, trophic composition of the predator assemblage can play an important role in determining the nature of the relationship between predator diversity and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Although the impact of environmental changes on the demographic parameters of top predators is well established, the mechanisms by which populations are affected remain poorly understood. Here, we show that a reduction in the thermal stratification of coastal water masses between 2005 and 2006 was associated with reduced foraging and breeding success of little penguins Eudyptula minor, major bio-indicators of the Bass Strait ecosystem in southern Australia. The foraging patterns of the penguins suggest that their prey disperse widely in poorly stratified waters, leading to reduced foraging efficiency and poor breeding success. Mixed water regimes resulting from storms are currently unusual during the breeding period of these birds, but are expected to become more frequent due to climate change.  相似文献   

1. Over the last 30 years, many investigations have been performed on the dynamics of bacteria and organic matter in the Breitenbach, a first‐order stream in central Germany. The data now available allow a synthesis of the role of bacteria in the carbon budget, as an example of the general importance of bacteria in stream ecosystems. 2. Comparing measured and estimated inputs and outputs to the ecosystem, the organic matter budget of the Breitenbach is fairly balanced: 1.84 kg C m?2 year?1 (sum of inputs) versus 1.88 kg C m?2 year?1 (sum of outputs). No major missing link remains. 3. The basis of the food web in the Breitenbach is mainly allochthonous organic matter (dissolved and particulate 1.02 and 0.42 kg C m?2 year?1, respectively). Autochthonous gross primary production is 0.4 kg C m?2 year?1. Most of the organic matter leaves the stream via transport to the River Fulda (dissolved and particulate 0.74 and 0.34 kg C m?2 year?1, respectively), the rest by respiration (0.80 kg C m?2 year?1 or 43% of total outputs). 4. Bacteria constitute an important part (36%) of heterotrophic biomass (average: 0.004 kg m?2 bacterial C of 0.011 kg m?2 total heterotrophic C). Bacteria also account for the major fraction (71%) of heterotrophic production: 0.20 of 0.28 kg C m?2 year?1 total heterotrophic production. Bacterial production in the Breitenbach is similar in magnitude to the estimate of photoautotrophic net primary production: both approximately 0.20 kg C m?2 year?1. 5. Protozoa, the main consumers of bacteria in the Breitenbach, consume approximately one‐third of bacterial production (0.07 kg C m?2 year?1). Small metazoa (meiofauna, <0.5 mm) play a lesser role in the consumption of bacteria, consuming <0.01 kg bacterial C m?2 year?1. Larger metazoa (macrofauna, >0.5 mm) consume approximately 10% of bacterial production. Although this is a considerable amount of the carbon resources needed by the macrofauna (0.02 kg C m?2 year?1 of bacterial production versus 0.06 kg C m?2 year?1 macrofauna production plus respiration), the carbon demand of the macrofaunal community is met to a larger extent by particulate organic matter than by bacteria. 6. Bacteria are the main decomposers in the Breitenbach. They account for 78% of heterotrophic respiration (0.47 of 0.60 kg C m?2 year?1) and 59% of total respiration (0.47 of 0.80 kg C m?2 year?1).  相似文献   

提出了随时间变化的人类活动效应对物种多样性影响的多物种竞争非自治动力模式,并以洪湖为例模拟了湿地水鸟物种多样性对人类活动效应(生境持续毁坏)的响应过程。模拟发现:对于强.强物种,生境的持续破坏使得湿地水鸟的物种多度大幅度减小,并发生优势种群的更替;对于弱-弱物种,将导致大批的弱物种种群迅速灭绝,而余下的弱物种种群将做准周期振荡;尽管停止对湿地生境的持续毁坏,仍会使一批弱物种种群继续走向灭绝,并且使得原来最强的几个种群最终灭绝。物种灭绝对生境毁坏的这种时间滞后性,即破碎的生境中存在着一些“活死者”,必须引起自然保护学家的关注,否则会低估了实际处于灭绝边缘的物种的数目,从而影响正确的物种保护决策的制订。  相似文献   

Alpine streams can exhibit naturally high levels of flow intermittency. However, how flow intermittency in alpine streams affects ecosystem functions such as food web trophic structure is virtually unknown. Here, we characterized the trophic diversity of aquatic food webs in 28 headwater streams of the Val Roseg, a glacierized alpine catchment. We compared stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) trophic indices to high temporal resolution data on flow intermittency. Overall trophic diversity, food chain length and diversity of basal resource use did not differ to a large extent across streams. In contrast, gradient and mixing model analysis indicated that primary consumers assimilated proportionally more periphyton and less allochthonous organic matter in more intermittent streams. Higher coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) C:N ratios were an additional driver of changes in macroinvertebrate diets. These results indicate that the trophic base of stream food webs shifts away from terrestrial organic matter to autochthonous organic matter as flow intermittency increases, most likely due to reduced CPOM conditioning in dry streams. This study highlights the significant, yet gradual shifts in ecosystem function that occur as streamflow becomes more intermittent in alpine streams. As alpine streams become more intermittent, identifying which functional changes occur via gradual as opposed to threshold responses is likely to be vitally important to their management and conservation.  相似文献   

Soil nematode communities and food web indices can inform about the complexity, nutrient flows and decomposition pathways of soil food webs, reflecting soil quality. Relative abundance of nematode feeding and life‐history groups are used for calculating food web indices, i.e., maturity index (MI), enrichment index (EI), structure index (SI) and channel index (CI). Molecular methods to study nematode communities potentially offer advantages compared to traditional methods in terms of resolution, throughput, cost and time. In spite of such advantages, molecular data have not often been adopted so far to assess the effects of soil management on nematode communities and to calculate these food web indices. Here, we used high‐throughput amplicon sequencing to investigate the effects of tillage (conventional vs. reduced) and organic matter addition (low vs. high) on nematode communities and food web indices in 10 European long‐term field experiments and we assessed the relationship between nematode communities and soil parameters. We found that nematode communities were more strongly affected by tillage than by organic matter addition. Compared to conventional tillage, reduced tillage increased nematode diversity (23% higher Shannon diversity index), nematode community stability (12% higher MI), structure (24% higher SI), and the fungal decomposition channel (59% higher CI), and also the number of herbivorous nematodes (70% higher). Total and labile organic carbon, available K and microbial parameters explained nematode community structure. Our findings show that nematode communities are sensitive indicators of soil quality and that molecular profiling of nematode communities has the potential to reveal the effects of soil management on soil quality.  相似文献   

Soil samples (varying in granularity) from four natural sites were cultured in microcosms to determine small-scale patchiness in abundance and diversity of gymnamoebae. Eighty grams of the same thoroughly mixed soil, either moistened with distilled water (- nutrients) or supplemented with an equivalent vol. of organically enriched water (+ nutrients), were placed in covered glass jars and incubated for 14 d (25 degrees C). Abundances (number/gram soil) were assessed in each of 3 core samples (5-10 mm apart). Assay precision was estimated to be +/- 4%. Abundances were similar in the 3 closely-spaced samples, but occasional samples had higher abundances, probably representing localized enriched sites ("nutrient hot spots"). Diversity within the triplicate, closely spaced samples varied substantially. Mean abundance and diversity of amoebae were consistently higher in organically enriched soil and in soil of increasing granularity. Field samples collected directly from two of the sites showed similar patterns of abundance and diversity as found in the experimental studies, indicating substantial small-scale compartmentalization of soil protist communities. These data provide evidence of soil eukaryotic microbiocoenoses and indicate that soil microfauna may encounter wide variations in resources and prey communities as they migrate within small distances of several millimeters or less.  相似文献   

Livestock farmers rely on a high and stable grassland productivity for fodder production to sustain their livelihoods. Future drought events related to climate change, however, threaten grassland functionality in many regions across the globe. The introduction of sustainable grassland management could buffer these negative effects. According to the biodiversity–productivity hypothesis, productivity positively associates with local biodiversity. The biodiversity–insurance hypothesis states that higher biodiversity enhances the temporal stability of productivity. To date, these hypotheses have mostly been tested through experimental studies under restricted environmental conditions, hereby neglecting climatic variations at a landscape‐scale. Here, we provide a landscape‐scale assessment of the contribution of species richness, functional composition, temperature, and precipitation on grassland productivity. We found that the variation in grassland productivity during the growing season was best explained by functional trait composition. The community mean of plant preference for nutrients explained 24.8% of the variation in productivity and the community mean of specific leaf area explained 18.6%, while species richness explained only 2.4%. Temperature and precipitation explained an additional 22.1% of the variation in productivity. Our results indicate that functional trait composition is an important predictor of landscape‐scale grassland productivity.  相似文献   

The Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, is an area of over 10 000 km2 of shallow water and tidal flats between the Sahara and the upwelling system off the Mauritanian coast. The results of the Dutch-Mauritanian project Banc d'Arguin 1988 as well as the relevant literature are reviewed in order to develop a preliminary conceptual model of the functioning of this ecosystem. Hydrographically the Banc d'Arguin can be characterized as a large-scale negative estuary with higher salinities near the shore. It is concluded that ultimately the Banc d'Arguin ecosystem is fueled by nutrients and organic matter derived from the upwelling area. The inner part of the Banc d'Arguin system is dominated by a detritus-based benthic foodweb in which seagrasses are the principal primary producers. Little of the seagrass production seems to be exported to other parts of the system or other areas. Zooplankton and zoobenthos biomasses are relatively low, but nevertheless support high densities of consumers. Aquatic birds are especially numerous. The study identifies many research topics for the future.  相似文献   

We present a phylogenetic and taxonomic study of the morphology and biology of the terminal‐instar larval stage of 19 species representing all the genera of Torymidae parasitoids of gall wasps in Europe, with the single exception of Megastigmus. The genera studied include Adontomerus Nikol'skaya, Idiomacromerus Crawford, Chalcimerus Steffan & Andriescu, Glyphomerus Förster, Pseudotorymus Masi and Torymus Dalman. We primarily used chaetotaxy and some head structures. The terminal‐instar larvae of all studied species are thoroughly described for the first time and illustrated with SEM images. We provide diagnostic characters for the family and the genera studied, and keys to genera and species for the identification of torymid larvae associated with cynipid galls. The majority of the torymid larvae studied are solitary monophagous parasitoids. Finally, to assess the potential use of larval characters in systematic studies of the family, a phylogenetic analysis of the studied taxa based on 42 larval morphological characters is proposed and compared with the current taxonomy of Torymidae. Our results suggest that body chaetotaxy, and characters of the head and mouthparts could be used for genera and species discrimination. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 676–721.  相似文献   

Sponges (Porifera), in general, are pumping water through their bodies. This water contains planktonic eukaryotic and procaryotic organisms as well as particulate and dissolved organic matter as potential food source. We analyzed the eukaryotic unicellular plankton fraction from water surrounding sponges of the species Aplysina aerophoba, Nardo 1886, from sponge tissue, as well as from water expelled from those sponges. We found sponges without any remnants of plankton in their tissue, as well as specimens which incorporated high numbers of remnants of organisms after planktonic “blooms”. In laboratory experiments, sponges were not showing any uptake of plankton from their surrounding water. Sponges are generally considered as inner filter feeders. However, our results indicate that eukaryotic unicellular plankton organisms are not the main food resource of the common sponge A. aerophoba. This raises the question if filter feeding is actually the main characteristic of the poriferan lifestyle.  相似文献   

Magana  Adiel E. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,458(1-3):141-149
Allochthonous coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) input into the Njoro River was measured between January and June 1998 at two contrasting sites: open-canopy and closed-canopy sites. Bank runoff and aerial drift traps were used for collecting CPOM inputs over periods of two weeks. Collected litter was sorted into four categories: leaves, fruits, wood and plant fragments. Monthly input ranged from 77 to 228 g ash free dry weight m–1 for bank runoff input and from 64 to 129 g ash free dry weight m–2 for aerial input. The highest input of 228 g ash free dry weight m–1 was recorded in May at the closed-canopy site. Wood, fruits and plant fragments of particle size >100 m contributed a mean ± SE of 60±9% of the total inputs with the rest from leaf litter. The closed-canopy site had higher inputs (P<0.05) of bank and aerial input than the open canopy site. There was no relationship between total bank runoff input and rainfall (r s = 0.08), however, total aerial input increased with decrease in rainfall (r s = – 0.59). There were differences between inputs from different plant species (P<0.05) that ranked in the following order: Syzygium cordatum > Rhus natalensis > Pittosporum viridiflorum > Vangueria madagascariensis. Removal of riparian vegetation from the banks of the Njoro River would alter the quantity and quality of the litter and reduce CPOM inputs to the river and to a downstream lake with attendant consequences to the energy budget of biocoenoses in the two ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aharon Oren 《Hydrobiologia》2001,466(1-3):61-72
Examination of the microbial diversity in hypersaline lakes of increasing salt concentrations shows that certain types of dissimilatory metabolism do not occur at the highest salinities. Examples are methanogenesis from hydrogen and carbon dioxide or from acetate, dissimilatory sulfate reduction with oxidation of acetate, and autotrophic nitrification. The observations can be explained on the basis of the energetic cost of haloadaptation used by the different metabolic groups and the free-energy change associated with the dissimilatory reactions. All halophilic microorganisms spend large amounts of energy to maintain steep gradients of Na+ and K+concentrations across their cytoplasmic membrane. Most Bacteria and also the methanogenic Archaea produce high intracellular concentrations of organic osmotic solutes at a high energetic cost. The halophilic aerobic Archaea (order Halobacteriales) and the halophilic fermentative Bacteria (order Halanaerobiales) use KCl as the main intracellular solute. This strategy, while requiring far-reaching adaptations of the intracellular machinery, is energetically more favorable than production of organic compatible solutes. By combining information on the amount of energy available to each physiological group and the strategy used to cope with salt stress, a coherent model emerges that provides explanations for the upper salinity limit at which the different microbial conversions occur in hypersaline lakes.  相似文献   

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