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From a total of 80 bacterial strains isolated from root nodules of Lupinus angustifolius grown wild in the North-Eastern Algerian region of El Tarf, 64 plant host-nodulating strains clustered into 17 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting groups. The nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequence from the representative strain of each group revealed they were closely related to members of the genus Bradyrhizobium of the Alphaproteobacteria, but their affiliation at the species level was not clear. Sequencing of the housekeeping genes glnII and recA, and their concatenated phylogenetic analysis, showed that 12 strains belong to B. lupini, other 2 strains affiliated with B. diazoefficiens and that 1 strain was closely related to B. japonicum. The remaining two strains showed similarity values ≤95% with B. cytisi and could represent new lineages within the genus Bradyrhizobium. Sequencing of the symbiotic nodC gene from 4 selected bradyrhizobial strains showed they were all similar to those of the species included in symbiovar genistearum.  相似文献   

The effect of 2–48 h treatment of Lupinus angustifolius L. roots with lead nitrate at the concentration of 10−4 M on the nucleoli in meristematic cells was investigated. In the lead presence the number of ring-shaped as well as segregated nucleoli increased especially after 12–48 h of treatment, while spindle-shaped nucleoli appeared after 24 h and 48 h. Lead presence also increased the frequency of cells with silver-stained particles in the nucleus and the number of these particles especially from the 12th hour of treatment. It was accompanied by significant decline of nucleolar area. Analysis of these cells in transmission electron microscope confirmed the presence of ring-shaped and segregated nucleoli. Moreover, electron microscopy revealed compact structure nucleoli without granular component. Additionally, one to three oval-shaped fibrillar structures attached to nucleolus or lying free in the nucleoplasm were visible. The possible mechanism of lead toxicity to the nucleolus is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The proteins that are synthesized during differentiation and development in the cotyledons of Lupinus angustifolius L. were characterized both in situ and after purification. The proteins present in situ were separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and subjected to 'Western'-blot analysis to identify immunologically related polypeptides. The major storage proteins of the lupin, conglutins alpha and beta, were both present in juvenile tissue only as higher Mr precursors. For conglutin beta, a family of at least three polypeptides of Mr 66 000-72 000 accumulated during the earliest phases of protein synthesis in the developing cotyledon (20-28 days after flowering). Later in development each of these polypeptides disappeared and there was the concurrent appearance in the cotyledon of the lower-Mr fragments characteristic of mature conglutin beta. For conglutin alpha, an equivalent family of precursor polypeptides of Mr 60 000-83 000 was detected. Multiple internal sites for proteolytic cleavage of all these precursors appeared to be present. However, processing of the precursors was sufficiently slow to allow them to accumulate to over 50% of total soluble protein in juvenile tissue. The precursors were purified by column chromatography under non-dissociating conditions and shown by ultracentrifugation to be multimeric proteins with Mr values in the range 150 000-200 000.  相似文献   

Micromonospora strains have been isolated from diverse niches, including soil, water, and marine sediments and root nodules of diverse symbiotic plants. In this work, we report the genome sequence of Micromonospora lupini Lupac 08 isolated from root nodules of the wild legume Lupinus angustifolious.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase, purified from Lupinus angustifolius legume nodules, was carboxymethylated and succinylated prior to chemical or enzymatic cleavage. Peptides were purified and sequenced. An oligonucleotide probe was constructed for the sequence MPGQW. This probe was used to identify a glutamine synthetase cDNA clone, pGS5, from a lupin nodule cDNA library constructed in pBR322. pGS5 was sequenced (1043 bp) and computer-assisted homology searching revealed a high degree of conservation between this lupin partial cDNA clone and other plant glutamine synthetases at both the amino acid (>90%) and nucleotide (>80%) level. Northern and Southern analyses using pGS5 supported the conclusion that a multigene glutamine synthetase family exists in lupin which is differentially expressed in both an organ-specific and temporal manner. Western and Northern blot analyses indicated the accumulation of a glutamine synthetase specific mRNA species during nodule development corresponded to the appearance of a novel glutamine synthetase polypeptide between 8 and 10 days after rhizobial inoculation.  相似文献   

Using Nycodenz, a novel density gradient medium, we isolated intact protein bodies from developing seeds of Lupinus angustifolius L. (cultivar Unicrop) and achieved excellent separation from the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and other organelles. The distribution of the storage protein conglutin-β was taken as evidence that up to 96% of the protein bodies remained intact on the gradients and banded at 1.25 grams per milliliter. The protein bodies also contained the three other abundant proteins present in L. angustifolius seeds: conglutins-α, -γ, and -δ. Pulse labeling experiments were carried out to determine the site of proteolytic processing of conglutin-α, a legumin-like 11Svedberg unit storage protein. Cotyledons aged either 33 or 40 days after flowering were pulsed with [3H]leucine. Protein bodies obtained from the cotyledons aged 33 days after flowering contained only the labeled precursors of conglutin-α with molecular weights 85,000, 72,000, and 64,000, even after a 4 hour chase of the radioactivity. Protein bodies obtained from the cotyledons aged 40 days after flowering contained the same radioactive precursors if the tissue had been pulsed for 2 hours, and the processing products of these precursors when the tissue had been chased for 4 hours. These studies confirm that the subcellular location of proteolytic cleavage of this legumin-like protein is the protein body, that this activity is detected only in protein bodies from lupin seeds aged between 33 and 40 days of seed development after flowering and that protein bodies from seeds younger than this contain only unprocessed conglutin-α.  相似文献   

A root tip cDNA library, constructed in the lambda Zap II expression vector, was immunoscreened with a monoclonal antibody raised against aspartate aminotransferase-P1 from Lupinus angustifolius L. var Uniharvest. One 1452-base pair clone was isolated. The encoded protein sequence had high homology to both plant and animal aspartate aminotransferase sequences. The clone was converted to the phagemid form and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein was enzymically active and could be immunocomplexed with aspartate aminotransferase-P1-specific antibodies. The complete aspartate aminotransferase-P1 cDNA was cloned into the yeast expression vector pEMBL-yex4 and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain BRSCS6, which possesses a mutated aspartate aminotransferase gene (the asp5 mutation). Complementation of the mutation was achieved using this construct.  相似文献   

A single-gene recessive mutant (Abs-) of Lupinus angustifoliusL. ‘Danja’ that does not abscise any organs wascompared with its parent during continuous exposure of explantsfrom 14 d old seedlings to 10 µl l-1ethylene. Both endo-(1,4)-ß- D -glucanase (cellulase) and polygalacturonase(PGA) activities increased significantly and progressively inpetiole-stem abscission zones of the parent before the onsetof abscission, and were reflected in a rapid decline in breakstrengthfrom 300 to 70 g within 32 h. In the mutant there was negligibleincrease in hydrolytic enzyme activity, breakstrength declinedslowly (to 180–200 g by 72 h) and there was no abscission.Isoelectric focusing showed two cellulase isoforms (pI 5.0 andpI 8.5) expressed in abscission zones of the parent; these wereexpressed at much lower levels in the mutant. These data areinterpreted to indicate that expression of at least two formsof cellulase activity is enhanced by ethylene in normal petioleabscission zones of lupin. PGA activity also increased in theabscission zone tissue of the parent but to a lesser extentin that of the mutant. We attribute the Abs-phenotype to mutationof a gene regulating ethylene-responsive expression of abscission-specifichydrolytic enzymes. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus angustifolius, abscission, breakstrength, cellulase, ethylene, legume, lupin, mutant, polygalacturonase  相似文献   

This study examined whether increased K supply in conjunction with BAPcould increase lupin seed yield and harvest index by enlarging sink volume (podnumber), increasing assimilate and improving assimilate partitioning to filltheadditional pods induced by BAP treatment. Narrow-leafed lupin(Lupinusangustifolius, cv. Danja abs mutant) was grown inaglasshouse, in pots containing sandy soil with four K treatments (0, 15, 60 and120 mg K/kg soil). BAP (2 mM) was applied daily toallmain stem flowers throughout the life of each flower from opening to senesced.BAP application did not affect assimilate production (as measured by totalabove-ground biomass), but changed assimilate partitioning. On BAP-treatedplants, there were greater proportions of seed to pod wall dry weight on themain stem but smaller proportions on the branches, and an increased weightratioof seed to pod wall overall which meant more assimilate was used for seedgrowthrather than pod wall growth. BAP increased the number of pods per plant by35% and this more than compensated for the decreases in seeds per podandseed weight. Therefore, there was an increased harvest index (+11%)and seed yield per plant (+13%) in BAP-treated plants. BAP alsoincreased the number of pods with filled seeds (146%) on the main stemand main stem seed K+ concentration (from 0.81% to0.87%). Added K increased biomass but only slightly affected assimilatepartitioning. As applied K increased, relatively more assimilate was used forpod wall growth rather than seed growth. Added K increased seed yield per plantby about 14% due to increases in seed weight and the number of pods onthe main stem. Moreover, K+ concentration in seeds and shootsincreased with increasing level of applied K. Seed yield was enhanced more byBAP when K was supplied at high levels. Increasing K supply interactedpositively with added BAP by increasing narrow-leaf lupin seed yield andharvestindex through increases in assimilate supply and its partitioning into seeds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the nutrient digestibility of seeds of four varieties of narrow-leafed lupines (Lupinus angustifolius) and the possibility of soya bean meal (SBM) substitution by lupine seeds alone and in combination with rapeseed meal (RSM) in the diets of pigs. The seeds of the lupine varieties Kalif, Sonet, Zeus and Boruta were analysed. The apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) was determined on 50 cross-bred pigs using the difference method with titanium dioxide as a marker. The substitution of SBM by lupine seeds alone (at 0 – 100%) was tested on 60 pigs (20–105 kg body weight (BW)) and by a combination of lupine seeds and RSM on 180 fattening pigs (35–80 kg BW). The chemical composition of lupine seeds differed considerably, especially in terms of crude protein and mineral content. All seeds contained less than 0.05% alkaloids and 9.3% oligosaccharides in dry matter. The ATTD of protein ranged from 70% to 74%, those of ether extract from 36% to 55% and those of gross energy from 77% to 84%. The entire replacement of SBM by lupine seeds (var. Sonet) did not have a negative effect on the performance of grower and fattener pigs. The substitution of SBM by a combination of lupines and RSM reduced the performance of growing and finishing pigs significantly.  相似文献   

White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) has been around since 300 B.C. and is recognized for its ability to grow on poor soils and application as green manure in addition to seed harvest. The seed has very high levels of protein (33-47 %) and oil (6-13 %). It also has many secondary metabolites that are potentially of nutraceutical value to animals and humans. Despite such a great potential, lupins role in modern agriculture began only in the twentieth century. Although a large collection of Lupinus germplasm accessions is available worldwide, rarely have they been genetically characterized. Additionally, scarce genomic resources in terms of recombinant populations and genome information have been generated for L. albus. With the advancement in association mapping methods, the natural populations have the potential to replace the recombinant populations in gene mapping and marker-trait associations. Therefore, we studied the genetic similarity, population structure and marker-trait association in a USDA germplasm collection for their current and future application in this crop improvement. A total of 122 PI (Plant Inventory) lines were screened with 18 AFLP primer pairs that generated 2,277 fragments. A subset of 892 polymorphic markers with MAF >0.05 (minor allele frequency) were used for association mapping. The cluster analysis failed to group accessions on the basis of their passport information, and a weak structure and low linkage disequilibrium (LD) were observed indicating the usefulness of the collection for association mapping. Moreover, we were also able to identify two markers (a p value of 1.53 × 10(-4) and 2.3 × 10(-4)) that explained 22.69 and 20.5 % of seed weight variation determined using R (LR) (2) . The implications of lack of geographic clustering, population structure, low LD and the ability of AFLP to map seed weight trait using association mapping and the usefulness of the PI collections in breeding programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant root hairs are believed to be very important for phosphorus (P) uptake from the soil by expanding the absorptive surface area of the root and increasing the soil volume explored by the roots, but genetic information about root hair traits in soybean is relatively scarce. In the present study, two contrasting genotypes of soybean (Glycine max and Glycine soja), CN4 and XM6, and their 88 F9-derived recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were grown in a field with moderately low P availability. Some important root hair traits, including root hair density (RHD), average root hair length (ARHL), and root hair length per unit root (RHLUR) were investigated and quantified with an automatic image analysis system and the genetic variability for these root hair traits was estimated with the RIL population. The results indicated that the two parental genotypes differed significantly in the three root hair traits measured, with XM6 generally having larger RHD and RHLUR (but smaller ARHL) than CN4, which may in part explain the difference in biomass and P status between the two parents. All the three root hair traits were continually segregated in the progenial RIL population with a normal distribution of the phenotypic values, indicating that these traits are possibly controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Analysis of variance for the RIL population showed that RHD had a low heritability (h2 b = 27.32, 31.04, 33.97% for basal roots, tap roots, total roots, respectively), while ARHL had a relatively higher genetic variance and hence a higher heritability (h2 b = 53.85, 59.18, 60.98% for basal roots, tap roots, total roots, respectively), suggesting that RHD is influenced more by environmental factors than ARHL. Both RHD and ARHL were positively correlated with RHLUR, indicating that the former two traits may be the attributes to the latter. On the other hand, RHD and ARHL were negatively correlated with each other, implying a possible complementary relationship between the two traits. Both RHD and RHLUR (but not ARHL) were positively correlated with P concentration in the plant, suggesting an important role of root hairs in P status. The basal roots had denser and higher total root hair length than the tap roots, and this is in accordance with previous observations with other plants that basal roots are more effective for P uptake than tap roots in cultivated soils.  相似文献   

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