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The objective of this study was to assess effects of different light intensities on shoot growth, root development and allocation of root-borne solutes via the transpiration stream to various shoot parts of young wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.). Hydroponic culture allowed direct access to the roots and shoots throughout the experiment. Under low light intensity (100?μmol photons m?2?s?1), shoot growth was restricted, less (but larger) leaves were produced at the main shoot and only a few tillers became visible as compared to plants under high light intensity (380?μmol photons m?2?s?1). The root system was indirectly also affected by the illumination of the aerial parts. A larger number of shorter roots were produced under high light leading to a denser root system, while only a small number of longer roots were present under low light. The distribution of 54Mn (xylem-mobile, but essentially phloem-immobile in wheat) from the roots to the shoot lead to the conclusion that light regime strongly influences the distribution of root-borne solutes within the shoots. Labels introduced into the roots may allow a deeper insight into the transfer of solutes from the root system to the various shoot parts under different light regimes.  相似文献   

The impact of crude oil-contaminated soil on the shoot and root biomass yield and nutrients uptake of Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. using two types of composted manure (COM) as soil amendments were investigated. This was with a view to assessing the growth response of the test plant under different levels of crude oil soil contamination. Five levels [0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20% (v/v)] of crude oil, each was replicated thrice to contaminate 3 kg of soil when 12 g pot?1 COM; 12 g pot?1 neem-fortified composted manure (NCM) and control, soil without manure application (C) were imposed as manure treatments. The mean fresh shoot biomass yield at zero crude oil soil contamination and with COM application was 2.67 g pot?1. This value was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than 2.05 g pot?1 for NCM and 1.67 g pot?1 for the control. Also, the mean fresh root yield at zero crude oil soil contamination with COM application was 4.02 g pot?1. This value was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than 2.41 g pot?1 for NCM and 1.71 g pot?1 for the control. The dry shoot and root biomass yield followed similar pattern. The shoot and root yield of C. mucunoides significantly (p < 0.05) reduced with increase in crude oil soil contamination. The nutrients uptake of C. mucunoides, particularly N, P, Ca, Mg, and Fe, were enhanced with COM fertilization having higher available P, K, and Na values; and by implication, suggesting the importance of adequately formulated composted manure usage in the rehabilitation studies of crude oil-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Low soil water potential and low or high root temperatures are important stresses affecting carbon allocation in plants. This study examines the effects of these stresses on carbon allocation from the perspective of whole plant mass balance. Sixteen-day old spring wheat seedlings were placed in a growth room under precisely controlled root temperatures and soil water potentials. Five soil water potential treatments, from −0.03 MPa to −0.25 MPa, and six root temperature treatments, from 12 to 32°C were used. A mathematical model based on mass balance considerations was used, in combination with experimental measurements of rate of net photosynthesis, leaf area, and shoot/root dry masses to determine photosynthate allocation between shoot and root. Partitioning of photosynthates to roots was the lowest at 22–27°C root temperature regardless soil water potential, and increased at both lower and higher root temperatures. Partitioning of photosynthates to the roots increased with decreasing soil water potential. Under the most favourable conditions, i.e. at −0.03 MPa soil water potential and 27°C root temperature, the largest fraction, 57%, of photosynthates was allocated to the shoots. Under the most stressed conditions, i.e. at −0.25 MPa soil water potential and 32°C root temperature, the largest fraction, more than 80%, of photosynthates was allocated to roots.  相似文献   

While a large number of studies have investigated the effects of macronutrients such as nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) on litter decomposition, recent studies suggest that micronutrients including zinc (Zn) may also limit decomposition rates. Our goal was to compare the effects of nutrient addition on decomposition of two leaf litter types from tropical dry forest trees in a short-term laboratory microcosm experiment. Single nutrients (N, P, Zn, potassium, magnesium, and nickel) were applied to leaf litter in solution at low or high concentrations (to mimic in situ availability or to alleviate nutrient limitation, respectively), and decomposition was assessed as final mass remaining and carbon dioxide mineralization. Both mass remaining and CO2 mineralization were affected by nutrient identity and concentration, and these effects varied by species. In general, P and Zn addition increased decomposition, Mg and N inhibited it, and K and Ni had no significant effects. Future studies should consider the interactions between decomposition processes, decomposer communities, and a wider range of macro- and micronutrients.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Knowledge on vegetation water sources is crucial to understand the ecohydrological processes and ecological management of arid and semi-arid ecosystems. The identification and...  相似文献   

The structural development of the stems and basal anchorageroots of Galahad and Hereward winter wheat cultivars (Triticumaestivum L.) were investigated and related to their mechanicalfunction. Stem and root morphology, anatomy and mechanical propertieswere examined from tillering (March) up to maturity (August),together with plant weight distribution. This allowed us tocalculate a ‘factor of safety’ against root andstem failure throughout development. As the plants grew taller the stem and the anchorage ‘coronalroots’ increased in bending strength countering the increasingmechanical demands. The bending strength, in turn, was correlatedwith the amount of lignified material around the stem and rootperimeter. Structural development ceased by ear emergence, whenthe plant was at its tallest, but because the ear weight continuedto rise the ‘self-weight’ moment pushing the plantover continued to increase. This meant that the ‘safetyfactors’ of both cultivars against both root and stemmechanical failure decreased throughout development. In bothcultivars the safety factors against root failure were lowerthan for stem failure, and Galahad had lower factors of safetythan Hereward. All these findings were consistent with resultsof field trials; failure tends to occur late in development,during grain filling, and is localized to the root system, whilstGalahad is more prone to lodging than Hereward. The pattern of mechanical development of winter wheat seemsto be one which would maximize its reproductive success, maintainingits structural integrity especially early in development whileinvesting in a minimum of structural material. Key words: Safety factor, anchorage, lodging, biomechan-ics, structural development  相似文献   

Immature and mature embryos of 12 common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes were cultured in vitro to develop an efficient method of callus formation and plant regeneration from mature embryo culture, and to compare the responses of both embryo cultures. Fifteen days after anthesis, immature embryos were aseptically dissected from seeds and placed with the scutellum upwards on a solid agar medium containing the inorganic components of Murashige and Skoog (MS) and 2 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Mature embryos were moved slightly in the imbibed seeds. The seeds with moved embryos were placed furrow downwards in dishes containing 8 mg/l 2,4-D for callus induction. The developed calli and regenerated plants were maintained on 2,4-D-free MS medium. Plants regenerated from both embryo cultures were vernalized and grown to maturity in soil. Regenerated plantlets all maintained the hexaploid chromosome number. A strong genotypic effect on the culture responses was found for both explant cultures. Callus induction rate, regeneration capacity of callus and number of plants regenerated were independent of each other. Mature embryos had a high frequency of callus induction and regeneration capacity, and therefore, being available throughout the year, can be used as an effective explant source in wheat tissue culture. Received: 4 February 1997 / Revision received: 1 April 1997 / Accepted: 5 May 1997  相似文献   

Relations between shoot to root dry weight ratio (S : R), total plant dry weight (DW), shoot and plant N concentration and leaf soluble protein concentration were examined for pea ( Pisum sativum L.), common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) under different nutrient deficiencies. A regression model incorporating leaf soluble protein concentration and plant DW could explain greater than 80% of the variation in S : R within and between treatments for pea supplied different concentrations of NO3 or NH4+ in solid substrate; pea and bean supplied different concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in liquid culture; and wheat supplied different concentrations of N, P, K, Mg, Ca and S in liquid culture. Addition of shoot or plant N concentration to the model explained little more of the variation in S : R. It is concluded that results are consistent with the proposal that macronutrient effects on S : R are primarily mediated through their effects on protein synthesis and growth.  相似文献   

Aims:  The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of bacterial strains of Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Escherichia, Micrococcus and Staphylococcus genera associated with wild herbaceous flora to enhance endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content and growth of Triticum aestivum var. Inqalab-91.
Methods and Results:  Gas chromatography and mass spectrometric (GC–MS) analysis revealed that bacterial strains produced 0·6–8·22 μg IAA ml−1 in the presence of L-tryptophan. Plant microbe experiments showed a significant positive correlation between auxin production by bacterial strains and endogenous IAA content of T. aestivum for GC–MS ( r  = 0·618; P  = 0.05) and colorimetric analysis ( r  = 0·693; P  = 0.01). Similarly, highly significant positive correlation for shoot length ( r  = 0·627; P  = 0.01) and shoot fresh weight ( r  = 0·626; P  = 0.01) was observed with auxin production under axenic conditions. Bacterial inoculations also enhanced shoot length (up to 29·16%), number of tillers (up to 97·35%), spike length (up to 25·20%) and seed weight (up to 13·70%) at final harvest.
Conclusions:  Bacterial strains have the ability to increase the endogenous IAA content and growth of T. aestivum var. Inqalab-91.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Microbial strains of wild herbaceous flora can be effectively used to enhance the growth and yield of agronomically important crops.  相似文献   

Mixed tree plantations provide greater ecosystem services than monocultures. Leguminosae tree species can be appropriate complements to achieve a sustainable soil management target. A key aspect of species trait complementarity is the litter mixture effects in the litter decomposition process. We evaluated how the mixture of poplar litter (Populus deltoides Marsh.) with Leguminosae tree species modulated the litter decomposition process and C, N and P recycling, through changes driven by the Leguminosae litter chemical traits. Under field conditions, we compared poplar litter alone (monoculture) with its 50:50 mixture with Enterolobuim contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong., or Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.). Compared to poplar litter, its mixture with E. contortisiliquum had a 25% lower C:N ratio and a similar N:P ratio, whereas mixture with P. dubium had a 9% lower C:N and a 29% lower N:P ratios. The mixture with E. contortisiliquum showed a 64% faster decomposition rate, and 55% and 203% faster C and N release rates, respectively, compared to poplar. In contrast, in the mixture with P. dubium, there was no difference in the litter, C and N decay rates with poplar litter alone. The mixture with P. dubium had a 37% lower P retention compared to poplar, whereas P was released rather than retained in the mixture with E. contortisiliquum. The mixture with E. contortisiliquum showed a net antagonistic effect in the litter decomposition rate. However, in the mixture, poplar litter decomposed 33% faster and the E. contotrtisiliquum litter decomposed 35% slower than species alone. The C:N and N:P ratios in the litter mixture were relevant traits shaping the magnitude and direction of litter decomposition and nutrient recycling processes. The incorporation of both Leguminosae to monospecific poplar plantations could contribute to counteract P limitation in this system and to improve soil fertility and functioning.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the effects of media support on the frequency of embryo and plant production from cultured anthers of soft-red winter wheat. Approximately twice as many embryos were produced when anthers were cultured in a liquid as compared to an agar-solidified medium. Upon transfer to regeneration medium, a significantly lower percentage of the embryos produced in liquid regenerated plants. The addition of activated charcoal to an agar-solidified medium resulted in a considerable increase in embryo production, however, plant regeneration from embryos produced on charcoal-containing medium was significantly lower than those produced on agar only. Embryo production frequencies ranged from 2.4–13.2 and 2.5–32.2 embryos per 100 anthers on media with and without charcoal, respectively. Plant regeneration frequencies from embryos produced in the presence of activated charcoal ranged from 0–5.5% as compared to 0–39.1% from embryos produced in the absence of charcoal. More than twice as many embryos produced on Ficoll-containing liquid medium regenerated plants when compared to embryos produced in liquid only. The results from this study suggest that cultural modifications designed to maximize embryo production must take into account the quality of the resulting embryos as they relate to plant regeneration.  相似文献   

Cold pretreatments applied to excised anthers in liquid ‘potato 2’ medium proved to be unnecessary. Generally, cold pretreatments inhibited anther response and productivity as the duration was lengthened or as the pretreatment temperature was lowered. There were significant differences in response attributed to the anther donor genotype. Green and albino plants as well as ‘roots only’ have been regenerated from the spring wheat cultivars Sinton, Neepawa, Pitic 62 and DW 50. Most plants were haploid.  相似文献   

Cold pretreatments applied to excised anthers in liquid potato 2 medium proved to be unnecessary. Generally, cold pretreatments inhibited anther response and productivity as the duration was lengthened or as the pretreatment temperature was lowered. There were significant differences in response attributed to the anther donor genotype. Green and albino plants as well as roots only have been regenerated from the spring wheat cultivars Sinton, Neepawa, Pitic 62 and DW 50. Most plants were haploid.  相似文献   

Mass loss and nutrient release during litter decomposition drive biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. However, the relationship between the litter decomposition process and the decomposition stage, precipitation, and litter quality has rarely been addressed, precluding our understanding of how litter decomposition regulates nutrient cycling in various ecosystems and their responses to climate change. In this study, we measured mass loss as well as carbon and nutrient releases during the decomposition of 16 types of leaf litter under three precipitation treatments over 12 months in a common garden experiment (i.e., using standardized soil and climatic conditions). Sixteen types of leaves were divided into three functional groups (evergreen, deciduous, and herbaceous). The objectives were to understand the effects of decomposition stages and precipitation regimes on litter decomposition and to examine the relationship between this effect and chemical properties. The mass loss and release of nitrogen and potassium were significantly higher in the 6‐ to 12‐month stage of decomposition (high temperature and humidity) than in the 0‐ to 6‐month stage. Phosphorus was relatively enriched in evergreen leaves after 6 months of decomposition. The rates of mass loss and nutrient release were significantly greater in herbaceous than in deciduous and evergreen leaves. Increasing precipitation from 400 to 800 mm accelerated mass loss and potassium release but decreased phosphorus release in the 0‐ to 6‐month stage of decomposition. These results highlighted the contribution to and complexity of litter chemical properties in litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Decomposition of plant litter is a key process for the flow of energy and nutrients in ecosystems that may be sensitive to the loss of biodiversity. Two hypothetical mechanisms by which changes in plant diversity could affect litter decomposition are (1) through changes in litter species composition, and (2) by altering the decomposition microenvironment. We tested these ideas in relation to the short-term decomposition of herbaceous plant litter in experimental plant assemblages that differed in the numbers and types of plant species and functional groups that they contained to simulate loss of plant diversity. We used different litterbag experiments to separate the two potential pathways through which diversity could have an effect on decomposition. Our two litterbag trials showed that altering plant diversity affected litter breakdown differently through changes in decomposition microenvironment than through changes in litter composition. In the decomposition microenvironment experiment there was a significant but weak decline in decomposition rate in relation to decreasing plant diversity but no significant effect of plant composition. The litter composition experiment showed no effect of richness but significant effects of composition, including large differences between plant species and functional groups in litter chemistry and decomposition rate. However, for a nested subset of our litter mixtures decomposition was not accurately predicted from single-species bags; there were positive, non-additive effects of litter mixing which enhanced decomposition. We critically assess the strengths and limitations of our short-term litterbag trials in predicting the longer-term effects of changes in plant diversity on litter decomposition rates.  相似文献   

Studying the specific effects of water and nutrients on plant development is difficult because changes in a single component can often trigger multiple response pathways. Such confounding issues are prevalent in commonly used laboratory assays. For example, increasing the nitrate concentration in growth media alters both nitrate availability and osmotic potential. In addition, it was recently shown that a change in the osmotic potential of media alters the plant's ability to take up other nutrients such as sucrose. It can also be difficult to identify the initial target tissue of a particular environmental cue because there are correlated changes in development of many organs. These growth changes may be coordinately regulated, or changes in development of one organ may trigger changes in development of another organ as a secondary effect. All these complexities make analyses of plant responses to environmental factors difficult to interpret. Here, we review the literature on the effects of nitrate, sucrose and water availability on root system growth and discuss the mechanisms underlying these effects. We then present experiments that examine the impact of nitrate, sucrose and water on root and shoot system growth in culture using an approach that holds all variables constant except the one under analysis. We found that while all three factors also alter root system size, changes in sucrose and osmotic potential also altered shoot system size. In contrast, we found that, when osmotic effects are controlled, nitrate specifically inhibits root system growth while having no effect on shoot system growth. This effectively decreases the root : shoot ratio. Alterations in root : shoot ratio have been widely observed in response to nitrogen starvation, where root growth is selectively increased, but the present results suggest that alterations in this ratio can be triggered across a wide spectrum of nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Continuous biomass removal by grazing usually changes the resource allocation pattern of plants. These changes often increase resistance to tissue removal and produce individuals with different morphometric traits, such as root to shoot or blade to sheath ratios. Shifts in morphometric traits, in turn, may alter nutrient cycling through changes in the average quality of litter that decomposes in soil. Previous work has shown that Paspalum dilatatum, a native grass from the Pampas grasslands, which inhabits a vast area and supports a wide range of grazing conditions, increases its blade to sheath ratio under continuous grazing with respect to ungrazed conditions. Here, we explored the consequences of these changes apparently associated with grazing regime on litter quality and nutrient dynamics during litter breakdown in soil. We separately analysed litter quality of blades and sheaths of P. dilatatum and determined under controlled conditions their decomposition and nutrient release kinetics over a maximum period of 1 year. We also studied the mineral nitrogen contents in soil amended with each litter type. Blade quality was significantly higher than sheath quality, nitrogen concentrations of blades and sheaths were approximately 1% and 0.6%, respectively, and lignin to nitrogen ratios were approximately 5 and 11 for blades and sheaths, respectively. Phosphorus concentration, however, was similar in both litter types. Blades decomposed 10% faster than sheaths, released 20% more nitrogen and released 15% more phosphorus than sheaths during the last half of the incubation period. During the first 3 months, the soil nitrogen content of litter‐amended incubations indicated immobilization with respect to non‐amended control; however, later blade incubations mineralized nitrogen, whereas sheath incubations continued immobilizing it. Results revealed that grazing potentially accelerates nutrient cycling during decomposition by increasing the blade to sheath ratio of P. dilatatum individuals, and suggest that this may be an important mechanism underlying grazing impact on nutrient cycling.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Plant litter has an important role in terrestrial ecosystems (Lambers et al. 2008). Our aim was to assess the short-term effect of litter from 21 woody species (deciduous and evergreens) on plant growth and root development.


We conducted a short-term experiment (10 weeks) under controlled conditions adding litter from 21 woody species to pots with Dactylis glomerata (target species). We determined plant biomass and root development and related these variables to decomposition rate and litter quality.


Litter from two species enhanced plant growth whereas litter of five species inhibited it. Considering all species in the data set, plant growth was associated to litter with high decomposition rate and high litter quality: high Ca and N concentration and low polyphenols concentration. However, excluding from the analyses the two species that increased growth, litter inhibition effect on plant growth was related to the litter-polyphenols concentration. Plants growing with nutrient-richer litter had a lower proportion of fine roots which could be related to a litter mediated increase in soil nutrient.


Enhanced plant growth or, on the contrary, plant growth inhibition could be the result of a positive or, in turn, negative balance between nutrient and polyphenols concentration in litter.  相似文献   

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