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Gona AG 《Tissue & cell》1971,3(4):557-566
Radioautographic studies revealed that prolactin markedly stimulates the incorporation of H(3)-proline into the basement lamella of the tail fin of frog tadpole. Radioactivity in fibroblasts reached a peak at 3 hours. Thereafter, the number of silver grains in fibroblasts was reduced with concomitant increase in the basement lamella. Fibroblasts of the prolactin animals also showed extensively developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi elements. Epidermis of control animals was labelled as in the prolactin animals, although the basement lamella was sparsely labelled. Fibroblasts, not the epidermis, seem to secrete collagen into the basement lamella.  相似文献   

alpha-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) is an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, that forms a covalent bond with the active enzyme. The highly selective binding of tritium-labeled DFMO to ornithine decarboxylase in vivo, as identified by electron microscope autoradiography, was used to determine the intracellular distribution of the enzyme in the germ cells of a polychaete (Ophryotrocha labronica). In mid-oogenesis ornithine decarboxylase was predominantly located in the nurse cells, which are actively supporting growth of the oocytes. On the basis of biochemical analyses ornithine decarboxylase has been considered mainly cytoplasmic in its distribution. However, in metabolically active polychaete cells (oocytes, nurse cells, intestinal and body wall cells), binding sites for tritiated DMFO, indicating the presence of active ornithine decarboxylase, were as abundant in the nucleus. The nucleolus was the most densely labeled organelle in nurse cells and oocytes.  相似文献   

Summary An electron microscope study of X-ray produced giant Hela cells is described. The results extend earlier light microscope observations to the sub-microscopic region where clear differences from normal structures are apparent. Of particular interest are intra nuclear inclusions, nucleolar fragments, membrane abnormalities and possible mitochondrial changes.This investigation was supported in part by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and in part by a predoctoral fellowship CF 8984 from the National Cancer Institute, Public Health Service.  相似文献   

3H-Uridine has been used to investigate the sites of RNA synthesis in the post-meiotic G1 phase of Trillium microspores using electron microscope autoradiography. The dilute, non-condensed component of the nucleus has been found to be the site of synthesis. When the labelled cells were further incubated in non-radioactive medium the label was found to shift towards the condensed chromatin regions within the nucleus. Two hypotheses to explain the observations are considered, one involving migration of the RNA from the relaxed to condensed regions, the other involving a change in state of the nuclear regions involved in the synthesis. The data are interpreted as favoring the latter possibility.This study supported by grants from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research and from the Swiss National Fund, Grant Nr. 3202.Fellow of the Jane Coffin Childs Fund for Medical Research.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [3H]galactose and [3H]glucose into the parenchyma, tegument, testis, and muscle of Fasciola hepatica slices was studied by lightand electron-microscope autoradiography. “Accumulation” labeling periods of up to 60 min were used.Both monosaccharides were found to be readily incorporated into glycogen in the parenchymal cells and muscle and [3H]glucose entered the glycogen stores of spermatozoa.No evidence was found for the involvement of any particular cell organelle in glycogenesis, but the demonstration of high synthetic activity in parenchymal evaginations to the base of the surface syncytial tegument supports physiological evidence that glucose enters the fluke mainly across the tegument.Ethylene glycol-dehydrated preparations showed that [3H]galactose was incorporated into glycoprotein by Type I tegumental cells, and perhaps also by sperm morulae. The carbohydrate component seems to be added to the tegumental secretions in the vesicular-lamellar region of the Golgi complex.Following the longest periods of incubation, labeling was observed in the tubules connecting the tegumental cells and syncytium, but not in the surface syncytium itself.  相似文献   

Primary cell culture has been obtained from intima and media of unaffected zones of human aorta and from atherosclerotic lesions (fatty infiltration, fatty streaks, atherosclerotic plaques). Cellular polymorphism was found in these cultures. Four morphological types of aortic cells are described: elongated, asymmetric, polygonal, and stellate cells. These cell types also differed in their proliferative activity. On the 7th day of culturing, polygonal cells do not incorporate 3H-thymidine; the thymidine index of other three cell types was similar. The thymidine index of medial cells was higher than that of intimal ones.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 3H-uridine into three chromosome regions 21D, 100AB, 7EF showing no puffs was studied by means of EM autoradiography. These regions show rather good coincidence between EM and Bridges' revised maps. The reduction of band number observed in the EM map was mainly at the expense of “doublet” bands. — Theoretical silver grain distributions were calculated on the basis of “universal curves” (Salpeter et al., 1969, J. Cell Biol. v. 41, 1–20) on condition that either bands or interbands are linear sources of radioactivity. From these curves the resolution of EM autoradiography was deduced to be sufficient with regard to the investigated region. — The results show that in addition to the puffs peaks of silver grains occur over the interbands and diffuse bands. The lowest incorporation level is observed over the dense bands. The possibility of utilizing the data obtained for the location of RNA-synthesising regions is discussed.  相似文献   

The permeability coefficients of sulphate ion in post-mortem human articular cartilage were found to be the same whether cells were alive or dead; thus diffusion of solutes is not via active transport. From the diffusion coefficient and the thickness of cartilage, the minimum time of incubation necessary to obtain meaningful results on sulphate uptake and incorporation, could be calculated.The rate of 35S-labelled sulphate incorporation was linear up to 8 h. In Eagle's medium, the mean rates of incorporation, in mmoles/gram of wet tissue per h were 2 · 10?6 for the femoral head and 3.3 · 10?6 for the femoral condyle. The faster turnover rate in the condyle correlates with a lower glycosaminoglycan content.Sulphate uptake was found to vary directly with the inorganic sulphate content. Since the latter by Donnan equilibrium, is in inverse ratio to the glycosaminoglycan content, this would explain why sulphate uptake was found to be lower where the glycosaminoglycan content was higher.The half-life of glycosaminoglycans was estimated at 200–300 days i.e. much higher than previously suggested.Zonal variations in uptake were studied both in normal and fibrillated tissue; the latter has a low rate of incorporation, throughout its depth, compared to healthy cartilage.  相似文献   

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