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The parts played by constant amounts of visible radiation perday and its two components—daylength and intensity—ininfluencing the growth of Cucumis sativus have been investigated.The amount of radiation per day had a far greater influencethan either of its components per se. Nevertheless, small significanteffects of photoperiod were found, leaf expansion and dry weightincrease being greatest at daylengths between 10 and 15 hr.rather than with longer days which, with similar daily totals,would be expected to give the greatest amounts of assimilation. Rates of leaf production and appearance were greatest with thehighest amounts of radiation, but the rates of expansion ofindividual leaves and their maximum areas were greatest withintermediate amounts of radiation. This response resulted inan optimum curve relating the leaf surface and the dry weightattained after a given period to radiation. The amount of radiationgiving the maximum leaf surface and dry weight decreased withage and with external nutrient supply, but at any one age washigher for increase in dry weight than for increase in leafsurface; stem and root tissues responded more to high radiationthan did the leaf surface. The net assimilation rate was a linearfunction of visible radiation over the range of 15–120cal. cm.-2 day-1 explored, the highest value of radiation usedrepresenting the intensity at which photosynthesis would beexpected to be maximal over a 12–15 hr. day. The inhibitory effect of high radiation on leaf expansion andthe resultant influence on the growth of the plant are explainedin terms of the number and intensity of ‘sinks’for carbohydrate and mineral nutrients within the plant.  相似文献   

NAGARAJAH  S. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1141-1147
Some differences in the responses of the upper and lower stomatain cotton (Gossypium hirsutuni) are presented. These differenceswere observed in the course of some studies in which the transpirationof the two leaf surfaces was measured under controlled environmentconditions and the transpiration data used as an estimate ofstomatal response. In darkness the upper stomata were more or less effectivelyclosed while the lower stomata were partially open. Upon illuminationof the leaf with non-saturation or saturation radiation theupper stomata were slower to open than the lower stomata. Thereductions in stomatal aperture which occurs with the increasein age of leaves commenced earlier in the upper stomata andproceeded at a faster rate than the lower stomata. Sudden exposureto saturation radiation caused the stomata of the two leaf surfacesto oscillate. These oscillations were not observed in youngleaves but in older leaves. During ageing of leaves oscillationsof the upper stomata commenced earlier than oscillations ofthe lower stomata. When the petiole was excised in darknessor light the upper stomata showed a transient increase but notthe lower stomata. Gossypium hirsutum, stomatal responses, transpiration  相似文献   

Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation poses a threat to most livingorganisms. Aquatic organisms have evolved three basic mechanismsto cope with harmful levels of radiation. Two mechanisms, avoidance(e.g. vertical migration) and photoprotection (e.g. productionof photoprotective compounds that act as filters, antioxidants,etc.), serve to minimize the dose of UV radiation that reachesthe organism's vital structures (DNA, membranes, etc.). Thethird mechanism, repair (e.g. dark repair mechanisms, such asnucleotide excision repair; or photoreactivation mechanisms,such as photoenzymatic repair), serves to repair the damagefollowing UV exposure. Here, we compare the vulnerability toUV-B radiation of three copepod species (Boeckella brevicaudata,Boeckella gibbosa, and Boeckella gracilipes) that occur in lakesthat differ in UV-B penetration and depth. Our aim was to gaininsight into the significance of each of the three mechanismsin different UV-B environments. Results from a 3-day ‘insitu’ incubation in ultra-oligotrophic Lake Toncek showedthat B.gracilipes is highly vulnerable to UV-B and UV-A radiation.In contrast, virtually no mortality was observed in B.gibbosaand B.brevicaudata during the same period. In order to discriminatethe contribution of photoprotection and photoreactivation, thethree species were subsequently exposed in the laboratory toan artificial source of UV-B radiation, both in the presenceand absence of visible radiation (recovery radiation). The photoprotectionpotential (i.e. resistance to UV-B in the absence of recoveryradiation) of B.gracilipes and B.gibbosa was lower than thatof B.brevicaudata. On the other hand, photoreactivation (higherresistance to UV-B in the presence of recovery radiation) wasobserved in B.brevicaudata and B.gibbosa, but not in B.gracilipes.To cope with damaging UV-B levels in nature, B.gracilipes dependsexclusively on the attenuation by the external media (i.e. avoidance).Although B.gibbosa tends to avoid the surface waters of lakes,it also occurs in shallow transparent pools. Most likely itsability to survive in these shallow, high UV environments isdue to its photoreactivation potential. Finally, despite itsoccurrence in highly turbid lakes, B.brevicaudata seems extremelywell suited to cope with UV-B radiation thanks to a combinationof photoreactivation and photoprotection.  相似文献   

Radiation Interception, Partitioning and Use in Grass -Clover Mixtures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mixed swards of perennial ryegrass /white clover were grownin competition under controlled environmental conditions, attwo temperatures and with different inorganic nitrogen supplies.The swards were studied after canopy closure, from 800 to 1200°C d cumulative temperatures. Clover contents did not varysignificantly during the period. A simulation model of lightinterception was used to calculate light partitioning coefficientsand radiation use efficiencies for both components of the mixturein this controlled environment experiment. Additionally, thissame radiative transfer model was applied to the field datafrom Woledge (1988) (Annals of Applied Biology112: 175 –186)and from Woledge, Davidson and Dennis (1992) (Grass and ForageScience47: 230 –238). The measured and simulated valuesof light transmission, at different depths in the mixed canopy,were highly correlated (P<0.001) with more than 80% of thetotal variance explained. The daily average of photosyntheticallyactive radiation (PAR) interception in a natural environmentwas estimated from simulations, for the field and controlledenvironment data. Under these conditions, white clover capturedsignificantly more light per unit leaf area than perennial ryegrassat low, but not at high, nitrogen supply. In the controlled environment experiment, the radiation useefficiency of the legume was lower than that of its companiongrass. For both species, radiation use efficiency was negativelycorrelated with the mean irradiance of the leaf. The role ofa compensation between light interception and light use forstabilizing the botanical composition of dense grass –cloverswards is discussed. Light interception; radiation transfer model; growth analysis; radiation use efficiency; white clover; perennial ryegrass; Trifolium repensL.; Lolium perenneL.; grassland  相似文献   

Plants ofLolium perenne, grown with and without the balansoidfungal leaf endophyteNeotyphodium lolii, were exposed to threeultraviolet radiation treatments at an outdoor facility in theUK for 172 d. Plants were exposed to either (a) a 30% elevationabove the ambient erythemally-weighted level of UV-B (280–315nm) radiation under banks of cellulose diacetate filtered fluorescentlamps that also produce UV-A (315–400 nm) radiation (UV-B+A);(b) elevated UV-A radiation alone under banks of polyester filteredlamps; or (c) ambient levels of solar radiation under banksof unenergized lamps. The fertility of plants grown withN. loliiwassignificantly reduced by the elevated UV-B+A exposure. After172 d, these plants produced 70% fewer spikes, 75% fewer seeds,71% lower total weight of seed and 78% fewer seeds per g d.wt of plant tissue than plants colonized byN. loliiwhich wereexposed to ambient radiation. There was no discernible effectof elevated UV-B+A exposure on the fertility of endophyte-freeplants. Plants irradiated with UV-B+A developed 14% thickerleaves than those exposed to ambient radiation. Those whichwere irradiated with elevated UV-A alone produced seeds thatwere 20% heavier than plants exposed to ambient levels of radiation.Plants grown withN. loliihad 7% thicker leaves, 4% thicker stembases and 7% fewer tillers than those grown without it. Thefresh mass of tillers of plants grown withN. loliiwas 11% greaterthan those of endophyte-free plants, owing to their higher moisturecontents. These results suggest that the fertility ofL. perennecolonizedbyN. loliiin the natural environment could be deleteriouslyaffected by elevated fluxes of UV-B radiation associated withstratospheric ozone depletion and that this may affect the populationdynamics of the species.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Fungal leaf endophyte,Neotyphodium lolii, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), stratospheric ozone depletion, UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

The expolinear equation for crop growth (Goudriaan and Monteith,Annalsof Botany66: 695–701, 1990; Goudriaan, 1994. In: MonteithJL, Scott RK, Unsworth MH, eds.Resource capture by crops.Nottingham:Nottingham University Press, 99–110) has the potentialto predict growth under specified environmental conditions.The choice of suitable parameters is discussed and tested usingdata from field experiments with faba bean, peas and lentils(Ishag and Dennett,Annals of Botany82: 497–505. 1998).It is suggested that suitable parameters for predicting cropgrowth are the fraction of solar radiation intercepted at emergence,the extinction coefficient for solar radiation, the maximumfraction of radiation intercepted, the maximum relative growthrate and the maximum crop growth rate for a crop interceptingall the incident radiation. In the experiments considered, thedifferences in growth patterns were due mainly to differencesin the maximum relative growth rate associated with differencesin temperature.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Expolinear equation, grain legumes, crop growth rate, crop density, relative growth rate, growth modelling, faba bean,Vicia fabaL., peas,Pisum sativumL., lentils,Lens culinarsMedic.  相似文献   

Effects of radiation on the phyllochron of nine quinoa (Chenopodiumquinoa Willd.) cultivars growing under field conditions werequantified. Rate of change of photoperiod had no effect on phyllochron.Radiation responses differed markedly between cultivars, rangingfrom insensitive in the most tropical cultivars (Nariñoand Ecu-621) to 0.55 °Cd mol PPFD m-2 d-1in the Peruviancultivar Amarilla de Maranganí. Cultivars reported ashaving the highest photoperiod sensitivity and longest phyllochronwere insensitive to radiation, while cultivars insensitive tophotoperiod from the Bolivian and Peruvian altiplano (Kanckolla,Blanca de Julí and Sajama) or moderately sensitive tophotoperiod from central Chile (Faro and Baer) were affectedby radiation. It is suggested that variation in phyllochronsensitivity to radiation could be associated with differencesin photoassimilate demand per unit time to sustain leaf growth.A model based on phyllochron responses to radiation and temperatureproduced an important improvement in the quality of predictionswhen compared with a model based on responses to photoperiodand temperature for seven of the nine cultivars evaluated. Thisis the first instance in which a quantitative relationship betweenincident radiation and the phyllochron in natural environmentshas been established, allowing the inclusion of this factorin predictions of the rate of leaf appearance in the field.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Chenopodium quinoa, quinoa, phyllochron, radiation, photoperiod, rate of change of photoperiod  相似文献   

Ruta graveotens subshrubs, known to contain a large fractionof their furanocoumarins on the leaf surface, were used forinvestigation of salt and acid rain effects on the plant surfaceand substances occurring there. Groups of shoots on each plantcovered by plastic bags were sprayed with either sulphuric acid,pII 2.5, saturated sodium chloride solution, or a distilledwater control. Uncovered shoots, an additional control, hadthe highest concentrations of furanocoumarins both on the surfaceand in the whole leaf. The upper leaves contained less furanocoumarinsin absolute amounts but were similar to the lower leaves ona percentage basis. Spraying caused a decrease in total furanocoumarinconcentrations, slight in the case of distilled water and greaterfor acid and salt, but the percentage on the surface after sprayingincreased. The upper and lower leaves reacted differently tosalt than to sulphuric acid and water: with salt, the percentagesof furanocoumarins on the surface of both kinds of leaves showedsimilar increases; with the other two sprays, upper leaves showeda similar increase, but the lower leaves had a much higher percentageon the surface owing to a high rate of extrusion. Simulated acid rain, salt sprays, plant surface, furanocoumarins, Ruta graveolens  相似文献   

The effect of UV-B radiation on the vertical distribution ofthree calanoid copepod species (Tortanus dextrilobatus, Acartiuraspp. and Acanthacartia spp.) and three larval stages of Pacificherring, Clupea pallasi (1-, 7-, and 14-day-old larvae) wasinvestigated. A series of 2 m high columnar tanks equipped withinfra-red light and video-microscopy was used to investigatethe vertical distribution of zooplankton in the presence andabsence of UV-B radiation. In the presence of UV-B radiation,T.dextrilobatus and 1-day-old C.pallasi resided about 50 cmdeeper than in the absence of UV-B, while Acartiura spp. andAcanthacartia spp. showed no (or only minimal) change in verticaldistribution. Mortality experiments were also conducted outdoorsin which each copepod species was exposed to full or reducednatural radiation levels. Only T.dextrilobatus showed an increasein mortality when exposed to full radiation. Our results showedthat T.dextrilobatus and 1-day-old C.pallasi larvae were sensitiveto UV radiation (UVR), and to reduce or eliminate UV-inducedstress, they avoided the surface of the water column when UV-Bradiation was present. Copepod species were chosen to span arange of pigmentation: T.dextrilobatus (heavily pigmented),Acartiura spp. (moderately pigmented) and Acanthacartia spp.(not pigmented). The pigmentation did not appear to play a rolein UVR tolerance of the copepods, but may be a factor determiningUV tolerance of C.pallasi.  相似文献   

The expolinear equation for crop growth (Goudriaan and MonteithAnnalsof Botany66: 695–701, 1990) was fitted to measurementsof above ground dry weight made on two cultivars of each ofthree species, faba bean (Vicia fabaL.), peas (Pisum sativumL.)and lentils (Lens culinarsMedic.), each grown at three densitiesat the University of Reading, UK in 1992 and 1993. The expolinearequation fitted the data well but required frequent samplingto obtain good estimates of the parameters. The equation hasthree parameters,Rmthe maximum relative growth rate,Cma maximumcrop growth rate, andtbthe time at which the crop effectivelyreaches a linear phase of growth.Rmdid not differ between densities,cultivars or species but differed between years.Cmincreasedwith increased density and was lower for lentils than for fababeans or peas.tbdecreased with increased density for faba beanbut not for the other species. Incorporating an extinction coefficientfor solar radiation and the maximum fraction of radiation interceptedenabled reasonably accurate time courses of leaf area indexto be derived, as suggested by Goudriaan (1994. In: MontiethJL, Scott RK, Unsworth MH, eds.Resource capture by crops. Nottingham:Nottingham University Press, 99–110).Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Expolinear equation, grain legumes, crop growth rate, crop density, relative growth rate, growth modelling, faba bean,Vicia fabaL., peas,Pisum sativumL., lentils,Lens culinarsMedic.  相似文献   

The response of green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda and Selenastrumcapricornutum to different levels of UV-B radiation was studied.Daphnia magna, the next step in the food web, was fed with UV-Btreated algae. UV-B radiation induced the synthesis of UV absorbingsubstances and photosynthetic pigments, enhanced the level ofrespiratory potential and suppressed growth of the treated algae.Biomass production in S. quadricauda was higher than in S. capricornutum,but the production of photosynthetic pigments and relative amountsof UV absorbing substances as well as respiratory potentialwere more pronounced in S. capricornutum. A short-term feedingexperiment with D. magna showed that in general, females ingestedhigher numbers of cells of algae treated with a high UV-B dose,but the biomass of ingested algae did not differ significantly.The exception was S. capricornutum treated with a high UV-Bdose; a lower biomass was ingested, probably reflecting thesmaller UV-treated cells.  相似文献   

The concept of thermal time is applied to the prediction ofduration from sowing to maturity of calabrese (Brassica oleraceavar italica cv. Corvet), using a multiple linear regressionmodel. Given daily records of maximum and minimum air temperatureand total solar radiation, maturity could be predicted to within±7 d for nine out of ten crops over the four years considered.Within any one year the precision improved to ±5 d. Calabreseappeared to stop developing at a base temperature of 0 °C.Thermal time accounted for 74·3 per cent of the variationin reciprocal total duration and solar radiation a further 17·7per cent. Model, weather, calabrese, broccoli, thermal time, solar radiation  相似文献   

Results are presented on the phytoplankton species compositionand abundance from bottle samples collected in September 1989near the confluence of the Brazil and Malvinas currents offArgentina. The phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by diatomsand dinoflagellates. A surface diatom bloom was found alongthe west side of the Brazil Current, and was dominated by Thalassiosiradelicatula Ostenfeld emend. Hasle (cell numbers up to 5.5 x105 cells 1–1) The bloom was associated with strong temperaturegradients separating Brazil and Malvinas waters, and with thepresence of a cyclonic eddy near the confluence of the currents.These features were detected in satellite imagery coincidentwith the in situ sampling dates.  相似文献   

An action spectrum for photoinduction of perithecial formationafter a prior 72 h dark growth period was determined in theUV region with apically growing mycelia of a sordariaceous fungus,Gelasinospora reticulispora. The spectrum exhibited a peak at280 nm. Quantum effectiveness of 280 nm irradiation was ca.1.7 times higher than that of 450 nm light. The number of peritheciainduced by UV radiation was saturated at a lower level as comparedwith blue light. UV radiation having a fluence greater thanthe saturation level decreased the number of induced perithecia.UV radiation that was given after a saturating exposure to inductiveblue light inhibited the inductive effect of blue light. Anaction spectrum for this inhibition exhibited a peak between260 and 270 nm. Monochromatic light beyond 350 nm had no inhibitoryeffect. Inhibitory effects of UV radiation given after inductiveblue light irradiation were observed in the fluence range wherephotoinductive effects of UV radiation became obvious. Therefore,the true height of the UV peak in the photoinduction actionspectrum,when free of distortion from the inhibitory effect, should behigher than the peak obtained in this study. (Received August 20, 1983; Accepted November 4, 1983)  相似文献   

Profiles of shortwave radiation, net radiation and temperaturewere measured in swards of three grasses of contrasting structureLolium perenne cv. S24, L. perenne cv. Reveille and Festucaarundinacea cv. S170. Measurements were also made of the reflectionof shortwave radiation, leaf water potential and stomatal resistance.Differences in canopy structure influenced the absorption andreflection of radiation by the varieties. The absorption ofnet radiation and its influence on air temperature inside thecanopy was shown to vary with canopy structure. Calculationsshowed that diurnal changes in the reflection and transmissionof light (400–700 nm) would have little effect on canopyphotosynthesis. No clear relationship between leaf extensionrate, temperature and leaf water potential could be established,although decreases in water potential did appear to reduce thepotential response of leaf extension rate to temperature.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to analyse the growth oflettuce, onion and red beet in terms of: (a) canopy architecture,radiation interception and absorption; (b) efficiency of conversionof absorbed radiation into biomass; and (c) dry matter partitioning.Growth analysis, total solar radiation interception, PAR interceptionand absorption by the crop canopy, ground cover, maintenancerespiration of onion bulbs and red beet storage roots were measured.Models for different leaf angle distribution and ground coverwere used to simulate light transmission by the crop canopy. The three crops are shown to have contrasting growth patternsfrom both a morphological and a physiological point of view.Lettuce showed very high light interception and growth afterthe early growth stages but, throughout the growth cycle, thisleafy crop showed the lowest radiation use efficiency due tothe respirational cost of the high leaf area. Onion showed alower early relative growth rate than lettuce and red beet.This was due partly to the low light interception per unit leafarea in the later stages of growth and partly to the low initialradiation use efficiency compared with the other two crops.On the other hand, thanks to more uniform distribution of theradiation inside the canopy, to the earlier termination of leafdevelopment and to the very low level of bulb respiration, onionshowed high radiation use efficiency and was able to producea large amount of dry matter. Red beet leaf posture and canopystructure resulted in high light interception and absorption.Its radiation use efficiency was lower than that of onion, partlyperhaps because of the more adverse distribution of the interceptedradiation fluxes within the canopy and partly because of thehigh respiration cost of a continuous dry-matter allocationto the leaves. However, this crop can accumulate a very largeamount of dry matter as leaf blade development and storage rootgrowth can both continue almost indefinitely, providing continuouslyavailable sinks. Ground cover gave a good estimate of the PAR interception onlyat low values of light interception but, in general, it underestimatedPAR interception in all three crops. Ratios between attenuationcoefficients established by considering PAR or total solar radiationand LAI or ground cover were calculated. Lettuce,Lactuca sativa L. var.crispa ; onion,Allium cepa L.; red beet; Beta vulgaris L. var.conditiva ; growth analysis; light interception and absorption; canopy architecture; ground cover; radiation use efficiency; maintenance respiration rate; dry matter distribution  相似文献   

Exclusion experiments on global UV (A and B) radiation and globalUVB were performed in 460 I mesocosms with plankton communitiesfrom the oligotrophic Andean lake Laguna Negra (33°35'S–70°04'W;2700 m a.s.l.). The experiments were run for 30 days duringthe summers of 1991–1992 and 1992–1993, and for48 days in 1993–1994. When UVB radiation was allowed toenter into the mesocosms (full sun), the population of Ankyrajudayi (Chlorophyta) reached the highest density, suggestingthat this species can endure high levels of UV radiation. Concurrently,an increase in chlorophyll a concentration was observed in thistreatment. The cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus and the rotiferLepadella ovallts were strongly inhibited by UVB. Conversely,UVB radiation had no effect on the survival of the differentlife stages of the calanoid copepod Boeckela gractlipes, suggestinga species-specific difference in the sensitivity to solar UVBradiation. Moreover, no reduction in the number of copepod eggsper female and the number of nauplii produced was observed.Apparently, herbivory does not strongly affect phytoplanktonabundance. Moreover, the phytoplankton species composition changedin the different treatments over the time. Fragilaria construensand Fragilaria crotonensis were dominant in those mesocosmswhere UVB was excluded. Populations fluc tuated depending ontheir life cycles and the period of time they were exposed toUVB radiation. It is important to define the time scale of exclusionexperiments, because different conclusions about the influenceof UVB irradiance result from short-, medium- or long-term exposures.  相似文献   

The net assimilation rate (EA), relative growth-rate (Rw), andleaf-area ratio (FA) were measured for rape (Brassica napus),sunflower (Hetianthus annuus), and maize (Zea mays) at varioustimes of year in an arid climate, using young plants grown widelyspaced on nutrient culture. Multiple regression analysis accountedfor 90–95 per cent of the variation in EA and RW in termsof two climatic variables: mean temperature and radiation receipt. EA rose linearly with radiation in all three species; increasein EA with temperature was greatest in maize and least (notsignificant) in rape. RWrose with radiation and temperature,the latter being the more important variable especially in coolweather; a temperature optimum was shown at 24° C in rape.FA rose with increase in temperature or decrease in radiation;its variation was due to change in leaf area/leaf weight ratherthan in leaf weight/plant weight. Multiple regression analyses can lead to faulty interpretationif the independent variables are correlated (as are climaticvariables in nature), but conclusions can be checked by controlled-environmentstudies in which climatic factors are not correlated. The presentconclusions are supported by such studies. The regression equations, coupled with average weather records,indicate seasonal cycles of growth parameters. EA is maximalnear midsummer and minimal near midwinter, following the radiationcycle. Maxima and minima in RW are about a month later, becauseRW is affected by the temperature cycle and this lags behindthe radiation cycle. FA is maximal in autumn and minimal inspring. EA is highest where radiation receipts near 750 cal cm–2day–1 coincide with high temperatures. This combinationoccurs only in clear midsummer weather at low latitudes, andis maintained over long periods only in arid regions. The fact that EA rose linearly with radiation suggests thatleaf water deficits arising under high radiation had littleeffect on EA and that saturating levels of light were very high.  相似文献   

The effect of high pH on the morphology and anatomy of the rootsof lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Yandee) and pea (Pisumsativum L. cv. Dundale) was examined in buffered solution. Themorphology and anatomy of lupin roots were markedly altered,and root growth was reduced by increasing solution pH from 5·2to 7·5, whereas pea roots were unaffected. In lupin roots,pH 7·5 caused disintegration of the root surface andimpaired root hair formation. Lupin roots grown at pH 7·5also had decreased cell lengths but increased cell diameterin both the epidermis and the cortex in comparison to rootsgrown at pH 5·2. High pH reduced cell volume greatlyin the epidermis, to a lesser extent in the outer cortex andnot at all in the inner cortex. It appears that in lupins, theprimary detrimental effects of growth at pH 7·5 is reducedlongitudinal growth of cells near the root surface with a consequentreduction in elongation of the cells in inner cortex.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus angustifolius L., Pisum sativum L., high pH, root morphology, root anatomy  相似文献   

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