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梅花鹿Cervus nippon是社群性哺乳动物,其声音通讯在社群中发挥十分重要的作用。梅花鹿目前存在3个亚种,本研究采集了浙江省清凉峰国家级自然保护区的野生华南亚种C.n.kopschi和浙江省温州康寿鹿业科技有限公司的圈养东北亚种C.n.hortulorum的警戒声,进行声音特征分析。结果显示:(1)华南亚种具有较为多态性的警戒声,具有单音节和双音节2种不同类型的叫声,明显清晰的频带有3~4个,频率分布在1 726~15 403 Hz,而东北亚种虽也有单音节和双音节2种不同类型的叫声,但明显清晰的频带只有1个,频率分布在307~4 523 Hz;(2)综合其他亚种的相关参数,认为清凉峰华南亚种的警戒声频率范围最广且频带最多,推测由其生存的环境或遗传因素导致;(3)东北亚种的警戒声频带数量少和频率范围较窄,推测与长期的人为养殖有一定的关系。本研究结果将对浙江清凉峰野生梅花鹿种群的保护、管理与利用提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

冬瓜及其变种节瓜原产我国南部地区,是我国传统的重要菜药兼用型蔬菜品种,现广泛分布于亚洲的热带、亚热带和温带地区。目前我国国家种质资源库中保存的冬瓜和节瓜种质资源分别只有299份和69份,且仅对几个种质特征进行了简单描述,许多重要的种质特征信息尚为空白,种质资源的遗传多样性也众说不一。建议今后我国冬瓜和节瓜种质资源研究应重点开展以下几个内容:(1)搜集与抢救散落在民间的大量冬瓜、节瓜种质资源,扩充国家种质资源库;(2)系统、完整地对冬瓜、节瓜种质资源的特征特性进行鉴定;(3)创建我国冬瓜、节瓜种质资源的分子身份证产权保护系统;(4)鉴别和区分冬瓜种质资源中的同名异物或同物异名资源,构建核心冬瓜、节瓜种质资源库。  相似文献   

杜鹃花产业的种质资源基础:现状、问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜鹃花种质资源是决定未来杜鹃花产业发展潜力的根本。作者通过探讨杜鹃花种质资源保育利用现状与存在的问题,试图为我国杜鹃花产业的健康与可持续发展提供一些新的思路。目前全球杜鹃花产业的种质资源利用率为12.0–15.0%,我国仅为8.7–12.2%,仍具有巨大的利用潜力。现今利用的杜鹃花种类以映山红亚属(Subgenus Tsutsusi)、羊踯躅亚属(Subgenus Therorhodion)等中小型半常绿或落叶类群为主。作者根据多年的观察,指出了我国的一些适合用于未来品种选育的原始种类。目前,我国杜鹃花产业主要面临的问题是对种质资源的价值认识不足、研发平台建设滞后、缺乏持续提供新品种及其配套技术的能力等。为此,作者提出了如下对策:(1)正确认识杜鹃花的资源价值,加强杜鹃花知识的传播,在种质资源型产业的构建、改造、运作等过程中充分权衡和监督种质资源基础设计的合理性与可持续性;(2)构建杜鹃花种质资源联盟,建立3–5个以杜鹃花为主体的自然保护区;(3)提升杜鹃花产业的研发与创新能力。  相似文献   

为了探索二十一世纪药用植物科学的发展与战略,总结和交流近年来药用植物研究领域的工作进展,中国植物学会药用植物及植物药专业委员会定于2004年10月23~25日在南京举行第四届全国“药用植物与植物药”学术研讨会。本次会议的主题是“药用植物学研究与中药现代化”。会议将就以下专题展开学术交流:(1)药用植物资源与可持续发展;(2)GAP与中药现代化;(3)药用植物活性成分研究;(4)中药质量控制;(5)植物药临床研究;(6)植物园与药用植物种质资源保护;(7)民族植物药。会议将邀请孙汉董院士、裴盛基研究员、周荣汉教授、万德光教授、郑汉臣教授等…  相似文献   

柑橘生物技术研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了近年来国内外柑橘生物技术的研究进展,主要涉及到以下4个方面:(1)组织培养(包括胚培养、胚珠培养、胚乳培养、花药培养和营养器官培养)与快繁、脱毒和种质资源保存;(2)原生质体培养、再生和融合及体细胞杂种在柑橘砧木及接穗品种改良中的应用;(3)分子标记技术在柑橘遗传多样性检测、基因定位、亲缘关系分析及体细胞杂种鉴定等方面的应用;(4)转基因技术。目前,现代生物技术是柑橘传统育种的有效补充,已成为柑橘遗传改良、种质资源创新和科学研究的重要技术。  相似文献   

梨是我国落叶果树的第二大树种。近几年来,在梨种质资源评价挖掘、性状遗传发育机理以及特色多样化品种培育等方面取得了诸多重要进展,主要研究结果如下:(1)中国原产的东方梨有13个种,其中基本种只有中国豆梨、台湾豆梨、川梨、砂梨和秋子梨等5个种,而白梨、麻梨和褐梨等3个种系杂种起源,不属于基本种;(2)我国优质早熟梨新品种选育研究取得了突破性进展,成就斐然,早、中、晚熟梨的比例已由1994年的7∶23∶70调整到2006年的20∶28∶52,近10年育成的早熟品种比例接近50%;(3)新疆库尔勒香梨优质、耐贮的特性遗传能力很强,是梨品质育种不可或缺的珍贵种质,而复杂的遗传背景和丰富的遗传多样性是亲本选择进行梨品质育种的关键;(4)优质耐贮极晚熟梨品种的选育与推广,是满足优质大梨市场周年供应、提振消费者消费信心、撬动我国梨产业高效发展的关键。针对目前的研究现状,今后应在如下两个研究领域下功夫,一是进一步加强优质耐贮极晚熟梨新品种的选育,构建以优质耐贮极晚熟梨新品种为主,优质早、中晚熟品种配套的品种结构,以满足市场的多样化及周年供应需求;二是利用现代分子生物学技术,从转录、翻译及修饰等多个层面进一步探讨品质性状发育机理,为梨品质育种提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

细胞自噬是一种维持细胞内稳态的重要方式,并被发现与许多人类疾病相关。由于其具有重大的理论研究价值和潜在应用前景,是近年来生命科学领域的热点之一。细胞自噬的功能与机制在物种间是高度保守的,对它的研究已在多种模式生物中展开。斑马鱼是一种常用的脊椎模式动物,具有影像学、遗传学和发育生物学等学科研究的优势,也可用于高通量药物筛选,是研究细胞自噬的理想材料。目前在斑马鱼中展开的细胞自噬相关研究取得了很多进展。本研究首先简要地描述了自噬的发生过程,重点综述应用于斑马鱼中的自噬检测方法,以及利用斑马鱼模型进行的与自噬相关人类疾病的研究。  相似文献   

中国植物引种栽培及迁地保护的现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄宏文  张征 《生物多样性》2012,20(5):559-571
本文在概要总结我国植物引种驯化和迁地保育的历史基础上,全面综述了中国植物园迁地保育植物的现状和特点、中国农作物种质资源保护现状、野生植物种子库的进展。我国植物园迁地栽培植物约396个科、3,633个属、23,340个种;我国农作物资源保存数量达到41.2万份,涉及作物种及近缘种1,890个;我国野生生物种质资源库收集植物种子5.4万份、7,271种植物。文章同时阐述了我国植物迁地保护存在的问题并对相关领域的未来发展进行了展望:(1)启动《中国迁地栽培植物志》编研计划;(2)部署迁地保护与就地保护的整合研究;(3)加强我国特有植物类群的迁地保育原理和方法研究;(4)促进基于迁地保育濒危植物的野外回归:(5)拓展重要植物资源的评价及发掘利用。  相似文献   

王玉  温福岳  陈利君  陈庭 《广西植物》2018,38(7):960-968
该文综述了指甲兰属种质资源的历史、地理分布概况和保护现状,以及该属植物在组织培养、药用价值及化学成分分析、香味成分研究与种系发生等领域的国内外研究成果,并对该属植物在未来的研究重点进行了探讨和分析。结果表明:指甲兰属植物是热带地区重要的花卉,具有极高的观赏价值和药用价值,通过有效地保护和利用好该属资源,并在多个学术领域内开展该属植物研究,不仅可以为相关研究提供技术参考和理论支持,而且能够充分挖掘其应用价值。然而,国内外在相关领域的各项研究进展还不够深入,未来指甲兰属植物应加强以下方面的研究:(1)开展资源引种与回归保育等方面的实践工作及研究;(2)利用稀缺资源和母本优势,开展组织培养与属间品种培育方面的研究;(3)充分发掘其药用价值,积极开展植物化学成分方面的研究;(4)开展指甲兰属香味成分分析与应用研究,进而开展该属传粉生物学的研究;(5)利用分子生物学领域的最新技术和方法,揭示出该属在相关类群中的地位和其界定范围。  相似文献   

不同社群条件下雄性布氏田鼠的行为   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
张建军  施大钊 《兽类学报》2006,26(2):159-163
实验室内观察了布氏田鼠雄性个体之间在3 种不同社群条件下(社群1:2 只雄鼠;社群2:2 只雄鼠与1只非动情雌鼠,社群3:2 只雄鼠与1 只动情雌鼠)的相互行为,结果显示:(1)在嗅闻行为上,不论优势雄鼠还是从属雄鼠在3 组间都存在显著差异,它们的嗅闻频次都是在社群3 中最少、在社群2中居中,在社群1中嗅闻频次最多;(2)在攻击行为频次上,不论是优势雄鼠还是从属雄鼠在3 组中都不存在显著差异;(3)在上跳频次上,优势雄鼠在各组间存在显著差异,从属雄鼠在各组间不存在显著差异; (4) 在自我修饰行为频次上,不论是优势雄鼠还是从属雄鼠,在3 组之间不存在显著差异;(5)在相互友好行为上,3 组间存在显著差异。其中社群2 中的雄性之间的友好行为频次最高,社群3 中次之,社群1 中最低。结果表明,雄性之间的攻击行为并不因为雌性的存在而增强,反而会可能减少,我们推测这可能因为雄性要花费更多的时间用于社群探究和交配,从而减少了雄性之间的斗争。  相似文献   

I Chiu Liao 《Hydrobiologia》1997,352(1-3):167-180
Stock enhancement started in Taiwan with the building and casting of artificial reefs in 1973. It was only in late 1987, however, that an integrated program on the operation and establishment of a stock enhancement system was developed. In addition to building artificial reefs and establishing resource protection zones to create fishing grounds, the current stock enhancement program in Taiwan aims at restocking broodstock and fry or seeds. So far, seven species of finfish, four species of mollusks, and six species of crustaceans have been restocked. A total of 5.8 million finfish fry, 5 million molluskan seeds, and 30 million crustacean larvae with some eel and prawn broodstocks have been released up to 1996. Although there are plans to establish sea-farming centers in Taiwan, the organization of the system has not been established completely. Furthermore, regulations on resource augmentation, protection and management of coastal fisheries and stock enhancement are absent or lacking. The success of stock enhancement depends on the pollution control that is in place in coastal areas and the fishermen‘s awareness of the importance of resource conservation and their involvement. The paper discusses the status,problems and prospects of stock enhancement in Taiwan, with some viewpoints in population genetics. It also refers to some experience in Japanese sea-farming. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Xenopus is an essential vertebrate model system for biomedical research that has contributed to important discoveries in many disciplines, including cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, developmental biology, and neurobiology. However, unlike other model systems no central repository/stock center for Xenopus had been established until recently. Similar to mouse, zebrafish, and fly communities, which have established stock centers, Xenopus researchers need to maintain and distribute rapidly growing numbers of inbred, mutant, and transgenic frog strains, along with DNA and protein resources, and individual laboratories struggle to accomplish this efficiently. In the last 5 years, two resource centers were founded to address this need: the European Xenopus Resource Center (EXRC) at the University of Portsmouth in England, and the National Xenopus Resource (NXR) at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. These two centers work together to provide resources and support to the Xenopus research community. The EXRC and NXR serve as stock centers and acquire, produce, maintain and distribute mutant, inbred and transgenic Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis lines. Independently, the EXRC is a repository for Xenopus cDNAs, fosmids, and antibodies; it also provides oocytes and wild-type frogs within the United Kingdom. The NXR will complement these services by providing research training and promoting intellectual interchange through hosting mini-courses and workshops and offering space for researchers to perform short-term projects at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Together the EXRC and NXR will enable researchers to improve productivity by providing resources and expertise to all levels, from graduate students to experienced PIs. These two centers will also enable investigators that use other animal systems to take advantage of Xenopus' unique experimental features to complement their studies.  相似文献   

In recent years, the zebrafish has become one of the most prominent vertebrate model organisms used to study the genetics underlying development, normal body function, and disease. The growing interest in zebrafish research was paralleled by an increase in tools and methods available to study zebrafish. While zebrafish research initially centered on mutagenesis screens (forward genetics), recent years saw the establishment of reverse genetic methods (morpholino knock-down, TILLING). In addition, increasingly sophisticated protocols for generating transgenic zebrafish have been developed and microarrays are now available to characterize gene expression on a near genome-wide scale. The identification of loci underlying specific traits is aided by genetic, physical, and radiation hybrid maps of the zebrafish genome and the zebrafish genome project. As genomic resources for aquacultural species are increasingly being generated, a meaningful interaction between zebrafish and aquacultural research now appears to be possible and beneficial for both sides. In particular, research on nutrition and growth, stress, and disease resistance in the zebrafish can be expected to produce results applicable to aquacultural fish, for example, by improving husbandry and formulated feeds. Forward and reverse genetics approaches in the zebrafish, together with the known conservation of synteny between the species, offer the potential to identify and verify candidate genes for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) to be used in marker-assisted breeding. Moreover, some technologies from the zebrafish field such as TILLING may be directly transferable to aquacultural research and production.  相似文献   

The zebrafish research community is celebrating! The zebrafish genome has recently been sequenced, the Zebrafish Mutation Project (launched by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute) has published the results of its first large-scale ethylnitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis screen, and a host of new techniques, such as the genome editing technologies TALEN and CRISPR-Cas, are enabling specific mutations to be created in model organisms and investigated in vivo. The zebrafish truly seems to be coming of age. These powerful resources invoke the question of whether zebrafish can be increasingly used to model human disease, particularly common, chronic diseases of metabolism such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. In recent years, there has been considerable success, mainly from genomic approaches, in identifying genetic variants that are associated with these conditions in humans; however, mechanistic insights into the role of implicated disease loci are lacking. In this Review, we highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of zebrafish to address the organism’s utility as a model system for human metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

随着我国斑马鱼研究群体的日益壮大,对各类斑马鱼研究资源和技术的需求日益增加,国家斑马鱼资源中心(China Zebrafish Resource Center, CZRC, 网址:http://zfish.cn)于2012年在中国科学院水生生物研究所成立。目前,CZRC已发展成为国内规模最大的单体斑马鱼养殖系统,建成包含1200多个斑马鱼品系和10 000余份冻存精子的斑马鱼资源保藏库,其中有超过200个突变和转基因品系是由CZRC自主创制。在此基础上,CZRC建立了安全规范的斑马鱼养殖和健康平台、高效的基因操作平台和稳定高效的精子冻存平台。CZRC致力于为国内外从事斑马鱼研究的科研人员提供各类服务,包括提供斑马鱼品系等资源服务、转基因和基因敲除等技术服务、养殖和健康等咨询服务,以及技术培训和学术会议服务等。经过5年的建设,CZRC已成为国际学术界公认的全球三大斑马鱼资源库之一。  相似文献   

斑马鱼基因工程的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴玉萍  熊茜  张广献  徐安龙 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1167-1174
对国内外斑马鱼基因工程研究进展。包括最近获得的大批转基因斑马鱼品系、靶向筛选的转基因斑马鱼、斑马鱼转基因技术的发展和斑马鱼基因工程的热点问题与应用前景进行了综述。指出我国已建立日趋成熟的斑马鱼转基因技术、细胞核移植技术和染色体组操作技术,具有斑马鱼细胞遗传学和胚胎学基础,我国有望在不久的将来获得定向整合的基因工程斑马鱼,并推动生物技术应用研究领域的进步和发展。  相似文献   

Since its first splash 30 years ago, the use of the zebrafish model has been extended from a tool for genetic dissection of early vertebrate development to the functional interrogation of organogenesis and disease processes such as infection and cancer. In particular, there is recent and growing attention in the scientific community directed at the immune systems of zebrafish. This development is based on the ability to image cell movements and organogenesis in an entire vertebrate organism, complemented by increasing recognition that zebrafish and vertebrate immunity have many aspects in common. Here, we review zebrafish immunity with a particular focus on recent studies that exploit the unique genetic and in vivo imaging advantages available for this organism. These unique advantages are driving forward our study of vertebrate immunity in general, with important consequences for the understanding of mammalian immune function and its role in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The Elephant Island region (Antarctic Peninsula) was selected as a long-term monitoring site to describe the interannual variability of important krill stock parameters. The analysis reviewed and updated krill density and proportional recruitment indices. Krill absolute recruitment and biomass from net sampling surveys are introduced as additional indices from this time series. New survey results from the past two seasons indicate a very successful 1994/1995 year-class and slightly below average proportional recruitment of the 1995/1996 krill year-class. Absolute recruitment of the 1995/1996 year-class was high compared to preceding years, because total stock size was relatively high in 1996/1997. After a period of low krill density and biomass in the area for almost a decade, krill density and biomass have increased. Caution is expressed as to whether this observed increase represents a long-term recovery of the stock. Received: 15 October 1997 / Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, the zebrafish has become an important model organism for research on retinal function and development. Many retinal diseases do not become apparent until the later stages of life. This means that it is important to be able to analyze (gene) function in the mature retina. To meet this need, we have established an organotypic culture system of mature wild-type zebrafish retinas in order to observe changes in retinal morphology. Furthermore, cell survival during culture has been monitored by determining apoptosis in the tissue. The viability and excitability of ganglion cells have been tested at various time points in vitro by patch-clamp recordings, and retinal functionality has been assessed by measuring light-triggered potentials at the ganglion cell site. Since neurogenesis is persistent in adult zebrafish retinas, we have also monitored proliferating cells during culture by tracking their bromodeoxyuridine uptake. Reverse genetic approaches for probing the function of adult zebrafish retinas are not yet available. We have therefore established a rapid and convenient protocol for delivering plasmid DNA or oligonucleotides by electroporation to the retinal tissue in vitro. The organotypic culture of adult zebrafish retinas presented here provides a reproducible and convenient method for investigating the function of drugs and genes in the retina under well-defined conditions in vitro.  相似文献   

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