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Engel  Andrew G.  Ohno  Kinji  Sine  Steven M. 《Brain Cell Biology》2003,32(5-8):1017-1037
The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has served as a prototype for understanding mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission over the past 50 years. More recently, analysis of congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) revealed a diverse array of molecular targets and delineated their contributions to synaptic function. Clinical, electrophysiologic and morphologic studies have paved the way for detecting CMS-related mutations in proteins such as choline acetyltransferase acetylcholinesterase, the acetylcholine receptor, rapsyn, and the voltage-gated sodium channel of the Nav1.4 type. Further studies of the mutant proteins have allowed us to correlate the effects of the mutations with predicted alterations in protein structure. In this review, we focus on the symptomatology of the CMS, consider the factors that impair neuromuscular transmission, survey the mutations that have been uncovered in the different synaptic proteins, and consider the functional implications of the identified mutations.  相似文献   

Human and mouse natural mutants presenting with lymphoproliferative syndrome and autoimmunity (ALPS) have enlightened the role of the Fas and FasL in lymphocyte cell death and peripheral tolerance. Further study of the genetic basis of the human pathology led to the identification of apoptosis signaling defect, and pointed out to the crucial role of caspase-10 in the process of apoptosis induction. In contrast, the absence of lymproliferation in engineered mutants of 'death pathways' suggests that additional events are necessary to recapitulate the overt phenotype of ALPS patients or MRL/lpr mice. Moreover, these models highlight the roles of Fas and associated molecules, such as FADD and caspase-8, in lymphocyte development or activation. This review will discuss the main findings provided by the study of mouse models and human conditions.  相似文献   

Summary: Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are diseases of the neuromuscular junction. They usually belong to the disease groups that begin in the infantile or childhood period and carry genetic characteristics. The following is important in establishing the diagnosis of this disease: clinical findings, electromyography, genetic tests, determination of serum acetylcholine receptor antibodies. Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor drugs are used in treatment of CMS. A seven-month old male patient was brought to our department with the complaints of difficult breathing, falling of the eyelids and swallowing difficulty. With clinical and laboratory findings, he was diagnosed with congenital myasthenia and treatment was started. CMS should be suspected in patients with no pathological findings on the physical examination, and normal chest X-rays.  相似文献   

Congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS) encompasses a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders affecting nerve transmission across the neuromuscular junction. The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical, physiological, pathohistological and genetic features of nine unrelated Chinese patients with CMS from a single neuromuscular centre. A total of nine patients aged from neonates to 34 years were enrolled who exhibited initial symptoms. Physical examinations revealed that all patients exhibited muscle weakness. Muscle biopsies demonstrated multiple myopathological changes, including increased fibre size variation, myofibrillar network disarray, necrosis, myofiber grouping, regeneration, fibre atrophy and angular fibres. Genetic testing revealed six different mutated genes, including AGRN (2/9), CHRNE (1/9), GFPT1 (1/9), GMPPB (1/9), PLEC (3/9) and SCN4A (1/9). In addition, patients exhibited differential responses to pharmacological treatment. Prompt utilization of genetic testing will identify novel variants and expand our understanding of the phenotype of this rare syndrome. Our findings contribute to the clinical, pathohistological and genetic spectrum of congenital myasthenic syndrome in China.  相似文献   

The past decade saw remarkable advances in defining the molecular and genetic basis of the congenital myasthenic syndromes. These advances would not have been possible without antecedent clinical observations, electrophysiologic analysis, and careful morphologic studies that pointed to candidate genes or proteins. For example, a kinetic abnormality of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) detected at the single channel level pointed to a kinetic mutation in an AChR subunit; endplate AChR deficiency suggested mutations residing in an AChR subunit or in rapsyn; absence of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from the endplate predicted mutations in the catalytic or collagen-tailed subunit of this enzyme; and a history of abrupt episodes of apnea associated with a stimulation dependent decrease of endplate potentials and currents implicated proteins concerned with ACh resynthesis or vesicular filling. Discovery of mutations in endplate-specific proteins also prompted expression studies that afforded proof of pathogenicity, provided clues for rational therapy, lead to precise structure function correlations, and highlighted functionally significant residues or molecular domains that previous systematic mutagenesis studies had failed to detect. An overview of the spectrum of the congenital myasthenic syndromes suggests that most are caused by mutations in AChR subunits, and particularly in the ɛ subunit. Future studies will likely uncover new types of CMS that reside in molecules governing quantal release, organization of the synaptic basal lamina, and expression and aggregation of AChR on the postsynaptic junctional folds.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular junction is the target of a variety of autoimmune, neurotoxic and genetic disorders, most of which result in muscle weakness. Most of the diseases, and many neurotoxins, target the ion channels that are essential for neuromuscular transmission. Myasthenia gravis is an acquired autoimmune disease caused in the majority of patients by antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor, a ligand-gated ion channel. The antibodies lead to loss of acetylcholine receptor, reduced efficiency of neuromuscular transmission and muscle weakness and fatigue. Placental transfer of these antibodies in women with myasthenia can cause fetal or neonatal weakness and occasionally severe deformities. Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome and acquired neuromyotonia are caused by antibodies to voltage-gated calcium or potassium channels, respectively. In the rare acquired neuromyotonia, reduced repolarization of the nerve terminal leads to spontaneous and repetitive muscle activity. In each of these disorders, the antibodies are detected by immunoprecipitation of the relevant ion channel labelled with radioactive neurotoxins. Genetic disorders of neuromuscular transmission are due mainly to mutations in the genes for the acetylcholine receptor. These conditions show recessive or dominant inheritance and result in either loss of receptors or altered kinetics of acetylcholine receptor channel properties. Study of these conditions has greatly increased our understanding of synaptic function and of disease aetiology.  相似文献   

Effects of pyrocatechol on neuromuscular transmission were studied both in the frog pectoral-cutaneous muscle and in the mouse phrenic-diaphragmatic preparation by means of extracellular microelectrode recording of synaptic signals. Pyrocatechol applied in a concentration of 0.05 mM increased the frequency of miniature end-plate currents (MEPC) and the amplitude of end-plate current (EPC) by increasing its quantum content. Pyrocatechol also increased the duration of presynaptic response. When voltage-dependent potassium channels had been blocked, pyrocatechol affected neither the EPC quantum content nor the duration of presynaptic response. It is suggested that the pyrocatechol-induced enhancement of transmitter release results from modulatory effects of pyrocatechol on voltage-dependent potassium current in the membrane of a nerve terminal.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 405–408, November–December, 1993.  相似文献   

Action of nicotinamide on neuromuscular transmission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Stress-induced thermoprotection of neuromuscular transmission   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Environmental stresses such as high temperature or low levelsof oxygen can lead to structural destabilization of cells, disruptionof cellular processes, and, in extreme cases, death. Previousexperience of sub-lethal stress can lead to protection duringa subsequent stress that may otherwise have been lethal. Synapsesare particularly vulnerable to extreme environmental conditionsand failure of function at this level may be the primary causeof organismal death. Prior heat shock induces enhanced thermotoleranceat neuromuscular junctions in the locust extensor tibiae muscleand in abdominal muscles of larval Drosophila. Synaptic thermoprotectionis associated with an increase in short-term plasticity at thesesynapses. Prior anoxic coma in locusts induces synaptic thermotolerancesuggesting that the same protective pathways are activated.It is well established that diverse forms of stress induce theupregulation of cellular chaperones (heat shock proteins; HSPs)that mediate acquired protection. The mechanisms underlyingHSP-mediated synaptic protection are currently unknown but evidenceis accumulating that stabilization of the cytoskeleton may playan important role.  相似文献   

The association of specific congenital syndromes with leukemia provides an opportunity to study the process of leukemogenesis on the background of known genetic alterations. The role of the intracellular DNA damage response system in suppressing leukemia is demonstrated by the congenital disorders of genomic instability. Specific collaborations between survival and differentiation pathways characterize the leukemias observed in Down, Noonan and neurofibromatosis syndromes. As these syndromes clearly reveal, childhood leukemia arises when the delicate balance between growth, development and differentiation of the fetal and early post-natal hematopoietic system is disrupted.  相似文献   

6-Amino-2-methyl-2-heptanol chlorhydrate, heptaminol chlorhydrate, blocks the response to indirect stimulation of the mouse diaphragm in vitro. This effect is due to a dose-dependent pre- and post-synaptic block of neuromuscular transmission starting at 1 mM heptaminol (HEPT). The complete block of neuromuscular transmission occurs at 10 mM. At 2 mM, the decrease in quantal size is more significant in the presence of d-tubocurarine than when the extracellular calcium is lowered. At this concentration, heptaminol also prolongs the depolarization time of the motor end plate potential. Slightly higher concentrations of heptaminol produce a decrease in quantal content. This latter effect is associated with an increase in synaptic delay.  相似文献   

Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are rare genetic diseases affecting the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and are characterized by a dysfunction of the neurotransmission. They are heterogeneous at their pathophysiological level and can be classified in three categories according to their presynaptic, synaptic and postsynaptic origins. We report here the first case of a human neuromuscular transmission dysfunction due to mutations in the gene encoding a postsynaptic molecule, the muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK). Gene analysis identified two heteroallelic mutations, a frameshift mutation (c.220insC) and a missense mutation (V790M). The muscle biopsy showed dramatic pre- and postsynaptic structural abnormalities of the neuromuscular junction and severe decrease in acetylcholine receptor (AChR) epsilon-subunit and MuSK expression. In vitro and in vivo expression experiments were performed using mutant MuSK reproducing the human mutations. The frameshift mutation led to the absence of MuSK expression. The missense mutation did not affect MuSK catalytic kinase activity but diminished expression and stability of MuSK leading to decreased agrin-dependent AChR aggregation, a critical step in the formation of the neuromuscular junction. In electroporated mouse muscle, overexpression of the missense mutation induced, within a week, a phenotype similar to the patient muscle biopsy: a severe decrease in synaptic AChR and an aberrant axonal outgrowth. These results strongly suggest that the missense mutation, in the presence of a null mutation on the other allele, is responsible for the dramatic synaptic changes observed in the patient.  相似文献   

神经营养因子对神经肌肉接头传递的调制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运动单位由运动神经元及其支配的肌纤维组成。神经肌肉接头(neuromuscular junction,NMJ)传递受到严密的调节,因而能和运动单位的活动协调一致。在NMJ,神经调制物质的释放与运动单位的活动有关,并能决定突触传递的效能。脑源性神经营养因子(brain—derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)和神经营养因子4(neurotrophin-4,NT-4)由运动神经末梢和肌纤维产生。肌肉释放营养因子受肌肉活动调节。在NMJ,BDNF和NT-4通过激活酪氨酸激酶B受体(tyrosine kinase receptor B,TrkB),能加强自发性和诱导性的突触活动。突触前Ca^2 量的迅速增加或突触胞吐过程的易化,都能增加突触囊泡的释放,从而改善NMJ的突触传递。事实上,BDNF能促进突触前细胞内Ca^2 的释放,TrkB的激活也能通过有丝分裂活化蛋白激酶,引起突触素I(synapsinI)的磷酸化,进而增加可释放的突触囊泡的数量。在NMJ,神经营养因子还能通过影响神经调节素(neuregulin)或其他神经源性调制物质的局部释放,对接头传递进行调节。本文对近年来在NMJ突触传递的调节,运动单位的NMJ特性以及神经营养因子对突触传递效能的影响等方面的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the analysis of evidence pointing to presence of glutamatergic modulation of vertebrate neuromuscular transmission. The data on the glutamate's origin and release in the endplate region as well as on the presence of specific glutamate receptors are discussed. The effects of glutamate on different types of acetylcholine secretion in the synapses of amphibians and mammals are described. The question of possible physiological role of glutamatergic modulation of neuromuscular transmission is discussed.  相似文献   

I V Lur'e  D L Nikolaev 《Genetika》1983,19(1):165-170
The requirements for selection of congenital malformations in the system of genetic monitoring as models have been studied. Model malformations have been shown to be easily and reliably diagnosed even in infancy. Their rate should be not less than 1:5000 births. The precise knowledge of the genetics of model forms is needed as well. Down's syndrome registration is the most convenient method for evaluation of mutations in a genome. We recommend registration in total all multiple congenital malformations (without Down's syndrome) for estimation of dominant mutability dynamics, as it was shown that more than 11% of all multiple malformations are caused by sporadic dominant mutations.  相似文献   

The action of thiamine on neuromuscular transmission in the frog sartorius muscle was investigated. It was found that thiamine at a concentration of 1×10–14 to 1×10–4 M increases transmitter secretion at the nerve endings. This is demonstrated by the increased frequency, amplitude, and quantal content of miniature endplate potentials, and is due to the enhanced likelihood of transmitter release. The role of thiamine in regulating synaptic transmission and the mechanism of its interaction with thiamine-sensitive receptors are examined.A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 794–800, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

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