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Antibodies derived from non-human sources must be modified for therapeutic use so as to mitigate undesirable immune responses. While complementarity-determining region (CDR) grafting-based humanization techniques have been successfully applied in many cases, it remains challenging to maintain the desired stability and antigen binding affinity upon grafting. We developed an alternative humanization approach called CoDAH (“Computationally-Driven Antibody Humanization”) in which computational protein design methods directly select sets of amino acids to incorporate from human germline sequences to increase humanness while maintaining structural stability. Retrospective studies show that CoDAH is able to identify variants deemed beneficial according to both humanness and structural stability criteria, even for targets lacking crystal structures. Prospective application to TZ47, a murine anti-human B7H6 antibody, demonstrates the approach. Four diverse humanized variants were designed, and all possible unique VH/VL combinations were produced as full-length IgG1 antibodies. Soluble and cell surface expressed antigen binding assays showed that 75% (6 of 8) of the computationally designed VH/VL variants were successfully expressed and competed with the murine TZ47 for binding to B7H6 antigen. Furthermore, 4 of the 6 bound with an estimated KD within an order of magnitude of the original TZ47 antibody. In contrast, a traditional CDR-grafted variant could not be expressed. These results suggest that the computational protein design approach described here can be used to efficiently generate functional humanized antibodies and provide humanized templates for further affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Antibodies derived from non-human sources must be modified for therapeutic use so as to mitigate undesirable immune responses. While complementarity-determining region (CDR) grafting-based humanization techniques have been successfully applied in many cases, it remains challenging to maintain the desired stability and antigen binding affinity upon grafting. We developed an alternative humanization approach called CoDAH (“Computationally-Driven Antibody Humanization”) in which computational protein design methods directly select sets of amino acids to incorporate from human germline sequences to increase humanness while maintaining structural stability. Retrospective studies show that CoDAH is able to identify variants deemed beneficial according to both humanness and structural stability criteria, even for targets lacking crystal structures. Prospective application to TZ47, a murine anti-human B7H6 antibody, demonstrates the approach. Four diverse humanized variants were designed, and all possible unique VH/VL combinations were produced as full-length IgG1 antibodies. Soluble and cell surface expressed antigen binding assays showed that 75% (6 of 8) of the computationally designed VH/VL variants were successfully expressed and competed with the murine TZ47 for binding to B7H6 antigen. Furthermore, 4 of the 6 bound with an estimated KD within an order of magnitude of the original TZ47 antibody. In contrast, a traditional CDR-grafted variant could not be expressed. These results suggest that the computational protein design approach described here can be used to efficiently generate functional humanized antibodies and provide humanized templates for further affinity maturation.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies represent the fastest growing class of biotherapeutic proteins. However, as they are often initially derived from rodent organisms, there is a severe risk of immunogenic reactions, hampering their applicability. The humanization of these antibodies remains a challenging task in the context of rational drug design. “Superhumanization” describes the direct transfer of the complementarity determining regions to a human germline framework, but this humanization approach often results in loss of binding affinity. In this study, we present a new approach for predicting promising backmutation sites using molecular dynamics simulations of the model antibody Ab2/3H6. The simulation method was developed in close conjunction with novel specificity experiments. Binding properties of mAb variants were evaluated directly from crude supernatants and confirmed using established binding affinity assays for purified antibodies. Our approach provides access to the dynamical features of the actual binding sites of an antibody, based solely on the antibody sequence. Thus we do not need structural data on the antibody–antigen complex and circumvent cumbersome methods to assess binding affinities. © 2016 The Authors Journal of Molecular Recognition Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering by genome shuffling   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

An upsurge in the bioeconomy drives the need for engineering microorganisms with increasingly complex phenotypes. Gains in productivity of industrial microbes depend on the development of improved strains. Classical strain improvement programmes for the generation, screening and isolation of such mutant strains have existed for several decades. An alternative to traditional strain improvement methods, genome shuffling, allows the directed evolution of whole organisms via recursive recombination at the genome level. This review deals chiefly with the technical aspects of genome shuffling. It first presents the diversity of organisms and phenotypes typically evolved using this technology and then reviews available sources of genetic diversity and recombination methodologies. Analysis of the literature reveals that genome shuffling has so far been restricted to microorganisms, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, with an overepresentation of antibiotics- and biofuel-producing microbes. Mutagenesis is the main source of genetic diversity, with few studies adopting alternative strategies. Recombination is usually done by protoplast fusion or sexual recombination, again with few exceptions. For both diversity and recombination, prospective methods that have not yet been used are also presented. Finally, the potential of genome shuffling for gaining insight into the genetic basis of complex phenotypes is also discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies are an important class of biotherapeutics that offer specificity to their antigen, long half-life, effector function interaction and good manufacturability. The immunogenicity of non-human-derived antibodies, which can be a major limitation to development, has been partially overcome by humanization through complementarity-determining region (CDR) grafting onto human acceptor frameworks. The retention of foreign content in the CDR regions, however, is still a potential immunogenic liability. Here, we describe the humanization of an anti-myostatin antibody utilizing a 2-step process of traditional CDR-grafting onto a human acceptor framework, followed by a structure-guided approach to further reduce the murine content of CDR-grafted antibodies. To accomplish this, we solved the co-crystal structures of myostatin with the chimeric (Protein Databank (PDB) id 5F3B) and CDR-grafted anti-myostatin antibody (PDB id 5F3H), allowing us to computationally predict the structurally important CDR residues as well as those making significant contacts with the antigen. Structure-based rational design enabled further germlining of the CDR-grafted antibody, reducing the murine content of the antibody without affecting antigen binding. The overall “humanness” was increased for both the light and heavy chain variable regions.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of proteins by exon shuffling   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Evolution of eukaryotes is mediated by sexual recombination of parental genomes. Crossovers occur in random, but homologous, positions at a frequency that depends on DNA length. As exons occupy only 1% of the human genome and introns about 24%, by far most of the crossovers occur between exons, rather than inside. The natural process of creating new combinations of exons by intronic recombination is called exon shuffling. Our group is developing in vitro formats for exon shuffling and applying these to the directed evolution of proteins. Based on the splice frame junctions, nine classes of exons and three classes of introns can be distinguished. Splice frame diagrams of natural genes show how the splice frame rules govern exon shuffling. Here, we review various approaches to constructing libraries of exon-shuffled genes. For example, exon shuffling of human pharmaceutical proteins can generate libraries in which all of the sequences are fully human, without the point mutations that raise concerns about immunogenicity.  相似文献   

DNA改组技术在水蛭素实验进化中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋白质的改造是生物工程的重大研究课题.由于结构和功能预测的不精确性,而使按照三维结构信息进行定位诱变往往达不到预期的目的.近年来,另一条改造蛋白质的途径有较大的发展,即在实验室条件下模拟生物分子的自然进化,通过变异和靶功能的选择来获得改进性能的蛋白质[1],此过程称为生物分子实验定向进化.DNA改组(DNAshuffling)是一种改造基因和蛋白质的有效实验进化技术[2].它是在体外进行基因随机片段的重组,从而增加基因的多样性,促使有利变异与不利变异分离,通过选择使有利变异得到优化组合[3].DNA改组包含3个步骤:基因的随机片段化,自身引发PCR和重组合PCR.经过DNA改组的突变体库有可能选择到性能更优的突变体.为进行亲和淘选,需将突变体展示在噬菌体的表面[4].  相似文献   

In vitro evolution is a new, important laboratory method to evolve molecules with desired properties. It has been used in a variety of biological studies and drug development. In this paper, we study one important mutagenesis method used in in vitro evolution experiments called DNA shuffling. We construct a mathematical model for DNA shuffling and study the properties of molecules after DNA shuffling experiments based on this model. The model for DNA shuffling consists of two parts. First we apply the Lander-Waterman model for physical mapping by fingerprinting random clones to model the distribution of regions that can be reassembled through DNA shuffling. Then we present a model for recombination between different DNA species with different mutations. We compare our theoretical results with experimental data. Finally we propose novel applications of the theoretical results to the optimal design of DNA shuffling experiments and to physical mapping using DNA shuffling.  相似文献   

Insertion and deletion analyses of a protein have been less common than point mutation analyses, partly due to the lack in effective methods. This is the case with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), which is so widely applied in molecular biology and other fields. In this paper we first introduce a systematic approach for generating insertion/deletion mutants of GFP. A new technology of Y-ligation-based block shuffling (YLBS) was successfully applied to produce size-altered GFPs, providing insertion-containing GFPs of fluorescence, though no deletion type of fluorescence was obtained so far as examined. The analysis of these proteins suggested that size alteration (deletion/insertion) is acceptable so far as some type of rearrangement in a local structure can accommodate it. This paper demonstrates that YLBS can generate insertion and deletion mutant libraries systematically, which are beneficial in the study of structure-function relationship.  相似文献   

用基因组重排技术选育赖氨酸高产菌株   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
赵凯  段巍  孙立新  周东坡 《微生物学报》2009,49(8):1075-1080
摘要:【目的】以北京棒杆菌(Corynebacterium pekinense)1为研究对象,选育赖氨酸高产菌株,并探索赖氨酸产生菌基因组重排育种的基本规律。【方法】利用基因组重排技术选育赖氨酸高产菌株。【结果】通过四轮基因组重排成功选育出了5株遗传稳定的高产赖氨酸菌株,其中1株重排菌株赖氨酸产量达到16.95 g/dL,比原始菌株Corynebacterium pekinense 1赖氨酸产量提高了37.14%,比亲本菌株赖氨酸产量提高了17.46%~31.19%。【结论】首次采用基因组重排技术改良赖氨酸产生菌,成功选育出了5株产量较稳定的高产赖氨酸菌株,具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

Anticipatory evolution and DNA shuffling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacher JM  Reiss BD  Ellington AD 《Genome biology》2002,3(8):reviews1021.1-reviews10214
DNA shuffling has proven to be a powerful technique for the directed evolution of proteins. A mix of theoretical and applied research has now provided insights into how recombination can be guided to more efficiently generate proteins and even organisms with altered functions.  相似文献   

The comparison of entire genomes in evolutionary studies gives rise to alignments characterized by many intersections, or inversions in the order of two fragments in different genomes. To model this, we suggest a random migration process for fragments, and discuss its equilibrium distribution in the case of linear and circular genomes. Simulations are carried out to explore “cut-off” behavior as the process approaches equilibrium. We define a new process to take into account the indistinguishability of two fragments which are adjacent in both genomes being compared. Questions of applicability of these models are discussed.  相似文献   

透明颤菌血红蛋白的DNA改组研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高透明颤菌血红蛋白在限氧条件下促进宿主细胞生长的能力,首先通过易错PCR向透明颤菌血红蛋白基因中引入突变,再结合DNA改组对其进行改造。将改组基因置于透明颤菌血红蛋白天然启动子下游,转化大肠杆菌DH5α,构建改组文库。以限氧培养条件下菌体沉淀的颜色为指标进行试管初筛,再以限氧和极端限氧条件下菌体湿重为指标进行摇瓶复筛,最终得到一个高活性突变蛋白VHb'042506。该蛋白使宿主的菌体湿重在限氧和极端限氧条件下较原基因转化子分别提高了31.25%和58.75%。经测序和比对,该基因与原基因相比发生了11处碱基点突变,致氨基酸4处错义突变。CO差光谱实验显示该蛋白具有更强的特征吸收。  相似文献   

Exon shuffling has been characterized as one of the major evolutionary forces shaping both the genome and the proteome of eukaryotes. This mechanism was particularly important in the creation of multidomain proteins during animal evolution, bringing a number of functional genetic novelties. Here, genome information from a variety of eukaryotic species was used to address several issues related to the evolutionary history of exon shuffling. By comparing all protein sequences within each species, we were able to characterize exon shuffling signatures throughout metazoans. Intron phase (the position of the intron regarding the codon) and exon symmetry (the pattern of flanking introns for a given exon or block of adjacent exons) were features used to evaluate exon shuffling. We confirmed previous observations that exon shuffling mediated by phase 1 introns (1-1 exon shuffling) is the predominant kind in multicellular animals. Evidence is provided that such pattern was achieved since the early steps of animal evolution, supported by a detectable presence of 1-1 shuffling units in Trichoplax adhaerens and a considerable prevalence of them in Nematostella vectensis. In contrast, Monosiga brevicollis, one of the closest relatives of metazoans, and Arabidopsis thaliana, showed no evidence of 1-1 exon or domain shuffling above what it would be expected by chance. Instead, exon shuffling events are less abundant and predominantly mediated by phase 0 introns (0-0 exon shuffling) in those non-metazoan species. Moreover, an intermediate pattern of 1-1 and 0-0 exon shuffling was observed for the placozoan T. adhaerens, a primitive animal. Finally, characterization of flanking intron phases around domain borders allowed us to identify a common set of symmetric 1-1 domains that have been shuffled throughout the metazoan lineage.  相似文献   

通过DNA shuffling技术对PRRSV ORF5基因进行改组,研究其对异源毒株交叉中和能力。将获得的嵌合基因△2ORF5与载体pET-32a连接,转化到大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21中,经诱导表达获得约42 kDa重组蛋白。将纯化的重组△2ORF5蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,制备多克隆抗体,Western blotting试验表明其与4株亲本毒株重组ORF5蛋白具有良好的反应性。病毒感染抑制试验结果表明,多克隆抗体对4株亲本毒株具有较高的抑制率(53%)。研究结果为研制新型PRRSV疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Screening and breeding of high taxol producing fungi by genome shuffling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To apply the fundamental principles of genome shuffling in breeding of taxol-producing fungi, Nodulisporium sylviform was used as starting strain in this work. The procedures of protoplast fusion and genome shuffling were studied. Three hereditarily stable strains with high taxol production were obtained by four cycles of genome shuffling. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of taxol produced was confirmed using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and LC-MS. A high taxol producing fungus, Nodulisporium sylviform F4-26, was obtained, which produced 516.37 μg/L taxol. This value is 64.41% higher than that of the starting strain NCEU-1 and 31.52%―44.72% higher than that of the parent strains.  相似文献   

SDR grafting--a new approach to antibody humanization   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A major impediment to the clinical utility of the murine monoclonal antibodies is their potential to elicit human anti-murine antibody (HAMA) response in patients. To circumvent this problem, murine antibodies have been genetically manipulated to progressively replace their murine content with the amino acid residues present in their human counterparts. To that end, murine antibodies have been humanized by grafting their complementarity determining regions (CDRs) onto the variable light (V(L)) and variable heavy (V(H)) frameworks of human immunoglobulin molecules, while retaining those murine framework residues deemed essential for the integrity of the antigen-combining site. However, the xenogeneic CDRs of the humanized antibodies may evoke anti-idiotypic (anti-Id) response in patients. To minimize the anti-Id response, a procedure to humanize xenogeneic antibodies has been described that is based on grafting, onto the human frameworks, only the specificity determining residues (SDRs), the CDR residues that are most crucial in the antibody-ligand interaction. The SDRs are identified through the help of the database of the three-dimensional structures of the antigen-antibody complexes of known structures or by mutational analysis of the antibody-combining site. An alternative approach to humanization, which involves retention of more CDR residues, is based on grafting of the 'abbreviated' CDRs, the stretches of CDR residues that include all the SDRs. A procedure to assess the reactivity of the humanized antibody to sera from patients who had been administered the murine antibody has also been described.  相似文献   

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