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The functional response of Pseudogonatopus flavifemur E & H (Hym., Dryinidae) was investigated by offering hosts (brown planthopper) at densities ranging from 8 to 160 per cage. The response curve was found to be sigmoid, i. e.Holling 's (1959) Type III curve. In experiments involving 310 hosts per cage distributed unevenly in 5 densities (10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 per hill), and a different female parasite density each time (viz. 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 per cage), the behavioral response was described well by the “random predator equation” ofRoyama (1971) andRoger (1972), which is a convex exponential curve. The area of discovery (a) decreased with an increase in female parasite density (P), and the relationship was described by the equation: log a=−1.0099−0.3638 log P. There was an apparent increase in handling time per host as the number of female parasites increased. Superparasitism, a rare phenomenon under natural conditions, was often observed in the laboratory. The potential of P. flavifemur as a biocontrol agent of the brown planthopper is discussed.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were carried out with the endophagous egg parasite Telenomus fariai on its host Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis to determine the possible role of intraspecific competition by the parasite progeny in population regulation of the parasite. Eight parasite densities (1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 individuals per vial) were used, and the design of sequentially sacrificed replicates applied. Survivorship curves for each density indicated smaller number of progeny per host at higher densities, and the shapes of the curves suggested a relatively early mortality process.Morris' linear regression technique for determining within-generation density-dependence was used, and the results showed that only larval mortality could be identified as density dependent. The same technique applied within the larval stage proved that only mortality of larvae in their second, third, and fourth day of development were responsible for population regulation. The applicability of the technique, as well as the relevance of the results for natural population, is discussed.  相似文献   

When a fixed number of the hosts, the eggs of the almond moth were exposed experimentally to various numbers of the parasites, Trichogramma japonicum, the following changes were observed with increasing parasite density:
  1. The percentage of parasitism rises and approaches to 100 with gradually diminishing rate.
  2. The number of parasite progeny increases and reaches a maximum, then decreases gradually.
  3. The number of eggs laid per parasite female decreases gradually.
  4. The proportion of hyperparasitized hosts progressively rises. The frequency distribution of parasite eggs in a host is of an intermediate type between random and uniform.
  5. The competition among parasite larvae becomes severe. The progressive rise in mortality, the declining percentage of females in progeny and the emergence of stunted adults at the higher densities are observed.
In connection with both the nature of the parasitizing behaviour of adult and that of the competition among larvae, the nature of the density effect on the parasite population was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ovipositional response inVenturia canescens (Grav.) parasitizingAnagasta kühniella (Zeller) is analyzed for all combinations of five parasite densities (2, 5, 10, 25, and 50), four host densities (25, 50, 100, and 200), and three floor area universe sizes (76 cm2, 160 cm2, and 345 cm2). Over this range, no mutual interference (as measured by decreasing parasite fecundity) was observed, althoughNicholson’s area of discovery decreased significantly with parasite density increase as a result of a non-Poisson distribution of parasite eggs; use of this parameter is therefore not a suitable means of determining if mutual interference is present. Other parameters studied, and for which significant correlations were obtained, include mean parasite eggs per host, percentage parasitization, percentage of parasite eggs wasted, and negative binomialk approximations. This study was conducted as part of a broad investigation into the processes operating in the dynamics of arthropod populations under a grant toC. B. Huffaker by the U.S. Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

The relative influence of the southern fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni McCook, Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), and native gray ant, Formica aerata (Francoeur), on parasitism of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii Maskell, was studied in the laboratory for two parasitoids, Comperiella bifasciata Howard and Aphytis melinus DeBach. All three ant species reduced percentage parasitism by C. bifasciata and both percentage parasitism and host mutilation by A. melinus. Southern fire ant was the least disruptive and native gray ant the most disruptive. Southern fire ant removed 12% of scale from the lemons, presumably to feed on them, while the other ant species did not exhibit significant removal of scale compared to the controls. Percentage parasitism of California red scale exhibited by C. bifasciata was more than 2-fold the level exhibited by A. melinus. Percentage mutilation of California red scale, including probing and host feeding, was nearly 5-fold higher for A. melinus than C. bifasciata. Because A. melinus required a longer total host examination + oviposition period in the absence of ants than C. bifasciata and because oviposition occurs as the last act in a sequence of behaviors, disruption by the ants had a more significant negative effect on oviposition by A. melinus.  相似文献   

A simple simulation model was developed to simulate the population dynamics of the system of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorumWestwood ) and the parasitoid Encarsia formosaGahan . On the assumption that temperature is constant, the whitefly population was described as theLeslie Matrix model. Parasitization and host feeding by the parasitoid population were modelled by means of a modified disc equation. The validity of the model was demonstrated by comparing the predictions of the model with the observed values obtained in greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. California red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) and oleander scale Aspidiotus nerii Bouché (Homoptera: Diaspididae) are not completely suitable for the development of the encyrtid endoparasite Habrolepis rouxi Compere.
2. Mortality of parasite immatures in California red scale is caused mainly by egg encapsulation. Although oleander scale is unable to encapsulate H. rouxi , it is nutritionally unfavourable for the parasite's development.
3. Some immunity to the parasite is conferred to the oleander scale by the particular host plant used.
4. The parasite's rate of development is not influenced by the host species studied.
5. The mortality of parasite immatures in California red scale is lower than in oleander scale. The former host also is more acceptable and preferred by the parasite for ovipositon. These characteristics of the California red scale render it more suitable than oleander scale as host for H. rouxi.
6. Studies on the encapsulation of H. rouxi eggs by the California red scale indicate that (i) encapsulation does not prevent third instar host larvae from maturing and producing progeny; (ii) neither rearing temperature nor host age affect encapsulation frequency.  相似文献   

  1. Analysis of life tables of the oriental moth, Monema flavescens, obtained for 8 generations over 4 years, disclosed that the cocoon parasitoid, Praestochrysis shanghaiensis, acted as a density-disruptive factor.
  2. The density of the host cocoon remained stable (max./min.=3.2), whereas that of the host adult varied (max./min.=14.3) although both showed similar fluctation patterns.
  3. Stability of the host population was associated with the density-dependence in the ratio of first generation cocoons to overwintered generation moths, which was the key factor for the rate of change throughout the year. Chrysidid parasitism among the first generation cocoons ranged from 37.7 to 70.1%, and that among the second generation cocoons from 16.7 to 63.2%, each showing an inverse density-dependence and acting as the main determinant (key-factor) of the between-year variation in the density of the adult moths.
  4. The density-dependence of the rate of change from overwintered generation adults to first generation cocoons was so strong that the parasitism on the second generation hosts had not effect on the cocoon density of the first generation. On the other hand, the density-dependence of the rate of change from first generation adults to second generation cocoons was weak, and the parasitism on the first generation hosts became the key factor for the between-year variation of the second generation cocoons.
  5. It is suggested that the stability of the parasitoid-host system will be disrupted without three parasitism-restricting factors: asynchrony in the parasitoid attack on the second generation hosts, high mortality among parasitoid larvae of the second generation, and the high proportion of those first generation parasitoids that enter diapause. These factors are considered to be effective only in cooler parts of the distribution of the parasitoid.

We studied the stopping rule obeyed by the female parasitoid, Chrysocharis pentheus, in deciding when to leave the leaflet on which she is searching for larvae of Phytomyza ranunculi. She seemed not to employ some stopping rules that have been suggested; i.e., a fixed-number rule and a fixed-time rule and others. The stopping model formulated for Dapsilarthra rufiventris parasitic on the same host species fitted well to the results. The model assumes that the searching female will deposit a marking pheromone on the leaflet at a rate proportional to the search speed and will leave the leaflet when the amount of the pheromone that has accumulated on the leaflet reaches the threshold, L. In this model, L denotes the amount of search effort spent on the leaflet. A comparison of the observed results with the predictions from the model suggested that L increased markedly at the first encounter with the mine (host), but less at later encounters. C. pentheus appears to employ a mixed strategy of a fixed search-effort and an area-concentrated search. This would confer an adaptive advantage in foraging for P. ranunculi larvae, which are distributed in clumps among leaflets in the field.  相似文献   

Summary A parasitoid assemblage consisting of four hymenopteran species caused larval and pupal mortality of the host Gnorimoschema gallaeosolidaginis. In the absence of discrete host patches, the relationship between densities of hosts and parasitized hosts was examined on scales of 0.25, 1, 4, 16 and 25 m2 within a 400 m2 plot and between ten 16 m2 plots within a 1·3 km2 area. Within the 400 m2 plot, positive density dependence was observed on scales of 1, 4 and 16 m2. Rates of parasitism were found to be density independent across the ten 16 m2 plots. The nature of parasitoid and host spatial patterns were examined at the 400 m2 plot by using Goodall's (1974) paired-quadrat variance function, and by fitting the observed distribution of galls and parasitized galls to the Poisson and negative binomial on three scales. Postive density dependence at the 400 m2 plot occurred in the context of a host density gradient and may indicate aggregation of search time by parasitoids. However, significant responses on scales of 4 and 16 m2 may only reflect the sum of parasitoid responses on lower scales because of this gradient. Predominance of significant responses on a 1 m2 scale may be related to the high degree of variation in host density, and limits to active searching range of parasitoids.  相似文献   

本文以苹果绵蚜为繁殖寄主,研究了苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂在不同温度下的发育历期、发育起点温度和有效积温。结果显示:苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,最适发育温度为21℃-27℃。山东地区越冬代苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂打破滞育的发育起点温度为雌蜂8.58℃,雄蜂8.22℃;有效积温为雌蜂148.72日度,雄蜂154.68日度。非越冬代苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂在卵-羽化阶段发育起点温度为雌蜂5.62℃,雄蜂5.55℃;有效积温为雌蜂284.40日度,雄蜂为295.61日度。并推测了2008年济南地区苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂发生代数和越冬代羽化时间,与实测情况基本相符。  相似文献   

The morphology, distribution, and hosts of two egg parasitoids, Ufens principalis Owen sp. n. and U. ceratus Owen sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), are described for the first time. These species are compared to U. niger (Ashmead), the only species of Ufens s. str. currently described from the Nearctic, and diagnostic differences are presented. The behavioural biology of U. principalis, and U. ceratus to a smaller extent, is also described for the first time. Ufens principalis exhibited a rapid and long-distance response in the form of directional flight toward freshly laid eggs of Homalodisca species, its primary hosts in southern California. Parasitism involved aggregations of female U. principalis on fresh Homalodisca egg masses, which remained attractive to U. principalis for a relatively short time. The level of oviposition by U. principalis females was low during most of the day and peaked before sunset in tandem with a peak in Homalodisca oviposition. Oviposition behaviour of U. principalis is described and the distribution of ovipositor probe durations showed that most probes were generally of very short duration. Mating of both Ufens species occurred on the egg mass, with males showing aggressive behaviour towards each other as they competed for emerging females. Ufens ceratus males displayed greater aggression towards other males than U. principalis males. By contrast, fights among U. principalis males involved more individuals and lasted longer than corresponding fights between U. ceratus males.  相似文献   

The effect of experiences, such as contact with honeydew, rejections of hosts, and ovipositions in hosts, and of temperature on the time allocation of individualEncarsia formosa female parasitoids on tomato leaflets have been studied. Behavioral records were analyzed by means of the proportional hazards model. Analyses were carried out at two levels: (1) the tendency of leaving and (2) the tendency of changing from one leaf side to another. The patch-leaving behavior ofE. formosa can be described by a stochastic threshold mechanism, which is characterized by a certain tendency (probability per time) to leave. The median time from being placed on the leaflet or, if it occurred, from the latest encounter with a host until leaving was 18.6 min. The median time for changing from one leaf side to the other was initially 11.6 min and dropped to 5.7 min after both leaf sides had been visited. The effect of temperature, ranging from 20 to 30°C, was negligible. The presence of honeydew as well as the first oviposition in an unparasitized host decreased the tendency to leave, thus increasing the giving up time (GUT) since the latest encounter with a host. Encounters with parasitized hosts did not affect the GUT since latest encounter; as a result, the total residence time increased. After the first oviposition in an unparasitized host the tendency of changing from the lower leaf side on which hosts were present to the upper side was decreased. The presence of honeydew did not affect the tendency of changing leaf sides.  相似文献   

The factors affecting trap capture of adult Aphelinus mali (Haldeman) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) were studied in 2010-2011 in eastern Washington apple (Malus spp.) orchards infested with its host woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The initial study of white sticky cards indicated that traps stapled to the trunk in a vertical orientation had the highest capture. A factorial experiment of three colors (clear, white, and yellow) by three orientations (trunk, scaffold, and hanging) indicated that yellow traps and traps on trunks caught higher numbers ofA. mali. For this reason, the recommended trap for this natural enemy is a yellow trap stapled to the trunk. Having a readily available and effective sampling method for this species may be helpful in implementing biological control programs and assessing the impact of different spray regimes.  相似文献   

Two life stages of a laboratory colony of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), were exposed to 10 concentrations of pyriproxyfen to evaluate the effect of this insect growth regulator (IGR) on scale development and fecundity. First instars exposed to pyriproxyfen responded with mortality during the first and second molts. Second instars were more tolerant of pyriproxyfen than were first instars, indicating that growers should treat California red scale in the field before the first molt to achieve maximum efficacy. Male scales responded with an LC50 12-fold lower and an LC90 47-fold lower than was observed for female scales. Female scales that survived first instar exposure to pyriproxyfen experienced reduced fecundity with increasing pyriproxyfen concentration. Reduced fecundity was due to reduced survival of the females rather than sterility. Results from this study provide baseline California red scale susceptibility data for pyriproxyfen, and they suggest that 1 ppm pyriproxyfen can be used as a concentration that would discriminate between susceptible and resistant populations of scales. Field monitoring for incipient pyriproxyfen resistance in California red scale should be implemented in the San Joaquin Valley of California, and if resistance is detected, integrated resistance management strategies should be used to slow the progression of resistance.  相似文献   

Novel biorational insecticides are rapidly replacing more toxic, broad-spectrum compounds to control pests of ornamental plants. These new formulations are widely regarded as safe, effective, and environmentally sound with minimal impact on nontarget organisms. We tested several biorational and traditional insecticides for their ability to control euonymus scale, Unaspis euonymi (Comstock), and their potential impacts on the aphelinid parasitoid, Encarsia citrina (Crawford). Soil-applied acephate and foliar-applied pyriproxyfen exhibited superior control of euonymus scale, but also reduced numbers of surviving E. citrina. Imidacloprid failed to control euonymus scale and decreased parasitism by E. citrina. Thus, the potential impact of a pesticide on biological control is not necessarily predicted by its potential longevity, mode of delivery, or its toxicity to the target pest. Finding the best fit of a compound into an integrated pest management program requires a consideration of all these factors and direct study of effects on the natural enemies of pests.  相似文献   

蚜小蜂Bemisia tabaci是烟粉虱的重要天敌, 其中双斑恩蚜小蜂Encarsia bimaculata, 丽蚜小蜂E. formosa以及浅黄恩蚜小蜂E. sophia是国内烟粉虱寄生蜂3个优势种。本研究以采自中国华南、 华东、 华北、 西南地区以及马来西亚、 埃及的E. bimaculata、 E. formosa和E. sophia 3个优势种的8个不同地理种群为研究对象, 对其28S rRNA D2和D3扩展区序列进行了测定和分析。结果表明: Encarsia属的恩蚜小蜂其28S rRNA D2和D3序列在种间水平上高度保守; 与丽蚜小蜂相比, 双斑蚜小蜂与浅黄恩蚜小蜂在遗传关系上更为接近。依据28S rRNA和D2序列的系统发育分析结果显示, 同一种的蚜小蜂其种内也存在一定的遗传分化, 比如中国广东的浅黄恩蚜小蜂种群与澳大利亚、 西班牙、 埃及和埃塞俄比亚的浅黄恩蚜小蜂种群接近, 而与泰国的种群的亲缘关系则较远。在系统发育树上, 来自不同国家的(苏丹、 埃及和危地马拉以及澳大利亚)的双斑蚜小蜂种群聚集在同一分支上; 同时, 来自中国衡水和昆明的丽蚜小蜂种群也与来自美国的丽蚜小蜂种群聚集在一起, 却与埃及的种群相距较远。对造成这种同种寄生蜂不同种群之间在遗传距离和地理距离不对称的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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