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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was studied in dorsal tongue surface structures and in both tongue nerves (hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal) of frogs (Rana temporaria). AChE was found in nerve fibers of fungiform and filiform papillae, blood vessels, glandular ducts of tongue mucosa, both nerve fibers and also in the bodies of cholinergic neurons in subepithelial connective tissue and along the glossopharyngeal nerve. Their parasympathetic origin was suggested. The experiments with butirilthiocholin have revealed no activity of non-specific cholinesterases in the above structures. Possible role of cholinergic system in the regulation of tongue receptor function is discussed.  相似文献   

Anatomical components of afferent innervation in the rim of the octopus sucker are described. In the sensory epithelium under the smooth cuticle two associated ciliated receptor cell-types (presumably chemosensitive) occur in clusters. A third ciliated receptor cell-type under the toothed cuticle may be a mechanoreceptor. A non-ciliated receptor cell-type of unknown function, under the toothed cuticle, is characterized by a microvillus-lined apical canal containing dense granular material. The axons of the latter two receptors go directly into large nerve tracts which nm through the infundibular muscle and on to the ganglion of the sucker. The axons of the first cell-types terminate on interneurons either in the base of the epithelium or below the epithelium. All the interneurons of the basal region of the epithelium migrate centripetally and develop into encapsulated interneurons. Within the epithelium, fine fibers provide collateral contact among cluster receptors. Collateral interaction among basal and encapsulated interneurons occur in the infundibular plexus. The microanatomy of the rim of the sucker suggests that chemosensory cues are funneled into the interneurons where they are concentrated into integrated signals, while other sensory input is probably sent directly to the ganglia of the sucker and/or arm.  相似文献   

Sensory innervation of the temporomandibular joint in the mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sensory innervation of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 8 STR/IN mice was investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Through the cutting of complete semithin sections in series it was possible to investigate the joints thoroughly. Additionally, one joint with its nerve supply was reconstructed three-dimensionally with a computerized three-dimensional programme. The reconstruction was based on one complete semithin section series. The joint's nerve supply originates from the nervus auriculotemporalis and additionally from motor branches of the n. mandibularis: n. massetericus, n. pterygoideus lateralis and the nn. temporales posteriores. The greatest number of nerve fibres and endings is located in the dorsolateral part of the joint capsule. They lie only in the stratum fibrosum and subsynovially. Neither the stratum synoviale nor the discus articularis contain any nerve fibres or endings, whereas the peri-articular loose connective tissue is richly innervated. The only type of nerve ending observed within the joint was the free nerve ending, which is assumed to serve not only as a nociceptor but also as a polymodal mechanoreceptor. Merely within the insertion of the musculus pterygoideus lateralis at the collum mandibulae single stretch receptors of the Ruffini type were observed. Ultrastructurally, they correspond to those described in the cat's knee joint. Neither lamellated nor nerve endings of the Golgi or Pacini type were observed in the joint or in the peri-articular connective tissue. The unexpected paucity of nerve fibres and endings in the TMJ itself of the mouse suggests that the afferent information from the joint is less important for position sense and movement than the afferent information from muscles, tendons and periodontal ligaments.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the arteriovenous anastomoses in the dog tongue has been investigated. At the lightmicroscopic level, the vessels were found to be densely supplied with adrenergic and AChE-positive nerve plexuses and less densely with the quinacrine-binding nerve plexus. At the electron-microscopic level, at least two apparently different types of axon profiles were identified: 1) Small vesicle-containing axons, characterized by many small granular vesicles, variable numbers of small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles. Storage of endogenous amines and uptake of exogenous amines into most small granular vesicles and many large granular vesicles was demonstrated. These axons stained only lightly with reaction products for AChE activity and thus seemed to be adrenergic in nature. Some axons contained numerous large granular vesicles, whose cores occasionally stained with uranyl ions; this suggests a co-localization of ATP or peptides as neurotransmitters. 2) Small granular vesicle-free axons, containing small clear vesicles and large granular vesicles in variable ratio. Most cores of these large granular vesicles were heavily stained with uranyl ions. No storage or uptake of amine into the synaptic vesicles was detected. Some axons appeared to be typically cholinergic, some, typically non-adrenergic, noncholinergic, and the rest, intermediate between the two. All axons stained heavily with reaction products for AChE activity, suggesting their cholinergic nature.  相似文献   

Summary Following observation of conical groups of stiff, but motile cilia on the tentacles of the branchial crown of Sabella pavonina, these were examined with the electron microscope. The bundles consist of about 40 unenclosed standard cilia supported by one or two primary sense cells with centrally directed axons of 0.1–0.2 diameter. Axons in the distal portions of the branchial crown occur in small bundles surrounded by a basement membrane. More centrally, glial elements appear and the nerves are surrounded by a collagenous sheath. The branchial nerve trunk shows similarities in organisation to other previously investigated annelid central nervous tissue in that the whole nerve is surrounded by a fibrous sheath central to which there is a layer of glial cells with processes penetrating a central neuropile. The 0.1–0.2 axons commonly occur in glial-enveloped groups of < 40 whilst other axons of larger and mixed diameter are found together.Each tentacle has two branchial nerves on the oral side, and each nerve gives rise to two small 75-axon branches running to each pinnule. The branchial nerves fuse to form the branchial nerve trunk running to the supra-oesophageal ganglia.Sections of the branchial nerves of the branchial crown at progressively more central levels show that the branchial nerve trunk contains enough axons of 0.1–0.2 diameter to account for all the sensory cells on the tentacles. This is taken as evidence for the sensory cells having axons terminating within the central nervous system and that there is no peripheral confluence or fusion of these afferent axons.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Most bird muscle spindles are supplied by only one primary afferent.
  • 2.2. Secondary afferents occur irregularly.
  • 3.3. Sensory terminals are covered by a basal lamina and a collagenous sheath.
  • 4.4. Two types of motor terminal are recognized which can be referred to specific types of intrafusal fiber.
  • 5.5. The sensory and motor innervation of bird intrafusal fibers is less understood than that of mammalian intrafusal fibers.

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