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Colonisation by stream plants occurs to a large extent from simple stem fragments. Allofragments are stem fragments formed by mechanical breakage. We studied regeneration, colonisation, and growth rates in four common stream plants: Elodea canadensis Michx., Myriophyllum spicatum L., Potamogeton perfoliatus L. and Ranunculus baudotii x pseudofluitans. The objectives of this study were to determine (1) if shoots with an apical tip have higher regeneration (growth of new shoots and rhizomes from allofragments) and colonisation (root attachment in sediment) abilities and higher relative growth rates (RGR) than shoots without an apical tip, and (2) if fragment size correlates with regeneration and colonisation abilities and with RGR of fragments. For all species, over 60% of fragments regenerated new shoots and colonised. Apical shoots and larger fragments generally had higher regeneration and colonisation abilities and higher RGR. Relative growth rate for E. canadensis and M. spicatum was between 0.06 and 0.09 d−1 whereas it was about half this rate for Ranunculus and P. perfoliatus (0.02–0.04 d−1).  相似文献   

N. A. O'Connor 《Oecologia》1991,85(4):504-512
Summary Woody debris is a major structural component of south-eastern Australian lowland streams, and the decayed wood substrates provide a structurally complex habitat for macroinvertebrate colonization. I tested for the presence of a species richness-habitat complexity relationship for macroinvertebrate species inhabiting the surfaces of decayed submerged logs (snags) in a lowland stream in northern Victoria. The species-habitat complexity relationship is defined as the increase in species richness due to increased structural complexity of a habitat when area is held constant. The response of macroinvertebrates to seven treatments of artificial and natural substrates of differing levels and types of structural complexity were examined using cluster analyses and MANOVAs. These analyses revealed a significant species-habitat complexity relationship. In addition, a comparison of species evenness between simple and complex habitats supported the hypothesis that more complex habitats contained more species because they possessed more resources. Analysis of species richness, though informative, masked the complexity of species responses revealed by multivariate analyses of species abundances. These analyses showed that different species groups selected different microhabitats on snags, particularly in response to the level of sediment deposition, which was greater on more structurally complex snags. In comparison with the benthos, snags were significantly richer in species abundances, possibly related to low levels of dissolved oxygen in benthic habitats.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the responses of diatoms, macroinvertebrates and fish to agriculture, urbanization and mining in the Manyame River Basin. Water quality sampling and benthic diatom, macroinvertebrate and fish community data were collected in April (end of the rain season) and September (dry season) 2013 at 44 sampling stations spread out across three land-use categories: commercial agricultural, communal agricultural and urban-mining areas. Commercial agricultural areas were relatively pristine as they were characterized by mature deciduous riparian forest strips which acted as riparian buffers thus protecting water resources from nonpoint source pollution. In communal agricultural areas a combination of poor agricultural practices (stream bank cultivation, overgrazing, soil erosions) and high human population densities had negative effects on water quality of streams draining these areas. Streams in urban-mining areas were highly stressed, being impacted primarily by physical habitat degradation and both point and nonpoint sources of pollution. A suite of environmental variables that varied with land-use pattern was assessed to find the combination of variables that best explained patterns of biota community composition. Community metrics i.e. the Trophic Diatom Index (TDI) based on diatoms, the South African Scoring system version 5 (SASS 5) based on macroinvertebrates and the Fish Assemblage Integrity Index (FAII) were used to determine the ecological status of study streams in relation to human-induced stressors. Data were also subjected to multivariate statistical techniques; canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), mantel test and cluster analysis to determine environmental gradients along which the diatom, macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages were distributed as well as to elucidate hypothesized differences in response to stressors among communities per land-use type. Using CCA, we assessed the individual importance of a set of environmental variables on each biotic community structure. ANOVA, showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in physical and chemical variables among commercial agricultural, communal agricultural and urban-mining sampling stations with no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the 2 sampling periods. Based on CCAs carried out using individual variables, the strengths of relationships between diatoms and macroinvertebrates was generally high for nutrient levels, organic and metal pollution and other variables. However, fish assemblages showed a relatively low association with all water quality variables in the study; this might be explained by the high abundance of omnivores and air breathers which are able to tolerate a variety of environmental conditions. These patterns were also confirmed by the mantel test as well as the other CCAs carried out to investigate the simultaneous effects of environmental variables. These findings indicate that diatoms are more powerful indicators in accessing ecological stream/river quality and have potential for application in routine monitoring programs in tropical streams.  相似文献   

Classifying benthic diatom taxa based on ecological and morphological features became increasingly important in recent years due to the demand of understanding the dynamics and functioning of diatom assemblages. The great potential in using these functional classifications in diatom ecology involves further refinement of current classification. In our experimental study, colonisation processes of diatom assemblages were studied in a typical small lowland stream, using both diatom guilds and cell size categories. We also tested newly proposed combined eco-morphological functional groups (ecological guilds combined with cell size categories) in the study of the colonisation process in benthic diatom assemblages. We hypothesised that (i) there is a decrease in the proportion of low profile guild, while an increase in that of high profile and motile guilds in time with the decreasing rate of physical disturbance; (ii) the presence of small size categories will be pronounced at the beginning of the colonisation processes, while proportion of larger size categories will be higher in the latter phases of colonisation; and (iii) the relationship between taxa and environmental factors are better reflected by the use of combined eco-morphological functional groups than by the sole analyses of rough guilds or cell size categories. The first hypothesis was not confirmed, and our second hypothesis was only partially confirmed by the results. We found that the relationship between environmental factors and guilds, as well as cell size categories was not appropriate to reveal the relationship between abiotic factors and taxa composition. In contrast we found that compositional changes in colonisation were appropriately reflected by the newly defined combined eco-morphological functional groups. In the combined eco-morphological functional groups, such kind of taxonomical and ecological features can be prevailed which are hidden in guilds or cell size categories separately. Thus these combined eco-morphological functional groups could help to come one step closer to develop a widely used ecological classification in diatom researches.  相似文献   

A field study was designed to concurrently evaluate differences in colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates on a range of artificial substratum types (single particles of natural rock or clay brick and baskets of natural substratum) after three colonization periods (1, 8 and 29 days). Fauna on the artificial substrata were compared to natural substratum and the effect of natural epilithic cover on colonization by zoobenthos was determined. Densities of total number of organisms and the seven most abundant taxa, total number of taxa and quantity of organic material were greater on the natural substratum than on the artificial substratum types. Relative abundances of taxa on pairs of the artificial substratum types, unlike pairs of each artificial substratum type and the natural substratum, were statistically correlated. Among the artificial substratum types densities of total number of organisms and about one-half of the most abundant taxa, total number of taxa and quantity of organic material were greatest in the substratum baskets. Natural epilithic cover on the single rock particles and substratum baskets affected the densities of total number of organisms and two of the seven most abundant taxa. These taxonomic groups were at approximately two to six-fold greater densities on the substrata with fine sediment. consistent patterns in densities of the zoobenthos on the substrata were found after each colonization period. In our study all measures of the macroinvertebrate assemblages (densities of each taxon, total number of organisms, total number of taxa and relative abundances of taxa), with few exceptions, were different between each artificial substratum type and natural substratum. This result showed the abundance and composition of the macroinvertebrate fauna on artificial substratum types were different from the natural substratum. Therefore, the choice of using artificial substrata instead of direct sampling of the natural substratum should be carefully made. Among the artificial substratum types relative abundances of taxa were similar on the single substratum particles and substratum baskets indicating single particles instead of baskets might be used to sample the zoobenthos. Investigators should consider the potential effect of the natural epilithic cover of substratum particles on colonization by zoobenthos when choosing the type of artificial substratum.  相似文献   

不同尺度因子对滦河流域大型底栖无脊椎动物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011年滦河流域38个河段大型底栖无脊椎动物采集,探讨了河段尺度和流域尺度环境因子对大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的影响。其中,河段尺度因子包括水体/底质特征、河岸带特征和水质,流域尺度因子包括采样位置、流域土地利用结构和缓冲区土地利用结构。RDA(冗余分析)结果表明,河段尺度影响大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的关键因子为:细粒物质比例、河岸带植被盖度、河岸带人类干扰程度、河岸带农田比例、水面宽度和河道改造程度,总解释量为42%;流域尺度影响大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的关键因子为:纬度、海拔、流域内耕地面积百分比和流域面积,总解释量为32%。研究结果表明,河段尺度因子比流域尺度因子对于指示大型底栖无脊椎动物分布更为重要,在环境因子监测中应给以更多的重视。  相似文献   

明确底栖动物在时空尺度上的自然变化规律对有效评估和保护水生态系统十分重要。基于2012年季节调查数据,对新薛河典型生境底栖动物群落季节动态进行了研究。共鉴定底栖动物108种,隶属5门10纲74属。短脉纹石蛾、长钝直突摇蚊、拟长跗摇蚊、Neozarelia sp.为研究区域优势分类单元,相对丰度分别为25.1%、9.8%、9.0%、8.6%;各季节间优势分类单元组成差异较大,3个季度共同优势物种仅短脉纹石蛾1种。密度、物种丰度、香农指数表现为4月和12月显著高于10月;均匀度指数10月份最高。非度量多维标度排序表明,不同季节底栖动物群落结构差异显著;对照河段(D河段)群落结构季节间差异相对较小。指示物种法分离出了新薛河及各河段代表性物种41种,但B河段未分离出指示物种;双向聚类分析进一步明确了指示物种的指示属性(特有或者相对丰度最高)。  相似文献   

Snags are important to fish communities in small rivers and streams, but their importance to fishes in large rivers has not been investigated. This study examined snag use by fishes during autumn in backwater and channel border habitats in the upper Mississippi River, and compared these to fish communities in reference sites without snags. Species assemblages differed significantly between backwater and channel border habitats, and between snag and reference sites within the channel border, likely responding to differences in substrate, depth, and current velocity. In both habitats, average fish biomass and abundance were higher (2 to 50 ×) at snag sites than at reference sites, but these differences were significant only for channel border biomass. Fish taxa richness differed between backwater and channel border habitats, but not between snag and reference sites. Most large piscivorous fishes (e.g., Micropterus spp., Stizostedion spp.), several insectivorous fishes (Lepomis macrochirus, Ambloplites rupestris, Minytrema melanops), and a few prey fishes (L. macrochirus, Notropis atherinoides) were significantly more abundant at snag sites than at reference sites, suggesting active selection of snags for foraging or protection. Snag quality, as assessed by a snag rating index, had a direct effect on attracting fish communities with greater biomass, especially within the channel border habitat. These results indicate that snags are important habitat for fish communities in both backwaters and channel border habitats of the upper Mississippi River.  相似文献   

Ephemeroptera showed the greatest diversity and Diptera (due mainly to Chaoboridae) the greatest absolute abundance among the macroinvertebrate taxa collected in and near three backwater areas of the Upper Mississippi River from 24 April to 24 August 1983. Of the 32 taxa identified, all were insect larvae, pupae, or adults except for one amphipod and one copepod. Three peaks in total abundance were observed — a major one in late July and August and smaller ones in May and June. These peaks corresponded to periods of high temperatures and low flows. When the macroinvertebrates were divided into groups, depending on whether they were found predominantly in the backwater areas, in the main channel, or in a combination of the two, total densities were greater in the backwater areas than in either of the main-channel habitats. In the two main-channel habitats, densities were slightly greater downstream than upstream from the confluences of the backwaters with the main channel, possibly indicating that macroinvertebrates were drifting out of the backwater areas or that nutrients and zooplankton were drifting out of the backwater areas, increasing productivity in downstream areas.  相似文献   

The influence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-polysaccharide chain production on the colonisation ability of Helicobacter pylori in four mouse models (NMRI, C57BL/6, CBA/Ca, and BALB/cA mice) was studied. H. pylori strains that produced smooth-form LPS (S-LPS) detectable in silver-stained electrophoretic gels colonised mice. In contrast, a laboratory-passaged strain G50 and the culture collection strain CCUG 17874 did not colonise mice; the former strain produced low amounts of O-chains only detectable in immunoblotting but not in silver-stained gels, whereas the latter produced rough-form LPS (R-LPS) without O-chains. Furthermore, a galE isogenic mutant, which produced R-LPS, did not colonise mice. However, after repeated broth culture, strains G50 and CCUG 17874 produced S-LPS detectable in silver-stained gels and were capable of colonising mice. Consistent with the production of O-chains, all colonising strains produced Lewis (Le) antigens, Le(x) and/or Le(y). Except for low expression of Le(y) by non-colonising G50, reflecting low production of O-chains, all other non-colonising strains and the galE mutant lacked expression of Le antigens consistent with their production of R-LPS. Lectin typing of strains supported these findings, and also showed that lectin types did not differ before and after colonisation. The low level of O-chain production and Le antigen expression by the non-colonising G50 may not be sufficient to aid colonisation. Examination of protein profiles of H. pylori strains before inoculation showed that protein expression was not significantly different between colonising and non-colonising strains. These results show that S-LPS production with O-chain expression is required by H. pylori for colonisation in a number of mouse models and that care should be taken with inoculating H. pylori strains that loss of O-chains does not occur during subculturing.  相似文献   

This study used stratified random sampling to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton communities in a large floodplain river (Mississippi River, USA). Potential mechanisms controlling zooplankton abundance and community structure were considered. Main channel and backwater habitats included in this study differed between a turbid upper pool reach where aquatic macrophytes were sparse and a lower pool reach which was considerably less turbid and had extensive aquatic macrophyte coverage. Samples were collected monthly during the summer over a 2-year period and multivariate analysis was used to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton. Significant differences were found in zooplankton density and community composition among habitats and reaches within the pool. Rotifers were the dominant taxa and seasonality was pronounced, with peak densities often occurring in late-spring. Community structure varied by habitat and reach, which suggests that water quality, physical habitat characteristics, presence of aquatic macrophytes, and zooplankton sources can all influence the zooplankton communities of the Upper Mississippi River. Characterization of the zooplankton communities provides a basis for understanding changes in the river ecosystem and examination of zooplankton communities among habitats provides insight into the mechanisms affecting zooplankton dynamics.  相似文献   

Motile and non-motile strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 were constructed using different combinations of the lacZY, xylE and aph marker genes which allowed their detection and differentiation in soil, root and seed samples. The survival of motile and non-motile strains was investigated in both non-competitive and competitive assays in water and non-sterile soil. Although there was no difference between strains in water, the motile strain survived in significantly greater numbers than the non-motile strain after 21 days in soil. There was no significant difference between competitive assays, where motile and non-motile cells were co-inoculated into soil, and non-competitive assays where strains were inoculated separately. Bacterial survival decreased as matric potential increased from -224 to -17 kPa but matric potential had no significant effect on motile compared to non-motile strains. Vertical spread of both motile and non-motile strains was detected 6.4 mm from the inoculum zone after 14 days in the absence of percolating water. There was no significant difference, for either strain, in distance moved from the inoculum zone after 14, 26 or 40 days. The motile strain had a significant advantage in attachment to sterile wheat roots in both non-competitive and competitive studies. When the spatial colonisation of wheat root systems was assessed in non-sterile soil, there was no significant difference between the motile and non-motile strain from either seed or soil inoculum. However, when the whole root system was assessed as one sample unit, differences could be detected. Bacterial motility could contribute to survival in soil and the initial phase of colonisation, where attachment and movement onto the root surface are important.  相似文献   

Gentiana pannonicascop. (Gentianaceae) is a long-lived perennial mountain species. It is a typical east−Alpine element. The centre of its distribution is situated in the eastern Alps, where the species occurs in alpine and subalpine areas. Besides the Alps, G. pannonica occurs also in the Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic. The reproduction strategy and genetic variation of this species endangered in the Czech Republic were studied. Genetic variation within and among six populations of G. pannonica in the Bohemian Forest and two populations in the Alps was studied using random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) markers. The variation found between populations from primary habitats and populations situated in the secondary mountain meadows accounted for 5% of the total genetic variation, whereas no significant genetic diversity was found between two different regions (Bohemian Forest, the Alps). Most of the variation is distributed among individuals within populations in the primary habitats, specifically 77% in the Bohemian Forest and 79% in the Alps. The pattern of among-population variation was substantially different between primary and secondary habitats. While among-population variation in primary habitats was low in both of the regions (21–23%), the proportion of RAPD variation among populations in secondary habitats was distinctly higher (65%). Within-population genetic variation was higher in primary habitats than in the secondary ones. This may be a consequence of processes such as genetic drift or bottleneck, and founder effects caused by changes in their distribution during the Holocene period. The differences of vegetation composition, seedlings recruitment and seed set were investigated in the field. Vegetation composition differed between primary and secondary habitats of G. pannonica and seedlings recruitment was recorded only in primary habitats. The reproduction output of the species under study is probably influenced by the availability of pollinators.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cumulative effect of founding events on the genetic differentiation and the within-population heterozygosity in a metapopulation increasing its size by colonisation. Two contrasting models are considered: first, an island model, where migrants and colonists are taken at random from the entire metapopulation, and second, a linear stepping-stone model, where migrants and colonists are sampled from a limited neighbourhood. The genetic consequences of a range expansion depend on the relative magnitudes of the number of colonists and migrants, in a way similar to extinction and colonisation processes (Wade and McCauley, 1988). The cumulative effect of founding events, resulting most often in a transient increase in genetic differentiation and a gradual loss of within-population heterozygosity, also depends on the age-structure that is established during colonisation. It is the highest when colonists are sampled from recently founded populations and migrants are exchanged among populations of similar ages. The genetic consequences of a range expansion are therefore far more pronounced and lasting in the linear stepping-stone model than in the island model. These two models, however, represent the two extremes between which real populations will fall.  相似文献   

To understand how environmental change will modify community assembly and the distribution of organisms it is valuable to understand mechanisms that drive the occurrence of organisms across the landscape. Salinisation of agricultural land in southwest Western Australia, as a result of land clearing, is a widespread environmental change, which threatens numerous taxa, but provides an opportunity to elucidate such mechanisms. Although salinisation affects terrestrial fauna and flora, the greatest impacts are seen in wetlands and waterways. Many aquatic insect taxa colonise ephemeral water bodies directly as adults or by oviposition. Few empirical studies, however, evaluate the influence of abiotic factors, such as water body salinity, on the colonisation behaviour of aquatic fauna. We conducted a manipulative experiment using mesocosms to test whether colonising insect fauna select aquatic habitats based upon salinity. We found that halosensitive fauna selected less saline mesocosms for oviposition and colonisation, demonstrating that behaviour can influence the distribution of aquatic organisms. Additionally, we utilised field surveys of insects from ephemeral water bodies across a broad region of southwest Western Australia to determine if mesocosm results reflected field observation. The abundance of the same insect taxa and taxonomic groups in the field were highly variable and, with the exceptions of Culex australicus Dobrotworksy and Drummond and Anopheles annulipes Giles (Diptera: Culicidae), did not show similar patterns of distribution to those observed in the mesocosm experiment. Both mesocosm and field assemblages exhibited similar and significant trajectories associated with the salinity gradient, even though there were differences in assemblage structure between the two. Our findings give empirical support to the importance of behaviour in the spatial distribution and assembly of some aquatic insects. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

There is a widespread perception that coral larvae require stable (lithified) rock substrates to settle during reef initiation, and that these substrates are typically carbonate. However, reef core data show that reef establishment can also occur directly above a wide range of unlithified, non-carbonate sediment substrates, including relict alluvial sands and gravels. The mechanisms by which these lithic substrates are colonised and stabilised are not, however, well documented. Here, we describe such processes from an intertidal setting on the inner-shelf of the Great Barrier Reef, in a setting directly analogous to that which would have existed around many inner-shelf high islands during the post-glacial marine transgression when mid-Holocene reef initiation was taking place. Communicated by Geology Editor Dr. Bernhard Riegl  相似文献   

The sequence of colonization, species diversity (% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGKbaaaaaa!36E5!\[\overline {\text{d}} \]), biomass, and productivity of macroinvertebrates on artificial substrates was determined in a relatively constant environment freshwater canal. Three substrates were removed weekly during a 16 week test period. Community structure of benthic macroinvertebrates was determined at the onset and end of the test period and compared with substrate community structure. Calopsectra sp. was the dominant early colonizing organism; Dicrotendipes sp. and Dicrotendipes modestus were also abundant. In late collections other chironomids, ephemeropterans, gastropods, oligochaetes, amphipods, and trichopterans occurred. Trichopterans were generally dominant in numbers and biomass in later collections. A total of 104 were collected on the substrates.Collection diversity (% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGKbaaaaaa!36E5!\[\overline {\text{d}} \]) began at 3.42 (week 1), decreased to 2.72 in the third week, and then continually increased for the remainder of the test period to 4.43. Cumulative diversity had a similar trend, decreasing from 3.42 (week 1) to 3.06 in the fourth week, and then increasing to 4.05. Neither collection % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGKbaaaaaa!36E5!\[\overline {\text{d}} \] or cumulative % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGKbaaaaaa!36E5!\[\overline {\text{d}} \] reached an asymptote in the 16 week period.Collection biomass began at 0.0867 g/0.26 m2 for week one and was 1.0575 g/0.26 m2 at the end of the test period. Biomass increased linearly for seven weeks, fluctuated widely until week 14, then increased sharply for the remainder of the test period. Productivity ranged from –3.42 g/m2/wk in the eighth week to 5.10 g/m2/wk in the last collection. Biomass and productivity were greatly affected by the presences or absences of a relatively few large organisms.One hundred two taxa were collected from the benthic samples, 34 not being present on the substrates. Limodrilus hoffmeisteri was the dominant benthic organism, while Calopsectra sp. and Polypedilum sp. were also abundant. The February benthic diversity % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGKbaaaaaa!36E5!\[\overline {\text{d}} \] was 4.54 and the June % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaWaa0aaaeaaca% qGKbaaaaaa!36E5!\[\overline {\text{d}} \] was 4.05.  相似文献   

High recruitment rates of multiple species and hierarchical competition are the keys to a competitive exclusion model of community assembly in larval trematode communities in molluscs. Eutrophic environments provide conditions for accelerating trematode transmission and this would increase the strength of interspecific interactions. To test these predictions, we provide the first known assessment for a pulmonate snail host, and for highly productive aquatic environments, of the rates of colonisation and extinction at the level of individual snail host patches, of a large guild of trematode species. Using a uniquely large dataset from a relatively long-term mark-recapture study of Lymnaea stagnalis in six eutrophic fishponds in central Europe, we demonstrate extraordinarily rapid colonisation by trematodes of a snail host, thus meeting the assumptions of the competitive exclusion model. Overall annual colonisation rates ranged from 243% to 503% year−1 so that the odds of trematode establishment in an individual snail in these ponds are two to five times per year. Extinction rates were substantially lower than colonisation rates and, therefore, would not result in turnover rates high enough to significantly affect prevalence patterns in the snail populations. At the species level, analyses of sample-based estimates of probabilities of colonisation revealed that shared species traits associated with transmission and competitive abilities determined the limits of colonisation abilities. Colonisation rates were exceedingly high for the species transmitted to the snails passively via eggs. There was a significant effect of species competitive abilities on colonisation rates due to subordinate species being substantially better colonisers than both strong and weak dominants, a pattern consistent with the predictions of the competition-colonisation trade-off hypothesis. Our results suggest that, with the extraordinarily high trematode colonisation potential in the area studied, the spatial and temporal patterns of intraspecific heterogeneity in recruitment may provide conditions for intensification of interspecific interactions so that complex community assembly rules may be involved.  相似文献   

Patch structure in sandy, compared to rocky streams, is characterized by isolated snags that can only be colonized by drifting. By measuring drift from patches (snags) of various quality we determined the factors that influence habitat selection and drift of the predaceous stoneflies Acroneuria abnormis and Paragnetina fumosa. The presence of refugia (loose bark and leaf packs) was more important than hunger level and modified the effects of increased predator densities and aggressive interactions. Stoneflies concentrated to 8x natural densities with access to refugia remained longer on snags than a single stonefly without access to refugia. During periods of activity, refugia were defended with larger stoneflies always displacing smaller nymphs. During long periods of inactivity, two and sometimes three nymphs would rest side-by-side sharing the same refuge. Hunger level (starved versus satiated stoneflies), an indirect measure of a predator's response to prey availability, had no significant effect on drift or habitat selection regardless of the presence of refugia. Stonefly predators had a uniform distribution while their prey were clumped. Drift was deliberate and almost always delayed until night, usually at dusk or dawn. An examination of previous research plus the results of this study suggest that non-predatory intra- and interspecific interactions can be an important mechanism causing drift in streams.  相似文献   

山地河流潜流层大型无脊椎动物群落组成及分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潜流层大型无脊椎动物是河流生态系统重要的组成部分.2013年8月(夏季)、12月(冬季)和2014年4月(春季),在黑水滩河上游河段,采用人工基质法调查潜流层大型无脊椎动物.结果表明: 3个季节共采集大型无脊椎动物27种,其中夏季22种、冬季和春季各16种,各季节水生昆虫种类所占比例均较高,分别为81.8%、75.0%和62.5%;夏季群落密度显著低于冬季和春季,春季最高;冬季群落生物量显著高于夏季和春季,夏季最低;3个季节群落的物种丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均没有显著性差异.空间分布上,大型无脊椎动物的密度和丰富度均随潜流层深度增加而呈现降低的趋势,大多数个体均分布在0~20 cm深度.群落以滤食者和收集者组成的集食者为绝对优势功能群.动物的相互作用、生活史策略和潜流层的理化条件影响着潜流层大型无脊椎动物的群落结构和时空分布.  相似文献   

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