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Glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) are one of the major glycolipid components present on the surface of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) that belong to opportunistic pathogens distributed in the natural environment. The serovars of MAC, up to around 30 types, are defined by the variable oligosaccharide portions of the GPLs. Epidemiological studies show that serovar 4 is the most prevalent type, and the prognosis of pulmonary disease caused by serovar 4 is significantly worse than that caused by other serovars. However, little is known about the biosynthesis of serovar 4-specific GPL, particularly the formation of the oligosaccharide portion that determines the properties of serovar 4. To investigate the biosynthesis of serovar 4-specific GPL, we focused on one segment that included functionally unknown genes in the GPL biosynthetic gene cluster of a serovar 4 strain. In this segment, a putative hemolytic protein gene, hlpA, and its downstream gene were found to be responsible for the formation of the 4-O-methyl-rhamnose residue, which is unique to serovar 4-specific GPL. Moreover, functional characterization of the hlpA gene revealed that it encodes a rhamnosyltransferase that transfers a rhamnose residue via 1→4 linkage to a fucose residue of serovar 2-specific GPL, which is a key pathway leading to the synthesis of oligosaccharide of serovar 4-specific GPL. These findings may provide clues to understanding the biological role of serovar 4-specific GPL in MAC pathogenicity and may also provide new insights into glycosyltransferase, which generates structural and functional diversity of GPLs.The genus Mycobacterium has a unique feature in the cell envelope that contains a multilayered structure consisting of peptidoglycan, mycolyl-arabinogalactan complex, and surface glycolipids (8, 12). It is known that these components play a role in protection from environmental stresses, such as antimicrobial agents and host immune responses (8, 12). Some of them are recognized as pathogenic factors related to mycobacterial diseases, such as tuberculosis and leprosy (8, 12). In case of nontuberculous mycobacteria that are widely distributed in the natural environment as opportunistic pathogens, glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) are abundantly present on the cell envelope as surface glycolipids (34). GPLs have a core structure in which a fatty acyl-tetrapeptide is glycosylated with 6-deoxy-talose (6-d-Tal) and O-methyl-rhamnose (O-Me-Rha) (2, 5, 13). This structure is common to all types of GPLs, and GPLs with this structure that have not undergone further glycosylation are termed non-serovar-specific GPLs (nsGPLs) (2, 5, 13). Structural diversity generated by further glycosylations, such as rhamnosylation, fucosylation, and glucosylation, is observed for the oligosaccharide portion linked to the 6-d-Tal residue of nsGPLs from Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), a member of the nontuberculous mycobacteria consisting of two species, M. avium and M. intracellulare (2, 5, 34). Consequently, these nsGPLs with varied oligosaccharides lead to the formation of the serovar-specific GPLs (ssGPLs) that define around 30 types of MAC serovars (10).The properties of MAC serovars are known to be notably different from each other and also to be closely associated with the pathogenicity of MAC (3, 6, 18, 30, 31, 32). Various epidemiological studies indicate that serovar 4 is the most prevalent type and is also one of the serovars frequently isolated from AIDS patients (1, 20, 33, 36). Additionally, pulmonary MAC disease caused by serovar 4 is shown to exhibit a poorer prognosis than that caused by other serovars (23). With respect to host immune responses to MAC infection, serovar 4-specific GPL is reported to have characteristic features that are in contrast to those of other ssGPLs (21, 30). Structurally, serovar 4-specific GPL contains a unique oligosaccharide in which the oligosaccharide of serovar 2-specific GPL is further glycosylated with 4-O-methyl-rhamnose (4-O-Me-Rha) residue through a 1→4 linkage (Table (Table1)1) (24). Therefore, it is thought that the presence of 4-O-Me-Rha and its linkage position are important in exhibiting the specificity of biological activities. The biosynthesis of the oligosaccharide portion in several ssGPLs is currently being clarified (15, 16, 17, 25, 26), while that of serovar 4-specific GPL is still unresolved. In this study, we have focused on the genomic region predicted to be associated with GPL biosynthesis in the serovar 4 strain and explored the key genes responsible for the formation of 4-O-Me-Rha that might determine the specific properties of MAC serovar 4.


Oligosaccharide structures of serovar 2- and 4-specific GPLs
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The Mycobacterium avium complex is a source of disseminated infections in patients with advanced AIDS. This group of mycobacteria is distinguished by the presence of highly antigenic, surface-exposed glycopeptidolipids, and these glycolipids possess variant oligosaccharide structures that are the chemical basis of the 28 distinct serovars of the M. avium complex. We previously described the ser2 gene cluster, encoding the synthesis of the haptenic oligosaccharide (2,3-dimethylfucose-rhamnose-6-deoxytalose-) of the serovar 2-specific glycopeptidolipid, and revealed a locus (ser2A) encoding a putative rhamnosyltransferase. Sequencing of the ser2A locus demonstrated the presence of three open reading frames, two of which yielded significant homology to several glycosyltransferases, and the deduced amino acid sequences of these two putative glycosyltransferases had 63% identity. These two genes were expressed in Mycobacterium smegmatis, and the resulting recombinant glycopeptidolipids were characterized by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. These analyses demonstrated that only one of these genes, termed rtfA, encoded the rhamnosyltransferase responsible for the transfer of rhamnose to 6-deoxytalose. The identification of rtfA will permit further evaluation of glycopeptidolipid biosynthesis and the construction of isogenic mutants of multiple M. avium complex serovars. Moreover, such mutants will help define the role of glycopeptidolipids in the intracellular survival of these bacteria.  相似文献   



Lung disease (LD) due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria is an important clinical concern. Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is one of the most common causative agents but the diagnosis of MAC-LD remains challenging. Detection of serum IgA antibody against MAC glycopeptidolipid (GPL) has recently been shown to improve the diagnosis of MAC-LD, but has yet to be validated worldwide.


This prospective study was conducted in a tertiary referral center in northern Taiwan and enrolled patients with MAC-LD, MAC contamination, other lung diseases, and control subjects. Serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibody against MAC-GPL was detected in the participants and its specificity and sensitivity was assessed.


There were 56 patients with MAC-LD, 11 with MAC contamination, 13 M. kansasii-LD, 26 LD due to rapidly-growing mycobacteria (RGM), 48 pulmonary tuberculosis, and 42 household contacts of patients with TB. Patients with MAC-LD were older and 32% of them had an underlying co-morbidity. By logistic regression, serum MAC-GPL IgA level was an independent predictor of MAC-LD among the study subjects and those with culture-positive specimens for MAC. By the receiver operating characteristic curve, serum MAC-GPL IgA had a good power to discriminate MAC-LD from MAC contamination. Under the optimal cut-off value of 0.73 U/mL, its sensitivity and specificity were 60% and 91%, respectively. Among MAC-LD patients, presence of co-morbidity was associated with MAC-GPL <0.73 U/ml in logistic regression analysis.


Measurement of serum anti-MAC-GPL IgA level is useful for the diagnosis of MAC-LD. However, its implement in clinical practice for immuno-compromised hosts needs careful consideration.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Mycobacterium avium is a significant inhabitant of biofilms in drinking water distribution systems. M. avium expresses on its cell surface serovar-specific glycopeptidolipids (ssGPLs). Studies have implicated the core GPL in biofilm formation by M. avium and by other Mycobacterium species. In order to test this hypothesis in a directed fashion, three model systems were used to examine biofilm formation by mutants of M. avium with transposon insertions into pstAB (also known as nrp and mps). pstAB encodes the nonribosomal peptide synthetase that catalyzes the synthesis of the core GPL. The mutants did not adhere to polyvinyl chloride plates; however, they adhered well to plastic and glass chamber slide surfaces, albeit with different morphologies from the parent strain. In a model that quantified surface adherence under recirculating water, wild-type and pstAB mutant cells accumulated on stainless steel surfaces in equal numbers. Unexpectedly, pstAB mutant cells were >10-fold less abundant in the recirculating-water phase than parent strain cells. These observations show that GPLs are directly or indirectly required for colonization of some, but by no means all, surfaces. Under some conditions, GPLs may play an entirely different role by facilitating the survival or dispersal of nonadherent M. avium cells in circulating water. Such a function could contribute to waterborne M. avium infection.  相似文献   

细胞壁在细胞极性建立和胚胎发生中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物细胞壁是一个活性的动态结构,其结构层次与组分随着发育进程而发生变化,且广泛参与细胞的各项生命活动,特别是在参与细胞命运决定、充当细胞发育信使、调控植物胚胎早期极性建立以及模式建成等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

细胞壁在植物胚胎发生中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在植物的生长与发育过程中,细胞壁不仅在决定和维持细胞形态方面发挥了重要作用,而且还参与了对细胞生长与分化的调控,这种调控涉及一些细胞壁信号分子,尤其是一些细胞壁水解产物在细胞内和细胞间的转导。现对细胞壁在植物胚胎发生中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

Lipid bilayer experiments indicated that the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis contains at least two different porins: (i) a cation-selective, heat-sensitive 0.7-nS channel which has a short-lived open state and is probably composed of 15-kDa subunits and (ii) a 3-nS, >60-kDa channel with a long-lived open state, resembling porins from fast-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Cell Wall of Mycobacterium lepraemurium Strain Hawaii   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The chemical properties of the cell wall of Mycobacterium lepraemurium strain Hawaii were investigated. Five subunits of the cell wall, arabinose mycolate, mycolic acids, tetrapeptide (Ala-Gln-diaminopimelic acid-Ala), disaccharide (N-acetylglucosaminyl-beta-1,4-N-glycolylmuramic acid), and arabinogalactan, were obtained, and their chemical structures were identified.  相似文献   

细胞壁在植物重金属耐性中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物细胞壁主要是由多糖、蛋白质和木质素等组成的一个复合体,广泛参与植物生长发育及对各种逆境胁迫的响应,是重金属离子进入细胞质的第一道屏障。本文主要综述了植物细胞壁主要成分,包括细胞壁多糖、细胞壁蛋白质和木质素,在响应重金属胁迫反应中的作用及其参与重金属耐性的机制,以期能对植物细胞壁在重金属耐性中的作用有更深入的了解。  相似文献   

The absence of glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) abolishes the ability of mycobacteria both to slide over the surface of motility plates and to form biofilms on polyvinyl chloride. In a screen for biofilm-defective mutants of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155, a new mutant was obtained that resulted in partial inhibition of both processes and also showed an intermediate rough colony morphology. The mariner transposon insertion mapped to a GPL biosynthesis gene (atf1) which encodes a putative acetyltranferase involved in the transfer of acetyl groups to the glycopeptide core. Physical characterization of the GPLs from the atf1 mutant demonstrated that they were not acetylated.  相似文献   

Aims:  To compare three methods for DNA extraction from Mycobacterium bovis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium .
Methods and Results:  The DNA was extracted from mycobacterial cultures using enzymatic extraction, combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction. The yield and quality of DNA were compared by spectrophotometry, agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction endonuclease analysis and PCR. The combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction method yielded more DNA. However, that method produced some sheared DNA, visible either by agarose gel electrophoresis or by restriction endonuclease analysis. All methods were appropriate for PCR amplification of a 123 bp fragment of IS 6110 in M. bovis and M. tuberculosis , and of a 1700 bp fragment of FR300 region in M. avium avium .
Conclusions:  Combined bead beating and enzymatic extraction method was the most efficient and easy method for extracting DNA from bacteria of the M. tuberculosis complex.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results reveal important differences among the DNA extraction methods for mycobacteria, which are relevant for the success of further downstream molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Several species of mycobacteria express abundant glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) on the surfaces of their cells. The GPLs are glycolipids that contain modified sugars including acetylated 6-deoxy-talose and methylated rhamnose. Four methyltransferases have been implicated in the synthesis of the GPLs of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium avium. A rhamnosyl 3-O-methytransferase and a fatty acid methyltransferase of M. smegmatis have been previously characterized. In this paper, we characterize the methyltransferases that are responsible for modifying the hydroxyl groups at positions 2 and 4 of rhamnose and propose the biosynthetic sequence of GPL trimethylrhamnose formation. The analysis of M. avium genes through the creation of specific mutants is technically difficult; therefore, an alternative approach to determine the function of putative methyltransferases of M. avium was undertaken. Complementation of M. smegmatis methyltransferase mutants with M. avium genes revealed that MtfC and MtfB of the latter species have 4-O-methyltransferase activity and that MtfD is a 3-O-methyltransferase which can modify rhamnose of GPLs in M. smegmatis.  相似文献   

The Reduced Wall Acetylation (RWA) proteins are involved in cell wall acetylation in plants. Previously, we described a single mutant, rwa2, which has about 20% lower level of O-acetylation in leaf cell walls and no obvious growth or developmental phenotype. In this study, we generated double, triple, and quadruple loss-of-function mutants of all four members of the RWA family in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). In contrast to rwa2, the triple and quadruple rwa mutants display severe growth phenotypes revealing the importance of wall acetylation for plant growth and development. The quadruple rwa mutant can be completely complemented with the RWA2 protein expressed under 35S promoter, indicating the functional redundancy of the RWA proteins. Nevertheless, the degree of acetylation of xylan, (gluco)mannan, and xyloglucan as well as overall cell wall acetylation is affected differently in different combinations of triple mutants, suggesting their diversity in substrate preference. The overall degree of wall acetylation in the rwa quadruple mutant was reduced by 63% compared with the wild type, and histochemical analysis of the rwa quadruple mutant stem indicates defects in cell differentiation of cell types with secondary cell walls.Plant cell walls are multifunctional viscoelastic networks mainly composed of polysaccharides. Many of these polysaccharides, including xylans, (gluco)mannans, xyloglucans (XyGs), and pectins, have various degrees and patterns of acetyl esterification (Gille and Pauly, 2012; Pawar et al., 2013). The biological role of cell wall acetylation is not well understood, but it is believed to be important for pathogen resistance and plant development, and the acetylation of pectin also impacts upon the mechanical properties of cell walls (Manabe et al., 2011; Orfila et al., 2012; Pogorelko et al., 2013). In vitro, acetyl groups influence susceptibility to enzymatic degradation of pectin and xylan (Selig et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2012; Gou et al., 2012; Orfila et al., 2012; Pogorelko et al., 2013), and therefore acetylation may constitute a barrier to cell wall deconstruction. Alkali treatment of wall materials, which hydrolyzes the ester bonds, is broadly used to make polysaccharides more extractable. The treatment does not only facilitate the degradation of xylan and pectins, but also improves the deconstruction of cellulose, as the depolymerization of noncellulosic polymers results in a better accessibility to cellulose by degrading enzymes (Selig et al., 2009). Low levels of acetylated polysaccharides in plant feedstocks would be desirable for downstream processing in biorefineries, firstly, because the cell wall material of plant feedstocks with low level of acetylation is expected to be more easily extracted and, secondly, because less acetate, which is highly toxic to microorganisms such as yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), would be released during extraction (Manabe et al., 2011; Gille and Pauly, 2012; Pawar et al., 2013). However, although reducing the O-acetylation level of xylan by approximately 60%, as observed in the walls of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) eskimo1 mutant, enhances enzymatic degradation of isolated xylan (Yuan et al., 2013), enzymatic hydrolysis yields of whole wall materials have been reported to actually be decreased (Xiong et al., 2013). This presumably results from a tighter association between these now lowly substituted xylan polymers and cellulose (Xiong et al., 2013).Recently, we reported REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION2 (RWA2), the first protein to be involved in cell wall acetylation in planta (Manabe et al., 2011). RWA2 is a member of a small family consisting of four proteins in Arabidopsis, and its loss-of-function mutants display 20% reduction of acetylation in a range of polysaccharides that include XyG and pectins. We have hypothesized, based on phylogenetic analysis, expression pattern, moderate reduction in acetylation, and the absence of morphological phenotype, that RWA proteins have redundant functions in a biochemical reaction that occurs prior to the actual acetylation of specific polysaccharides. Independently to our research, a quadruple mutant of RWA has been reported to display reduction in xylan acetylation, secondary cell wall thickness, and mechanical strength of the stem (Lee et al., 2011). Meanwhile, Gille et al. (2011) have discovered a new family of proteins involved in the acetylation of specific polysaccharides: the plant-specific DOMAIN OF UNKNOWN FUNCTION (DUF) 231 family (also known as TRICHOME BIREFRINGENCE-LIKE [TBL] family). The loss-of-function mutants altered xyloglucan4 (axy4)/tbl27 and axy4L/tbl22 lack O-acetylation specifically of XyG in certain tissues, while eskimo1/tbl29 mutants contain reduced O-acetylation of xylan (Xiong et al., 2013; Yuan et al., 2013). The TBL/DUF231 family proteins and the RWA proteins have sequence similarity to the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of the fungal protein Cas1p, respectively (Anantharaman and Aravind, 2010). This could suggest that the TBL and RWA proteins function in protein complexes where the determinants of substrate specificity reside in the TBL partner (Manabe et al., 2011). However, because there are many more TBL proteins than RWA proteins (e.g. 46 TBL proteins versus four RWA proteins in the genome of Arabidopsis), it is likely that they do not form discrete and invariable complexes. Crossing of rwa2-3 and a leaky allele of axy4, axy4-1, resulted in a double mutant with partially additive phenotype (Gille et al., 2011). Its XyG acetylation is lower compared with either single mutant. From this analysis, RWA2 and AXY4 have been hypothesized to work in synergy, although the function of RWA2 might be substituted by other RWAs (Gille et al., 2011). Here, we have generated all the combinations of double, triple, and quadruple mutants of all four members of RWA family to further investigate the functional diversity and redundancy and to explore the function of cell wall acetylation and the role of RWAs in the network of acetylation-related enzymes. The triple and quadruple mutants we have obtained displayed severe and distinct phenotypes such as extreme dwarfism. This contrasts with the very mild phenotypes reported by Lee et al. (2011). Taken together, RWAs have partially redundant functions in the process of cell wall acetylation and show distinct impacts upon different cell wall polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Proteins targeted to the plasma membrane (PM) of cells are degraded at different rates. Sorting motifs contained within the cytoplasmic domains of transmembrane proteins, post-translational modifications (e.g. ubiquitination), and assembly into multiprotein or protein-lipid complexes all may affect the efficiency of endocytosis and recycling and influence the delivery to degradative compartments. Using the SNAP-tag labeling system, we examined the turnover of a model PM protein, the α chain of the interleukin-2 receptor (Tac). The surface lifetimes of SNAP-Tac fusions were influenced by their mode of entry into cells (clathrin-dependent versus clathrin-independent), their orientation in the PM (transmembrane versus glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored), and ubiquitination in their cytosolic domains. In addition, shedding of SNAP-Tac into the medium was greatly influenced by its O-linked glycosylation status. For a number of PM proteins, delivery to lysosomes and ectodomain shedding represent distinct parallel mechanisms to determine protein half-life.  相似文献   

Between 2 August and 22 September 2000, 37 hunter-killed tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes) were evaluated at the Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, California, USA, for evidence of paratuberculosis. Elk were examined post-mortem, and tissue and fecal samples were submitted for radiometric mycobacterial culture. Acid-fast isolates were identified by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that discriminates among members of the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). Histopathologic evaluations were completed, and animals were tested for antibodies using a Johne's enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and agar gel immunodiffusion. In addition, 104 fecal samples from tule elk remaining in the herd were collected from the ground and submitted for radiometric mycobacterial culture. No gross lesions were detected in any of the hunter-killed animals. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) was cultured once from ileocecal tissue of one adult elk and was determined to be a strain (A18) found commonly in infected cattle. One or more isolates of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (MAA) were isolated from tissues of five additional adult elk. Gastrointestinal tract and lymph node tissues from 17 of the 37 elk (46%) examined had histopathologic lesions commonly seen with mycobacterial infection; however, acid-fast bacteria were not observed. All MAC infections were detected from adult elk (P = 0.023). In adult elk, a statistically significant association was found between MAA infection and ELISA sample-to-positive ratio (S/P) > or = 0.25 (P=0.021); four of five MAA culture-positive elk tested positive by ELISA. Sensitivity and specificity of ELISA S/P > or = 0.25 for detection of MAA in adult elk were 50% and 93%, respectively. No significant associations were found between MAC infection and sex or histopathologic lesions. Bacteriologic culture confirmed infection with MAP and MAA in this asymptomatic tule elk herd. The Johne's ELISA was useful in signaling mycobacterial infection on a population basis but could not discriminate between MAA and MAP antibodies. The multiplex PCR was useful in discriminating among the closely related species belonging to MAC.  相似文献   

Here, we present for the first time a high-affinity peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligonucleotide sequence for detecting Mycobacterium avium bacteria, including the opportunistically pathogenic subspecies M. avium subsp. avium, M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis, and M. avium subsp. silvaticum, by the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method. There is evidence that M. avium subsp. avium especially is able to survive and grow in drinking-water biofilms and possibly transmit via drinking water. The designed PNA probe (MAV148) specificity was tested with several bacterial species, including other mycobacteria and mycolic acid-containing bacteria. From the range of bacterial strains tested, only M. avium subsp. avium and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains were hybridized. The PNA FISH method was applied successfully to detect M. avium subsp. avium spiked in water samples and biofilm established within a Propella biofilm reactor fed with potable water from a distribution supply.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium smegmatis has been widely used as a mycobacterial infection model. Unlike the M. smegmatis mc2155 strain, M. smegmatis J15cs strain has the advantage of surviving for one week in murine macrophages. In our previous report, we clarified that the J15cs strain has deleted apolar glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) in the cell wall, which may affect its morphology and survival in host cells. In this study, the gene causing the GPL deletion in the J15cs strain was identified. The mps1-2 gene (MSMEG_0400-0402) correlated with GPL biosynthesis. The J15cs strain had 18 bps deleted in the mps1 gene compared to that of the mc2155 strain. The mps1-complemented J15cs mutant restored the expression of GPLs. Although the J15cs strain produces a rough and dry colony, the colony morphology of this mps1-complement was smooth like the mc2155 strain. The length in the mps1-complemented J15cs mutant was shortened by the expression of GPLs. In addition, the GPL-restored J15cs mutant did not survive as long as the parent J15cs strain in the murine macrophage cell line J774.1 cells. The results are direct evidence that the deletion of GPLs in the J15cs strain affects bacterial size, morphology, and survival in host cells.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium is both a pathogen that infects several hosts such as humans, pigs, and birds, as well as a microorganism that is encountered in environmental sources (soil and water). Protein secretion by the bacterium is likely to influence its ability to overcome adverse and competitive conditions both within or outside the host. Using a combination of cloning and information available in the databank, we characterized the secA gene from M. avium, encoding for a major preprotein translocase subunit associated with the secretion system of prokaryotics. In addition, we cloned the secA promoter sequence in a reporter construct upstream of a promoterless gfp. It was determined that the secA of M. avium shares large homology with the secA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis but not with secA of Mycobacterium leprae. secA expression was determined to be greater at logarithmic growth phase although it was also expressed at low levels during the stationary phase. secA expression was also observed when the bacteria were incubated in water as well as within human monocyte-derived macrophages and in conditions that are associated with biofilm formation. Future evaluation of the sec pathway in M. avium might provide important information about secreted proteins that are required for survival in different environments.  相似文献   

We performed a numerical taxonomy analysis of 38 Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and related mycobacterial strains, including wood pigeon mycobacteria; this analysis was based on 22 tests, which were selected for their potential discriminative value from a total of 51 tests studied and produced four well-defined clusters. Cluster 1 contained the M. paratuberculosis strains, including two strains isolated from Crohn's disease patients; cluster 2 contained Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare reference strains; cluster 3 consisted of the wood pigeon mycobacteria; and the only strain in cluster 4 was M. paratuberculosis 316F, which is used for antigen and vaccine production. Strains in cluster 1 were mycobactin dependent even when they were subcultured, whereas strains in cluster 3 were unable to grow on egg medium and their growth was stimulated by pH 5.5. Growth stimulation by pyruvate, resistance to D-cycloserine (50 micrograms/ml), and alkaline phosphatase activity also were characteristics that were useful for discriminating between clusters 1 and 3. The results of previous DNA-DNA hybridization studies have demonstrated that M. avium Chester 1901, M. paratuberculosis Bergey et al. 1923, and the wood pigeon mycobacteria belong to a single genomic species, and we propose that the name of this species should be M. avium. On the basis of the results of previous genomic analyses based on restriction fragment length, the results of polymorphism studies, and DNA patterns determined by field inversion gel electrophoresis as well as the results of our phenotypic study, we propose that the species should be divided into subspecies which correspond to pathogenicity and host range characteristics.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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