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In several studies, heterozygosity measured at around 10 microsatellite markers correlates with parasite load. Usually the effect size is small, but while this may reflect reality, it may also be possible that too few markers are used or the measure of fitness contains too much error to reveal what is actually a much stronger underlying effect. Here, we analysed over 200 stranded harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) for an association between lungworm burden and heterozygosity, conducting thorough necropsies on the seals and genotyping the samples obtained for 27 microsatellites. We found that homozygosity predicts higher worm burdens, but only in young animals, where the worms have the greatest impact on fitness. Testing each locus separately, we found that a significant majority reveal a weak but similar trend for heterozygosity to be protective against high lungworm burden, suggesting a genome-wide effect, that is, inbreeding. This conclusion is supported by the fact that heterozygosity is correlated among markers in young animals but not in otherwise equivalent older ones. Taken as a whole, our results support the notion that homozygosity increases susceptibility to parasitic infection and suggest that parasites can be effective in removing inbred individuals from the population.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of most seal species is characterized by a tight synchrony of births. Typically, timing of birth shows little inter-annual variation. Here, however we show that harbour seals Phoca vitulina from the Wadden Sea (southeast North Sea) have shortened their yearly cycle, moving parturition to earlier dates since the early 1970s. Between 1974 and 2009, the birth date of harbour seals shifted on average by −0.71 d yr−1, three and a half weeks (25 days) earlier, in the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea. Pup counts available for other parts of the Wadden Sea were analysed, showing a similar shift. To elucidate potential mechanism(s) for this shift in pupping phenology, possible changes in population demography, changes in maternal life-history traits and variations in environmental conditions were examined. It was deduced that the most likely mechanism was a shortening of embryonic diapause. We hypothesize that this could have been facilitated by an improved forage base, e.g. increase of small fishes, attributable to overfishing of large predator fishes and size-selective fisheries.  相似文献   

Seven post-moulting adult ringed seals (Phoca hispida) were equipped with Satellite Linked Dive Recorders in Svalbard in July 1996 to determine if ringed seals conduct long-distance post-moulting feeding excursions, and to obtain details of their diving behaviour. The mean duration of tags was 206 days (range 103–325). Two seals swam 400 km north to the drifting pack ice (82°N). The rest undertook more local movements. Forty-eight percent of all dives were shallower than 20 m and 90% were shallower than 100 m. Ninety-five percent of all dive durations were shorter than 10 min, and 99.5% were shorter than 15 min. This study has shown that adult ringed seals undertake varying patterns of post-moulting excursions. Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

The heat increment of feeding was estimated in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). Seals were given different amounts of herring, ranging from 0.8 to 2.65 kg. The caloric content of the herring ranged from 6575 to 12560 kJ·kg-1 depending on time of year. Metabolic rate increased within 30 min after feeding, and the magnitude and duration of heat increment of feeding depended on the size of the meal and the caloric content of the herring. Measured heat increment of feeding was up to 14.9% of gross energy intake and metabolic rate increased as much as 46% above resting, postabsorptive metabolic rate for 15 h duration in a harbour seal with a body weight of approximately 40 kg.  相似文献   

Harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, dive from birth, providing a means of mapping the development of the diving response, and so our objective was to investigate the postpartum development of diving bradycardia. The study was conducted May-July 2000 and 2001 in the St. Lawrence River Estuary (48 degrees 41'N, 68 degrees 01'W). Both depth and heart rate (HR) were remotely recorded during 86,931 dives (ages 2-42 d, n = 15) and only depth for an additional 20,300 dives (combined data covered newborn to 60 d, n = 20). The mean dive depth and mean dive durations were conservative during nursing (2.1 +/- 0.1 m and 0.57 +/- 0.01 min, range = 0-30.9 m and 0-5.9 min, respectively). The HR of neonatal pups during submersion was bimodal, but as days passed, the milder of the two diving HRs disappeared from their diving HR record. By 15 d of age, most of the dive time was spent at the lower diving bradycardia rate. Additionally, this study shows that pups are born with the ability to maintain the lower, more fully developed dive bradycardia during focused diving but do not do so during shorter routine dives.  相似文献   

Harbour seals in a breeding colony at Miquelon exhibited 13 distinct types of play behaviour, 80% of which was solitary locomotor play. Most play was displayed by yearlings and juveniles, though a significant amount of adult play occurred as well. Mothers and pups rarely played. Yearlings played socially as often as alone, but seals of other age classes played by themselves most often. Only social play resembled adult activities. It is suggested that the function of mammalian play has been obscured by its similarity to adult behaviour.  相似文献   

Reproductive control in captive pinnipeds is an important management subject for many facilities. To date reproductive control in harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) has been achieved using anti-androgens, progestagen preparations, castration, and physical separation of the sexes. The harbour seal group at the seal station in Friedrichskoog, Germany consists of three mature females (all >10 years), one older mature male (13 years of age in 2000) and one male who reached maturity during the study (3 years of age in 2000). In 2000 the older mature male received for the first time a 3-month depot injection of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (buserelin acetetate, 9.9 mg) by subcutaneous injection. This male was subsequently given the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in 2001, 2004 and 2005. The younger male reached maturity during the investigation and received burserelin for the first time in 2004 and again in 2005. No pups were born in 2001, 2002, 2005 or 2006. No reproductive control was performed in 2002 and 2003, resulting in three newborns in 2003 and 2004. Serum levels of testosterone were measured by a routine liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectometry. Pre-burserelin testosterone levels varied between 0.02 and 2.18 ng/ml. Post-burserelin levels were under the detection limit except for the first year of the investigation. No behavioural changes such as changes in social ranking and no clinical side effects were observed. This study shows that the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, burserelin acetate, can be used for reversible reproductive control in harbour seals without observed side effects or detrimental behavioural changes.  相似文献   

Most Phocids are thought to reduce their food intake during the breeding and moulting seasons, even though fish are not in short supply. The present study of a captive breeding colony of harbour seals explored the relationship between changes in amount eaten, social behaviour and general activity levels. Even though the animals were given free access to food, over the year the daily amount they ate varied in three cycles. Food eaten fell below average between pupping and mating in June‐July, and fell again in November until early December, for a third time in mid February, and again in early May. Levels surpassed average during and shortly after moulting, and again in late December. Observations made during the summer and early fall revealed that the adult males became more active, and engaged in more social interaction when they were eating less. The female showed no such activity change as a function of appetite. Play occurred primarily when food levels were high. These results are discussed in the context of systems interaction theories of motivation.  相似文献   

The play behaviour of harbour seals was analysed on videotape, which allowed the determination of rates of play per age class relative to the population of seals of the same age, and sex of the player in 190 episodes. The majority of the results of our earlier study were confirmed in that adult play was unusually common, and most play was solitary rather than social. However, the reason for the apparent predominance of juvenile play in our 1986 study was most likely because of a large number of juvenile seals present in the herd at that time. Similarly, mothers, pups and weaners proved to play at high rates when population size was taken into account. Adults' playing increased during the weaning/mating period, whereas juveniles and subadults played progressively less over time. Mothers and pups played more near weaning, after which time the youngsters played at a steady high rate, though never socially. Adult social play was only evident during the mating period. The play of males and females differed qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Serum samples of harbour seals kept in captivity were analysed for progesterone and oestradiol-17 beta. The hormone profiles obtained were used to describe a complete reproductive cycle. A clear peak in oestradiol values, indicative of ovulation, was followed by elevated concentrations of progesterone. Implantation probably occurred 3-3.5 months thereafter. Progesterone concentrations rose significantly in the last 3-4 months of gestation, whereas oestradiol concentrations gradually increased after implantation. Lactational oestrus was marked by a peak of oestradiol on average 25 days after parturition and lactation lasted 4-5 weeks. Previous pregnancy had a marked influence on the timing of oestrus; females with offspring started a new reproductive cycle about 14 days later than previously non-pregnant seals. No differences in timing of parturition between the 2 groups were observed. This was probably the result of a flexible period of delayed implantation.  相似文献   

Although harbour seals may not recognize their relatives, relatives could be chosen preferentially for fostering (i.e. kin selection) if harbour seals display natal philopatry coupled with breeding site fidelity, and thus kin are clustered within the colony. We used behavioural and genetic data to investigate population structure within the Sable Island breeding colony and to test whether harbour seals tend to foster related pups. Adult females on Sable Island showed a high level of breeding-colony site fidelity but low levels of within-colony site fidelity both within and between years. Similarly, although lactating females showed a clumped distribution, group composition was highly variable, suggesting that this study colony was not composed of groups of related animals. DNA fingerprint data supported the hypothesis that female distribution within the colony was not correlated with genetic relatedness. Furthermore, the mean DNA band sharing among foster dyads did not differ significantly from that for unrelated animals. These results indicate that among harbour seals, related pups are not usually chosen preferentially for fostering and hence, kin selection is not likely to be influencing the occurrence of this behaviour. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Polar Biology - It is of critical importance to identify factors that affect harbour seal haul-out patterns to improve the accuracy of harbour seal censuses. In this study, haul-out patterns of...  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the period of ice cover in Hudson Bay has decreased, owing to climate warming, with breakup occurring approximately 3 weeks earlier than it did 30 years ago. The trend towards lengthening of the open water season has led to speculation that ringed seal numbers would decline, but then harbour seals might become numerous enough to replace ringed seals in the diet of polar bears. The movement patterns of 18 harbour seals equipped with satellite-linked transmitters in the Churchill River estuary (western Hudson Bay) were examined, as well as the dive behaviour of 11 of these seals. During the ice-free period, seals followed a general central place-foraging strategy, making repeated trips between their haul-out site in the Churchill River estuary and nearshore areas (<20 km) near the river mouth and estuary. Seal behaviour changed significantly as ice started to form along the coast of western Hudson Bay: animals remained significantly farther from the Churchill River haul-out site and from the coast and performed longer and deeper dives. However, throughout the entire tracking period, whether ice was present or not, all animals restricted their movements to a narrow band of shallow coastal waters (<50 m depth) along a 600-km stretch of the western Hudson Bay coastline, centred on the Churchill River estuary haul-out site. This natural self-limitation to nearshore shallow waters could restrict the potential for the population to increase in size and replace ringed seals as a primary energy resource for polar bears.  相似文献   

Monitoring of harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) has been carried out in the Danis part of the Wadden Sea during the past 8 years by the Fishery and Maritime Museum. In addition to this, field observations over three breeding seasons have been undertaken. The census shows a steady increase of approx. 14% per yeart. The distribution of the seals in the area can be split up into two different types of haulout localities, and a varied pattern of haulouts is observed during the year. The mass die-off in 1988 is discussed within the framework of the knowledge on the population, and it is recommended that more effort be put into monitoring and population studies of the harbour seal in the entire International Wadden Sea. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

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