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Most bacteria possess two type IIA topoisomerases, DNA gyrase and topo IV, that together help manage chromosome integrity and topology. Gyrase primarily introduces negative supercoils into DNA, an activity mediated by the C-terminal domain of its DNA binding subunit (GyrA). Although closely related to gyrase, topo IV preferentially decatenates DNA and relaxes positive supercoils. Here we report the structure of the full-length Escherichia coli ParC dimer at 3.0 A resolution. The N-terminal DNA binding region of ParC is highly similar to that of GyrA, but the ParC dimer adopts a markedly different conformation. The C-terminal domain (CTD) of ParC is revealed to be a degenerate form of the homologous GyrA CTD, and is anchored to the top of the N-terminal domains in a configuration different from that thought to occur in gyrase. Biochemical assays show that the ParC CTD controls the substrate specificity of topo IV, likely by capturing DNA segments of certain crossover geometries. This work delineates strong mechanistic parallels between topo IV and gyrase, while explaining how structural differences between the two enzyme families have led to distinct activity profiles. These findings in turn explain how the structures and functions of bacterial type IIA topoisomerases have evolved to meet specific needs of different bacterial families for the control of chromosome superstructure.  相似文献   

Molecular motors play a central role in cytoskeletal-mediated cellular processes and thus present an excellent target for cellular control by pharmacological agents. Yet very few such compounds have been found. We report here the structure of blebbistatin, which inhibits specific myosin isoforms, bound to the motor domain of Dictyostelium discoideum myosin II. This reveals the structural basis for its specificity and provides insight into the development of new agents.  相似文献   

l Methionine decarboxylase (MetDC) from Streptomyces sp. 590 is a vitamin B6‐dependent enzyme and catalyzes the non‐oxidative decarboxylation of l methionine to produce 3‐methylthiopropylamine and carbon dioxide. We present here the crystal structures of the ligand‐free form of MetDC and of several enzymatic reaction intermediates. Group II amino acid decarboxylases have many residues in common around the active site but the residues surrounding the side chain of the substrate differ. Based on information obtained from the crystal structure, and mutational and biochemical experiments, we propose a key role for Gln64 in determining the substrate specificity of MetDC, and for Tyr421 as the acid catalyst that participates in protonation after the decarboxylation reaction.  相似文献   

Rhomboids are intramembrane proteases that use a catalytic dyad of serine and histidine for proteolysis. They are conserved in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and regulate cellular processes as diverse as intercellular signalling, parasitic invasion of host cells, and mitochondrial morphology. Their widespread biological significance and consequent medical potential provides a strong incentive to understand the mechanism of these unusual enzymes for identification of specific inhibitors. In this study, we describe the structure of Escherichia coli rhomboid GlpG covalently bound to a mechanism‐based isocoumarin inhibitor. We identify the position of the oxyanion hole, and the S1‐ and S2′‐binding subsites of GlpG, which are the key determinants of substrate specificity. The inhibitor‐bound structure suggests that subtle structural change is sufficient for catalysis, as opposed to large changes proposed from previous structures of unliganded GlpG. Using bound inhibitor as a template, we present a model for substrate binding at the active site and biochemically test its validity. This study provides a foundation for a structural explanation of rhomboid specificity and mechanism, and for inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Progression through the eukaryotic cell cycle is driven by the orderly activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). For activity, CDKs require association with a cyclin and phosphorylation by a separate protein kinase at a conserved threonine residue (T160 in CDK2). Here we present the structure of a complex consisting of phosphorylated CDK2 and cyclin A together with an optimal peptide substrate, HHASPRK. This structure provides an explanation for the specificity of CDK2 towards the proline that follows the phosphorylatable serine of the substrate peptide, and the requirement for the basic residue in the P+3 position of the substrate. We also present the structure of phosphorylated CDK2 plus cyclin A3 in complex with residues 658-668 from the CDK2 substrate p107. These residues include the RXL motif required to target p107 to cyclins. This structure explains the specificity of the RXL motif for cyclins.  相似文献   

The group IV pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent decarboxylases belong to the beta/alpha barrel structural family, and include enzymes with substrate specificity for a range of basic amino acids. A unique homolog of this family, the Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus arginine decarboxylase (cvADC), shares about 40% amino acid sequence identity with the eukaryotic ornithine decarboxylases (ODCs). The X-ray structure of cvADC has been solved to 1.95 and 1.8 A resolution for the free and agmatine (product)-bound enzymes. The global structural differences between cvADC and eukaryotic ODC are minimal (rmsd of 1.2-1.4 A); however, the active site has significant structural rearrangements. The key "specificity element," is identified as the 310-helix that contains and positions substrate-binding residues such as E296 cvADC (D332 in T. brucei ODC). In comparison to the ODC structures, the 310-helix in cvADC is shifted over 2 A away from the PLP cofactor, thus accommodating the larger arginine substrate. Within the context of this conserved fold, the protein is designed to be flexible in the positioning and amino acid sequence of the 310-helix, providing a mechanism to evolve different substrate preferences within the family without large structural rearrangements. Also, in the structure, the "K148-loop" (homologous to the "K169-loop" of ODC) is observed in a closed, substrate-bound conformation for the first time. Apparently the K148 loop is a mobile loop, analogous to those observed in triose phosphate isomerase and tryptophan synthetase. In conjunction with prior structural studies these data predict that this loop adopts different conformations throughout the catalytic cycle, and that loop movement may be kinetically linked to the rate-limiting step of product release.  相似文献   

Liu W  Rogers CJ  Fisher AJ  Toney MD 《Biochemistry》2002,41(41):12320-12328
The kinetics of inhibition of dialkylglycine decarboxylase by five aminophosphonate inhibitors are presented. Two of these [(R)-1-amino-1-methylpropanephosphonate and (S)-1-aminoethanephosphonate] are slow binding inhibitors. The inhibitors follow a mechanism in which a weak complex is rapidly formed, followed by slow isomerization to the tight complex. Here, the tight complexes are bound 10-fold more tightly than the weak, initial complexes. The slow onset inhibition occurs with t(1/2) values of 1.3 and 0.55 min at saturating inhibitor concentrations for the AMPP and S-AEP inhibitors, respectively, while dissociation of these inhibitor complexes occurs with t(1/2) values of 13 and 4.6 min, respectively. The X-ray structures of four of the inhibitors in complex with dialkylglycine decarboxylase have been determined to resolutions ranging from 2.6 to 2.0 A, and refined to R-factors of 14.5-19.5%. These structures show variation in the active site structure with inhibitor side chain size and slow binding character. It is proposed that the slow binding behavior originates in an isomerization from an initial complex in which the PLP pyridine nitrogen-D243 OD2 distance is approximately 2.9 A to one in which it is approximately 2.7 A. The angles that the C-P bonds make with the p orbitals of the aldimine pi system are correlated with the reactivities of the analogous amino acid substrates, suggesting a role for stereoelectronic effects in Schiff base reactivity.  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial deoxyribonucleotidase catalyzes the dephosphorylation of thymidine and deoxyuridine monophosphates and participates in the regulation of the dTTP pool in mitochondria. We present seven structures of the inactive D41N variant of this enzyme in complex with thymidine 3'-monophosphate, thymidine 5'-monophosphate, deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 5'-monophosphate, deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate, uridine 2'-monophosphate, and the 5'-monophosphate of the nucleoside analog 3'-deoxy 2'3'-didehydrothymidine, and we draw conclusions about the substrate specificity based on comparisons with enzyme activities. We show that the enzyme's specificity for the deoxyribo form of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates is due to Ile-133, Phe-49, and Phe-102, which surround the 2' position of the sugar and cause an energetically unfavorable environment for the 2'-hydroxyl group of ribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates. The close binding of the 3'-hydroxyl group of nucleoside 5'-monophosphates to the enzyme indicates that nucleoside analog drugs that are substituted with a bulky group at this position will not be good substrates for this enzyme.  相似文献   

D L Anton  R Kutny 《Biochemistry》1987,26(20):6444-6447
S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, a pyruvoyl-containing decarboxylase, is inactivated in a time-dependent process under turnover conditions. The inactivation is dependent on the presence of both substrate and Mg2+, which is also required for enzyme activity. The rate of inactivation is dependent on the concentration of substrate and appears to be saturable. Inactivation by [methionyl-3,4-14C]-adenosylmethionine results in stoichiometric labeling of the protein. In contrast, when either S-[methyl-3H]adenosylmethionine or [8-14C]adenosylmethionine is used, there is virtually no incorporation of radioactivity. Automated Edman degradation of the alpha (pyruvoyl-containing) subunit reveals that substrate inactivation results in the conversion of the pyruvoyl group to an alanyl residue. These data suggest a mechanism of inactivation which involves the transamination of the nascent product to the pyruvoyl group, followed by the elimination of methylthioadenosine and the generation of a 2-propenal equivalent which could undergo a Michael addition to the enzyme. This is the first evidence for a transamination mechanism for substrate inactivation of a pyruvoyl enzyme.  相似文献   

Acetyl esterases from carbohydrate esterase family 7 exhibit unusual substrate specificity. These proteins catalyze the cleavage of disparate acetate esters with high efficiency, but are unreactive to larger acyl groups. The structural basis for this distinct selectivity profile is unknown. Here, we investigate a thermostable acetyl esterase (TM0077) from Thermotoga maritima using evolutionary relationships, structural information, fluorescent kinetic measurements, and site directed mutagenesis. We measured the kinetic and structural determinants for this specificity using a diverse series of small molecule enzyme substrates, including novel fluorogenic esters. These experiments identified two hydrophobic plasticity residues (Pro228, and Ile276) surrounding the nucleophilic serine that impart this specificity of TM0077 for small, straight-chain esters. Substitution of these residues with alanine imparts broader specificity to TM0077 for the hydrolysis of longer and bulkier esters. Our results suggest the specificity of acetyl esterases have been finely tuned by evolution to catalyze the removal of acetate groups from diverse substrates, but can be modified by focused amino acid substitutions to yield enzymes capable of cleaving larger ester functionalities.  相似文献   

Many intriguing facets of lipoxygenase (LOX) catalysis are open to a detailed structural analysis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids with two to six double bonds are oxygenated precisely on a particular carbon, typically forming a single chiral fatty acid hydroperoxide product. Molecular oxygen is not bound or liganded during catalysis, yet it is directed precisely to one position and one stereo configuration on the reacting fatty acid. The transformations proceed upon exposure of substrate to enzyme in the presence of O2 (RH + O2 → ROOH), so it has proved challenging to capture the precise mode of substrate binding in the LOX active site. Beginning with crystal structures with bound inhibitors or surrogate substrates, and most recently arachidonic acid bound under anaerobic conditions, a picture is consolidating of catalysis in a U‐shaped fatty acid binding channel in which individual LOX enzymes use distinct amino acids to control the head‐to‐tail orientation of the fatty acid and register of the selected pentadiene opposite the non‐heme iron, suitably positioned for the initial stereoselective hydrogen abstraction and subsequent reaction with O2. Drawing on the crystal structures available currently, this review features the roles of the N‐terminal β‐barrel (C2‐like, or PLAT domain) in substrate acquisition and sensitivity to cellular calcium, and the α‐helical catalytic domain in fatty acid binding and reactions with O2 that produce hydroperoxide products with regio and stereospecificity. LOX structures combine to explain how similar enzymes with conserved catalytic machinery differ in product, but not substrate, specificities.  相似文献   

The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of bacteriophage phi6 transcribes mRNA from the three segments of the dsRNA viral genome. We have cocrystallized RNA oligonucleotides with the polymerase, revealing the mode of binding of RNA templates. This binding is somewhat different from that previously seen for DNA oligomers, leading to additional RNA-protein hydrogen bonds, consistent with a preference for RNA. Activation of the RNA/polymerase complex by the addition of substrate and Mg2+ initiates a single round of reaction within the crystal to form a dead-end complex that partially collapses within the enzyme active site. By replacing Mg2+ with Ca2+, we have been able to capture the inhibited complex which shows distortion that explains the structural basis for the inhibition of such polymerases by Ca2+.  相似文献   

Tang WK  Wong KB  Lam YM  Cha SS  Cheng CH  Fong WP 《FEBS letters》2008,582(20):3090-3096
The crystal structure of seabream antiquitin in complex with the cofactor NAD(+) was solved at 2.8A resolution. The mouth of the substrate-binding pocket is guarded by two conserved residues, Glu120 and Arg300. To test the role of these two residues, we have prepared the two mutants E120A and R300A. Our model and kinetics data suggest that antiquitin's specificity towards the substrate alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde is contributed mainly by Glu120 which interacts with the alpha-amino group of the substrate. On the other hand, Arg300 does not have any specific interaction with the alpha-carboxylate group of the substrate, but is important in maintaining the active site conformation.  相似文献   

l-lysine is an essential amino acid that is widely used as a food supplement for humans and animals. meso-Diaminopimelic acid decarboxylase (DAPDC) catalyzes the final step in the de novol-lysine biosynthetic pathway by converting meso-diaminopimelic acid (meso-DAP) into l-lysine by decarboxylation reaction. To elucidate its molecular mechanisms, we determined the crystal structure of DAPDC from Corynebacterium glutamicum (CgDAPDC). The PLP cofactor is bound at the center of the barrel domain and forms a Schiff base with the catalytic Lys75 residue. We also determined the CgDAPDC structure in complex with both pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) and the l-lysine product and revealed that the protein has an optimal substrate binding pocket to accommodate meso-DAP as a substrate. Structural comparison of CgDAPDC with other amino acid decarboxylases with different substrate specificities revealed that the position of the α15 helix in CgDAPDC and the residues located on the helix are crucial for determining the substrate specificities of the amino acid decarboxylases.  相似文献   

Human NUDT5 (hNUDT5) is an ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase (ADPRase) belonging to the Nudix hydrolase superfamily. It presumably plays important roles in controlling the intracellular level of ADP-ribose (ADPR) to prevent non-enzymatic ADP-ribosylation by hydrolyzing ADPR to AMP and ribose 5'-phosphate. We report here the crystal structures of hNUDT5 in apo form, in complex with ADPR, and in complex with AMP with bound Mg2+. hNUDT5 forms a homodimer with substantial domain swapping and assumes a structure more similar to Escherichia coli ADPRase ORF209 than human ADPRase NUDT9. The adenine moiety of the substrates is specifically recognized by the enzyme via hydrogen-bonding interactions between N1 and N6 of the base and Glu47 of one subunit, and between N7 of the base and Arg51 of the other subunit, providing the molecular basis for the high selectivity of hNUDT5 for ADP-sugars over other sugar nucleotides. Structural comparisons with E. coli ADPRase ORF209 and ADPXase ORF186 indicate that the existence of an aromatic residue on loop L8 in ORF186 seems to be positively correlated with its enzymatic activity on APnA, whereas hNUDT5 and ORF209 contain no such residue and thus have low or no activities on APnA.  相似文献   

Cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULTs) are mammalian enzymes that detoxify a wide variety of chemicals through the addition of a sulfate group. Despite extensive research, the molecular basis for the broad specificity of SULTs is still not understood. Here, structural, protein engineering and kinetic approaches were employed to obtain deep understanding of the molecular basis for the broad specificity, catalytic activity and substrate inhibition of SULT1A1. We have determined five new structures of SULT1A1 in complex with different acceptors, and utilized a directed evolution approach to generate SULT1A1 mutants with enhanced thermostability and increased catalytic activity. We found that active site plasticity enables binding of different acceptors and identified dramatic structural changes in the SULT1A1 active site leading to the binding of a second acceptor molecule in a conserved yet non-productive manner. Our combined approach highlights the dominant role of SULT1A1 structural flexibility in controlling the specificity and activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex of the thiamine diphosphate dependent tetrameric enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) from brewer's yeast strain with the activator pyruvamide has been determined to 2.4 A resolution. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains two subunits, and the tetrameric molecule is generated by crystallographic symmetry. Structure analysis revealed conformational nonequivalence of the active sites. One of the two active sites in the asymmetric unit was found in an open conformation, with two active site loop regions (residues 104-113 and 290-304) disordered. In the other subunit, these loop regions are well-ordered and shield the active site from the bulk solution. In the closed enzyme subunit, one molecule of pyruvamide is bound in the active site channel, and is located in the vicinity of the thiazolium ring of the cofactor. A second pyruvamide binding site was found at the interface between the Pyr and the R domains of the subunit in the closed conformation, about 10 A away from residue C221. This second pyruvamide molecule might function in stabilizing the unique orientation of the R domain in this subunit which in turn is important for dimer-dimer interactions in the activated tetramer. No difference electron density in the close vicinity of the side chain of residue C221 was found, indicating that this residue does not form a covalent adduct with an activator molecule. Kinetic experiments showed that substrate activation was not affected by oxidation of cysteine residues and therefore does not seem to be dependent on intact thiol groups in the enzyme. The results suggest that a disorder-order transition of two active-site loop regions is a key event in the activation process triggered by the activator pyruvamide and that covalent modification of C221 is not required for this transition to occur. Based on these findings, a possible mechanism for the activation of PDC by its substrate, pyruvate, is proposed.  相似文献   

Acetyl esterases from carbohydrate esterase family 7 exhibit unusual substrate specificity. These proteins catalyze the cleavage of disparate acetate esters with high efficiency, but are unreactive to larger acyl groups. The structural basis for this distinct selectivity profile is unknown. Here, we investigate a thermostable acetyl esterase (TM0077) from Thermotoga maritima using evolutionary relationships, structural information, fluorescent kinetic measurements, and site directed mutagenesis. We measured the kinetic and structural determinants for this specificity using a diverse series of small molecule enzyme substrates, including novel fluorogenic esters. These experiments identified two hydrophobic plasticity residues (Pro228, and Ile276) surrounding the nucleophilic serine that impart this specificity of TM0077 for small, straight-chain esters. Substitution of these residues with alanine imparts broader specificity to TM0077 for the hydrolysis of longer and bulkier esters. Our results suggest the specificity of acetyl esterases have been finely tuned by evolution to catalyze the removal of acetate groups from diverse substrates, but can be modified by focused amino acid substitutions to yield enzymes capable of cleaving larger ester functionalities.  相似文献   

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