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Abstract:  The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae), is one of the most destructive insect pests of crucifers worldwide. It was the first crop insect reported to be resistant to DDT and now in many crucifer-producing regions it has shown significant resistance to almost every insecticide applied in field including biopesticides such as crystal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and spinosyns from Saccharopolyspora spinosa . In certain parts of the world, economical production of crucifers has become almost impossible because of its resistance to insecticides and resulting control failure. A coordinated resistance management program needs to be implemented with the involvement of pesticide industry, local pesticide regulatory authorities, scientists and farmers. The judicious use of chemicals in conjunction with other control measures (e.g. biological control agents, resistant varieties, proper fertilization rates) is the best way to manage DBM and other pests of cruciferous crops. Introduction of glucosinolate-sulphatase inhibitors as plant-incorporated-products or sprayable material may also lead to a novel pest management strategy.  相似文献   

小菜蛾抗药性及其治理对策的研究进展   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella L.)的抗药性研究是一项全球性的重要课题。本从其抗药性发展、抗药性机理研究进展、抗药性检测及研究手段的状况、抗药性治理对策等方面,对小菜蛾抗药性的研究进展进行综述。目前,对小菜蛾抗药性的分子水平上的探讨甚少。  相似文献   

采用叶片浸溃法,在2001年10月和2002年10月分别测定了福州上街蔬菜基地的小菜蛾,对10种杀虫剂的敏感性。结果表明,上街菜区小菜蛾对灭多威、杀虫双、辛硫磷、毒死蜱、杀灭菊酯和功夫菊酯等农药极不敏感,已不能有效控制小菜蛾的危害。而小菜蛾对氟啶脲、阿维菌素、氟虫腈和虫螨腈比较敏感。通过两次毒力测定比较(2002年10月的LC50;2001年10月的LC50),结果表明,大多数杀虫剂敏感性变化较小。但小菜蛾对阿维菌素敏感性明显下降,毒力倍数达6.65倍,对氟虫腈毒力倍数相差1.48倍。此外,2002年10月小菜蛾对功夫菊酯的LC50为2001年10月的2.02倍。用浸叶法和浸溃法测定多杀菌素、氟虫腈与虫螨腈推荐浓度对小菜蛾幼虫的毒杀作用。结果表明3种药剂浸叶法处理效果均较理想。  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) is a destructive pest of brassicas globally. Control of the pest is dominated by insecticides. Studies have shown that in some African countries, there is a great reliance on broad spectrum insecticides such as pyrethroids, organophosphates and carbamates, that are applied weekly or twice per week. Use of unregistered insecticides has also been reported. The quality of insecticide application has also been reported to be poor or ineffective. It is therefore not surprising that DBM is fast developing resistance to the major insecticides used against it. Adopting an integrated pest management strategy may be a good arsenal to use against the pest.  相似文献   

Two laboratory diamondback moth (DBM) strains were used to study the effects of injecting cadherin gene double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) on the growth and development of Plutella xylostella (L.). Specifically, the susceptible strain named DBM.1Ac‐S and the low resistant strain DBM.1Ac‐R selected with Cry1Ac toxin were studied. The third larvae of the two strains were injected dsRNA of cadherin gene and their corresponding controls, DBM.1Ac‐RH and DBM.1Ac‐SH, were both injected diethypyrocarbonate (DEPC)‐treated water respectively. The basic biological properties such as death rate, hatching ratio, fecundity, weight of pupa and eclosion rate of the strains mentioned above were likewise studied. Meanwhile, the length and width of the egg and pupa were also measured. The results showed that the cadherin gene dsRNA injection resulted in a significant increase of the death rate and sex ratio. On the other hand, hatching ratio, fecundity, weight of pupa, eclosion rate and adult longevity for male and female of treatments decreased compared to their corresponding controls. As such, there was no significant difference on the length of egg and pupa in between treatments and the corresponding controls. However, their width increased inversely with their corresponding controls. Hence, the results suggest that cadherin gene dsRNA injection retarded the larval growth and development of P. xylostella. Also, these results can help reveal the function of cadherin gene through the RNA interference technique.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The improved cDNA representational difference analysis was preliminarily used to analyse the genetic differences between the deltamethrin-susceptible and -resistant strain of the diamondback moth. The driver amplicon is the cDNA from the susceptible strain while the tester amplicon is from the resistant strain. After four rounds of subtractive hybridization, we obtained one different product, the size of which was about 200 bp. Comparisons between our sequencing results and data in GenBank show that there is one sequence which has a relatively high homology to the ubiquitin gene, but there are no reports indicating that its upregulated expression is correlated with insecticide resistance. Hence further studies are warranted.  相似文献   

In response to reports of failures of sprays to control Plutella xylostella infestations in vegetable-growing areas around Adelaide in 1991, the extent of resistance to six insecticides in several South Australian populations of P. xylostella was determined. Populations sampled from vegetable crops in the Adelaide region were five- to 200-fold resistant to organophosphates (chlorpyrifos, methamidophos and mevinphos), eight- to 400-fold resistant to pyrethroids (esfenvalerate and permethrin) and six-fold resistant to the carbamate methomyl compared with a susceptible strain. Mevinphos and esfenvalerate were the most effective of the tested insecticides. These, together with Bacillus thuringiensis products, have continued until 1998 to be used almost exclusively for the control of P. xylostella in South Australian vegetable crops in the absence of any resistance management strategy.  相似文献   

针对我国小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)严重为害及高抗药性的现状,在华南、华中、华东、华北和西南等具代表性地区开展小菜蛾灾变规律、抗性监测及治理、越冬迁飞、抗性机理及可持续防控技术研究集成与示范。灾变规律研究结果表明,我国各地小菜蛾的年发生世代从北至南呈逐渐增加趋势,各地小菜蛾发生起始峰时间从南至北逐渐向后推移,每年不同区域有一至两个发生高峰,年度间受温度和降水等气候因素、天敌等生物因子以及耕作制度等人为操作等多种因素的影响。抗性监测及治理研究显示,全国5个十字花科蔬菜主产区小菜蛾对11种代表性杀虫剂都有较强的抗药性,不同药剂在全国的抗药性水平有很大差异,在华南、西南和华东十字花科蔬菜主产区抗性水平相对较高,华中和华北呈现抗性上升趋势,并根据抗性监测结果制定区域性抗性治理策略。越冬和迁飞研究证明,武汉至驻马店区域为小菜蛾的越冬北限,小菜蛾存在远距离迁移的特性,并确定小菜蛾有迁入迁出和迁入定殖两种迁飞模式。抗性机理研究结果表明,小菜蛾对Bt制剂、阿维菌素、氟虫腈、茚虫威和丁醚脲的抗性遗传方式不同,各药剂交互抗性普也存在差异。可持续防控技术方面,制定了适合各区域的小菜蛾可持续防控技术体系,并在华南、华东、华北、华中和西南等地区建立了45个示范基地,依区域不同分别示范推广具区域特色的以农业措施、生物防治、生态调控和合理用药为主的可持续防控等技术,累计印刷技术宣传手册16万份,培训各类农民和基层农技人员5.19万人次,累计示范面积近4万公顷,带动技术示范近20万公顷,取得了显著的经济、社会和生态效益。  相似文献   

小菜蛾对苦皮藤素抗性选育及交互抗性测定   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
敏感小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)经苦皮藤素20代的抗性选育,其抗性增长21.57倍。选育的小菜蛾抗性品系对杀虫双、杀螟丹和叶蝉散分别有4.63、4.11和3.71倍的交互抗性;对溴氰菊酯、氯菊酯、氯氰菊酯分别有0.22、0.01和0.26倍的负交互抗性。高抗杀螟丹、杀虫双小菜蛾品系对苦皮藤素无明显交互抗性,而高抗溴氰菊酯小菜蛾品系对苦皮藤素有3.61倍的交互抗性。  相似文献   

Abstract:  To investigate fluctuation in susceptibility to insecticides, natural populations of Plutella xylostella were collected from the same field in the region of Multan, Pakistan, in late summer, mid-winter and early spring. After bulking up for a generation in the laboratory, the populations were examined against pyrethroids and organophosphates as well as newer insecticides (spinosad, indoxacarb and emamectin). Each population showed a broad range of variation in susceptibility to all chemicals. Comparison between populations collected in different times of years in 2003 and 2004 showed variation in susceptibility to organophosphates and pyrethroids. In winter, susceptibility to organophosphates increased, whereas it decreased in relation to pyrethroids. However, susceptibility to the newer insecticides was unchanged within the season. The results suggest that the fluctuation observed in susceptibility could be either associated with fitness costs of organophosphate and pyrethroids or cessation of insecticides. These results might have important implications in resistance management. We propose a strategy for application of insecticides in relation to P. xylostella management in Pakistan.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep.: Plutellidae) is one of the most important pests of cruciferous plants throughout the world. In recent years, it has been identified as a serious pest of the cauliflower fields in Tehran province. Resistance of P. xylostella to all main groups of insecticides has been recorded and it is ranked in the 20 most resistant pest species reported until now. According to many researchers, to solve the problem of pest resistance to chemical pesticides, an integrated pest management programme should be used. Despite this condition, it seems that the use of resistant cauliflower cultivars is an appropriate policy for integrated control of the pest in the field. In order to identify the most resistant cultivar in the field, eight cauliflower cultivars in a completely randomised design with five replicates were planted at the Shahed University research field (south of Tehran). Density of eggs, larvae and pupae of P. xylostella were measured every 10 days in these cultivars. The results showed that there is no significant difference between numbers of eggs per plant on different cultivars. But number of larvae and pupae per plant were significantly different among different cultivars. Smilla and Snow mystique cultivars had the highest number of larvae and pupae. On the other hand, Buris and Snow crown cultivars had the lowest number of pupae and Snow crown and SG cultivars had the lowest number of larvae per plant. According to the results, the Buris and Snow crown cultivars had the lowest infestation and had a kind of resistance to pest.  相似文献   

小菜蛾在温带地区越冬研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马春森  马罡  杨和平 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3628-3636
小菜蛾是世界性重要害虫。在热带和亚热带地区冬季的十字花科植物上能正常发育繁殖,可见到各种虫态。但在温带冬季十字花科植物不能生长的地区,小菜蛾的越冬成为一个重要生态学问题。综述了亚洲、北美洲和欧洲小菜蛾越冬的研究进展。小菜蛾在日本的北海道、本州岛的北陆和东北大部分地区不能越冬,越冬北限相当于冬季积雪覆盖时间为60d的区域;在中国,小菜蛾不能在寒冷的东北地区越冬,在长江中下游以南地区冬季可见各虫态,但越冬北限尚不清楚;小菜蛾在冬天气候温和的韩国以及澳大利亚东南部继续发生;北美洲的加拿大西部和安大略地区大量的试验证明小菜蛾不能成功越冬,在美国南部小菜蛾冬季可正常发生,北部小菜蛾的越冬尚未见系统研究报道,但确认春季从南部运输的受小菜蛾感染的甘蓝等种苗是美国北部的重要虫源。小菜蛾在欧洲各地越冬的系统研究未见报道,没有证据表明在英国小菜蛾会发生有显著意义的越冬。目前小菜蛾越冬研究主要采用冬季直接试验观察和基于耐寒性试验的越冬预测两种方法。冬季直接试验观察法包括:(1)利用人工饲养的小菜蛾在田间各种潜在的越冬场所的越冬试验;(2)在秋播、野生或残留的十字花科植物上进行冬季种群的系统抽样调查;(3)越冬前后在前茬为十字花科植物的田块广泛搜寻普查小菜蛾的存活个体。基于耐寒性试验的越冬预测法:在获取小菜蛾越冬场所温度的基础上设计低温处理模式,试验低温处理后小菜蛾的存活率及后续发育和生殖。将试验数据和各地气温或小气候相结合,对小菜蛾在的越冬可能性进行推断。  相似文献   

Effects of eight insecticides on Diadegma insulare (Cresson), a parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L., were evaluated under the laboratory conditions. The insecticides were three azadirachtin-based products (Ecozin, Agroneem and Neemix), two Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products (Xentari and Crymax), indoxacarb, spinosad, and λ-cyhalothrin. When D. insulare pupae were treated, none of the insecticide treatments except λ-cyhalothrin significantly reduced adult emergence, with 76-90% adults emerged from the treated pupae. In the λ-cyhalothrin treatment, only 10% D. insulare pupae produced adult wasps. Indoxacarb, spinosad, and λ-cyhalothrin caused 100% D. insulare adult mortality in 24 h in Petri dishes sprayed with insecticides in the contact bioassays, and 95.8, 100 and 95.8% adult mortality in 24 h in the ingestion bioassays, respectively. In contrast, all three azadirachtin-based insecticides and the two Bt-insecticides caused only 0-10.4% mortality of D. insulare adults after ingestion. The surviving D. insulare from ingestion treatments with Bt- and azadirachtin-insecticides parasitized 50.8-67.6% of P. xylostella larvae, respectively, compare to 72.1% for the water control. After ingesting indoxacarb, spinosad and λ-cyhalothrin mixed in honey-water, both the females and the males lived significantly shorter than those ingesting Bt- and azadirachtin-insecticides and the non-insecticide honey-water. Effects of leaf residues of indoxacarb, spinosad and λ-cyhalothrin varied significantly. The leaf residues of spinosad had the least effects on D. insulare adults, and 7- and 10-day-old residue only caused 5.6 and 7.4% mortality in 24 h, whereas 10-day-old leaf residues of indoxacarb and λ-cyhalothrin caused 40.7 and 57.4% mortality in 24 h, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae), is an important pest of brassicaceous crops worldwide. It has developed resistance to almost every synthetic insecticide applied in the field and consequently is often difficult to control in crucifer-growing areas. DBM oviposition behaviour was investigated in greenhouse and growth chamber conditions with seven cruciferous and one non-cruciferous plant varieties. In free choice tests, females deposited more eggs on the stem near the soil-stem interface than on leaves. Our findings suggest that DBM is capable of developing behavioural resistance through oviposition site selection to avoid lethal doses of foliar-applied insecticides in the field.  相似文献   

Populations of Australian diamondback moth (DBM) Plutella xylostella (L.), a serious pest of cruciferous crops, display extremely low levels of genetic differentiation across Australia and New Zealand sample locations, as determined previously using microsatellite markers. These data suggest high levels of contemporary gene flow that is consistent with Australian DBM being a vagile species. Here we examine Australian DBM samples for haplotype variation using the mitochondrial DNA sequences of a 257 bp fragment of the CO1 gene. We compare this variation to equivalent mtDNA sequence variation in samples from New Zealand, Kenya and Korea. Using 42 moths collected throughout Australia we show that Australian DBM have both low mtDNA haplotype and nucleotide diversities. The three Australian haplotypes detected are closely related and they cluster with the common haplotype group from Indonesia. In addition the Australian haplotype frequency distribution resembled more that from Indonesia than that from Kenya or Korea. These data are consistent with an original strong Australian/New Zealand founder effect, from a south-eastern Asian source, with subsequent continued isolation. In a single season, the frequency of PXMt01, the most common Australian haplotype, was estimated at 15 locations spread across southern Australia and New Zealand using a polymerase chain reaction BiPASA method. The PXMt01 haplotype frequency variation was heterogenous, suggesting a small degree of population isolation that was not detected using microsatellites. Differentiation was not a function of geographical distance. These data suggest transient and sporadic local colonisation events by small numbers of founding females.  相似文献   

AlthoughPlutella xylostella (L.) is a worldwide pest of cruciferous crops, relatively little is known about its oviposition behaviour. This study was undertaken to provide necessary information about mechanisms involved inP. xylostella host selection. Four oviposition behaviours were described. Moths were given artificial substrates treated with water, sinigrin, orBrassica napus (cv. Westar) squashes, combined withB. napus volatiles and/or grooves in the substrate. No eggs were deposited in the absence of olfactory and gustatory stimuli. Moths given gustatory but not olfactory stimuli deposited similar numbers of eggs but spent significantly more time performing olfactory-related behaviours. Conversely, moths given olfactory but not gustatory stimuli did not oviposit.SSubstrate grooves did not influence egg numbers but appeared to influence egg location. The order in which oviposition behaviours occurs and the relative importance of stimuli type are discussed.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae), is one of the most important pests of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., in the world. In this study, resistance of oilseed rape cultivars to DBM was evaluated in fields of Tehran based on injury rate of the cultivars. To evaluate cultivar resistance, 19 cultivars of oilseed rape were planted in randomised complete-block design with three replications. Total experiments were conducted in experimental field of Shahed University. Results showed that DBM had activity on the plants during season and peak of the injury occurred on 27 May. Results indicated that the total of oilseed rape cultivar was spotty. Statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference among determined characteristics in all cultivars. The highest and lowest numbers of holes in the leaf were observed in Midas, Karaj3, Zarfam and Hyola420, Hyola308 cultivars, respectively, in sampling of the end growth. Opera and Midas cultivars have the highest percentage of leaf infestation and the lowest percentage of leaf infestation was observed in Hyola420 and Hyola308. Also, Karaj3 and Zarfam cultivars have the highest percentage of meristem infestation and the lowest percentage of meristem infestation was observed in Licard and Hyola420 cultivars. Based on peak of the injury rate and importance of meristem injury, Hyola420 and Hyola308 cultivars were relatively resistant to DBM, and Karaj3 and Zarfam were relatively sensitive to DBM.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) is a globally distributed and important economic pest, and it has developed resistance to all conventional insecticide classes used in the field. Chlorantraniliprole is a new chemical class of insecticide that acts as a conformation‐sensitive activator of the insect ryanodine receptor (RyR). In the present study, a field strain (16.3‐fold resistance to chlorantraniliprole) was collected in Korea and lab‐selected with chlorantraniliprole for more than one year. The resulting strain presented 2,157‐fold resistance to chlorantraniliprole. A point mutation (G4946E) in the RyR gene was observed at a high frequency in the resistant strain. Enzyme assays indicated that glutathione S‐transferase (GST) and P450 activity in the resistant strain were 2.4‐ and 1.96‐times higher than that of the susceptible strain, respectively. The expression of the RyR, GST (sigma, omega, and zeta) and CYP321E1 gene was higher in the resistant strain than in the susceptible strain. The F1 progeny resulting from reciprocal crosses did not reveal maternal effects or a diamide‐susceptible phenotype, which suggests an autosomal nearly recessive mode of inheritance. In addition, we surveyed the susceptibility to 13 insecticides (3 diamides, 2 synthetic pyrethroids, 2 spinosyns, 1 organophosphate, 1 oxadiazine, 1 avermectin, and 3 others) in the chlorantraniliprole‐resistant strain. The resistant strain exhibited high cross‐resistance to flubendiamide (5,910 fold) and showed no cross‐resistance to spinetoram, spinosad, indoxacarb, and metaflumizone. These results can serve as an important basis for guiding the use of insecticides in the field.  相似文献   

The efficacy of three entomopathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditis spp.), from north western Himalaya, India was studied against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), under laboratory conditions. The larvae were exposed to 10, 20, 30 and 40 infective juveniles (IJs) of each nematode species for different time periods and they were found to be susceptible to all the EPNs tested. However, the susceptibility of larvae to nematode infection varied according to the dosages of IJs and their exposure periods. The efficacy of these indigenous entomopathogenic nematodes was also evaluated against the commercially available entomopathogenic nematode H. indica. An indigenous isolate, H. bacteriophora (HRJ), along with the commercial isolate H. indica recorded 100.0% mortality of insect larvae in 96 h exposure time against third instar larvae of P. xylostella. However, it was noticed that with the advancement of larval stage its mortality rate reduces and vice versa with the exposure period. All the tested nematode species were also found to reproduce within the host and produced infective juveniles. In conclusion, the evidence obtained in this study suggests that all the three indigenous EPN species are virulent enough to produce 100% mortality of larvae of P. xylostella. These EPN species thus have potential for the management of P. xylostella under integrated management practices.  相似文献   

植物保护剂保卫德对小菜蛾种群控制效应评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内外试验表明,植物保护剂保卫德(BIOACT-T35)对小菜蛾种群具有较好的控制效应,其显的控制机理主要表现在对成虫产卵的忌避作用和对幼虫的拒食作用。保卫德10.00ml/L处理对成虫的忌避率为81.43%,对幼虫的选择和非选择性拒食率为96.32%和93.17%,小菜蛾种群趋势指数I值由对照的18.2840降为1.9492,干扰作用控制指数为0.1066。  相似文献   

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