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Kostelansky MS  Betts L  Gorkun OV  Lord ST 《Biochemistry》2002,41(40):12124-12132
We report two crystal structures, each at a resolution of 2.8 A, of recombinant human fibrinogen fragment D (rfD) in the absence and presence of peptide ligands. The bound ligands, Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-amide and Gly-His-Arg-Pro-amide, mimic the interactions of the thrombin exposed polymerization sites, "A" and "B", respectively. This report is the first to describe the structure of fragment D in the presence of both peptide ligands. The structures reveal that recombinant fibrinogen is nearly identical to the plasma protein but with minor changes, like the addition of a proximal fucose to the carbohydrate linked to residue betaGln364, and slightly different relative positions of the beta- and gamma-modules. Of major interest in our structures is that a previously identified calcium site in plasma fibrinogen is absent when Gly-His-Arg-Pro-amide is bound. The peptide-dependent loss of this calcium site may have significant biological implications that are further discussed. These structures provide a foundation for the detailed structural analysis of variant recombinant fibrinogens that were used to identify critical functional residues within fragment D.  相似文献   

The E fragment, derived from the NH2-terminal aspect of fibrinogen by plasmin cleavage (fg-E), possesses two generically distinct sets of antigenic expressions. The major set of antigens is expressed by the parent molecule as indicated by the capacity of a major subpopulation of antibodies present in antiserum to fg-E and reactive with fg-E to: (a) react with fibrinogen, and (b) be specifically absorbed by fibrinogen but appears following proteolysis with plasmin. These cleavage associated neoantigens (fg-E-neo) specifically react with a minor subpopulation of antibodies present in antiserum to fg-E.E fragments isolated after varying exposures to plasmin all expressed fg-E-neo, but early E fragments exhibited quantitatively less neoantigenic expression than more extensively degraded E fragments. The entire fg-E-neo expression is recovered on a single isolated constituent chain of the E fragment, and immunochemical analysis with antiserum to the isolated constituent chain-bearing fg-E-neo identifies it as a derivative of the gamma chain constituent, exhibits marked stability to physicochemical denaturation and enzymatic degradation. These properties suggest that the neoantigen may be associated with a specific amino acid sequence which is exposed by the cleavage process. The identification and localization of fg-E-neo provides a specific molecular marker site for the characterization of structural and conformational changes associated with catabolism and function of fibrinogen.  相似文献   

The interaction between the leukocyte integrin alpha(M)beta(2) (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1, CR3) and fibrinogen mediates the recruitment of phagocytes during the inflammatory response. Previous studies demonstrated that peptides P2 and P1, duplicating gamma 377-395 and gamma 190-202 sequences in the gamma C domain of fibrinogen, respectively, blocked the fibrinogen-binding function of alpha(M)beta(2), implicating these sequences as possible binding sites for alpha(M)beta(2). To determine the role of these sequences in integrin binding, recombinant wild-type and mutant gamma C domains were prepared, and their interactions with the alpha(M)I-domain, a ligand recognition domain within alpha(M)beta(2), were tested. Deletion of gamma 383-411 (P2-C) and gamma 377-411 produced gamma C mutants which were defective in binding to the alpha(M)I-domain. In contrast, alanine mutations of several residues in P1 did not affect alpha(M)I-domain binding, and simultaneous mutations in P1 and deletion of P2 did not decrease the binding function of gamma C further. Verifying the significance of P2, inserting P2-C and the entire P2 into the homologous position of the beta C-domain of fibrinogen imparted the higher alpha(M)I-domain binding ability to the chimeric proteins. To further define the molecular requirements for the P2-C activity, synthetic peptides derived from P2-C and a peptide array covering P2-C have been analyzed, and a minimal recognition motif was localized to gamma(390)NRLTIG(395). Confirming a critical role of this sequence, the cyclic peptide NRLTIG retained full activity inherent to P2-C, with Arg and Leu being important residues. Thus, these data demonstrate the essential role of the P2, but not P1, sequence for binding of gamma C by the alpha(M)I-domain and suggest that the adhesive function of P2 depends on the minimal recognition motif NRLTIG.  相似文献   

In an abnormal fibrinogen with impaired fibrin monomer polymerization designed as fibrinogen Osaka II, we have identified substitution of Arg by Cys at position 275 of the gamma chain. This Cys is linked to a free cysteine molecule by a disulfide link as evidenced by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. This finding was supported by identification of a single cysteine released from isolated abnormal fragment D1 upon reduction. This unique cystine structure at the mutation site has not been reported heretofore in any abnormal protein including fibrinogen. The substitution may well perturb the structure required for fibrin monomer polymerization, specifically that assigned to the carboxyl-terminal D domain of fibrinogen. Indeed, isolated fragment D1 with the Cys substitution failed to inhibit thrombin-mediated clotting of normal fibrinogen and normal fibrin monomer polymerization, while normal fragment D1 inhibited them markedly. Our data seem to provide supporting evidence that the putative polymerization site(s) assigned to the D domain of fibrinogen may be structure-dependent, including the carboxyl-terminal segment of the gamma chain as well as a contiguous region that contains the gamma 275 residue.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of an acidic phospholipase A(2) from Ophiophagus hannah (king cobra) has been determined by molecular replacement at 2.6-A resolution to a crystallographic R factor of 20.5% (R(free)=23.3%) with reasonable stereochemistry. The venom enzyme contains an unusual "pancreatic loop." The conformation of the loop is well defined and different from those in pancreas PLA(2), showing its structural variability. This analysis provides the first structure of a PLA(2)-type cardiotoxin. The sites related to the cardiotoxic and myotoxic activities are explored and the oligomer observed in the crystalline state is described.  相似文献   

Xylanases (EC endo-1,4-glycosyl hydrolase) catalyze the hydrolysis of xylan, an abundant hemicellulose of plant cell walls. Access to the catalytic site of GH11 xylanases is regulated by movement of a short β-hairpin, the so-called thumb region, which can adopt open or closed conformations. A crystallographic study has shown that the D11F/R122D mutant of the GH11 xylanase A from Bacillus subtilis (BsXA) displays a stable “open” conformation, and here we report a molecular dynamics simulation study comparing this mutant with the native enzyme over a range of temperatures. The mutant open conformation was stable at 300 and 328 K, however it showed a transition to the closed state at 338 K. Analysis of dihedral angles identified thumb region residues Y113 and T123 as key hinge points which determine the open-closed transition at 338 K. Although the D11F/R122D mutations result in a reduction in local inter-intramolecular hydrogen bonding, the global energies of the open and closed conformations in the native enzyme are equivalent, suggesting that the two conformations are equally accessible. These results indicate that the thumb region shows a broader degree of energetically permissible conformations which regulate the access to the active site region. The R122D mutation contributes to the stability of the open conformation, but is not essential for thumb dynamics, i.e., the wild type enzyme can also adapt to the open conformation.  相似文献   

A superfamily of transport proteins, which includes the lactose permease of Escherichia coli, contains a highly conserved motif, G-X-X-X-D/E-R/K-X-G-R/K-R/K, in the loops that connect transmembrane segments 2 and 3 and transmembrane segments 8 and 9. Previous analysis of this motif in the lactose permease (A. E. Jessen-Marshall, N. J. Paul, and R. J. Brooker, J. Biol. Chem. 270:16251-16257, 1995) has shown that the conserved glycine residue found at the first position in the motif (i.e., Gly-64) is important for transport function. Every substitution at this site, with the exception of alanine, greatly diminished lactose transport activity. In this study, three mutants in which glycine-64 was changed to cysteine, serine, and valine were used as parental strains to isolate 64 independent suppressor mutations that restored transport function. Of these 64 isolates, 39 were first-site revertants to glycine or alanine, while 25 were second-site mutations that restored transport activity yet retained a cysteine, serine, or valine at position 64. The second-site mutations were found to be located at several sites within the lactose permease (Pro-28 --> Ser, Leu, or Thr; Phe-29 --> Ser; Ala-50 --> Thr, Cys-154 --> Gly; Cys-234 --> Phe; Gln-241 --> Leu; Phe-261 --> Val; Thr-266 --> Iso; Val-367 --> Glu; and Ala-369 --> Pro). A kinetic analysis was conducted which compared lactose uptake in the three parental strains and several suppressor strains. The apparent Km values of the Cys-64, Ser-64, and Val-64 parental strains were 0.8 mM, 0.7 mM, and 4.6 mM, respectively, which was similar to the apparent Km of the wild-type permease (1.4 mM). In contrast, the Vmax values of the Cys-64, Ser-64, and Val-64 strains were sharply reduced (3.9, 10.1, and 13.2 nmol of lactose/min x mg of protein, respectively) compared with the wild-type strain (676 nmol of lactose/min x mg of protein). The primary effect of the second-site suppressor mutations was to restore the maximal rate of lactose transport to levels that were similar to the wild-type strains. Taken together, these results support the notion that Gly-64 in the wild-type permease is at a site in the protein which is important in facilitating conformational changes that are necessary for lactose translocation across the membrane. According to our tertiary model, this site is at an interface between the two halves of the protein.  相似文献   

Work from several laboratories has identified a proteoglycan complex secreted by a variety of non-neuronal cells that can promote neurite regeneration when applied to the surface of culture dishes. Using a novel immunization protocol, a monoclonal antibody (INO) was produced that blocks the activity of this outgrowth-promoting factor (Matthew, W. D., and P. H. Patterson, 1983, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 48:625-631). We have used the antibody to analyze the components of the active site and to localize the complex in vivo. INO binding is lost when the complex is dissociated; if its components are selectively reassociated, INO binds only to a complex containing two different molecular weight species. These are likely to be laminin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan, respectively. On frozen sections of adult rat tissues, INO binding is present on the surfaces of glial cells of the peripheral, but not the central, nervous system. INO also binds to the basement membrane surrounding cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, and binding to the latter greatly increases after denervation. In the adrenal gland and kidney, INO selectively reacts with areas rich in basement membranes, staining a subset of structures that are immunoreactive for both laminin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. In general, the outgrowth-blocking antibody binds to areas known to promote axonal regeneration and is absent from areas known to lack this ability. This suggests that this complex, which is active in culture, may be the physiological substrate supporting nerve regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   

Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), the serine protease responsible for catalyzing the production of plasmin from plasminogen at the site of blood clots, is synthesized as a single-chain polypeptide precursor. Proteolytic cleavage at the C-terminal side of Arg275 generates a two-chain form of the enzyme whose subunits are held together by a single disulfide bond. We have measured the activities of both forms of the wild-type enzyme, as well as that of a mutant enzyme (Arg275----Gly), created by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, that cannot be cleaved into a two-chain form. Both types of single-chain t-PAs are enzymatically active and exhibit identical Vmax and Km values when assayed with synthetic peptide substrates, indicating that the single amino acid change had no effect on the amidolytic activity of the enzyme. However, cleavage of wild-type t-PA into the two-chain form results in increased activity both on a peptide substrate and on the natural substrates Lys- and Glu-plasminogen in the absence or presence of stimulation by soluble fibrin. The enhanced activity is due to a 3-5-fold increase in the Vmax of the cleaved enzyme, rather than to any change in the Km values for the various substrates. During incubation with plasminogen, the single-chain form of wild-type t-PA is converted to the two-chain form by plasmin generated during the reaction. This conversion, from the less active form of the enzyme, results in a reaction that displays biphasic kinetics.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interaction of the following human fibrinogen-like peptides with bovine thrombin was studied by use of one- and two-dimensional NMR techniques in aqueous solution: Ala(1)-Asp-Ser-Gly-Glu-Gly-Asp-Phe(8)-Leu-Ala-Glu-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Arg(16 )- Gly(17)-Pro-Arg(19)-Val(20)-Val-Glu-Arg (F10), residues 1-16 of F10 (fibrinopeptide A), residues 17-23 of F10 (F12), residues 1-20 of F10 (F13), residues 6-20 of F10 with Arg(16) replaced by a Gly residue (F14), and residues 6-19 of F10 with Arg(16) replaced by a Leu residue (F15). At pH 5.3 and 25 degrees C, the Arg(16)-Gly(17) peptide bonds of both peptides F10 and F13 were cleaved instantaneously in the presence of 0.6 mM thrombin, whereas the cleavage of the Arg(19)-Val(20) peptide bonds in peptides F12, F13, and F14 took over 1 h for completion. On the basis of observations of line broadening, fibrinopeptide A was found to bind to thrombin. While resonances from residues Ala(1)-Glu(5) were little affected, binding of fibrinopeptide A to thrombin caused significant line broadening of NH and side-chain proton resonances within residues Asp(7)-Arg(16). There is a chain reversal within residues Asp(7)-Arg(16) such that Phe(8) is brought close to the Arg(16)-Gly(17) peptide bond in the thrombin-peptide complex, as indicated by transferred NOEs between the aromatic ring protons of Phe(8) and the C alpha H protons of Gly(14) and the C gamma H protons of Val(15). A similar chain reversal was obtained in the isolated peptide F10 at a subzero temperature of -8 degrees C. The titration behavior of Asp(7) in peptide F13 does not deviate from that of the reference peptide, N-acetyl-Asp-NHMe at both 25 and -8 degrees C, indicating that no strong interaction exists between Asp(7) and Arg(16) or Arg(19). Peptides with Arg(16) replaced by Gly and Leu, respectively, i.e., F14 and F15, were also found to bind to thrombin but with a different conformation, as indicated by the absence of the long-range NOEs observed with fibrinopeptide A. Residues Asp(7)-Arg(16) constitute an essential structural element in the interaction of thrombin with fibrinogen.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen New York 1 (NY-1) was identified in a family with a thrombotic tendency. Studies on fibrinogen NY-1 and the fibrinogen from her brother, designated NY-1a, showed that both have abnormal thrombin-nonclottable fibrinogen (50% of the total fibrinogen in NY-1 and 35-40% in NY-1a) and that the trait is heterozygous and autosomal codominant. The abnormal fibrinogen polymerizes in the presence of calcium and can be further cross-linked by Factor XIIIa. The release rates of fibrinopeptides A and B by thrombin from both (NY-1 and NY-1a) were slower than those from normal fibrinogen. Two mol of fibrinopeptide A but only 0.6-1.0 (NY-1) or 1.0-1.3 (NY-1a) mol of fibrinopeptide B were released per mol of fibrinogen. Additionally, only 1.0 (NY-1) or 1.3 (NY-1a) mol of the B beta(1-42) peptide were released by plasmin/mol. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the reduced fibrinogen revealed two protein bands in the B beta-chain region (Mr = 54,000 as compared with 57,300 for the normal). When NY-1a fibrinogen was treated with CNBr, two sizes of the NH2-terminal disulfide knot were obtained (Mr = 59,000 and 49,000). The Mr = 49,000 component is consistent with an abnormal NH2-terminal disulfide knot with two defective NH2-terminal B beta-chains. Amino acid sequence analyses demonstrated that the abnormal B beta-chain is the result of a deletion in the sequence from residues 9 to 72. This deletion corresponds exactly to exon 2 of the gene. Since this family has a thrombotic tendency, the defect in the fibrinogen may be important in the pathogenesis of thrombosis in this family.  相似文献   

Adhesive interactions of platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta3 with fibrinogen and fibrin are central events in hemostasis and thrombosis. However, the mechanisms by which alpha(IIb)beta3 binds these ligands remain incompletely understood. We have recently demonstrated that alpha(IIb)beta3 binds the gamma365-383 sequence in the gammaC-domain of fibrin(ogen). This sequence contains neither the AGDV nor the RGD recognition motifs, known to bind alpha(IIb)beta3, suggesting the different specificity of the integrin. Here, using peptide arrays, mutant fibrinogens, and recombinant mutant gammaC-domains, we have examined the mechanism whereby alpha(IIb)beta3 binds gamma365-383. The alpha(IIb)beta3-binding activity was localized within gamma370-381, with two short sequences, gamma370ATWKTR375 and gamma376WYSMKK381, being able to independently bind the integrin. Furthermore, recognition of alpha(IIb)beta3 by gamma370-381 depended on four basic residues, Lys373, Arg375, Lys380, and Lys381. Simultaneous replacement of these amino acids and deletion of the gamma408AGDV411 sequence in the recombinant gammaC-domain resulted in the loss of alpha(IIb)beta3-mediated platelet adhesion. Confirming the critical roles of the identified residues, abnormal fibrinogen Kaiserslautern, in which gammaLys380 is replaced by Asn, demonstrated delayed clot retraction and impaired alpha(IIb)beta3 binding. Also, a mutant recombinant fibrinogen modeled after the naturally occurring variant Osaka V (gammaArg375 --> Gly) showed delayed clot retraction and reduced binding to purified alpha(IIb)beta3. These results identify the gamma370-381 sequence of fibrin(ogen) as the binding site for alpha(IIb)beta3 involved in platelet adhesion and clot retraction and define the new recognition specificity of this integrin.  相似文献   

The glutathione S-transferase (GST) isozyme A1-1 contains at its active site a catalytic tyrosine, Tyr9, which hydrogen bonds to, and stabilizes, the thiolate form of glutathione, GS-. In the substrate-free GST A1-1, the Tyr 9 has an unusually low pKa, approximately 8.2, for which the ionization to tyrosinate is monitored conveniently by UV and fluorescence spectroscopy in the tryptophan-free mutant, W21F. In addition, a short alpha-helix, residues 208-222, provides part of the GSH and hydrophobic ligand binding sites, and the helix becomes "disordered" in the absence of ligands. Here, hydrostatic pressure has been used to probe the conformational dynamics of the C-terminal helix, which are apparently linked to Tyr 9 ionization. The extent of ionization of Tyr 9 at pH 7.6 is increased dramatically at low pressures (p1/2 = 0.52 kbar), based on fluorescence titration of Tyr 9. The mutant protein W21F:Y9F exhibits no changes in tyrosine fluorescence up to 1.2 kbar; pressure specifically ionizes Tyr 9. The volume change, delta V, for the pressure-dependent ionization of Tyr 9 at pH 7.6, 19 degrees C, was -33 +/- 3 mL/mol. In contrast, N-acetyl tyrosine exhibits a delta V for deprotonation of -11 +/- 1 mL/mol, beginning from the same extent of initial ionization, pH 9.5. The pressure-dependent ionization is completely reversible for both Tyr 9 and N-acetyl tyrosine. Addition of S-methyl GSH converted the "soft" active site to a noncompressible site that exhibited negligible pressure-dependent ionization of Tyr 9 below 0.8 kbar. In addition, Phe 220 forms part of an "aromatic cluster" with Tyr 9 and Phe 10, and interactions among these residues were hypothesized to control the order of the C-terminal helix. The amino acid substitutions F220Y, F2201, and F220L afford proteins that undergo pressure-dependent ionization of Tyr 9 with delta V values of 31 +/- 2 mL/mol, 43 +/- 3 mL/mol, and 29 +/- 2 mL/mol, respectively. The p1/2 values for Tyr 9 ionization were 0.61 kbar, 0.41 kbar, and 0.46 kbar for F220Y, F220I, and F220L, respectively. Together, the results suggest that the C-terminal helix is conformationally heterogeneous in the absence of ligands. The conformations differ little in free energy, but they are significantly different in volume, and mutations at Phe 220 control the conformational distribution.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs sequences (1320 bp and 1180 bp) of the 55-kDa subunit associated with a testis-specific serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1gamma2 (PP1gamma2) were cloned. They were the same up to 1180 bp, suggesting that they may be generated by alternative splicing. Sequence studies showed that the 1320 bp-cDNA is a homolog of the human sds22alpha(1) (thus, named rat sds22alpha(1)). The 1180 bp-cDNA is a new splice-variant since its sequence at the 3' end has not been identified in human sds22 genes (named rat sds22alpha(3)). The 1320 bp-cDNA is ubiquitously expressed in various tissues including the immature testis. However, the expression of 1180 bp-cDNA was only observed in the testis after puberty. This expression pattern matches very well with that of PP1gamma2, suggesting that 1180 bp-cDNA may encode the 55-kDa subunit to associate with PP1gamma2 in rat testis and is involved in spermatogenesis by controlling PP1gamma2 activity.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that certain amino acid substitutions in the alpha two domain at positions 152 and 156 in the alpha two helix of the HLA-A2 molecule can affect presentation of the influenza virus matrix peptide M1 55-73 without abolishing binding of the M1 peptide. HLA-A2.1-restricted M1 55-73 peptide-specific CTL lines obtained from almost all HLA-A2.1+ individuals fail to recognize the M1 peptide presented by site-directed mutants of HLA-A2 that have either a Val----Ala or Val----Gln substitution at position 152 or a Leu----Trp substitution at position 156. Only one HLA-A2+ individual (donor Q66, HLA-A2,-B53,-B63) has been found who is able to generate a unique repertoire of HLA-A2-restricted M1 peptide-specific CTL that can recognize peptide presented by HLA-A2 mutants with either an Ala or Gln substitution at position 152 or a Trp substitution at position 156. These Q66 M1 peptide-specific CTL could be selected by stimulation with M1 peptide-pulsed transfectants that express the mutant HLA-A2 gene with the Trp substitution at 156. To determine if the presence of the unique CTL repertoire could be attributed to a variant HLA-A2 molecule in Q66, sequences were determined from polymerase chain reaction-amplified segments of the HLA-A2 RNA. Two different HLA-A2 genes were found expressed in Q66 cells: one is identical to HLA-A2.1 and the other is identical to HLA-A2.2F (Gln----Arg at position 43, Val----Leu at position 95, and Leu----Trp at position 156). These results demonstrate that a different CTL repertoire specific for HLA-A2 plus the M1 55-73 peptide is generated in an individual that expresses both HLA-A2.1 and HLA-A2.2F compared to individuals who express HLA-A2.1 alone, and that the unique repertoire can be selected by the presence of an HLA-A2 molecule with a single amino acid substitution at position 156.  相似文献   

A fragment of RyR1 (amino acids 4064-4210) is predicted to fold to at least one lobe of calmodulin and to bind Ca(2+). This fragment of RyR1 (R4064-4210) was subcloned, expressed, refolded, and purified. Consistent with the predicted folding pattern, R4064-4210 was found to bind two molecules of Ca(2+) and undergo a structural change upon binding Ca(2+) that exposes hydrophobic amino acids. R4064-4210 also binds to RyR1, the L-type Ca(2+) channel (Cav(1.1)), and several synthetic calmodulin binding peptides. Both R4064-4210 and a peptide representing the calmodulin-binding region of RyR1 (R3614-3643) alter the Ca(2+) dependence of ((3)H)ryanodine binding to RyR1, suggesting that they may both be interfering with an intramolecular interaction between amino acids 4064-4210 and amino acids 3614-3643 in the native RyR1 to alter or regulate the response of the channel to changes in Ca(2+) concentration. The finding that a domain within RyR1 binds Ca(2+) and interacts with calmodulin-binding motifs may provide insights into the mechanism for calcium- and calmodulin-dependent regulation of this channel and perhaps for its regulation by the L-type Ca(2+) channel.  相似文献   

The interaction of the following human fibrinogen-like peptides with bovine thrombin was studied by one- and two-dimensional NMR techniques in aqueous solution: acetyl-Phe(8)-Leu(9)-Ala(10)-Glu-(11)-Gly(12)-Gly(13)-Gly(14)-Val(15)-Ar g(16)- Gly(17)-Pro(18)-NHMe (F6), acetyl-Phe-Leu-Ala-Glu-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Arg(16) (tF6), acetyl-Asp(7)-Phe-Leu-Ala-Glu-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Arg(16)-Gly(17)-Pro- Arg(19)-Val(20)-NHMe (F8), and acetyl-Asp-Phe-Leu-Ala-Glu-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Arg(16) (tF8). At pH 5.3 and 25 degrees C, the Arg(16)-Gly(17) peptide bonds in both F6 and F8 were cleaved instantaneously in the presence of 0.5 mM thrombin, producing truncated peptides tF6 and tF8 and other peptide fragments. On the basis of observations of line broadening, thrombin was found to bind to the cleavage products, tF6 and tF8, of peptides F6 and F8. Peptide tF8 may have a higher affinity for thrombin than peptide tF6, as suggested by the more pronounced thrombin-induced line broadening on the proton resonances in peptide tF8. Transferred NOE (TRNOE) measurements were made of the complexes between thrombin and peptides tF6 and tF8. Medium- and long-range NOE interactions were found between the NH proton of Asp(7) and the C beta H protons of Ala(10), between the C alpha H proton of Glu(11) and the NH proton of Gly(13), and between the ring protons of Phe(8) and the C alpha H protons of Gly(14) and the C gamma H protons of Val(15). Sets of structures of the decapeptide tF8 were deduced by use of distance geometry calculations based on sequential and medium- and long-range TRNOEs from the thrombin-bound peptide. A predominant feature of these structures is the nonpolar cluster formed by the side chains of residues Phe(8), Leu(9), and Val(15) that are directly involved in binding to thrombin. This structural feature is brought about by an alpha-helical segment involving residues Phe(8)-Ala(10), followed by a multiple-turn structure involving residues Glu(11)-Val(15). These results provide an explanation for the observations that Asp(7), Phe(8), and Gly(12) are strongly conserved in mammalian fibrinogens and that the mutations of Asp(7) to Asn(7) and of Gly(12) to Val(12), result in delayed release of fibrinopeptide A, producing human bleeding disorders.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have demonstrated that, using membranes of guinea pig brain, [3H]1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine ([3H]TCP) labels not only the phencyclidine binding site associated with the NMDA receptor (PCP site 1), but also a second high affinity binding site which is associated with the biogenic amine reuptake carrier (termed PCP site 2). To test this hypothesis, the binding of [3H]GBR12935 to the dopamine transporter, and [3H]TCP binding to PCP sites 1 and 2 were measured in caudates harvested from control MPTP-treated and reserpine-treated dogs. MPTP treatment decreased dopamine levels by over 99%, decreased [3H]GBR12935 binding by over 90%, decreased [3H]TCP binding to PCP site 2 by about 50%, and had no significant effect on [3H]TCP binding to PCP site 1. These data are consistent with hypothesis that a portion of PCP site 2 is associated with dopaminergic nerve, terminals in dog caudate.  相似文献   

The widespread importance of induced fit and order-disorder transition in RNA recognition by proteins and small molecules makes it imperative that RNA motional properties are characterized quantitatively. Until now, however, very few studies have been dedicated to the systematic characterization of RNA motion and to their changes upon protein or small-molecule binding. The U1A protein-RNA complexes provide some of the best-studied examples of the role of RNA motional changes upon protein binding. Here, we report (13)C NMR relaxation studies of base and ribose dynamics for the RNA internal loop target of human U1A protein located within the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) of the mRNA coding for U1A itself. We also report the semi-quantitative analysis of both fast (nano- to picosecond) and intermediate (micro- to millisecond) motions for this paradigmatic RNA system. We measure (13)C T(1), T(1rho) and heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) for sugar and base nuclei, as well as the power dependence of T(1rho) at 500 MHz and 750 MHz, and analyze these results using the model-free formalism. The results provide a much clearer picture of the type of motions experienced by this RNA in the absence of the protein than was provided by the analysis of the structure based solely on NOEs and scalar couplings. They define a model where the RNA internal loop region "breathes" on a micro- to millisecond timescale with respect to the double-helical regions. Superimposed on this slower motion, the residues at the very tip of the loop undergo faster (nano- to picosecond) motions. We hypothesize that these motions allow the RNA to sample multiple conformations so that the protein can select a structure within the ensemble that optimizes intermolecular contacts.  相似文献   

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