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Cryopreservation of immature seeds of Bletilla striata by vitrification   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An efficient protocol was established for the cryopreservation of immature seeds of a terrestrial orchid, Bletilla striata. Immature seeds collected 2–4 months after pollination (MAP) were treated using three different cryogenic procedures: (1) direct plunging into liquid nitrogen, (2) vitrification, and (3) vitrification with preculture. When immature seeds collected 3 MAP and 4 MAP were precultured for 3 days on New Dogashima medium supplemented with 0.3 M sucrose and cryopreserved by vitrification, the survival rate after preservation, as assessed by staining with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride, was 92% and 81%, respectively. Immature seeds thus treated showed no decrease in germination rate relative to untreated immature seeds, and they developed into normal plantlets in vitro.  相似文献   

Wang C  Sun J  Luo Y  Xue W  Diao H  Dong L  Chen J  Zhang J 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(8):539-543
A polysaccharide from the traditional Chinese medicinal herb, Bletilla striata (Thunb.) Reichb. f., was isolated, purified and characterized. It induced the proliferation of human umbilical vascular endothelial cells and the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor up to 156% and 147% of control after 72 h, respectively. Revisions requested 8 November 2005; Revisions received 13 January 2006  相似文献   

The main goals of the present paper were to investigate the floral biology and the breeding system of Melochia tomentosa in a semi-arid region in Brazil, comparing the role of Apis mellifera with other native pollinators, and to discuss the importance of this plant species as a floral resource for the local fauna in maintaining different guilds of specialized pollinators in the Caatinga. M. tomentosa is very common in Caatinga areas and blooms year-round with two flowering peaks, one in the wet and another in the dry period. The pink, bright-colored flowers are distylous and both morphs are homogamous. The trichomatic nectary is located on the inner surface of the connate sepals, and the nectar (ca. 7 μl) is accumulated in the space between the corolla and the calyx. Nectar sugar concentration reaches an average of 28%. The results of controlled pollination experiments show that M. tomentosa is self-incompatible. Pollen viability varies from 94% to 98%. In spite of being visited by several pollen vectors, flower attributes of M. tomentosa point to melittophily, and A. mellifera was the most frequent visitor and the principal pollinator. Although honeybees are exotic, severely competing with native pollinators, they are important together with other native bees, like Centris and Xylocopa species, for the fruit set of M. tomentosa. This species represents a keystone floral resource favoring the maintenance of many species of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds through the year in this deciduous tropical dry forest.  相似文献   

蓝花丹结实率低的传粉生物学和繁育系统初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解释蓝花丹自然结实率低的原因,该研究从传粉生物学和繁育系统入手,采用TTC法与联苯胺-过氧化氢法分别测定花粉活力和柱头可授性的动态变化;用花粉-胚珠比(P/O比)、杂交指数(OCI)估算蓝花丹繁育系统类型并通过人工控制授粉试验验证。结果表明:(1)蓝花丹L型雌器官与S型雄器官、L型雄器官与L型雌器官成熟时间重叠区域较多,雌雄性器官在成熟时间上无显著差异;而S型雌器官与L型雄器官、S型雌器官与S型雄器官成熟时间重叠区域较少,但蓝花丹持续开花的模式缓解了雌雄性器官时间差异而引起的生殖隔离。(2)蓝花丹L型花P/O为502.00±52.30,S型花P/O为482.70±87.91,OCI为4,综合判断蓝花丹的繁育系统属于专性异交型且具有异型自交不亲和的特性。综上可初步解释蓝花丹自然结实率低的原因为内外因素共同作用的结果,其中雌雄性器官同熟时间短不是主要原因,而其本身较强的自交不亲和性可能是自然结实率低下的关键性内因。由于蓝花丹的专性异交繁育系统使其成功授粉需要传粉媒介,但因引种地与原产地环境存在显著差异,同时开花模式不集中导致的缺乏传粉者完成异花授粉或许是引起异交成功率降低的主要外因。因此,提高蓝花丹的结实率应从克服其自身自交不亲和性以及适当引入安全传媒昆虫入手。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Zeyheria montana was studied through field observations of flower visitors and floral events, controlled manual pollinations, and observations of pollen tube growth and ovule penetration by fluorescence microscopy. Analysis of secretory areas of the nectar chamber was made by flower dissections and histology of serial sections. The flower lasted 6–8 days, but pollen exposure and stigma receptivity occurred only up to the end of the first and second days, respectively. Pollination was effected by several species of hummingbirds, especially Colibri serrirostris. The flowers present a rudimentary, non-functional disc, and secretion of nectar is performed by corolla-borne glandular trichomes. Only hand cross-pollinated and natural-pollinated flowers set fruits. Artificially self-pollinated and non-pollinated flowers dried off after anthesis without presenting any swelling of the ovary. Almost all the ovules in selfed and crossed pistils were penetrated 96 h after pollination. However, a delay in ovule penetration in self-pollinated pistils was verified, which indicates the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility.We are grateful to Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino e à Pesquisa (UNICAMP) for financial support, and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the fellowship granted to the first author (this work is part of a Ph.D. thesis presented to UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil).  相似文献   

The significance of single flower visits by pollinators on the reproductive success of the Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius, with explosive flowers was investigated. Unexploded flowers (intact flowers) produced no fruit, implying that autonomous selfing and apomixis do not occur and that the explosion of flowers by insects is necessary for the fertilization of flowers. The fruit set in the natural condition was intermediate between that in artificial selfing or exploding and that in artificial outcrossing. Seed set and the ratio of seeds to ovules did not differ significantly between the natural condition and artificial outcrossing. The fruit set by a single flower visit from Apis mellifera was similar to natural conditions. Apis mellifera was the most frequent visitor and the number of flowers tripped open per hour was the highest among all the flower visitors. Approximately 75% of pollen on a flower disappeared in a single flower visit by A.mellifera. The small amount of pollen remaining on already-exploded flowers appears to be the reason why A.mellifera do not frequently visit already-exploded flowers. The higher seed set by outcrossing was believed to contribute to the seed set in both natural conditions and single flower visits by A.mellifera, and did not differ between them. Therefore, at least in Japan, A.mellifera appears to be the most important pollinator for C.scoparius, resulting in a high outcrossing rate with each single flower visit.  相似文献   

  • In angiosperms, a decrease in fruit production towards the apex of individual inflorescences is usually observed. Orchids are thought to be primarily pollination‐limited species, and non‐uniform pollination could cause this decrease pattern in several species. Fruit production was investigated in relation to flower position and floral display size in Orchis militaris (Orchidaceae), a deceptive species.
  • Over 2 years, eight populations of O. militaris were studied and fruit position along the inflorescence was recorded. Generalised linear models were performed to examine the effect of population, year, flower position and floral display size on fruit production.
  • The dominant pattern was characterised by a higher fruit set in the middle part of the inflorescence (parabolic pattern). A non‐directional pattern of fruit production was also detected in some populations. Within a given population, patterns were generally consistent among years. In one of the two study years and in one of the eight populations specifically, the proximal‐to‐distal decrease in fruit production was dramatic in plants with a large floral display but weak or absent in small displays.
  • Our study demonstrates the intraspecific diversity of fruit distribution patterns in O. militaris. Non‐uniform pollination along the inflorescence is likely to be responsible for the parabolic pattern, while irregular visitation could explain the non‐directional pattern of fruit production. Pattern variation among years and between populations could arise from spatiotemporal variation in pollinator assemblages. Resource competition effects could explain the interaction effect between display size and flower position.

Honeybee breeding systems dependent on identification of the sex-determining alleles need to minimize the number of those alleles. A 4-allele system is proposed.  相似文献   

Orchid seeds are minute, dust-like, wind-borne and, thus, would seem to have the potential for long-distance dispersal. Based on this perception, one may predict near-random spatial genetic structure within orchid populations. In reality we do not know much about seed dispersal in orchids and the few empirical studies of fine-scale genetic structure have revealed significant genetic structure at short distances (< 5m), suggesting that most seeds of orchids fall close to the maternal plant. To obtain more empirical data on dispersal, Ripley’s L(d)-statistics, spatial autocorrelation analyses (coancestry, fij analyses) and Wright’s F statistics were used to examine the distribution of individuals and the genetic structure within two populations of the terrestrial orchid Orchis cyclochila in southern Korea. High levels of genetic diversity (He = 0.210) and low between-population variation were found (FST = 0.030). Ripley’s L(d)-statistics indicated significant aggregation of individuals, and patterns varied depending on populations. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed significant positive genetic correlations among individuals located <1 m, with mean fij values expected for half sibs. This genetic structure suggests that many seeds fall in the immediate vicinity of the maternal plant. The finding of significant fine-scale genetic structure, however, does not have to preclude the potential for the long distance dispersal of seeds. Both the existence of fine-scale genetic structure and low FST are consistent with a leptokurtic distribution of seed dispersal distances with a very flat tail.  相似文献   

European honeybees (Apis mellifera) were less efficient pollinators ofGrevillea barklyana than nectar-feeding birds. Nectar-collecting honeybees did not contact reproductive parts of flowers. Pollen-collecting honeybees preferentially visited malestage flowers but rarely visited female-stage flowers. Fruit set on caged inflorescences that allowed access to honeybees but excluded birds was reduced by more than 50% compared to inflorescences that were visited by both types of visitors. Further, fruit set on caged inflorescences was less than on bagged inflorescences that excluded both birds and honeybees, indicating that pollen removal by bees decreased opportunities for delayed autonomous selfing in the absence of birds. Although fruit set was not pollen-limited at the study site, pollen removal by honeybees would decrease fruit set in small populations where birds are scarce. In addition, pollen removal by honeybees would reduce opportunities for outcrossing and reproductive success through male function. Although honeybees have been in Australia for insufficient time to have exerted selection on floral traits, evolutionary shifts in response to these animals are likely to occur in the future.  相似文献   

黄宝强  寇勇  安德军 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6795-6802
少花鹤顶兰(Phaiu delavayi)是多年生、多次结实的具有克隆能力的地生兰科植物,是中国特有种。目前少花鹤顶兰开花物候、花寿命、繁殖成功等生物学特征尚不清楚,而这些资料是开展少花鹤顶兰进化和保护生物学研究的基础。利用2005-2007年四川黄龙沟少花鹤顶兰的调查数据,对少花鹤顶兰繁殖成功特征进行了研究。结果表明黄龙沟少花鹤顶兰每个花序的平均花朵数为3(1-7)朵。叶和花的形态指标在年季间无显著变异。2005-2007年3年间的开花物候没有明显的差异,花期始于6月中旬,于7月底至8月初结束,持续约6-7周,80%-90%的花在7月初的开花高峰期开放,属花集中开放模式。花寿命与是否授粉密切相关,成功授粉的花寿命比没有授粉的花寿命短。少花鹤顶兰是自交亲和的,但其结实完全依赖于两种熊蜂的传粉,不存在自动自花授粉和无融合生殖现象。柱头可授性和花粉活力可维持15 d左右。繁殖成功率年季间的变化很大,并表现出逐年下降的趋势,花粉移走率为18%-51%,自然结实率为10%-36%。繁殖成功下降的趋势可能与黄龙沟喷洒农药有关。  相似文献   

The biogenic amine serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) plays a key role in regulating and modulating various physiological and behavioral processes in both protostomes and deuterostomes. The specific functions of serotonin are mediated by its binding to and subsequent activation of membrane receptors. The vast majority of these receptors belong to the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors. We report here the in vivo expression pattern of a recently characterized 5-HT1 receptor of the honeybee Apis mellifera (Am5-HT1A) in the mushroom bodies. In addition, we summarize current knowledge on the distribution of serotonin and serotonin receptor subtypes in the brain and specifically in the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the honeybee. Functional studies in these two species have shown that serotonergic signaling participates in various behaviors including aggression, sleep, circadian rhythms, responses to visual stimuli, and associative learning. The molecular, pharmacological, and functional properties of identified 5-HT receptor subtypes from A. mellifera and D. melanogaster will also be summarized in this review.  相似文献   

Interactions between pathogens might contribute to honey bee colony losses. Here we investigated if there is an association between the microsporidian Nosema ceranae and the deformed wing virus (DWV) in different body sections of individual honey bee workers (Apis mellifera ligustica) under exclusion of the vector Varroa destructor. Our data provide correlational evidence for antagonistic interactions between the two pathogens in the midgut of the bees.  相似文献   

Dactylorhiza sambucina is a European terrestrial orchid that lacks a pollinator reward. Throughout most of its range, populations contain yellow- and purple-flowering individuals, but in western Germany, monomorphic yellow populations predominate. As elsewhere, bumblebee queens are the most important pollinators in these populations, and mean fruit set over two years was 19%, well within the range reported from dimorphic populations. Multivariate analyses of plant and population traits, including plant height, leaf number, flower number and density on the spikes, flowering population density, and nearest neighbor distance, showed that only individual plant height and population density had a unique positive effect on pollen export; female function was unrelated to height or population density. The positive effects of dense spacing of flowering conspecifics and tall size appear due to greater visual attractiveness. Good visual exposure may also explain that flowers higher up on the spikes, in spite of opening late in the season, had higher male reproductive success than early flowers.  相似文献   

Summary. The genetic variance of queen mating frequency was studied in honeybees (Apis mellifera carnica). Worker offspring (N = 966) of 28 naturally mated half sister-queens (r = 0.25) from seven unrelated breeding lines were genotyped at four DNA microsatellites. The mating frequencies of the queens were derived from the offspring genotypes. The number of observed matings per queen ranged from 10 to 28 with an average of 17.32 ± 1.10 (number of estimated matings: 24.94 ± 2.51; number of effective matings: 20.09 ± 1.73). Half-sib analyses of the breeding lines were used to estimate heritability. Heritability was h2 = 0.449 ± 0.135 for the estimated number of matings and h2 = 0.262 ± 0.103 for the number of effective males, which are both significantly different from zero. We conclude that a high genetic variance for polyandry in honeybees can be favored by balanced selection between individual queen and colony level.Received 16 October 2003; revised 4 May 2004; accepted 4 May 2004.  相似文献   

2008和2009年3—6月,在黄河三角洲自然保护区采用定点观察、GPS定位、样方调查和逐步判别分析等方法对东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)繁殖期觅食地的利用进行了研究。共测定了75个觅食利用样方和74个对照样方的14个生态因子。结果表明,东方白鹳繁殖期倾向于在明水面、芦苇沼泽和滩地中觅食,对草地和农田利用极少。偏向于食物丰富度较高的觅食点;对隐蔽级高低没有明显的偏好。对利用样方和对照样方进行比较,发现利用样方具有植被高度和植被盖度较低,觅食地水深相对较浅,距明水面、芦苇沼泽、树林等距离较近,距重度干扰源较远等特征。逐步判别分析表明,距芦苇沼泽距离、样方内水深、距重度干扰源距离、食物丰富度和明水面距离具有重要作用,由这5个变量构成的方程在对繁殖季节东方白鹳觅食地利用样方和对照样方进行区分时,正确判别率可以达到95.5%。东方白鹳繁殖期觅食地的利用主要与水源、人为干扰和食物条件有关。  相似文献   

矮紫金牛(Ardisia humilis)是优良的野生观赏植物。为探究该植物开花生物学与繁育系统特征,促进其杂交选育与园林应用,该研究以同质园引种的矮紫金牛为对象,对其开花物候、访花昆虫种类及访花行为进行观测,采用花粉离体萌发法和联苯胺-过氧化氢法,对花粉活力与柱头可授性进行检测,结合配子显微观测法和控制性授粉实验,对其繁育系统进行分析。结果表明:(1)花期为5月中下旬至6月中上旬,盛花期在5月底,单花、单株和群体水平的花期分别为1、17~20、25 d。(2)开两性花,雌蕊先熟,与雄蕊成熟期部分重叠,柱头可授性滞至雄蕊凋谢后1 d。(3)杂交指数(OCI)值为4,花粉/胚珠比(P/O)值为5.61×103,显示其繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者。(4)自然授粉的结实率最高(平均52.96%),其次是自花授粉(52.29%)和人工异株授粉(50.33%),三者差异不显著(P> 0.05),但均显著高于人工同株授粉的结实率(28.67%)(P<0.05),显示矮紫金牛不仅异交亲和性强,还具有很强的自动自花授粉能力。(5)主要传粉昆虫包括隧蜂科...  相似文献   

秦岭岩白菜的传粉生物学特性与繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对珍稀濒危植物秦岭岩白菜(Bergenia scopulosa T.P.Wang)的开花特性、传粉适应及繁育系统进行了分析研究。结果表明:(1)秦岭岩白菜为蝎尾状聚伞花序,具(29±10)朵单花,单花期约15d,遇低温雨雪天气花冠闭合,可延长3~5d,花序花期约30d,种群花期近4个月。(2)花粉活力在花药开裂后的12h内最高(约90%),维持单花平均花粉活力在30%以上约6d;柱头在第1~4天内保持很强的可授性,维持可授性的时间约为9d。(3)秦岭岩白菜主要有效传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂,平均访花频率为6.5朵/min,单花停留时间为(11.0±4.8)s。(4)秦岭岩白菜的花粉胚珠比(P/O)为589.8,杂交指数(OCI)为3;人工授粉实验显示,秦岭岩白菜不存在无融合生殖,自交亲和,主动自交罕见,生殖成功主要依赖传粉者。研究认为,秦岭岩白菜是兼性异交的繁育系统,胚珠受精过程中可能存在自交衰退。  相似文献   

In the honeybee Apis mellifera, a sting pheromone produced by sting glands plays an important role in coordinating defensive behavior. This pheromone is a blend constituted by several components. Little is known about the neural substrates underlying sting pheromone processing in the bee brain. Here, we investigated the neural activity elicited by eight components (five acetates and three alcohols) of the sting pheromone, and by real bee stings at the level of the antennal lobe (AL) of worker honeybees. We used in vivo calcium imaging to record odor-induced neural activity of 22 identified glomeruli in the AL. We found that acetates mainly activated medial glomeruli while alcohols mainly activated lateral dorsal glomeruli. The sting preparation evoked a glomerular pattern that was clearly distinct from those of individual pheromone components. No particular region of the imaged AL was found to process sting pheromone or any of its components. Further analyses in a putative honeybee olfactory space showed that the neural activity elicited by sting preparation cannot be linearly predicted by those of pheromone components and that such components are not clearly separated from non-sting pheromone odors. We conclude that sting pheromone is processed in the worker honeybee AL following the same principles of general odors so that the chemical structure of odorants is the main determinant of glomerular activation, rather than their pheromonal values. We cannot exclude, however, that the distinctness of sting-pheromone representation with respect to that of its components constitutes a form of specialized neural processing strategy for this kind of substance.  相似文献   

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