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The purification of a Drosophila strand transfer protein is described, which involves Bio-Rex 70, Superose 6, Mono S, and single-stranded DNA-agarose chromatography. A 105,000-dalton polypeptide copurifies with the strand transfer activity on the last two column steps. The strand transferase carries out strand transfer at an unusually low protein:single-stranded DNA ratio and requires neither a nucleotide cofactor nor exogenous single-strand DNA binding protein to form heteroduplex DNA. Biochemical analysis of the reaction products has established that one strand of the DNA duplex is displaced during the reaction. Several properties, including the kinetics and stoichiometry of strand transfer, differentiate this activity from previously characterized strand transferases.  相似文献   

Williams NL  Maxwell A 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14157-14164
Supercoiling by DNA gyrase involves the passage of one segment of double-stranded DNA through another. This requires a DNA duplex to be cleaved and the broken ends separated by at least 20 A. This is accomplished by the opening of a dimer interface, termed the DNA gate, which is covalently attached to the broken ends of the DNA. After strand passage, the DNA gate closes allowing the reunion of the broken ends. We have cross-linked the DNA gate of gyrase using cysteine cross-linking to block gate opening. We show that this locked gate mutant can bind quinolone drugs and perform DNA cleavage. However, locking the DNA gate prevents strand passage and the ability of DNA to stimulate ATP hydrolysis. We discuss the mechanistic implications of these results.  相似文献   

Site-specific cleavage of DNA by E. coli DNA gyrase.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A Morrison  N R Cozzarelli 《Cell》1979,17(1):175-184
E. coli DNA gyrase, which catalyzes the supercoiling of DNA, cleaves DNA site-specifically when oxolinic acid and sodium dodecylsulfate are added to the reaction. We studied the structure of the gyrasecleaved DNA because of its implications for the reaction mechanism and biological role of gyrase. Gyrase made a staggered cut, creating DNA termini with a free 3' hydroxyl and a 5' extension that provided a template primer for DNA polymerase. The cleaved DNA was resistant to labeling with T4 polynucleotide kinase even after treatment with proteinase K. Thus the denatured enzyme that remains attached to cleaved DNA is covalently bonded to both 5' terminal extensions. The 5' extensions of many gyrase cleavage fragments from phi X174, SV40 and Col E1 DNA were partially sequenced using repair with E. coli DNA polymerase I. No unique sequence existed within the cohesive ends, but G was the predominant first base incorporated by DNA polymerase I. The cohesive and sequences of four gyrase sites were determined, and they demonstrated a four base 5' extension. The dinucleotide TG, straddling the gyrase cut on one DNA strand, provided the only common bases within a 100 bp region surrounding the cleavage sites. Analysis of other cleavage fragments showed that cutting between a TG doublet is common to most, or all, gyrase cleavages. Other bases common to some of the sequenced sites were clustered nonrandomly around the TG doublet, and may be variable components of the cleavage sequence. This diverse recognition sequence with common elements is a pattern shared with several other specific nucleic acid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

DNA binding and antigenic specifications of DNA gyrase.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
H Lother  R Lurz    E Orr 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(2):901-914
Complexes of DNA gyrase and minichromosomal DNA containing the origin of replication of Escherichia coli (oriC) can be formed without metabolic energy and visualised by electron microscopy. The A subunit, part of the A2B2-DNA gyrase complex is the binding protein. Various binding sites are scattered around the minichromosomal DNA including oriC. The minimal origin contains the only prominent and reproducible binding site. Binding to this site is suppressed by oxolinic acid and the ATP analogue beta-y-imido ATP. If gyrase isolated from the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is used no binding to oriC is seen. This observation is consistent with antigenic differences between the A subunits of the two microorganisms. The binding to oriC might reflect a requirement for DNA gyrase during the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA gyrase contains a 1:1 ratio of protomers coded by the genes gyrA and gyrB. This along with previous results shows that the enzyme has two copies of each protomer and thus a molecular weight of 400,000. Abortion of the gyrase reaction results in double-strand breakage of the DNA and covalent attachment of both gyrA protomers to the 5'-cut ends. We conclude that the gyrA protomer contains a critical part of the active site for the concerted breakage and reunion reaction of gyrase, the topoisomerase activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase: structure and function.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
DNA gyrase is an essential bacterial enzyme that catalyzes the ATP-dependent negative super-coiling of double-stranded closed-circular DNA. Gyrase belongs to a class of enzymes known as topoisomerases that are involved in the control of topological transitions of DNA. The mechanism by which gyrase is able to influence the topological state of DNA molecules is of inherent interest from an enzymological standpoint. In addition, much attention has been focused on DNA gyrase as the intracellular target of a number of antibacterial agents as a paradigm for other DNA topoisomerases. In this review we summarize the current knowledge concerning DNA gyrase by addressing a wide range of aspects of the study of this enzyme.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is the target of a number of antibacterial agents, including the coumarins and the cyclothialidines. To extend our understanding of the mechanism of action of these compounds, we have examined the previously published crystal structures of the complexes between the 24 kDa fragment of GyrB and coumarin and cyclothialidine drugs and made mutations by site-directed mutagenesis. We used proteolysis as a probe of drug binding to wild-type and mutant proteins. Limited proteolysis of gyrase revealed that binding of these antibiotics is associated with a characteristic proteolytic fingerprint, suggesting a drug-induced conformational change. The ability of the mutants to bind the drugs was studied by testing their ability to induce the coumarin-associated proteolytic signature and to bind to a novobiocin-affinity column. To analyze further the interaction of the drugs with gyrase, we studied the binding using surface plasmon resonance. Mutation of Asn46 to Asp has only a modest effect on the binding of coumarins, while an Asn46 to Leu mutation results in a 10-fold decrease in the affinity. Mutation of Asp73 to Asn completely abolishes binding to both coumarins and cyclothialidines. Mutations at these residues also abolish ATP hydrolysis, explaining the inability of such mutations to occur spontaneously.  相似文献   

We have constructed a plasmid which contains 22 copies of a 147 bp DNA fragment which contains the major DNA gyrase cleavage site from plasmid pBR322 (located at base-pair 990). We have found that this fragment is efficiently bound and cleaved by gyrase. The selectivity for the sequence corresponding to position 990 in pBR322 is maintained even when this site is located only 15 bp from one end of the 147 bp fragment. A strategy for the specific incorporation of a single thiophosphoryl linkage into the 147 bp fragment has been developed, and gyrase has been shown to catalyse efficient cleavage of fragments bearing phosphorothioate linkages at the gyrase cleavage site in one or both strands.  相似文献   

Oxolinic acid forms complexes with gyrase and DNA in such a way that subsequent denaturation of gyrase reveals DNA cleavage. Cleavage sites were mapped in a 10,000 base-pair region of the Escherichia coli chromosome containing the dnaA, dnaN, recF, and gyrB genes. Twenty-four cleavage sites were identified. The sites were cleaved at different frequencies, with the most frequent cleavage occurring within gyrB. Not all sites were equally sensitive to oxolinic acid concentration, some sites exhibited an altered cleavage frequency when the gyrB225 delta topA mutant strain DM800 was compared with wild-type cells, and coumermycin selectively changed the cleavage frequency at a few sites in the mutant strain DM800. These perturbations appear to alter the frequency of cleavage at a site but not the location of the site. The availability of many sites of differing strengths may be an important factor in the ability of gyrase to fine-tune the level of supercoiling or provide local swivels in bacterial DNA.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase negatively supercoils DNA in a reaction coupled to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. Limited supercoiling can be achieved in the presence of the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue, 5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate (ADPNP). In order to negatively supercoil DNA, gyrase must wrap a length of DNA around itself in a positive sense. In previous work, the effect of ADPNP on the gyrase-DNA interaction has been assessed but has produced conflicting results; the aim of this work was to resolve this conflict. We have probed the wrapping of DNA around gyrase in the presence and in the absence of ADPNP using direct observation by atomic force microscopy (AFM). We confirm that gyrase indeed generates a significant curvature in DNA in the absence of nucleotide and we show that the addition of ADPNP leads to a complete loss of wrap. These results have been corroborated using a DNA relaxation assay involving topoisomerase I. We have re-analysed previous hydroxyl-radical footprinting and crystallography data, and highlight the fact that the gyrase-DNA complex is surprisingly asymmetric in the absence of nucleotide but is symmetric in the presence of ADPNP. We suggest a revised model for the conformation of DNA bound to the enzyme that is fully consistent with these AFM data, in which a closed loop of DNA is stabilised by the enzyme in the absence of ADPNP and is lost in the presence of nucleotide.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase on the bacterial chromosome: DNA cleavage induced by oxolinic acid.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Treatments in vivo of Escherichia coli with oxolinic acid, a potent inhibitor of DNA gyrase and DNA synthesis, lead to DNA cleavage when extracted chromosomes are incubated with sodium dodecyl sulfate. This DNA breakage has properties similar to those obtained in vitro with DNA gyrase reaction mixtures designed to assay production of supertwists: it is oxolinic acid-dependent, sodium dodecyl sulfate-activated, and at saturating drug concentrations produces double-strand DNA cleavage with a concommitant tight association of protein and DNA. In addition, identical treatments performed on a nalA mutant strain exhibit no DNA cleavage. Thus the DNA cleavage sites probably correspond to chromosomal DNA gyrase sites. Sedimentation measurements of the DNA cleavage products indicate that there are approximately 45 DNA breaks per chromosome. This value is similar to the number of domains of supercoiling found in isolated Escherichia coli chromosomes, suggesting one gyrase site per domain. At low oxolinic acid concentrations single-strand cleavages predominate after sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment, and the inhibition of DNA synthesis parallels the number of sites that obtain a single-strand scission. Double-strand breaks arise from the accumulation of single-strand cleavages in accordance with a model where each cleavage site contains two independent drug targets, one on each DNA strand. Since the nicking-closing subunit of gyrase is the target of oxolinic acid in vitro, we suggest that each gyrase site contains two nicking-closing subunits, one on each DNA strand, and that DNA synthesis requires both to be functional.  相似文献   

Reverse gyrase is a unique hyperthermophile-specific DNA topoisomerase that induces positive supercoiling. It is a modular enzyme composed of a topoisomerase IA and a helicase domain, which cooperate in the ATP-dependent positive supercoiling reaction. Although its physiological function has not been determined, it can be hypothesized that, like the topoisomerase–helicase complexes found in every organism, reverse gyrase might participate in different DNA transactions mediated by multiprotein complexes. Here, we show that reverse gyrase activity is stimulated by the single-strand binding protein (SSB) from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Using a combination of in vitro assays we analysed each step of the complex reverse gyrase reaction. SSB stimulates all the steps of the reaction: binding to DNA, DNA cleavage, strand passage and ligation. By co-immunoprecipitation of cell extracts we show that reverse gyrase and SSB assemble a complex in the presence of DNA, but do not make stable protein–protein interactions. In addition, SSB stimulates reverse gyrase positive supercoiling activity on DNA templates associated with the chromatin protein Sul7d. Furthermore, SSB enhances binding and cleavage of UV-irradiated substrates by reverse gyrase. The results shown here suggest that these functional interactions may have biological relevance and that the interplay of different DNA binding proteins might modulate reverse gyrase activity in DNA metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

B F Chen  F J Castora 《Biochemistry》1988,27(12):4386-4391
A general, unrefined mechanism of type I DNA topoisomerase action involves several steps including DNA binding, single-strand scission, strand passage resealing, and, possibly, readoption of an active enzyme conformation. None of these steps requires an energy cofactor; however, we have shown previously that several mammalian type I topoisomerases are, in fact, inhibited by ATP. In this study, we wanted to examine which steps in the gross topoisomerase mechanism were sensitive or insensitive to ATP. Nitrocellulose filter binding experiments showed that ATP did not interfere with the binding of DNA by the enzyme and that ATP binding by topoisomerase was 5-fold greater in the presence of DNA than in its absence. Agarose gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of ethidium bromide indicated that resealing was unaffected by added ATP. The addition of the adenine nucleotide did not alter the pattern of camptothecin-stimulated cleavage of DNA, indicating that strand scission was not the point of inhibition. To test whether strand passage or the readoption of an active conformation was an inhibited step, we used a unique DNA topoisomer as substrate. The results argued against readoption of an active enzyme conformation as an ATP-sensitive process.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD54 gene functions in the formation of heteroduplex DNA, a key intermediate in recombination processes. Rad54 is monomeric in solution, but forms a dimer/oligomer on DNA. Rad54 dimer/oligomer alters the conformation of the DNA double helix in an ATP-dependent manner, as revealed by a change in the DNA linking number in a topoisomerase I-linked reaction. DNA conformational alteration does not occur in the presence of non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues, nor when mutant rad54 proteins defective in ATP hydrolysis replace Rad54. Accordingly, the Rad54 ATPase activity is shown to be required for biological function in vivo and for promoting Rad51-mediated homologous DNA pairing in vitro. Taken together, the results are consistent with a model in which a Rad54 dimer/oligomer promotes nascent heteroduplex joint formation via a specific interaction with Rad51 protein and an ability to transiently unwind duplex DNA.  相似文献   

Induction of DNA damage triggers a complex biological response concerning not only repair systems but also virtually every cell function. DNA topoisomerases regulate the level of DNA supercoiling in all DNA transactions. Reverse gyrase is a peculiar DNA topoisomerase, specific to hyperthermophilic microorganisms, which contains a helicase and a topoisomerase IA domain that has the unique ability to introduce positive supercoiling into DNA molecules. We show here that reverse gyrase of the archaean Sulfolobus solfataricus is mobilized to DNA in vivo after UV irradiation. The enzyme, either purified or in cell extracts, forms stable covalent complexes with UV-damaged DNA in vitro. We also show that the reverse gyrase translocation to DNA in vivo and the stabilization of covalent complexes in vitro are specific effects of UV light irradiation and do not occur with the intercalating agent actinomycin D. Our results suggest that reverse gyrase might participate, directly or indirectly, in the cell response to UV light-induced DNA damage. This is the first direct evidence of the recruitment of a topoisomerase IA enzyme to DNA after the induction of DNA damage. The interaction between helicase and topoisomerase activities has been previously proposed to facilitate aspects of DNA replication or recombination in both Bacteria and Eukarya. Our results suggest a general role of the association of such activities in maintaining genome integrity and a mutual effect of DNA topology and repair.  相似文献   

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