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我国玉米品种更替过程中根系时空分布特征的演变   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
采用土柱栽培与大田试验相结合的方法,研究了我国20世纪50年代以来生产中大面积推广应用的玉米品种根系时空分布特性。研究指出:玉根系的生长动态符合水蒸汽压力模型(Vppor Pressure Model),1990s品种根系干物质积累量随生育进程的推进增加迅速,直到成熟期仍维持较高水平,开花后根重持续时间长,且在深层土壤中的优势明显。在深40-100cm土层内根系重量1990s品种分别比1970s品种和1950s品种高出75%和1060%,当代品种根系在深层土壤中所占比率也明显增加;在距离植株0-10cm的水平范围内,当代玉米品种根系分布数量多、比率大。随玉米品种更替根系的空间分布呈“横向紧缩,纵向延伸”的特点。  相似文献   

不同株型玉米光响应曲线的特征参数研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以平展型品种高油115、中间型品种农大108和紧凑型品种郑单958为供试材料,利用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了玉米吐丝期不同叶位的光响应曲线,并提取出曲线的特征参数。结果表明:不同株型玉米吐丝期光响应曲线的特征参数存在着差异,不同叶位的最大光合速率值均为农大108>郑单958>高油115;表观量子利用效率和暗呼吸速率均为郑单958>农大108>高油115,揭示了不同株型品种间光能利用特点差异的生理学基础。  相似文献   

我国玉米品种更替过程中根系时空分布特性的演变   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
采用土柱栽培与大田试验相结合的方法,研究了我国20世纪50年代以来生产中大面积推广应用的玉米品种根系时空分布特性。研究指出:玉米根系的生长动态符合水蒸汽压力模型(Vapor Pressure Model),1990s品种根系干物质积累量随生育进程的推进增加迅速,直到成熟期仍维持较高水平,开花后根重持续时间长,且在深层土壤中的优势明显。在深40~100cm土层内根系重量1990s品种分别比1970s品种和1950s品种高出75%和1060%,当代品种根系在深层土壤中所占比率也明显增加;在距离植株0~10cm的水平范围内,当代玉米品种根系分布数量多、比率大。随玉米品种更替根系的空间分布呈“横向紧缩,纵向延伸”的特点。  相似文献   

水氮处理下不同品种水稻根系生长分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为明确不同栽培条件下水稻(Oryza sativa)根系生长分布特征, 通过不同水氮处理和不同品种的水稻桶栽试验, 采用内置根架法, 于拔节期和抽穗期取样, 获取根系总干重(TRW)、不定根数(ARN)以及各类根(不定根、细分枝根和粗分枝根)的形态指标(长度、表面积和体积), 并分析植株根系生长状况和根系分布特征。结果显示: (1)各试验条件下抽穗期各项根系指标较拔节期均呈增长趋势。同一时期, 各项根系指标在3个施氮水平间均差异显著, 且随施氮量的增加而增加。不同水分处理下, 两个时期的ARN在湿润灌溉(W2)与保持水层(W1)之间差异均不显著, 而其他指标上W2处理均显著最高; 干旱处理 (W3)下, 仅拔节期的TRW和粗分枝形态指标与W1处理接近, 而在其他指标上均显著最低。不同品种间, ‘扬稻6号’ (V3)的各项根系指标均最高, 而‘日本晴’ (V1)和‘武香粳14’ (V2)间差异不显著。(2)各试验条件下, 抽穗期较拔节期根系下扎生长比例增加, 多分布于表层(0-5 cm)土中; 减少氮素和水分供应可提高根系在5 cm以下土层中的分布比例, 且分枝根反应最为明显; 品种V1和V2的深扎根性较V3明显。结果表明, 合理施氮与控水可优化水稻不同类型根的生长与分布特征, 但需考虑不同品种之间的差异。  相似文献   

不同株型玉米物质生产和群体库源特征的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
玉米产量与吐丝期至成热期干物质积累量和这一阶段群体库源特征密切相关。紧凑型玉米比平展型玉米,吐丝至成熟期的于物质积累量高3087.6-4525.5kg/hm ̄2,群体库容量大(1322.6-1516.8g/m ̄2),源供应能力强(1073.0-1168.8g/m ̄2),库源比值适宜(1.45左右),因而籽粒产量相戍提高了2214.0-2716.5kg/hm ̄2。玉米品种改良的关键是提高吐丝后群体物质生产效率和光合生产效率,同时使群体库源关系协调发展,相对平衡.  相似文献   

干旱与渍涝对砂姜黑土玉米根系干重变化及其分布的影响   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
砂姜黑土主要分布于黄淮海平原的南部(淮北平原、沂河平原和胶莱平原等)和南阳盆地,面积约4×106ha,其中河南省125×106ha[1],是面积较大的中低产田。其低产的主要原因可归结为“旱、涝、僵、薄”,根本原因在于其不良的水分物理特性[2~4]。而关于旱、涝灾害对作物根系的影响还未见报道。砂姜黑土区地势平坦,土层深厚,光、热、水等自然资源比较丰富,具有适宜作物生长发育的有利条件。因而,充分了解和掌握旱、涝灾害对作物根系的影响,因时制宜灌溉、排涝和耕作,对提高该区粮食产量具有重要意义。为此,于1997~1998年探讨了干旱与渍涝对砂…  相似文献   

应用重积分研究了土壤层中散根型和直根型玉米根系的分布空间,同时研究了玉米根系的空间密度分布.  相似文献   

在大田柱栽试验条件下,对2种穗型冬小麦品种根系的时空变化及其碳氮代谢进行了研究。结果表明,2种穗型冬小麦品种的单株根系干重、根重密度随生育时期逐渐增加,均在抽穗期达到最大值;不同土壤深度的根系活力随生育时期的变化不一致,2品种0~20 cm根系活力的变化趋势从越冬期逐渐下降,在抽穗期达到较低值后缓慢上升,并于灌浆期出现一个小的峰值;根系中可溶性糖含量、含氮量均从越冬期开始下降,在抽穗期达到最低值, 随后在开花期又出现一个峰值后缓慢下降。2种穗型冬小麦品种相比,重穗型小麦品种的根系各项指标略高于多穗型品种;在不同土层深度之间,各项指标总体趋势为随着土层深度加深逐渐下降,但是在不同生育时期,各土层之间出现有个别波动现象。  相似文献   

不同林龄胡杨克隆繁殖根系分布特征及其构型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以中龄林和成熟林胡杨为研究对象,采用挖剖面和根窗的方法,研究胡杨繁殖根系分布、根系构型,以及胡杨根蘖与繁殖根系构型之间的关系。结果表明:(1)细根(d<2 mm)的根长密度、根表面积密度,随深度增加呈现指数函数分布;(2)中龄林细根的根长密度、根表面积密度在0—90 cm各层都是显著大于成熟林的对应指标(P<0.05),成熟林的中等粗根(5 mm0.05),且两种林龄的一级侧根数、分枝角度亦无显著差异(P>0.05);(5)对比两种林龄不同根序上的根蘖芽发现,二级根上不定芽个数均是同组一级根上不定芽个数的3—4倍;基于以上对胡杨根系的功能权衡的分析,得出:细根对胡杨根系构型有重要的影响,在胡杨根系功能权衡中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

小麦和玉米根系取样位置优化确定及根系分布模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了确定小麦(Triticum aestivum)、玉米(Zea mays)根系的最优取样位置和更准确地模拟根长密度在土壤剖面的分布, 在冬小麦和夏玉米的灌浆后期, 采用根钻法取样, 比较了不同取样位置对根系分布的影响; 采用Gerwitz和Page模型对根长密度的分布进行了模拟。结果表明, 冬小麦行间和行上取样在0-10 cm土层根长密度差异显著, 在10 cm以下土层差异减少。在确定根长密度分布的取样中, 在0-20 cm土层应考虑根长密度分布的空间差异, 即行上密度大于行间密度; 而在20-100 cm土层, 需要考虑行间根长密度大于行上的空间差异; 在1 m以下土层两个位置的差异逐渐消失, 可不考虑空间差异。夏玉米根长密度在上层土壤表现出距离植株不同位置差异显著的特征。植株位置(株上)、距植株10 cm和距植株20 cm位置根长密度在土壤中的分布特征是: 0-10 cm土层3个位置根长密度差异在50%以上, 根长密度大小是株上>距植株10 cm>距植株20 cm; 而在10-30 cm层次, 根长密度表现为距植株10 cm>株上>距植株20 cm, 30-50 cm土层株上位置的根长密度最小, 50 cm以下各位置根长密度差异不明显。对于玉米根系取样, 50 cm以上土层需要考虑根长密度的空间差异, 50 cm以下土层可不考虑。采用Gerwitz和Page模型, 结合华北平原机械化耕作下形成的土壤犁底层变厚及其犁底层容重增加对根系分布的影响, 在模型中加入土壤容重参数订正可以使模型更准确地模拟根长密度在土壤剖面的分布。  相似文献   

国庆喜  杨光 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2302-2306
以天然红松种群为研究对象,采用生长方程回归分析、分段拟合判定的方法,探讨不同坡位红松邻体影响半径的变化.结果表明,红松树种邻体干扰指数与生长量呈显著负相关(R2为0.61~0.89),相关程度因邻体影响范围和坡位而异,R2达到最大值所对应的影响范围即为邻体影响半径;对红松树种进行邻体干扰指数与影响范围的线性分段拟合,邻体干扰指数随影响范围的增加而增加,其在一定的范围内上升较快,而超出该范围则上升幅度变缓,其转折点所对应的影响范围即为邻体影响半径,线性回归显著(R2为0.41~0.55);不同坡位的邻体影响半径有一定的差异,表现为下坡位=上坡位>中坡位.  相似文献   

Summary Excretion products of maize roots (Zea mays cv. Koshu) were estimated. All excreted products were the highest by fresh weight basis at the young seedling stage. In amino acids excreted, glutamic acid accounting for 60% of the total was the highest and followed by alanine. These two amino acids showed the diverse fluctuation according to the growing age, that is, glutamic acid increased while alanine decreased. Stachyose was a main soluble sugar excepting the stage prior to the heading. At this stages, glucose and fructose together with stachyose were observed. Lactic acid was the most dominant organic acid through whole growing stages. These excreted materials could be positive factors for the growth ofSpirillum lipoferum which can fix nitrogen non-symbiotically at the rhizosphere of maize.  相似文献   

松嫩平原微地形下土壤水盐与植物群落分布的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨帆  王志春  王云贺  安丰华  赵长巍 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6202-6208
以微域尺度不同盐渍化程度的盐渍土复区为研究区,利用典范对应分析方法(CCA)分析了不同水文年(丰水年、枯水年)土壤盐碱化指标、地表积水、不同土壤层含水率和相对高程与植物群落之间的关系。结果表明,在枯水年由于水分的减少和盐碱化的加重,稗草向虎尾草群落演替,虎尾草向碱蓬群落演替。而芦苇和碱茅群落相对稳定,只是由湿生向旱生转化,群落间演替较慢。在植物群落演替过程中,Na+(991 mg/kg)、CO32-(396 mg/kg)、EC(680 μs/cm),pH值(10)是稗草、芦苇向虎尾草和碱茅群落演替的驱动值。Na+(1570 mg/kg)、CO32-(576 mg/kg)、EC(879 μs/cm)是虎尾草、碱茅向碱蓬群落演替的驱动值。地表水的积水时间和积水深度是区分稗草和芦苇、虎尾草和碱茅生长分布的重要水文特征值。研究对苏打盐渍土区植被恢复和重建具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

玉米不同株型耐密性的群体生理指标研究   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50  
以紧凑型和平展型玉米不同株型的玉米品种为主要研究对象,利用作物生长分析法,系统研究了不同株型玉米品种群体内光分布,物质生产诸因素(LAI、NAR和CGR)和群体库源特征等群体生理指标与品种耐密性的关系,结果表明,群体内光分布合理与否是衡量品种耐密性的重要指标,叶面积系数(LAI)、净同化率(NAR)和作物生长率(CGR)的动态发展规律是反映耐密性的重要指标,叶面积系数(LAI)、净同化率(NAR)和作物生长率(CGR)的动态发展规律是反映耐密性的本质特征,群体库源关系协调与否是鉴定品种耐密性的一个综合指标。  相似文献   

The aims of the present work were (1) to determine the influence of plant growth stages on the population size of culturable bacteria and fungi associated with rhizoplane and endo-rhizosphere of maize grown in field and (2) to establish the community structure of total culturable bacteria and fungi. Density, diversity and community structure of culturable rhizoplane and endo-rhizosphere populations at different maize plant growth stages were estimated. Plant development did not have influence on total culturable microflora density but it selectively influenced some bacterial and fungal groups present in the rhizosphere. However, the microbial community structure changed markedly over time. This knowledge is relevant for exploring endophytic rhizobacteria potential in the promotion of plant-growth, protection against pathogens and to detect perturbations in natural agro ecosystems.  相似文献   

Droogers  P.  van der Meer  F.B.W.  Bouma  J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):83-91
The capacity of a soil to supply roots with water and nutrients for crop growth is important when defining sustainable land management which implies maintenance of production and reduction of production risks. Not only the amount of available water is important but also its accessibility, which differs among different soil structures. Different structures within one soil series were associated with three types of management: (i) conventional, temporary grassland (Conv), (ii) biodynamic, temporary grassland (Bio) and (iii) conventional permanent grassland (Perm). Transpiration of barley plants, under identical circumstances, and the associated rooting patterns, were measured in five large undisturbed cores from each of the three soil structures. Management had significantly changed bulk density, organic matter content and porosity. Measured transpiration showed significant differences with highest amounts for Perm followed by Conv and lowest amounts for Bio. Rooting pattern characteristics, defined as the relation between a series of hypothetical extraction zones around each root and the volumes of excluded soil were determined for the three structures. These rooting pattern characteristics were most favourable for Perm, followed by Bio and Conv, respectively. The water supply characteristics, defined as the number of days the soil can satisfy a transpiration demand of 5 mm d-1 as a function of a hypothetical extraction zone, reflects the capacity of the soil to supply roots with water. These water supply characteristics combined with the rooting pattern characteristics were used to quantify the accessibility of soil water. Accessibility was highest for Perm and Conv with 95% and 94% respectively, followed by Bio with 68%. When used in a simulation model and compared with simulations implicitly assuming total accessibility, measured transpirations were better simulated by introducing the expression for water accessibility.  相似文献   



Plants rely on the root system for anchorage to the ground and the acquisition and absorption of nutrients critical to sustaining productivity. A genome wide association analysis enables one to analyze allelic diversity of complex traits and identify superior alleles. 384 inbred lines from the Ames panel were genotyped with 681,257 single nucleotide polymorphism markers using Genotyping-by-Sequencing technology and 22 seedling root architecture traits were phenotyped.


Utilizing both a general linear model and mixed linear model, a GWAS study was conducted identifying 268 marker trait associations (p ≤ 5.3×10-7). Analysis of significant SNP markers for multiple traits showed that several were located within gene models with some SNP markers localized within regions of previously identified root quantitative trait loci. Gene model GRMZM2G153722 located on chromosome 4 contained nine significant markers. This predicted gene is expressed in roots and shoots.


This study identifies putatively associated SNP markers associated with root traits at the seedling stage. Some SNPs were located within or near (<1 kb) gene models. These gene models identify possible candidate genes involved in root development at the seedling stage. These and respective linked or functional markers could be targets for breeders for marker assisted selection of seedling root traits.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1226-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

梁道省  牟长城  高旭  鲁艺 《生态学报》2023,43(1):339-351
物种丰富度格局及其决定因素是生态学核心问题,但对其形成机制仍缺乏共识。为探究松嫩平原西部半干旱区沿湖岸至高地环境梯度(局地尺度)植物群落多样性分布格局及其决定因素,以沿该梯度依次分布的7种群落(狭叶香蒲沼泽、小香蒲沼泽、芦苇沼泽、草丛沼泽、拂子茅草甸、羊草草甸和榆树疏林)为对象,采用样带网格调查法及聚类分析法划分群落类型,测定物种丰富度、α多样性和β多样性及其环境因子(水位、土壤含水率、有机质等),揭示群落多样性空间分布规律及其形成机制。结果表明,沿湖岸至高地环境梯度:(1)物种丰富度(2.00—18.00)和α多样性(Simpson指数0.12—0.90;Shannon-Wiener指数0.23—2.57和Pielou指数0.34—0.88)总体上均呈类似N字型分布(在下部深水生境狭叶香蒲沼泽最低、中下部季节性积水生境草丛沼泽最高、中上部湿润生境拂子茅草甸较低、上部沙丘干旱生境榆树疏林又较高);(2)广义的β多样性(Jaccard指数0.56—0.96)可以分解成物种周转(丰富度没有变化的地点间的物种替代)和嵌套(物种贫乏地点是物种丰富地点子集时的物种差异)两个过程,其在该梯度上半段...  相似文献   

Aims Soil CO2 emission from steppes is affected by soil properties and vegetation in different successional stages. Primary and secondary succession of plants frequently occurred at the meadow steppe in Songnen Plain, Northeast China, which indicates the large uncertainty associated with CO2 emission in this environment. This study aims to investigate the temporal variations of soil respiration (Rs) and the effect of plant succession on cumulative soil CO2 emission during the growing season.Methods Using a LI-6400 soil CO2 flux system, Rs of five vegetation types which represented different stages of plant succession in meadow steppes of Songnen Plain, China, was investigated during the growing seasons of 2011 and 2012.Important findings Soil temperature (Ts) was the dominant controlling factor of Rs, which could explain ~64% of the change in CO2 fluxes. The Q 10 values of Rs were ranged from 2.0 to 6.7, showing a decreasing trend with the plant successional stages. The cumulative CO2 emission increased with the degree of vegetation succession and it averaged to 316±6g C m ?2 (ranges: 74.8±6.7 to 516.5±11.4g C m ?2) during the growing season. The magnitude of soil CO2 emission during the growing season was positively correlated with aboveground plant biomass, soil organic carbon content and mean soil water content, while negatively linked to mean Ts, pH, electrical conductivity and exchangeable sodium percentages. The results implied that soil CO2 emission increased with the development of plant communities toward more advanced stages. Our findings provided valuable information for understanding the variations of CO2 emission in the process of vegetation succession.  相似文献   

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