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Quenching of the triplet state of tryptophan by contact with cysteine can be used to measure the kinetics of loop formation in unfolded proteins. Here we show that cysteine quenching dynamics also provide a novel method for measuring folding rates when the exchange between folded and unfolded states is faster than the unquenched triplet lifetime (approximately 100 micros). We use this technique to investigate folding/unfolding kinetics of the 35 residue headpiece subdomain of the protein villin, which contains a single tryptophan residue and was engineered to contain a cysteine residue at the N terminus. At intermediate concentrations of denaturant the time-course of the triplet decay consists of two relaxations, the rates and amplitudes of which reveal the fast kinetics for folding and unfolding of this protein. The folding rates extracted using a simple kinetic model are close to those reported previously from laser-induced temperature-jump experiments that employ the change in tryptophan fluorescence as a probe. However, the results differ significantly from those reported from dynamic NMR line shape analysis on a variant with methionine at the N terminus, an issue that remains to be resolved. The analysis of the triplet quenching kinetics also shows that the quenching rates in the unfolded state increase with decreasing denaturant concentration, indicating a compaction of the unfolded protein.  相似文献   

Chemical shifts of resonances of specific protons in the 1H NMR spectrum of thermally denatured hen lysozyme have been determined by exchange correlation with assigned native state resonances in 2D NOESY spectra obtained under conditions where the two states are interconverting. There are subtle but widespread deviations of the measured shifts from the values which would be anticipated for a random coil; in the case of side chain protons these are virtually all net upfield shifts and it is shown that this may be the averaged effect of interactions with aromatic rings in a partially collapsed denatured state. In a very few cases, notably that of two sequential tryptophan residues, it is possible to interpret these effects in terms of specific, local interresidue interactions. Generally, however, there is no correlation with either native state shift perturbations or with sequence proximity to aromatic groups. Diminution of most of the residual shift perturbations on reduction of the disulfide cross-links confirms that they are not simply effects of residues adjacent in the sequence. Similar effects of chemical denaturants, with the disulfides intact, demonstrate that the shift perturbations reflect an enhanced tendency to side chain clustering in the thermally denatured state. The temperature dependences of the shift perturbations suggest that this clustering is noncooperative and is driven by small, favorable enthalpy changes. While the extent of conformational averaging is clearly much greater than that observed for a homologous protein, alpha-lactalbumin, in its partially folded "molten globule" state, the results clearly show that thermally denatured lysozyme differs substantially from a random coil, principally in that it is partially hydrophobically collapsed.  相似文献   

We have defined the free-energy profile of the Src SH2 domain using a variety of biophysical techniques. Equilibrium and kinetic experiments monitored by tryptophan fluorescence show that Src SH2 is quite stable and folds rapidly by a two-state mechanism, without populating any intermediates. Native state hydrogen-deuterium exchange confirms this two-state behavior; we detect no cooperative partially unfolded forms in equilibrium with the native conformation under any conditions. Interestingly, the apparent stability of the protein from hydrogen exchange is 2 kcal/mol greater than the stability determined by both equilibrium and kinetic studies followed by fluorescence. Native-state proteolysis demonstrates that this "super protection" does not result from a deviation from the linear extrapolation model used to fit the fluorescence data. Instead, it likely arises from a notable compaction in the unfolded state under native conditions, resulting in an ensemble of conformations with substantial solvent exposure of side chains and flexible regions sensitive to proteolysis, but backbone amides that exchange with solvent approximately 30-fold slower than would be expected for a random coil. The apparently simple behavior of Src SH2 in traditional unfolding studies masks the significant complexity present in the denatured-state ensemble.  相似文献   

Paramagnetic relaxation has been used to monitor the formation of structure in the folding peptide chain of guanidinium chloride-denatured acyl-coenzyme A-binding protein. The spin label (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrroline-3-methyl)methanesulfonate (MTSL) was covalently bound to a single cysteine residue introduced into five different positions in the amino acid sequence. It was shown that the formation of structure in the folding peptide chain at conditions where 95% of the sample is unfolded brings the relaxation probe close to a wide range of residues in the peptide chain, which are not affected in the native folded structure. It is suggested that the experiment is recording the formation of many discrete and transient structures in the polypeptide chain in the preface of protein folding. Analysis of secondary chemical shifts shows a high propensity for alpha-helix formation in the C-terminal part of the polypeptide chain, which forms an alpha-helix in the native structure and a high propensity for turn formation in two regions of the polypeptide that form turns in the native structure. The results contribute to the idea that native-like structural elements form transiently in the unfolded state, and that these may be of importance to the initiation of protein folding.  相似文献   

How long does it take to equilibrate the unfolded state of a protein? The answer to this question has important implications for our understanding of why many small proteins fold with two state kinetics. When the equilibration within the unfolded state U is much faster than the folding, the folding kinetics will be two state even if there are many folding pathways with different barriers. Yet the mean first passage times (MFPTs) between different regions of the unfolded state can be much longer than the folding time. This seems to imply that the equilibration within U is much slower than the folding. In this communication we resolve this paradox. We present a formula for estimating the time to equilibrate the unfolded state of a protein. We also present a formula for the MFPT to any state within U, which is proportional to the average lifetime of that state divided by the state population. This relation is valid when the equilibration within U is very fast as compared with folding as it often is for small proteins. To illustrate the concepts, we apply the formulas to estimate the time to equilibrate the unfolded state of Trp-cage and MFPTs within the unfolded state based on a Markov State Model using an ultra-long 208 microsecond trajectory of the miniprotein to parameterize the model. The time to equilibrate the unfolded state of Trp-cage is ∼100 ns while the typical MFPTs within U are tens of microseconds or longer.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of the urea-denatured B1 immunoglobulin binding domain of streptococcal protein G (GB1) has been investigated by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Complete 1H, 15N, and 13C assignments are obtained by means of sequential through-bond correlations. The nuclear Overhauser enhancement, chemical shift, and 3JHN alpha coupling constant data provide no evidence for the existence of any significant population of residual native or nonnative ordered structure. 15N relaxation measurements at 500 and 600 MHz, however, provide evidence for conformationally restricted motions in three regions of the polypeptide that correspond to the second beta-hairpin, the N-terminus of the alpha-helix, and the middle of the alpha-helix in the native protein. The time scale of these motions is longer than the apparent overall correlation time (approximately 3 ns) and could range from about 6 ns in the case of one model to between 4 microseconds and 2 ms in another; it is not possible to distinguish between these two cases with certainty because the dynamics are highly complex and hence the analysis of the time scale of this slower motion is highly model dependent. It is suggested that these three regions may correspond to nucleation sites for the folding of the GB1 domain. With the exception of the N- and C-termini, where end effects predominate, the amplitude of the subnanosecond motions, on the other hand, are fairly uniform and model independent, with an overall order parameter S2 ranging from 0.4 to 0.5.  相似文献   

NMR studies on the denatured states of proteins indicate that residual structure often resides predominantly in hydrophobic clusters. Such hydrophobic cluster formation implies burial of apolar surface and, consequently, is expected to cause a decrease in heat capacity. We report here that, in the case of ribonuclease H from the thermophile Thermus thermophilus, a sharp decrease in denatured-state heat capacity occurs at about pH 3.8; this result points to the formation of hydrophobic clusters triggered by the protonation of several (about four) carboxylic acid groups, and indicates that the burial of apolar surface is favored by the less hydrophilic character of the uncharged forms of Asp and Glu side-chains. The process is not accompanied by large changes in optically active structure, but appears to be highly cooperative, as indicated by the sharpness of the pH-induced transition in the heat capacity. This acid-induced hydrophobic burial in denatured T.thermophilus ribonuclease H is clearly reflected in the pH dependence of the denaturation temperature (i.e. an abrupt change of slope at about pH 3.8 is seen in the plot of denaturation temperature versus pH), supporting a role for such denatured-state hydrophobic clusters in protein stability. The finding of cooperative protonation of several groups coupled to surface burial in denatured T.thermophilus ribonuclease H emphasizes the potential complexity of denatured-state electrostatics and advises caution when attempting to predict denatured-state properties on the basis of simple electrostatic models. Finally, our results suggest a higher propensity for hydrophobic cluster formation in the denatured state of T.thermophilus ribonuclease H as compared with that of its mesophilic counterpart from Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

We simulate the aggregation thermodynamics and kinetics of proteins L and G, each of which self-assembles to the same alpha/beta [corrected] topology through distinct folding mechanisms. We find that the aggregation kinetics of both proteins at an experimentally relevant concentration exhibit both fast and slow aggregation pathways, although a greater proportion of protein G aggregation events are slow relative to those of found for protein L. These kinetic differences are correlated with the amount and distribution of intrachain contacts formed in the denatured state ensemble (DSE), or an intermediate state ensemble (ISE) if it exists, as well as the folding timescales of the two proteins. Protein G aggregates more slowly than protein L due to its rapidly formed folding intermediate, which exhibits native intrachain contacts spread across the protein, suggesting that certain early folding intermediates may be selected for by evolution due to their protective role against unwanted aggregation. Protein L shows only localized native structure in the DSE with timescales of folding that are commensurate with the aggregation timescale, leaving it vulnerable to domain swapping or nonnative interactions with other chains that increase the aggregation rate. Folding experiments that characterize the structural signatures of the DSE, ISE, or the transition state ensemble (TSE) under nonaggregating conditions should be able to predict regions where interchain contacts will be made in the aggregate, and to predict slower aggregation rates for proteins with contacts that are dispersed across the fold. Since proteins L and G can both form amyloid fibrils, this work also provides mechanistic and structural insight into the formation of prefibrillar species.  相似文献   

The earliest events in protein folding involve the formation of simple loops. Observing the rates of loop closure under denaturing conditions can provide direct insight into the relative probability and sequence determinants for formation of loops of different sizes. The persistence of these initial contacts is equally important for efficient folding, so measurement of rates of loop breakage under denaturing conditions is also essential. We have used stopped-flow and continuous-flow methods to measure the rates of histidine-heme loop formation and breakage in the denatured state of iso-1-cytochrome c (in the presence of 3 M guanidine HCl). The data indicate that the mechanism for forming loops is a two-step process, the first step being the deprotonation of the histidine, and the second step being the binding of the histidine to the heme. This mechanism makes it possible to extract both the rate constants of formation, k(f), and breakage, k(b), of loops from the pH dependence of the observed rate constant, k(obs). To determine the dependence of k(f) and k(b) on loop size, we have carried out kinetic measurements for seven single surface histidine variants of iso-1-cytochrome c. A scaling factor (the dependence of k(f) on log[loop size]) of approximately -1.8 is observed for loop formation, similar to that observed in other systems. The magnitude of k(b) varies from 30 s(-1) to 300 s(-1), indicating that the stability of different loops varies considerably. The implications of the kinetics of loop formation and breakage in the denatured state for the mechanism of protein folding are discussed.  相似文献   

The amino acid Pro is more rigid than other naturally occurring amino acids and, in proteins, lacks an amide hydrogen. To understand the structural and thermodynamic effects of Pro substitutions, it was introduced at 13 different positions in four different proteins, leucine-isoleucine-valine binding protein, maltose binding protein, ribose binding protein, and thioredoxin. Three of the maltose binding protein mutants were characterized by X-ray crystallography to confirm that no structural changes had occurred upon mutation. In the remaining cases, fluorescence and CD spectroscopy were used to show the absence of structural change. Stabilities of wild type and mutant proteins were characterized by chemical denaturation at neutral pH and by differential scanning calorimetry as a function of pH. The mutants did not show enhanced stability with respect to chemical denaturation at room temperature. However, 6 of the 13 single mutants showed a small but significant increase in the free energy of thermal unfolding in the range of 0.3-2.4 kcal/mol, 2 mutants showed no change, and 5 were destabilized. In five of the six cases, the stabilization was because of reduced entropy of unfolding. However, the magnitude of the reduction in entropy of unfolding was typically several fold larger than the theoretical estimate of -4 cal K(-1) mol(-1) derived from the relative areas in the Ramachandran map accessible to Pro and Ala residues, respectively. Two double mutants were constructed. In both cases, the effects of the single mutations on the free energy of thermal unfolding were nonadditive.  相似文献   

Apparent transition state movement upon mutation or changes in solvent conditions is frequently observed in protein folding and is often interpreted in terms of Hammond behavior. This led to the conclusion that barrier regions in protein folding are broad maxima on the free energy landscape. Here, we use the concept of self-interaction and cross-interaction parameters to test experimental data of 21 well-characterized proteins for Hammond behavior. This allows us to characterize the origin of transition state movements along different reaction coordinates. Only one of the 21 proteins shows a small but coherent transition state movement in agreement with the Hammond postulate. In most proteins the structure of the transition state is insensitive to changes in protein stability. The apparent change in the position of the transition state upon mutation, which is frequently observed in phi-value analysis, is in most cases due to ground-state effects caused by structural changes in the unfolded state. This argues for significant residual structure in unfolded polypeptide chains of many proteins. Disruption of these residual interactions by mutation often leads to decreased folding rates, which implies that these interactions are still present in the transition state. The failure to detect Hammond behavior shows that the free energy barriers encountered by a folding polypeptide chain are generally rather narrow and robust maxima for all experimentally explorable reaction coordinates.  相似文献   

Although beta-sheets represent a sizable fraction of the secondary structure found in proteins, the forces guiding the formation of beta-sheets are still not well understood. Here we examine the folding of a small, all beta-sheet protein, the E. coli major cold shock protein CspA, using both equilibrium and kinetic methods. The equilibrium denaturation of CspA is reversible and displays a single transition between folded and unfolded states. The kinetic traces of the unfolding and refolding of CspA studied by stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy are monoexponential and thus also consistent with a two-state model. In the absence of denaturant, CspA refolds very fast with a time constant of 5 ms. The unfolding of CspA is also rapid, and at urea concentrations above the denaturation midpoint, the rate of unfolding is largely independent of urea concentration. This suggests that the transition state ensemble more closely resembles the native state in terms of solvent accessibility than the denatured state. Based on the model of a compact transition state and on an unusual structural feature of CspA, a solvent-exposed cluster of aromatic side chains, we propose a novel folding mechanism for CspA. We have also investigated the possible complications that may arise from attaching polyhistidine affinity tags to the carboxy and amino termini of CspA.  相似文献   

冷激蛋白是存在于细菌、植物与动物中的一类高度保守的核酸结合蛋白,其通过RNA分子伴侣活性参与转录、翻译及生长发育和逆境胁迫应答等细胞生理活动。本文主要从植物冷激蛋白的结构、表达模式、生物学功能以及应用前景等几个方面介绍了植物冷激蛋白的研究进展。  相似文献   

Using only hard-sphere repulsion, we investigated short polyalanyl chains for the presence of sterically imposed conformational constraints beyond the dipeptide level. We found that a central residue in a helical peptide cannot adopt dihedral angles from strand regions without encountering a steric collision. Consequently, an alpha-helical segment followed by a beta-strand segment must be connected by an intervening linker. This restriction was validated both by simulations and by seeking violations within proteins of known structure. In fact, no violations were found within an extensive database of high-resolution X-ray structures. Nature's exclusion of alpha-beta hybrid segments, fashioned from an alpha-helix adjoined to a beta-strand, is built into proteins at the covalent level. This straightforward conformational constraint has far-reaching consequences in organizing unfolded proteins and limiting the number of possible protein domains.  相似文献   

Globular proteins adopt complex folds, composed of organized assemblies of alpha-helix and beta-sheet together with irregular regions that interconnect these scaffold elements. Here, we seek to parse the irregular regions into their structural constituents and to rationalize their formative energetics. Toward this end, we dissected the Protein Coil Library, a structural database of protein segments that are neither alpha-helix nor beta-strand, extracted from high-resolution protein structures. The backbone dihedral angles of residues from coil library segments are distributed indiscriminately across the phi,psi map, but when contoured, seven distinct basins emerge clearly. The structures and energetics associated with the two least-studied basins are the primary focus of this article. Specifically, the structural motifs associated with these basins were characterized in detail and then assessed in simple simulations designed to capture their energetic determinants. It is found that conformational constraints imposed by excluded volume and hydrogen bonding are sufficient to reproduce the observed ,psi distributions of these motifs; no additional energy terms are required. These three motifs in conjunction with alpha-helices, strands of beta-sheet, canonical beta-turns, and polyproline II conformers comprise approximately 90% of all protein structure.  相似文献   

It is now recognized that the denatured state ensemble (DSE) of proteins can contain significant amounts of structure, particularly under native conditions. Well-studied examples include small units of hydrogen bonded secondary structure, particularly helices or turns as well as hydrophobic clusters. Other types of interactions are less well characterized and it has often been assumed that electrostatic interactions play at most a minor role in the DSE. However, recent studies have shown that both favorable and unfavorable electrostatic interactions can be formed in the DSE. These can include surprisingly specific non-native interactions that can even persist in the transition state for protein folding. DSE electrostatic interactions can be energetically significant and their modulation either by mutation or by varying solution conditions can have a major impact upon protein stability. pH dependent stability studies have shown that electrostatic interactions can contribute up to 4 kcal mol-1 to the stability of the DSE.  相似文献   

The folding initiation mechanism of human bile acid-binding protein (BABP) has been examined by (19) F NMR. Equilibrium unfolding studies of BABP labeled with fluorine at all eight of its phenylalanine residues showed that at least two sites experience changes in solvent exposure at high denaturant concentrations. Peak assignments were made by site-specific 4FPhe incorporation. The resonances for proteins specifically labeled at Phe17, Phe47, and Phe63 showed changes in chemical shift at denaturant concentrations at which the remaining five phenylalanine residues appear to be fully solvent-exposed. Phe17 is a helical residue that was not expected to participate in a folding initiation site. Phe47 and Phe63 form part of a hydrophobic core region that may be conserved as a site for folding initiation in the intracellular lipid-binding protein family.  相似文献   

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