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The IgM plaque-forming response to the alpha 1-6 epitope of dextran B512 is linked to the Ig-1 heavy chain allotypes j and b characteristic of CBA and C57BL strains, respectively, and the response typically induces the formation of autoanti-idiotypic antibodies that can distinguish between anti-dextran antibodies of CBA and C57BL origin. Nevertheless, some substrains of Balb/c mice (allotype a) and some Bailey recombinant stains give a PFC response although they do not possess allotypes j or b. The anti-dextran antibodies in these strains lack the idiotypes characteristic of either CBA and C57BL antibodies to dextran, but they possess their own particular idiotype. F1 hybrids between two responder strains possessing different idiotypes on their antibodies against dextran, produce both idiotypes and two different autoanti-idiotypic antibodies. CBA(Ig-1b) mice were high responders to dextran and possessed the idiotype of C57BL, whereas C57BL/6(Ig-1a) mice were low responders. The V(H) recombinant strains BAB.14 and CB-8KN that possess the Ig-1b allotype of C57BL, but have some of the V(H) genes from Balb/c and the rest from C57BL/6 were high responders to dextran, but did not possess the C57BL idiotype, suggesting that the genes determining the response against dextran and the idiotype may have different locations in the heavy chain locus.  相似文献   

Interspecific genetic differences in malate dehydrogenase (MDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and esterase (EST) isozymes in carp (Cyprinus carpio) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) were used to examine the allelic expressions in the hybrid between these species. A unique liver SOD and muscle LDH phenotype unambiguously identifies all presumed hybrid individuals. There was no evidence of F2 or backcross phenotypes in hybrid individuals. Liver MDH and EST phenotypes in hybrids show a preferential expression of goldfish isozymes. Variation in the levels of carp liver MDH isozymes may result from the polymorphism of a regulatory mutation affecting isozyme expression, leading to gene silencing after duplication.This work was supported through NSERC (Canada) grants to James P. Bogart and John F. Leatherland.  相似文献   

Antibodies to dextran B512 were raised in various strains of mice and were assayed by a radioimmunoassay procedure. Idiotypic antibodies to the IgA(k) dextran B512 binding myeloma proteins QUPC52 and W3129 of BALB/c origin were prepared in rabbits. After adsorption each antiserum was specific for the immunizing myeloma protein and did not react with hundreds of other myeloma proteins; nonetheless, antibodies to dextran B512 from various strains of mice cross-reacted in these test systems. Of the 2 idiotypes tested, the W3129 idiotype was more universally expressed in different strains of mice. The QUPC52 idiotype was the predominant idiotype in BALB/c anti-dextran B512 antibodies and was found in only a few other inbred strains. Using a battery of congenic and inbred strains, it was shown that the QUPC52 idiotype was controlled by genes linked to the Igh complex locus (chromosome 12) and to the Ig kappa complex locus (chromosome 6). The W3129 idiotype was found in a number of stocks of mice in the genus Mus recently isolated from the wild. The QUPC52 idiotype thus far was found only in inbred mice.  相似文献   

The LLC-PK1 mutant cell lines FIB4 and FIB6 are affected in the catalytic (C) subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAMP-PK) such that they possess less than 10% parental activity. However, by Western blot analysis they were shown to possess normal levels of C subunit protein. Somatic cell hybrids were derived between mutant and LLC-PK1 cells, and examined for complementation of the cAMP-PK lesion. Codominant expression of mutant and normal alleles was observed, in that somatic cell hybrids between FIB4 and LLC-PK1, and between FIB6 and LLC-PK1 cells, exhibited cAMP-PK activity 60-75% that of LLC-PK1 cells, intermediate between mutant and normal parental cell lines. The cAMP-PK of the FIB6 x LLC-PK1 and FIB4 x LLC-PK1 hybrids was examined by ion exchange chromatography. In contrast to the FIB6 and FIB4 mutants which lack an active Type I cAMP-PK, the hybrids retained levels of active Type I cAMP-PK greater than 30% that of LLC-PK1, concomitant with the retention of catalytic activity. It was concluded that the loss of Type I kinase in the FIB6 and FIB4 mutants is most likely a consequence of the lesion in the cAMP-PK C subunit. All somatic cell hybrids examined showed levels of cAMP-PK C subunit (as determined by Western blot analysis), and in vivo regulation of cAMP-PK activation (in response to hormonal or nonreceptor-mediated stimulation of adenylate cyclase), completely comparable to those of the parental LLC-PK1 cells. Hence, no aberrant regulation of either cAMP-PK subunit levels or cAMP-PK activities was evident in the somatic cells hybrids. All data were consistent with the hypothesis that FIB4 and FIB6 contain a structural mutation affecting the cAMP-PK catalytic subunit that is expressed phenotypically in the presence of the normal allele.  相似文献   

Zhuang Y  Adams KL 《Genetics》2007,177(4):1987-1996

It has been reported that antigen induces differentiation of two populations of Ig-containing cells: the first one to appear, IgCC, synthesizes nonspecific Ig and the second, AbCC, synthesizes antibodies. Along with other arguments, the observation that nonspecific Ig bear idiotypic determinants, which cross-react with those of antibodies, had led to the hypothesis that IgCC are precursors of AbCC. However, the synthesis of such idiotype-positive nonspecific Ig before the appearance of the antibodies has not yet been proven. This problem was investigated by analyzing the primary response to poly(Glu60-Ala30-Tyr10) (GAT) in F344 rats. Kinetics studies of cells synthesizing Ig expressing a major idiotype (GAT-13), and of cells synthesizing Ig not expressing GAT-13 idiotype, revealed that these two cell populations were undetectable before the appearance of the anti-GAT antibodies. This demonstrates that IgCC differentiation is not a necessary condition for the development of all antibody responses.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids between B. inermis Leyss (2n=8x=56) and B. riparius Rehm. (2n=10x=70) were easily made. The F1 hybrids had a fertility of 20%–50% under open pollination and backcrossing to B. inermis. Chromosome pairing in B. riparius was predominantly as bivalents (29.04–33.85 per cell for plant means). Bivalents also predominated in the F1 hybrid (2n=9x=63) and there was a high level of pairing with no reduction in chiasma frequency. It was impossible to estimate the frequency of auto-versus allosyndetic pairing. Chromosome pairing in a hybrid between B. arvensis (2n=2x=14) and B. riparius confirmed that the B. riparius complement is capable of complete autosyndetic pairing. Chromosome numbers in the F2 progeny ranged from 2n=56 to 72 but they were skewed towards 2n=63 to 70. Backcrosses ranged from 2n=56 to 63, as expected, with the distribution skewed towards 2n=56. Selection towards the 2n=56 level would be difficult in the F2. Empirical observation suggested that cytoplasm had a major influence on morphology in the backcrosses. Additional studies are required to determine the best breeding scheme to introgress germ plasm between B. inermis and B. riparius.  相似文献   

The immune response to the liver protein F antigen which, in the mouse, occurs in two allelic forms, is under sharp immunogenetic control in that only mice that possess the Ak molecule can respond to allo-F antigen. This response has been studied in a number of F1 hybrids between inbred strains and with recombinant inbred lines all of which express Ak, and which thus enable immune suppression effects to be detected. In the AKXL and AKXD sets, the hybrids with CBA are responders if H-2 k/H-2k, and usually nonresponders if H-2 k/H-2b or H-2 k/H-2d. Although this may be due to gene dosage effects, this cannot be the explanation for the low responsiveness of the H-2 k/H-2b relative to the H-2 k/H-2d mice found in CBA × BXD hybrids. For this, and other reasons, it seems likely that low responsiveness in any mouse possessing a responder A k allele is due to suppression, and that this is mediated by the immune suppression effects of the non-H-2 k haplotype. These H-2-mediated effects can be modified, both positively and negatively, by background genes. Thus, of the ten H-2k/H-2d members of the CBA × AKXD cross, seven are low responders and three are high responders. No other typed marker has the same strain distribution pattern at present. Major unresolved questions, therefore, concern the location and mechanism of action of the background genes and the mechanism of action of the H-2 immune suppression genes.  相似文献   

Serum antibody and cellular immune response in mice to dextran B512.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Serum antibodies to dextran started to appear 3 days after immunization of C57BL/6 mice. Synthesis of IgM antibodies was followed by IgG3 and IgGA. Other immunoglobulin classes (IgG1, IgG2b, and IgG2a) were very low or absent. The immune response to dextran was also thymus independent with regard to IgG3 and IgA synthesis as demonstrated by the use of nu/nu mice. CBA and C57BL/6 mice were high responders to dextran with regard to IgM synthesis. C57BL/6 mice produced high levels of IgG3 and IgA antibodies, whereas CBA, A/J, and A.TL only synthesized IgM antibodies. A/J and A.TL strains were most frequently low responders with regard to IgM synthesis and CBA/N mice were completely nonresponders with regard to all immunoglobulin classes. The ability to produce anti-dextran antibodies increased with age in high responder strains. This was most pronounced for IgG3 and IgA antibodies, which reached adult levels 3 months after birth. The affinity of anti-dextran antibodies was high and homogeneous in antisera from C57BL/6 mice. Preimmune matural antibodies and antibodies from immunized low responder strains had a low and variable affinity for dextran.  相似文献   

Summary Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were analyzed in materials from a partial diallel, including 16 corn F1 hybrids (with five reciprocals) and their five parental inbreds. Using 21 primers, we scored a total of 140 different fragments for their presence/absence and intensity variation, where appropriate. When all 21 genotypes were taken into consideration, 20.7% of these fragments were nonpolymorphic, 37.1% were unambiguously polymorphic, and 42.1% were quantitatively polymorphic. Unambiguous polymorphisms were distinguished by the simple presence or absence of a specific fragment in the inbred genotypes, whereas quantitative polymorphisms exhibited a variation in the intensity of a fragment. Of the F1 patterns, 95.2% of the unambiguously polymorphic situations could be interpreted genetically by assuming complete dominance of the presence of the parental fragment, while 3.2% of the F1 patterns exhibited a fragment intensity that was intermediate between the two parental patterns (partial dominance). For quantitative polymorphisms, values of 88.1% for complete dominance and 5.0% for partial dominance were obtained. The results suggest that specific types of errors can be detected in RAPD analysis, that uniparental inheritance is not common, and that RAPD analysis might be more prudently used for some applications than for others.  相似文献   

T cell help is required for the induction of the humoral antibody response to dextran B1355S, a type II thymus-independent bacterial polysaccharide antigen. In the present study we have identified three B cell growth and differentiation factors that can substitute for T cells in the induction of IgM and IgA antibody responses to alpha(1,3) glucan determinants on dextran B1355S. Dextran B1355S stimulated murine B cell cultures supplemented with a combination of murine recombinant interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and a late-acting B cell growth and differentiation factor, BCGF II, produced both IgA and IgM anti-alpha(1,3) dextran plaque-forming cells (PFC). Interleukin 2 (IL 2) was not required for those responses. In contrast, recombinant IFN-gamma and recombinant IL 2 in combination supported the induction of IgA but not IgM anti-alpha(1,3) dextran PFC. In all cases, depletion of surface IgA-bearing B cells significantly decreased IgA but not IgM anti-dextran responses, indicating that the B cells responding to those lymphokines already were committed to IgA expression. These studies indicate that B cell growth and differentiation factors can exhibit differential effects on the induction of IgA compared with IgM responses.  相似文献   

The river floodplain species Rorippa amphibia, Rorippa sylvestris, and their hybrid Rorippa x anceps were studied here, with the aim of identifying potential species differences with respect to flooding tolerance, and of assessing their expression in F1 hybrids. Parents and their F1 hybrids were subjected to three flooding treatments mimicking natural conditions, and growth-related and leaf morphological traits were compared. In contrast to R. sylvestris, R. amphibia responded to waterlogging by forming specialized roots, and its growth was not reduced. These traits were dominantly expressed in hybrids. Both species and the hybrids established shoot growth over 2 wk of complete submergence. Only in R. sylvestris was this not at the expense of root biomass, suggesting that R. sylvestris can photosynthesize underwater. Rorippa sylvestris also showed a hyponastic response. Hybrids were intermediate to the parents in this respect. This study shows that phenotypic expression of parental traits in F1 hybrids is mostly additive, but can also be dominant. This suggests that a large overlap in habitat use of parents and hybrids is likely. If such an overlap occurs, the main evolutionary consequences of hybridization in Rorippa will be the introgression of genes, as the hybrids are fully fertile.  相似文献   

We previously established two strains of Mongolian gerbil: a seizure-sensitive strain, established by selective inbreeding for motor seizures elicited by a stimulus called the S method and a seizure-resistant strain that does not exhibit inducible seizures. The behavior of the seizure-sensitive strain is characterized by a progressive increase in responsiveness to weekly application of the S method, from repetitive backward ear movements appearing after postnatal day 40, to a full-blown seizure, while the seizure-resistant strain is apparently unaffected by the stimulation. The difference between these two strains is presumably genetic. To determine the genetic factors underlying this difference, we first examined developmental changes in the stimulus-induced behavior of the F1 hybrids. When the S method was applied, most F1 hybrids had repetitive movements of the ears (and head) similar to the seizure-sensitive gerbils, but generalized seizures emerged considerably later than in seizure-sensitive gerbils. These results suggest that a half dose of the gene products involved renders most gerbils susceptible to the stimulus but is insufficient for the rapid accumulation of an as yet undefined change needed to spread the abnormal electrophysiologic activity to elicit generalized seizures.  相似文献   

Gene expression changes in response to E2F1 activation   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  

The crossability between Brassica tournefortii (TT, 2n = 20) and Brassica rapa (AA, 2n = 20) and the cytomorphology of their F1 hybrids were studied. Hybrids between these two species were obtained only when B. tournefortii was involved as a female parent. The hybrid plants were intermediate for most of the morphological attributes and were found to be free from white rust under field conditions. The F1 plants showed poor pollen fertility, although occasional seed set was achieved from open pollination. Self-pollination or backcrosses did not yield any seeds in these plants. The occurrence of chromosome association ranging from bivalents (0–7), trivalents (0–2) to a rare quadrivalent (0–1) in the dihaploid hybrids indicates pairing between the T and A genomes. The homoeologous pairing coupled with seed set in the F1 plants offer an opportunity for interspecific gene transfers from B. tournefortii to B. rapa and vice-versa through interspecific hybridization. Received: 3 July 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

In this study, we established that BALB/c mice recognize and respond to the idiotype (M104E IdI) of a major dextran-specific clonotype within the BALB/c mouse repertoire. This idiotype recognition is established by demonstrating the presence of idiotype-binding cells and by the production of antibodies specific for the private M104E idiotype. To determine whether or not the idiotype-recognizing cells play a regulatory role during an immune response to dextran, the idiotype-binding cells were selectively removed either by panning or by radiation-induced killing. Two significant effects are observed when the depleted spleen cells are immunized with dextran. First, there is a substantial increase in the proportion of anti-dextran antibodies that are M104E IdI+. The second effect of the idiotype-specific cell depletion is the production of significant amounts of M104E IdI+ immunoglobulin molecules which do not bind dextran. The depletion experiments produced no alteration in the concentration of anti-dextran antibodies found in the serum or in the number of dextran-specific PFC in the spleen. The data indicate that idiotype-reactive cells can play a role in regulating the level of individual clonotype expression (i.e., the M104E clonotype), but that an alternative mechanism must exist for regulating the absolute amount of anti-dextran antibody produced after immunization.  相似文献   

2003~2004年在印度南部的50家农户进行了4次二化性家蚕品种农村试养,结果表明:供试品种生长发育经过较印度二化性家蚕品种慢,茧丝质优于印度对照种,适应性、抗逆性整体表现较印度对照种弱。由于气候、饲养技术、叶质等的差异,与其在国内的饲养相比,印度饲养试验中供试品种的各项性能指标均偏低,生产能力达不到国内水平。印度南部适宜饲养二化性家蚕的季节为9月至翌年的3月,进入4月后,不宜饲养二化性家蚕品种。  相似文献   

In situ hybridization with cloned, repetitive DNA probes andtotal genomic DNA enables the parental origin of all chromosomesto be established in metaphases of triticale tritordeum F1hybrids (2n=6x=42). Nuclei contain seven chromosomes of Hordeumchilense origin, seven from Secale cereale and 28 of wheat origin.When used as a probe, total genomic rye DNA labelled the ryechromosomes strongly and uniformly along their lengths, withbrighter regions coincident with the terminal heterochromatin.The probe labelled the wheat-origin chromosomes weakly and wasalmost undetectable on the H. chilense-origin chromosomes. Incontrast, under the same conditions, H. chilense DNA hybridizedstrongly to the H. chilense- and, with intermediate strength,to the S. cereale-origin chromosomes, excluding the subtelomericheterochromatin: it hybridized only weakly to the wheat chromosomes,in some experiments revealing characteristic bands on wheatchromosomes. Cloned repetitive DNA probes from rye and H. chilensewere used as probes to identify the linkage groups of all oftheir own-species chromosomes. Analysis of hybridization patternsof various probes to prophase and interphase nuclei indicatedthat there are many non-random features in the localizationof both repetitive DNA and whole chromosomes, although generalpatterns of nuclear organization have yet to emerge. Both theparticular lines used and the techniques developed here arelikely to be valuable for production and characterization ofplant breeding material. Key words: In situ hybridization, triticale, cytogenetics, plant breeding, Hordeum chilense  相似文献   

In experiments on hybrid karakul sheep immunized with E. coli and Salmonella vaccines immune response in hybrids F1, obtained from parents oppositely reacting to these vaccines, has been analyzed. The intensity of immune response in karakul sheep has been shown to be inherited as a dominant characteristic, not linked with sex, and regulated, seemingly, by a relatively small number of Ir genes. The content of EA- and EAC-rosetteforming cells does not depend on the intensity of immune response to any of the antigens.  相似文献   

 The expression of freezing tolerance was examined in interspecific F1 and somatic hybrids of potatoes using 20 species and 34 different combinations between hardy and sensitive species. In the field, the frost tolerance of hybrids resembled either that of the hardy parent, the sensitive parent, or the parental mean, depending on the species combination and the genomic ratio (ratio of the number of sets of chromosomes contributed from each parent). Similar phenomena were observed when the non-acclimated freezing tolerance (NA) and the acclimation capacity (ACC) (two independent genetic components of freezing tolerance) were evaluated separately under controlled environments. In general, the expression level of freezing tolerance was higher in hybrids with more genomes contributed from the hardy parent than from the sensitive parent. In addition, the effectiveness or combining ability of genes conferring freezing tolerance from the hardy species also showed some influence on the expression of freezing tolerance. All three parameters, namely NA, ACC and acclimated freezing tolerance (AA) (NA plus ACC), were significantly correlated to the frost tolerance exhibited in the field. This indicates that the controlled freezing test used in this study could provide a good estimate of field performance. The implications of these results in breeding for freezing tolerance in potatoes are discussed. Received: 21 July 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

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