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The pattern of distribution of cholinergic and adrenergic nerves in the uterus of albino rats and guinea pigs was examined histochemically. In the albino rat, the uterus was found well-innervated by both adrenergic and cholinergic nerves with a clear regional variation. Dense innervation was demonstrated at the tubal and cervical ends of the uterus and in the cervix. Cholinergic nerves supplying the glands were more numerous than the adrenergic nerves which were relatively few. In the guinea-pigs, the uterus was richly innervated by adrenergic nerves with a clear regional variation. No cholinesterase-positive nerves or nerve cells were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Estradiol (E2), progesterone or medroxyprogesterone acetate can induce biosynthesis of the 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17-beta-HSD) in the mammalian uterus. For further understanding the 17-beta-HSD induction which may be mediated by the conjugation of the E2 to its receptor, premature ovariectomized rats were treated with E2, or with a synthetic steroid, diethylstilbestrol (DES), an agonist for the E2 receptor but not a substrate for 17-beta-HSD. Histological observation and uterus weight were examined as parameters to evaluate uterine response to those hormones at different durations of treatment. The 17-beta-HSD in ovariectomized rat uterus of each group was also examined by histochemical and biochemical assays. The results showed that the 17-beta-HSD activity in the uterus can be induced by E2 or DES, after daily treatment for 1, 14 and 28 days, but much higher in DES treated animals. The uterus weight demonstrated a "negative linear correlation" to the enzyme activity in all E2 treated groups, but not in DES or control rats. Accordingly, it was indicated that the 17-beta-HSD induction was regulated by conjugation of E2 or DES to its receptor. Therefore, we believe that the 17-beta-HSD gene in the rat uterus is another estrogen responsive gene.  相似文献   

Aspirin, indomethacin and naproxen have been shown to inhibit the release of prostaglandins E and F (PGE and PGF) from the estradiol-stimulated uterus of progesterone-pretreated ovariectomized rats. Under the present experimental conditions indomethacin (1 mg/rat) was found to be a potent inhibitor of PGF and E biosynthesis, but the duration of action was less than 24 hours, after which a rebound above control levels was observed. The compounds were without effect on estradiol-stimulated increases in uterine wet weight. Δ′THC did not inhibit estradiol-stimulated PG biosynthesis but produced a significant rise (P<0.01) in PGE levels in uterine venous blood. A hypothesis is suggested to explain some of the pharmacological effects of Δ′THC.  相似文献   

Synthetic leukotrienes (LT) C4 and D4 elicited concentration-dependent contractions of the guinea pig uterus between 10?8-10?6M, whereas LTE4 appeared 1000-fold weaker. The potencies of LTC4 and LTD4 were similar to that of acetylcholine and PGF but weaker than that of PGE2. The maximal contractions elicited by LTC4 and LTD4 were 66.0 ± 2.1% and 63.8 ± 4.6% that elicited by acetylcholine. FPL 55712 (10?5M) antagonized the uterine contractile activity of LTD4, while meclofenamic acid at 10?5M but not at 10?6M also antagonized the LTD4-induced contration. Radioimmunoassay of the uterine tissue bathing fluid following LTD4 indicated the variable presence of low concentrations of PGE2, PGF and TXB2. These results demonstrate the LTC4 and LTD4 possess significant uterine contractile activity, which may only partially be mediated indirectly via prostaglandin products.  相似文献   

Positive and negative effects of estradiol-17 beta in the rat uterus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estrogens could act as effectors or inhibitors of protein synthesis in the rat uterus, depending on the doses given to animals. A single injection of estradiol-17 beta to immature female rats led to the increase in protein synthesis and in enzyme activities involved in DNA synthesis. Four injections, given once daily, resulted in the inhibition of enzyme activity and synthesis of all proteins but one. The 105 kD protein which showed a gradual increase with the duration of estrogen treatment could be responsible for the negative action of estrogens on uterine growth.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify proteins synthesized and secreted de novo by the guinea pig uterus. Uterine samples were obtained from cycling, late-pregnant as well as ovariectomized and steroid-treated guinea pigs and cultured with either L-[3H]leucine or L-[35S]methionine. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of culture medium followed by fluorography was used to determine proteins synthesized and secreted de novo during a 24-h incubation period. Two complexes of estradiol-stimulated proteins (ESP) were detected. Each complex was composed of 5-7 unique proteins with slightly different isoelectric points. The higher molecular-weight complex had a molecular weight of 65,000-60,000 and an isoelectric point range of 5.2-6.1. The lower molecular-weight complex had a molecular weight of 60,000-55,000 and a similar range of isoelectric points. The two complexes of ESP were not observed in medium of explants from animals that received placebos, were late-pregnant, or were treated with progesterone only. Progesterone administered in combination with estradiol enhanced production of both complexes of ESP to similar degrees. Neither complex of ESP was secreted by the explant culture in the presence of tunicamycin, suggesting that the proteins are glycosylated. These findings demonstrate that the uterus of the guinea pig produces two unique complexes of proteins in response to estradiol stimulation, and all results are consistent with the hypothesis that ESP are contained in the carbohydrate-rich secretory granules of endometrial gland cells.  相似文献   

Pulmonary rapidly-adapting-receptors ( RARs ) are sensory nerve endings whose afferent fibers can be recorded in the vagus nerve. RARs may play a role in reflex bronchoconstriction as seen in anaphylaxis. They can be stimulated by chemical mediators of anaphylaxis, such as prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha). PGF2 alpha aerosol was administered to saline and bovine serum albumin (BSA)-treated guinea pigs while recording the activity of RARs . PGF2 alpha (250 micrograms/ml) given for 7-13 minutes increased both tracheal pressure and nerve activity over that produced by saline exposure in untreated guinea pigs. PGF2 alpha administered for three minutes (5-100 micrograms/ml) increased RAR nerve activity in a dose-related manner in the first five minutes of the experiment only in the BSA treated guinea pigs. Since changes in tracheal pressure did not show a significant dose-response relationship, the RARs responding to PGF2 alpha seemed to be stimulated by a direct mechanism. No correlation was shown between tracheal pressure and RAR nerve activity during PGF2 alpha treatment. Whereas, a significant correlation was found between tracheal pressure and RAR nerve activity during histamine aerosol treatment (r = 0.985). Histamine aerosol (1 to 1000 micrograms/ml, 3 min.) increased intratracheal pressure for 3 out of 4 doses. RAR nerve activity increased significantly only at the highest dose. Therefore, a possible direct effect of PGF2 alpha upon RARs exists while the effect of histamine seems dependent upon changes in airway pressure in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism of [3H estradiol-17β-by the uterus was studied in non-pregnant, prenant (day 30-term) and post-parturant guinea pigs. Following incubation of tissue sections for one hour is Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer, five major metabolites could be extracted from the medium or tissue depending upon age of gestation: estrone-3-glucuronide, estrone-3-sulfate, estradiol-3-glucuronide and estradiol-3-sulfate. Both sulfated estrogens were detected at each age of gestation studied, whereas the glucuronides, mainly of estrone, were not detected until approximately day 50. Thereafter, as term (day 65–70) was approached, their percentage contribution to total radioactivity increased at the expense of estradiol and the sulfates. Following parturition, total metabolites of estradiol rapidly decreased, particularly the glucuronides. No conjugates were detected in uteri from nonpregnant guinea pigs. In addition, no conjugates were found in the pre-partum mouse, rat and hamster or in human endometrium obtained immediately after birth. The data suggest that, in the guinea pig, a biochemical factor in the termination of normal pregnancy is the control of tissue levels of active estrogen (estradiol) by conjugation with glucuronic acid.  相似文献   

1. Techniques have been developed to measure the concentrations of the ribonucleotides of the immature rat uterus in vivo. Tissue was frozen rapidly in liquid nitrogen, ground to a fine powder, dispersed in frozen perchloric acid and thawed slowly. Nucleotides were separated from other acid-soluble constituents on short columns of polyethyleneimine-cellulose and the mixture was resolved into individual nucleotides by two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography on polyethyl-eneimine-cellulose plates. 2. The nucleotides of immature rat uterus consisted of approximately 75% of ATP-ADP, 10-12% each of GTP-GDP and UTP-UDP and less than 2% of CTP. 3. Injection of oestradiol (5mug) promoted a linear decrease in the amounts of purine nucleotides to approximately 60% of control values in 4-5h, followed by a return to greater than control values in 8-10h. Concentrations of the pyrimidine nucleotides remained constant for 4-6h and then increased to 200% of control at 12h after hormone treatment.  相似文献   

Slices of whole kidney and kidney cortex from the female guinea pig catalyzed a marked reduction of estrone 3-sulfate (E13S) and estrone (E1) to 17beta-estradiol 3-sulfate (E23S) and 17beta-estradiol (E2), respectively, as well as the reverse (dehydrogenation) reactions. Slices of medulla did not appear active in E23S-E13S interconversion but did possess the ability to interconvert E2 and E1, besides possessing considerable sulfatase activity. The use of [3H-55S]E13S and [3H-55S]E23S as substrates, together with a demonstrated lack of estrogen sulfate synthesis by the tissue slices, provided ample evidence that the intact sulfates were involved in direct oxidoreduction. Slices of human kidney cortex catalyzed the reduction of E13S to a very limited extent. Slices of whole kidney and of cortex from guinea pig formed small amounts of estrogen glucuronide(s).  相似文献   

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