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We have recently identified an antisense RNA (RNAα) that regulates the expression of the fatA iron transport gene encoding the outer membrane receptor for the iron-anguibactin complex. In this work, we demonstrate that RNAα also inhibits the expression of fatB , which encodes a 35 kDa iron transport protein and has domains homologous to other periplasmic transport proteins. The expression of fatA and fatB is repressed under iron-rich conditions, in which RNAα is induced. RNAα is homologous to two-thirds of the coding region of fatB . By cloning RNAα coding sequences immediately downstream of a tet promoter, we were able to obtain constitutive expression of the antisense RNA. The cloned region contains approximately 83% of the 650 nucleotide RNAα and is complementary to only 51% of the fatB mRNA but is still capable of causing a repression of the expression of the fatB gene. Our results in this work demonstrate that RNAα probably affects the stability of the fatB -specific mRNA.  相似文献   

Vibrio anguillarum 775 harboring the virulence plasmid pJM1 synthesized an outer membrane protein of 86 kilodaltons, OM2, that was inducible under conditions of iron limitation. pJM1 DNA fragments obtained by digestion with restriction endonucleases were cloned into cosmid vectors and transferred into Escherichia coli. The OM2 protein was synthesized in E. coli, demonstrating that it is actually encoded by the pJM1 plasmid. Mobilization of the recombinant plasmids to V. anguillarum was accomplished by using the transfer factor pRK2013. A V. anguillarum exconjugant harboring the recombinant derivative pJHC-T7 and synthesizing the OM2 protein took up 55Fe3+ and grew under iron-limiting conditions, only in presence of the pJM1-mediated siderophore. Exconjugants harboring recombinant plasmids, such as pJHC-T2 which did not encode the OM2 protein, were transport negative. Membrane protein iodination experiments, together with protease treatment of whole cells, indicated that the OM2 protein is exposed to the outside environment of the V. anguillarum cells.  相似文献   

The virulence of 18 strains of Vibrio anguillarum serogroup O1 was compared to plasmid content, expression of siderophores and outer membrane proteins. All strains, irrespective of plasmid content, produced siderophores and inducible outer membrane proteins under iron-limited conditions. Only strains that carried the 67 kbp virulence plasmid or derivatives of it produced the outer membrane protein, OM2. All virulent strains harboured the 67 kbp plasmid or derivatives of it, indicating its importance for virulence. However, some strains carrying the virulence plasmid or a derivative of it, produced siderophores as well as OM2 but were non-pathogenic to fish. Likewise, among the virulent strains, considerable variation in LD50 values was recorded. Plasmid profiling and restriction analysis showed that the virulence plasmid existed in various molecular weights from 26 to 80 kbp, with 65-67 kbp being the most common, and that this plasmid displayed various restriction profiles. The presence of other plasmids did not seem to affect the pathogenic properties.  相似文献   

The fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum is the causative agent of a fatal hemorrhagic septicemia in salmonid fish. Many serotype O1 strains harbors a 65 Kbp plasmid (pJM1 encoding an iron sequestering system essential for virulence. The genes involved in the biosynthesis of the indigenous siderophore anguibactin are encoded by both the pJM1 plasmid and the chromosome, while those involved in the transport of the ferric-siderophore complex, including the outer membrane receptor, are plasmid-encoded. This work describes the role of specific amino acid residues of the outer membrane receptor FatA in the mechanism of transport of ferric-anguibactin. FatA modeling indicated that this protein has a 22 stranded ß-barrel blocked by the plug domain, the latter being formed by residues 51–54. Deletion of the plug domain resulted in a receptor unable to act as an open channel for the transport of the ferric anguibactin complex.  相似文献   

We have examined the production of the outer membrane proteins of the primary and secondary forms of Xenorhabdus nematophilus during exponential- and stationary-phase growth at different temperatures. The most highly expressed outer membrane protein of X. nematophilus was OpnP. The amino acid composition of OpnP was very similar to those of the porin proteins OmpF and OmpC of Escherichia coli. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis revealed that residues 1 to 27 of the mature OpnP shared 70 and 60% sequence identities with OmpC and OmpF, respectively. These results suggest that OpnP is a major porin protein in X. nematophilus. Three additional proteins, OpnA, OpnB, and OpnS, were induced during stationary-phase growth. OpnB was present at a high level in stationary-phase cells grown at 19 to 30 degrees C and was repressed in cells grown at 34 degrees C. OpnA was optimally produced at 30 degrees C and was not present in cells grown at lower and higher temperatures. The production of OpnS was not dependent on growth temperature. In contrast, another outer membrane protein, OpnT, was strongly induced as the growth temperature was elevated from 19 to 34 degrees C. In addition, we show that the stationary-phase proteins OpnA and OpnB were not produced in secondary-form cells.  相似文献   

Summary infected minicells synthesize a polypeptide (M r=20,500) which is incorporated almost exclusively into the outer membrane of the minicell envelope. The gene (lom=lambda outer membrane) encoding this polypeptide has been mapped in the nonessential region of the genome between coordinates 39.4% and 40.7% of .  相似文献   

In a proteomic analysis of rpoS-deficient Vibrio vulnificus versus the wild type, one of the down-regulated proteins in the rpoS mutant strain was identified as a Fur protein, a ferric uptake regulator. The expression of a fur::luxAB fusion was significantly influenced by sigma factor S, the rpoS gene product, and positively regulated by Fur under iron-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the ompV gene of Vibrio cholerae was determined. The product of the gene is a 28,000 dalton protein which, after the removal of a 19 amino acid signal sequence, produces a mature outer membrane protein of 26,000 daltons. The cleavage site was determined by amino-terminal amino acid sequencing of the purified mature protein. The DNA upstream of the gene shows the presence of a typical promoter region as judged from the Escherichia coli consensus information; however, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is associated with a region capable of forming a secondary structure in the mRNA. The formation of this structure would inhibit binding of the mRNA to the ribosome and reduce translation. It is proposed that this structure is recognized by a positive activator in V. cholerae and because of its absence in E. coli ompV is poorly expressed. The distribution of rare codons within ompV suggests that they may serve to slow down the translation of particular domains such that the nascent polypeptide has an opportunity to take up its conformation without interference from the later formed regions. Such a mechanism could aid localization of the protein if export were by a cotranslational secretion system.  相似文献   

Aims:  Vibrio anguillarum is a universal marine pathogen causing vibriosis. Vibrio anguillarum encounters different osmolarity conditions between seawater and hosts, and its outer membrane proteins (OMPs) play a crucial role in the adaptation to changes of the surroundings. In the present study, proteomic approaches were applied to investigate the salt-responsive OMPs of V. anguillarum .
Methods and Results:  Lower salinity (0·85% NaCl) is more suitable for growth, survival and swimming motility of the bacterium. Comparative two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis reveals six differentially expressed protein spots among three different salinities, which were successfully identified as OmpU, maltoporin, flagellin B, Omp26La, Omp26La and OmpW respectively.
Conclusions:  OmpW and OmpU were highly expressed at 3·5% salinity, suggesting their role in the efficient efflux of NaCl. Maltoporin was downregulated in higher salinity, indicating that higher osmolarity inhibits carbohydrate transport and bacterial growth. Omp26La, the homologue of OmpV, functions as a salt-responsive protein in lower salinity.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing salt stress-responsive proteins of V. anguillarum using proteomic approaches. Our results provide a useful strategy for delineating the osmoregulatory mechanism of the marine pathogens.  相似文献   

The ferric uptake regulator, Fur, represses iron uptake and siderophore biosynthetic genes under iron-replete conditions. Here we report in vitro solution studies on Vibrio anguillarum Fur binding to the consensus 19-bp Escherichia coli iron box in the presence of several divalent metals. We found that V. anguillarum Fur binds the iron box in the presence of Mn(2+), Co(2+), Cd(2+), and to a lesser extent Ni(2+) but, unlike E. coli Fur, not in the presence of Zn(2+). We also found that V. anguillarum Fur contains a structural zinc ion that is necessary yet alone is insufficient for DNA binding.  相似文献   

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