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Wu YZ  Zhao JP  Wan Y  Jia ZC  Zhou W  Bian J  Ni B  Zou LY  Tang Y 《Journal of virology》2002,76(20):10264-10269
CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are now recognized as important mediators of immunity against intracellular pathogens, including human immunodeficiency virus and tumors. How to efficiently evoke antigen-specific CTL responses in vivo has become a crucial problem in the development of modern vaccines. Here, we developed a completely novel CTL vaccine-mimovirus, which is a kind of virus-size particulate antigen delivery system. It was formed by the self-assembly of a cationic peptide containing 18 lysines and a CTL-epitope peptide of HBsAg(28-39), with a plasmid encoding mouse interleukin-12 (IL-12) through electrostatic interactions. We examined the formation of mimovirus by DNA retardation assay, DNase I protection assay, and transmission electron microscopy and demonstrated that mimovirus could efficiently transfer the plasmid encoding IL-12 into mammalian cells such as P815 cells in vitro. Furthermore, it was proved that mimovirus could induce an HBsAg(28-39)-specific CTL response in vivo. Considering its effectiveness, flexibility, and defined composition, mimovirus is potentially a novel system for vaccination against intracellular pathogens and tumors.  相似文献   

DNA-plasmids of HIV-1 induce systemic and mucosal immune responses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA-based immunization has been shown to induce protective immunity against several microbial pathogens including HIV-1. Several routes of DNA vaccination have been exploited. However, the properties of the immune responses seem to differ with the different routes used for DNA delivery, ultimately affecting the outcome of experimental challenge. We measured the primary immune response following one vaccination. This report presents differences associated with three different DNA delivery routes: intramuscular injection, intranasal application, and gene-gun based immunization. Induction of systemic humoral immune responses was achieved most efficiently by either intranasal or gene-gun mediated immunization, followed by intramuscular injection. Mucosal IgA was reproducibly induced by intranasal instillation of the DNA, and found in lung washings, faeces, and vaginal washings. Cytotoxic T cells were not induced by a single immunization, but were observed after three immunizations using intramuscular injections.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases are one of the major threats for the elderly because their immune system is often compromised, and vaccinations to prevent these infections are not effective. A major defect in their immune system seems to be the inability of T cells to produce IL-2. We used papillomavirus (PV) pseudoviruses (PSVs) as a model vaccine and a gene delivery vector to address how to enhance immune responses to vaccinations. We found that oral immunization with PV PSV induced minimal mucosal and systemic Abs and CTLs specific for the PSVs in aged mice compared with young adult mice. In addition, fewer specific Th cells were generated in the aged mice. When aged mice were immunized with PV PSVs encoding human IL-2, specific Th cells were generated, producing murine IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. Further, specific Abs and CTLs were induced, resulting in protection against mucosal viral challenge. Thus, this study provided a basis for clinical trials using PV PSVs encoding IL-2 for vaccination of the elderly.  相似文献   

Epitope-based vaccines designed to induce CTL responses specific for HIV-1 are being developed as a means for addressing vaccine potency and viral heterogeneity. We identified a set of 21 HLA-A2, HLA-A3, and HLA-B7 restricted supertype epitopes from conserved regions of HIV-1 to develop such a vaccine. Based on peptide-binding studies and phenotypic frequencies of HLA-A2, HLA-A3, and HLA-B7 allelic variants, these epitopes are predicted to be immunogenic in greater than 85% of individuals. Immunological recognition of all but one of the vaccine candidate epitopes was demonstrated by IFN-gamma ELISPOT assays in PBMC from HIV-1-infected subjects. The HLA supertypes of the subjects was a very strong predictor of epitope-specific responses, but some subjects responded to epitopes outside of the predicted HLA type. A DNA plasmid vaccine, EP HIV-1090, was designed to express the 21 CTL epitopes as a single Ag and tested for immunogenicity using HLA transgenic mice. Immunization of HLA transgenic mice with this vaccine was sufficient to induce CTL responses to multiple HIV-1 epitopes, comparable in magnitude to those induced by immunization with peptides. The CTL induced by the vaccine recognized target cells pulsed with peptide or cells transfected with HIV-1 env or gag genes. There was no indication of immunodominance, as the vaccine induced CTL responses specific for multiple epitopes in individual mice. These data indicate that the EP HIV-1090 DNA vaccine may be suitable for inducing relevant HIV-1-specific CTL responses in humans.  相似文献   

Using a segregation analysis we have determined that the cross-reactive response to the DBA/2 tumor P815 by CTL from BALB/c mice immunized with a BALB/c plasmacytoma (MOPC-167) is controlled by a single gene. The gene responsible is closely linked to the dilute coat color locus on chromosome 9. In contrast, the cross-reactive response to the DBA/2 tumor L5178Y by DBA/2 anti-MOPC-167 CTL appears to be controlled by two or more genes.Abbreviations used in this paper BXD RI C57BL/6 × DBA/2 recombinant inbred - CD2F1 (BALB/c × DBA/2)F1 - CTL cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocyte - IUdR 5 iododeoxyuridine - PEC peritoneal exudate cell  相似文献   

DNA vaccination offers a strategy to induce immune attack on cancer cells, but tumor Ags are often weak. Inclusion of a "foreign" protein increases immunogenicity, and we found previously that fusion of the fragment C (FrC) of tetanus toxin to the tumor Ag sequence promotes Ab and CD4(+) responses against B cell tumors. For CTL responses, use of the full two-domain FrC may be less helpful, because known immunogenic MHC class I-binding peptides in the second domain could compete with attached tumor-derived epitopes. Therefore, we removed the second domain, retaining the N-terminal domain, which contains a "universal" helper epitope. We investigated the ability to induce CTL responses of candidate peptides placed at the C terminus of this domain. As test peptides, we repositioned the two known CTL motifs from the second domain to this site. Strong CTL responses to each peptide were induced by the engineered construct, as compared with the native FrC construct. Induced CTLs were able to specifically kill tumor cells transfected with FrC as a surrogate tumor Ag both in vitro and in vivo. Further reduction of the domain to a short helper epitope generated only weak CTL responses against fused peptides, and synthetic peptides mixed with the plasmid containing the first domain were ineffective. The single FrC domain-peptide vaccine design also was able to induce high levels of CTLs against a known epitope from carcinoembryonic Ag. Response to peptide was suppressed if two FrC domains were present, consistent with immunodominance. These principles and designs may have relevance for cancer vaccines delivered via DNA.  相似文献   

Heterosubtypic immunity (HSI) is defined as cross-protection against influenza virus of a different serotype than the virus initially encountered and is thought to be mediated by influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Since gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) stimulates cytotoxic cells, including antigen-specific CTL which may control virus replication by secretion of antiviral cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha and IFN-gamma, we have investigated the mechanism of HSI by analyzing the role of IFN-gamma for HSI in IFN-gamma gene-deleted (IFN-gamma(-/-)) mice. It has been reported that IFN-gamma is not required for recovery from primary infection with influenza virus but is important for HSI. Here, we conclusively show that IFN-gamma is not required for induction of secondary influenza virus-specific CTL responses in mediastinal lymph nodes and HSI to lethal influenza A virus infection. Although T helper 2 (Th2)-type cytokines were upregulated in the lungs of IFN-gamma(-/-) mice after virus challenge, either Th1- or Th2-biased responses could provide heterosubtypic protection. Furthermore, titers of serum-neutralizing and cross-reactive antibodies to conserved nucleoprotein in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice did not differ significantly from those in immunocompetent mice. These results indicate that lack of IFN-gamma does not impair cross-reactive virus-specific immune responses and HSI to lethal infection with influenza virus. Our findings provide new insight for the mechanisms of HSI and should be valuable in the development of protective mucosal vaccines against variant virus strains, such as influenza and human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

We describe some aspects of the biology of a suppressor factor (SF) secreted by actively metabolizing and dividing alloantigen-primed T cells which functions by regulating human cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activation. The SF functions most effectively during the first 24 hr of CTL activation, while it does not function at the CTL effector stage. Both T cells and adherent cells are capable of absorbing out the biological activity from suppressor factor supernatants. Experiments demonstrated that either fresh adherent cells or the addition of interleukin 2 (IL-2) into the test system could reverse the effects of the SF on CTL activation. These data suggest that the SF could be acting by either indirectly restricting IL-2 availability to proliferating CTLs by limiting adherent cell interleukin 1 (IL-1) secretion or, alternatively, SF acting directly on the IL-2-producing T cells.  相似文献   

Recombinant Norwalk virus-like particles (rNV VLPs) were administered to BALB/c mice by the intranasal (i.n.) route to evaluate the induction of mucosal antibody responses. The results were compared to systemic and mucosal responses observed in new and previous studies (J. M. Ball, M. E. Hardy, R. L. Atmar, M. E. Connor, and M. K. Estes, J. Virol. 72:1345-1353, 1998) after oral administration of rNV VLPs. Immunizations were given in the presence or absence of a mucosal adjuvant, mutant Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin LT(R192G). rNV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and fecal IgA were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The i.n. delivery of rNV VLPs was more effective than the oral route at inducing serum IgG and fecal IgA responses to low doses of rNV particles. Vaginal responses of female mice given VLPs by the i.n. and oral routes were also examined. All mice that received two immunizations with low doses i.n. (10 or 25 microg) of rNV VLPs and the majority of mice that received two high doses orally (200 microg) in the absence of adjuvant had rNV-specific serum IgG, fecal, and vaginal responses. Additional experiments evaluated whether rNV VLPs can function as a mucosal adjuvant by evaluating the immune responses to two soluble proteins, keyhole limpet hemocyanin and chicken egg albumin. Under the conditions tested, rNV VLPs did not enhance the serum IgG or fecal IgA response to these soluble proteins when coadministered by the i.n. or oral route. Low doses of nonreplicating rNV VLPs are immunogenic when administered i.n. in the absence of adjuvant, and addition of adjuvant enhanced the magnitude and duration of these responses. Recombinant NV VLPs represent a candidate mucosal vaccine for NV infections in humans.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is a major cause of morbidity in childhood worldwide. The first human RSV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitope to be defined is described. This HLA B7-restricted epitope in nucleoprotein (NP) was detectable in four healthy, B7-positive adult subjects using B7-RSV-NP tetrameric complexes to stain CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

目的评价PorA、PorB和Class4对流感裂解疫苗的免疫增强作用,从中挑选出最有效的流感黏膜佐剂,为发展流感黏膜疫苗提供理论基础。方法流感三价裂解抗原按比例与PorA、PorB和Class4非共价结合,滴鼻免疫Balb/c小鼠3次,采取间接ELISA检测血清特异性IgG抗体及抗体亚型,检测鼻咽、肺、小肠和阴道冲洗液中IgA效价,采用血凝抑制试验检测血清中HAI效价。结果PorB重组蛋白佐剂组较无佐剂的流感裂解抗原组在提高小鼠早期免疫应答的同时诱导较强的系统免疫应答和黏膜免疫应答;PorA组也有黏膜佐剂的功能,但和无佐剂的流感裂解抗原组相比,差异无统计学意义。结论在蛋白体的三分子中,以PorB为佐剂的流感黏膜疫苗不仅提高了抗原的系统免疫应答,而且诱导了较强的小鼠呼吸道、生殖道的局部黏膜免疫应答,为流感黏膜疫苗的研制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

本研究在已建立的柯萨奇病毒B3型(CVB3)黏膜疫苗chitosan-pVP1基础上,引入C家族趋化因子,即淋巴细胞趋化因子(LTN),以期诱导更强的黏膜免疫应答,获得更有效的免疫保护作用。将pLTN与pVP1各50μg混合后,与chitosan形成共聚复合物,隔周滴鼻免疫小鼠,共4次;末次免疫后2周,检测血清IgG、粪便IgA及肠系膜淋巴结细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)活性。同时,以3LD50/0.1mlCVB3腹腔感染小鼠,7d后检测血清肌酸激酶(CK)活性及心肌病理学改变。结果显示,与对照组相比,chi-(pVP1+pLTN)可显著提高CVB3特异性血清IgG水平、粪便IgA水平以及增强肠系膜淋巴结特异性CTL应答。病毒攻击后,chi-(pVP1+pLTN)组心肌炎发病率仅为16.7%,显著低于chi-(pVP1+pcDNA3.1)组的33.3%。心肌组织病理显示,chi-(pVP1+pLTN)组心外膜下仅有轻微炎症,而chi-(pVP1+pcDNA3.1)组除心外膜下有较多淋巴细胞聚集外,心肌内尚有少量炎症浸润和坏死灶。结果提示,LTN与VP1质粒经chitosan共包装后进行滴鼻免疫,可增强CVB3特异性黏膜免疫应答,更有效地预防病毒性心肌炎的发生。  相似文献   

To better understand the immunological mechanisms that permit prolonged shedding of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) from the salivary gland, the phenotypic and functional characteristics of leukocytes infiltrating the submaxillary gland (SMG) were analyzed in infected BALB/c mice. A robust innate immune response, comprised of CD11c+ major histocompatibility complex class II+ CD11b- CD8alpha+ dendritic cells and gamma/delta T-cell receptor-bearing CD3+ T cells was prominent through at least 28 days postinfection. Concurrently, a dramatic increase in pan-NK (DX5+) CD3+ and CD8+ T cells was observed, while CD4+ T cells, known to be essential for viral clearance from this tissue, increased slightly. The expression particularly of gamma interferon but also of interleukin-10 and CC chemokines was extraordinarily high in the SMG in response to MCMV infection. The gamma interferon was produced primarily by CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and DX5+ CD3+ T cells. The SMG CD8+ T cells were highly cytolytic ex vivo, and a significant proportion of these cells were specific to an immunodominant MCMV peptide. These peptide-specific clones were not exhausted by the presence of high virus titers, which persisted in the SMG despite the strength of the cell-mediated responses. In contrast, MCMV replication was efficiently cleared from the draining cervical and periglandular lymph nodes, a tissue displaying a substantially weaker antiviral response. Our data indicated that vigorous innate and acquired immune responses are elicited, activated, and retained in response to mucosal inflammation from persistent MCMV infection of the submaxillary gland.  相似文献   

Murabutide (MB) is a synthetic immunomodulator recognized by the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2) receptor on mammalian cells. MB has previously been approved for testing in multiple human clinical trials to determine its value as an antiviral therapeutic, and as an adjuvant for injected vaccines. We have found a new use for this immunomodulator; it functions as a mucosal adjuvant that enhances immunogenicity of virus-like particles (VLP) administered intranasally. MB enhanced Norwalk virus (NV) VLP-specific IgG systemically and IgA production at distal mucosal sites following intranasal (IN) vaccination. A dose escalation study identified 100 μg as the optimal MB dosage in mice, based on the magnitude of VLP-specific IgG, IgG1, IgG2a and IgA production in serum and VLP-specific IgA production at distal mucosal sites. IN vaccination using VLP with MB was compared to IN delivery VLP with cholera toxin (CT) or gardiquimod (GARD) and to parenteral VLP delivery with alum; the MB groups were equivalent to CT and GARD and superior to alum in inducing mucosal immune responses and stimulated equivalent systemic VLP-specific antibodies. These data support the further testing of MB as a potent mucosal adjuvant for inducing robust and durable antibody responses to non-replicating subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

Although hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) per se is highly immunogenic, its use as a vector for the delivery of foreign cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes has met with little success because of constraints on HBsAg stability and secretion imposed by the insertion of foreign sequence into critical hydrophobic/amphipathic regions. Using a strategy entailing deletion of DNA encoding HBsAg-specific CTL epitopes and replacement with DNA encoding foreign CTL epitopes, we have derived chimeric HBsAg DNA immunogens which elicited effector and memory CTL responses in vitro, and pathogen- and tumor-protective responses in vivo, when the chimeric HBsAg DNAs were used to immunize mice. We further show that HBsAg DNA recombinant for both respiratory syncytial virus and human papillomavirus CTL epitopes elicited simultaneous responses to both pathogens. These data demonstrate the efficacy of HBsAg DNA as a vector for the delivery of disease-relevant protective CTL responses. They also suggest the applicability of the approach of deriving chimeric HBsAg DNA immunogens simultaneously encoding protective CTL epitopes for multiple diseases. The DNAs we tested formed chimeric HBsAg virus-like particles (VLPs). Thus, our results have implications for the development of vaccination strategies using either chimeric HBsAg DNA or VLP vaccines. HBsAg is the globally administered vaccine for hepatitis B virus infection, inviting its usage as a vector for the delivery of immunogens from other diseases.  相似文献   

Current strategies to prevent or treat human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) infection are promising, but remain costly. More economical but efficient vaccines are thus needed. In this study, we evaluated the protective effects of mucosally coadministered live Lactococcus lactis strains expressing cell wall-anchored E7 Ag and a secreted form of IL-12 to treat HPV-16-induced tumors in a murine model. When challenged with lethal levels of tumor cell line TC-1 expressing E7, immunized mice showed full prevention of TC-1-induced tumors, even after a second challenge, suggesting that this prophylactic immunization can provide long-lasting immunity. Therapeutic immunization with L. lactis recombinant strains, i.e., 7 days after TC-1 injection, induced regression of palpable tumors in treated mice. The antitumor effects of vaccination occurred through a CTL response, which is CD4+ and CD8+ dependent. Furthermore, immunized mice developed an E7-specific mucosal immune response. These preclinical results suggest the feasibility of the low-cost mucosal vaccination and/or immunotherapy strategies against HPV-related cervical cancer in humans.  相似文献   

Recombinant live Mycobacterium bovis BCG vectors (rBCG) induce strong cellular and humoral immune responses against various antigens after either systemic or oral immunization of mice. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses may contribute to the control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infections whose portal of entry is the gastrointestinal or genital mucosa. In this study, we immunized BALB/c mice with a recombinant BCG SIV nef and observed its behavior in oropharyngeal and target organ lymphoid tissues. The cellular immune responses, particularly the intestinal intraepithelial and systemic CTL responses, were investigated. The results showed that rBCG SIV nef translocated the oropharyngeal mucosa and intestinal epithelium. It diffused to and persisted in target lymphoid organs. Specific SIV Nef peptide proliferative responses and cytokine production were observed. Strong systemic and mucosal CTL responses were induced. In particular, we demonstrated direct specific anti-Nef CTL in intestinal intraepithelial CD8beta+ T cells. These findings provide evidence that orally administered rBCG SIV nef may contribute to local defenses against viral invasion. Therefore, rBCG SIV nef could be a candidate vaccine to protect against SIV infection and may be used to develop an oral rBCG HIV nef vaccine.  相似文献   

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a deadly infectious disease caused by SARS Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Inactivated SARS-CoV has been explored as a vaccine against SARS-CoV. However, safe and potent adjuvants, especially with more efficient and economical needle-free vaccination are always needed more urgently in a pandemic. The development of a safe and effective mucosal adjuvant and vaccine for prevention of emergent infectious diseases such as SARS will be an important advancement. PIKA, a stabilized derivative of Poly (I:C), was previously reported to be safe and potent as adjuvant in mouse models. In the present study, we demonstrated that the intraperitoneal and intranasal co-administration of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine together with this improved Poly (I:C) derivative induced strong anti-SARS-CoV mucosal and systemic humoral immune responses with neutralizing activity against pseudotyped virus. Although intraperitoneal immunization of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine alone could induce a certain level of neutralizing activity in serum as well as in mucosal sites, co-administration of inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine with PIKA as adjuvant could induce a much higher neutralizing activity. When intranasal immunization was used, PIKA was obligatorily for inducing neutralizing activity in serum as well as in mucosal sites and was correlated with both mucosal IgA and mucosal IgG response. Overall, PIKA could be a good mucosal adjuvant candidate for inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine for use in possible future pandemic.  相似文献   

Absence of suitable mucosal adjuvants for humans prompted us to consider alternative vaccine designs for mucosal immunization. Because adenovirus is adept in binding to the respiratory epithelium, we tested the adenovirus 2 fiber protein (Ad2F) as a potential vaccine-targeting molecule to mediate vaccine uptake. The vaccine component (the host cell-binding domain to botulinum toxin (BoNT) serotype A) was genetically fused to Ad2F to enable epithelial binding. The binding domain for BoNT was selected because it lies within the immunodominant H chain as a beta-trefoil (Hcbetatre) structure; we hypothesize that induced neutralizing Abs should be protective. Mice were nasally immunized with the Hcbetatre or Hcbetatre-Ad2F, with or without cholera toxin (CT). Without CT, mice immunized with Hcbetatre produced weak secretory IgA (sIgA) and plasma IgG Ab response. Hcbetatre-Ad2F-immunized mice produced a sIgA response equivalent to mice coimmunized with CT. With CT, Hcbetatre-Ad2F-immunized mice showed a more rapid onset of sIgA and plasma IgG Ab responses that were supported by a mixed Th1/Th2 cells, as opposed to mostly Th2 cells by Hcbetatre-dosed mice. Mice immunized with adjuvanted Hcbetatre-Ad2F or Hcbetatre were protected against lethal BoNT serotype A challenge. Using a mouse neutralization assay, fecal Abs from Hcbetatre-Ad2F or Hcbetatre plus CT-dosed mice could confer protection. Parenteral immunization showed that the inclusion of Ad2F enhances anti-Hcbetatre Ab titers even in the absence of adjuvant. This study shows that the Hcbetatre structure can confer protective immunity and that use of Hcbetatre-Ad2F gives more rapid and sustained mucosal and plasma Ab responses.  相似文献   

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