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Increased reporting of amphibian malformations in North America has been noted with concern in light of reports that amphibian numbers and species are declining worldwide. Ribeiroia ondatrae has been shown to cause a variety of types of malformations in amphibians. However, little is known about the prevalence of R. ondatrae in North America. To aid in conducting field studies of Ribeiroia spp., we have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic. Herein, we describe the development of an accurate, rapid, simple, and cost-effective diagnostic for detection of Ribeiroia spp. infection in snails (Planorbella trivolvis). Candidate oligonucleotide primers for PCR were designed via DNA sequence analyses of multiple ribosomal internal transcribed spacer-2 regions from Ribeiroia spp. and Echinostoma spp. Comparison of consensus sequences determined from both genera identified areas of sequence potentially unique to Ribeiroia spp. The PCR reliably produced a diagnostic 290-base pair (bp) product in the presence of a wide concentration range of snail or frog DNA. Sensitivity was examined with DNA extracted from single R. ondatrae cercaria. The single-tube PCR could routinely detect less than 1 cercariae equivalent, because DNA isolated from a single cercaria could be diluted at least 1:50 and still yield a positive result via gel electrophoresis. An even more sensitive nested PCR also was developed that routinely detected 100 fg of the 290-bp fragment. The assay did not detect furcocercous cercariae of certain Schistosomatidae, Echinostoma sp., or Sphaeridiotrema globulus nor adults of Clinostomum sp. or Cyathocotyle bushiensis. Field testing of 137 P. trivolvis identified 3 positives with no overt environmental cross-reactivity, and results concurred with microscopic examinations in all cases.  相似文献   

The life-cycle ofEchinochasmus macrocaudatus n. sp., from mother-sporocyst to adult, was studied under natural and experimental conditions. The aquatic snailsPyrgophorus coronatus (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae) from cenotes (sinkholes) of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, served as the first intermediate host of this parasite, liberating cercariae possessing an extremely large tail (zygocercous cercaria). Metacercariae of the fluke were encysted on the gills of the characid fishAstyanax fasciatus (natural infection); the poeciliidsXiphophorus variatus andPoecilia velifera were suitable experimental hosts. Feeding experiments withE. macrocaudatus metacercariae resulted in finding adult trematodes, possessing 22 collar spines (with 2 angle spines on each side), in the intestine of chicks and ducks.E. macrocaudatus differs from the most closely related species,E. schwartzi Price, 1931, by its larger oral sucker (138–170×118–176 m) and by the position of the acetabulum which is situated at two-fifths of the body length.  相似文献   

During 1997-1999, a total of 94 crabs, Uca rapax were collected from La Sabana, La Ceiba and El Paujil, Sucre State, Venezuela. Of these 36 were infected with metacercariae. Two parasites were located in the abdominal muscles and one under the tissue of carapace and gonad. These metacercariae grew to adults in the following genera: Levinseniella, Microphallus and Maritrema, in the period of 2-5 days after feeding experimentally to the rat Rattus norvegicus, mice Mus musculus and duck Cairinia moschata. Specimens of the genus Microphallus were described herein as a new species M. sabanensis. The life cycle of M. sabanensis sp.nov. were studied experimentally using rat, mice and duck. All developmental stages and the adult are described. In addition, M. sabanensis was collected from wild birds Anas discors, Pluvialis squatarola, Butorides striatus, Egretta caerulea and Nycticorax violaceus from the same localities.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of the genera in the Diplostomidae and Strigeidae was made using the Proterodiplostomidae as the outgroup. The Proterodiplostomidae was the family with the greatest preponderance of primitive characters and its monophyly was supported by the unique paraprostate gland. However, no character state supported the monophyly of the Diplostomidae sensu Dubois, 1970. That paraphyletic taxon was composed of 3 monophyletic groups: the pseudosuckerless Neodiplostomidae n. fam. had the most primitive character states of the 3 and its monophyly was based on characters in the neascus/neodiplostomulum metacercariae; the Bolbophoridae n. fam., with pseudosuckers, had its monophyly supported by characters present in the newly named prodiplostomulum metacercaria; and the emended Diplostomidae, also with pseudosuckers, had the most derived states and its monophyly was supported by characters present in the diplostomulum. The presence of pseudosuckers united the Bolbophoridae n. fam., the emended Diplostomidae, and the Strigeidae as a monophyletic assemblage. The Strigeidae had the most derived characters of these 3 taxa and its monophyly was supported by characters in the tetracotyle and the cup-shaped forebody and bilobed tribocytic organ of the adult. In general, the adult stages of these strigeoid families showed very conserved morphology and it was the metacercariae that possessed the innovations. The conserved adult morphology was typical of what one might expect if the intramolluscan stages were analyzed. Thus, the data were concordant with the view that the mollusc and vertebrate definitive host were the original hosts to the Digenea and that the second intermediate host and metacercaria were more recently intercalated. More specifically, the phylogeny of these groups suggested that ancestral bisegmented strigeoids originally infected reptiles, they subsequently radiated into birds with which they coevolved extensively, and on 5 separate occasions they radiated into mammals. The radiations into mammals were, by all available evidence, preceded by second intermediate host shifts from fish to amphibians.  相似文献   

Miracidia of the eyefluke Philophthalmus megalurus were tested in phi-chambers to determine if they reacted similarly to chemicals found stimulative for miracidia of Philophthalmus gralli, a closely related species. Philophthalmus megalurus miracidia were less responsive than P. gralli to the dicarboxylic amino acids and showed a significantly positive response only to 10 mM glutamic acid. These P. megalurus miracidia were chemonegative to 10 mM HCl and H2SO4, chemicals to which P. gralli miracidia gave a significantly positive response. Ammonia and Mg2+ did not elicit any response from P. megalurus miracidia.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatographic analyses were made of phospholipids extracted from adult Echinostoma revolutum (Trematoda) and from the nonnutrient medium in which worms were maintained. Identity of phospholipids was based on comparison with authentic lipid standards and on specific chemical detection tests. The most abundant phospholipids in the extract were phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and phosphatidyl serine; lesser amounts of cerebrosides and lysophosphatidyl choline were detected also. Phospholipids detected in the incubation medium were essentially as described for extracts.  相似文献   

A technique (periodic acid-Schiff—Victoria blue) is described which selectively stains glands in miracidia of some fasciolide trematodes. In this method, sections of miracidia are first stained with periodic acid-Schiff and then with an iron-rescorcin lake of Victoria blue. Following this treatment, the semetory granules of the apical gland are blue and the anterior glands are red.  相似文献   

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