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A novel knottedl-like homeobox (knox) gene, Pttknl (Populus tremulaxtremuloides knottedl), isolated from the cambial region of hybrid aspen, was introduced into Petunia hybrida Vilm. using the leafdisc method mediated by Agrobacterium. A series of novel phenotypes was observed in transgenic petunia plants, including the formation of ectopic spikes on the adaxial surface of corollas and small petals on the abaxial surface of corollas, fusion of floral organs, shortening of corolla midribs, the formation of tumor-like knots along the midrib on the abaxial surface and serrated lobs of corolla margins, and alterations in petal color; except for changes in the leaves and plant architecture, RT-PCR showed that the Pttknl gene was expressed in the leaves of different petunia transgenic plants, whereas no signal was detected in wild-type plants. The possible function of Pttknl in leaf and flower development is discussed.  相似文献   

A novel knottedl-like homeobox (knox) gene, Pttknl (Populus tremula×tremuloides knotted1), isolated from the cambial region of hybrid aspen, was introduced into Petunia hybrida Vilm. using the leafdisc method mediated by Agrobacterium. A series of novel phenotypes was observed in transgenic petunia plants, including the formation of ectopic spikes on the adaxial surface of corollas and small petals on theabaxial surface of corollas, fusion of floral organs, shortening of corolla midribs, the formation of tumor-like knots along the midrib on the abaxial surface and serrated lobs of corolla margins, and alterations in petal color; except for changes in the leaves and plant architecture, RT-PCR showed that the Pttknl gene was expressed in the leaves of different petunia transgenic plants, whereas no signal was detected in wild-type plants. The possible function of Pttknl in leaf and flower development is discussed.  相似文献   

Pttkn1基因异位表达对烟草叶片形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以红花烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)叶片为材料,利用农杆菌介导的叶盘转化法将Pttkn1基因整合到烟草基因组中,获得了转基因植株,研究了该基因对植物形态发生和维管形成的影响,并对其进行了RT-PCR分析。结果表明,转基因烟草植株的叶片形态和叶脉发生了多种变化,包括叶片对称性丧失、出现裂片、皱缩、异位茎、杯状叶片、瘤状结构、叶脉脉序紊乱等。RT-PCR分析表明,该基因仅强烈表达于转基因烟草植株中,而在野生型和组织培养材料中均未检测到该基因的存在。表明Pttkn1基因已经成功转入烟草中,而且在叶片形态发生和维管形成过程中发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

矮牵牛育种研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
从常规育种、基因工程育种、体细胞育种和单倍体育种4个方面评述了矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm.)育种研究进展.国外对矮牵牛育种研究较多,新品种面世推陈出新,国内对其研究则较为薄弱.其常规育种最为成功,不断有新品种推出,基因工程育种也取得了一定成就,已有新品种面世,而体细胞育种及单倍体育种尚无新品种产生,但对这两种方法在育种上应用的可能性和前景作出了一定探索.  相似文献   

花分生组织决定基因AP1转化矮牵牛的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用RT-PCR方法从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.)Heynh.)中克隆了花分生组织决定基因(flower-meristem-identity gene)AP1,进行了全序列测定。测序结果显示,所得到的基因与发表的序列仅有一个碱基的差异,但并不影响蛋白质的一级结构,将AP1基因克隆入植物中间载体p208,通过根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumfaciens(Smith et Townsend)Conn)介导的方法转化矮牵牛(Petumia hybrida Vilm.)。对转基因植株进行了PCR和Southern检测,所得到的两个株系的转基因矮牵牛在R0代即表现出提前且持续不断地开花的特性,与对照差异显。  相似文献   

矮牵牛花期一些生理指标的变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
选择了 3种颜色的矮牵牛 (PetuniahybridaVilm) :粉红色、杂色和红色 ,将其开花过程分为 4个时期 :未出现花芽、花芽期、花蕾期和开花期 ,测定各时期MDA、可溶性糖、激素水平和多胺含量等指标的变化。结果表明 ,从无花芽期到开花期MDA含量有所升高 ;可溶性糖含量呈现降低的趋势。在粉红色的矮牵牛叶片中 ,IAA含量在开花期升高 ;GA含量在无花芽期和花芽期时较高 ;而ZRs则在花蕾期较低 ,在开花期时含量上升。 3种多胺含量的变化不同 ,腐胺在整个花期略有上升 ,精胺和亚精胺则略有下降  相似文献   

Centromeric localization of an S-RNase gene in Petunia hybrida Vilm.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S-RNase has been identified to be an S-allele-specific stylar determinant contributing to the self-incompatibility response in Solanaceae. In order to examine the physical location of the S-RNase gene, multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using the S B1 -RNase cDNA probe and ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) probe was performed on an S B1 S B2 heterozygote of Petunia hybrida. The S B1 -RNase gene was detected as a doublet signal close to the centromere of chromosome III. Next, we performed FISH using a large genome probe prepared from a λSB1–311 clone (20 kb) which contains the S B1 -RNase gene and its 3′ flanking region. This probe hybridized to the centromeric regions of all P. hybrida chromosomes. Sequence analysis of the λSB1–311 clone revealed the presence of a repetitive sequence consisting of a novel 666 bp unit sequence. A subclone (pBS-SB1B5) containing this unit sequence also hybridized to all of the centromeric regions, confirming that this unit is the centromeric specific repetitive sequence. These data suggested that the S B1 -RNase gene is located very close to (within a distance of 12 kb from) the centromeric-specific repetitive sequence. Likewise, the pBS-SB1B5 probe hybridized to the centromeric regions of all chromosomes in P. littoralis, another Petunia species. However, the probe did not hybridize to the centromere of the chromosomes from other species in Solanaceae. These results suggested that this centromeric repetitive sequence might be a genus-specific one. Received: 3 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 December 1998<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by F. Mechelke  相似文献   

用~3H—葡萄糖饲喂矮牵牛叶肉原生质体,发现放射性集中在半纤维素部分,占整个再生壁的83%~90%,而纤维素中约占9%。纸层析分析证明,葡萄糖占半纤维素部分中性糖总量的70%,再生壁主要是由非纤维素葡聚糖组成。原生质体在含有~3H—葡萄糖的培养基中培养4d后,24h追踪表明,部分半纤维素转化成纤维素。加入香豆素,至少3d之内抑制半纤维素向纤维素转化;除去抑制剂,半纤维素含量迅速降低而纤维素增加。所以认为矮牵牛叶向原生质体壁再生过程中半纤维素是合成纤维素的前体。  相似文献   

Self-Incompatibility (SI) Is a genetic mechanism of self/non-self pollen recognition to prevent self-fertilization In many flowering plants and, In most cases, this is controlled by a multl-allellc S-locus. S-RNase and Slocus F box (SLF) proteins have been shown to be the female and male determinants of gametophytlc selfIncompatibility (GSI), respectively, In the Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae. Nevertheless, It is thought that additional factors are required for the SI response. Herein, we constructed a mature anther cDNA library from a self-Incompatible Petunia hybrida Vllm. line of the S3S3 haplotype. Using AhS2-RNase from Antirrhinum hispanicum as a bait for yeast two-hybrid screening, we found that petunia germinating pollen (PGP) S/D3 was capable of Interacting physically with the bait. However, the Interaction lacked haplotype specificity. The PGPS/D3 gene Is a single copy gene that Is expressed In tissues such as the style, ovary, pollen, and leaf. The PGPS/D3::GFP (green fluorescence protein) construct was detected In both the membrane and cytoplasm. The Implications of these findings In the operation of S-RNase-based SI are discussed.  相似文献   

紫色大花矮牵牛组织培养与植株再生   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
矮牵牛叶片外植体在MS+6-BA 1.0mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L培养基上培养3周后产生致密的浅绿色愈伤组织;转入芽分化培养基MS+6-BA 0.5mg/L+4-PU 0.5mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L 1周后,从愈伤组织表面不断分化产生幼芽;待幼芽长至3cm时转接至生根培养基1/2MS+NAA 1.0 mg/L+GA30.5mg/L中生根,长成完整植株。  相似文献   

不同基质对矮牵牛插穗离体生根的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用泥炭、珍珠岩和芦苇末混配的9种基质进行矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm.)离体生根实验研究.结果表明,在泥炭基质上矮牵牛插穗的生根状况较好,3个品种的平均生根率达94.4%,显著高于含苇末的各基质.在泥炭基质上扦插的各品种的主根长和根数基本都高于芦苇末基质.芦苇末基质电导率高达2.77mS·cm-1,不适宜作为扦插基质.基质电导率和插穗生根率的相关性分析表明,矮牵牛扦插基质的电导率应控制在1.5mS·cm-1以下.IAA处理表明,激素对矮牵牛插穗生根影响不明显,基质和水分管理是扦插成功与否的关键.  相似文献   

NEC1, a novel gene, highly expressed in nectary tissue of Petunia hybrida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To study the molecular regulation of nectary development, we cloned NEC1, a gene predominantly expressed in the nectaries of Petunia hybrida, by using the differential display RT-PCR technique. The secondary structure of the putative NEC1 protein is reminiscent of a transmembrane protein, indicating that the protein is incorporated into the cell membrane or the cytoplast membrane. Immunolocalization revealed that NEC1 protein is present in the nectaries. Northern blot analyses showed that NEC1 is highly expressed in nectary tissue and weakly in the stamen. GUS expression driven by the NEC1 promoter revealed GUS activity in the outer nectary parenchyma cells, the upper part of the filament and the anther stomium. The same expression pattern was observed in Brassica napus. GUS expression was observed as blue spots on the surface of very young nectaries that do not secrete nectar and do accumulate starch. GUS expression was highest in open flowers in which active secretion of nectar and starch hydrolysis had taken place. Ectopic expression of NEC1 resulted in transgenic plants that displayed a phenotype with leaves having 3-4 times more phloem bundles in mid-veins than the wild-type Petunia. The possible role of NEC1 gene in sugar metabolism and nectar secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

Transfer of the GUS gene into pollen has been studied in co-cultures of Agrobacterium and Petunia pollen. The Agrobacterium strain used contains a GUS gene between the two borders of the T-DNA. Uptake and integration of this GUS gene could be shown using two different restriction systems. First, by appropriate cleavage within the T-DNA the GUS gene could be isolated intact from Agrobacterium-treated pollen. Second, using enzymes with cleave the T-DNA only once, integration of this T-DNA into individual pollen genomes could be shown. The fragments obtained could not be obtained from Agrobacterium alone. The positive Southern blots were reprobed with vir probes, but all were negative. Also following plating, no Agrobacteria could be detected from our pollen DNA preparations. Therefore, the signals obtained were not due to contaminating bacteria. Due to a high endogenous GUS activity of Petunia pollen the expression of the transferred gene could not be studied. The data demonstrate the uptake and integration of T-DNA into pollen and are closing a gap in the line of evidence for the functioning of an indirect Agrobacterium — mediated gene transfer. Besides this, it should be stressed that only this indirect pollen system leads to success.  相似文献   

激素种类及其浓度对矮牵牛试管苗增殖及生根率的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以MS培养基为基本培养基,以矮牵牛试管苗为材料,并用不同浓度的细胞分裂素6-BA、KT、Ad分别与生长素NAA(0.10mg/L)进行配比试验,并用一定浓度的细胞分裂素6-BA、KT、Ad两两分别组合配比试验,探讨了不同浓度的细胞分裂素对矮牵牛试管苗的影响,以及两类生长素IBA和NAA对生根的影响。结果表明,适合于矮牵牛试管苗增殖的培养基有:(1)MS+1.60mg/L 6-BA+0.10mg/LNAA;(2)MS+0.80mg/L 6-BA+1.60mg/LKT+0.10mg/L NAA;(3)MS+0.80mg/L 6-BA+0.20mg/LAd+0.10mg/LNAA;(4)MS+1.60mg/L KT+0.20mg/L Ad+0.10mg/L NAA。适合于矮牵牛试管苗生根的培养基有(1)1/2MS;(2)1/ZMS+0.20mg/L1BA;(3)1/2MS+0.20mg/LNAA。  相似文献   

Corollas of Petunia hybrida (cv. Hit Parade Rosa) flowers fixed 14CO2 under both light and dark conditions. Rates of light fixation were much higher in mature pink corollas than in young, green corollas [57 and 9 nmol (ngchl)1 min-1], paralleling the development of chloroplasts in these tissues. Stomatal conductance in corollas was only 12% of that in green leaves, mainly due to the presence of few, and non-functioning stomata in the corolla. The activity and concentration of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (EC in corolla extracts were only about 30% (per unit Chi) of those in extracts from green leaves. These results, together with previous results, might indicate a coordinated reduction in activity of systems participating in photosynthesis in corollas. The fixation products following a 6 s pulse with 14CO2, were typical of C, plants in both corollas and green leaves, but a higher level of β-carboxylation products was found in the corollas. The activity of phosphoenol-pyruvate carboxylase (EC (per unit protein) was similar in both tissues. Although the total carbon fixed by the corolla constituted only a small part of the metabolites required for flower development, certain photosynthetic metabolites might have a regulatory role in flower development.  相似文献   

Summary We identified two S-allele-associated proteins (S-proteins) in a self-compatible cultivar of Petunia hybrida based on their segregation in F1 hybrids between P. hybrida and its self-incompatible relative, Petunia inflata (with S2S2 genotype), and in selfed progeny of P. hybrida. These two S-proteins, designated Sx-protein (24 kDa) and So- protein (31 kDa), are pistil specific, and their expression follows a temporal and spatial pattern similar to that of S-proteins characterized in self-incompatible solanaceous species. Their amino-terminal sequences also share a high degree of similarity with those of solanaceous S-proteins. Selfing of P. hybrida yielded plants with SoSo, SxSo, and SxSx genotypes in an approximately 1:2:1 ratio, indicating that the Sx- and So-alleles, though expressed in the pistil, failed to elicit a self-incompatibility response. The S2-allele of P. inflata is expressed in all the F1 hybrids, rendering them capable of rejecting pollen bearing the S2-allele. The So-allele is not functional in the F1 hybrids, because all the F1 progeny with S2So genotype are self-compatible. However, in F1 hybrids with S2Sx genotype, approximately half are self-incompatible and half are self-compatible, indicating that the function of the Sx-allele depends on the genetic background. These results strongly suggest that the presence of functional S-alleles alone is not sufficient for expression of a self-incompatibility phenotype, and reaffirm the multigenic nature of gametophytic self-incompatibility suggested by earlier genetic studies.  相似文献   

以27个上海交通大学自育矮牵牛新种质为研究材料,对花色这一重要观赏性状及其花色素进行了系统研究。用RHSCC比色和色差仪测色方法描述了矮牵牛的花色表型,通过特征显色反应初步判断了矮牵牛的花色素类型,以标准曲线法和pH示差法等方法测定了矮牵牛3类花色素的含量。研究表明:这27个矮牵牛种质的花色可归于5个色系,以紫红色和红色为主;矮牵牛花色在CIELab表色系统中分布较广,而且不同色系花色参数的区分度较大。矮牵牛花瓣中含有类黄酮和花色苷,不含或含少量类胡萝卜素。13个被测种质的花瓣类黄酮含量在2.5~12.2 mg·/g–1 ·FW之间,花色苷含量在0.08~3.88 mg·g–1 FWmg/g·FW之间,而类胡萝卜素在矮牵牛花瓣中含量很低,远远低于类黄酮含量,在7个被测种质中,最高仅为0.216 mg·g–1 FWmg/g·FW,最低为0.004 mg·g–1 FWmg/g·FW。以上结果显示,5个色系矮牵牛所含花色素种类不尽相同,含量也有明显差异,其中紫红色系和红色系花瓣大多不含或含极少量类胡萝卜素,黄色系、白色系和紫色系花瓣的类黄酮含量较高,紫色系和紫红色系花瓣花色苷含量较高。  相似文献   

以矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida L.)栽培品种为材料,取开放前的花蕾分离mRNA,反转录合成cDNA,以cDNA为模板,通过PCR扩增,对获得的目的片段进行序列分析。结果表明,分离的目的片段含有686个核苷酸(含有起始密码和终止密码)。核苷酸序列与文献报道相比,同源率为99.6%,只有3个碱基发生改变,5’端的MADS盒区域完全相同。将得到的矮牵牛花同源异型基因fbp2的cDNA(yfbp2)与CaMV355启动子和NOS3’终止子融合,构建了表达载体pBBP2。表达载体通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)LBA4404(pAL4404)介导转化烟草(NicotianatabacumL.)叶片,在含有100mg/L卡那霉素的抗性培养基上再生成株。对抗性株进行总DNASouthern杂交和总RNA的点杂交,证明目的基因已导入烟草细胞中,整合到烟草基因组上,并且在烟草细胞中转录。同源异型基因fbp2导入烟草后导致烟草花型改变,在雄蕊上产生了花瓣。  相似文献   

增强UV-B对矮牵牛花瓣中生理生化物质变化的影响   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
比较研究了普通光照(CK)和增强UV-B处理条件下,粉红色矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)花瓣中花色素苷、辅色素、丙二醛和还原糖的含量以及苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性的变化.结果表明,UV-B照射处理组花瓣中花色素苷、辅色素和还原糖含量均高于对照(CK),PAL活性增强,叶面积、叶宽和周长均小于对照组,MDA含量则低于对照组.综合分析表明,粉红色矮牵牛承受增强UV-B处理有一个阈值,大致为960.5 kJ?m-2;并且花色素苷和辅色素的作用不同,花色素苷以抗氧化为主,而辅色素以对UV-B的屏蔽作用为主.  相似文献   

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