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All members of the kinesin superfamily of molecular motors contain an unusual structural motif consisting of an α-helix that is interrupted by a flexible loop, referred to as L5. We have examined the function of L5 in the mitotic kinesin Eg5 by combining site-directed mutagenesis of L5 with transient state kinetics, molecular dynamics simulations, and docking using cryo electron microscopy density. We find that mutation of a proline residue located at a turn within this loop profoundly slows nucleotide-induced structural changes both at the catalytic site as well as at the microtubule binding domain and the neck linker. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that this mutation affects the dynamics not only of L5 itself but also of the switch I structural elements that sense ATP binding to the catalytic site. Our results lead us to propose that L5 regulates the rate of conformational change in key elements of the nucleotide binding site through its interactions with α3 and in so doing controls the speed of movement and force generation in kinesin motors.  相似文献   

The ATP binding cassette (ABC) family of transporters moves small molecules (lipids, sugars, peptides, drugs, nutrients) across membranes in nearly all organisms. Transport activity requires conformational switching between inward-facing and outward-facing states driven by ATP-dependent dimerization of two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs). The mechanism that connects ATP binding and hydrolysis in the NBDs to conformational changes in a substrate binding site in the transmembrane domains (TMDs) is currently an outstanding question. Here we use sequence coevolution analyses together with biochemical characterization to investigate the role of a highly conserved region in intracellular loop 1 we define as the GRD motif in coordinating domain rearrangements in the heterodimeric peptide exporter from Thermus thermophilus, TmrAB. Mutations in the GRD motif alter ATPase activity as well as transport. Disulfide crosslinking, evolutionary trace, and evolutionary coupling analysis reveal that these effects are likely due to the destabilization of a network in which the GRD motif in TmrA bridges residues of the Q-loop, X-loop, and ABC motif in the NBDs to residues in the TmrAB peptide substrate binding site, thus providing an avenue for conformational coupling. We further find that disruption of this network in TmrA versus TmrB has different functional consequences, hinting at an intrinsic asymmetry in heterodimeric ABC transporters extending beyond that of the NBDs. These results support a mechanism in which the GRD motifs help coordinate a transition to an outward open conformation, and each half of the transporter likely plays a different role in the conformational cycle of TmrAB.  相似文献   

Kinesin-5 is required for forming the bipolar spindle during mitosis. Its motor domain, which contains nucleotide and microtubule binding sites and mechanical elements to generate force, has evolved distinct properties for its spindle-based functions. In this study, we report subnanometer resolution cryoelectron microscopy reconstructions of microtubule-bound human kinesin-5 before and after nucleotide binding and combine this information with studies of the kinetics of nucleotide-induced neck linker and cover strand movement. These studies reveal coupled, nucleotide-dependent conformational changes that explain many of this motor''s properties. We find that ATP binding induces a ratchet-like docking of the neck linker and simultaneous, parallel docking of the N-terminal cover strand. Loop L5, the binding site for allosteric inhibitors of kinesin-5, also undergoes a dramatic reorientation when ATP binds, suggesting that it is directly involved in controlling nucleotide binding. Our structures indicate that allosteric inhibitors of human kinesin-5, which are being developed as anti-cancer therapeutics, bind to a motor conformation that occurs in the course of normal function. However, due to evolutionarily defined sequence variations in L5, this conformation is not adopted by invertebrate kinesin-5s, explaining their resistance to drug inhibition. Together, our data reveal the precision with which the molecular mechanism of kinesin-5 motors has evolved for force generation.  相似文献   

Here we report that the kinesin-5 motor Klp61F, which is known for its role in bipolar spindle formation in mitosis, is required for protein transport from the Golgi complex to the cell surface in Drosophila S2 cells. Disrupting the function of its mammalian orthologue, Eg5, in HeLa cells inhibited secretion of a protein called pancreatic adenocarcinoma up-regulated factor (PAUF) but, surprisingly, not the trafficking of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) to the cell surface. We have previously reported that PAUF is transported from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell surface in specific carriers called CARTS that exclude VSV-G. Inhibition of Eg5 function did not affect the biogenesis of CARTS; however, their migration was delayed and they accumulated near the Golgi complex. Altogether, our findings reveal a surprising new role of Eg5 in nonmitotic cells in the facilitation of the transport of specific carriers, CARTS, from the TGN to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Members of the kinesin superfamily of molecular motors differ in several key structural domains, which probably allows these molecular motors to serve the different physiologies required of them. One of the most variable of these is a stem-loop motif referred to as L5. This loop is longest in the mitotic kinesin Eg5, and previous structural studies have shown that it can assume different conformations in different nucleotide states. However, enzymatic domains often consist of a mixture of conformations whose distribution shifts in response to substrate binding or product release, and this information is not available from the “static” images that structural studies provide. We have addressed this issue in the case of Eg5 by attaching a fluorescent probe to L5 and examining its fluorescence, using both steady state and time-resolved methods. This reveals that L5 assumes an equilibrium mixture of three orientations that differ in their local environment and segmental mobility. Combining these studies with transient state kinetics demonstrates that there is a major shift in this distribution during transitions that interconvert weak and strong microtubule binding states. Finally, in conjunction with previous cryo-EM reconstructions of Eg5·microtubule complexes, these fluorescence studies suggest a model in which L5 regulates both nucleotide and microtubule binding through a set of reversible interactions with helix α3. We propose that these features facilitate the production of sustained opposing force by Eg5, which underlies its role in supporting formation of a bipolar spindle in mitosis.  相似文献   

Essential in mitosis, the human Kinesin-5 protein is a target for >80 classes of allosteric compounds that bind to a surface-exposed site formed by the L5 loop. Not established is why there are differing efficacies in drug inhibition. Here we compare the ligand-bound states of two L5-directed inhibitors against 15 Kinesin-5 mutants by ATPase assays and IR spectroscopy. Biochemical kinetics uncovers functional differences between individual residues at the N or C termini of the L5 loop. Infrared evaluation of solution structures and multivariate analysis of the vibrational spectra reveal that mutation and/or ligand binding not only can remodel the allosteric binding surface but also can transmit long range effects. Changes in L5-localized 310 helix and disordered content, regardless of substitution or drug potency, are experimentally detected. Principal component analysis couples these local structural events to two types of rearrangements in β-sheet hydrogen bonding. These transformations in β-sheet contacts are correlated with inhibitory drug response and are corroborated by wild type Kinesin-5 crystal structures. Despite considerable evolutionary divergence, our data directly support a theorized conserved element for long distance mechanochemical coupling in kinesin, myosin, and F1-ATPase. These findings also suggest that these relatively rapid IR approaches can provide structural biomarkers for clinical determination of drug sensitivity and drug efficacy in nucleotide triphosphatases.  相似文献   

Eg5 is a homotetrameric kinesin-5 motor protein that generates outward force on the overlapping, antiparallel microtubules (MTs) of the mitotic spindle. Upon binding an MT, an Eg5 dimer releases one ADP molecule, undergoes a slow (∼0.5 s−1) isomerization, and finally releases a second ADP, adopting a tightly MT-bound, nucleotide-free (APO) conformation. This conformation precedes ATP binding and stepping. Here, we use mutagenesis, steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics, motility assays, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to examine Eg5 monomers and dimers as they bind MTs and initiate stepping. We demonstrate that a critical element of Eg5, loop 5 (L5), accelerates ADP release during the initial MT-binding event. Furthermore, our electron paramagnetic resonance data show that L5 mediates the slow isomerization by preventing Eg5 dimer heads from binding the MT until they release ADP. Finally, we find that Eg5 having a seven-residue deletion within L5 can still hydrolyze ATP and move along MTs, suggesting that L5 is not required to accelerate subsequent steps of the motor along the MT. Taken together, these properties of L5 explain the kinetic effects of L5-directed inhibition on Eg5 activity and may direct further interventions targeting Eg5 activity.  相似文献   


The RNA of small ribosomal subunits contains a conserved stem-loop structure near the 3′ end. Characteristics for the hairpins are: (a) a nine-basepairs stem; (b) a conserved A-U U-Gjunction in the stem; (c) a conserved sequence Gm6 2Am6 2A sequence in the loop (except yeast mitochondria and mutants from bacteria). We are using UV-optics, micro-calorimetry and 500 MHz-NMR to investigate fragments of about 50 nucleotides cleaved from the 3′ ends of small ribosomal subunit RNA's by bacteriocins. Our preliminary conclusions are: (1) Dimethylation of the adenines in the loop destabilizes the hairpin because of an increased stacking; (2) melting of the hairpin starts at the ends as well as in the middle at the 5-H junction; (3) basepair substitutions have an unexpectedly large effect on thermal stability.  相似文献   

Intracellular cargo transport by kinesin family motor proteins is crucial for many cellular processes, particularly vesicle transport in axons and dendrites. In a number of cases, the transport of specific cargo is carried out by two classes of kinesins that move at different speeds and thus compete during transport. Despite advances in single-molecule characterization and modeling approaches, many questions remain regarding the effect of intermotor tension on motor attachment/reattachment rates during cooperative multimotor transport. To understand the motor dynamics underlying multimotor transport, we analyzed the complexes of kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 motors attached through protein scaffolds moving on immobilized microtubules in vitro. To interpret the observed behavior, simulations were carried out using a model that incorporated motor stepping, attachment/detachment rates, and intermotor force generation. In single-molecule experiments, isolated kinesin-3 motors moved twofold faster and had threefold higher landing rates than kinesin-1. When the positively charged loop 12 of kinesin-3 was swapped with that of kinesin-1, the landing rates reversed, indicating that this “K-loop” is a key determinant of the motor reattachment rate. In contrast, swapping loop 12 had negligible effects on motor velocities. Two-motor complexes containing one kinesin-1 and one kinesin-3 moved at different speeds depending on the identity of their loop 12, indicating the importance of the motor reattachment rate on the cotransport speed. Simulations of these loop-swapped motors using experimentally derived motor parameters were able to reproduce the experimental results and identify best fit parameters for the motor reattachment rates for this geometry. Simulation results also supported previous work, suggesting that kinesin-3 microtubule detachment is very sensitive to load. Overall, the simulations demonstrate that the transport behavior of cargo carried by pairs of kinesin-1 and -3 motors are determined by three properties that differ between these two families: the unloaded velocity, the load dependence of detachment, and the motor reattachment rate.  相似文献   

Patients with blast crisis (BC) CML frequently become resistant to Imatinib, a Bcr-Abltyrosine kinase-targeting agent. Eg5, a microtubule-associated motor protein has beendescribed to be highly expressed in BC CML by microarray analysis (Nowicki et al,Oncogene 22:3952-3963, 2003). We investigated the regulation of Eg5 by Bcr-Abltyrosine kinase and its potential as a therapeutic target in BC CML. Eg5 was highlyexpressed in all Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) cell lines and BC CML patientsamples. Inhibition of Bcr-Abl by Imatinib downregulated Eg5 expression in ImatinibsensitiveKBM5 and HL-60p185 cells, but not in Imatinib-resistant KBM5-STI571,harboring a T315I mutation, and Bcr-Abl-negative HL-60 cells. Blocking Eg5 expressionwith antisense oligonucleotide (Eg5-ASO) or inhibiting its activity with the smallmoleculeEg5 inhibitor, S-trityl-L-cysteine induced G2/M cell cycle block and subsequentcell death in both Imatinib-sensitive and -resistant cells. Further, Eg5-ASO treatment ofSCID mice harboring KBM5 cell xenografts significantly prolonged the median survivalof the animals (p=0.03). Our findings suggest that Eg5 is downstream of and regulated byBcr-Abl tyrosine kinase in Philadelphia chromosome positive cells. Inhibition of Eg5expression or its activity blocks cell cycle progression and induces cell death independentof the cellular response to Imatinib. Therefore, Eg5 could be a potential therapeutic targetfor the treatment of BC CML, in particular Imatinib-resistant BC CML.  相似文献   

Controlled activity of several kinesin motors is required for the proper assembly of the mitotic spindle. Eg5, a homotetrameric bipolar kinesin-5 from Xenopus laevis, can cross-link and slide anti-parallel microtubules apart by a motility mechanism comprising diffusional and directional modes. How this mechanism is regulated, possibly by the tail domains of the opposing motors, is poorly understood. In order to explore the basic unregulated kinesin-5 motor activity, we generated a stably dimeric kinesin-5 construct, Eg5Kin, consisting of the motor domain and neck linker of Eg5 and the neck coiled coil of Drosophila melanogaster kinesin-1 (DmKHC). In single-molecule motility assays, we found this chimera to be highly processive. In addition, we studied the effect of the kinesin-5-specific inhibitor monastrol using single-molecule fluorescence assays. We found that monastrol reduced the length of processive runs, but strikingly did not affect velocity. Quantitative analysis of monastrol dose dependence suggests that two bound monastrol molecules are required to be bound to an Eg5Kin dimer to terminate a run.  相似文献   

Monastrol inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monastrol is a small, cell-permeable molecule that arrests cells in mitosis by specifically inhibiting Eg5, a member of the Kinesin-5 family. We have used steady-state and presteady-state kinetics as well as equilibrium binding approaches to define the mechanistic basis of S-monastrol inhibition of monomeric human Eg5/KSP. In the absence of microtubules (Mts), the basal ATPase activity is inhibited through slowed product release. In the presence of microtubules, the ATPase activity is also reduced with weakened binding of Eg5 to microtubules during steady-state ATP turnover. Monastrol-treated Eg5 also shows a decreased relative affinity for microtubules under equilibrium conditions. The Mt.Eg5 presteady-state kinetics of ATP binding and the subsequent ATP-dependent isomerization are unaffected during the first ATP turnover. However, monastrol appears to stabilize a conformation that allows for reversals at the ATP hydrolysis step. Monastrol promotes a dramatic decrease in the observed rate of Eg5 association with microtubules, and ADP release is slowed without trapping the Mt.Eg5.ADP intermediate. We propose that S-monastrol binding to Eg5 induces a stable conformational change in the motor domain that favors ATP re-synthesis after ATP hydrolysis. The aberrant interactions with the microtubule and the reversals at the ATP hydrolysis step alter the ability of Eg5 to generate force, thereby yielding a nonproductive Mt.Eg5 complex that cannot establish or maintain the bipolar spindle.  相似文献   

Eg5 is a slow, plus-end-directed microtubule-based motor of the BimC kinesin family that is essential for bipolar spindle formation during eukaryotic cell division. We have analyzed two human Eg5/KSP motors, Eg5-367 and Eg5-437, and both are monomeric based on results from sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation as well as analytical gel filtration. The steady-state parameters were: for Eg5-367: k(cat) = 5.5 s(-1), K(1/2,Mt) = 0.7 microm, and K(m,ATP) = 25 microm; and for Eg5-437: k(cat) = 2.9 s(-1), K(1/2,Mt) = 4.5 microm, and K(m,ATP) = 19 microm. 2'(3')-O-(N-Methylanthraniloyl)-ATP (mantATP) binding was rapid at 2-3 microm(-1)s(-1), followed immediately by ATP hydrolysis at 15 s(-1). ATP-dependent Mt.Eg5 dissociation was relatively slow and rate-limiting at 8 s(-1) with mantADP release at 40 s(-1). Surprisingly, Eg5-367 binds microtubules more effectively (11 microm(-1)s(-1)) than Eg5-437 (0.7 microm(-1)s(-1)), consistent with the steady-state K(1/2,Mt) and the mantADP release K(1/2,Mt). These results indicate that the ATPase pathway for monomeric Eg5 is more similar to conventional kinesin than the spindle motors Ncd and Kar3, where ADP product release is rate-limiting for steady-state turnover.  相似文献   

The functions of two conserved residues, Phe135 and Pro136, located at the apex of the Cys loop of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor are investigated. Both residues were substituted with natural and unnatural amino acids, focusing on the role of aromaticity at Phe135, backbone conformation at Pro136, side chain polarity and volume, and the specific interaction between the aromatic side chain and the proline. NMR spectroscopy studies of model peptides containing proline and unnatural proline analogues following a Phe show a consistent increase in the population of the cis conformer relative to peptides lacking the Phe. In the receptor, a strong interaction between the Phe and Pro residues is evident, as is a strong preference for aromaticity and hydrophobicity at the Phe site. A similar influence of hydrophobicity is observed at the proline site. In addition, across a simple homologous series of proline analogues, the results reveal a correlation between receptor function and cis bias at the proline backbone. This could suggest a significant role for the cis proline conformer at this site in receptor function.  相似文献   

Eg5 is a plus end directed kinesin related motor protein (KRP) previously shown to be involved in the assembly and maintenance of the mitotic spindle. KRPs are molecular motors capable of generating forces upon microtubules (MTs) in dividing cells and driving structural rearrangements necessary in the developing spindle. In vitro experiments demonstrate that loss of Eg5 results in cell cycle arrest and defective centrosome separation resulting in the development of monopolar spindles. Here we describe mice with a genetrap insertion in Eg5. Heterozygous mutant mice appear phenotypically normal. In contrast, embryos homozygous for the Eg5 null allele recovered at embryonic days 2.5-3.5 display signs of a proliferation defect as reduced cell numbers and failure of compaction and progression to the blastocyst stage was observed. These data, in conjunction with previous in vitro data, suggest that loss of Eg5 results in abnormal spindle structure, cell cycle arrest and thereby reduced cell proliferation of early cleavage pre-implantation embryos. These observations further support the conclusion that Eg5 is essential for cell division early in mouse development, and that maternal contribution may sustain the embryo through the maternal to zygotic transition at which point supplies of functional Eg5 are exhausted, preventing further cell cleavage.  相似文献   

Kinesin-5 (also called Eg5 or kif11) is a homotetrameric motor protein that functions by modulating microtubule (MT)-MT interactions. In the case of mitosis, kinesin-5 slows the rate of separation of the half-spindles. In the case of the axon, kinesin-5 limits the frequency of transport of short MTs, and also limits the rate of axonal growth. Here we show that experimental inhibition of kinesin-5 in cultured migratory neurons results in a faster but more randomly moving neuron with a shorter leading process. As is the case with axons of stationary neurons, short MT transport frequency is notably enhanced in the leading process of the migratory neuron when kinesin-5 is inhibited. Conversely, overexpression of kinesin-5, both in culture and in developing cerebral cortex, causes migration to slow and even cease. Regions of anti-parallel MT organization behind the centrosome were shown to be especially rich in kinesin-5, implicating these regions as potential sites where kinesin-5 forces may be especially relevant. We posit that kinesin-5 acts as a "brake" on MT-MT interactions that modulates the advance of the entire MT apparatus. In so doing, kinesin-5 regulates the rate and directionality of neuronal migration and possibly the cessation of migration when the neuron reaches its destination.  相似文献   

The flexible polypyridine ligand, 2,2′:6′,2-terpyridine (terpy), was built into the backbone of oligonucleotides to form DNA conjugates. The terpy unit functioned as a good loop when the conjugates formed the bimolecular triplexes with complementary oligopurine. The triplex structure was destabilized by the specific interaction with divalent transition metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+), in particular Cu2+ ions. This ion destabilized one of the triplexes by 4.2 kcalmol?1 or made the triplex formation constant less than 1/103 at 298 K. This result is attributed to the substantial turbulence of the terminal structure of the triplexes.  相似文献   

The mitotic spindle is a bipolar, microtubule (MT)-based cellular machine that segregates the duplicated genome into two daughter cells. The kinesin-5 Eg5 establishes the bipolar geometry of the mitotic spindle, but previous work in mammalian cells suggested that this motor is unimportant for the maintenance of spindle bipolarity. Although it is known that Kif15, a second mitotic kinesin, enforces spindle bipolarity in the absence of Eg5, how Kif15 functions in this capacity and/or whether other biochemical or physical properties of the spindle promote its bipolarity have been poorly studied. Here we report that not all human cell lines can efficiently maintain bipolarity without Eg5, despite their expressing Kif15. We show that the stability of chromosome-attached kinetochore-MTs (K-MTs) is important for bipolar spindle maintenance without Eg5. Cells that efficiently maintain bipolar spindles without Eg5 have more stable K-MTs than those that collapse without Eg5. Consistent with this observation, artificial destabilization of K-MTs promotes spindle collapse without Eg5, whereas stabilizing K-MTs improves bipolar spindle maintenance without Eg5. Our findings suggest that either rapid K-MT turnover pulls poles inward or slow K-MT turnover allows for greater resistance to inward-directed forces.  相似文献   

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