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Hydrophobic cores are often viewed as tightly packed and rigid, but they do show some plasticity and could thus be attractive targets for protein design. Here we explored the role of different functional pressures on the core packing and ligand recognition of the SH3 domain from human Fyn tyrosine kinase. We randomized the hydrophobic core and used phage display to select variants that bound to each of three distinct ligands. The three evolved groups showed remarkable differences in core composition, illustrating the effect of different selective pressures on the core. Changes in the core did not significantly alter protein stability, but were linked closely to changes in binding affinity and specificity. Structural analysis and molecular dynamics simulations revealed the structural basis for altered specificity. The evolved domains had significantly reduced core volumes, which in turn induced increased backbone flexibility. These motions were propagated from the core to the binding surface and induced significant conformational changes. These results show that alternative core packing and consequent allosteric modulation of binding interfaces could be used to engineer proteins with novel functions.  相似文献   

Calmodulin is a calcium-binding protein ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells, involved in numerous calcium-regulated biological phenomena, such as synaptic plasticity, muscle contraction, cell cycle, and circadian rhythms. It exibits a characteristic dumbell shape, with two globular domains (N- and C-terminal lobe) joined by a linker region. Each lobe can take alternative conformations, affected by the binding of calcium and target proteins.Calmodulin displays considerable functional flexibility due to its capability to bind different targets, often in a tissue-specific fashion. In various specific physiological environments (e.g. skeletal muscle, neuron dendritic spines) several targets compete for the same calmodulin pool, regulating its availability and affinity for calcium. In this work, we sought to understand the general principles underlying calmodulin modulation by different target proteins, and to account for simultaneous effects of multiple competing targets, thus enabling a more realistic simulation of calmodulin-dependent pathways. We built a mechanistic allosteric model of calmodulin, based on an hemiconcerted framework: each calmodulin lobe can exist in two conformations in thermodynamic equilibrium, with different affinities for calcium and different affinities for each target. Each lobe was allowed to switch conformation on its own. The model was parameterised and validated against experimental data from the literature. In spite of its simplicity, a two-state allosteric model was able to satisfactorily represent several sets of experiments, in particular the binding of calcium on intact and truncated calmodulin and the effect of different skMLCK peptides on calmodulin’s saturation curve. The model can also be readily extended to include multiple targets. We show that some targets stabilise the low calcium affinity T state while others stabilise the high affinity R state. Most of the effects produced by calmodulin targets can be explained as modulation of a pre-existing dynamic equilibrium between different conformations of calmodulin’s lobes, in agreement with linkage theory and MWC-type models.  相似文献   

In allosteric regulation, an effector molecule binding a protein at one site induces conformational changes, which alter structure and function at a distant active site. Two key challenges in the computational modeling of allostery are the prediction of the structure of one allosteric state starting from the structure of the other, and elucidating the mechanisms underlying the conformational coupling of the effector and active sites. Here we approach these two challenges using the Rosetta high-resolution structure prediction methodology. We find that the method can recapitulate the relaxation of effector-bound forms of single domain allosteric proteins into the corresponding ligand-free states, particularly when sampling is focused on regions known to change conformation most significantly. Analysis of the coupling between contacting pairs of residues in large ensembles of conformations spread throughout the landscape between and around the two allosteric states suggests that the transitions are built up from blocks of tightly coupled interacting sets of residues that are more loosely coupled to one another.  相似文献   

Fimbrin belongs to a superfamily of actin cross-linking proteins that share a conserved 27-kD actin-binding domain. This domain contains a tandem duplication of a sequence that is homologous to calponin. Calponin homology (CH) domains not only cross-link actin filaments into bundles and networks, but they also bind intermediate filaments and some signal transduction proteins to the actin cytoskeleton. This fundamental role of CH domains as a widely used actin-binding domain underlines the necessity to understand their structural interaction with actin. Using electron cryomicroscopy, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of F-actin and F-actin decorated with the NH2-terminal CH domains of fimbrin (N375). In a difference map between actin filaments and N375-decorated actin, one end of N375 is bound to a concave surface formed between actin subdomains 1 and 2 on two neighboring actin monomers. In addition, a fit of the atomic model for the actin filament to the maps reveals the actin residues that line, the binding surface. The binding of N375 changes actin, which we interpret as a movement of subdomain 1 away from the bound N375. This change in actin structure may affect its affinity for other actin-binding proteins and may be part of the regulation of the cytoskeleton itself. Difference maps between actin and actin decorated with other proteins provides a way to look for novel structural changes in actin.  相似文献   

Many protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are compelling targets for drug discovery, and in a number of cases can be disrupted by small molecules. The main goal of this study is to examine the mechanism of binding site formation in the interface region of proteins that are PPI targets by comparing ligand-free and ligand-bound structures. To avoid any potential bias, we focus on ensembles of ligand-free protein conformations obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques and deposited in the Protein Data Bank, rather than on ensembles specifically generated for this study. The measures used for structure comparison are based on detecting binding hot spots, i.e., protein regions that are major contributors to the binding free energy. The main tool of the analysis is computational solvent mapping, which explores the surface of proteins by docking a large number of small “probe” molecules. Although we consider conformational ensembles obtained by NMR techniques, the analysis is independent of the method used for generating the structures. Finding the energetically most important regions, mapping can identify binding site residues using ligand-free models based on NMR data. In addition, the method selects conformations that are similar to some peptide-bound or ligand-bound structure in terms of the properties of the binding site. This agrees with the conformational selection model of molecular recognition, which assumes such pre-existing conformations. The analysis also shows the maximum level of similarity between unbound and bound states that is achieved without any influence from a ligand. Further shift toward the bound structure assumes protein-peptide or protein-ligand interactions, either selecting higher energy conformations that are not part of the NMR ensemble, or leading to induced fit. Thus, forming the sites in protein-protein interfaces that bind peptides and can be targeted by small ligands always includes conformational selection, although other recognition mechanisms may also be involved.  相似文献   

Large conformational changes in the LID and NMP domains of adenylate kinase (AKE) are known to be key to ligand binding and catalysis, yet the order of binding events and domain motion is not well understood. Combining the multiple available structures for AKE with the energy landscape theory for protein folding, a theoretical model was developed for allostery, order of binding events, and efficient catalysis. Coarse-grained models and nonlinear normal mode analysis were used to infer that intrinsic structural fluctuations dominate LID motion, whereas ligand-protein interactions and cracking (local unfolding) are more important during NMP motion. In addition, LID-NMP domain interactions are indispensable for efficient catalysis. LID domain motion precedes NMP domain motion, during both opening and closing. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the observed 1:1:1 correspondence between LID domain closure, NMP domain closure, and substrate turnover. This catalytic cycle has likely evolved to reduce misligation, and thus inhibition, of AKE. The separation of allosteric motion into intrinsic structural fluctuations and ligand-induced contributions can be generalized to further our understanding of allosteric transitions in other proteins.  相似文献   

The inhibition of flunitrazepam (FNP) binding to rat brain benzodiazepine (BZ) receptors by methyl beta-carboline-3-carboxylate (MCC) was studied. Biphasic dissociation was observed for [3H]FNP and [3H]MCC in cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and hippocampus, although the dissociation of [3H]MCC was much faster. The dissociation rate of [3H]FNP was increased by MCC in the cerebellum, but was not altered in cerebral cortex or hippocampus. [3H]FNP binding stimulated by gamma-aminobutyric acid was enhanced in the presence of MCC in all three regions examined. These results indicate that MCC exerts these effects by interacting with allosteric sites that are different from the FNP recognition sites on the BZ receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Voltage-gated sodium channels serve as a target for many neurotoxins that bind to several distinct, allosterically interacting receptor sites. We examined the effect of membrane potentials (incited by increasing external K+ concentrations) on the binding modulation by veratridine, brevetoxin, and tetrodotoxin of the scorpion α-toxin AaH II to receptor site 3 on sodium channels of rat brain synaptosomes. Depolarization is shown to differentially modulate neurotoxin effects on AaH II binding: Veratridine increase is potentiated, brevetoxin's inhibitory effect is reduced, and tetrodotoxin enhancement is evident mainly at resting membrane potential (5 m M K+). Both tetrodotoxin and veratridine apparently reverse the inhibition of AaH II binding by brevetoxin at resting membrane potential, but only veratridine is able to partially restore AaH II binding at 0 mV (135 m M K+). Thus, the allosteric interactions are grouped into two categories, depending on the membrane potential. Under depolarized conditions, the cooperative effects among veratridine and brevetoxin on AaH II binding fit the previously described two-state conformational model. At resting membrane potential, additional interactions are revealed, which may be explained by assuming that toxin binding induces conformational changes on the channel structure, in addition to being state-dependent. Our results provide a new insight into neurotoxin action and the complex dynamic changes underlying allosteric coupling of neurotoxin receptor sites, which may be related to channel gating.  相似文献   

Abstract: D,L-(E)-2-Amino-4-propyl-5-phosphono-3-pen-tenoic acid (CGP 39653). a new, high-affinity, selective NMDA receptor antagonist, interacts with rat cortical membranes in a saturable way and apparently to a single binding site, with a KD of 10.7 nM and a receptor density of 2.6 pmol/mg of protein. Displacement analysis of [3H]CGP 39653 binding shows a pharmacological profile similar to that reported for another NMDA antagonist, 3-[(±)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yI]propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP). Glycine, however, is able to discriminate between the two ligands; in fact, it does not affect [3H]CPP binding but inhibits [3H]CGP 39653 binding in a biphasic way. D-Serine, another agonist at the strychnine-insensitive glycine binding site of the NMDA receptor complex, inhibits [3H]CGP 39653 binding in the same way as glycine, with a potency that correlates with its binding affinity at the glycine site. In addition, 7-chlorokynurenic acid, an antagonist at the glycine site, is able to reverse the displacement of [3H]CGP 39653 by glycine in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the dissociation rate constant of [3H]CGP 39653 is enhanced in the presence of glycine, whereas the presence of NMDA receptor ligands does not modify the rate of dissociation of [3H]CGP 39653 from the receptor. These results indicate that part of the binding of the NMDA antagonist CGP 39653 can be potently modified by glycine through an allosteric mechanism, and suggest the existence of two antagonist preferring NMDA receptor subtypes that are differentially modulated through the glycine binding site.  相似文献   

The conformation adopted by a ligand on binding to a receptor may differ from its lowest-energy conformation in solution. In addition, the bound ligand is more conformationally restricted, which is associated with a configurational entropy loss. The free energy change due to these effects is often neglected or treated crudely in current models for predicting binding affinity. We present a method for estimating this contribution, based on perturbation theory using the quasi-harmonic model of Karplus and Kushick as a reference system. The consistency of the method is checked for small model systems. Subsequently we use the method, along with an estimate for the enthalpic contribution due to ligand-receptor interactions, to calculate relative binding affinities. The AMBER force field and generalized Born implicit solvent model is used. Binding affinities were estimated for a test set of 233 protein-ligand complexes for which crystal structures and measured binding affinities are available. In most cases, the ligand conformation in the bound state was significantly different from the most favorable conformation in solution. In general, the correlation between measured and calculated ligand binding affinities including the free energy change due to ligand conformational change is comparable to or slightly better than that obtained by using an empirically-trained docking score. Both entropic and enthalpic contributions to this free energy change are significant.  相似文献   

A key question in mapping dynamics of protein-ligand interactions is to distinguish changes at binding sites from those associated with long range conformational changes upon binding at distal sites. This assumes a greater challenge when considering the interactions of low affinity ligands (dissociation constants, KD, in the μM range or lower). Amide hydrogen deuterium Exchange mass spectrometry (HDXMS) is a robust method that can provide both structural insights and dynamics information on both high affinity and transient protein-ligand interactions. In this study, an application of HDXMS for probing the dynamics of low affinity ligands to proteins is described using the N-terminal ATPase domain of Hsp90. Comparison of Hsp90 dynamics between high affinity natural inhibitors (KD ~ nM) and fragment compounds reveal that HDXMS is highly sensitive in mapping the interactions of both high and low affinity ligands. HDXMS reports on changes that reflect both orthosteric effects and allosteric changes accompanying binding. Orthosteric sites can be identified by overlaying HDXMS onto structural information of protein-ligand complexes. Regions distal to orthosteric sites indicate long range conformational changes with implications for allostery. HDXMS, thus finds powerful utility as a high throughput method for compound library screening to identify binding sites and describe allostery with important implications for fragment-based ligand discovery (FBLD).  相似文献   

Structure-based elastic network models (ENMs) have been remarkably successful in describing conformational transitions in a variety of biological systems. Low-frequency normal modes are usually calculated from the ENM that characterizes elastic interactions between residues in contact in a given protein structure with a uniform force constant. To explore the dynamical effects of nonuniform elastic interactions, we calculate the robustness and coupling of the low-frequency modes in the presence of nonuniform variations in the ENM force constant. The variations in the elastic interactions, approximated here by Gaussian noise, approximately account for perturbation effects of heterogeneous residue-residue interactions or evolutionary sequence changes within a protein family. First-order perturbation theory provides an efficient and qualitatively correct estimate of the mode robustness and mode coupling for finite perturbations to the ENM force constant. The mode coupling analysis and the mode robustness analysis identify groups of strongly coupled modes that encode for protein functional motions. We illustrate the new concepts using myosin II motor protein as an example. The biological implications of mode coupling in tuning the allosteric couplings among the actin-binding site, the nucleotide-binding site, and the force-generating converter and lever arm in myosin isoforms are discussed. We evaluate the robustness of the correlation functions that quantify the allosteric couplings among these three key structural motifs.  相似文献   

The flash-induced charge movements during the photocycle of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin in purple membranes attached to a black lipid membrane were investigated under voltage clamp and current clamp conditions. Signal registration ranged from 200 ns to 30 s after flash excitation using a logarithmic clock, allowing the equally weighted measurement of the electrical phenomena over eight decades of time. The active pumping signals were separated from the passive system discharge on the basis of an equivalent circuit analysis. Both measuring methods were shown to yield equivalent results, but the charge translocation could be accurately monitored over the whole time range only under current clamp conditions. To describe the time course of the photovoltage signals a model based on distributed kinetics was found to be more appropriate than discrete first order processes suggesting the existence of conformational substates with distributed activation energies. The time course of the active charge displacement is characterised by a continuous relaxation time spectrum with three broad peaks plus an unresolved fast transient (<0.3 μs) of opposite polarity. The time constants and relative amplitudes (in brackets) derived from the peak rate constants and relative areas of the three bands are: τ1 = 32 μs (20%), τ2 = 0.89 ms (15%) and τ3 = 18 ms (65%) at 25°C in 150 mM KCl at pH7. The Arrhenius plots of the peak rate constants were linear yielding activation energies of EA1 = 57 kJ/mol, EA2 = 52 kJ/mol, and EA3 = 44 kJ/mol. The electrical signal at 890 μs has no counterpart in the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin suspensions. Fits with a sum of exponentials required 5 to 6 components and were not reproducible. Analysis of photoelectrical signals with continuous relaxation time spectra gave equally good fits with fewer parameters and were well reproducible.  相似文献   

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