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Protein thermal stability is an important factor considered in medical and industrial applications. Many structural characteristics related to protein thermal stability have been elucidated, and increasing salt bridges is considered as one of the most efficient strategies to increase protein thermal stability. However, the accurate simulation of salt bridges remains difficult. In this study, a novel method for salt-bridge design was proposed based on the statistical analysis of 10,556 surface salt bridges on 6,493 X-ray protein structures. These salt bridges were first categorized based on pairing residues, secondary structure locations, and Cα–Cα distances. Pairing preferences generalized from statistical analysis were used to construct a salt-bridge pair index and utilized in a weighted electrostatic attraction model to find the effective pairings for designing salt bridges. The model was also coupled with B-factor, weighted contact number, relative solvent accessibility, and conservation prescreening to determine the residues appropriate for the thermal adaptive design of salt bridges. According to our method, eight putative salt-bridges were designed on a mesophilic β-glucosidase and 24 variants were constructed to verify the predictions. Six putative salt-bridges leaded to the increase of the enzyme thermal stability. A significant increase in melting temperature of 8.8, 4.8, 3.7, 1.3, 1.2, and 0.7°C of the putative salt-bridges N437K–D49, E96R–D28, E96K–D28, S440K–E70, T231K–D388, and Q277E–D282 was detected, respectively. Reversing the polarity of T231K–D388 to T231D–D388K resulted in a further increase in melting temperatures by 3.6°C, which may be caused by the transformation of an intra-subunit electrostatic interaction into an inter-subunit one depending on the local environment. The combination of the thermostable variants (N437K, E96R, T231D and D388K) generated a melting temperature increase of 15.7°C. Thus, this study demonstrated a novel method for the thermal adaptive design of salt bridges through inference of suitable positions and substitutions.  相似文献   

Salt bridges between negatively (D, E) and positively charged (K, R, H) amino acids play an important role in protein stabilization. This has a more prevalent effect in membrane proteins where polar amino acids are exposed to a hydrophobic environment. In transmembrane (TM) helices the presence of charged residues can hinder the insertion of the helices into the membrane. It is possible that the formation of salt bridges could decrease the cost of membrane integration. However, the presence of intra-helical salt bridges in TM domains and their effect on insertion has not been properly studied yet. In this work, we show that potentially salt-bridge forming pairs are statistically over-represented in TM-helices. We then selected some candidates to experimentally determine the contribution of these electrostatic interactions to the translocon-assisted membrane insertion process. Using both in vitro and whole cell systems, we confirm the presence of intra-helical salt bridges in TM segments during biogenesis and determined that they contribute ~0.5 kcal/mol to the apparent free energy of membrane insertion (ΔGapp). Our observations suggest that salt bridge interactions can be stabilized during translocon-mediated insertion and thus could be relevant to consider for the future development of membrane protein prediction software.  相似文献   

The stability of calf skin collagen (CSC) type I during thermal and chemical denaturation in the presence of glycerol was investigated. Thermal denaturation of type I collagen was performed in the presence of glycerol or in combination with urea and sodium chloride. The denaturation curves obtained in the presence of urea or sodium chloride retained their original shape without glycerol. These curves were shifted upward proportionally to the glycerol concentration in the reaction medium. This means that glycerol and the denaturants act independently. The explanation is based on the difference in the mechanism of their action on the collagen molecule.  相似文献   

HK97 is a double-stranded DNA bacteriophage that undergoes dramatic conformational changes during viral capsid maturation and for which x-ray structures, at near atomic resolution, of multiple intermediate and mature capsid states are available. Both amide H/2H exchange and crystallographic comparisons between the pre-expanded Prohead II particles and the expanded Head II of bacteriophage HK97 revealed quaternary interactions that remain fixed throughout maturation and appear to maintain intercapsomer integrity at all quasi- and icosahedral 3-fold axes. These 3-fold staples are formed from Arg and Glu residues and a metal binding site. Mutations of either Arg-347 or Arg-194 or a double mutation of E344Q and E363A resulted in purification of the phage in capsomer form (hexamers and pentamers). Mutants that did assemble had both decreased thermal stability and decreased in vitro expansion rates. Amide H/2H exchange mass spectrometry showed that in the wild type capsid some subunits had a bent “spine” helix (highly exchanging), whereas others were straight (less exchanging). Similar analysis of the never assembled mutant capsomers showed uniform amide exchange in all of these that was higher than that of the straight spine helices (characterized in more mature intermediates), suggesting that the spine helix is somewhat bent prior to capsid assembly. The result further supports a previously proposed mechanism for capsid expansion in which the delta domains of each subunit induce a high energy intermediate conformation, which now appears to include a bent helix during capsomer assembly.The viral capsid, particularly in double-stranded DNA bacteriophage, requires a highly stable macromolecular structure capable of encapsulating genome at near liquid crystalline density. Viral capsids are composed of hundreds to thousands of individual subunits that efficiently assemble into a closed capsid form often of a highly symmetrized icosahedral geometry, avoiding kinetic traps that would result in increased off-pathway assemblies. Recent studies have proposed that capsid assembly is mediated by weak intersubunit interactions that nucleate larger assembly intermediates, resulting in a considerably more stable capsid form due to a favorable geometry with a more constrained network of interactions. Measurements in systems such as cowpea chlorotic mottle virus, hepatitis B virus, and the bacteriophages P22 and HK97 have estimated the association energy of the initial assembly interaction between two subunits at 2–5 kcal/mol, which is seemingly low for a robust assembly product (15). An entropically driven process based on burial of hydrophobic surfaces was considered the driving force for the initial weak interactions with subsequent nucleation and elongation reactions leading to assembly of the full capsid (2, 6). Most complex viruses undergo a staged assembly process involving conformational transitions that occur after the initial assembly of a procapsid (7). The process is known as virion maturation. The interplay between interactions necessary for the initial assembly of capsomers into the procapsid and those that facilitate capsid maturation have been poorly understood, but recent crystal structures of procapsid and mature capsid states of HK97 allowed us to evaluate the structural properties that may facilitate maturation.HK97 is an amenable system for the study of capsid assembly and maturation. Symmetric procapsid particles can be assembled in Escherichia coli with the expression of just two gene products, gp4 (protease) and gp5 (capsid subunit). Maturation can then be followed in vitro by lowering the pH or chemically perturbing the procapsids. Unlike bacteriophages such as P22 that assemble their capsids directly from individual monomeric subunits, HK97 subunits initially assemble into capsomers composed of six-subunit (hexamers) or five-subunit (pentamers) oligomers. Twelve pentamers and 60 hexamers then assemble to form an icosahedral capsid with a triangulation number of 7 laevo, although a portal complex substitutes one of the pentamers during in vivo assembly. Residues 2–103 at the N terminus of the subunit, referred to as the delta domain, is thought to serve the same role as the scaffolding proteins identified for other phage in the assembly process (8). Capsomers then assemble, packaging the protease (gp4), to form the initial procapsid, Prohead I (P-I).1 If the expression is done without the protease or with an inactive (by mutation) protease, this step is reversible (Fig. 1). The equilibrium of this assembly can be controlled in vitro with specific buffers and concentrations that favor either the capsomer or the capsid form (9). Expression with an active protease leads to proteolysis of the delta domains in the assembled P-I state followed by autodigestion of the protease and diffusion of the fragments from the particle. P-I then undergoes subtle structural adjustments, resulting in the Prohead II state composed entirely of the cleaved gp5* subunits (10, 11). At this stage of assembly in vivo, concatameric double-stranded DNA is packaged through a portal complex (composed of gp3 subunits) that fits into a single 5-fold vertex of the capsid. We used an HK97 construct that lacks gp3, so the purified Prohead II capsid is icosahedrally symmetric and cannot package DNA. Purified P-II can be matured in vitro using low pH and other chemical perturbation methods. During maturation, conformational changes in the subunits and their interactions result in large scale expansion and morphological changes in the capsid. The diameter of the capsid shell increases from 540 Å in P-II to 660 Å in Head II (H-II), the fully expanded particle form (12, 13). Intermediate particle forms can be trapped during the expansion and were previously characterized with a variety of biophysical techniques including cryo-EM microscopy (14, 15), x-ray crystallography (12, 13, 16), and small angle x-ray scattering (1618). During the expansion process, self-catalyzed covalent cross-links are formed through isopeptide bond formation between Lys-169 and Asn-356 of different subunits situated on adjacent capsomers (19). The reaction is promoted by Glu-363, which is adjacent to the bonding residues and functions as a proton acceptor. Cross-linking during maturation was previously shown by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to greatly enhance the thermal stability of HK97 (5). In addition to covalent bonding, the H-II has significantly more buried surface area than P-II as seen in the highly intercalated intersubunit interactions depicted in the previous 3.44-Å structure of Head II (13, 20). A cross-link-defective mutant, K169Y, stills undergoes particle expansion, reaching the penultimate particle form, termed Head I (H-I), which has nearly identical conformations of hexamer capsomers but less extruded pentamers than H-II (16). H-I was used for all H/2H exchange studies instead of H-II because the cross-links in H-II dramatically affect the efficiency of proteolysis required for the mass spectrometry-based experiment (12, 20).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.HK97 assembly and expansion pathway. The schematic diagram depicts the assembly and expansion of HK97 in an E. coli expression system lacking the portal protein and other machinery required for genome packaging. 42-kDa subunits assemble into hexamer and pentamer capsomers, which then assemble into an initial icosahedral procapsid shell, P-I. Proteolytic cleavage of the delta domain of each subunit results in the formation of the metastable intermediate form P-II, which is able to undergo in vitro maturation when perturbed by various chemical agents. WT expansion proceeds through EI, balloon, and ultimately H-II forms, an expansion process that involves covalent cross-linking. K169Y mutant P-II proceeds through EI to the H-I form without any cross-linking occurring. Other than the lack of cross-links, H-I is identical to balloon.It was hypothesized that for highly intercalated mature capsid forms such as that seen in bacteriophage HK97 early procapsid intermediates are necessary for initial positioning of subunits before conformational changes can facilitate a protein architecture with increased stability. We recently showed with amide H/2H exchange and crystallographic comparisons between the pre-expanded P-II particles and the mature H-II that maturation is probably guided by tertiary structure twisting and secondary structure changes around a fixed set of intercapsomer interactions that surround all quasi- and icosahedral 3-fold axes in the capsid shell (12). The major interactions that appear to facilitate these “3-fold staples” include two sets of salt bridges and a putative metal binding site (Fig. 2). The salt bridge interactions are between residues Glu-344 and Arg-194 and between residues Glu-363 and Arg-347. Glutamate 363 serves dual roles as it is involved in both a salt bridge with Arg-347 and serves as a proton acceptor that catalyzes the isopeptide bond formation (21). The metal binding site is formed by 3-fold related glutamates at position 348 interacting with a sphere of electron density at high σ level in the P-II crystal structure (12). Although comparable density for metal ions is not present at the equivalent position in crystal structures of the late intermediates, the positions of the glutamates are nearly identical, indicating a stable interaction with some mechanism for neutralizing the negative charge repulsion. In contrast to the near identical conformations of the residues at the 3-fold interface, the rest of the subunit was shown to undergo a large scale twisting motion, causing hinging in all three P-domain β-strands (see Fig. 8A for domain nomenclature). These data imply that interactions at the 3-fold interface may be crucial in assembling the capsid from individual capsomers as well as providing a fixed point from which subunits bend while maintaining intercapsomer contacts.Open in a separate windowFig. 2.Importance of 3-fold intercapsomer contacts. A, P-II capsid from previously solved 3.65-Å crystal structure rendered in low resolution in chimera. Two hexon subunits (subunits a and f, yellow and green, respectively) and one penton subunit (orange) that form a quasi-3-fold interaction are shown as ribbons. B, zoomed in view of quasi-3-fold interaction between the two hexamer subunits and one pentamer subunit as highlighted in A. The view is from inside the capsid, 180° rotated from the view shown in A. Residues involved in salt bridges as well as a putative metal binding site (Glu-348) are labeled accordingly. C, table identifying various mutations made to perturb 3-fold contacts. The phenotypes following protein expression are identified. Mutants are distinguished as to whether they were purified as capsids or capsomers (hexamers and pentamers) following protein expression. Data for the Glu-363 mutants are from Dierkes et al. (21).Open in a separate windowFig. 8.Solvent accessibility of R347N capsomer spine helix. A, subunit C of Prohead II is shown with the major domains labeled. Residues 206–216 of the spine helix are colored orange. B, mass envelopes for P-II and H-I particle forms as well as the R347N capsomers following 5 min of exchange. The top spectrum is non-deuterated P-II. C, H/2H exchange results of the residues colored orange are plotted for the R347N capsomers (orange curve) and compared with the solvent accessibility curves for the same fragment in the P-II capsid state, EI, and the nearly mature H-I capsid form. D, the solvent accessibility of the same spine helix fragment is shown for both the R347N capsomers and WT capsomers that were disassembled from the P-I state.Here we confirmed this role for the 3-fold interactions by mutagenesis of relevant residues and characterized the resulting assembly products, thermal stabilities, and maturation kinetics. Some of the mutants did not assemble into particles following the formation of capsomers (e.g. R347N). Capsomers were then purified, and the amide exchange of the spine helices was analyzed with H/2H exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (2224). Previous data illustrated a direct correlation between increased H/2H exchange and an increased bend in the helix conformation (12, 20). Amide exchange of the spine helix in the mutant capsomers was compared with previously characterized particle forms as well as P-I and WT capsomers disassembled from P-I.  相似文献   

Landscape-level shifts in plant species distribution and abundance can fundamentally change the ecology of an ecosystem. Such shifts are occurring within mangrove-marsh ecotones, where over the last few decades, relatively mild winters have led to mangrove expansion into areas previously occupied by salt marsh plants. On the Texas (USA) coast of the western Gulf of Mexico, most cases of mangrove expansion have been documented within specific bays or watersheds. Based on this body of relatively small-scale work and broader global patterns of mangrove expansion, we hypothesized that there has been a recent regional-level displacement of salt marshes by mangroves. We classified Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper images using artificial neural networks to quantify black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) expansion and salt marsh (Spartina alterniflora and other grass and forb species) loss over 20 years across the entire Texas coast. Between 1990 and 2010, mangrove area grew by 16.1 km2, a 74% increase. Concurrently, salt marsh area decreased by 77.8 km2, a 24% net loss. Only 6% of that loss was attributable to mangrove expansion; most salt marsh was lost due to conversion to tidal flats or water, likely a result of relative sea level rise. Our research confirmed that mangroves are expanding and, in some instances, displacing salt marshes at certain locations. However, this shift is not widespread when analyzed at a larger, regional level. Rather, local, relative sea level rise was indirectly implicated as another important driver causing regional-level salt marsh loss. Climate change is expected to accelerate both sea level rise and mangrove expansion; these mechanisms are likely to interact synergistically and contribute to salt marsh loss.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(3):299-311
The spatial distribution of soil invertebrates is aggregated with high-density patches alternating with low-density zones. A high degree of spatio-temporal organization generally exists with identified patches of specific species assemblages, in which species coexist according to assembly rules related to competitive mechanisms for spatial and trophic resources occur. However, these issues have seldom been addressed. The spatio-temporal structure of a native earthworm community in a natural savanna and a grass–legume pasture in the Colombian “Llanos” was studied during a 2-year-period. A spatially explicit sampling design (regular grid) was used to discern the distribution pattern of species assemblages in both systems. Earthworms were collected from small soil pits at three different sampling dates. Data collected from 1 m2 soil monoliths were also used in the present study. Data were analyzed with the partial triadic analysis (PTA) and correlograms, while niche overlap was computed with the Pianka index. The PTA and correlogram analysis revealed that earthworm communities displayed a similar stable spatial structure in both systems during the 2-year study period. An alternation of population patches where different species' assemblages dominated was common to all sampling dates. The medium-sized Andiodrilus sp. and Glossodrilus sp. exhibited a clear spatial opposition in natural savanna and the grass–legume pasture for the duration of the study. The Pianka index showed a high degree of niche overlapping in several dimensions (vertical distribution, seasonality of population density) between both species. The inclusion of space-time data analysis tools as the PTA and the use of classical ecological indices (Pianka) in soil ecology studies may improve our knowledge of earthworm assemblages' dynamics.  相似文献   

采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)研究羟脯氨酸(Hyp)含量对胶原热稳定性的影响。以不同周龄BN大鼠皮肤为原料制备了胶原,分析制备胶原中Hyp的含量;采用DSC测定不同Hyp含量胶原的临界变性温度及焓变;采用圆二色光谱(CD)检测提取胶原的二级结构。结果表明,提取胶原在41.3℃发生三螺旋解聚,CD光谱分析结果表明,当样品经临界变性温度处理后,部分三螺旋结构转化为无规则线圈结构。胶原变性过程中所需热量与羟脯氨酸含量呈正相关,实验建立了胶原热变性过程中焓变与Hyp含量的关系。该研究表明胶原中脯氨酸羟基化修饰是影响胶原热稳定性的关键因素。  相似文献   


Whether or not surface salt bridges have a strong stabilizing effect on the native structure in proteins remains uncertain. Previous studies of model peptides have shown that salt bridges spaced at i,i+4 along the chain are more stabilizing than those spaced at i,i+3, with a preference for the order acid-base rather than base-acid from N to C terminus. An analysis of the effect of spacing the ion pairs in short helical peptides is presented, in which acidic and basic side chains spaced two or three residues apart alternate along the chain. The mixed spacing proves to be stabilizing relative to pure spacings. A control peptide in which salt bridges were spaced uniformly three residues apart proved to form a β-sheet structure rather than a-helix. This is due to formation of a silk-like apolar face consisting of alanine side chains; the mesoscopic structure formed by these sheets can be imaged by scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

We have captured the binding of a peptide to a PDZ domain by unbiased molecular dynamics simulations. Analysis of the trajectories reveals on-pathway encounter complex formation, which is driven by electrostatic interactions between negatively charged carboxylate groups in the peptide and positively charged side chains surrounding the binding site. In contrast, the final stereospecific complex, which matches the crystal structure, features completely different interactions, namely the burial of the hydrophobic side chain of the peptide C-terminal residue and backbone hydrogen bonds. The simulations show that nonnative salt bridges stabilize kinetically the encounter complex during binding. Unbinding follows the inverse sequence of events with the same nonnative salt bridges in the encounter complex. Thus, in contrast to protein folding, which is driven by native interactions, the binding of charged peptides can be steered by nonnative interactions, which might be a general mechanism, e.g., in the recognition of histone tails by bromodomains.  相似文献   

The contribution of ionic interactions to the stability of the collagen triple helix was studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and biophysical methods. To this end, we examined the stability of a host-guest collagen model peptide, Ac-GPOGPOGPYGXOGPOGPO-NH2, substituting KGE, KGD, EGK, and DGK for the YGX sequence. All-atom, implicit solvent MD simulations show that the fraction of cross-chain ionic interactions formed is different, with the most pronounced in the KGE and KGD sequences, and the least in the DGK sequence. To test whether the fraction of cross-chain ionic interactions correlates with the stability, experimental measurements of thermostability were done using differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy. It was found that the melting temperature is very similar for KGE and KGD peptides, whereas the EGK peptide has lower thermostability and the DGK peptide is the least thermostable. A novel, to our knowledge, computational protocol termed temperature-scan MD was applied to estimate the relative stabilities of the peptides from MD simulations. We found an excellent correlation between transition temperatures obtained from temperature-scan MD and those measured experimentally. These results suggest the importance of cross-chain ionic interactions for the stability of collagen triple helix and confirm the utility of MD simulations in predicting interactions and stability in this system.  相似文献   

The contribution of ionic interactions to the stability of the collagen triple helix was studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and biophysical methods. To this end, we examined the stability of a host-guest collagen model peptide, Ac-GPOGPOGPYGXOGPOGPO-NH2, substituting KGE, KGD, EGK, and DGK for the YGX sequence. All-atom, implicit solvent MD simulations show that the fraction of cross-chain ionic interactions formed is different, with the most pronounced in the KGE and KGD sequences, and the least in the DGK sequence. To test whether the fraction of cross-chain ionic interactions correlates with the stability, experimental measurements of thermostability were done using differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy. It was found that the melting temperature is very similar for KGE and KGD peptides, whereas the EGK peptide has lower thermostability and the DGK peptide is the least thermostable. A novel, to our knowledge, computational protocol termed temperature-scan MD was applied to estimate the relative stabilities of the peptides from MD simulations. We found an excellent correlation between transition temperatures obtained from temperature-scan MD and those measured experimentally. These results suggest the importance of cross-chain ionic interactions for the stability of collagen triple helix and confirm the utility of MD simulations in predicting interactions and stability in this system.  相似文献   

The contribution of disulfide bridges to the thermostability of a type A feruloyl esterase (AuFaeA) from Aspergillus usamii E001 was studied by introducing an extra disulfide bridge or eliminating a native one from the enzyme. MODIP and DbD, two computational tools that can predict the possible disulfide bridges in proteins for thermostability improvement, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to design the extra disulfide bridge. One residue pair A126-N152 was chosen, and the respective amino acid residues were mutated to cysteine. The wild-type AuFaeA and its variants were expressed in Pichia pastoris GS115. The temperature optimum of the recombinant (re-) AuFaeAA126C-N152C was increased by 6°C compared to that of re-AuFaeA. The thermal inactivation half-lives of re-AuFaeAA126C-N152C at 55 and 60°C were 188 and 40 min, which were 12.5- and 10-folds longer than those of re-AuFaeA. The catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of re-AuFaeAA126C-N152C was similar to that of re-AuFaeA. Additionally, after elimination of each native disulfide bridge in AuFaeA, a great decrease in expression level and at least 10°C decrease in thermal stability of recombinant AuEaeA variants were also observed.  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis occurs across a variety of vertebrate taxa. Within squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), a group for which the largest number of cases has been documented, both obligate and facultative types of parthenogenesis exists, although the obligate form in snakes appears to be restricted to a single basal species of blind snake, Indotyphlops braminus. By contrast, a number of snake species that otherwise reproduce sexually have been found capable of facultative parthenogenesis. Because the original documentation of this phenomenon was restricted to subjects held in captivity and isolated from males, facultative parthenogenesis was attributed as a captive syndrome. However, its recent discovery in nature shifts the paradigm and identifies this form of reproduction as a potentially important feature of vertebrate evolution. In light of the growing number of documented cases of parthenogenesis, it is now possible to review the phylogenetic distribution in snakes and thus identify subtle variations and commonalities that may exist through the characterization of its emerging properties. Based on our findings, we propose partitioning facultative parthenogenesis in snakes into two categories, type A and type B, based on the sex of the progeny produced, their viability, sex chromosome morphology, and ploidy, as well as their phylogenetic position. Furthermore, we introduce a hypothesis (directionality of heterogamety hypothesis) to explain the production of female‐only parthenogens in basal alethinophidian snakes and male‐only parthenogens in caenophidian (advanced) snakes.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a highly flexible calcium-binding protein that mediates signal transduction through an ability to differentially bind to highly variable binding sequences in target proteins. To identify how binding affects CaM motions, and its relationship to conformational entropy and target peptide sequence, we have employed fully atomistic, explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of unbound CaM and CaM bound to five different target peptides. The calculated CaM conformational binding entropies correlate with experimentally derived conformational entropies with a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.95. Selected side-chain interactions with target peptides restrain interhelical loop motions, acting to tune the conformational entropy of the bound complex via widely distributed CaM motions. In the complex with the most conformational entropy retention (CaM in complex with the neuronal nitric oxide synthase binding sequence), Lys-148 at the C-terminus of CaM forms transient salt bridges alternating between Glu side chains in the N-domain, the central linker, and the binding target. Additional analyses of CaM structures, fluctuations, and CaM-target interactions illuminate the interplay between electrostatic, side chain, and backbone properties in the ability of CaM to recognize and discriminate against targets by tuning its conformational entropy, and suggest a need to consider conformational dynamics in optimizing binding affinities.  相似文献   

Inorganic cation concentrations were measured in shoots of hexaploidbread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its presumed ancestorsgrown at 100 mol m–3 external NaCl. Aegilops squarrosaand T. aestivum had high K/Na ratios while T. dicoccoides andAe. speltoides had low K/Na ratios. T. monococcum although havinga high K/Na ratio, had the highest total salt load of the fivespecies tested. The effect of the D genome (from Ae. squarrosa)was further investigated in seedlings of synthetic hexaploidwheats, and was again found to improve cation selectivity. Differentresponses were obtained from root and shoot tissue in this experiment.One synthetic hexaploid and its constituent parents were grownto maturity at 100 mol m-3 NaCl and the yields recorded. Despitecomplications due to increased tillering in the stressed hexaploid,it was possible to show that the addition of the D genome enhancedyield characteristics in the hexaploid wheat. An experimentwith synthetic hexaploids derived from the tetraploid wheatvariety "Langdon" and several Ae. squarrosa accessions revealeddifferences in vegetative growth rates between the differentsynthetic hexaploids in the presence or absence of 150 or 200mol m–3 external NaCl. The possibility of transferringsalt tolerance genes from Ae. squarrosa to hexaploid wheat usingsynthetic hexaploids as bridging species is discussed. Key words: Salt stress, wheat, D genome, Aegiops squarrosa, synthetic hexaploids  相似文献   

Trinomys is a very diverse mammalian genus of eastern Brazil, comprising ten species. Eight of them have remained in their original biome, the Atlantic Forest, while two others occupy the semi‐arid Caatinga. One of the species from the Atlantic Forest, T. eliasi, also inhabits adjacent restingas, an open vegetation ecosystem on sandy sediments of marine origin. Here we assess the impact of colonization of very different environments on the rates of phenotypic change in Trinomys. Multivariate analyses showed that species that had remained in the Atlantic Forest maintained a strong cohesion in skull shape and size. By contrast, colonization of the Caatinga was associated with remarkable differentiation and a strong increase in the rates of phenotypic change, 7–17 times higher than in the Atlantic Forest. Trinomys eliasi from restinga differed from forest samples and other species by a recent change in morphology. Our findings showed that occupation of remarkably different ecosystems had a significant impact in the phenotypic evolution of Trinomys.  相似文献   

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