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Lactobacillus reuteri is a symbiont that inhabits the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of mammals, and several strains are used as probiotics. After introduction of probiotic strains in a complex ecosystem like the GI tract, keeping track of them is a challenge. The main objectives of this study were to introduce reporter proteins that would enable in vivo and in vitro detection of L. reuteri and increase knowledge about its interactions with the host. We describe for the first time cloning of codon-optimized reporter genes encoding click beetle red luciferase (CBRluc) and red fluorescent protein mCherry in L. reuteri strains ATCC PTA 6475 and R2LC. The plasmid persistence of mCherry-expressing lactobacilli was evaluated by both flow cytometry (FCM) and conventional plate count (PC), and the plasmid loss rates measured by FCM were lower overall than those determined by PC. Neutralization of pH and longer induction duration significantly improved the mCherry signal. The persistency, dose-dependent signal intensity and localization of the recombinant bacteria in the GI tract of mice were studied with an in vivo imaging system (IVIS), which allowed us to detect fluorescence from 6475-CBRluc-mCherry given at a dose of 1×1010 CFU and luminescence signals at doses ranging from 1×105 to 1×1010 CFU. Both 6475-CBRluc-mCherry and R2LC-CBRluc were localized in the colon 1 and 2 h after ingestion, but the majority of the latter were still found in the stomach, possibly reflecting niche specificity for R2LC. Finally, an in vitro experiment showed that mCherry-producing R2LC adhered efficiently to the intra cellular junctions of cultured IPEC-J2 cells. In conclusion, the two reporter genes CBRluc and mCherry were shown to be suitable markers for biophotonic imaging (BPI) of L. reuteri and may provide useful tools for future studies of in vivo and in vitro interactions between the bacteria and the host.  相似文献   

Influenza A and B viruses (IAV and IBV, respectively) cause annual seasonal human respiratory disease epidemics. In addition, IAVs have been implicated in occasional pandemics with inordinate health and economic consequences. Studying influenza viruses in vitro or in vivo requires the use of laborious secondary methodologies to identify infected cells. To circumvent this requirement, replication-competent infectious influenza viruses expressing an easily traceable fluorescent reporter protein can be used. Timer is a fluorescent protein that undergoes a time-dependent color emission conversion from green to red. The rate of spectral change is independent of Timer protein concentration and can be used to chronologically measure the duration of its expression. Here, we describe the generation of replication-competent IAV and IBV where the viral non-structural protein 1 (NS1) was fused to the fluorescent dynamic Timer protein. Timer-expressing IAV and IBV displayed similar plaque phenotypes and growth kinetics to wild-type viruses in tissue culture. Within infected cells, Timer’s spectral shift can be used to measure the rate and cell-to-cell spread of infection using fluorescent microscopy, plate readers, or flow cytometry. The progression of Timer-expressing IAV infection was also evaluated in a mouse model, demonstrating the feasibility to characterize IAV cell-to-cell infections in vivo. By providing the ability to chronologically track viral spread, Timer-expressing influenza viruses are an excellent option to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo dynamics of viral infection.  相似文献   

The slow growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), hinders development of new diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. Using non-invasive real-time imaging technologies to monitor the disease process in live animals would facilitate TB research in all areas. We developed fluorescent protein (FP) expressing Mycobacterium bovis BCG strains for in vivo imaging, which can be used to track bacterial location, and to quantify bacterial load in live animals. We selected an optimal FP for in vivo imaging, by first cloning six FPs: tdTomato, mCherry, mPlum, mKate, Katushka and mKeima, into mycobacteria under either a mycobacterial Hsp60 or L5 promoter, and compared their fluorescent signals in vitro and in vivo. Fluorescence from each FP-expressing strain was measured with a multimode reader using the optimal excitation and emission wavelengths for the FP. After normalizing bacterial numbers with optical density, the strain expressing L5-tdTomato displayed the highest fluorescence. We used the tdTomato-labeled M. bovis BCG to obtain real-time images of pulmonary infections in living mice and rapidly determined the number of bacteria present. Further comparison between L5-tdTomato and Hsp60-tdTomato revealed that L5-tdTomato carried four-fold more tdTomato gene copies than Hsp60-tdTomato, which eventually led to higher protein expression of tdTomato. Evaluating anti-TB efficacy of rifampicin and isoniazid therapy in vitro and in vivo using the L5-tdTomato strain demonstrated that this strain can be used to identify anti-TB therapeutic efficacy as quickly as 24 h post-treatment. These M. bovis BCG reporter strains represent a valuable new tool for evaluation of therapeutics, vaccines and virulence.  相似文献   

In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of Pyocin   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Pyocin, a bacteriocin obtained from lysates of ultraviolet-induced cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was characterized in vitro and in vivo after 1,000-fold purification by chemical, column, and differential centrifugation procedures. Electron micrographs of negatively stained pyocin preparations contained rod-shaped particles which resembled the contractile tail protein of the T-even phages of Escherichia coli. Although two separate and distinct pyocin fractions were eluted from diethylaminoethyl cellulose (pH 7.5) during the purification procedure, the particles appeared identical. In addition, the two fractions exhibited a close correlation between their titers and the particle numbers as observed in the electron microscope. The particles were approximately 20 by 90 mmu with a core diameter of 5 mmu and a sheath length of 50 mmu. Neither intact phage nor ghosts were seen in any of the preparations, although ringlets of two different diameters, which appeared to correspond to the diameters of the sheath and inner core, were observed. Other studies indicated that, although crude preparations were stable to freezing and thawing, purified preparations lost all of their activity under similar treatment. However, the addition of 50% glycerol to purified preparations completely protected activity. Conversely, aged normal human or rabbit sera enhanced the antibacterial activity of pyocin approximately fourfold, although serum albumin and hemoglobin had no effect. In vivo studies indicated that purified pyocin was not lethal for mice when injected intraperitoneally in concentrations of 28,000 to 1,400,000 units (5.6 to 276 mug of protein), nor was 7,200 to 36,000 units dermonecrotic for rabbits.  相似文献   

Bioluminescent and fluorescent influenza A viruses offer new opportunities to study influenza virus replication, tropism and pathogenesis. To date, several influenza A reporter viruses have been described. These strategies typically focused on a single reporter gene (either bioluminescent or fluorescent) in a single virus backbone. However, whilst bioluminescence is suited to in vivo imaging, fluorescent viruses are more appropriate for microscopy. Therefore, the idea l reporter virus varies depending on the experiment in question, and it is important that any reporter virus strategy can be adapted accordingly. Herein, a strategy was developed to create five different reporter viruses in a single virus backbone. Specifically, enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP), far-red fluorescent protein (fRFP), near-infrared fluorescent protein (iRFP), Gaussia luciferase (gLUC) and firefly luciferase (fLUC) were inserted into the PA gene segment of A/PR/8/34 (H1N1). This study provides a comprehensive characterisation of the effects of different reporter genes on influenza virus replication and reporter activity. In vivo reporter gene expression, in lung tissues, was only detected for eGFP, fRFP and gLUC expressing viruses. In vitro, the eGFP-expressing virus displayed the best reporter stability and could be used for correlative light electron microscopy (CLEM). This strategy was then used to create eGFP-expressing viruses consisting entirely of pandemic H1N1, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 and H7N9. The HPAI H5N1 eGFP-expressing virus infected mice and reporter gene expression was detected, in lung tissues, in vivo. Thus, this study provides new tools and insights for the creation of bioluminescent and fluorescent influenza A reporter viruses.  相似文献   



The sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) contains many phytochemicals and has a history of human use. To determine which compounds may be responsible for reported psychotropic effects, we used in silico predictions of the identified phytochemicals. Nuciferine, an alkaloid component of Nelumbo nucifera and Nymphaea caerulea, had a predicted molecular profile similar to antipsychotic compounds. Our study characterizes nuciferine using in vitro and in vivo pharmacological assays.


Nuciferine was first characterized in silico using the similarity ensemble approach, and was followed by further characterization and validation using the Psychoactive Drug Screening Program of the National Institute of Mental Health. Nuciferine was then tested in vivo in the head-twitch response, pre-pulse inhibition, hyperlocomotor activity, and drug discrimination paradigms.


Nuciferine shares a receptor profile similar to aripiprazole-like antipsychotic drugs. Nuciferine was an antagonist at 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, and 5-HT2B, an inverse agonist at 5-HT7, a partial agonist at D2, D5 and 5-HT6, an agonist at 5-HT1A and D4 receptors, and inhibited the dopamine transporter. In rodent models relevant to antipsychotic drug action, nuciferine blocked head-twitch responses and discriminative stimulus effects of a 5-HT2A agonist, substituted for clozapine discriminative stimulus, enhanced amphetamine induced locomotor activity, inhibited phencyclidine (PCP)-induced locomotor activity, and rescued PCP-induced disruption of prepulse inhibition without induction of catalepsy.


The molecular profile of nuciferine was similar but not identical to that shared with several approved antipsychotic drugs suggesting that nuciferine has atypical antipsychotic-like actions.  相似文献   

The crowded cellular milieu affect molecular diffusion through hard (occluded space) and soft (weak, non-specific) interactions. Multiple methods have been developed to measure diffusion coefficients at physiological protein concentrations within cells, each with its limitations. Here, we show that Line-FRAP, combined with rigours data analysis, is able to determine diffusion coefficients in a variety of environments, from in vitro to in vivo. The use of Line mode greatly improves time resolution of FRAP data acquisition, from 20-100 Hz in the classical mode to 800 Hz in the line mode. This improves data analysis, as intensity and radius of the bleach at the first post-bleach frame is critical. We evaluated the method on different proteins labelled chemically or fused to YFP in a wide range of environments. The diffusion coefficients measured in HeLa and in E. coli were ~2.5-fold and 15-fold slower than in buffer, and were comparable to previously published data. Increasing the osmotic pressure on E. coli further decreases diffusion, to the point at which proteins virtually stop moving. The method presented here, which requires a confocal microscope equipped with dual scanners, can be applied to study a large range of molecules with different sizes, and provides robust results in a wide range of environments and protein concentrations for fast diffusing molecules.  相似文献   

Regulation of Pyruvate Decarboxylase In Vitro and In Vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Results presented in this paper strongly support the view thatregulation of the key enzyme of alcoholic fermentation, pyruvatedecarboxylase (PDC), is achieved in a number of ways, all associatedwith possible lowering of the cytoplasmic pH during anoxia.These mechanisms include not only the well-known acid pH optimumof PDC, but also long-term, reversible changes in characteristicsof the enzyme established both in vitro and in vivo. Following transfer of desalted extracts from pH 6.0 to 7.4,maximal activity of PDC was decreased, while there was a considerableincrease in the lag before maximal activity was reached. Similarchanges in enzyme characteristics were observed when wheat (Triticumaestivum L. cv. Gamenya) roots and rice (Oryza sativa L. cv.Calrose) coleoptiles were transferred from anoxic to aerobicsolutions, provided PDC was assayed within 10 min of the startof maceration. All of the above changes were usually readilyreversible when extracts were returned to pH 6.0, or when plantswere returned to anoxic solutions. Additional regulation of PDC would be achieved by the S0.5 forpyruvate which is 0.75 mol m–3 at pH 6.0, 1.0 mol m–3at pH 6.8, and 2.5 mol m–3 at pH 7.4; the latter is wellabove estimates for pyruvate concentrations in the cytoplasmof aerated tissues. We assess that the combined effects of the acid pH optimum,the high S0.5 at pH 7.4 and the long-term decreases in activityobserved during incubation at pH 7.4 would reduce PDC activityin aerobic cells to at most 7% of the activity in anoxic cells.Possible additional controls for the pathway of alcoholic fermentationare briefly considered. Key words: PDC, regulation, anoxia  相似文献   

The objectives of present study were to investigate whether luteolin affects procoagulant proteinase activity and fibrin clot formation and influences thrombosis and coagulation in Sprague–Dawle rats. Luteolin significantly inhibited the enzymatic activity of thrombin and FXa activity by 29.1% and 16.2%. Luteolin also inhibited fibrin polymer formation in turbidity and microscopic analysis using fluorescent conjugate. Coagulation assay of luteolin was found to prolong activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time. Moreover, luteolin protected the development of oxidative stress induced thrombosis in the FeCl3‐induced carotid arterial thrombus model. This study demonstrated that luteolin may be useful by reducing or preventing thrombotic challenge and can help us better understand the antithrombotic action of luteolin.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) optical imaging is a noninvasive and nonionizing modality that is emerging as a diagnostic tool for breast cancer. The handheld optical devices developed to date using the NIR technology are predominantly developed for spectroscopic applications. A novel handheld probe-based optical imaging device has been recently developed toward area imaging and tomography applications. The three-dimensional (3D) tomographic imaging capabilities of the device have been demonstrated from previous fluorescence studies on tissue phantoms. In the current work, fluorescence imaging studies are performed on tissue phantoms, in vitro, and in vivo tissue models to demonstrate the fast two-dimensional (2D) surface imaging capabilities of this flexible handheld-based optical imaging device, toward clinical breast imaging studies. Preliminary experiments were performed using target(s) of varying volume (0.23 and 0.45 cm3) and depth (1–2 cm), using indocyanine green as the fluorescence contrast agent in liquid phantom, in vitro, and in vivo tissue models. The feasibility of fast 2D surface imaging (∼5 seconds) over large surface areas of 36 cm2 was demonstrated from various tissue models. The surface images could differentiate the target(s) from the background, allowing a rough estimate of the target''s location before extensive 3D tomographic analysis (future studies).  相似文献   

In Vivo and In Vitro Action of Norethindrone on Staphylococci   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Norethindrone has been examined in vitro for antibacterial activity against 10 microorganisms. Turbidimetric techniques were used to assay the antibacterial activity of norethindrone. The organisms tested included Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Micrococcus conglomeratus, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus faecalis, Salmonella typhosa, Shigella flexnerii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and Proteus vulgaris. Bacteriostatic action was shown only against the gram-positive microorganisms when they were grown anaerobically in Tryptic Soy Broth containing 10 to 50 mug of norethindrone per ml. The bacteriostatic action of norethindrone was exerted primarily during the first 8 hr of incubation and it was reduced by the presence of oxygen. Mestranol at a concentration of 1 to 10 mug/ml failed to exert any significant action on S. aureus. However, incorporation of 5 mug of mestranol per ml in the culture medium enhanced the bacteriostatic action of norethindrone on staphylococci. Enhancement of the bacteriostatic action of norethindrone could not be obtained by the addition of a concentration of 5 mug/ml of testosterone, 17alpha-estradiol, and 17beta-estradiol. Progesterone and 4-pregnen-20beta-ol-3-one under similar conditions showed an additive bacteriostatic effect when they were incorporated into the culture medium containing norethindrone. In vivo studies indicated that female, adult New Zealand rabbits, injected subcutaneously with two injections of 10 to 20 mug of norethindrone, 24 hr apart, and challenged intradermally with S. aureus 4 hr after the second injection, had fewer lesions with smaller areas of swelling and erythema as compared to control, nontreated rabbits. The protective effect of norethindrone on the development of staphylococcal lesion seemed related to hormone concentration. Thus, it was demonstrated with doses of 20, 15, and 10 mug, but not with doses of 1 and 5 mug. When the lesions were excised 48 to 92 hr after infection and when viable cell counts were made, rabbits treated with norethindrone showed significantly lower staphylococcal counts than the control rabbits. During the 1st day after infection with S. aureus, leukocytic counts of the norethindrone-treated rabbits remained normal, whereas control animals showed elevated leukocytic counts.  相似文献   

Cleavage of Viral Precursor Proteins In Vivo and In Vitro   总被引:26,自引:18,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The use of protease inhibitors causes the accumulation of very large polypeptides (polyprotein) in tissue culture cells infected with either poliovirus or echovirus 12. The effectiveness of the inhibitor varies, depending on the cell line chosen. In infected monkey kidney cells, polyprotein is not cleaved when a chymotrypsin inhibitor is added, but in infected HeLa cells a trypsin inhibitor is most effective. Therefore, at least a part of the proteolytic activity is supplied by the host cell. Extracted viral polyprotein can be cleaved in vitro by trypsin or chymotrypsin. As estimated by migration in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and antigenicity, chymotrypsin cleavage of the poliovirus polyprotein yields fragments which are similar to the in vivo product. The polyprotein is not in soluble form but is attached to a fast-sedimenting, membrane-bound structure. Proteolytic activities in cell extracts were assayed using polyprotein as substrate, and infected and uninfected extracts produced qualitatively dissimilar cleavages.  相似文献   

Streptomycin-dependent cholera vibrio strains were derived from Inaba, Ogawa, and NAG vibrios by the method of Mel. These phenotypes grew more slowly and attacked fermentable substances after a longer period of time than the streptomycin-sensitive parent strains. Rabbits injected with streptomycin-sensitive strains and their streptomycin-dependent forms showed homologous agglutinin production. Patas monkeys fed with 10(9) streptomycin-dependent strains shed them for 1 to 2 days without ill effect, whereas the same number of streptomycin-independent organisms caused disease. The possibility of the application of multiple doses of streptomycin-dependent organisms in oral immunization against cholera was considered.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus In Vivo and In Vitro   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:4  
The structural protein, NS, of purified vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a phosphoprotein. In infected cells phosphorylated NS is found both free in the cytoplasm and as part of the viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex containing both the 42S RNA and the structural proteins L, N, and NS, indicating that phosphorylation occurs as an early event in viral maturation. VSV contains an endogenous protein kinase activity, probably of host region, which catalyzes the in vitro phosphorylation of the viral proteins NS, M, and L, but not of N or G. The phosphorylated sites on NS appear to be different in the in vivo and in vitro reactions, and are differentially sensitive to alkaline phosphatase. After removal of the membrane components of purified VSV with a dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase separation, the kinase activity remains tightly associated with the viral RNP. However, viral RNP isolated from infected cells shows only a small amount of kinase activity. The protein kinase enzyme appears to be a cellular contaminant of purified VSV because an activity from the uninfected cell extract can phosphorylate in vitro the dissociated viral proteins NS and M. The virion-associated activity may be derived either from the cytoplasm or the plasma membrane of the host cell since both of these cellular components contain protein kinase activity similar to that found in purified VSV.  相似文献   

Demyelination in the CNS of shiverer mutant mice was studied in vivo and in vitro. By immunohistochemical reaction with glial fibrillary acidic protein antibody, hypertrophy of the fibrous astrocytes was observed in the white matter of shiverer cerebella. The cerebella of shiverer mice in primary culture from the day of birth showed very poor myelination under optical microscopy. Axons of Purkinje cells are thought to be the main myelinated axons in the primary culture of the cerebellum. Purkinje cells from shiverer appeared normal with regard to Bodian silver impregnation, hematoxylin and eosin staining, and P400 protein characterization of Purkinje cells. Addition of the conditioned culture medium of shiverer to the control culture did not interfere with myelination. We concluded that the demyelination in the CNS of shiverer could be caused by an intrinsic defect of the oligodendrocyte rather than by hypertrophy of the astrocytes or by diffusible factors.  相似文献   

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