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Nanopores have become an important tool for molecule detection at single molecular level. With the development of fabrication technology, synthesized solid-state membranes are promising candidate substrates in respect of their exceptional robustness and controllable size and shape. Here, a 30–60 (tip-base) nm conical nanopore fabricated in 100 nm thick silicon nitride (Si3N4) membrane by focused ion beam (FIB) has been employed for the analysis of λ-DNA translocations at different voltage biases from 200 to 450 mV. The distributions of translocation time and current blockage, as well as the events frequencies as a function of voltage are investigated. Similar to previously published work, the presence and configurations of λ-DNA molecules are characterized, also, we find that greater applied voltages markedly increase the events rate, and stretch the coiled λ-DNA molecules into linear form. However, compared to 6–30 nm ultrathin solid-state nanopores, a threshold voltage of 181 mV is found to be necessary to drive DNA molecules through the nanopore due to conical shape and length of the pore. The speed is slowed down ∼5 times, while the capture radius is ∼2 fold larger. The results show that the large nanopore in thick membrane with an improved stability and throughput also has the ability to detect the molecules at a single molecular level, as well as slows down the velocity of molecules passing through the pore. This work will provide more motivations for the development of nanopores as a Multi-functional sensor for a wide range of biopolymers and nano materials.  相似文献   

Experiments using nanopores demonstrated that a salt gradient enhances the capture rate of DNA and reduces its translocation speed. These two effects can help to enable electrical DNA sequencing with nanopores. Here, we provide a quantitative theoretical evaluation that shows the positive net charges, which accumulate around the pore entrance due to the salt gradient, are responsible for the two observed effects: they reinforce the electric capture field, resulting in promoted molecule capture rate; and they induce cationic electroosmotic flow through the nanopore, thus significantly retarding the motion of the anionic DNA through the nanopore. Our multiphysical simulation results show that, during the polymer trapping stage, the former effect plays the major role, thus resulting in promoted DNA capture rate, while during the nanopore-penetrating stage the latter effect dominates and consequently reduces the DNA translocation speed significantly. Quantitative agreement with experimental results has been reached by further taking nanopore wall surface charges into account.  相似文献   

Experiments using nanopores demonstrated that a salt gradient enhances the capture rate of DNA and reduces its translocation speed. These two effects can help to enable electrical DNA sequencing with nanopores. Here, we provide a quantitative theoretical evaluation that shows the positive net charges, which accumulate around the pore entrance due to the salt gradient, are responsible for the two observed effects: they reinforce the electric capture field, resulting in promoted molecule capture rate; and they induce cationic electroosmotic flow through the nanopore, thus significantly retarding the motion of the anionic DNA through the nanopore. Our multiphysical simulation results show that, during the polymer trapping stage, the former effect plays the major role, thus resulting in promoted DNA capture rate, while during the nanopore-penetrating stage the latter effect dominates and consequently reduces the DNA translocation speed significantly. Quantitative agreement with experimental results has been reached by further taking nanopore wall surface charges into account.  相似文献   

We investigate the translocation of a single-stranded DNA through a pore which fluctuates between two conformations, using coupled master equations. The probability density function of the first passage times of the translocation process is calculated, displaying a triple-, double-, or monopeaked behavior, depending on the interconversion rates between the conformations, the applied electric field, and the initial conditions. The cumulative probability function of the first passage times, in a field-free environment, is shown to have two regimes, characterized by fast and slow timescales. An analytical expression for the mean first passage time of the translocation process is derived, and provides, in addition to the interconversion rates, an extensive characterization of the translocation process. Relationships to experimental observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Trapping DNA near a Solid-State Nanopore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate that voltage-biased solid-state nanopores can transiently localize DNA in an electrolyte solution. A double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecule is trapped when the electric field near the nanopore attracts and immobilizes a nonend segment of the molecule across the nanopore orifice without inducing a folded molecule translocation. In this demonstration of the phenomenon, the ionic current through the nanopore decreases when the dsDNA molecule is trapped by the nanopore. By contrast, a translocating dsDNA molecule under the same conditions causes an ionic current increase. We also present finite-element modeling results that predict this behavior for the conditions of the experiment.  相似文献   

Unzipping of double-stranded nucleic acids by an electric field applied across a wild-type α-hemolysin (αHL) nanopore provides structural information about different duplex forms. In this work, comparative studies on A-form DNA-RNA duplexes and B-form DNA-DNA duplexes with a single-stranded tail identified significant differences in the blockage current and the unzipping duration between the two helical forms. We observed that the B-form duplex blocks the channel 1.9 ± 0.2 pA more and unzips ∼15-fold more slowly than an A-form duplex at 120 mV. We developed a model to describe the dependence of duplex unzipping on structure. We demonstrate that the wider A-form duplex (d = 2.4 nm) is unable to enter the vestibule opening of αHL on the cis side, leading to unzipping outside of the nanopore with higher residual current and faster unzipping times. In contrast, the smaller B-form duplexes (d = 2.0 nm) enter the vestibule of αHL, resulting in decreased current blockages and slower unzipping. We investigated the effects of varying the length of the single-stranded overhang, and studied A-form DNA-PNA duplexes to provide additional support for the proposed model. This study identifies key differences between A- and B-form duplex unzipping that will be important in the design of future probe-based methods for detecting DNA or RNA.  相似文献   

The staphylococcal α-hemolysin (αHL) protein nanopore is under investigation as a fast, cheap detector for nucleic acid analysis and sequencing. Although discrimination of all four bases of DNA by the αHL pore has been demonstrated, analysis of single-stranded DNAs and RNAs containing secondary structure mediated by basepairing is prevented because these nucleic acids cannot be translocated through the pore. Here, we show that a structured 95-nucleotide single-stranded DNA and its RNA equivalent are translocated through the αHL pore in the presence of 4 M urea, a concentration that denatures the secondary structure of the polynucleotides. The αHL pore is functional even in 7 M urea, and therefore it is easily stable enough for analyses of challenging DNA and RNA species.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that a nanometer-diameter pore in a nanometer-thick metal-oxide-semiconductor-compatible membrane can be used as a molecular sensor for detecting DNA. The prospects for using this type of device for sequencing DNA are avidly being pursued. The key attribute of the sensor is the electric field-induced (voltage-driven) translocation of the DNA molecule in an electrolytic solution across the membrane through the nanopore. To complement ongoing experimental studies developing such pores and measuring signals in response to the presence of DNA, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations of DNA translocation through the nanopore. A typical simulated system included a patch of a silicon nitride membrane dividing water solution of potassium chloride into two compartments connected by the nanopore. External electrical fields induced capturing of the DNA molecules by the pore from the solution and subsequent translocation. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that 20-basepair segments of double-stranded DNA can transit a nanopore of 2.2 x 2.6 nm(2) cross section in a few microseconds at typical electrical fields. Hydrophobic interactions between DNA bases and the pore surface can slow down translocation of single-stranded DNA and might favor unzipping of double-stranded DNA inside the pore. DNA occluding the pore mouth blocks the electrolytic current through the pore; these current blockades were found to have the same magnitude as the blockade observed when DNA transits the pore. The feasibility of using molecular dynamics simulations to relate the level of the blocked ionic current to the sequence of DNA was investigated.  相似文献   

Logical operations using biological molecules, such as DNA computing or programmable diagnosis using DNA, have recently received attention. Challenges remain with respect to the development of such systems, including label-free output detection and the rapidity of operation. Here, we propose integration of biological nanopores with DNA molecules for development of a logical operating system. We configured outputs “1” and “0” as single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that is or is not translocated through a nanopore; unlabeled DNA was detected electrically. A negative-AND (NAND) operation was successfully conducted within approximately 10 min, which is rapid compared with previous studies using unlabeled DNA. In addition, this operation was executed in a four-droplet network. DNA molecules and associated information were transferred among droplets via biological nanopores. This system would facilitate linking of molecules and electronic interfaces. Thus, it could be applied to molecular robotics, genetic engineering, and even medical diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Nanoscale pores have proved useful as a means to assay DNA and are actively being developed as the basis of genome sequencing methods. Hairpin DNA (hpDNA), having both double-helical and overhanging coil portions, can be trapped in a nanopore, giving ample time to execute a sequence measurement. In this article, we provide a detailed account of hpDNA interaction with a synthetic nanopore obtained through extensive all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. For synthetic pores with minimum diameters from 1.3 to 2.2 nm, we find that hpDNA can translocate by three modes: unzipping of the double helix and—in two distinct orientations—stretching/distortion of the double helix. Furthermore, each of these modes can be selected by an appropriate choice of the pore size and voltage applied transverse to the membrane. We demonstrate that the presence of hpDNA can dramatically alter the distribution of ions within the pore, substantially affecting the ionic current through it. In experiments and simulations, the ionic current relative to that in the absence of DNA can drop below 10% and rise beyond 200%. Simulations associate the former with the double helix occupying the constriction and the latter with accumulation of DNA that has passed through the constriction.  相似文献   

Methylation of cytosine is a covalent modification of DNA that can be used to silence genes, orchestrating a myriad of biological processes including cancer. We have discovered that a synthetic nanopore in a membrane comparable in thickness to a protein binding site can be used to detect methylation. We observe a voltage threshold for permeation of methylated DNA through a <2 nm diameter pore, which we attribute to the stretching transition; this can differ by >1 V/20 nm depending on the methylation level, but not the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Force measurements are performed on single DNA molecules with an optical trapping interferometer that combines subpiconewton force resolution and millisecond time resolution. A molecular construction is prepared for mechanically unzipping several thousand-basepair DNA sequences in an in vitro configuration. The force signals corresponding to opening and closing the double helix at low velocity are studied experimentally and are compared to calculations assuming thermal equilibrium. We address the effect of the stiffness on the basepair sensitivity and consider fluctuations in the force signal. With respect to earlier work performed with soft microneedles, we obtain a very significant increase in basepair sensitivity: presently, sequence features appearing at a scale of 10 basepairs are observed. When measured with the optical trap the unzipping force exhibits characteristic flips between different values at specific positions that are determined by the base sequence. This behavior is attributed to bistabilities in the position of the opening fork; the force flips directly reflect transitions between different states involved in the time-averaging of the molecular system.  相似文献   

Two methods for reconstructing the free-energy landscape of a DNA molecule from the knowledge of the equilibrium unzipping force versus extension signal are introduced: a simple and fast procedure, based on a parametric representation of the experimental force signal, and a maximum-likelihood inference of coarse-grained free-energy parameters. In addition, we propose a force alignment procedure to correct for the drift in the experimental measure of the opening position, a major source of error. For unzipping data obtained by Huguet et al., the reconstructed basepair (bp) free energies agree with the running average of the true free energies on a 20–50 bp scale, depending on the region in the sequence. Features of the landscape at a smaller scale (5–10 bp) could be recovered in favorable regions at the beginning of the molecule. Based on the analysis of synthetic data corresponding to the 16S rDNA gene of bacteria, we show that our approach could be used to identify specific DNA sequences among thousands of homologous sequences in a database.  相似文献   

Some Low-temperature Effects on Sieve Tube Translocation in Salix viminalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The data presented on translocation of 14C-labelled compoundsin Salix viminalis show that above a temperature close to –4°C translocation occurs, whilst below –4 °C inmost cases it does not. Stoppages were irreversible when the temperature of the cooledstem was raised again to normal (approximately 20 °C) andappeared to involve some disruption of the phloem. The temperaturesat which the bark was found to freeze were found to be closelysimilar, with respect to level and variability, to the stoppingtemperature. Respiration measurements on isolated strips of bark at –2°C showed that oxygen uptake fell to approximately 5 percent of its value at 25 °C. The decreased level of radioactivity in the cooled regions ofthe stems is considered to be evidence that the exchange oflabelled compounds between the sieve tubes and the surroundingcells was slowed up at low temperatures.  相似文献   

DNA unzipping, the separation of its double helix into single strands, is crucial in modulating a host of genetic processes. Although the large-scale separation of double-stranded DNA has been studied with a variety of theoretical and experimental techniques, the minute details of the very first steps of unzipping are still unclear. Here, we use atomistic molecular-dynamics simulations, coarse-grained simulations, and a statistical-mechanical model to study the initiation of DNA unzipping by an external force. Calculation of the potential of mean force profiles for the initial separation of the first few terminal basepairs in a DNA oligomer revealed that forces ranging between 130 and 230 pN are needed to disrupt the first basepair, and these values are an order of magnitude larger than those needed to disrupt basepairs in partially unzipped DNA. The force peak has an echo of ∼50 pN at the distance that unzips the second basepair. We show that the high peak needed to initiate unzipping derives from a free-energy basin that is distinct from the basins of subsequent basepairs because of entropic contributions, and we highlight the microscopic origin of the peak. To our knowledge, our results suggest a new window of exploration for single-molecule experiments.  相似文献   

OmpF from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli is a general porin considered to be the main pathway for beta-lactam antibiotics. The availability of a high-resolution crystal structure of OmpF and new experimental techniques at the single-molecule level have opened the way to the investigation of the microscopic mechanisms that allow the passage of antibiotics through bacterial pores. We applied molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the translocation process of ampicillin (Amp) through OmpF. Using a recent algorithm capable of accelerating molecular dynamics simulations we have been able to obtain a reaction path for the translocation of Amp through OmpF. The mechanism of passage depends both on the internal degrees of freedom of Amp and on interactions of Amp with OmpF. Understanding this mechanism would help us design more efficient antibiotics and shed light on nature's way of devising channels able to enhance the transport of molecules through membranes.  相似文献   

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