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Here we show the formation of an ~ 8-nm cage formed by the self-assembly of acylphosphatase from Vibrio cholerae O395 (Vc-AcP). The 12-subunit cage structure forms spontaneously and is stabilized through binding of sulfate ions at its exterior face and interfacial regions. Crystal structure and studies in solutions illuminate the basis for the formation of the cage, while a single (Cys20 → Arg) mutation (Vc-AcP-C20R) transforms Vc-AcP to a potent enzyme but disrupts the assembly into a trimer.  相似文献   

Brief treatment, with 10 M hydrochloric acid, of the lipopolysaccharides of Vibrio cholerae and related organimms led to the release of 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-mannose (D-perosamine) 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose. These sugars are highly unstable and undergo complex changes in neutral and basic media.Of the strains examined, the lipopolysaccharides from representatives of the Inaba group contain only D-perosamine, while those of the Ogawa biotype have 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose as an additional component. The other Vibrios produce lipopolysaccharides which lack these sugars.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba is a genus of free-living amoebae found to be able to host many bacterial species living in the environment. Acanthamoebae and Vibrio cholerae are found in the aquatic environments of cholera endemic areas. Previously it has been shown that V. cholerae O1 and O139 can survive and grow in Acanthamoeba castellanii. The aim of this study was to examine the ability of Acanthamoeba polyphaga to host V. cholerae O1 and O139. The interaction between A. polyphaga and V. cholerae strains was studied by means of viable amoeba cell counts and viable count of the bacteria in the absence and presence of amoebae. The viable count of intracellularly growing bacteria was estimated by utilizing gentamicin assay. Electron microscopy was used to determine the localization of V. cholerae inside A. polyphaga. The results showed that A. polyphaga enhanced growth and survival of V. cholerae, which grew and survived inside the amoeba cells for 2 weeks. The electron microscopy showed that A. polyphaga hosted intracellular V. cholerae localized in the vacuoles of amoeba cell. Neither the presence of V. cholerae together with A. polyphaga nor the intracellular localization of the bacteria inhibited growth and survival of A. polyphaga. The outcome of the interaction between these microorganisms may support strongly the role of A. polyphaga as host for V. cholerae O1 and O139.  相似文献   

Integrative conjugative elements (ICEs) are a class of self-transmissible mobile elements that mediate horizontal gene transfer in bacteria, and play an important role in bacterial evolution. Since 1992, ICEs of the SXT/R391 family have been found to be widely distributed among Vibrio cholerae strains isolated in Asian countries. Here we describe ICEVchB33, an ICE found in the genomes of two V. cholerae O1 Eltor strains, one isolated in India, 1994, and the other from Mozambique, 2004. ICEVchB33 revealed a new genetic organization, different from other ICEs of the SXT/R391 family, demonstrating the genomic plasticity of these elements.  相似文献   

The Vc-NhaD is an Na+/H+ antiporter from Vibrio cholerae belonging to a new family of bacterial Na+/H+ antiporters, the NhaD family. In the present work we mutagenized five conserved Asp and Glu residues and one conserved Thr residue to Ala in order to identify amino acids that are critical for the antiport activity. All mutations fall into two distinct groups: (i) four variants, Glu100Ala, Glu251Ala, Glu342Ala, and Asp393Ala, did not abolish antiport activity but shifted the pH optimum to more alkaline pH, and (ii) variants Asp344Ala, Asp344Asn, and Thr345Ala caused a complete loss of both Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activity whereas the Asp344Glu variant exhibited reduced Na+/H+ and Li+/H+ antiport activity. This is the first mutational analysis of the antiporter of NhaD type and the first demonstration of Thr residue being indispensable for Na+/H+ antiport. We discuss the possible role of Asp344 and Thr345 in the functioning of Vc-NhaD.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae, a natural inhabitant of the marine environment, poses a threat to human health, and its new epidemic variants have been reported. A method of multiplex polymerase chain reaction–capillary electrophoresis–laser-induced fluorescence (PCR–CE–LIF) detection has been developed to detect and identify V. cholerae in marine products sensitively, rapidly, and reliably. Four sets of primers were selected to amplify genus-specific VCC gene, O139 serogroup-specific O139 gene, O1 serogroup-specific O1 gene, and ctxA gene associated with the CT toxin of enterotoxigenic V. cholerae. The PCR products were detected using CE–LIF with SYBR Gold serving as the DNA fluorescent dye. The parameters of PCR and the separation conditions of CE–LIF were optimized. Under the optimal conditions, V. cholerae was detected and four serotypes were identified simultaneously within 8 min. The alignment analysis showed that the PCR products had good agreement with the published sequences from GenBank, indicating that the primers selected in this study had high specificity and the PCR results were reliable. The proposed method could detect 5 to 20 cfu/ml V. cholerae. The intraday precisions of migration time and peak area of DNA marker and PCR products were in the ranges of 1.60–2.56% and 1.60–6.29%, respectively. The specificity results showed that only five standard bacteria used in this study showed the specific peaks when the target bacteria were mixed with seven other common intestinal pathogenic bacteria at the same concentration. The assay was applied to 71 high-risk marine products, and different serotypes of V. cholerae could be identified sensitively and reliably.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae cytolysin (VCC), a β-barrel pore-forming toxin (β-PFT), induces killing of the target eukaryotic cells by forming heptameric transmembrane β-barrel pores. Consistent with the β-PFT mode of action, binding of the VCC toxin monomers with the target cell membrane triggers formation of pre-pore oligomeric intermediates, followed by membrane insertion of the β-strands contributed by the pre-stem motif within the central cytolysin domain of each protomer. It has been shown previously that blocking of membrane insertion of the VCC pre-stem motif arrests conversion of the pre-pore state to the functional transmembrane pore. Consistent with the generalized β-PFT mechanism, it therefore appears that the VCC pre-stem motif plays a critical role toward forming the structural scaffold of the transmembrane β-barrel pore. It is, however, still not known whether the pre-stem motif plays any role in the membrane interaction process, and subsequent pre-pore structure formation by VCC. In this direction, we have constructed a recombinant variant of VCC deleting the pre-stem region, and have characterized the effect(s) of physical absence of the pre-stem motif on the distinct steps of the membrane pore-formation process. Our results show that the deletion of the pre-stem segment does not affect membrane binding and pre-pore oligomer formation by the toxin, but it critically abrogates the functional pore-forming activity of VCC. Present study extends our insights regarding the structure–function mechanism associated with the membrane pore formation by VCC, in the context of the β-PFT mode of action.  相似文献   

Proteins of the Hha/YmoA family co-regulate with H-NS the expression of virulence factors in Enterobacteriaceae. Vibrio cholerae lacks Hha-like proteins and its H-NS (vcH-NS) is unable to bind Hha, in spite of the conservation of a key residue for Hha binding by Escherichia coli H-NS (ecH-NS). Exchange of the residues in position 9 between vcH-NS and ecH-NS strongly reduces Hha binding by ecH-NS and introduces it in vcH-NS. These mutations strongly affect the repression of the hemolysin operon in E. coli and the electrophoretic mobility of complexes formed with a DNA fragment containing its regulatory region.  相似文献   

Cholera remains a heavy burden to human health in some developing countries including India where sanitation is poor and health care is limited. After the publication of the complete genome sequence of Vibrio cholerae, the etiological agent of cholera, extensive possibilities, earlier unavailable, have opened up to understand the genetic organization of V. cholerae. In the present study, we analyzed all the pathogenic non-horizontally transferred genes of V. cholerae to know the ancestral relationship and how the pathogenic genes have been evolved in V. cholerae genome. We observed that protein domain has important role in developing pathogenicity, and codon usage pattern of the pathogenic protein domain is also subject to selection. The present study unambiguously depict that the patterns of synonymous codon usage within a protein domain can change dramatically during the course of evolution to give rise to pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The type II secretion complex exports folded proteins from the periplasm to the extracellular milieu. It is used by the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae to export several proteins, including its major virulence factor, cholera toxin. The pseudopilus is an essential component of the type II secretion system and likely acts as a piston to push the folded proteins across the outer membrane through the secretin pore. The pseudopilus is composed of the major pseudopilin, EpsG, and four minor pseudopilins, EpsH, EpsI, EpsJ and EpsK. We determined the x-ray crystal structure of the head domain of EpsH at 1.59 Å resolution using molecular replacement with the previously reported EpsH structure, 2qv8, as the template. Three additional N-terminal amino acids present in our construct prevent an artifactual conformation of residues 160–166, present in one of the two monomers of the 2qv8 structure. Additional crystal contacts stabilize a long flexible loop comprised of residues 104–135 that is more disordered in the 2qv8 structure but is partially observed in our structure in very different positions for the two EpsH monomers in the asymmetric unit. In one of the conformations the loop is highly extended. Modeling suggests the highly charged loop is capable of contacting EpsG and possibly secreted protein substrates, suggesting a role in specificity of pseudopilus assembly or secretion function.  相似文献   

The rate of transbilayer movement (flip-flop) of cholesterol was estimated using planar bilayers with defined initial asymmetry, formed by the opposing monolayers technique. Vibrio cholerae cytolysin (VCC) was utilized as a molecular tool for measuring the cholesterol concentration in the cis leaflet of asymmetric bilayers. To quantify cholesterol flip-flop in planar lipid bilayers, a mathematical model was developed. It considers both the lateral diffusion rate of cholesterol within each monolayer and the flip-flop rate. The difference in initial and steady-state cholesterol contents in bilayer leaflets was used as a start point. Assuming the lateral diffusion coefficient to be of 1 × 10−8 cm2 s−1, the characteristic time of cholesterol flip-flop at 25 ± 2 °C was estimated as <10 s.  相似文献   

Mineral acid hydrolysis of the lipopolysaccharide from Vibrio cholerae 569B (Inaba) gives an oligosaccharide fraction which was shown, by use of 13C NMR and chemical methods, to be a regular α-(1 → 2) linked chain of d-perosamine (4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-d-mannose) units. This chain represents the O-antigen of the lipopolysaccharide, in which the amino functions are acylated with 3-hydroxypropionyl groups. The chromatographic properties of some hydroxamic acids are described and used to characterize these acyl groups.  相似文献   

Three outer membrane proteins with molecular masses of 40, 38, and 27 kDa of the hypertoxinogenic strain 569B of Vibrio cholerae have been purified to homogeneity. The synthesis of all the three proteins is regulated by the osmolarity of the growth medium. The pore-forming ability of the 40-kDa protein, OmpT, and the 38-kDa protein, OmpU, has been demonstrated by using liposomes, in which these proteins were embedded. The 27-kDa protein, OmpX, though osmoregulated, is not a porin. OmpU constitutes 30% of the total outer membrane protein when grown in the presence of 1.0% NaCl in the growth medium and 60% in the absence of NaCl. OmpU is an acidic protein and is a homotrimer of 38-kDa monomeric units. Its secondary structure contains predominantly a beta-sheet, and three to four Ca2+ ions are associated with each monomeric unit. Removal of Ca2+ irreversibly disrupts the structure and pore-forming ability of the protein. The pore size of OmpU is 1.6 nm, and the specific activity of the OmpU channel is two- to threefold higher than that of Escherichia coli porin OmpF, synthesis of which resembles that of OmpU with respect to the osmolarity of the growth medium. The pore size of OmpT, which is analogous to OmpC of E. coli, is smaller than that of OmpU. Southern blot hybridization of V. cholerae genomic DNA digested with several restriction endonucleases with nick-translated E. coli ompF as the probe revealed no nucleotide sequence homology between the ompU and ompF genes. OmpU is also not antigenically related to OmpF. Anti-OmpF antiserum, however, cross-reacted with the 45-kDa V. cholerae outer membrane protein, OmpS, the synthesis of which is regulated by the presence of maltose in the growth medium. OmpU hemagglutinated with rabbit and human blood. This toxR-regulated protein is one of the possible virulence determinants in V. cholerae (V. L. Miller and J. J. Mekalanos, J. Bacteriol. 170:2575-2583, 1988).  相似文献   

Thomas Vorburger  Urs Ziegler  Julia Steuber 《BBA》2009,1787(10):1198-1204
The flagellar motor consists of a rotor and a stator and couples the flux of cations (H+ or Na+) to the generation of the torque necessary to drive flagellum rotation. The inner membrane proteins PomA and PomB are stator components of the Na+-driven flagellar motor from Vibrio cholerae. Affinity-tagged variants of PomA and PomB were co-expressed in trans in the non-motile V. cholerae pomAB deletion strain to study the role of the conserved D23 in the transmembrane helix of PomB. At pH 9, the D23E variant restored motility to 100% of that observed with wild type PomB, whereas the D23N variant resulted in a non-motile phenotype, indicating that a carboxylic group at position 23 in PomB is important for flagellum rotation. Motility tests at decreasing pH revealed a pronounced decline of flagellar function with a motor complex containing the PomB-D23E variant. It is suggested that the protonation state of the glutamate residue at position 23 determines the performance of the flagellar motor by altering the affinity of Na+ to PomB. The conserved aspartate residue in the transmembrane helix of PomB and its H+-dependent homologs might act as a ligand for the coupling cation in the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescence method for detection of Vibrio cholerae serovar 01 in aquatic environmental samples and enrichment broths is described. Antiserum specific for the 01 somatic antigen was produced in rabbits and used in an indirect fluorescent antibody method incorporating fluoresceinisothiocyanate conjugated anti-rabbit globulin goat serum, and rhodamine isothiocynate conjugated bovine serum albumin as background stain. Comparisons of the immunofluorescent procedure and conventional culture methods for isolation of V. cholerae 01 showed that detection occurred significantly more frequently with the fluorescent antibody system.  相似文献   

CqsA is an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of cholerae autoinducer-1 (CAI-1), the major Vibrio cholerae autoinducer engaged in quorum sensing. The amino acid sequence of CqsA suggests that it belongs to the family of α-oxoamine synthases that catalyse the condensation of an amino acid to an acyl-CoA substrate. Here we present the apo- and PLP-bound crystal structures of CqsA and confirm that it shares structural homology with the dimeric α-oxoamine synthases, including a conserved PLP-binding site. The chemical structure of CAI-1 suggests that decanoyl-CoA may be one substrate of CqsA and that another substrate may be l-threonine or l-2-aminobutyric acid. A crystal structure of CqsA at 1.9-Å resolution obtained in the presence of PLP and l-threonine reveals an external aldimine that has lost the l-threonine side chain. Similarly, a 1.9-Å-resolution crystal structure of CqsA in the presence of PLP, l-threonine, and decanoyl-CoA shows a trapped external aldimine intermediate, suggesting that the condensation and decarboxylation steps have occurred, again with loss of the l-threonine side chain. It is suggested that this side-chain loss, an observation supported by mass spectrometry, is due to a retro-aldol reaction. Although no structural data have been obtained on CqsA using l-2-aminobutyric acid and decanoyl-CoA as substrates, mass spectrometry confirms the expected product of the enzyme reaction. It is proposed that a region of structure that is disordered in the apo structure is involved in the release of product. While not confirming if CqsA alone is able to synthesize CAI-1, these results suggest possible synthetic routes.  相似文献   

We have studied ‘food grade’ sialyloligosaccharides (SOS) as anti-adhesive drugs or receptor analogues, since the terminal sialic acid residue has already been shown to contribute significantly to the adhesion and pathogenesis of the Vibrio cholerae toxin (Ctx). GM1-oligosaccharide (GM1-OS) was immobilized into a supporting POPC lipid bilayer onto a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) chip, and the interaction between uninhibited Ctx and GM1-OS-POPC was measured. SOS inhibited 94.7% of the Ctx binding to GM1-OS-POPC at 10 mg/mL. The SOS EC50 value of 5.521 mg/mL is high compared with 0.2811 μg/mL (182.5 ρM or 1.825 × 10−10 M) for GM1-OS. The commercially available sialyloligosaccharide (SOS) mixture Sunsial E® is impure, containing one monosialylated and two disialylated oligosaccharides in the ratio 9.6%, 6.5% and 17.5%, respectively, and 66.4% protein. However, these inexpensive food-grade molecules are derived from egg yolk and could be used to fortify conventional food additives, by way of emulsifiers, sweeteners and/or preservatives. The work further supports our hypothesis that SOS could be a promising natural anti-adhesive glycomimetic against Ctx and prevent subsequent onset of disease.  相似文献   

The discovery of the copper-dependent lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) has revealed new territory for chemical and biochemical analysis. These unique mononuclear copper enzymes are abundant, suggesting functional diversity beyond their established roles in the depolymerization of biomass polysaccharides. At the same time basic biochemical methods for characterizing LPMOs, such as activity assays are not well developed. Here we describe a method for quantification of C1-oxidized chitooligosaccharides (aldonic acids), and hence LPMO activity. The method was used to quantify the activity of a four-domain LPMO from Vibriocholerae, GbpA, which is a virulence factor with no obvious role in biomass processing.  相似文献   

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