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Summary Under ad lib. food conditions,G. pusillus used 107% of the predicted daily energy expenditure. This increased significantly with water deprivation to 116% of the allometric expected value, thereby reflecting an increase in activity in search of food with high moisture content, a shift to metabolic water for meeting the animal's water requirements and a change in the state of hydration of the animal. Economic water expenditure through efficient kidney concentrating ability, reduced pulmocutaneous evaporation, reduced faecal water loss, and tolerance to haemoconcentration, was sufficient to impart virtual independence of exogenous water. Gerbillus pusillus responded to food shortage by abandoning homeothermy. In doing so, it was able to maintain a fairly stable body mass by monitoring energy intake and ensuring that energy expenditure did not exceed intake. There was no significant difference in energy expenditure between gerbils on a restricted energy intake and ad lib. water and those gerbils on a restricted energy intake and no water. Both these experimental groups were able to maintain a positive water balance, for whilst less metabolic water was available, water loss primarily through evaporation decreased concomittantly with reduced body temperature. In addition, the volume of urine excreted when torpid accounted for approximately 5% of the volume excreted by coenothermic rodents deprived of free water. Urine, although less concentrated than that of non-torpid gerbils deprived of water, was ten times more concentrated than the plasma. Daily torpor, although uniquely suited to energy conservation, is not without cost. A reduced body temperature resulted in a decline in ‘apparent assimilation efficiency’ (AE). It seems therefore that the cost of maintaining an elevated body temperature for the full duration of digestion is impractical. The cost of employing torpor as calculated from the reduced AE of food (0.5 kJ·day−1), was however insignificant in comparison to the savings accured (32.25 kJ·day−1) by the use of torpor.  相似文献   

The effects of starvation and undernourishment on the potential differences (pd in mV), basal short-circuit current (Isc in microA/cm(2)), resistance (R in omega) and glucose-dependent short-circuit current (Isc in microA/cm(2)) across stripped sheets of proximal, mid and distal colon of the gerbil (Gerbillus cheesmani) were investigated. The effects of replacing sodium chloride by lithium chloride, replacing chloride in Krebs buffer by gluconate and removing bicarbonate from bathing buffers were also investigated. Starvation (4 days, water ad lib) and undernourishment (50% control food intake for 21 days) had no significant changes on pd and R of the three regions of stripped colon. Starvation increased the basal Isc in the proximal and the mid-colon only while undernourishment increased the basal Isc of three regions of the colon. In addition, starvation and undernourishment increased the glucose-dependent Isc in the three regions. Replacing sodium chloride by lithium chloride caused a slight decrease in the basal Isc of proximal and mid colon taken from starved animals. In undernourished gerbils, although there was a slight decrease in basal Isc of proximal and mid colon the big decrease was observed in Isc of the distal colon. Replacing chloride by gluconate had no effect on the Isc of the different regions of colon taken from fed and starved animals but decreased the Isc of the three regions of undernourished animals. The absence of bicarbonate reduced the Isc of proximal and mid colon taken from starved gerbils and those of three regions taken from undernourished animals. The results of the present study suggest that the Isc of proximal and mid colon from starved gerbils could result from active sodium transport together with bicarbonate secretion while the Isc of the three regions taken from undernourished gerbils results from active sodium absorption together with both chloride and bicarbonate secretion.  相似文献   

The stomach contents of 1522 adult seals ( Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus ) and 673 pups, which were collected around the West and South Coasts of Southern Africa, were examined and cephalopod prey identified. About 20 cephalopod species (some identifications were uncertain) were found in the stomachs, of which only six were significant: Loligo vulgaris reynaudii. Sepia spp., Octopus sp., Todaropsis eblanae, Todarodes angolensis and Ocythoe tuberculata. This list suggests that A. pusillus feeds exclusively on the continental shelf, frequently on or near the bottom. Among adults, cephalopod prey varied in importance around the coast. It was most important on the South Coast of South Africa where it comprised 35.0% of the weight of all prey, of which L. v. veynaudii constituted about 88%. On the West Coast cephalopods comprised about 26.6% by weight of all prey, and Octopus sp. predominated, whereas in Namibian waters cephalopods were least important, constituting only 3.4% by weight of all prey, with Todarodes angolensis and Octopus sp. being most significant. Among pups (aged 8–10 months) in the Lüderitz (Namibia) area, cephalopods were about 16.9% of prey by weight, of which Ocythoe tuberculata , small Sepia spp. and Octopoda were most important.  相似文献   

1. Thermoregulation, metabolism and minimum conductance in Africa's largest cricetid, Cricetomys gambianus (1870.9 +/- 194.2 g), were investigated. 2. A mean minimal resting metabolic rate of 0.61 +/- 0.09 ml O2/g/hr (139% of that predicted), a minimal conductance of 0.04 +/- 0.01 ml O2/g/degrees C/hr (195% of that predicted), a thermoneutral zone from 21 to 34 degrees C and a mean body temperature of 35.6 +/- 1.1 degree C below an ambient temperature of 20 degrees C were found. 3. It was concluded that giant rats are physiologically adapted to burrowing habits, but only within cool environments, and are precluded from exploiting drier areas.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation, metabolism, and stages of sleep in cold-exposed men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four naked men, selected for their ability to sleep in the cold, were exposed to an ambient temperature (Ta) of 21 degrees C for five consecutive nights. Electrophysiological stages of sleep, O2 consumption (VO2), and skin (Tsk), rectal (Tre), and tympanic (Tty) temperatures were recorded. Compared with five nights at a thermoneutral Ta of 29 degrees C, cold induced increased wakefulness and decreased stage 2 sleep, without significantly affecting other stages. Tre and Tty declined during each condition. The decrease in Tre was greater at 21 degrees C than at 29 degrees C, whereas Tty did not differ significantly between conditions. Increases in Tty following REM sleep onset at 21 degrees C were negatively correlated with absolute Tty. VO2 and forehead Tsk also increased during REM sleep at both TaS, whereas Tsk of the limb extremities declined at 21 degrees C. Unsuppressed REM sleep in association with peripheral vasoconstriction and increased Tty and VO2 in cold-exposed humans, do not signify an inhibition of thermoregulation during this sleep stage as has been observed in other mammals.  相似文献   

Metabolic rate of gerbils was lower than that of mice (35%). We tried to assess the part played by brown adipose tissue in this low level. Mitochondrial respiration (state 4), protein content and cytochrome-oxidase activity of interscapular BAT mitochondria were very low in gerbils compared to mice, whereas in liver and muscle these parameters were not significantly different. Like in fasting animals, the low level of basal energy expenditure of gerbils may be ascribed to low activity of BAT.  相似文献   

The sex chromosomes of the partly sympatric species of gerbils Gerbillus pyramidum and G. gerbillus (Mammalia: Gerbillinae) were investigated by a variety of light- and electron-microscope methods, including DNA replication banding and synaptonemal complex (SC) techniques. The sex-chromosome mechanism of G. pyramidum is of the maleXY:femaleXX type, whereas that of G. gerbillus is of the less common maleXY1Y2:femaleXX system. The results include the demonstration that the X chromosomes of both species are compound. One segment is added to the X chromosome of G. pyramidum, leading to an increase in length from the standard 5% to approximately 7.3%, whereas two different extra segments increase the length of the X chromosome of G. gerbillus to approximately 11% of the length of the haploid genome. In both cases the extra material is autosomal and is also represented in the respective Y chromosomes. Classifying heterochromatin by the variation in staining quality was helpful in elucidating the possible origin of the different chromosome segments, including the pericentromeric regions. Observations on meiotic chromosome pairing and chiasma formation have confirmed the homologies established by band comparisons. The occurrence of chiasmata between the sex chromosomes supports the autosomal origin of the pairing segments. These and other findings have been interpreted in the framework of a multistep evolutionary model. This sequence starts from a hypothetical pair of sex chromosomes, the X element of which amounts to 5% of the haploid genome, and leads through three translocations involving two pairs of autosomes and one pericentric inversion to the most complex situation of this series, manifested in G. gerbillus. The adaptive value, if any, of autosome incorporation into the sex chromosomes repeatedly occurring here is unknown. It is, however, a remarkable fact that in one species, G. gerbillus, the complex sex-chromosome constitution is conserved over vast geographic distances, and in the other, G. pyramidum, the compound X and Y chromosomes withstand change in the face of extreme autosome restructuring.  相似文献   

The Harderian gland is a large orbital structure. Several functions have been ascribed to the gland such as lubrication of the eye, a source of pheromones, thermoregulartory lipids and photoprotective secretions and a part of the retinal-pineal axis. In the present study, the Harderian gland of the Cheesman's gerbil, Gerbillus cheesmani, is described for the first time. The gland is located around the posterior portion of the eyeball. The gland is compound tubular, surrounded by a thin connective tissue capsule. Only one secretory epithelial cell type was recognized, characterized by the presence of lipid vacuoles and cytoplasmic slashes in high numbers; the former being more concentrated towards the apical part while the latter being more concentrated towards the central and basal parts. Some of the cytoplasmic slashes contained electron dense filamentous structures. Similar structures were observed in the lipid vacuoles. Thus, a functional relationship between the cytoplasmic slashes and the lipid vacuoles is suggested. A unique structure was observed, termed dome-like cells, located between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane. These cells were characterized by the extensive presence of pleomorphic mitochondria and compact lamellae of granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) in the form of finger prints. The gland was found to be actively secreting porphyrins as well as lipids. Cellular debris was also seen in the tubular lumina. Myoepithelial cells with their spindle shape and elongated nuclei were evident between the basement membrane and the secretory epithelium. Sparse interstitial tissue was observed in-between the gland tubules of both male and female gerbils. Macrophages, dendritic melanocytes and lymphocytes are the most represented cellular components of the interstitium. Further studies are required to investigate the function of the dome-like cells as well as the role of lymphocytes in the rodents Harderian gland.  相似文献   

Gerbils were caught in the Béni-Abbès area (Algeria). Testicular endocrine activity was highest in spring (testicular wt 298 +/- 10 mg; seminal vesicle wt 603 +/- 62 mg; testicular testosterone and androstenedione content 9.2 +/- 1.7 and 0.5 +/- 0.1 ng/testis; plasma testosterone 832 +/- 200 pg/ml). Values decreased in summer, were lowest in late summer and in autumn (84 +/- 17 mg; 40 +/- 14 mg; 0.20 +/- 0.06 and 0.02 +/- 0.01 ng/testis; 228 +/- 54 pg/ml, respectively) and increased again in winter (December-January). The onset of testicular endocrine activity was concomitant with the lowest temperatures and the shortest photoperiod; it increased when temperatures and daylength were increasing and began to decline when temperatures and photoperiod were still maximal. These seasonal changes in the endocrine activity of the testis of the gerbil differ from those of the sand rat inhabiting the same area.  相似文献   

1. The urinary metabolites of phenothiazine have been identified and quantitated for the rat, mouse, hamster and gerbil.2. All species excreted the majority of the compound in conjugated form.3. The rat, mouse and gerbil were similar in producing leucophenothiazone sulphate as their major metabolite, relying more on the C-oxidation pathways than the hamster which excreted large amounts of phenothiazine-N-glucuronide.4. In all species the 24 hr urinary recovery was low (18–44%).5. These results are discussed in comparison to previous metabolic studies on this compound in other species.  相似文献   

Since little information is available on torpor in bats of the suborder Megachiroptera, we investigated whether the small (18 g) blossom-bat Syconycteris australis displays torpor in the laboratory. Bats entered daily torpor when food and water were withheld for one night and the air temperature (Ta) was below about 26°. Torpor began shortly after lights went on in the morning and lasted for a maximum of 12 hours. During torpor at Ta18°, metabolic rates fell to a minimum of about 15% of that in resting individuals at the same Ta, and to about 40% of the basal metabolic rate. The body temperature (Tb) during torpor was metabolically defended at or above about Tb 18°. Individuals that did not enter torpor in the morning reduced their Tb from about 34.5°, observed in resting individuals that had been fed during the previous night, to values between 30.2 and 32.8°, and the resting metabolic rate fell by about 25%. The ability to undergo short periods of torpor may explain why the distribution range of S. australis extends much further south than that of other small Australian megachiropteran bats.  相似文献   

The effects of serosally added 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, 100 microM) on the short circuit-current (Isc) across jejunum and ileum taken from fed, starved and undernourished (Gerbillus cheesmani) were investigated. The effects of the neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin (TTX, 10 microM) on the basal Isc as well as on the maximum increase in Isc induced by 5-HT were also studied. There were regional variations in the basal Isc as well as in the way by which the small intestine responds to 5-HT. The basal Isc was greater in jejunum than in ileum and such differences were TTX-sensitive. The maximum increase in Isc, which results from addition of 5-HT, was higher in jejunum than in ileum under all three feeding conditions. TTX reduced the maximum increase in Isc induced by 5-HT across stripped and intact intestine of the two regions in the three nutritional states. The 5-HT-induced Isc in the jejunum of both starved and undernourished gerbils and in the ileum of starved animals was the function of both submucosal and myenteric plexus. In jejunum and ileum taken from starved and undernourished gerbils the 5-HT-induced Isc was both chloride- and bicarbonate-dependent. Thus the results indicated that both starvation and undernourishment increase that response and such increases were TTX-sensitive and both chloride- and bicarbonate-dependent.  相似文献   

Rate of metabolism was measured with six adult pygmy marmosets (Cebuella pygmaea) at regulated ambient temperatures ranging between 20°C and 35°C. A novel combined nest box and metabolic chamber was designed to allow nighttime measurements on immobile animals in their home cage without disturbance. The basal rate of metabolism (BMR) was 98 ml O2 h−1, representing 74% of the value expected from the equation of McNab [Quarterly Review of Biology 63:25–54, 1988] relative to body mass. The thermoneutral zone was approximately 27–34°C. Below the lower critical temperature (27–28°C), thermal conductance (12.9 ml O2 h−1 °C−1) was close to the predicted value. Body temperature ranged between 34.9°C and 35.5°C at night. When two animals rested together overnight in the nest box, the lower critical temperature was slightly lowered, and individual energy expenditure at 20–21°C was reduced by about 34%. The basal rate of metabolism of C. pygmaea is much lower than reported in an earlier study based on daytime measurements but agrees with values reported from a more recent study conducted at night with a classical metabolic chamber. In order to compare the BMR of C. pygmaea with that of other primates, 23 species were included in a comparative study taking into account both phylogeny and body mass (independent contrasts approach). The scaling exponent of BMR to body mass obtained was indistinguishable from that published for eutherian mammals in general. Cebuella and Callithrix exhibit the lowest basal rates known for simians. This trait may possibly be linked to the natural diet, which includes a large proportion of gums that are difficult to digest, but additional metabolic studies on primates are needed for further examination of its adaptive significance. Am. J. Primatol. 41:229–245, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Cape golden mole, Chrysochloris asiatica is an insectivore which excavates superficial foraging burrows as it searches for its food. It has a mean (±S.D.) resting metabolic rate (RMR) when newly captured of 1–17±0.17 cm3 O2g-1 h-1 ( n = 14), within the thermoneutral zone (TNZ) of 30–32°C.
The body temperature (Tb) of the mole in the TNZ is low 32.9 ± 0.36 ( n = 14) and remains stable at ambient temperatures (Tas) from 28–32°C. Above 32°C (range 34–37°C), Tb increases albeit slightly to 36 ± 1.75°C ( n = 14). The conductance is high 0.27 ± 006cm3 O2g-1 h-l°C-1 ( n = 46) at the lower limit of thermoneutrality. The mean RMR at 9°C (the lowest Ta tested) was 4.82±11 cm3 O2g-1h-1, which is 4.1 times that of the RMR in the TNZ.
At an ambient temperature of 9°C, three of the golden moles entered a state of torpor where the RMR was reduced from 5.9±0.56 to 10 1.0 ± 0.69cm3O2g-1h-1.  相似文献   

Metabolite concentrations in flight muscles and in abdomen of beetles (Pachnoda sinuata) were measured after various periods of tethered flight and subsequent rest. Three distinct phases of energy metabolism are found in active flight muscles: (1) during the first minutes of flight proline is used as main substrate and concomitantly alanine accumulated as an end product; (2) the second phase is characterized by a large-scale degradation of glycogen; (3) after about 8 min of flight the metabolite levels stabilize, while flight performance appears unchanged. After the termination of flight the preflight proline concentration (70 mol·g-1 fw) is re-established in less than 60 min, whereas restoration of resting levels of other metabolites requires longer. The pattern of maximal enzyme activities and the respiratory rates of mitochondria with different substrates confirm the significance of proline and carbohydrates as the main fuels of working flight muscles.Abbreviations CS citrate synthetase - Cytox cytochrome c oxidase - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetate - fw fresh weight - GluDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GPT alanine aminotransferase - HOAD hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - ME malic enzyme - PCA perchloric acid - RQ repiratory quotient - TRA triethanolamine  相似文献   

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