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Schistosomiasis remains a major health problem in much of the developing world. Despite decades of research, many fundamental questions on the dynamics of infection and immunity development remain unanswered. Schistosomiasis is also a common parasitic infection in cattle, and studies on livestock exposed to their own species of schistosome may help in understanding some aspects of the host-parasite relationship. Here, Jan De Bont and Jozef Vercruysse review the current knowledge on the epidemiology and control of cattle schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

A characteristic relationship between infection and host age, with levels of infection reaching a peak in particular age classes, has been reported for many parasites. However, several field studies have shown that this relationship is not invariant: if age-infection data are compared across host populations, the peak level of infection is higher and occurs at a younger age when the transmission rate is high, and is lower and occurs at an older age when it is low. This pattern is called the ;peak shift'. Here, Mark Woolhouse reviews the evidence for and the implications of the peak shift. The peak shift is consistent with the predictions of mathematical models that assume gradually acquired protective immunity, and this interpretation is supported by experimental studies using animals. This agreement between theory, experimental evidence and field studies strongly suggests that acquired immunity has a major impact on epidemiological patterns not only for parasites such as malaria, where the importance of acquired immunity is not in doubt, but also for many parasitic helminths, where the role of acquired immunity is less widely accepted.  相似文献   

Barger IA 《International journal for parasitology》1999,29(1):41-7; discussion 49-50
There is no single requirement more crucial to the rational and sustainable control of helminth parasites in grazing animals than a comprehensive knowledge of the epidemiology of the parasite as it interacts with the host in a specific climatic, management and production environment. In its absence, anthelmintic treatment is either given suppressively, which provokes resistance, or therapeutically, which risks clinical disease and production losses. Sustainable parasite-control programmes require knowledge of seasonal larval availability, origin of larvae contributing to any peaks and climatic requirements for worm egg hatching, larval development and survival. Control measures based on this knowledge include strategic anthelmintic treatments and various forms of grazing management. While these measures can reduce the frequency of anthelmintic treatment required, their effect on selection for drench resistance is more problematical, unless they can be combined with other forms of control to reduce our current dependence on anthelmintics.  相似文献   

Parasitic infections consist of a succession of steps during which hosts and parasites interact in specific manners. At each step, hosts can use diverse defence mechanisms to counteract the parasite's attempts to invade and exploit them. Of these steps, the penetration of parasites into the host is a key step for a successful infection and the epithelium is the first line of host defence. The shedding of this protective layer (moulting) is a crucial feature in the life cycle of several invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, and is generally considered to make hosts vulnerable to parasites and predators. Here, we used the crustacean Daphnia magna to test whether moulting influences the likelihood of infection by the castrating bacterium Pasteuria ramosa. This parasite is known to attach to the host cuticula before penetrating into its body. We found that the likelihood of successful parasite infection is greatly reduced if the host moults within 12 h after parasite exposure. Thus, moulting is beneficial for the host being exposed to this parasite. We further show that exposure to the parasite does not induce hosts to moult earlier. We discuss the implications of our findings for host and parasite evolution and epidemiology.  相似文献   

The role that animals play in the epidemiology of human mycoses is discussed here. It can be divided as follows:Animals as vectors of mycoses — This role is especially important as far as dermatophytozoonoses are concerned, these being of both the urban type, mainly due to Microsporum canis, and of the rural type, mainly due to Trichophyton verrucosum. These dermatophytozoonoses are emerging problems in present, modern pathology, especially in urban areas. These conditions may also be responsible for important occupational diseases for livestock, rabbit and laboratory attendants. Both domestic animals and wildlife are often asymptomatic carriers.Animal substrates as growths factor for pathogenic fungi — The fact that bird or bat feces may contain factors that favour the growth of some fungous organisms in the environment has long been recognized. It is established fact that soil animalization (i.e., the addition of such debris as hair, skin scales, droppings and other organic matters) create an environmental medium suitable for the growth of geophilic fungi such as Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus neoformans and M. gypseum.Possible role of animals in the recycling of fungi from foodstuffs and environment — The possible role of animals in determining human pathology has become an emerging problem for which new data are accumulating both on pathogenic fungi and mycotoxins.The use of animals in monitoring mycoses — Animals may reveal the presence of a pathogen in a given area. This phenomenon has been exploited to monitor the natural occurrence of various mycoses (e.g., coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, dermatomycoses) in different regions. The use of sentinel animals (i.e., the introduction of susceptible animals in certain environments to detect the presence of a pathogen) has not been duly exploited.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium is found world-wide and can cause disease in both humans and animals. To study the zoonotic potential of Cryptosporidium in The Netherlands we isolated this parasite from the faeces of infected humans and cattle and genotyped those isolates for several different markers. The overall genotyping results showed: for humans isolates, 70% Cryptosporidium hominis, 19% Cryptosporidium parvum, 10% a combination of C. hominis and C. parvum, and 1% Cryptosporidium felis; and for cattle isolates 100% C. parvum. Analysis of the genetic variants detected for the HSP70, ML1 and GP60 markers showed: for human isolates, one C. hominis and two C. parvum variants (C. parvum and C. parvum NL) for HSP70, one C. hominis and five C. parvum variants (C1, C2, C3, and C2 NL1 and C2 NL2) for ML1, four C. hominis (mainly IbA10G2) and four C. parvum variants (mainly IIaA15G2R1) for GP60; and the cattle isolates only C. parvum (not C. parvum NL1) for HSP70, C1 and C2 for ML1, and 17 different IIa sub-types (mainly IIaA15G2R1) for GP60. Molecular epidemiological analysis of the human data showed a C. hominis peak in autumn. The majority (80%) of the human cases were children aged between 0 and 9 years and >70% of these were caused by C. hominis. Patients >25 years of age were infected mainly with C. parvum. We conclude that C. hominis IbA10G2 is found at high frequencies in autumn in humans and not in cattle. The high prevalence of C. parvum IIaA15G2R1 in both humans and cattle indicates that cattle may be a reservoir for this sub-type in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Summary 1. A high percentage of frog sera (ofRana esculenta andRana fusca) reacts positively with respect to many pathogenic and apathogenic leptospira-strains; this reaction is highest (100%) with respect to the incomplete biotype ofL. icterohaemorrhagiae.2. Under natural conditions frogs do not excrete leptospirae with the urine and neither is this the case, when a single leptospira has somehow succeeded in penetrating into them. This penetration does not easily take place.3. By the inoculation of many virulent leptospirae it is possible to break the congenital immunity. Up till 3 days after the inoculation leptospirae can be detected in the blood, up till 7 days in the liver and kidneys. The frogs did not appear to fall ill.4. Frogs do not play a part in the epidemiology of Weil's disease.5. In normal frog sera precipitation of the agglutinins by means of ammonium sulphate and acetone alcohol could not be observed so definitely as in immune sera. Normal frog serum is thermostabile at 56–57°C., immune serum thermolabile at the same temperature. These differences are explained, in accordance withBordet, by the lesser strength of the antibodies in normal sera.  相似文献   

Globally, agricultural land use is implicated in the decline of avifauna. In rangelands (areas used for livestock grazing), bird community responses to grazing can be complex, species‐specific and scale dependent. A greater understanding of bird responses to grazing will lead to more meaningful management recommendations. We tested the hypothesis that foraging height predicts bird species’ responses to grazing, such that species using lower vegetation strata are most likely to respond to the impacts of livestock grazing. We examined the response of a tropical savanna bird community to four grazing strategies at a long‐term grazing trial in northern Australia. We predicted that ground‐foraging guilds would be more responsive to grazing treatment than foliage‐ or aerial‐foraging guilds. We analysed the bird community assemblage using generalised linear mixed models and examined individual species’ abundance in relation to microhabitat variables. We found that while ground‐foraging guilds were more responsive to grazing treatment, individual species dynamics within a foraging guild could be contradictory. For example, the red‐backed fairy‐wren decreased in abundance with increased grazing and was positively associated with grass and shrub (Carissa ovata) cover, whereas Australian magpies increased in abundance in the most heavily grazed paddocks. In general, the responses of bird species to grazing were more pronounced in guilds that forage closer to the ground, but whether the responses were positive or negative was driven by bird species ecology. Measures examining the responses of individual species are more useful than assemblage measures (such as richness) to describe the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance such as grazing.  相似文献   

The main aims of this study were to assess grazing impacts on bee communities in fragmented mediterranean shrubland (phrygana) and woodland habitats that also experience frequent wildfires, and to explain the mechanisms by which these impacts occur. Fieldwork was carried out in 1999 and 2000 on Mount Carmel, in northern Israel, a known hot-spot for bee diversity. Habitats with a range of post-burn ages and varying intensities of cattle grazing were surveyed by transect recording, grazing levels, and the diversity and abundance of both flowers and bees were measured. The species richness of both bees and flowers were highest at moderate to high grazing intensities, and path-analysis indicated that the effects of both grazing and fire on bee diversity were mediated mainly through changes in flower diversity, herb flowers being more important than shrubs. The abundance of bees increased with intensified grazing pressure even at the highest levels surveyed. Surprisingly though, changes in bee abundance at high grazing levels were not caused directly by changes in flower cover. The variation in bee abundance may have been due to higher numbers of solitary bees from the family Halictidae in grazed sites, where compacted ground (nesting resource) and composites (forage resource) were abundant. The effects of grazing on plants were clearest in the intermediate-aged sites, where cattle inhibited the growth of some of the dominant shrubs, creating or maintaining more open patches where light-demanding herbs could grow, thus allowing a diverse flora to develop. Overall, bee communities benefit from a relatively high level of grazing in phrygana. Although bee and flower diversity may decrease under very heavy grazing, the present levels of grazing on Mount Carmel appear to have only beneficial effects on the bee community.  相似文献   

A cattle population presents three spatial patterns according to their behaviour. These patterns are as follows: the random spatial pattern which occurs when the cattle move during grazing (feeding), the aggregated spatial pattern which occurs when they rest, and the regular or quasi-regular spatial pattern which occurs when they separate into two or more subgroups. In this study, these three states of behaviour were represented by a mathematical model, and a method to test the pattern statistically was derived.  相似文献   

Twenty-two Michigan Holstein-Friesian herds were studied to determine the incidence and epidemiology of anestrus. In 3,309 lactations studied, 42% were classified as having exhibited preservice anestrus (no estrus detected by 70 d after calving). Organic reasons (pyometra, cystic follicles, static ovaries) were identified by palpation per rectum for 237 (23%) of the cows with preservice anestrus that were examined by a veterinarian. Postservice anestrus, defined as failure to show estrus within 35 d after an unsuccessful insemination, was identified in 790 (47%) of 1,691 lactations. Veterinary examination identified 104 (20%) of postservice anestrous cows as having this condition because of organic causes. The average cow with preservice anestrus had an increase of 30 d open compared to her herdmates, and the average cow with postservice anestrus had an increase of 37 d open. Anestrous cows produced more milk than their unaffected herdmates in both the current and the previous lactation. Analysis of composite lactation curves indicates that, for preservice anestrus, this additional milk production was obtained gradually over the entire lactation. Anestrous cows were culled at a significantly higher rate than their herdmates. Cows with preservice anestrus were more likely to have begun their lactation in the spring months.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a widely studied element which is integral to many vital body functions. In ruminant nutrition, however, the degree of naturally occurring P deficiency in grazing cattle, the lack of uniformity in response to P supplementation, and even suggested P requirements have generated a great deal of confusion in the United States and around the world. Much of the confusion arises because animals have the ability to draw on skeletal P reserves when dietary P levels are inadequate. The mechanisms that control skeletal P withdrawal, the conditions that trigger withdrawal, and the rate and extent of withdrawal without affecting animal performance seem to be poorly understood. Another area of confusion involves the detrimental effect of P deficiency on feed intake which makes it unclear in many situations whether animal responses to P supplementation are due to P per se or simply to increased feed intake. This review attempts to discuss these and other important problems concerning the P nutrition of grazing cattle.  相似文献   

The role of salivary vasodilators in bloodfeeding and parasite transmission   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, Donald Champagne reviews the salivary vasodilators, points to effects of similar compounds that may be shared by the insect substances, and discusses the potential significance of these effects with regard to parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Improvement in the use of existing anthelmintics is a high priority need for the pharmaco-parasitology research field, considering the magnitude and severity of anthelmintic resistance as an important issue in livestock production. In the work described here, monepantel (MNP) was given alone or co-administered with either macrocyclic lactone (ML) or benzimidazole (BZ) anthelmintics to calves naturally infected with ML- and BZ-resistant gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes on two different commercial cattle farms. Both pharmacokinetic (PK) and efficacy assessments were performed. On Farm A, male calves (n = 15 per group) were treated with either MNP orally (2.5 mg/kg), IVM s.c. (0.2 mg/kg), ricobendazole (RBZ) s.c. (3.75 mg/kg) or remained untreated. On Farm B, eight groups (n = 15) of male calves received treatment with either: MNP, abamectin (ABM, oral, 0.2 mg/kg), RBZ (s.c., 3.75 mg/kg), albendazole (ABZ, oral, 5 mg/kg), MNP+ABM, MNP+RBZ, MNP+ABZ (all at the above-mentioned routes and doses) or remained untreated. Seven animals from each treated group (Farm B) were randomly selected to perform the PK study. MNP and its metabolite monepantel sulphone (MNPSO2) were the main analytes recovered in plasma after HPLC analysis. The combined treatments resulted in decreased systemic exposures to MNP parent drug compared with that observed after treatment with MNP alone (P < 0.05). However, the systemic availability of the main MNP metabolite (MNPSO2) was unaffected by co-administration with either ABM, RBZ or ABZ. Efficacies of 98% (Farm A) and 99% (Farm B) demonstrated the high efficacy of MNP given alone (P < 0.05) against GI nematodes resistant to ML and BZ in cattle. While the ML (IVM, ABM) failed to control Haemonchus spp., Cooperia spp. and Ostertagia spp., MNP achieved 99% to 100% efficacy against those nematode species on both commercial farms. However, MNP alone failed to control Oesophagostomum spp. (60% efficacy) on Farm A. The co-administered treatments MNP+ABZ and MNP+RBZ reached a 100% reduction against all GI nematode genera. In conclusion, the oral treatment with MNP should be considered to deal with resistant nematode parasites in cattle. The use of MNP in combination with BZ compounds could be a valid strategy to extend its lifespan for use in cattle as well as to reverse its poor activity against Oesophagostomum spp.  相似文献   

Intensive grazing systems for beef females, based on abundant availability of high quality forages and supplementary concentrates, may affect fetal development. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of grazing system on length of gestation, fetal development, and characteristics of the calf at birth. Twenty-four pregnant (bred to Nellore bulls) Nellore females were allocated into two groups. The control group (G1) grazed Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass) in a traditional (extensive) grazing system and the second group (G2) were managed on Panicum maximumcv. Tanzania 1 (Tanzania grass) in an intensive grazing system. Fetal development was evaluated by ultrasonography on days 31, 45, 59, 94, 122, 220, and 255 of gestation. The diameter of the amniotic and allantoic cavities, crown-rump length, circumference, and diameter of the head and ocular orbit were determined. At birth, calves were weighed and height, length, thoracic circumference, and ocular orbit and bi-parietal diameters were measured. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in fetal development. The G1 cows had a longer gestation period (4.5 days; P<0.05) and their calves had greater (P<0.05) weight, height, length, and thoracic circumference at birth. In conclusion, Nellore females raised under intensive pasture management conditions, had significantly shorter gestation and smaller calves at birth than those raised under extensive pasture management conditions. Therefore, adoption of new management practices (e.g. intensive pasture management), should take into consideration animal behavior and productivity.  相似文献   

Molecular tools are increasingly being used to address questions about parasite epidemiology. Parasites represent a diverse group and they might not fit traditional population genetic models. Testing hypotheses depends equally on correct sampling, appropriate tool and/or marker choice, appropriate analysis and careful interpretation. All methods of analysis make assumptions which, if violated, make the results invalid. Some guidelines to avoid common pitfalls are offered here.  相似文献   

The American Bison (Bison bison Linnaeus) in the Henry Mountains are one of the last free-roaming, genetically pure herds of bison remaining in North America. Anecdotal evidence indicates that this herd is utilising a cattle winter range during the summer and fall, creating a conflict between the state agency that manages the bison, and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and local ranchers. In theory, the addition of bison grazing pressure could reduce forage availability in the short term and lead to undesired changes in the plant community in the long term. Our objective was to determine whether bison have altered the plant species composition of the cattle winter range. We characterised plant species composition, percent cover, and grazing intensity on three adjacent, geomorphologically similar mesas. Grazing regimes were different on the three mesas, one with bison and cattle present, one with cattle only present, and the third with neither cattle nor bison present. Vegetation surveys were accompanied by a 28-year remote sensing time series to test for temporal shifts in an index of primary productivity. We found a higher grazing intensity on two dominant forage species on the bison plus cattle grazed mesa in fall, before the cattle were turned out to winter pasture. Despite this difference in grazing intensity, we found few differences in species composition, percent cover, or NDVI across the three grazing regimes. Our results suggest that high intensity summer bison grazing, while likely creating short-term reductions in forage availability, has not caused differences in plant community composition or productive potential. Shifts in community composition can take years to unfold and just as long to correct; therefore, continued monitoring of the combined effects of cattle and bison is needed.  相似文献   

Several species of European slugs are invasive in the USA, threatening native species and damaging agricultural and horticultural crops. One possible explanation for the success of these invaders is parasite release. To test this hypothesis we collected European slugs in part of their native range (United Kingdom) and in the USA and compared prevalence, distribution and species richness of their nematode parasites. All slugs were dissected and examined for the presence of nematodes. In the UK, nematodes were present at 93% of study sites and 16.4% of all slugs examined were associated with nematodes whereas in the USA the respective figures were 34% of sites and 5.4% of slugs. Nematode species richness was greater in the UK with 12 species being found, seven of which were thought to be truly parasitic as opposed to being phoretic or necromenic. Nine species of nematode were found in the USA, four of which were truly parasitic. Four of the ten European slug species examined in the USA, were entirely free of truly parasitic nematodes whereas all were infected by nematodes in some sites in the UK. There was a significant difference in the prevalence of truly parasitic nematodes in five of these species when comparing their home versus invasive range. A significant difference in parasite prevalence was observed when comparing native and introduced slug species in the USA, however, this was not significant in the UK. Our data support a role for parasite release during the invasion of the USA by European slugs.  相似文献   

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