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Antipredator behaviours and the ability to appropriately assess predation risk contribute to increased fitness. Predator avoidance can be costly; however, so we expect prey to most strongly avoid predators that pose the greatest risk (i.e., prey should show threat sensitivity). For invasive species, effectively assessing the relative risk posed by predators in the new environment may help them establish in new environments. We examined the antipredator behaviour of introduced Asian house geckos, Hemidactylus frenatus (Schlegel), by determining if they avoided shelters scented with the chemical cues of native predatory snakes (spotted pythons, Antaresia maculosa [Peters]; brown tree snakes, Boiga irregularis [Merrem]; common tree snakes, Dendrelaphis punctulata [Grey]; and carpet pythons, Morelia spilota [Lacépède]). We also tested if Asian house geckos collected from vegetation vs. anthropogenic substrates (buildings) responded differently to the chemical cues of predatory snakes. Asian house geckos did not show a generalised antipredator response, that is, they did not respond to the chemical cues of all snakes in the same way. Asian house geckos avoided the chemical cues of carpet pythons more strongly than those of other snake species, providing some support for the threat‐sensitivity hypothesis. There was no difference in the antipredator behaviour of Asian house geckos collected from buildings vs. natural vegetation, suggesting that individuals that have invaded natural habitats have not changed their antipredator behaviour compared to urban individuals. Overall, we found some evidence indicating Asian house geckos are threat‐sensitive to some Australian predacious snakes.  相似文献   

Occasional use of arboreal habitats is common in many otherwise-terrestrial species, but the functions of facultative arboreality remain unclear. Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) are small nonvenomous terrestrial snakes, recorded to climb only rarely. During springtime fieldwork near a large communal overwintering den in Manitoba, we observed occasional episodes when hundreds of snakes climbed into low trees and remained in the branches for periods ranging from minutes to hours. Our data suggest a thermoregulatory basis for this behaviour. During daylight hours when the snakes were active, ambient temperatures generally were higher on the ground than in trees; but this thermal cline reversed occasionally, especially after the ground was cooled by light rain. Arboreality was most common during those thermal reversals. Experimentally simulating rain in the field (sprinkling with water) induced climbing behaviour; and in laboratory enclosures, snakes climbed to avoid a cold substrate. Thus, red-sided garter snakes ascend trees to access higher temperatures than are available on the ground.  相似文献   

Recently born garter snakes (Thamnophis radix) were subjected to a variety of threatening stimuli. The would crawl away from the investigator until high levels of lactate were attained, and then adopt one of a variety antipredator displays. These antipredator behaviours were surprisingly variable between individuals of a single population, but behaviours of individuals were consistent in replicate trials and in response to different stimuli. Snakes became more defensive when simulated predator attacks were more severe, but they became more offensive when tested at a lower temperature. Analysis of behavioural variation within and between 15 litters of full-sibling (172) snakes gave heritability estimates of 0.37 for single trials and 0.45 for the average of two replicate trials. This is the first study to examine the heritability of antipredator behaviour in any terrestrial vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Information on behavioural and physiological processes of newborn reptiles is often difficult to obtain under natural conditions, especially in lizards and snakes. Consequently, we lack information on a wide range of biological phenomena (e.g. thermoregulation, digestion, circadian activity rhythms) in neonates of these taxa. Here, we report novel behaviour in newborn sibling sidewinder rattlesnakes Crotalus cerastes , a desert-inhabiting species of south-western North America. At the entrances of their natal burrows, neonates formed aggregations ('balls') during daylight hours, which involved frequent movements of individuals within these balls. Through the study of two radio-telemetered females and their litters ( n =20 offspring), we obtained temperature data from the mothers, centre of the snake balls, and from multiple sites in the immediate environment for 10 days post-birth, the period that is coincident with maternal attendance and the first cycle of ecdysis. The core temperatures of the snake balls showed significant stability over the extreme thermal ranges of the environment. Although other functions are possible, such as those related to water conservation and antipredator defence, we suggest that frequent movements of individuals within the balls involved selection of a thermal optimum to enhance ecdysis. Based on other studies of aggregation in animals, dynamic aggregative behaviour in newborn sibling C. cerastes implicates self-assembly and suggests that individuals benefit from behavioural interactions with their siblings. One plausible scenario for the evolution of this type of dynamic aggregation involves thermal selection among sibling neonates for optimal basking sites within natal refugia in extreme environments such as desert landscapes. Moreover, it is possibly limited to species of vipers (and other snakes) that are viviparous and where maternal care is present up to the time of shedding in neonates.  相似文献   

We measured the behavioural and hormonal responses to capture stress in male red-sided garter snakes. Four hours of capture stress resulted in no suppression of mating behaviour relative to control individuals. In contrast, the same stress resulted in a significant increase in plasma levels of corticosterone and a significant decrease in plasma levels of testosterone. There was a significant negative correlation between plasma levels of corticosterone and testosterone in both control and capture-stress groups, suggesting that the increase in corticosterone directly drives the decrease in testosterone. While there was no relation between body size and initial plasma levels of the two steroids, longer individuals had a significantly greater increase in corticosterone following capture stress than did shorter individuals. Snakes display indeterminate growth, suggesting that older individuals have decreased sensitivity to negative feedback in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and thus hypersecrete glucocorticoids. These results suggest that male red-sided garter snakes have uncoupled their behavioural stress response from their hormonal stress response to maximize reproductive opportunities. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Individual and litter differences in the number of attacks directed by Mexican garter snakes (Thamnophis melanogaster) at a threatening stimulus were studied over the first year of life. Newborn snakes born to wildcaught females from the same population were tested the day after they were born and at 7, 16, 31, and 54 weeks of age on reactivity to a potent nonmoving and moving stimulus (a human finger). There were significant individual and interlitter differences in number of strikes directed at both stimuli but no significant effect of sex. Intercorrelations among the strike scores of individuals across test days averaged .54 for the nonmoving stimulus presentations and .63 for trials with the moving stimulus. Strike scores to the moving and nonmoving stimuli were significantly correlated at each age, however, attack responses to the moving stimulus declined over the year while those to the nonmoving stimulus remained constant. Measures of concordance showed that both individual strike scores and litter means were highly consistent, whereas consistency within litters was reduced. The results indicate that litter and individual differences among newborn snakes in the tendency to engage in antipredator behavior (“defensive temperament”) remain relatively stable from the first day after birth throughout the first year of life.  相似文献   

Correlational selection favors combinations of traits and is a key element of many models of phenotypic and genetic evolution. Multiple regression techniques for measuring selection allow for the direct estimation of correlational selection gradients, yet few studies in natural populations have investigated this process. Color patterns and antipredator behaviors of snakes are thought to function interactively in predator escape and therefore may be subject to correlational selection. To investigate this hypothesis, I studied the survivorship of juvenile garter snakes, Thamnophis ordinoides, as a function of a suite of escape behaviors and color pattern. The only natural selection detected favored opposite combinations of stripedness of the color pattern and the tendency to perform during escape evasive behaviors called reversals. This selection presumably results from optical illusions created by moving patterns and their effects on visually foraging predators. Analysis of the bivariate selection surface shows that pure correlational selection can be thought of as a series of linear selection functions on one trait whose slopes depend on the value of the second trait. Alternatively, viewing the selection surface along its major axes reveals stabilizing and disruptive components of correlational selection. It is further shown that correlational selection alone can promote genetic variance and covariance within a generation. This phenomenon may be partially responsible for the extreme variation in color pattern and the genetic covariance between color pattern and behavior observed in natural populations of T. ordinoides.  相似文献   

Recent conceptual advances in physiological ecology emphasize the potential selective importance of whole-animal performance. Empirical studies of locomotor performance in reptiles have revealed surprising amounts of individual variation in speed and stamina. The present study is the first in a series examining the genetic basis of variation in locomotor performance, activity metabolism, and associated behaviors in garter snakes. Maximal sprint crawling speed, treadmill endurance, and antipredator displays (Arnold and Bennett, 1984; exhibited as snakes reached exhaustion on the treadmill) were measured for approximately six offspring (presumed to be full siblings) from each of 46 wild-caught gravid garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis). Each character was measured on two days; all were individually repeatable. Correlations of these characters with body mass, snout–vent length, age at testing, litter size, dam mass, and dam snout–vent length were removed by computing residuals from multiple-regression equations. These residuals were used in subsequent genetic analyses. Approximate coefficients of variation of residuals were 17% for speed, 48% for endurance, and 31% for antipredator displays. Broad-sense heritabilities were significant for all characters: speed h2 = 0.58; stamina h2 = 0.70; antipredator display h2 = 0.42. All three residual characters showed positive and statistically significant phenotypic correlations (r = 0.19–0.36). Genetic correlations (estimated and tested by restricted maximum likelihood) among residuals were positive and highly significant between speed and endurance (0.58), but nonsignificant between speed and antipredator display (0.43), and between endurance and antipredator display (0.26). All environmental correlations were nonsignificant. These data suggest that, contrary to expectations based on previous physiological studies, there may be no necessary evolutionary trade-off between speed and stamina in these animals. This tentative conclusion will have important implications for future theoretical studies of the evolution of locomotor performance and associated antipredator behaviors.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that the exploratory behaviour of an individual measured in a novel environment could predict its behaviour in response to a novel predator. This study examined novel predator recognition in the western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis, a species with individual differences in risk‐taking, activity and exploration in novel environments. Prey responded with characteristic shoaling and avoidance in response to native predators, but did not show characteristic antipredator behaviour towards novel predators. Furthermore, G. affinis exhibited individual‐level behavioural correlations across contexts but only when prey were tested with native predators. This could be the result of native predatory selection on behavioural correlations in the prey species.  相似文献   

Whether males can inseminate uncooperative females is a central determinant of mating system evolution that profoundly affects the interpretation of phenomena such as multiple mating by females, mate choice, reproductive seasonality, and courtship tactics. Forcible insemination is usually inferred from direct physical battles between the sexes and has been dismissed on intuitive grounds for many kinds of animals. For example, snakes have elongate flexible bodies (making it difficult for a male to restrain a female physically), males are typically smaller than females, and copulation requires female cloacal gaping to enable intromission. Male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) do not display any overt aggression during courtship and simply lie over the female and exhibit rhythmic pulsating caudocephalic waves of muscular contraction; previous studies have interpreted this behavior as a mechanism for eliciting female receptivity. In contrast, we show that male garter snakes forcibly inseminate females. They do so by taking advantage of specific features of snake physiology, respiratory anatomy, and antipredator behavior. The snake lung extends along most of the body, with the large posterior section (the saccular lung) lacking any respiratory exchange surface. Rhythmic caudocephalic waves by courting male garter snakes push anoxic air from the saccular lung forward and across the respiratory surfaces such that females cannot obtain oxygen. Their stress response involves cloacal gaping, which functions in other contexts to repel predators by extruding feces and musk but in this situation permits male intromission. Thus, superficially benign courtship behaviors may involve cryptic coercion even in species for which intuition dismisses any possibility of forcible insemination.  相似文献   

Early workers concluded that ingestively naive garter snakes (Thamnophis) recognize chemical cues from their normal prey, and that such cues are sufficient to elicit prey attack, whereas visual prey cues are not sufficient. In the light of recent observations on how garter and water snakes (Nerodia) forage, new tests were made of the role of visual stimuli in the aquatic predation of several natricine species. Both experienced and ingestively naive snakes oriented to and attacked a fish model in plain water, although they made more orientations and attacks when diffuse fish odour was present in the water. Fish odour in water also elicited increased aquatic searching behaviour. Early views on the role of vision in the predation of newborn natricine snakes require modification, and there is a need for investigation of the properties of effective visual stimuli and the ontogeny of responsiveness to them.  相似文献   

An animal's response to predatory attack may depend upon which part of its body is the focus of that attack, because of differential vulnerability to injury. Many avian and mammalian predators direct attacks preferentially toward the prey's head, so simulated attacks that do not have this focus may elicit non‐natural responses. We ‘pecked’ 152 free‐ranging adult male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba either on the head or the midbody, and recorded their responses. The snakes’ antipredator tactics were affected not only by body size (larger snakes performed threat displays more often) and body temperature (hotter snakes were more likely to flee), but also by location of the attack. Pecks to the head generally resulted in snakes coiling and hiding their heads, often simultaneously elevating and wriggling their tails in an apparent distraction display. In contrast, pecks to the midbody stimulated either escape responses, or (in snakes that did not flee) open‐mouthed threat displays. More generally, antipredator tactics may respond in flexible ways to details of the predator–prey encounter (including attributes of the habitat as well as the morphology and behavior of both participants) and hence, experimental studies need to carefully simulate such details. The part of the body under attack may be an important factor in this respect.  相似文献   

The western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans) varies significantly in individual growth rates and life-history traits (maturation, reproduction, and survival) among adjacent populations in nature. This study focuses on assessing the genetic and environmental components of the substantial among-population variation in growth rates. Litters of neonates from nine populations inhabiting either mountain meadow or lakeshore habitat were reared for one year in a common-garden experiment with two temperature treatments. Diet, frequency of feeding, light exposure, and daytime temperatures were identical for all individuals. The two different nighttime temperatures (20 degrees C and 25 degrees C) were chosen to mirror field differences in nighttime thermoregulatory constraints for mountain-meadow and lakeshore snakes, respectively. Temperature and source habitat interacted to affect first-year growth rate. Neonates from meadow dams grew fastest in the cooler treatment, whereas those from lakeshore dams grew fastest in the warmer treatment. The observation that naive neonates, which were gestated and raised under identical conditions, grew fastest in environments characteristic of their natal population is evidence both that there are genetic differences among populations for growth and that these differences reflect adaptation to local habitats at a very small geographic scale. In addition, significant directional selection for large birthweight was measured for neonates from all populations. These results are considered in the context of population colonization history, migration and selection, and competing models for growth rate variation.  相似文献   

Physiological processes vary widely across individuals and can influence how individuals respond to environmental change. Repeatability in how metabolic rate changes across temperatures (i.e. metabolic thermal plasticity) can influence mass-scaling exponents in different thermal environments. Moreover, repeatable plastic responses are necessary for reaction norms to respond to selective forces which is important for populations living in fluctuating environments. Nonetheless, only a small number of studies have explicitly quantified repeatability in metabolic plasticity, and fewer have explored how it can impact mass-scaling. We repeatedly measured standard metabolic rate of n = 42 delicate skinks Lampropholis delicata at six temperatures over the course of four months (N[observations] = 4952). Using hierarchical statistical techniques, we accounted for multi-level variation and measurement error in our data in order to obtain more precise estimates of reaction norm repeatability and mass-scaling exponents at different acute temperatures. Our results show that individual differences in metabolic thermal plasticity were somewhat consistent over time (Rslope = 0.25, 95% CI = 2.48 × 10−8 – 0.67), however estimates were associated with a large degree of error. After accounting for measurement error, which decreased steadily with temperature, we show that among individual variance remained consistent across all temperatures. Congruently, temperature specific repeatability of average metabolic rate was stable across temperatures. Cross-temperature correlations were positive but were not uniform across the reaction norm. After taking into account multiple sources of variation, our estimates for mass-scaling did not change with temperature and were in line with published values for snakes and lizards. This implies that repeatable plastic responses may promote thermal stability of scaling exponents. Our work contributes to understanding how energy expenditure scales with abiotic and biotic factors and the capacity for reaction norms to respond to selection.  相似文献   

Although recent models for the evolution of personality, using game theory and life‐history theory, predict that individuals should differ consistently in their cooperative behaviour, consistent individual differences in cooperative behaviour have rarely been documented. In this study, we used a long‐term data set on wild meerkats to quantify the repeatability of two types of cooperative care (babysitting and provisioning) within individuals and examined how repeatability varied across age, sex and status categories. Contributions to babysitting and provisioning were significantly repeatable and positively correlated within individuals, with provisioning more repeatable than babysitting. While repeatability of provisioning was relatively invariant across categories of individuals, repeatability of babysitting increased with age and was higher for subordinates than dominants. These results provide support for theoretical predictions that life‐history trade‐offs favour the evolution of consistent individual differences in cooperative behaviour and raise questions about why some individuals consistently help more than others across a suite of cooperative behaviours.  相似文献   

A series of morphologieal and locomotor performance variables was measured in a population of newborn garter snakes to determine whether performance capacity has a significant morphological basis in these animals. Morphological traits measured were body length and mass, number of body and tail vertebrae and numbers of vertebral abnormalities. Locomotor performances included burst and mid-distance speed and distance and time crawled before anti-predator displays were assumed. All performance variables were repeatable in daily replicate trials ( P < 0.001). Individual burst speed, mid-distance speed, and distance crawled were significantly correlated pairwise ( P < 0.01). Most morphological and performance variables had a significant mass dependence (static allometry), although the effects were rather weak ( r 2 < 0.1, except for body length): larger animals performed better and had fewer abnormalities. There were significant associations between some morphological traits and locomotor performance. Morphological factors accounted for 19% of the variation in mid-distance speed and 14% of the variation in antipredator behavior by multiple regression analysis. Canonical correlation of all performance and morphological variables simultaneously accounted for 24% of the observed variation in performance. Numbers of body and tail vertebrae (assayed by scale counts) had an interactive effect on speed of locomotion.  相似文献   

The use of the “arms race” analogy as a conceptualization of evolutionary predator-prey interactions has been criticized because of the lack of evidence that predators can and do adapt to increased antipredator ability of prey. We present evidence that the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis has evolved resistance to tetrodotoxin (TTX) in response to the toxicity of the newt Taricha granulosa on which the snake feeds. A bioassay (locomotor performance before and after injection of TTX) was used to obtain repeated measures of resistance for individual snakes. We studied interpopulation and interspecific variation by comparing resistance in Thamnophis sirtalis from populations occurring sympatrically and allopatrically with Taricha granulosa, and in Thamnophis ordinoides (which does not feed on the newt) occurring sympatrically with Taricha granulosa. We also examined intrapopulation variation in TTX resistance using snakes from a population known to feed on Taricha granulosa. Resistance differed significantly among individuals and litters; repeatability and heritability estimates of the assay were significantly different from zero, demonstrating the potential for response to selection. The population of Thamnophis sirtalis that occurs with Taricha granulosa exhibited levels of resistance much greater than either of the other groups. These results suggest that the predator-prey arms race analogy may be applicable to this system.  相似文献   

We present a case study of metabolism, life history and aging in the western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis elegans). Early research in the field supported the rate-of-living hypothesis as an explanation of aging, which was based on an apparent negative relationship between mass-specific metabolic rate and lifespan in endotherms. This hypothesis in its original form has not withstood additional tests and comparisons between the two main lineages of endotherms-birds and mammals, but there is still much to be discovered of the causative links among rate of oxygen consumption, physiology and life history, particularly in ectothermic reptiles. We present data that show adult short-lived snakes, from naturally occurring ecotypes of garter snakes, have higher mass-specific resting metabolic rates at any given body mass (metabolic intensity) across a series of normal activity temperatures (15-32°C). The short-lived ecotype in this geographic region reaches a larger body size, and has life-history traits that place it at the fast end of a pace-of-life continuum (fast growth, early maturation, high reproductive output) relative to individuals of the small-bodied long-lived ecotype. The difference between ecotypes in metabolic intensity, even after acclimation to identical conditions, may reflect evolutionary divergence and genetic differences between ecotypes. The difference in metabolic intensity is not, however, present at birth, so an alternative is that developmental environment may permanently influence metabolic rate and life history. Such developmental canalization could lead to altered gene expression via environmental influences on the epigenome and result in altered metabolic trajectories in the snakes' natural habitats.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that within‐individual plasticity of behavioural and physiological traits is limited, resulting in stable among‐individual differences in these aspects of the phenotype. Furthermore, these traits often covary within individuals, resulting in a continuum of correlated phenotypic variation among individuals within populations and species. This heterogeneity, in turn, affects individual fitness and can have cross‐generational effects. Patterns of trait covariation, among‐individual differences, and subsequent fitness consequences have long been recognized in reptiles. Here, we provide a test of patterns of among‐individual heterogeneity in behaviour and physiology and subsequent effects on reproduction and offspring fitness in the garter snake Thamnophis elegans. We find that measures of activity levels vary among individuals and are consistent within individuals in reproductive female snakes, indicating stable behavioural phenotypes. Blood hormone and glucose concentrations are not as stable within individuals, indicating that these traits do not describe consistent physiological phenotypes. Nonetheless, the major axes of variation in maternal traits describe behavioural and physiological phenotypes that interact to predict offspring body condition and mass at birth. This differential allocation of energy to offspring, in turn, strongly influences subsequent offspring growth and survival. This pattern suggests the potential for strong selection on phenotypes defined by behaviour–physiology interactions.  相似文献   

We investigated whether individual great tits, Parus major, vary consistently in their exploratory behaviour in a novel environment and measured the repeatability and heritability of this trait. Wild birds were caught in their natural habitat, tested in the laboratory in an open field test on the following morning, then released at the capture site. We measured individual consistency of exploratory behaviour for recaptured individuals (repeatability) and estimated the heritability with parent-offspring regressions and sibling analyses. Measures of exploratory behaviour of individuals at repeated captures were consistent in both sexes and study areas (repeatabilities ranged from 0.27 to 0.48). Exploration scores did not differ between the sexes, and were unrelated to age, condition at fledging or condition during measurement. Heritability estimates were 0.22-0.41 (parent-offspring regressions) and 0.37-0.40 (sibling analyses). We conclude that (1) consistent individual variation in open field behaviour exists in individuals from the wild, and (2) this behavioural variation is heritable. This is one of the first studies showing heritable variation in a behavioural trait in animals from the wild, and poses the question of how this variation is maintained under natural conditions. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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