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Summary In their natural environment, scrub jays harvest pinyon pine seeds and store them in subterranean caches. In our tests, the birds performed this behavior in an octagonal outdoor aviary with sand-filled cups inserted in the floor. For caching, only 12 such cups in a 90° sector were available, while for the recovery session 4 to 6 days later all 48 cups in the entire aviary were open. In control tests, the birds concentrated their search in the sector where the seeds had been cached. When the internal clock of the birds was shifted 6 h between caching and recovery, they preferentially probed in the adjacent 90° sector. This indicated that they used sun compass information to relocate their caches, largely ignoring visual cues from surrounding landmarks.The dominant role of the sun compass which has a parallel in the orientation of homing pigeons, may reflect a general tendency to prefer compass information in spatial orientation tasks; it is in agreement with the model that birds generally have a directionally oriented view of space.Abbreviations OR Original caches - SH shifted caches  相似文献   

Hatching failure occurs in approximately 10% of all avian eggs, but varies both within and among species. This reduction in viable offspring can have significant fitness consequences for breeding parents; therefore, it is important to understand which factors influence variation in hatching failure among populations. Previous research suggests that hatching failure is higher in a suburban than in a wildland population in the Florida scrub‐jay. From 2003 to 2007, we performed two experiments to examine whether increased hatching failure in the suburbs resulted from 1) increased length of off‐bouts during incubation (predation risk hypothesis, 2003–2004) or 2) increased exposure to ambient temperature during laying (egg viability hypothesis, 2005–2007). Hatching failure was higher for females that took fewer off‐bouts, but the length of those off‐bouts did not influence hatching failure. Thus, nest predation risk does not appear to explain higher hatching failure in the suburbs. Alternatively, hatching failure increased with increasing exposure of eggs to ambient conditions during the laying period. First‐laid eggs in the suburbs had the greatest pre‐incubation exposure to ambient temperature and the greatest rate of hatching failure, consistent with the egg viability hypothesis. Urbanization influences hatching failure through a series of complex interactions. Access to predictable food sources advances mean laying date in suburban scrub‐jays, leading to larger clutch sizes. Because scrub‐jays begin incubation with the ultimate egg, first‐laid eggs in the suburbs may be exposed to ambient temperatures for longer periods, thus reducing their viability.  相似文献   

Mirror self-recognition, as an index of self-awareness, has been proposed as a precursor for more complex social cognitive abilities, such as prosocial reasoning and cooperative decision-making. Indeed, evidence for mirror self-recognition has been shown for animals possessing complex social cognitive abilities such as great apes, dolphins, elephants and corvids. California scrub jays (Aphelocoma californica) have provided strong evidence that non-human animals are capable of mental state attribution. For instance, scrub jays are reported to use their experience stealing the food of others to infer that other birds may similarly intend to steal from them. If a concept of “self” is required for such complex social cognitive abilities, then scrub jays might be expected to show mirror self-recognition. Thus, we examined whether California scrub jays are capable of mirror self-recognition using two experimental contexts: a caching task and the mark test. During the caching task, we compared the extent to which scrub jays protected their food after caching alone, in the presence of a conspecific and in the presence of a mirror. The birds did not engage in more cache protection behaviours with a mirror present than when caching alone, suggesting scrub jays may have recognized their reflection and so did not expect cache theft. Alternative explanations for this behaviour are also discussed. During the mark test, the scrub jays were surreptitiously marked with a red or plumage-coloured control sticker. The scrub jays showed no evidence of mirror self-recognition during the mark test, as the birds did not preferentially attempt to remove the red mark in the presence of a mirror. Together, the results provide mixed evidence of the mirror self-recognition abilities of California scrub jays. We highlight the need to develop alternative approaches for evaluating mirror self-recognition in non-human animals to better understand its relationship with complex social cognition.  相似文献   

One postulated advantage of living in groups is increased protection from predators. Living in small, permanent groups of stable composition allows for the formation of a sentinel system, in which individuals coordinate their vigilance. Florida scrub jays, Aphelocoma coerulescens coerulescens, live in family groups, and coordinate their vigilance into a sentinel system. Observed vigilance behaviour was compared with models generating similar behaviour patterns at random. The occurrence of one jay terminating vigilance in the same minute that another initiated vigilance was greater than expected by chance, and the occurrence of more than one vigilant jay at one time was less frequent than expected by chance. The seasonal pattern of scrub jay sentinel behaviour suggests that it functions primarily for predator detection, especially of raptors. Most aerial predator alarm calls were given by sentinels, and a sentinel was most likely to give the alarm call first.  相似文献   

The Florida Scrub‐Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), a habitat specialist listed as Threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, exhibits extremely limited natal dispersal. We hypothesize that this behaviour results in a correlation of genetic and geographical distance. To test this, we are sampling intensively along the north–south orientated Lake Wales Ridge of central Florida. We describe the isolation and characterization of 31 microsatellite loci developed to determine the minimum distance at which genetic structure can be detected, and to test for isolation by distance. There are 3–15 alleles per locus, with expected heterozygosities from 0.16 to 0.86.  相似文献   

The delimitation of populations, defined as groups of individuals linked by gene flow, is possible by the analysis of genetic markers and also by spatial models based on dispersal probabilities across a landscape. We combined these two complimentary methods to define the spatial pattern of genetic structure among remaining populations of the threatened Florida scrub-jay, a species for which dispersal ability is unusually well-characterized. The range-wide population was intensively censused in the 1990s, and a metapopulation model defined population boundaries based on predicted dispersal-mediated demographic connectivity. We subjected genotypes from more than 1000 individual jays screened at 20 microsatellite loci to two Bayesian clustering methods. We describe a consensus method for identifying common features across many replicated clustering runs. Ten genetically differentiated groups exist across the present-day range of the Florida scrub-jay. These groups are largely consistent with the dispersal-defined metapopulations, which assume very limited dispersal ability. Some genetic groups comprise more than one metapopulation, likely because these genetically similar metapopulations were sundered only recently by habitat alteration. The combined reconstructions of population structure based on genetics and dispersal-mediated demographic connectivity provide a robust depiction of the current genetic and demographic organization of this species, reflecting past and present levels of dispersal among occupied habitat patches. The differentiation of populations into 10 genetic groups adds urgency to management efforts aimed at preserving what remains of genetic variation in this dwindling species, by maintaining viable populations of all genetically differentiated and geographically isolated populations.  相似文献   

Providing supplemental food to Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) causes a reliable advance in clutch initiation of 1 to 2 weeks. In some years, supplemental food appeared to not only advance laying date but also decrease baseline concentrations of corticosterone (CORT) relative to controls. The coincidence of low CORT levels and early breeding led us to hypothesize that CORT serves to communicate information about environmental conditions to the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, which ultimately influences the timing of breeding. To test this hypothesis, we administered small oral doses of CORT three times each day to female breeders that were provisioned with supplemental food. We compared clutch initiation dates of the CORT-dosed females to females with supplementation but no exogenous CORT and to females with neither CORT nor supplemental food. CORT administration had a strong temporary effect on circulating CORT concentrations but clutch initiation did not differ between the two groups of supplemented birds, both of which laid eggs approximately 10 days earlier than nonsupplemented birds. Furthermore, during the year of our study we found no reduction in baseline CORT concentrations in our undosed supplemental groups, as had been observed in past studies.  相似文献   

Food supplementation studies demonstrate the importance of resources in the timing of reproduction. Studies of Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) found that supplemented jays bred earlier than unsupplemented jays and that protein may play a critical role. In this study, free-living scrub-jays were provided with supplemental diets high in fat and protein (HFHP) or high in fat and low in protein (HFLP). Jays in both treatments bred earlier than unsupplemented controls (CNT), but HFHP-supplemented jays bred earlier than HFLP jays. To assess possible mechanisms, we measured testosterone (T) in males, estradiol (E2) in females, and corticosterone (CORT) in both. HFHP males had higher T than HFLP and CNT males, but treatment did not affect E2 levels of females. Pilot studies of scrub-jays in suburban environments suggest that the spatial and temporal predictability of food may influence corticosterone (CORT) levels. Suburban jays have year-round access to human-provided foods and breed earlier than wildland jays; thus, we compared CORT in all treatments in the natural site (wildlands) with those of suburban jays. CORT levels of suburban jays were lower than HFLP, HFHP, and CNT jays. HFHP-supplemented jays had lower CORT levels than those of HFLP and CNT jays. The observed differences in the timing of breeding, both between suburban and wildland populations and between experimental groups in the wildlands, may result from differences in the spatial and temporal predictability of food, and the nutritional differences in diets. Because CORT can negatively affect the reproductive axis, we postulate that nutrient availability, the predictability of food, CORT levels, and initiation of reproduction are inextricably linked.  相似文献   

Florida scrub‐jays are cooperative breeders that live in family groups consisting of a breeding pair, often with several non‐breeding helpers. Florida scrub‐jays cache food by scatter‐hoarding items for later consumption. Within family groups, members have the opportunity to observe and pilfer the caches of other members. We observed jays harvesting experimentally provisioned peanuts alone and in the presence of other family members, to determine whether jays modify their food‐handling behavior relative to social context. Non‐breeding helpers were less likely to cache in the presence of the dominant male breeder than when alone and all jays tended to cache out of sight when observed by another jay. These changes in caching behavior are consistent with cache protection strategies employed by other species. However, the adaptive value of such cache protection within a sedentary cooperatively breeding family group on a year‐round territory is unclear.  相似文献   

Hatching failure within clutches of eggs occurs to varying degrees in many avian species. We investigated predictors of hatching failure in a population of Florida Scrub‐Jays, for which hatching success has been monitored for 15 years. We assessed whether hatching failure was related to parental traits (e.g. age, experience as a pair or body condition), lay date, social structure (e.g. number of helpers), environmental conditions, or some combination of these. We used linear mixed models and Akaike’s information criterion to determine the models that best explain observed patterns of hatching failure. The best model showed that increased hatching failure was associated with below‐average rainfall during the breeding season, and was more common for newly established breeding pairs than for pairs that had previously produced one or more clutches together. Other contributing models suggested that hatching failure was greatest for the youngest and oldest female breeders. Some aspects of our findings are consistent with conclusions drawn from other species. However, as a whole, our analyses suggest that hatching failure in the Florida Scrub‐Jay is influenced by a complex set of environmental and parental factors.  相似文献   

The pine-oak woodlands of the Mexican highlands harbour significant biological diversity, yet little is known about the evolutionary history of organisms inhabiting this region. We assessed genetic and phenotypic differentiation in 482 individuals representing 27 populations of the Mexican jay ( Aphelocoma ultramarina ) — a widespread bird species of the Mexican highlands — to test whether populations in the central and northern Mexican sierras display discrete breaks between groups, which would be consistent with a role for the different mountain chains in divergence and speciation. We found abrupt breaks in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; ND2 and control region) delineating four major genetic groups found in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental, southern Central Plateau (Bajio), and Transvolcanic Belt. These mtDNA groups were largely corroborated by data from nuclear microsatellites and phenotypic data, except that clades from the Central Plateau and Sierra Madre Oriental showed clinal change in these data sets. Uncertainty about the mutation rate for our mitochondrial markers warrants considerable caution with regard to estimating divergence times, but the major genetic groups appear to have split before the most extreme period of glacial cycling that marked the last 0.7 million years and after Mexico's period of major mountain formation. The fact that some genetic breaks do not coincide with well-known geographic barriers suggests a role for ecology in divergence and speciation, and we discuss implications for taxonomy and conservation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have posited that the pattern of glucocorticoid secretion within an individual represents a stable, fixed physiological trait. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the repeatability of baseline and stress-induced corticosterone (CORT) secretion across developmental stages and years in Florida scrub-jays. We sampled individuals from multiple cohorts repeatedly from the age of 11 days post-hatch up to 4 years of age. We found a significant degree of repeatability within individuals in stress-induced corticosterone levels, i.e., the amount of hormone secreted during a standardized stress protocol (corrected integrated corticosterone). However, baseline corticosterone levels were not statistically repeatable, although there was some indication that nestling levels predicted levels at 1 year of age. The results of this study indicate that stress-induced CORT levels are consistent within individual scrub-jays, and the degree to which a young jay mounts an acute stress response appears to be somewhat “set” by the age of nutritional independence. Thus stress-induced corticosterone secretion appears to be a stable, repeatable trait within individuals and as such may be subject to natural selection.  相似文献   

Antioxidants play key roles in preventing free radical damage to various molecules, cells, and tissues, but it is not well understood how variation in antioxidant levels may relate to the reproductive success or health of wild animals. We explored the relationship between circulating antioxidant concentrations and both body condition and timing of reproduction in male and female Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens), a cooperatively breeding passerine bird. We examined whether levels of uric acid, vitamin E, and carotenoids (all potentially important antioxidants) were linked to body condition and timing of reproduction, two measures that are directly related to reproductive success. Antioxidant concentrations were not correlated with body condition, but they were related to timing of first clutch initiation, though not always in the predicted direction. Elevated circulating levels of carotenoids were associated with delayed clutch initiation in female breeders. Relatively higher vitamin E levels in control birds were associated with earlier clutch initiation, whereas male breeders that received long-term food supplementation had elevated levels of vitamin E and delayed reproduction. Several potential explanations for the link between elevated levels of antioxidants and delayed clutch initiation are discussed. Separate explanations for each sex include, but are not limited to, oxidative stress as a result of territory defense efforts in males, different dietary regimes due to supplementation, and mobilized plasma antioxidants in females that were coping with a stressor.  相似文献   

When there is a direct relationship between testosterone level and payoff in reproductive success through aggression, testosterone levels should be elevated. Elevated testosterone, however, has fitness costs, particularly a decreased tendency to display parental care. Thus the pattern of testosterone secretion in males should vary with the social and mating system. Western scrub-jays, Aphelocoma californica woodhouseii, form monogamous pairs on territories during the breeding season. Mexican jays, A. ultramarina, live in large, stable groups and up to five females within a group attempt nesting each spring. In both species, testosterone levels rose rapidly in March and peak levels did not differ. Elevated testosterone levels were only observed for about 3 weeks in the monogamous western scrub-jay, but were observed into May in Mexican jays, a reflection of prolonged opportunity for males to mate with multiple females and continual interaction with other competing males. In Mexican jays, nonbreeding yearlings had lower testosterone levels than all other age groups. Testosterone in males owning nests did not differ from that in other adult males, many of whom engage in extrapair fertilizations. Testosterone was elevated throughout the incubation phase, but was significantly lower when chicks were present in any nest in the group. Nearly all birds in the group fed all chicks. These observations support the hypothesis that testosterone is elevated when male-male competition is frequent and mating opportunities depend on the outcome of that competition, and testosterone is decreased when the necessity for parental or alloparental care would make its effects deleterious. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The sticktight flea, (Echidnophaga gallinacea), a major pest of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) that can cause severe pathology or death if untreated, is rarely recorded in free-living avian species. Sticktight fleas, however, were observed on the federally threatened Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) in February 2004, in south central Florida. Of the 81 Florida scrub-jays (FSJs) sampled before the 2004 breeding season, 12 were infested, with from 1 to as many as 57 fleas. Subsequent survivorship and variation in health indices led us to conclude that the sticktight flea caused the death of several jays. Within 4 mo, 46% of sticktight flea-infested (INF) jays died, whereas in the nonflea-infested (NINF) jays, only 5.9% died. Adult INF birds lost body mass in the time since a previous capture compared with NINF jays, and mass gain was slowed in 1-yr-old INF jays. Hematocrit of INF jays was dramatically impacted, as low as 17%, and was negatively correlated with the extent of infestation. Leukocyte counts were highest in INF jays; however, plasma immunoglobulin levels were lowest. Physiological stress levels, measured using plasma corticosterone, increased more rapidly in INF jays than NINF jays and were positively correlated with heterophil/lymphocyte ratios. The impact of the sticktight flea on the federally threatened FSJ negates previous findings that sticktight fleas are benign in wild avian hosts.  相似文献   

Inter-specific differences in the configuration of avian visual fields and degree of eye/head movements have been associated with foraging and anti-predator behaviors. Our goal was to study visual fields, eye movements, and head movements in two species of corvids: American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) and Western scrub jay (Aphelocoma californica). American crows had wider binocular overlap, longer vertical binocular fields, narrower blind areas, and higher amplitude of eye movement than Western scrub jays. American crows can converge their eyes and see their own bill tip, which may facilitate using different foraging techniques (e.g., pecking, probing) and manufacturing and handing rudimentary tools. Western scrub jays had a higher head movement rate than American crows while on the ground, and the opposite between-species difference was found when individuals were perching. Faster head movements may enhance the ability to scan the environment, which may be related to a higher perceived risk of predation of Western scrub jays when on the ground, and American crows when perching. The visual field configuration of these species appears influenced mostly by foraging techniques while their scaning behavior, by predation risk.  相似文献   

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