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The aim of this study was to compare Toxoplasma gondii infection in three canid species: red fox Vulpes vulpes, arctic fox Vulpes lagopus and raccoon dog Nyctereutesprocyonoides kept at the same farm. Anal swabs were taken from 24 adult and 10 juvenile red foxes, 12 adult arctic foxes, three adult and seven juvenile raccoon dogs. Additionally, muscle samples were taken from 10 juvenile red foxes. PCR was used to detect T. gondii DNA. T. gondii infection was not detected in any of the arctic foxes; 60% ofraccoon dogs were infected; the prevalence of the parasite in material from red fox swabs was intermediate between the prevalence observed in arctic foxes and raccoon dogs. It is possible that susceptibility and immune response to the parasite differ between the three investigated canid species. T. gondii DNA was detected in muscle tissue of five young foxes. The results of this study suggest that T. gondii infection is not rare in farmed canids.  相似文献   

Toxocara canis, an intestinal helminth of canids with zoonotic potential, was found in 618 (59%) of 1,040 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) collected from all Danish provinces (1997-2002). The prevalence and average worm burden were significantly higher for cubs than older foxes and in males than in females. A multiple logistic regression demonstrated that the prevalence was influenced significantly by sex and age of foxes in addition to location, season, and year of collection. The highest prevalence and worm burden were found in rural areas. The size and number of female worms was positively correlated to the fecal egg excretion. The length and fecundity of the worms was significantly higher in male foxes, and a general intensity dependence was suggested from a negative correlation between worm numbers and worm lengths. As compared to intestinal recovery of worms, somatic larvae were recovered from 20% of muscle samples and fecal eggs in 41% of fecal samples. The consistent finding of T. canis larvae in somatic tissues of naturally infected foxes is new.  相似文献   

Aims: The contribution of dogs and cats as reservoirs of antimicrobial resistant enterococci remains largely undefined. This is increasingly important considering the possibility of transfer of bacteria from companion animals to the human host. In this study, dogs and cats from veterinary clinics were screened for the presence of enterococci. Methods and Results: A total of 420 enterococci were isolated from nasal, teeth, rectal, belly and hindquarters sites of 155 dogs and 121 cats from three clinics in Athens, GA. Eighty per cent (124 out of 155) of the dogs and 60% (72 out of 121) of the cats were positive for enterococci. From the total number of dog samples (n = 275), 32% (n = 87) were from hindquarter, 31% (n = 86) were rectal, and 29% (n = 79) were from the belly area. The majority of isolates originated from rectal samples (53 out of 145; 37%) from cats. The predominant species identified was Enterococcus faecalis (105 out of 155; 68%) from dogs and E. hirae (63 out of 121; 52%) from cats. Significantly more E. faecalis were isolated from rectal samples than any other enterococcal species (P < 0·05) for both dogs and cats suggesting site specific colonization of enterococcal species. The highest levels of resistance were to ciprofloxacin in E. faecium (9 out of 10; 90%), chloramphenicol resistance in E. faecalis (17 out of 20; 85%) and gentamicin resistance in E. faecalis (19 out of 24; 79%) from dog samples and nitrofurantoin resistance in E. faecium (15 out of 19; 79%) from cats. Multi‐drug resistance (MDR) (resistance ≥2 antimicrobials) was observed to as few as two and as many as eight antimicrobials regardless of class. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that dogs and cats are commonly colonized with antimicrobial resistant enterococci. Significance and Impact of the Study: Dogs and cats may act as reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes that can be transferred from pets to people.  相似文献   

A total of 15 red foxes, 15 raccoon dogs, 15 domestic dogs and 15 domestic cats were each infected with 20,000 protoscolices of Echinococcus multilocularis. At 35, 63, and 90 days post inoculation (dpi), five animals from each group were necropsied and the worm burdens determined. The highest worm burdens in foxes (mean of 16,792) and raccoon dogs (mean of 7930) were found at 35 dpi. These declined to a mean of just 331 worms in foxes and 3213 worms in raccoon dogs by day 63 with a further decline to 134 worms in foxes and 67 worms in raccoon dogs by day 90. In dogs, there was no significant difference between worm burdens recovered at days 35 (mean of 2466) and day 90 (mean of 1563), although reduced numbers were recovered on day 63 (mean of 899). In cats, worms were found in four animals 35 dpi (mean of 642), in three at 63 dpi (mean of 28) and in two at 90 dpi (mean of 57). Faecal egg counts were determined at 3 day intervals from 25 dpi. A mathematical model of egg excretion dynamics suggested that the mean biotic potential per infected animal was high in foxes (346,473 eggs); raccoon dogs (335,361 eggs) and dogs (279,910 eggs) but very low for cats (573 eggs). It also indicated that approximately 114, 42 and 27 eggs per worm were excreted in the faeces of dogs, raccoon dogs and foxes, respectively. The fecundity of worms in cats was low with an average of less than one egg per worm. The peak levels of coproantigen were detected earlier in foxes and raccoon dogs than in dogs. Eggs recovered from foxes, raccoon dogs and dogs resulted in massive infections in experimental mice. However, metacestodes did not develop from eggs originating from infected cats. It is concluded that foxes, raccoon dogs and dogs are good hosts of E. multilocularis. In contrast, the low worm establishment, the very few excreted eggs and the lack of infectivity of eggs strongly indicate that cats play an insignificant role in parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Species coexistence is governed by availability of resources and intraguild interactions including strategies to reduce ecological overlap. Gray foxes are dietary generalist mesopredators expected to benefit from anthropogenic disturbance, but populations have declined across the midwestern USA, including severe local extirpation rates coinciding with high coyote and domestic dog occurrence and low red fox occurrence. We used data from a large‐scale camera trap survey in southern Illinois, USA to quantify intraguild spatial and temporal interactions among the canid guild including domestic dogs. We used a two‐species co‐occurrence model to make pairwise assessments of conditional occupancy and detection rates. We also estimated temporal activity overlap among species and fit a fixed‐effects hierarchical community occupancy model with the four canid species. We partitioned the posterior distributions to compare gray fox occupancy probabilities conditional on estimated state of combinations of other species to assess support for hypothesized interactions. We found no evidence of broadscale avoidance among native canids and conclude that spatial and temporal segregation were limited by ubiquitous human disturbance. Mean guild richness was two canid species at a site and gray fox occupancy was greater when any combination of sympatric canids was also present, setting the stage for competitive exclusion over time. Domestic dogs may amplify competitive interactions by increasing canid guild size to the detriment of gray foxes. Our results suggest that while human activities can benefit some mesopredators, other species such as gray foxes may serve as bellwethers for habitat degradation with trophic downgrading and continued anthropogenic homogenization.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the species of ked infesting dogs in the cities of central Poland. A total of 510 dogs were observed between June and September 2015. The presence of keds was noted in 182 (35.7%) animals. Keds were more prevalent in female (38.0%) than in male (33.2%) dogs, and were more frequently found in animals younger than 1 year (46.2%) and in long‐haired dogs (36.6%). The body areas most heavily colonized by keds were the groin (35.4%) and neck (21.4%). A total of 904 keds were isolated from dogs, including Hippobosca equina (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) (17.2%), Lipoptena cervi (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) (32.0%), and two species not previously encountered in Poland: Hippobosca longipennis (45.0%) and Lipoptena fortisetosa (5.9%). Hippoboscidae may act as vectors of pathogens and any shifts in their geographic range may lead to the spread of new diseases affecting animals.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) has a wide host spectrum, and during the past years, distemper has been observed in species that were previously not considered to be susceptible. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of CDV-specific antibodies in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) sampled between May and November 1997. About 9 to 13% of the Luxembourg red fox population is positive for antibodies against CDV. Thus a sizeable proportion of red foxes has been exposed to CDV in the wild. The significance of CDV in red foxes is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of dominant allele Ar of locus Agouti on the morphology of hair pigmentation were described in foxes. The Ar allele was shown to determine the type of melanin and its content in hair with no effect on the morphology of pigment granules and their distribution throughout a hair. Using the method of electron spin resonance (ESR), the types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) and their content in the hair of red (ArArEE) and silver (aaEE) foxes and their hybrids (AraEE) were determined. In silver foxes, only one type of melanin (eumelanin) was found. In red foxes and their hybrids (which are phenotypically similar but darker than red foxes), both types of melanin (eu- and pheomelanin) were found. The highest melanin content was detected in the coat of silver foxes. In the hybrids, the total melanin content was lower than in silver foxes, but significantly higher than in red foxes. In red foxes, the contribution of pheomelanin to the total hair melanin content was twice as large as in the hybrids.  相似文献   

The intestines and hearts of dogs were examined for Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, and Dirofilaria immitis, after necropsy between June 26 and September 29, 2004 in Chuncheon, Korea. Of the 662 dogs examined, 6 were infected with T. canis (0.9%), 86 with T. leonina (13.0%). Fifty dogs were infected with D. immitis among 500 dogs examined (10.0%). Five were co-infected with T. canis and T. leonina, and three were co-infected with T. leonina and D. immitis. The cumulative positive infection rate for three species was 134/662 (20.2%). Considering previously reported seropositive rates of T. canis excretory-secretory antigen, i.e., 5% in the adult population in Korea, the possibility of toxocariasis caused by T. leonina should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is an important cause of nosocomial diarrhoea in humans. Pet animals and livestock are discussed as potential natural reservoirs and sources of infection. In this study faecal samples from dogs and cats were collected at 10 animal shelters in Thuringia, Germany. C. difficile was isolated from 9 out of 165 (5.5%) canine and 5 out of 135 (3.7%) feline samples. Five PCR ribotypes (010, 014/020, 039, 045, SLO 066) were identified. PCR ribotypes 010 and 014/020 were detected in more than one shelter and PCR ribotypes 014/020 and 045 were isolated from dogs and cats. MLVA profiles of strains of a PCR ribotype from one shelter were identical or closely related, while strains of the same PCR ribotype from different shelters showed significant differences. This study shows that dogs and cats kept in animal shelters are a reservoir of C. difficile PCR ribotypes which can infect also humans.  相似文献   

Fifty-six red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 18 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and 13 coyotes (Canis latrans) obtained by the South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department during an investigation of suspected illegal wildlife translocation were examined for diseases and parasites. Red foxes and coyotes were confiscated from an animal dealer based in Ohio (USA), and gray foxes were purchased from an animal dealer in Indiana (USA). Emphasis was placed on detection of pathogens representing potential health risks to native wildlife, domestic animals, or humans. All animals were negative for rabies; however, 15 gray foxes were incubating canine distemper at necropsy. Serologic tests disclosed antibodies to canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, canine coronavirus, canine herpesvirus, and canine parainfluenza virus in one or more host species. Twenty-three species of parasites (two protozoans, three trematodes, four cestodes, eleven nematodes, and three arthropods) were found, including species with substantial pathogenic capabilities. Echinococcus multilocularis, a recognized human pathogen not enzootic in the southeastern United States, was found in red foxes. Based on this information, we conclude that the increasingly common practice of wild canid translocation for stocking fox-chasing enclosures poses potential health risks to indigenous wildlife, domestic animals, and humans and, therefore, is biologically hazardous.  相似文献   

The province of Ontario (Canada) reported more laboratory confirmed rabid animals than any other state or province in Canada or the USA from 1958-91, with the exception of 1960-62. More than 95% of those cases occurred in the southern 10% of Ontario (approximately 100,000 km2), the region with the highest human population density and greatest agricultural activity. Rabies posed an expensive threat to human health and significant costs to the agricultural economy. The rabies variant originated in arctic foxes: the main vector in southern Ontario was the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), with lesser involvement of the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources began a 5 yr experiment in 1989 to eliminate terrestrial rabies from a approximately 30,000 km2 study area in the eastern end of southern Ontario. Baits containing oral rabies vaccine were dropped annually in the study area at a density of 20 baits/km2 from 1989-95. That continued 2 yr beyond the original 5 yr plan. The experiment was successful in eliminating the arctic fox variant of rabies from the whole area. In the 1980's, an average of 235 rabid foxes per year were reported in the study area. None have been reported since 1993. Cases of fox rabies in other species also disappeared. In 1995, the last bovine and companion animal cases were reported and in 1996 the last rabid skunk occurred. Only bat variants of rabies were present until 1999, when the raccoon variant entered from New York (USA). The success of this experiment led to an expansion of the program to all of southern Ontario in 1994. Persistence of terrestrial rabies, and ease of elimination, appeared to vary geographically, and probably over time. Ecological factors which enhance or reduce the long term survival of rabies in wild foxes are poorly understood.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were determined in sera from 222 coyotes (Canis latrans), 283 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and 97 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio during 1990-1993. Sera were examined in 1:25, 1:100, and 1:500 dilutions by the modified direct agglutination test (MAT) with formalinized whole tachyzoites plus mercaptoethanol. Antibodies were found in 131 (59.0%) of 222 coyotes, 243 (85.9%) of 283 red foxes, and 73 (75.3%) of 97 gray foxes. Antibodies were also measured by different serologic tests in 4 littermate T. gondii-free red foxes fed T. gondii tissue cysts or oocysts; the fifth littermate fox was not fed T. gondii. Antibodies were measured in fox sera obtained 0, 14, and 36-55 days after infection with T. gondii. All 4 foxes fed T. gondii developed MAT and dye test antibody titers of 1:200 or more 14 days later. The latex agglutination test (LAT) and indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) were less sensitive than MAT for the diagnosis of T. gondii infection in foxes. Antibodies were not detected by LAT (titer 1:64) in the 2 foxes fed tissue cysts nor by IHAT in 1 of the foxes fed tissue cysts. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of all 4 foxes fed T. gondii. The control fox had no T. gondii antibodies detectable by any of the serologic tests.  相似文献   

The sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used as a diagnostic test for Echinococcus granulosus infection by detecting coproantigens in 94 stray dogs Canis familiaris and eight red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from northern Jordan. The results were analyzed in relation to actual helminth infection as revealed by necropsy. The infection rate of dogs with E. granulosus was 13.8% with a worm load ranging between 3-> 10,000 per infected dog. In contrast, eight of 13 E. granulosus infected dogs were coproantigen positive (overall sensitivity 61.5%). The sensitivity increased to 87.5% and 100% in dogs harboring > 20 and > 100 worms/dog, respectively. The specificity of coproantigen-ELISA was 91%. The greatest cross-reactivity was found in dogs infected with Dipylidium caninum. The positive and negative predictive values for the coproantigen-ELISA test were 50% and 94.2%, respectively. Thus, a coproantigen negative dog is most probably truly negative for E. granulosus. In contrast, a coproantigen positive dog may not be truly positive for E. granulosus, except if it has a high worm burden of > 100 worms/animal.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Echinococcus multilocularis in the Poland-Slovak frontier zone of the East Carpathian region was assessed, for comparison with that in adjacent regions in both countries. A total of 392 red foxes from Poland and 427 red foxes from the Slovak Republic were examined from 2001 to 2004. Significant differences in prevalences were observed in foxes captured from the borderland and adjacent zones in both countries. The mean prevalence of E. multilocularis in the Polish borderland reached 45.7+/-18.6% and in the Slovak border 35.0+/-10.7%. In both countries, the prevalence of E. multilocularis in red foxes from adjacent districts, outside the frontier Carpathian region, was considerably lower (18.9+/-9.2% in Poland and 20.8+/-9.0% in Slovakia). These differences are probably due to geomorphological and ecological factors, which contribute to the survival of the tapeworm eggs and the subsequent spread of infection. The Carpathian regions of northeast Slovakia and southeast Poland are characterized by specific climatic conditions such as low mean annual air temperatures, low temperatures in active soil surfaces, high soil humidities and a high mean annual rainfall.  相似文献   

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