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The influence of the father on offspring development in the striped mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When males of a species follow different reproductive strategiesin different habitats, one might expect the strategy adoptedto maximize fitness payoffs under particular ecological conditions.Striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) males in the moist grasslandsof South Africa follow a roaming mating strategy, visiting severalreceptive females, and do not participate in parental care.In contrast, males in the arid succulent karoo are permanentmembers of social groups and help care for young. We predictedthat paternal care leads to fitness benefits in striped micefrom the succulent karoo but not from the grasslands. Experimentswere conducted simultaneously in both locations under captiveseminatural conditions to study offspring growth and survivalto weaning in two experimental groups: father absent and fatherpresent. In the succulent karoo, offspring development was fasterwhen the father was present, but the father's absence did notaffect offspring growth in the grasslands. The significantlylower night temperatures in the succulent karoo compared tothe grasslands negatively influenced offspring development duringthe first 3 days after birth, which in turn influenced offspringdevelopment until weaning. Exposure to low temperatures is energeticallycostly to free-living mice, as indicated by a greater loss ofbody weight during cold spring nights than warmer summer nights.We suggest that paternal care, particularly huddling of pups,improves offspring development in the succulent karoo, whereasthe presence or absence of the father does not appear to directlyinfluence offspring growth in the grasslands.  相似文献   

The striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) is widely distributed in southern Africa, inhabiting a wide range of habitats. We describe the demography of the striped mouse in the arid succulent karoo of South Africa, and compare our findings with those of published results for the same species from the moist grasslands of South Africa. In both habitats, breeding starts in spring, but the breeding season in the succulent karoo is only half as long as in the grasslands, which can be explained by different patterns and levels of rainfall; the succulent karoo receives mainly winter rain and rainfall is much less (about 160 mm year−1) than in the grasslands (>1000 mm year−1) which experience summer rain. Population density increased from 37 (start of breeding season) to 171 (end of breeding season) mice per hectare. A high yearly survival rate of 27% during our study from summer to the next breeding season resulted in a population density that was 10 times higher in the succulent karoo than in grasslands. The comparatively high population density may result in habitat saturation and thus forced philopatry, promoting group living in the succulent karoo, which contrasts with the solitary life-style exhibited by populations in moist grasslands.


Demographie der Striemengrasmaus (Rhabdomys pumilio) in der SukkulentenkarooDie Striemengrasmaus (Rhabdomys pumilio) ist im südlichen Afrika weit verbreitet und kommt in unterschiedlichen Habitaten vor. In dieser Studie beschreiben wir die Demographie der Striemengrasmaus in der ariden Sukkulentenkaroo Südafrikas, und vergleichen unsere Ergebnisse mit den Ergebnissen früherer Studien, welche dieselbe Art in den feuchten Grasländern Südafrikas untersucht haben. Die Fortpflanzungssaison beginnt in beiden Habitaten im Frühling, aber sie ist in der Sukkulentenkaroo nur halb so lange wie in den Grasländern. Der Grund dafür wird im unterschiedlichen Niederschlagsmuster vermutet: In der Sukkulentenkaroo regnet es wenig im Winter (ca. 160 mm), während es in den Grasländern viel im Sommer regnet (>1000 mm). Die Überlebensrate in der Sukkulentenkaroo war vom Sommer zur nächsten Fortpflanzungssaison im Frühjahr mit 27% außerordentlich hoch, während die Populationsdichte zehnmal so groß war wie in den Grasländern. Am Anfang der Fortpflanzungssaison betrug die Populationsdichte 37 Mäuse ha−1, am Ende der Fortpflanzungssaison 171 Mäuse ha−1. Die außergewöhnlich hohe Populationsdichte führt womöglich zu Habitatsättigung und einem Fehlen freier Territorien, was mit erklären könnte, warum die Striemengrasmaus in der Sukkulentenkaroo gruppenlebend ist, in den Grasländern hingegen solitär.  相似文献   

Animals may respond to seasonally changing environments withphysiological and behavioral strategies. Whereas migration isa behavioral strategy used by many taxa, it may not be an optionfor small mammals. However, small mammals can seasonally varythe area of habitat in which they are active. The striped mouseRhabdomys pumilio in the semiarid Succulent Karoo of South Africalives in a seasonal environment, characterized by hot, dry summerswith low food abundance and cold, wet winters, followed by highfood abundance in spring. We radio tracked a total of 28 femalesduring the 2004 dry season, the following breeding season inspring, and the following dry season in 2005 and tested theprediction that females shift their home ranges in relationto food availability. Females shifted their home ranges froman area characterized by evergreen succulent shrubs in the vicinityof a dry riverbed in the dry season to sandy areas that werecharacterized by new plant growth of annuals in spring. Homeranges during the breeding season in spring had a higher percentageof annuals than dry season home ranges measured in spring. Femalehome range size increased during the breeding season. We suggestthat female striped mice shift their home ranges seasonallyto gain access to protein-rich young plant material, which isimportant for breeding.  相似文献   

Alloparental care of non‐breeders is the main characteristic of cooperatively breeding species. While many studies have contributed to the understanding of the evolutionary reasons why individuals provide care to young that are not their own offspring, the variables influencing and causing alloparental care are less understood. We tested in African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) whether age, sex, testosterone and corticosterone were correlated with alloparental care of non‐breeding helpers. We studied 11 family groups under controlled conditions in the laboratory, each with two juvenile and two adult helpers, one being male and one being female in each age category. We predicted male helpers to show more alloparental care than female helpers, as males are the dispersing sex and might thus have to pay for staying. We also expected adult helpers to show more alloparental care than juvenile helpers and both corticosterone and testosterone to correlate negatively with alloparental care. We found high levels of alloparental care in non‐breeding striped mice, which spent a significant amount of time in the nest, huddling and licking pups. There was neither a difference between the sexes nor between age categories (although both factors were significant in interaction terms), indicating either low costs and/or high benefits of alloparental care. Mothers showed significantly more care than helpers, and fathers showed similar levels of parental care as mothers but not significantly more than helpers. Although testosterone levels differed significantly between helpers of different age and sex, with adult male helpers showing the highest levels, we did not find any relationships between testosterone and the amount of alloparental care. Corticosterone levels were negatively correlated with alloparental care, and these effects were modulated by the sex and the age of helpers. In females, less alloparental care was shown with increasing corticosterone levels, while in males, the relationship was positive. Also, younger individuals with lower corticosterone levels showed more alloparental care than older individuals with low corticosterone levels. In sum, alloparental care is well developed in male and female non‐breeding helpers of striped mice, both in adult and juvenile helpers, but independently of testosterone, with corticosterone showing an age‐ and sex‐specific relationship with alloparental care.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior is influenced by spatial and temporal habitat heterogeniety. Here we report on within-day foraging and perceived risk of predation by the striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) in a grassland savannah with wooded “islands” using giving-up densities (GUD, amount of food left behind in depletable food patches). Higher GUDs correspond to higher forging costs. GUDs were measured six times per day at 2-h intervals from paired stations along fern–grass habitat boundaries at 3 and 6 m distances from 10 wooded islands. R. pumilio's GUDs varied significantly over the course of the day with highest GUDs during the afternoon hours of 1–3 pm, and lowest between 7 and 9 am in the morning. The same pattern was consistent for both habitats (fern and grass) and distances from the wooded islands. GUDs decreased with distance from the woody islands in both fern and grass habitats and were significantly lower in the fern habitat. This activity pattern suggests that R. pumilio responds to a spectrum of spatially and temporally varying risks from a variety of predators including aerial predators that increase risk as they make use of mid-day thermals.  相似文献   

Animals have to adjust their physiology to seasonal changes, in response to variation in food availability, social tactics and reproduction. I compared basal corticosterone and testosterone levels in free ranging striped mouse from a desert habitat, comparing between the sexes, breeding and philopatric non-breeding individuals, and between the breeding and the non-breeding season. I expected differences between breeders and non-breeders and between seasons with high and low food availability. Basal serum corticosterone was measured from 132 different individuals and serum testosterone from 176 different individuals of free living striped mice. Corticosterone and testosterone levels were independent of age, body weight and not influenced by carrying a transmitter. The levels of corticosterone and testosterone declined by approximately 50% from the breeding to the non-breeding season in breeding females as well as non-breeding males and females. In contrast, breeding males showed much lower corticosterone levels during the breeding season than all other classes, and were the only class that showed an increase of corticosterone from the breeding to the non-breeding season. As a result, breeding males had similar corticosterone levels as other social classes during the non-breeding season. During the breeding season, breeding males had much higher testosterone levels than other classes, which decreased significantly from the breeding to the non-breeding season. My results support the prediction that corticosterone decreases during periods of low food abundance. Variation in the pattern of hormonal secretion in striped mice might assist them to cope with seasonal changes in energy demand in a desert habitat.  相似文献   

An individual′s survival and fitness depend on its ability to effectively allocate its time between competing behaviors. Sex, social tactic, season and food availability are important factors influencing activity budgets. However, few field studies have tested their influences. The African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) lives in highly seasonal habitats in southern Africa, and individuals can adopt different social tactics. We investigated seasonal changes in activity budgets of different tactics and predicted that individuals will reduce their activity in the non‐breeding season to save energy when food availability is low and that young non‐breeding adults (‘philopatrics’) invest mainly in activities related to gaining body mass to increase survival probability. We predicted old adults (‘breeders’), which bred during the previous breeding season, to invest mainly in maintenance of their social status. We conducted 90 focal observations during the non‐breeding season and 73 during the breeding season. Activity budgets of striped mice were season and tactic specific, with philopatrics, but not breeders, reducing activity when food availability was low, possibly to decrease energy expenditure. Philopatrics of both sexes foraged and basked more in the breeding season than during the non‐breeding season. Male philopatrics gained body mass and female philopatrics maintained their body mass in both seasons. Sex‐specific differences occurred during the breeding season, when female breeders foraged more than male breeders, while male breeders chased other individuals more than female breeders. These findings indicate that individuals adopting different social tactics display distinct behaviors to fulfill tactic‐specific energetic needs .  相似文献   

In male fishes, birds and mammals, increased prolactin secretion is thought to play a role in species showing paternal behaviours. This hypothesis was investigated in the striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio). This paper compares serum prolactin levels in 71 free-living male striped mice following three different reproductive tactics: (i) paternal group-living breeders, (ii) alloparental philopatric group-living males, and (iii) roaming non-paternal solitary males. Prolactin levels of breeding males were significantly higher than that of roamers. Alloparental philopatric males had low prolactin levels, which concur with studies of cooperatively breeding mammals, but contrasts with studies of cooperatively breeding birds. Both breeding males and females showed a decrease in prolactin levels after the breeding season, but not alloparental philopatric males. Prolactin levels were correlated with neither corticosterone levels nor age. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis that prolactin is one proximate mechanism of male reproductive tactics, possibly regulating differences in male parental care.  相似文献   

The social organization of species ranges from solitary-living to complex social groups. While the evolutionary reasons of group-living are well studied, the physiological mechanisms underlying alternative social systems are poorly understood. By studying group-living and solitary individuals of the same species, we can determine hormonal correlates of sociality without the problem of confounding phylogenetic factors. The African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) is a socially flexible species, which can be solitary or alternatively form complex family groups, depending on population density and the extent of reproductive competition. We predicted group-living striped mice to show signs of reproductive suppression and social stress, resulting in higher corticosterone but lower testosterone levels when compared to solitary-living individuals. To determine whether differences in social organization correlated with hormonal differences, we collected blood samples from free-living striped mice during four breeding seasons when we experimentally induced solitary-living in philopatric individuals by locally reducing population density. Striped mice that were group-living did not change their corticosterone or estosterone levels during the study, indicating that there was no temporal effect during the breeding season. Striped mice of both sexes had significantly lower corticosterone levels after switching from group- to solitary-living. Solitary males – but not solitary females – had higher testosterone levels than group-living conspecifics. Our results suggest that group-living results in physiological stress and can induce reproductive suppression, at least in philopatric males. The switch to solitary-living may thus be a tactic to avoid reproductive competition within groups, and is associated with decreased stress hormone levels and onset of independent reproduction.  相似文献   


The proportion of time spent by South Island robins (Petroica australis australis) of different sex, age, and status giving full song, subsong, and downscales, on a monthly and diurnal basis, is described. Females never gave full song. Males did so throughout the year, but least while moulting. Since bachelors sang significantly more than paired males, song probably functioned largely to attract females. Breeding males sang most during the pre-laying stage. From January to April adult males sang significantly more than immature males, but from May to July the reverse was true. Robins sang mainly in the early morning. Robins generally spent less than 0.5% of time during any stage of the breeding cycle giving sub-song. Outside the breeding season, males spent significantly more time giving sub-song than females, and adult males sang more than immature males. Robins in all categories gave more sub-song during the moult than afterwards. The diurnal pattern of sub-song production was bimodal. About half the downscales were followed by no obvious action from the caller or response from other robins, nor were the calls preceded by an obvious event. About 25% of the downscales were associated with interactions between members of a pair; the remainder were associated with territorial defence. Downscales probably served to maintain contact between members of a pair and to advertise possession of territory. These calls were heard rarely in the breeding season, and most frequently in April. Males gave downscales more than females, but use of downscales by both sexes was evenly distributed through the day.  相似文献   

Shorebirds show high variability in parental care strategies among species, populations, and environments. Research on shorebird parental sex roles can help to understand the selective pressures that shape avian breeding strategies. Although several studies have examined parental care strategies in holarctic shorebirds, very little research has been conducted in the tropics. Here we examined parental sex roles during territorial defence, incubation, and chick-rearing in Malaysian plovers Charadrius peronii in the Gulf of Thailand. The costs and gains of particular parental behaviour may vary between the sexes and can be affected differently by environmental factors and chick age. Thus we also examined how temperature, prey availability, chick or embryo age, and time of day affected parental sex roles. Males spent more time defending territories and were further away from chicks whereas females spent more time incubating eggs. Both adults contributed to chick defence during disturbances throughout the entire chick-rearing period. Total nest attendance (sum of both sexes) was affected by the modelled temperature of an unincubated egg. Prey availability, embryo age, and time of day had no effect on total nest attendance. Males adjusted incubation effort in response to temperature only at high temperatures (>36°C) whereas females adjusted nest attendance at high and low temperatures. Chick age had no effect on the proportion of time adults spent defending territories or responding to disturbance. Pairs were more likely to fledge chicks if both the male and female spent more time defending territories. For Malaysian plovers, high cooperation between the sexes during parental care may help to achieve high quality breeding territories, maintain body conditions during hot days, protect offspring from predators and attacking conspecifics, and contribute to high lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

采用实验生态学方法,在室内水槽条件下研究了金乌贼(Sepia esculenta Hoyle,1885)繁殖过程中社群等级的形成对其行为表型和能量代谢的影响,分析测定了不同优势等级雌雄个体腕部肌肉和性腺组织中己糖激酶(Hexokinase, HK)、丙酮酸激酶(Pyruvate kinase, PK)、乳酸脱氢酶(Lactate dehydrogenase, LDH)、苹果酸脱氢酶(Malate dehydrogenase, MDH)、柠檬酸合酶(Citrate synthetase, CS)活性以及乳酸(Lactic acid, LD)含量。结果显示:(1)金乌贼繁殖期不同优势等级雌雄个体之间行为表型具有显著差异,优势雄性个体游动悬浮、争斗时间显著高于劣势个体,而优势雌性个体静止伏底时间高于劣势个体,游动悬浮时间低于劣势雌性;(2)优势雄性个体在争斗过程中主要通过无氧代谢提供能量,而处于游动悬浮状态时通过有氧代谢提供能量。主要表现在优势雄性个体肌肉中无氧代谢酶(PK、HK、LDH)活性显著高于劣势个体(P0.05),有氧代谢酶(MDH、CS)活性也显著高于劣势个体,雌性个体之间则差异不显著(P0.05);(3)繁殖期雌性个体通过减少运动量来储存能量用于产卵繁殖,主要表现在优势雌性个体肌肉中有氧代谢酶(MDH、CS)活性低于劣势个体,而在性腺中恰恰相反;(4)运动表型与能量代谢之间存在显著相关性,表现在游动悬浮时间与有氧代谢酶(MDH、CS)活性呈显著正相关(P0.001),争斗时间与无氧代谢酶(PK、HK、LDH)及乳酸(LD)含量呈显著正相关(P0.05)。结果表明,社群等级高的雄性个体运动能力强,具有较高的生存适应性。而社群等级高的雌性个体多处于静止状态,以便更好地储存能量用于繁殖。研究结果为金乌贼健康苗种培育以及规模化繁殖技术优化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In some biparental mammals, paternal care is important for offspring development and survival. We investigated the influence of the early post‐natal environment on the development of paternal care in the naturally paternal desert‐dwelling African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio). Our aim was to establish whether the expression of paternal care in adult sons is influenced by their experience of paternal care. Offspring were raised in one of three conditions: both parents raised young; mothers raised young alone; and mothers raised young alone but were separated from the father with a barrier. The paternal care behaviour of sons was investigated when they were adults. Contrary to expectations, adult sons raised by the mother alone displayed greater levels of huddling behaviour of their own pups compared to sons raised by both parents. This response appears to be influenced by the early mother–son relationship, because mothers raising pups alone compensated for the absence of fathers by increasing the time spent with pups compared to mothers raising pups with fathers. The mechanisms underpinning the development of paternal care are not apparent in our study. Nonetheless, the development of paternal care is condition‐dependent in male striped mice, indicating that the potential for greater levels of care occurs in the absence of the father and concomitant compensation of maternal care during early development.  相似文献   

1.?While the reasons for group-living have been studied for decades, little is known about why individuals become solitary. 2.?Several previous experimental studies could demonstrate that group-living can arises as a consequence of ecological constraints. 3.?It has been argued that reproductive competition between group members leads to significant costs of group-living, being a main reason of solitary-living. However, so far, no studies tested experimentally whether reproductive competition can explain solitary-living. 4.?Using a socially flexible species, the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio), we tested experimentally in the field whether dispersal and solitary-living are more likely to occur when reproductive competition is present. 5.?We investigated ecological constraints, here expressed as a function of population density, by removing groups of striped mice and creating vacant territories. To control for the effect of reproductive competition, which occurs only during the breeding season, we performed experiments during both the breeding and the non-breeding season. This is the first removal experiment performed in a species with communal breeding during the non-breeding season. 6.?During the breeding season, when population density was low, more striped mice from experimental groups moved into the vacant territories and became solitary than striped mice from control groups. This is in support of the ecological constraints hypothesis. 7.?During the non-breeding season, striped mice remained group-living despite the availability of free territories. Significantly, more striped mice became solitary-living during the breeding than during the non-breeding season. This is the first experimental support for the reproductive competition hypothesis explaining solitary-living. 8.?Analysis of the sexual maturity of males showed that males which became solitary had a higher reproductive potential than males that remained group-living. Analysis of the body mass data of females showed that more solitary females reproduced than group-living females. These results indicate that by becoming solitary individuals of both sexes avoided costs of reproductive competition within groups. 9.?Our study provides experimental evidence that reproductive competition within groups can lead to dispersal and solitary-living.  相似文献   

Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of habitat modification on wildlife communities is central to the development of conservation strategies. However, albeit male and female individuals of numerous species are known to exhibit differences in habitat use, sex‐specific responses to habitat modification remain little explored. Here, we used a landscape‐scale fragmentation experiment to assess, separately for males and females, the effects of fragmentation on the abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Rhinophylla pumilio, two widespread Neotropical frugivorous bats. We predicted that sex‐specific responses would arise from higher energetic requirements from pregnancy and lactation in females. Analyses were conducted independently for each season, and we further investigated the joint responses to local and landscape‐scale metrics of habitat quality, composition, and configuration. Although males and females responded similarly to a fragmentation gradient composed by continuous forest, fragment interiors, edges, and matrix habitats, we found marked differences between sexes in habitat use for at least one of the seasons. Whereas the sex ratio varied little in continuous forest and fragment interiors, females were found to be more abundant than males in edge and matrix habitats. This difference was more prominent in the dry season, the reproductive season of both species. For both species, abundance responses to local‐ and landscape‐scale predictors differed between sexes and again, differences were more pronounced in the dry season. The results suggest considerable sex‐mediated responses to forest disruption and degradation in tropical bats and complement our understanding of the impacts of fragmentation on tropical forest vertebrate communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Investigators generally pool observations of males and females in studies of the foraging behavior of sexually monochromatic songbirds. However, such pooling can obscure possible intersexual differences. We compared the foraging behavior of male and female Western Wood‐Pewees (Contopus sordidulus), a sexually monochromatic species, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California during the breeding seasons of 2007 and 2008. We recorded 143 foraging observations (male N= 74, female N= 69). Overall, mean foraging rates of females (2.8 attacks/min) were higher (P < 0.001) than those of males (1.1 attacks/min). In addition, female foraging rates were significantly higher during incubation than during the nest building, nestling, and fledgling periods. When foraging, males perched higher above ground than females (means = 17.1 and 6.7 m, respectively). Differences between male and female Western Wood‐Pewees in foraging rates and perch heights suggest that males may spend more time on vigilance while females focus on foraging quickly during incubation and when feeding nestlings. Because metrics such as foraging attack rates are sometimes used as indicators of habitat quality and we found that rates can differ between the sexes and among nesting stages, investigators should consider the possibility of such differences when assessing habitat quality, especially for sexually monochromatic species of birds.  相似文献   

Field observations of markedRhinogobius sp. DA (Dark type) individuals and monthly sampling in the Kashiwa River, Shikoku Island, Japan, indicated the breeding season of the species to be from mid-April to early July, peaking in May. Mark-and-recapture data showed that at least half of the females spawned more than once in one breeding season. Although eggs in male-guarded nests were all at the same developmental stage, their mean number exceeded that of pre-spawning yolk stage oocytes per female, suggesting that at least some guarding males received eggs from more than one female. The physical condition of both sexes deteriorated considerably during the breeding season, the hepatosomatic index of guarding males decreasing concurrently with the development of eggs. The decline in physical condition of guarding males was attributed mainly to their restricted feeding opportunities.  相似文献   

Reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) may be related to different roles in breeding investment and/or foraging, but little information is available on foraging ecology. We studied the foraging behaviour and parental investment by male and female masked boobies, a species with RSD, by combining studies of foraging ecology using miniaturised activity and GPS data loggers of nest attendance, with an experimental study where flight costs were increased. Males attended the chick more often than females, but females provided more food to the chick than males. Males and females foraged during similar periods of the day, had similar prey types and sizes, diving depths, durations of foraging trips, foraging zones and ranges. Females spent a smaller proportion of the foraging trip sitting on the water and had higher diving rate than males, suggesting higher foraging effort by females. In females, trip duration correlated with mass at departure, suggesting a flexible investment through control by body mass. The experimental study showed that handicapped females and female partners of handicapped males lost mass compared to control birds, whereas there was no difference for males. These results indicate that the larger female is the main provisioner of the chick in the pair, and regulates breeding effort in relation to its own body mass, whereas males have a fixed investment. The different breeding investment between the sexes is associated with contrasting foraging strategies, but no clear niche differentiation was observed. The larger size of the females may be advantageous for provisioning the chick with large quantities of energy and for flexible breeding effort, while the smaller male invests in territory defence and nest guarding, a crucial task when breeding at high densities. In masked boobies, division of labour appears to be maximal during chick rearing—the most energy-demanding period—and may be related to evolution of RSD.  相似文献   

Scaly‐sided Mergansers Mergus squamatus breed on freshwater rivers in far eastern Russia, Korea and China, wintering in similar habitats in China and Korea, but nothing was known of their moulting habitat. To investigate the moult strategies of this species, we combined wing feather stable isotope ratios (males and females) with geolocator data (nesting females) to establish major habitat types (freshwater, brackish or saltwater) used by both sexes during wing moult. Although most Scaly‐sided Mergansers of both sexes probably moult on freshwater, some males and non‐breeding and failed breeding females appeared to undertake moult migration to brackish and marine waters. Given the previous lack of any surveys of coastal or estuarine waters for this species during the moult period, these findings suggest important survey needs for the effective conservation of the species during the flightless moult period.  相似文献   

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