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无细胞体系非天然蛋白质合成研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高伟  卜宁  卢元 《生物工程学报》2018,34(9):1371-1385
无细胞非天然蛋白质合成作为蛋白质研究的新兴手段,已成功用于表征蛋白质分子间、蛋白质与核酸分子间相互作用等基础科学研究及医药蛋白、蛋白质材料等工业生产领域。无细胞非天然蛋白质合成系统不需维持细胞的生长,无细胞膜阻碍,可依据研究目的添加基因元件或化学物质从而增强工程设计和过程调控的自由性;也可赋予蛋白质新的特性、结构及功能,如可实现蛋白翻译后修饰、反应手柄引入、生物物理探针及多聚蛋白质合成等。文中系统地综述了目前应用于无细胞蛋白质合成系统中的非天然氨基酸嵌入方法,包括全局抑制及基于正交翻译体系的终止密码子抑制、移码抑制、有义密码子再分配和非天然碱基等方法的研究进展,及非天然氨基酸在蛋白质修饰、生物物理探针、酶工程、蛋白质材料以及医药蛋白质生产等领域的应用进展,并分析了该体系的发展前景及广泛工业化应用的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

通过微生物发酵的方法生产大宗化学品和天然产物能够部分替代石油化工炼制和植物提取。合成生物学技术的发展极大地提高了构建微生物细胞工厂生产大宗化学品和天然产物的能力。一方面综述了合成生物学在构建细胞工厂时的关键技术,包括最优合成途径的设计、合成途径的创建与优化、细胞性能的优化;另一方面,介绍了应用这些技术构建细胞工厂生产燃料化学品、大宗化学品和天然产物的典型案例。  相似文献   

天然产物在医药、美容、食品等行业具有重要的应用,随着人们需求的增加,迫切需要绿色可持续的生产过程.近年来,微生物细胞工厂合成天然产物发展迅速,目前常用的细胞工厂宿主包括大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母.与此同时,非常规酵母因其性状独特,如高密度有氧发酵、耐受温度和pH范围广,底物谱广泛(长链糖、脂肪酸、甲醇等),逐渐成为极具潜力的细...  相似文献   

构筑蛋白质的编码信息存在于高度保守的密码子表中,而生物体仅利用20种天然氨基酸,就能排列组合出不同的蛋白质来行使多种生物学功能。通过合成生物学的飞速发展,使得在蛋白质合成中可控地引入非天然氨基酸成为可能。这极大地拓展了蛋白质的结构和功能,并为生物学工具的开发和生物生理过程的研究提供了便利。具有活性基团的非天然氨基酸可以广泛地应用于蛋白质结构研究、蛋白质功能调控以及新型生物材料构建和医药研发等诸多领域。基因密码子拓展技术利用正交翻译系统,通过重新分配密码子改造中心法则,可以在蛋白质的指定位点引入非天然氨基酸。系统地介绍了目前提升密码子拓展技术插入非天然氨基酸效率的方法,包括tRNA以及氨酰tRNA合成酶的各种突变方法和翻译辅助因子的改造。汇总了利用古细菌酪氨酰tRNA合成酶插入的非天然氨基酸和突变位点并总结了密码子拓展技术在生物医药领域的前沿进展。最后讨论了该项技术目前所面临的挑战,如可利用的密码子数量不多、正交翻译系统的种类有限和非天然氨基酸多插效率低下。希望能够帮助研究者建立适合的非天然氨基酸插入方法并推动密码子拓展技术进一步发展。  相似文献   

非天然氨基酸是天然氨基酸的衍生物,其具有重要的生理和药理功能.由非天然氨基酸合成的非天然蛋白同样具有特别的功能与活性.非天然氨基酸插入蛋白质中的研究为新型生物材料和蛋白质药物等的合成和应用提供了新的指导方向.基于此,本文综述了非天然氨基酸的生物合成方法,分析了非天然氨基酸生物合成目前存在的难点,总结了非天然氨基酸插入蛋...  相似文献   

基因组工程(genome engineering)是指为了实现某一目标对复制系统进行有意地、广泛地遗传修饰。大肠杆菌作为常用细胞工厂之一,在生物制造领域应用广泛,已成为合成生物学的主要研究对象。应用基因组工程改造大肠杆菌可以进一步拓展其应用范围。介绍了基因组工程最新技术发展,如基因组整合、染色体进化、多元自动化基因组工程、可寻迹多元重组工程等,及其在改造大肠杆菌提高其生产能力、稳定性及环境耐受能力等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

工业微生物底盘细胞的开发将为工业生物技术的发展提供优良的细胞工厂,有利于实现环境保护及经济可持续发展.基于合成生物学"设计-构建-测试-学习"(Design-Build-Test-Learn,DBTL)策略,对底盘细胞进行多维度的理性或半理性改造是实现"建物致知"以及"建物致用"目标的重要手段.文中简述了合成生物学DB...  相似文献   

生物体中大部分酶催化反应都需要辅因子参与,辅因子平衡对维持正常的细胞代谢至关重要,而辅因子失衡则会导致细胞生长和生产的紊乱。在微生物细胞工厂的构建中,通过调节辅因子代谢平衡来提高产物合成途径的效率,从而调控细胞生长与产物生产,使代谢流能够最大限度地流向目标产物,已经成为代谢调控的重要手段。目前常见的用于代谢调控的辅因子有NAD(P)H/NAD(P)+、辅酶、ATP/ADP等。围绕这几种辅因子的代谢途径及功能分类进行了综述,并总结了微生物中不同产物利用辅因子平衡策略进行合成调控的研究,以期为各类化合物的高效生物合成提供参考。  相似文献   

合成生物学的迅猛发展推动了微生物细胞工厂中多种复杂化学品的生物合成,但仍存在产量低、生产效率不高等诸多问题。基因编码型生物传感器可以感知细胞内外代谢物浓度及外界环境的波动,产生可测量的信号输出或调控通路中的基因表达水平,具有成本低、操作简单、可再生等优点。目前,基因编码型生物传感器已经成为合成生物学和代谢工程的重要组成部分,是微生物细胞工厂中代谢动态调控及理想表型进化/筛选的强大工具。概述了基因编码型生物传感器的组成及工作原理,重点介绍了基因编码型生物传感器在微生物代谢动态调控及高通量筛选中的最新研究进展,就基因编码型生物传感器设计与构建过程中面临的挑战进行探讨,并展望了其今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

大多数药用天然产物在植物中含量低微,提取分离困难;而且这些化合物一般结构复杂,化学合成难度大,还容易造成环境污染.基于合成生物学技术获得药用天然产物具有绿色环保和可持续发展等优点.文中以药用萜类化合物人参皂苷、紫杉醇、青蒿素、丹参酮,生物碱类化合物长春新碱、吗啡以及黄酮类化合物灯盏花素为例,总结了植物来源药用萜类、生物...  相似文献   

代谢调控是构建微生物细胞工厂的重要技术手段.随着合成生物学技术的不断突破,挖掘和人工设计的高质量调控元件大幅度提升了对细胞代谢网络的改造能力;代谢调控研究也已从单基因的静态调控发展到系统水平上的智能精确动态调控.文中简要综述了近30年来代谢途径表达调控技术在代谢工程领域的研究进展.  相似文献   

We have determined by X-ray crystallography the structures of several variants of staphylococcal nuclease with long flexible straight chain and equivalent length cyclic unnatural amino acid side chains embedded in the protein core. The terminal atoms in the straight side chains are not well defined by the observed electron density even though they remain buried within the protein interior. We have previously observed this behavior and have suggested that it may arise from the addition of side-chain vibrational and oscillational motions with each bond as a side chain grows away from the relatively rigid protein main chain and/or the population of multiple rotamers (Wynn R, Harkins P, Richards FM. Fox RO. 1996. Mobile unnatural amino acid side chains in the core of staphylococcal nuclease. Protein Sci 5:1026-1031). Reduction of the number of degrees of freedom by cyclization of a side chain would be expected to constrain these motions. These side chains are in fact well defined in the structures described here. Over-packing of the protein core results in a 1.0 A shift of helix 1 away from the site of mutation. Additionally, we have determined the structure of a side chain containing a single hydrogen to fluorine atom replacement on a methyl group. A fluorine atom is intermediate in size between methyl group and a hydrogen atom. The fluorine atom is observed in a single position indicating it does not rotate like methyl hydrogen atoms. This change also causes subtle differences in the packing interactions.  相似文献   

Improved and efficient techniques have led to an explosive growth in the application of site-directed mutagenesis to the study of enzymes. However, the limited availability of only those 20 amino acids that are translated by the genetic code has prevented the systematic variation of an amino acid's properties in order to define more precisely its role in the catalytic mechanism of an enzyme. An approach is being examined that combines the high specificity of site-directed mutagenesis with the flexibility of chemical modification to overcome these limitations. A set of reagents has been synthesized and reacted with a cysteine model to produce a series of amino acid structural analogs at appreciable rates and in good overall yields. The selective incorporation of these analogs in place of important functional amino acids in a protein will allow a more detailed examination of the role of that amino acid.  相似文献   

The present work reports the results of a conformational study performed on seven unnatural amino acid residues and on its natural precursor, investigated by means of computational methods at the molecular mechanics level. Amino acid residues selected for the present study are derivatives of l ‐phenylalanine substituted at the α and/or β carbons. This series is composed of different linear analogs, including α‐methyl, β‐methyl and β‐phenyl substituted with different stereochemistry. Analysis of the Ramachandran maps of the corresponding dipeptides in vacuo reveals their conformational preferences, to be used as guidance for the synthesis of constrained peptide analogs with desired conformational propensities. The available conformational space for every dipeptide is also analysed. Copyright © 1999 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anionic and zwitterionic micelles are often used as simple models for the lipids found in bacterial and mammalian cell membranes to investigate antimicrobial peptide‐lipid interactions. In our laboratory we have employed a variety of 1D, 2D, and diffusion ordered (DOSY) NMR experiments to investigate the interactions of antimicrobial peptides containing unnatural amino acids with SDS and DPC micelles. Complete assignment of the proton spectra of these peptides is prohibited by the incorporation of a high percentage of unnatural amino acids which don't contain amide protons into the backbone. However preliminary assignment of the TOCSY spectra of compound 23 in the presence of both micelles indicated multiple conformers are present as a result of binding to these micelles. Chemical Shift Indexing agreed with previously collected CD spectra that indicated on binding to SDS micelles compound 23 adopts a mixture of α‐helical structures and on binding to DPC micelles this peptide adopts a mixture of helical and β‐turn/sheet like structures. DOSY NMR experiments also indicated that the total positive charge and the relative placement of that charge at the N‐terminus or C‐terminus are important in determining the mole fraction of the peptide that will bind to the different micelles. DOSY and 1H‐NMR experiments indicated that the length of Spacer #1 plays a major role in defining the binding conformation of these analogs with SDS micelles. Results obtained from molecular simulations studies of the binding of compounds 23 and 36 with SDS micelles were consistent with the observed NMR results. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 99: 548–561, 2013.  相似文献   

The research in the field of design and synthesis of unnatural amino acids is growing at a fast space for the increasing demand of proteins of potential therapeutics and many other diversified novel functional applications. Thus, we report herein the design and synthesis of microenvironment sensitive fluorescent triazolyl unnatural amino acids (UNAA) decorated with donor and/or acceptor aromatic chromophores via click chemistry. The synthesized fluorescent amino acids show interesting solvatochromic characteristic and/or intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) feature as is revealed from the UV–visible, fluorescence photophysical properties and DFT/TDDFT calculation. HOMO–LUMO distribution shows that the emissive states of some of the amino acids are characterized with more significant electron redistribution between the triazolyl moiety and the aromatic chromophores linked to it leading to modulated emission property. A pair of donor–acceptor amino acid shows interesting photophysical interaction property indicating a FRET quenching event. Furthermore, one of the amino acid, triazolyl-perylene amino acid, has been exploited for studying interaction with BSA and found that it is able to sense BSA with an enhancement of fluorescence intensity. Finally, we incorporated a pair of donor/acceptor amino acids into a Leu-enkephalin analogue pentapeptide which was found to adopt predominantly type II β-turn conformation. We envisage that our investigation is of importance for the development of new fluorescent donor–acceptor unnatural amino acids a pair of which can be exploited for generating fluorescent peptidomimetic probe of interesting photophysical property for applications in studying peptide–protein interaction.  相似文献   

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