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本文提出了一种基于空间频率滤波的多曝光融合的高动态投影层析三维成像方法,实现了活体斑马鱼(17 mm × 4 mm,最大厚度为2.33 mm,最小厚度为0.29 mm)的三维结构成像. 通过相机采用不同曝光时间记录系列吸收图像,将每张图像取变换到频域去除低频后,将各张滤波后叠加并逆傅里叶变换回空域,对变换后的图像进行归一化处理,最终获得高动态图像. 在每个投影角度获得这种高动态吸收投影图像,进行滤波反投影算法重建,获得高动态的整条斑马鱼三维结构信息. 实验成像结果表明,这种空间频率滤波多曝光融合的高动态光学投影层析三维成像研究,可以获得复杂结构更丰富的空间信息,对斑马鱼等模式生物早期胚胎生长发育进程进行监测和定量评估有一定的应用前景. 相似文献
基于高光谱成像和主成分分析的水稻茎叶分割 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在单株水稻表型测量研究中,为了实现绿叶面积和茎叶相关表型参数的准确计算提供技术保障,茎叶的分割是非常重要的一步。传统的人工测量方法费时费力,且主观性较强,而基于普通相机拍摄的彩色图像进行分割效果很差。本研究介绍了一种使用可见光-近红外高光谱成像系统自动区分单株盆栽水稻茎叶的方法。首先将各波长下的图像从原始二进制数据中提取出来,接着使用主成分分析所有波长下的图像,并提取出主要的主成分图像,再基于数字图像处理技术将茎叶区分开。实验结果表明,本系统以及文中所用方法对分蘖盛期的水稻茎叶有很好的分割效果,这为后续水稻茎叶表型性状高通量、数字化、无损准确提取提供了重要的技术保障,并进一步促进植物表型组学的发展。 相似文献
目的:对在不同音乐背景下获取的脑电数据进行主成分分析.方法:在受测者闭眼欣赏喜欢音乐,闭眼欣赏不喜欢音乐,安静闭眼期间获得脑电数据,并对其进行主成分分析,提取第一主成分,主成分荷载,得出在不同条件和不同事件下主成分的变化规律以及影响主成分变化脑电极的变化规律.数据处理和统计分析采用独立设计的脑电图分析工具箱和主成分分析程序.结果:脑电图数据经过主成分分析后,第一主成分贡献率变化就有比较明显的规律,在闭眼欣赏喜欢音乐时,第一主成分贡献率明显比欣赏不喜欢音乐和安静闭眼时高.在前头部,欣赏喜欢音乐时和欣赏不喜欢音乐时,影响第一主成分的脑电极分别在右前头部和左前头部脑电信号比较强.结论:在不同音乐背景下,大脑左右前头部会受不同音乐所影响,同时也会对人的感觉,情感,情绪等会产生重要的影响. 相似文献
中国人群肤纹的主成分分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
近年来 ,我国学者多将中国人群分为南、北两大类群。作者对我国 5 9个人群的肤纹进行主成分分析。结果表明 ,根据肤纹特征 ,可将中国人分为 6个族群 ,除北方族群、南方族群外 ,存在着新疆族群与西藏族群。新疆族群与北方族群相比 ,斗型率低 ,尺箕、桡箕率高 ,小鱼际区与指间区Ⅱ、Ⅲ真实花纹率高。西藏族群斗型率高、尺箕率低。北方族群与南方族群相比 ,指纹嵴线总数、小鱼际区与指间区Ⅲ真实花纹率高。此外 ,还存在南北族群间的过渡族群与南北混合族群。 8个汉族人群未能聚集 ,分散于各族群中。这表明 ,汉族与少数民族间、南北方民族间存在着肤纹基因的交流。将中华民族分为南北两大类群的观点可能过于简单化了。 相似文献
视网膜是层状结构,临床上可以根据视网膜层厚度改变对一些疾病进行预测和诊断.为了快速且准确地分割出视网膜的不同层带,本论文提出一种基于主成分分析的随机森林视网膜光学相干断层扫描技术(optical coherence tomography,OCT)图像分层算法.该方法使用主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)法对随机森林采集到的特征进行重采样,保留重采样后权重大的特征信息维度,从而消除特征维度间的关联性和信息冗余.结果表明,总特征维度在29维的情况下,保留前18维度训练速度提高了23.20%,14维度训练速度提高了42.38%,而对图像分割精度方面影响较小,实验表明该方法有效地提高了算法的效率. 相似文献
估算稻田甲烷(CH4)排放量是开展稻田甲烷排放研究的重要内容之一.通过观测南方红黄壤稻田不同水稻品种甲烷排放通量,测定了16个早稻、20个晚稻品种的植株节间组织的数量特征.选取株高、茎秆长度、茎秆维管束面积/茎壁横切面积、茎壁横切面积/节间横切面积、叶鞘横切面积/节间横切面积、气腔面积/茎壁横切面积、维管束总面积/茎壁横切面积等相关因子进行了主成分分析,建立基于水稻植株的CHa排放估算模型,早、晚稻估算模型相关系数分别为0.827、0.853.同时构造了综合评价函数,得出了水稻品种CH4排放综合分值,与实测结果相比较,吻合度较高.利用估算模型进行模拟,比较模拟值与实测值,相对误差较小,证明模型具有有效性和可行性,为估算水稻CH4排放提供参考依据,为评价水稻品种CH4排放高低提供经验参考. 相似文献
Yanan Zhu Fengyu Zhu Zhenyang Ding Kuiyuan Tao Tianduo Lai Hao Kuang Peidong Hua Mingjian Shang Jingqi Hu Yin Yu Tiegen Liu 《Journal of biophotonics》2021,14(3):e202000370
We present a three-dimensional (3D) spatial reconstruction of coronary arteries based on fusion of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Centerline of vessel in DSA images is exacted by multi-scale filtering, adaptive segmentation, morphology thinning and Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. We apply the cross-correction between lumen shapes of IVOCT and DSA images and match their stenosis positions to realize co-registration. By matching the location and tangent direction of the vessel centerline of DSA images and segmented lumen coordinates of IVOCT along pullback path, 3D spatial models of vessel lumen are reconstructed. Using 1121 distinct positions selected from eight vessels, the correlation coefficient between 3D IVOCT model and DSA image in measuring lumen radius is 0.94% and 97.7% of the positions fall within the limit of agreement by Bland–Altman analysis, which means that the 3D spatial reconstruction IVOCT models and DSA images have high matching level. 相似文献
The embryo phenotyping of genetic murine model is invaluable when investigating functions of genes underlying embryonic development and birth defect. Although traditional imaging technologies such as ultrasound are very useful for evaluating phenotype of murine embryos, the use of advanced techniques for phenotyping is desirable to obtain more information from genetic research. This letter tests the feasibility of optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a high‐throughput phenotyping tool for murine embryos. Three‐dimensional OCT imaging is performed for live and cleared mouse embryos in the late developmental stage (embryonic day 17.5). By using a dynamic focusing method and OCT angiography (OCTA) approach, our OCT imaging of the embryo exhibits rapid and clean visualization of organ structures deeper than 5 mm and complex microvasculature of perfused blood vessels in the murine embryonic body. This demonstration suggests that OCT imaging can be useful for comprehensively assessing embryo anatomy and angiography of genetically engineered mice. 相似文献
Arash Dadkhah Dhruba Paudel Shuliang Jiao 《Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)》2021,246(20):2207
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a functional extension of optical coherence tomography for non-invasive in vivo three-dimensional imaging of the microvasculature of biological tissues. Several algorithms have been developed to construct OCTA images from the measured optical coherence tomography signals. In this study, we compared the performance of three OCTA algorithms that are based on the variance of phase, amplitude, and the complex representations of the optical coherence tomography signals for rodent retinal imaging, namely the phase variance, improved speckle contrast, and optical microangiography. The performance of the different algorithms was evaluated by comparing the quality of the OCTA images regarding how well the vasculature network can be resolved. Quantities that are widely used in ophthalmic studies including blood vessel density, vessel diameter index, vessel perimeter index, vessel complexity index were also compared. Results showed that both the improved speckle contrast and optical microangiography algorithms are more robust than phase variance, and they can reveal similar vasculature features while there are statistical differences in the calculated quantities. 相似文献
As a hybrid optical microscopic imaging technology, photoacoustic microscopy images the optical absorption contrasts and takes advantage of low acoustic scattering of biological tissues to achieve high-resolution anatomical and functional imaging. When combined with other imaging modalities, photoacoustic microscopy-based multimodal technologies can provide complementary contrast mechanisms to reveal complementary information of biological tissues. To achieve intrinsically and precisely registered images in a multimodal photoacoustic microscopy imaging system, either the ultrasonic transducer or the light source can be shared among the different imaging modalities. These technologies are the major focus of this minireview. It also covered the progress of the recently developed penta-modal photoacoustic microscopy imaging system featuring a novel dynamic focusing technique enabled by OCT contour scan. 相似文献
Connor Darling Samuel P. X. Davis Sunil Kumar Paul M. W. French James McGinty 《Journal of biophotonics》2023,16(2):e202200232
A single-shot adaptation of Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) for high-speed volumetric snapshot imaging of dynamic mesoscopic biological samples is presented. Conventional OPT has been applied to in vivo imaging of animal models such as D. rerio, but the sequential acquisition of projection images typically requires samples to be immobilized during the acquisition. A proof-of-principle system capable of single-shot tomography of a ~1 mm3 volume is presented, demonstrating camera-limited rates of up to 62.5 volumes/s, which has been applied to 3D imaging of a freely swimming zebrafish embryo. This is achieved by recording eight projection views simultaneously on four low-cost CMOS cameras. With no stage required to rotate the sample, this single-shot OPT system can be implemented with a component cost of under £5000. The system design can be adapted to different sized fields of view and may be applied to a broad range of dynamic samples, including high throughput flow cytometry applied to model organisms and fluid dynamics studies. 相似文献
In this work, we developed a motion estimation and correction method which real-time obtained the direction and displacement of repetitive micro bulk motion (such as cardiac and respiratory motion) on an SS-OCT system without additional tracking hardware, and reduced the motion noise in optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). In the approach, the direction of repetitive micro bulk motion was considered fixed, and proportional relationships between the motion components in three directions were determined; Then we performed one-dimension cross-correlation to obtain depth displacement which was further used to obtain other two motion components, and greatly reduced the computation; The processing speed on a graphic processing unit was 478 pairs of B-Scans per second, and the measurement range was larger than the range of the angiogram-based methods. Lastly, corrupt angiograms were recovered by adaptive scan protocol, and reduced acquisition time in comparison with the previous work. 相似文献
James McGinty Khadija B. Tahir Romain Laine Clifford B. Talbot Christopher Dunsby Mark A. A. Neil Laura Quintana James Swoger James Sharpe Paul M. W. French 《Journal of biophotonics》2008,1(5):390-394
We describe a quantitative fluorescence projection tomography technique which measures the 3‐D fluorescence lifetime distribution in optically cleared specimens up 1 cm in diameter. This is achieved by acquiring a series of wide‐field time‐gated images at different relative time delays with respect to a train of excitation pulses, at a number of projection angles. For each time delay, the 3‐D time‐gated intensity distribution is reconstructed using a filtered back projection algorithm and the fluorescence lifetime subsequently determined for each reconstructed horizontal plane by iterative fitting to a mono‐exponential decay. Due to its inherently ratiometric nature, fluorescence lifetime is robust against intensity based artefacts as well as producing a quantitative measure of the fluorescence signal. We present a 3‐D fluorescence lifetime reconstruction of a mouse embryo labelled with an alexa‐488 conjugated antibody targeted to the neurofilament, which clearly differentiates between the extrinsic label and the autofluorescence, particularly from the heart and dorsal aorta. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Fan Fan Jisheng Zhang Lianqing Zhu Zongqing Ma Jiang Zhu 《Journal of biophotonics》2021,14(11):e202100171
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) can map the microvascular networks of the cerebral cortices with micrometer resolution and millimeter penetration. However, the high scattering of the skull and the strong noise in the deep imaging region will distort the vasculature projections and decrease the OCTA image quality. Here, we proposed a deep learning-based segmentation method based on a U-Net convolutional neural network to extract the cortical region from the OCT image. The vascular networks were then visualized by three OCTA algorithms. The image quality of the vasculature projections was assessed by two metrics, including the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The results show the accuracy of the cortical segmentation was 96.07%. The PSNR and CNR values increased significantly in the projections of the selected cortical regions. The OCTA incorporating the deep learning-based cortical segmentation can efficiently improve the image quality and enhance the vasculature clarity. 相似文献