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Thinking about the governance of Indigenous poverty as an economic, social and racial project, the paper offers a way of understanding the dynamics of Indigenous policy formation in Australia in the neo-liberal age as what Howard Winant first coined a racial formation. In providing this analysis, this paper sits alongside a small, but growing body of work that reveals the racialized effects of governing through poverty in the neo-liberal age.  相似文献   

The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission recognized 676 acts of heroism during the years 1989 through 1995. About 92% of the acts of heroism were performed by males, and about 60% of the recipients of the acts were males. A higher proportion of women rescued relatives or people they knew, and a higher proportion of males rescued people they did not know. Close to one in five rescue attempts by both male and female rescuers resulted in their deaths. Deaths were more likely to occur in rescuers of persons they knew than of those they did not know. Younger relatives were more likely to be rescued than older ones but, for the sample as a whole, age differences between rescuers and those rescued and between sexes in each group were slight. However, as might be expected in terms of ability and need, higher proportions of persons rescued (compared to rescuers) were among the very young and the old. Rescuers were working-class rural or small-town residents more often than would be expected from general population data. All of the data presented above is based on information concerning awards. Results may be influenced by variables affecting the likelihood of being nominated or, if nominated, receiving an award. A possible basis of altruism directed toward nonkin and even strangers is discussed.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin, haptoglobin, and transferrin phenotypes were determined by means of starch-gel electrophoresis for a sample of 226 Kenya hospital patients. Allele frequencies were: HbβS=0.081; Hp1=0.057; TfD=0.038. Hemoglobin S was the only aberrant hemoglobin found in this sample. Transferrins C and D were the only transferrins found. Hemoglobin and transferrin phenotypes were also determined for a sample of 201 newborn Kenya infants. One of these infants had hemoglobins F, S, and C, eight had hemoglobins A, F, and S, and the remainder had hemoglobins A and F. Transferrins C, B, and D were found in this sample. Allele frequencies were: TfB=0.008; TfD=0.019.  相似文献   

Malaysian enzyme industry is considered almost non-existence, although the import volume is large. Realizing the importance of enzymes, encompassing a wide range of applications in bioindustry, the development of home grown technologies for enzyme production and applications becomes one of the national priorities in industrial biotechnology. Enzyme production from indigenous microbial isolates was performed either by submerged or solid state fermentation processes. Based on its wide and unique spectrum of properties, enzymes have been developed for wide applications in various industrial processes. The development of the enzyme catalysed applications is based on the modification of the reaction systems to enhance their catalytic activities. Some of the applications of the industrial enzymes include the fine chemicals production, oleochemicals modification, detergent formulation, enzymatic drinking of waste papers, animal feed formulation and effluent treatment processes. Enzymes have also shown to be successfully used as analytical tool in the determination of compounds in body fluids. Although, most of these enzyme catalysed reactions were performed in aqueous phase, the use of enzymes in organic solvents was found to be significant for the production of new chemicals.  相似文献   

Coliphage and indigenous phage in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Public concern over the discharge of primarily treated sewage by two offshore outfalls in Mamala Bay, Oahu, prompted a multidisciplinary study to determine the impact of such activities on the water quality in the bay and at adjacent recreational beaches. As part of this study, we determined the abundance of coliphage as an indicator of fecal pollution along with total viral direct counts and phages infective for Vibrio parahaemoltyicus 16 at stations in Mamala Bay in four quarterly samplings over 13 months. Coliphage (< 1 to 1.2 x 10(3)/liter) were found during each quarterly sampling along an offshore transect to the Sand Island waste treatment facility outfall. The nonpoint coastal stations (Pearl Harbor, Ala Wai Canal, and Ke'ehi Lagoon) had high levels of coliphage during the storm event sampling in February 1994 but much lower levels or none when sampled during dry weather. Coliphage were absent at all samplings at Waikiki Beach and at the control station off Diamond Head. Viral direct counts in eutrophic coastal stations (Pearl Harbor, Ke'ehi Lagoon, Ala Moana Beach, and Ala Wai canal) averaged 10(9)/liter, while counts at offshore stations ranged from 9 x 10(7) to 1 x 10(9) viruses/liter, values similar to those for other marine environments. Vibriophage were found mainly in eutrophic coastal environments (Ala Wai Canal, Pearl Harbor, and Ke'ehi Lagoon) and at the Sand Island Transect stations D1 and D2. The greatest abundance was found during the storm event (February 1994) sampling. These results suggest that the Sand Island outfall influenced the water quality of the immediate surrounding waters but had little effect on the quality of the recreational beaches. Nonpoint discharge sources appeared to be more important in the distribution of fecal indicators in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

The seed of more than 12,000 variations of Indian corn have been collected from many areas in the Western Hemisphere, and are preserved at regional centers to provide genetic factors in the future breeding of agronomically improved, disease-resistant and higher yielding varieties.  相似文献   

We explore the discourses of Mexican scientists and doctors on genetics and obesity and how these relate to ideas about race, class and national identity. Drawing on interviews with geneticists and doctors treating obese children, the paper makes two contributions to the literature on race and medical science. First, although our data reveal familiar racializing tendencies among geneticists, a more nuanced view is needed, as medical doctors who are sceptical about genetic explanations nevertheless tend to racialize, using more environmental and cultural explanations, which adduce epigenetic mechanisms. Second, rather than focusing on minority groups, as in much literature on racialization and genetics, in Mexico ideas about racialized genetic (and cultural) ancestry also impinge on the majority “mestizo” (mixed-race) population, opening broader panoramas of racialized pathologization. These two factors represent an overall strengthening of discourses of race in Mexico and probably in much of Latin America.  相似文献   

These varieties, still cultivated in a primitive manner, may have value for hybridizing with Burley and Virginia tobaccos. In Venezuela the leaves are manufactured into cigars or are extracted to produce the masticatories known as “chimo” and “tobacco rope”.  相似文献   

Plasmodium parasites are unicellular eukaryotes that undergo a series of remarkable morphological transformations during the course of a multistage life cycle spanning two hosts (mosquito and human). Relatively little is known about the dynamics of cellular organelles throughout the course of these transformations. Here we describe the morphology of three organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, apicoplast and mitochondrion) through the human blood stages of the parasite life cycle using fluorescent reporter proteins fused to organelle targeting sequences. The endoplasmic reticulum begins as a simple crescent-shaped organelle that develops into a perinuclear ring with two small protrusions, followed by transformation into an extensive reticulated network as the parasite enlarges. Similarly, the apicoplast and the mitochondrion grow from single, small, discrete organelles into highly branched structures in later-stage parasites. These branched structures undergo an ordered fission - apicoplast followed by mitochondrion - to create multiple daughter organelles that are apparently linked as pairs for packaging into daughter cells. This is the first in-depth examination of intracellular organelles in live parasites during the asexual life cycle of this important human pathogen.  相似文献   

Gloeotrichia natans, a nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium common in rice fields in the Philippines, was used for studies to establish key features of its physiology and potential production in outdoor cultures. Under optimal growth conditions (38 °C, pH 8.0, no carbon enrichment) the specific growth rate of rice-field isolate was 0.076 h–1. The pH of the medium (between 6.5 and 9.0) did not influence the growth rate, but it did affect phycobiliprotein content, as reflected by a change in colour. At pH 7.0 the culture was green-brown, with phycobiliproteins constituting up to 10% of the total protein, while at pH 9.0 the culture was brownish-black and the pigment content was as high as 28% of the total protein. In outdoor cultures the specific growth rate was related directly to cell density in the range of 0.7–1.5 g dry weight 1–1 at a rate of stirring of 30 rpm, and inversely related to cell density at half this rate. At a stirring of 30 rpm, daily production of outdoor cultures harvested to maintain cell densities of 0.7, 1.15 andw 1.5 g 1–1 were 14.7, 17.1 and 18.1 g m–2 dt, respectively. This rate of production was maintained for more than 45 days. Phycobiliprotein content in the culture kept at a density of 1.5 g 1–1 reached 14% of the total biomass.  相似文献   

滇池土著鱼类现状   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
于2000年4月-12月对滇池区域的土著鱼类进行调查发现,滇池土著鱼类由20世纪60年代的26种减少到目前的11种,这11种滇池土著鱼类中,仅有4种生活于滇池湖体,其余7种均生活于滇池湖周一些溪流的上游或溶洞中,通过对土著鱼类及其栖息地的实地调查并结合文献资料,分析了滇池土著鱼类多样性的历史变化,各种类在空间上的变化方式以及滇池土著鱼类多样性迅速降低的原因,并就保护滇池土著鱼类提出具体的解决方法和途径。  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (biocrust) are microbial communities that develop at the soil surface of drylands and play an important role in erosion control and fertility. Soil surface disturbance from a broad range of natural and human processes (e.g. fire, livestock grazing, off‐road traffic) cause significant losses in biocrust cover and associated ecosystems services. Hence, biocrust restoration is emerging as an important intervention strategy to rehabilitate degraded dryland soils. In a multistep process, we designed protocols for the establishment of “microbial nurseries” to produce photosynthetic cyanobacterial inoculum for biocrust seeding at scale. We first report on the strategy for isolation, directly from the target site, of a large culture collection of cyanobacteria that included multiple representatives of the five most common biocrust taxa. After genetic pedigreeing of these isolates, we could select those that best matched field populations genetically for scale‐up cultivation. We then developed protocols for effective cyanobacterial biomass production to obtain sufficient inoculum. This was followed by conditioning treatments (hardening off) to preacclimate this inoculum to the stressful conditions expected in the field. Finally, we show that the inoculum obtained was fit to thrive in its original soil under natural outdoor conditions if sufficient water was available. We repeated this process successfully for four sites, two in the hot Chihuanuan desert and two in the cooler Great Basin Desert, and on two textural types of soils in each. The cyanobacterial biocrust nursery approach represents a versatile, viable, and safe tool for the rehabilitation of dryland soils.  相似文献   

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