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Macrophages in the interstitial tissue of the rat testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Macrophages were identified in the intertubular tissue of the rat testis by loading animals with a particulate vital dye (trypan blue or India ink) and by localizing immunocytochemically a macrophage membrane antigen (MRC W3/25). Leydig cells were identified by the histochemical staining reaction for 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and by a monoclonal antibody. Macrophages were scattered in the interstitial tissue closely attached to and mixed with the Leydig cells. They were never found in the seminiferous tubules. The macrophages comprised about 25% of all the cells in the interstitium. Double staining with a vital dye and a marker antibody showed that all the phagocytosing cells were macrophages and that the Leydig cells did not take up vital dyes. Double staining for the demonstration of the 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and the macrophage antigen likewise revealed two distinctly different cell populations. Crude Leydig cell preparations obtained by collagenase treatment of the testis contained macrophages (12–14%). Macrophages were present throughout the postnatal prepuberal development of the testis. Their density was increased in the cryptorchid and irradiated testis.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural investigation revealed the presence of true Leydig cells in the testis of sexually mature specimens of Torpedo marmorata. They showed the typical organization of steroid-hormone-producing cells, which, however, changed as spermatocysts approached maturity. In fact, they appeared as active cells among spermatocysts engaged in spermatogenesis, while in regions where spermiation occurred, they progressively regressed resuming the fibroblastic organization typically present in the testis of immature specimens. Such observations strongly suggest that these cells might be engaged in steroidogenesis and actively control spermatogenesis. Sertoli cells, too, appeared to play a role in spermatogenesis control, since, like Leydig cells, they showed the typical aspect of steroidogenic cells. In addition, the presence of gap junctions between Sertoli cells suggests that their activity might be coordinated. After sperm release, most Sertoli cells were modified and, finally, degenerated, but few of them changed into round cells (cytoplasts) or round cell remnants, which continued their steroidogenic activity within the spermatocyst and the genital duct lumen. From the present observations, it can be reasonably concluded that, in T. marmorata, spermatogenesis depends on both Leydig and Sertoli cells, and, as postulated by Callard (1991), in cartilaginous fish, the function of the Leydig cells as producers of steroids might be more recent and subsequent to that of Sertoli cells. In this regard, it is noteworthy that, in immature males, when Leydig cells showed a fibroblastic organization, Sertoli cells already displayed the typical organization of a steroidogenic cell.  相似文献   

Summary In the tortoise Testudo graeca, the lizards Lacerta dugesi and Lacerta pityusensis, and the snake Natrix natrix, the innervation of the testicular interstitial tissue was studied by light and electron microscopy, the acetylcholinesterase (ache) technique, the Falck-Hillarp method for the detection of catecholamines, and the application of 6-hydroxydopamine. The intertubular spaces of the reptilian testes studied contain adrenergic nerve fibers the amount and distribution of which varies considerably both in various species and in various stages of the reproduction cycle. Nerve fibers do not enter the seminiferous epithelium. Fluorescence microscopy of the lizard testis reveals catecholaminergic varicosities which are mainly arranged around blood vessels, but do not show obvious connexions to Leydig cells. Ache-positive fibers are equally distributed in lizard testes surrounding each seminiferous tubule. In Natrix natrix ache-positive fibers are irregularly spread among groups of tubules, without showing a definite relation to Leydig cells either. By electron microscopy bundles of unmyelinated axons and axon terminals can be more easily detected in the testes of immature animals than in adult. Terminals of nerve fibers containing small (400–500 Å in diameter) and large (800–1400 Å) dense-cored vesicles and sometimes small clear vesicles establish contacts with Leydig cells. Three types of contact are described. 1. Contacts par distance at a distance of about 2000 Å and basal lamina interposed; 2. membranous contacts having a 200 Å gap only between axolemma and Leydig cell plasmalemma; 3. invaginations of terminals into Leydig cell perikarya. The latter may exhibit surface specialisations, which strongly resemble postsynaptic membrane thickenings. Experiments using 6-hydroxydopamine underline the adrenergic character of testicular nerve fibers, which can be regarded as another example of non-cholinergic, ache-positive neurons. In the testis of the immature tortoise profiles of axons occur which probably represent purinergic, ache-positive neurons.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/1).I am much indebted to Mrs. R. Sprang for her skillfull technical assistance.  相似文献   

Cathepsin A (PPCA), a lysosomal carboxypeptidase that functions as a protective protein for alpha-neuraminidase and beta-galactosidase in a multi-enzyme complex, has been shown to be expressed in the epithelial cells of the epididymis. In the present study, the epididymis of PPCA-/- mice from 2 to 10 months of age was compared with those of their wild-type counterparts. Major accumulations of pale vacuoles, corresponding to lysosomes, were noted in principal and narrow/apical cells in PPCA-/- mice, and clear cells also appearing highly vacuolated, were grossly enlarged in size. This was especially evident in the caput and corpus regions, where quantitative analyses confirmed that the epithelium of the tubules in these regions was expanding in profile area. In addition, the base of the epithelium in these regions was often greatly vacuolated, corresponding to cells that presented no identifiable features and appeared to be degenerating. Halo cells dispersed at various levels in the epithelium also appeared to be abnormal, accumulating pale lysosomes. Furthermore, numerous macrophages were observed in the intertubular space of the entire duct, presenting a large size and plethora of pale lysosomes. Taken together, the present data indicate major lysosomal abnormalities in the epididymis of PPCA-/- mice in a cell type and region specific manner. In addition, it is suggested that the compromised halo cells, due to PPCA deficiency within their lysosomes, cannot function properly and as a result there is a recruitment of macrophages in the intertubular space.  相似文献   

Cell-cell interactions between Sertoli cells and germ cells are crucial for the maturation of germ cells in spermatogenesis but the structural and functional aspects of the interactions remain to be fully elucidated. Densin is a junction protein suggested to play a role in establishment of specific cell-cell contacts in the post-synaptic densities of the brain and the slit diaphragm of the kidney podocyte. In the present study, densin was discovered to be expressed in the testis of the man and the mouse. Expression of densin at the gene and the protein level was studied by using RT-PCR and Western blotting analyses, and the localization of densin was explored with immunofluorescence staining. RT-PCR and Western blotting analyses showed that densin is expressed at the gene and the protein levels. Immunofluorescence staining localized the expression of densin to the cell membranes of Sertoli cells suggesting that densin may be an adherens junction protein between Sertoli cells and developing germ cells. Densin is a novel testicular protein expressed in the cell membranes of Sertoli cells. Its functional role remains to be assessed.  相似文献   

Systemic production and mobilization of inflammatory cells and formation of hepatic periovular granulomas were studied in Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice with deficient interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) receptor (IFN-gammaR(o/o)). The impaired IFN-gamma signaling did not cause a significant modification of the overall kinetics of inflammatory cells, but mutant mice developed smaller hepatic periovular granulomas with a two-fold reduction in all the cell lineages. In granulomas of normal mice, the fully differentiated macrophages were progressively predominant, whilst in IFN-gammaR(o/o) mice, the granulomas contained a higher percentage of immature and proliferating monocytes. Granulomas of IFN-gammaR(o/o) mice had an enhanced and accelerated fibrotic reaction, corresponding to an increased content of proliferative and activated connective tissue cells. Simultaneously, their granulomas had an increased ratio of T over B cells, with an increase in CD8(+) and a reduction in CD4(+) T cells. The functional IFN-gamma receptor was not required for initial recruitment of monocytes and lymphocytes into granulomas, but it was necessary for the maturation of macrophages, upregulation of major histocompatibility class 2 (MHC-II) expression and consequent stimulation of lymphocyte subpopulations depending upon the MHC-II-mediated antigen presentation.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament protein nestin is predominantly expressed in some stem/progenitor cells and appears to be a useful molecular tool to characterise tumours originating from precursor cells of neuroectodermal and mesenchymal lineages. Leydig cells originate in the adult testis by differentiation from stem cells and express a variety of neural and neuroendocrine markers. The possible expression of the neural stem cell marker nestin in Leydig cells and testicular tumour cells was determined by analysing the patterns of nestin expression in normal and pathological human testes by Western blot and immunohistochemical methods. In normal testis, nestin was found in some vascular endothelial cells, a subset of peritubular spindle-shaped cells and some Leydig cells; spermatogenic and Sertoli cells were unstained. In normal Leydig cells, nestin was distributed in the perinuclear cytoplasm and accumulated in the crystalloids of Reinke with ageing. In non-tumour pathologies (cryptorchidism, impaired spermatogenesis), the seminiferous tubules were immunonegative, whereas hyperplastic Leydig cells showed cytoplasmic immunolabelling. In testicular malignancies, nestin was localised in the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules affected with intratubular germ cell neoplasia, in the hyperplastic Leydig cells associated with these tumours and in some components (mesenchymal and neuroepithelial cells) of teratomas; spermatocytic and non-spermatocytic seminomas were unstained. Some vascular endothelial cells were immunolabelled in all tumour samples. Thus, nestin is expressed in a population of normal and hyperplastic Leydig cells and in Sertoli cells in the presence of intratubular germ-cell neoplasia. Nestin may be a good marker for identifying components of testicular teratomas.The two first authors participated equally in this workThis work was supported by a grant from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS 02/3003 to M.V.T. Lobo)  相似文献   

Summary Five-day-old male rats received a single treatment of ethane dimethanesulphonate (EDS), and the response of the testis on days 6–10 and 21 was examined by light microscopy and morphometry, supplemented by measurement of peripheral testosterone levels. One day after treatment, foetal Leydig cells degenerated, showing fragmentation, condensation and nuclear pyknosis. Macrophages phagocytosed the foetal Leydig cells resulting in their disappearance by day 7. Destruction of foetal Leydig cells was followed by an arrest of testicular growth in comparison to testes of intact age-matched control rats. In testes of EDS-treated rats, gonocytes and spermatogonia also degenerated, forming pyknotic bodies within the seminiferous cords. In contrast, interstitial fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells showed proliferative activity, which on days 4 and 5 after treatment resulted in peritubular hyperplasia surrounding each seminiferous cord. Thereafter, on day 21 after EDS administration, the previously depressed serum testosterone levels became markedly elevated coincident with the development of many immature-type Leydig cells, of which the total volume per testis was similar to that of Leydig cells in control testes, despite a four- to five-fold difference in testicular volumes. The results indicate that, although EDS destroys the foetal Leydig cells and impairs spermatogenesis, the interstitial tissue exhibits increased cell growth. The latter probably occurs in response to altered gonadotrophic stimulation and/or disturbances in the interaction between the seminiferous cords and the interstitial tissue.  相似文献   

The immunoreactivity of a monoclonal antibody against cell suspensions from guinea pig adrenal glands was examined at light- and electron-microscopic levels. In addition to the cell surface membrane of adrenocortical cells, the antibody labeled specific sites in the pancreas, liver and testis, but did not label any of the other tissues examined. In the pancreas, microvilli-like processes and the cell surface membrane of centroacinar cells were immunoreactive to the antibody. The microvilli of interlobular duct cells and pancreatic duct cells were also immunoreactive. In the liver, bile canalicular microvilli of hepatocytes were exclusively labeled. Membrane structures of cell organelles, mainly mitochondria, in testicular Leydig cells were also labeled. Immunoblot analysis showed that the monoclonal antibody bound to two common bands at molecular weights of approximately 62 kDa and 110 kDa in the pancreas, liver, testis, and adrenal gland. The two bands reacted with the digoxigenin-conjugated lectin, Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), which recognizes sialic acid linked (2–6) to galactose. Reaction patterns of SNA in the pancreas, liver and testis were similar to those of the monoclonal antibody; pancreatic centroacinar cells and interlobular duct cells, hepatocyte bile canaliculi and testicular Leydig cells were densely stained with SNA. Thus, the monoclonal antibody recognizes two common membrane glycoproteins containing sialic acids in the pancreas, liver, testis and adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

Fabry disease is an X-linked disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene encoding for α-galactosidase A (AGA, EC Measurement of AGA enzyme activity using cell homogenates can easily identify men with Fabry disease, but in women, the degree of X-inactivation in the tested tissue may produce activities in homogenates that are indistinguishable from normal. Monti et al. developed a series of lissamine rhodamine-labeled glycosphingolipid substrates that can be used to measure clearance of these lipids in intact cells (1). We report here that one of these substrates, lissamine rhodamine ceramide trihexoside (LR-CTH), can be used as a probe for functional activity of AGA in intact fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and T-lymphocytes from patients with Fabry disease. By utilizing standard detection techniques, such as microscopic imaging, fluorescence microplate spectrophotometry, and flow cytometry, cells with impaired AGA activity can easily be distinguished from wild-type (WT) cells, and these two cell types can be isolated into separate populations using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). The assay we report here can be adapted to evaluate new therapies by high-throughput screening, can aid in the study of AGA activity in living cells, and can assist in the diagnosis of women with the Fabry trait.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated local functions for neurotrophins in the developing and mature testis of rodents. To examine whether these signaling molecules are present and also potentially active in the human testis, we characterized immunohistochemically the expression and cellular localization of the known neurotrophins and their receptors during prenatal testicular development as well as in the adult human testis. Results obtained revealed the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3 and 4, as well as neurotrophin receptors p75NTR, TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC during testis morphogenesis. These proteins were also detectable in the adult human testis, and their local expression could be confirmed largely by immunoblot and RT-PCR analyses. Remarkably, the Leydig cells were found to represent the predominant neurotrophin/receptor expression sites within both fetal and adult human testes. Functional assays performed with a mouse tumor Leydig cell line revealed that NGF exposure increases cellular steroid production, indicating a role in differentiation processes. These findings support previously-recognized neuronal characteristics of Leydig cells, provide additional evidence for potential roles of neurotrophins during testis morphogenesis and in the mature testis, and demonstrate for the first time a neurotrophin-induced functional activity in Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Epithelial-like Sertoli cells isolated from immature rat testis aggregate to form tubule-like structures when cultured on a monolayer of mesenchyme-derived peritubular cells. At the end of this morphogenetic process both cell types are separated by a basement membrane. In this study the gene expression of monocultures and direct cocultures of peritubular cells and Sertoli cells was examined using DD-RT-PCR. One of the isolated cDNA clones showed high homology to the cDNA encoding the basement membrane component entactin-1 (nidogen-1). Even though the entactin-1 (nidogen-1) gene is transcribed in peritubular cells, Sertoli cells, and in direct cocultures, the mRNA is translated only by the peritubular cells. No entactin-1 (nidogen-1) was detected in the Sertoli cells by Western blotting. Moreover, peritubular cell monocultures and cocultures showed the presence of one single band at 152 kDa in the supernatant, whereas in cell lysates two bands were detectable at 152 kDa and 150 kDa. Perturbation experiments using monoclonal antibodies directed against entactin-1 (nidogen-1) were performed with peritubular cells and Sertoli cells, respectively, and demonstrated loss of cell adhesion of the peritubular cells, while the Sertoli cells remained adherent. From these data we conclude that entactin-1 is exclusively produced and secreted by mesenchymal peritubular cells, and affects adhesion of peritubular cells in an autocrine manner.  相似文献   

 Both natural killer (NK) cells and macrophages are thought to be the main effectors responsible for early antitumor defense. In this study, we investigated the role of tumor-infiltrating NK cells in initiating nitric oxide (NO) production by tumor-associated macrophages (TAM). The in vivo depletion of NK cells prior to the i.p. inoculation of melanoma cells resulted in a significant decrease in the NO production of the TAM prepared from the peritoneal exudate cells (PEC). Such prior NK cell depletion also decreased the ability of TAM to show any antitumor activity in vitro. The addition of N G-monomethyl-L-arginine (Me-L-Arg) to the culture partially inhibited the ability of TAM to suppress the proliferation of melanoma cells and also decreased their cytolytic activity against melanoma cells. These results suggest that the TAM exhibited both cytostatic and cytolytic activities through their NO production. In an in vivo assay, the administration of Me-L-Arg permitted the more rapid growth of i.p. inoculated melanoma cells compared with the control. On the other hand, the decreased NO production of TAM, resulting from the prior NK cell depletion, was restored by the i.p. administration of interferon γ (IFNγ). In addition, the in vivo administration of anti-IFNγ mAb into mice inoculated i.p. with melanoma cells also significantly decreased the NO production of TAM in peritoneal exudate cells. Furthermore, the tumor-infiltrating NK cells produced a considerable level of IFNγ. Overall, these results indicate that early-appearing tumor-infiltrating NK cells play an important role in the NO production of TAM through their IFNγ production. Received: 11 March 1997 / Accepted: 31 July 1997  相似文献   

The inaccessibility of the zygote and proembryos of angiospermswithin the surrounding maternal and filial tissues has hamperedstudies on early plant embryogenesis. Somatic and gametophyticembryo cultures are often used as alternative systems for molecularand biochemical studies on early embryogenesis, but are notwidely used in developmental studies due to differences in theearly cell division patterns with seed embryos. A new Brassicanapus microspore embryo culture system, wherein embryogenesishighly mimics zygotic embryo development, is reported here.In this new system, the donor microspore first divides transverselyto form a filamentous structure, from which the distal cellforms the embryo proper, while the lower part resembles thesuspensor. In conventional microspore embryogenesis, the microsporedivides randomly to form an embryonic mass that after a whileestablishes a protoderm and subsequently shows delayed histodifferentiation.In contrast, the embryo proper of filament-bearing microspore-derivedembryos undergoes the same ordered pattern of cell divisionand early histodifferentiation as in the zygotic embryo. Thisobservation suggests an important role for the suspensor inearly zygotic embryo patterning and histodifferentiation. Thisis the first in vitro system wherein single differentiated cellsin culture can efficiently regenerate embryos that are morphologicallycomparable to zygotic embryos. The system provides a powerfulin vitro tool for studying the diverse developmental processesthat take place during the early stages of plant embryogenesis. Key words: Brassica napus, microspore embryogenesis, pattern formation, polarity, suspensor, zygotic embryogenesis  相似文献   

Summary— Detailed investigations on the fine ultrastructural organization of different forms of proteinaceous nuclear inclusions (PNls) in chlorenchyma plant cells suggest they consist of the same elementary subunits. Previous high magnification of TEM micro-graphs had shown that the amorphous type of inclusion (A) was mainly composed of elementary fibrils measuring 3.0–3.5 nm in diameter, with no orderly spatial arrangement. New computer image treatments of electron micrographs allowed us to establish that the 8.0–13.0 nm thick filaments — forming the fibrillar (F), crystalline (C) and lamellar (L) inclusions — consist of two elementary fibrils which are coiled in a helix with variable pitch, depending on the type of inclusion. A further secondary coiling of two filaments, about 8.0–9.0 nm in diameter, gives the 20.0–25.0 nm thick tubules which form the characteristic tubular inclusion (T). Correlating the distributive data of PNIs with observations on their ultrastructural morphology and with micrographs of partial aggregation or disgregation patterns of the inclusions, led to the hypothesis that the different forms are not different classes of proteins, but simply different stages of structural complexity of the same protein. To determine whether the intranuclear inclusion protein is nucleolar or nucleolus-associated, cytochemical and immunocytochemical tests were performed on ultrathin sections or leaf lamina tissue in block. These techniques proved that PNIs do not belong to the class of argyrophilic proteins (AgNOR-proteins), and particularly not nucleolin and fibrillarin, two of the major nucleolar proteins. Structural similarities to other plant inclusions, especially P-proteins, and to animal and plant intermediate cytoskeletal filaments (IFs) are discussed with regard to the functional role of PNIs.  相似文献   

It is well established that p16INK4A protein acts as a cell cycle inhibitor in the nucleus. Therefore, cytoplasmic localization of p16 INK4A usually is disregarded by investigators as nonspecific. Three recent studies reported findings that differ from the current view concerning p16INK4A immunohistochemical localization. All three demonstrated that breast and colon cancers expressing cytoplasmic p16INK4 represent distinct biological subsets. We previously detected in a percentage of non-small cell lung carcinomas simultaneous nuclear and cytoplasmic p16INK4A staining. In view of the reports concerning breast and colon carcinomas, we conducted an ultrastructural re-evaluation of our cases to clarify the specificity of p16INK4A cytoplasmic expression. We observed p16 INK4A immunolocalization in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a proportion of tumor cells. Diffuse dense nuclear staining was detected in the nucleoplasm, whereas weaker granular immunoreactivity was observed in the cytoplasm near the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Negative tumor cells also were visible. In the tumor-associated stromal, cells p16INK4A immunoreactivity was detected only in the nuclei. We have demonstrated that p16INK4A cytoplasmic staining is specific and suggest that it represents a mechanism of p16INK4A inactivation similar to that observed in other tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   

It is well established that p16INK4A protein acts as a cell cycle inhibitor in the nucleus. Therefore, cytoplasmic localization of p16 INK4A usually is disregarded by investigators as nonspecific. Three recent studies reported findings that differ from the current view concerning p16INK4A immunohistochemical localization. All three demonstrated that breast and colon cancers expressing cytoplasmic p16INK4 represent distinct biological subsets. We previously detected in a percentage of non-small cell lung carcinomas simultaneous nuclear and cytoplasmic p16INK4A staining. In view of the reports concerning breast and colon carcinomas, we conducted an ultrastructural re-evaluation of our cases to clarify the specificity of p16INK4A cytoplasmic expression. We observed p16 INK4A immunolocalization in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a proportion of tumor cells. Diffuse dense nuclear staining was detected in the nucleoplasm, whereas weaker granular immunoreactivity was observed in the cytoplasm near the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Negative tumor cells also were visible. In the tumor-associated stromal, cells p16INK4A immunoreactivity was detected only in the nuclei. We have demonstrated that p16INK4A cytoplasmic staining is specific and suggest that it represents a mechanism of p16INK4A inactivation similar to that observed in other tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   

T cells participate in combating infection and critically determine the outcomes in any given disease process. Impaired immune response occurs in a number disease processes such as in cancer and atherosclerosis although the underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. This article gives an up-to-date review of T cells development and functional adaptation to pathophysiological stimuli and participation in the cardiovascular disease process. In addition, we have discussed the signaling pathways controlled by the microenvironment that determine T cells function and resultant type of immune response. We have also discussed in detail how oxidative stress is a key component of the micro environmental interaction.  相似文献   

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