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A history of research on arbuscular mycorrhiza   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Koide RT  Mosse B 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(3):145-163
This is not a review paper in the traditional sense, of which there are many. Three of the most influential reviews that summarized well some of the older literature include those by Nicolson (1967), Gerdemann (1968) and Mosse (1973). Instead, in this brief and incomplete work, we attempt to show the historical development of research on arbuscular mycorrhizas. We owe much to those who have written other historical accounts, including Rayner (1926–1927), Trappe and Berch (1985), Mosse (1985), Schenck (1985), Harley (1991) and Allen (1996), but the contents of this work naturally reflect our own ignorance, interests and biases. It was often difficult to distinguish between the historical and the contemporary, and we did not use any specific cutoff date in making this distinction. The degree to which we include contemporary literature was determined by our own assessment of its connectedness to older literature. In any case, we hope this will be of some interest to those of you who study the arbuscular mycorrhiza, and that it will serve the purpose of providing what we consider to be an important historical context for current researchers. We wish you good fortune in your research.Taken from a paper presented at the COST 8.38 meeting AM Research in Europe (Pisa, Italy): The Dawning of a New Millenium  相似文献   

Rubus vikensis A. Pedersen ex G. Wendt (sect. Corylifolii) was recently described from a restricted area in north western Scania, Sweden. In this investigation, I show that the same species occurs also on the Onsala peninsula in northern Halland and on a single locality in the middle of Halland. It has 35 chromosomes in all parts of the distribution area. Moreover, I show by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis that R. vikensis is a distinct and well‐defined species, clearly separated from the morphologically similar R. wahlbergii, with which it shares the chromosome number.  相似文献   

We report on the 466 nucleotides long, extreme 3' end of the ovine thyroglobulin (Tg) mRNA. The nucleotide sequence and the deduced carboxyl terminal region of the protein have been compared with those reported in other species. Comparison with hog peptides known to contain all the triiodothyronine (T3) of the mature Tg suggests that the antepenultimate amino acid, a tyrosine residue could be involved in hormone formation. This also agree with the data reported for bovine and murine Tg.  相似文献   

Although there is general agreement that native mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (MDH) exists as a dimer at pH 7, its aggregation state at pH 5 is less certain. The present amide hydrogen exchange study was performed to determine whether MDH remains a dimer at pH 5. To detect pH-induced changes in solvent accessibility, MDH was exposed to D(2)O at pH 5 or 7, then fragmented with pepsin into peptides that were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Even after adjustments for the effect of pH on the intrinsic rate of hydrogen exchange, large increases in deuterium levels were found at pH 5 only in peptic fragments derived from the subunit binding surface of MDH. In parallel experiments, elevated deuterium levels were also found in the same regions of MDH monomer trapped inside a mutant form of the chaperonin GROEL: This selective increase in hydrogen exchange rates, which was attributed to increased solvent accessibility of these regions, provides new evidence that MDH is a monomer at pH 5.  相似文献   

Rabinowicz PD  Byrne ME 《Genome biology》2001,2(2):reports4002.1-reports40023
A report on the talks presented at the Cold Spring Harbor 2000 Meeting on Arabidopsis Genomics, New York, 7-10 December, 2000.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) protein tenascin-C (TN-C) is upregulated within glioma tissues and cultured glioma cell lines. TN-C possesses a multi-modular structure and a variety of functional properties have been reported for its domains. We describe five novel monoclonal antibodies identifying different domains of TN-C. The epitopes for these antibodies were investigated by using recombinantly expressed fibronectin type III domains of TN-C. The biological effects of TN-C fragments on glioma cell proliferation and adhesion were analyzed. The expression pattern of TN-C in human glioma tissue sections and in glioma cell lines was studied with the novel library of monoclonal antibodies. The immunocytochemical analyses of the established human glioma cell lines U-251-MG, U-373-MG and U-87-MG revealed distinct staining patterns for each antibody. Robust expression of TN-C was found within the tumor mass of surgery specimens from glioblastoma. In many cases, the expression of this ECM molecule was clearly associated with blood vessels, particularly with microvessels. Three of the new antibodies highlighted individual TN-C-expressing single cells in glioma tissues. The effect of TN-C domains on glioma cells was examined by a BrdU-proliferation assay and an adhesion assay. Short fragments of constitutively expressed TN-C-domains did not exert significant effects on the proliferation of glioma cells, whereas the intact molecule increased cell division rates. In contrast, the long fragment TNfnALL containing all of the FNIII domains of TN-C decreased proliferation. Additionally, we found strong differences between the adhesion-influencing properties of the recombinant fragments on glioma cells.  相似文献   



X chromosome inactivation is a spectacular example of epigenetic silencing. In order to deduce how this complex system evolved, we examined X inactivation in a model marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii). In marsupials, X inactivation is known to be paternal, incomplete and tissue-specific, and occurs in the absence of an XIST orthologue.  相似文献   

Treatment of platelets with fluoride (10 mM) was found to result in a transient increase in Ca2+-permeability of the platelet plasma membrane. This phenomenon was used to provide supplementary evidence for the suggestions made earlier (Comfurius et al. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 815, 143; Verhallen et al. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 903, 206), that cytoskeletal disrupture by calpain is involved in the process leading to transbilayer movement of phosphatidylserine during expression of platelet procoagulant activity. This was achieved by relating both calpain activity and exposure of phosphatidylserine with platelet procoagulant activity. It was found that only upon addition of extracellular Ca2+ to fluoride-treated platelets, procoagulant activity, expressed as prothrombinase activity, and calpain activity, estimated from protein patterns after gel electrophoresis, were generated. Both Ca2+-inducible prothrombinase activity and calpain activity followed an identical time-course during incubation with fluoride: after a time-lag of about 10 min they sharply increased towards a peak level. Upon further incubation with fluoride, both activities decreased towards a final plateau, still above basal level. The presence of leupeptin during incubation with fluoride was found to inhibit Ca2+-inducible calpain activity and prothrombinase activity in an identical way. Ca2+-inducible exposure of phosphatidylserine, as determined with extracellular phospholipase A2, showed a similar pattern as Ca2+-inducible calpain activity and prothrombinase activity. From the strict parallelism between prothrombinase activity, calpain activity and exposure of phosphatidylserine, it is concluded that calpain plays an important role in the activation-dependent transbilayer movement of phosphatidylserine during expression of platelet procoagulant activity. It is suggested that degradation of the platelet membrane-skeleton by calpain disturbs the structural organization of the lipid bilayer of the platelet plasma membrane leading to enhanced transbilayer movement of phospholipids and appearance of phosphatidylserine at the platelet outer surface.  相似文献   

Vooijs M  Jonkers J  Berns A 《EMBO reports》2001,2(4):292-297
Conditional gene inactivation using the Cre/loxP system is widely used, but the difficulty in properly regulating Cre expression remains one of the bottlenecks. One approach to regulate Cre activity utilizes a mutant estrogen hormone-binding domain (ERT) to keep Cre inactive unless the non-steroidal estrogen analog 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT) is present. Here we describe a mouse strain expressing Cre-ERT from the ubiquitously expressed ROSA26 (R26) locus. We demonstrate efficient temporal and spatial regulation of Cre recombination in vivo and in primary cells derived from these mice. We show the existence of marked differences in recombination frequencies between different substrates within the same cell. This has important consequences when concurrent switching of multiple alleles within the same cell is needed, and highlights one of the difficulties that may be encountered when using reporter mice as indicator strains.  相似文献   

RNase L is activated by 2′,5′-oligoadenylates (2-5A) at subnanomolar levels to cleave single-stranded RNA. We previously reported the hypothesis that the introduction of an 8-methyladenosine residue at the 2′-terminus of the 2-5A tetramer shifts the 2-5A binding site of RNase L. In this study, we synthesized various 5′-modified 2-5A analogs with 8-methyladenosine at the 2′-terminus. The doxifluridine-conjugated 8-methyladenosine-substituted 2-5A analog was significantly more effective as an activator of RNase L than the parent 5′-monophophorylated 2-5A tetramer and showed a tumor suppressive effect against human cervical cancer cells.  相似文献   

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