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Volcanic areas with highly acidic solfatara soils and temperatures of up to 56?°C are inhabited by the red algal genus Galdieria. We examined three highly acidic but non-volcanic habitats in the western part of the Czech Republic for the occurrence of this red alga. In soil samples from the National Nature Reserve of Soos we found, together with Euglena mutabilis, Pseudococcomyxa simplex and species of Chlorella, a new strain of Galdieria. In contrast to all other Galdieria strains described so far, the strain from Soos exhibited a low temperature optimum for growth of about 30?°C. Other properties, such as the substrate spectrum for heterotrophic growth, ultrastructure, fatty acid composition, thermostability of enzymes and the nitrogen source, showed no obvious differences from other strains of Galdieria. Within a phylogenetic tree based on 18S rRNA sequence data, the strain from Soos occupied a position at the base of the ‘Galdieria’-branch. Our findings indicate that the genus Galdieria is not restricted to volcanic and mining areas and that strains of Galdieria are able to compete successfully with green algae in habitats like Soos.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine the cold tolerance and plant growth promotion potential of Serratia marcescens strain SRM (MTCC 8708). Methods and Results: Serratia marcescens strain SRM was isolated from the flowers of summer squash plants, showing no apparent symptoms of yellow vine disease. It was evaluated for growth and plant growth promotion attributes at 15 and 4°C. At 15°C, the isolate was able to solubilize 76·6 μg ml?1 of P and produce Indole Acetic Acid, IAA (11·1 μg ml?1). HCN and siderophore production were also detected at 15°C. The isolate retained all the plant growth promotion traits at 4°C. Seed bacterization with the isolate significantly enhanced plant biomass and nutrient uptake of wheat seedlings grown in cold temperatures. Conclusion: Serratia marcescens strain SRM is a promising cold‐tolerant isolate that can significantly influence wheat seedling growth at cold temperatures. Significance and Impact of the Study: This strain can be employed as a bioinoculant in cold temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Trackways attributed to a xiphosurid (arthropod) maker are described for the first time from the Middle Jurassic Saltwick Formation, Ravenscar Group, of the Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire. The trackways are assigned to Kouphichnium aff. variabilis (Linck, 1949) and clearly demonstrate the heteropody and varied behaviour of the maker. Their occasional asymmetry indicates a slight rotation of the body relative to the direction of locomotion. The Saltwick Formation has generally been regarded as a coastal plain deposit, and the presence of xiphosurid tracks reinforces the suggestions of periodic marine influences.  相似文献   

To understand the possible role of the plant root associated fungi on metal tolerance, their role in the uptake of heavy metals and the potential transfer of these metal ions to the plant, three strains of dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi were isolated from a waste smelter site in southwest China, and one strain was isolated from a non-contaminated site. According to molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ITS 1-5.8S rDNA-ITS 2 gene regions and morphological characteristics, one is identified as Exophiala pisciphila, and the other three are non-sporulating fungi under the experiment condition with the nearest phylogenetic affinities to the Thysanorea papuana strain EU041814. Tolerance and accumulation abilities of the three DSE strains for metals were investigated in liquid culture. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of Pb, Zn, and Cd were determined. It was demonstrated that the tolerance of the DSE strains varied between metal species and strains. The E. pisciphila strain is able to accumulate lead and cadmium over 20% and 5% of dry weight of biomass, respectively. Partial of the sequestrated metals can be washed with CaCh. Morphological and enzyme activity changes taking place in the presence of excessive Pb, Cd, and/or Zn also indicate that the mechanism of heavy metal tolerance and accumulation of the DSE strains would be a complex process. The findings indicated promising tolerance and accumulation of the DSE strains with potential values in metal cycling and restoration of soil and water system.  相似文献   

Exiguobacterium acetylicum strain 1P (MTCC 8707) is a gram-positive, rod-shaped, yellow pigmented bacterium isolated from soil on nutrient agar plates at 4°C. The identity of the bacterium was arrived on the basis of the biochemical characterization, BIOLOG sugar utilization pattern and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. It grew at temperatures ranging from 4 to 42°C, with temperature optima at 30°C. It expressed multiple plant growth promotion attributes such as phosphate solubilization, indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production, differentially at suboptimal growth temperatures (15 and 4°C). At 15°C it solubilized phosphate (21.1 μg of P ml−1 day−1), and produced IAA (14.9 μg ml−1 day−1) in tryptophan amended media. Qualitative detection of siderophore production and HCN were possible at 15°C. At 4°C it retained all the plant growth promotion attributes. Seed bacterization with the isolate, positively influenced the growth and nutrient uptake parameters of wheat seedlings in glass house studies at suboptimal cold growing temperatures.  相似文献   

Physiological models provide useful summaries of complex interrelated regulatory functions. These can often be reduced to simple input requirements and simple predictions for pragmatic applications. This paper demonstrates this modeling efficiency by tracing the development of one such simple model, the Heat Strain Decision Aid (HSDA), originally developed to address Army needs. The HSDA, which derives from the Givoni-Goldman equilibrium body core temperature prediction model, uses 16 inputs from four elements: individual characteristics, physical activity, clothing biophysics, and environmental conditions. These inputs are used to mathematically predict core temperature (Tc) rise over time and can estimate water turnover from sweat loss. Based on a history of military applications such as derivation of training and mission planning tools, we conclude that the HSDA model is a robust integration of physiological rules that can guide a variety of useful predictions. The HSDA model is limited to generalized predictions of thermal strain and does not provide individualized predictions that could be obtained from physiological sensor data-driven predictive models. This fully transparent physiological model should be improved and extended with new findings and new challenging scenarios.  相似文献   

The Bauru Basin (south-central Brazil) fossils have largely contributed to understand the faunal composition of South American Cretaceous. Among those, several turtle specimens were retrieved from those deposits, all belonging to Podocnemidoidae, the single group known from the Basin. On the other hand, only incomplete shell elements indicate large turtles such as ‘Peirópolis A’. Another shell fragment, a large peripheral plate from the Marília Formation, is described here. Its lack of surface ornamentation, and deep sulci are generally typical for podocnemidoids. The plate exhibits a narrow knob slightly projected onto the pleuro-marginal sulcus, absent in any other Bauru Basin turtle. According to extant and fossil podocnemidoids measures, we estimated this individual reached 1 m of carapace length, exceeding in size all other taxa known from the Basin. This new report reveals a broader size variation among podocnemidoids from the Late Cretaceous of Bauru Basin and a morphological diversity previously unknown for the period, comparable to those of the Amazon Basin today, in which inhabits the largest extant podocnemidoid Podocnemis expansa. Furthermore, the occurrence of such large turtles implies the presence of perennial streams on the northeastern portion of the Bauru Basin during the Maastrichtian and a richer environment than previously thought.  相似文献   

Aims:  To identify, clone and sequence the iss (increased serum survival) gene from E. coli strain χ1378 isolated from Iranian poultry and to predict its protein product, Iss.
Methods and Results:  The iss gene from E. coli strain χ1378 was amplified and cloned into the pTZ57R/T vector and sequenced. From the DNA sequence, the Iss predictive protein was evaluated using bioinformatics. Iss from strain χ1378 had 100% identity with other E. coli serotypes and isolates from different origins and also 98% identity with E. coli O157:H7 Iss protein. Phylogenetic analysis showed no significant different phylogenic groups among E. coli strains.
Conclusions:  The strong association of predicted Iss protein among different E. coli strains suggests that it could be a good antigen to control and detect avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC).
Significance and Impact of the study:  Because the exact pathogenesis and the role of virulence factors are unknown, the Iss protein could be used as a target for vaccination in the future, but further research is required.  相似文献   

Abstract Three bacterial isolates which appeared to use the insecticide, carbaryl (1-naphthyl, N -methyl-carbamate) as their sole carbon and nitrogen sources were originally selected from garden soil. Only one isolate, Pseudomonas sp. (NCIB 12043) could metabolise carbaryl rapidly to 1-naphthol and methylamine. The other two isolates, Pseudomonas sp. (NCIB 12042) and Rhodococcus sp. (NCIB 12038) relied on slow chemical hydrolysis of carbaryl to 1-naphthol and methylamine. All three isolates used 1-naphthol as their sole carbon source; however, their ability to use naphthalene and a range of mono- and dihydroxy-substituted naphthalene compounds varied. NCIB 12038 and NCIB 12043 showed little or no growth on naphthalene, 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene or 1,3-dihydroxynaphthalene as sole carbon sources and their 1-naphthol oxygenases had little activity with these substrates. In contrast, NCIB 12042 could use these compounds as sole carbon sources and its 1-naphthol oxygenase also showed activity with them. We conclude that 1-naphthol oxygenase from NCIB 12042 is a relatively non-specific dioxygenase, whereas the 1-naphthol oxygenases from NCIB 12038 and NCIB 12043 are relatively specific monooxygenases requiring hydroxylated naphthalene compounds as substrates.  相似文献   

Bme585 I is a new member of the restriction endonuclease type IIS family. It was partially purified from the heterothrophic, mesophilic bacterial strain Bacillus mesentericus 585 by ammonium sulphate precipitation and phosphocellulose column chromatography. Bme585 I is a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 62 kD. The enzyme is active over a broad pH range from 7.0 to 8.8, has a temperature optimum of 37 degrees C and tolerance of NaCl in reaction buffer from 0 to 400 mM. Bme585 I recognizes the asymmetric sequence 5'-CCCGC(4/6)-3' and is therefore an isoschizomer of restriction endonuclease Fau I.  相似文献   

In freeze tolerant wood frog Rana sylvatica, the freeze-induced liberation of glucose plays a critical role in survival in response to sub-zero temperature exposure. We have shown that the glycaemic response is linked to selective changes in the expression of hepatic adrenergic receptors through which catecholamines act to produce their hepatic glycogenolytic effects. The purpose of the present study was to determine if skeletal muscle, another catecholamine-sensitive tissue with glycogenolytic potential, displayed similar or different changes. In order to achieve these objectives, skeletal muscle derived from Rana sylvatica was studied in control, frozen and thawed states. In isolated sarcolemmal fractions, freezing effected an 88% decrease in beta(2)-adrenergic receptor expression but was without effect on the calcium pump; while thawing resulted in a recovery of the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor to 60% of control levels and a 2.4-fold increase in calcium transport. In isolated sarcoplasmic reticular fractions, freezing effected a 52% decrease in calcium binding and a 92% decrease in oxalate-stimulated calcium uptake; while thawing elicited partial normalization to control levels to 70% with respect to calcium binding and to 47% with respect to calcium uptake. Freezing and thawing were associated with increases and decreases, receptively, in blood glucose levels but were without effect on skeletal muscle glycogen content. Thus these muscle changes in Rana sylvatica in freezing and thawing are not linked to glycogen breakdown, are different from those previously seen in liver, and may provide a role in recovery of muscle function during thawing by protecting glycogen stores for contraction and maximizing extracellular calcium for excitation-contraction coupling in the frozen state. The involvement of thyroid hormone in triggering these muscle changes is discussed.  相似文献   

The comparison was made of the physiological state of young Atlantic salmons Salmo salar of the same age from natural and artificial reproduction. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of blood and a wide range of observed pathologies of alimentary origin suggested that the health of juveniles grown at the Umba Fish Hatchery (UFH) could not be considered satisfactory, and the survival of fish from the fish hatchery released to the river would be low. It was shown that the physiological state of juveniles obtained under artificial conditions grew much worse with age. Physiological parameters of 2-year-old juveniles came to norm during several months after their release. Visible pathological changes in the 3-year-old individuals were apparently irreversible. Analysis of data obtained led to the conclusion that complex researches are necessary in UFH to correct the diet, composition and quality of forage, and the sanitary-epizootological control of the fish-cultural process. Additionally, it seems to be expedient to convert UFH to the releasing of 2-year-old juveniles.  相似文献   

Occurrences of the Upper Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) belemnite Praeactinocamax plenus from the plenus Bed of northwest Germany (Söhlde-Loges working quarry near Salzgitter, Lower Saxony) are documented and described for the first time on the basis of two in situ finds. The find horizon and its surrounding beds are re-evaluated in a sequence stratigraphical context. In contrast to the interpretations of other authors, the plenus Bed is seen as a pelagization event in a parasequence of transgressively stacked beds, delimited by two significant erosion surfaces below and above. The exclusive occurrence of P. plenus in the top part of the plenus Bed and its absence from the post-plenus Bed succession, in the equivalent of which (higher part of the Plenus Marls Member) it is very common in southern England (Anglo-Paris Basin), is explained by ecological factors in stratigraphically complete sections (intra-shelf depressions) and by gaps in the stratigraphic records in swell settings. The distribution pattern of P. plenus suggests a preference for nearshore settings and a demersal mode of life.  相似文献   

The genus Metaschizotherium is a Miocene member of the Schizotheriinae (Chalicotheriidae, Perissodactyla) and appears in the MN 5 of Southern Germany with the species M. bavaricum. The Chalicotheriidae have mostly been reconstructed as browsers. In this study, the mesowear method is applied to 11 upper premolars and molars of M. bavaricum from the Upper Freshwater Molasse locality of Sandelzhausen (MN 5). With this method the amount of abrasive and attritive dental wear is investigated and thus it provides a time-averaged signature of food abrasiveness of ungulates. Principal components analysis is performed on mesowear variables of M. bavaricum. This species is found to classify closest to extant mixed feeding ruminants. This indicates that the diet of M. bavaricum essentially included nonabrasive browse but also a certain amount of abrasive plant material. The composition of the diet of extant reference species indicates that this abrasiveness was most likely imposed by bark and whole branches. In the palaeoecological context of Sandelzhausen M. bavaricum occupied the dietary niche of a mixed feeder or an abrasion-dominated browser. A high degree of similarity is recognised between the mesowear patterns of M. bavaricum from Sandelzhausen and M. fraasi from the MN 6 of the Franconian Alb. This is interpreted as reflecting a similar dietary niche of the two species.   相似文献   

A novel strain, alga-05, of alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacteria was isolated from sediments of a small saline (60 g/l) soda lake near Lake Algin (Barguzin Valley, Buryat Republic, Russia). These bacteria contain bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the alternative spirilloxanthin group with predominating demethylspheroidenone. They are facultative anaerobes; their photosynthetic structures are of the vesicular type and arranged along the cell periphery. Growth of this strain is possible in a salinity range of 5–80 g/l NaCl, with an optimum at 20 g/l NaCl. Best growth occurred at 20–35°C. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the studied isolate is closely related to the alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobaca bogoriensis (99% similarity) isolated from soda lakes of the African Rift Zone. According to the results of DNA-DNA hybridization, strain alga-05 has a 52% similarity with the type species of the genus Rhodobaca. On the basis of the obtained genotypic data and some phenotypic properties (dwelling in a hypersaline soda lake of Siberia, moderate halophily, ability to grow at relatively low temperatures, etc.), the isolated strain of purple bacteria was described as a new species of the genus Rhodobaca, Rca. barguzinensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

The intentional introduction of red king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius, 1815) in the Barents Sea represent one of a few successful cases and one that now supports a commercial fishery. Introductions of alien species into new environments are often associated with genetic bottlenecks, which cause a reduction in the genetic variation, and this could be important for the spreading potential of the species in the Atlantic Ocean. Red king crab samples collected in the Varangerfjord located on the Barents Sea (northern Norway) were compared with reference crab samples collected from the Bering Sea and Kamchatka regions in the Pacific Ocean. All samples were screened for eleven microsatellite loci, based on the development of species-specific primers. The observed number of alleles per locus was similar, and no reduction in genetic variation, including gene diversity and allelic richness, was detected between the Varangerfjord sample and the reference sample from Okhotsk Sea near Kamchatka, indicating no genetic bottlenecking at least for the microsatellite loci investigated. The same results were found in comparison with the sample from Bering Sea. The level of genetic differentiation among the samples, measured as overall F ST across all loci, was relatively low (0.0238) with a range of 0.0035–0.1000 for the various loci investigated. The largest pairwise F ST values were found between the Bering Sea and Varangerfjord/Barents Sea samples, with a value of 0.0194 across all loci tested. The lowest value (0.0101) was found between the Varangerfjord and Kamchatka samples. Genetic differentiation based on exact tests on allele frequencies revealed highly significant differences between all pairwise comparisons. The high level of genetic variation found in the Varangerfjord/Barents Sea sample could be of significance with respect to further spreading of the species to other regions in the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Two strains of pink-colored aerobic bacteriochlorophyll a-containing bacteria were isolated from aerobic (strain ROS 10) and anaerobic (strain ROS 35) zones of the water column of Mono Lake (California, United States). Cells of the bacteria were nonmotile oval gram-negative rods multiplying by binary fission by means of a constriction. No intracellular membranes were detected. Polyphosphates and poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid were the storage compounds. Pigments were represented by bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spheroidene series. The strains were obligately aerobic, mesophilic (temperature optimum of 25–30°C), alkaliphilic (pH optimum of 8.5–9.5), and moderately halophilic (optimal NaCl concentration of 40 g/l). They were obligately heterotrophic and grew aerobically in the dark and in the light. Respiration was inhibited by light at wavelengths corresponding to the absorption of the cellular pigments. The substrate utilization spectra were strain-specific. In the course of organotrophic growth, the bacteria could oxidize thiosulfate to sulfate; sulfide and polysulfide could also be oxidized. The DNA G+C content was 59.4 mol % in strain ROS 10 and 59 mol % in strain ROS 35. In their phenotypic properties, the new strains were close but not identical to the alkaliphilic bacterium Roseinatronobacter thiooxidans. The distinctions in the nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA genes (2%) and low DNA-DNA hybridization level with Rna. thiooxidans (22–25%) allow the new strains to be assigned to a new species of the genus Roseinatronobacter, Roseinatronobacter monicus sp. nov. with the type strain ROS 35T (=UNIQEM U-251T = VKM B-2404T).  相似文献   

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