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Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is regulated by both positive (leucine and ADP) and negative (GTP and ATP) allosteric factors. We hypothesized that the phosphate potential of beta-cells regulates the sensitivity of leucine stimulation. These predictions were tested by measuring leucine-stimulated insulin secretion in perifused rat islets following glucose depletion and by tracing the nitrogen flux of [2-(15)N]glutamine using stable isotope techniques. The sensitivity of leucine stimulation was enhanced by long time (120-min) energy depletion and inhibited by glucose pretreatment. After limited 50-min glucose depletion, leucine, not alpha-ketoisocaproate, failed to stimulate insulin release. beta-Cells sensitivity to leucine is therefore proposed to be a function of GDH activation. Leucine increased the flux through GDH 3-fold compared with controls while causing insulin release. High glucose inhibited flux through both glutaminase and GDH, and leucine was unable to override this inhibition. These results clearly show that leucine induced the secretion of insulin by augmenting glutaminolysis through activating glutaminase and GDH. Glucose regulates beta-cell sensitivity to leucine by elevating the ratio of ATP and GTP to ADP and P(i) and thereby decreasing the flux through GDH and glutaminase. These mechanisms provide an explanation for hypoglycemia caused by mutations of GDH in children.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were isolated from preweaned neonatal and adult rats and maintained in primary monolayer culture. Cells from preweaned newborns possessed no L-type pyruvate kinase, nor did they synthesize the enzyme. Incubation for 48-72 h in culture medium supplemented with 2 mM-fructose and 0.1 microM-insulin induced the synthesis of L-type pyruvate kinase, as judged by increased enzyme activity and the increased incorporation of [3H]leucine into immunoprecipitable L-type pyruvate kinase. Hepatocytes isolated from 48 h-starved adult rats incorporated less [3H]leucine into L-type pyruvate kinase than did cells isolated from high-carbohydrate-diet-fed rats. The rate of enzyme synthesis by cells from 48 h-starved rats was increased by the inclusion of fructose and insulin in the incubation medium, after a lag phase of 24-48 h. After 4 days in culture in the presence of fructose and insulin, hepatocytes from 48 h-starved rats synthesized L-type pyruvate kinase at similar rates to hepatocytes isolated from high-carbohydrate-diet-fed rats.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that LH secretion is modulated by insulin and that the responsiveness to hypoinsulinemia is enhanced by sex steroids. The model was the developing male lamb (12-26 wk of age) rendered diabetic by chemically induced necrosis of insulin-secreting tissue (streptozotocin). Our approach was to monitor LH secretion under diabetic conditions, with or without insulin supplementation, either in the presence or in the absence of gonadal steroids. The first experiment determined if chronic insulin supplementation could sustain LH secretion in diabetic lambs. After documentation of the induced diabetic condition, twice-daily treatment with a long-acting insulin preparation (Lente) minimized diabetes-induced hyperglycemia, sustained growth, and maintained LH pulse frequency at levels comparable to pre-diabetic conditions. A second experiment evaluated the acute regulation of LH secretion by insulin. Twenty-four hours of insulin withdrawal decreased LH pulse frequency, increased circulating glucose levels, increased the concentration of plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), and increased urinary output of ketones. LH pulse frequency continued to decline after 96 h of insulin withdrawal. By contrast, 24 h of insulin re-supplementation increased LH pulse frequency, reduced circulating glucose and NEFA concentrations, decreased plasma cortisol, and reduced urinary output of ketones. After 96 h of insulin re-supplementation, LH pulse frequency increased further, to levels comparable with those before insulin withdrawal. A third experiment determined if the effects of insulin withdrawal on LH secretion are influenced by the presence of gonadal steroids. The same individuals were treated with a physiologic dose of estradiol (Silastic capsule, s.c.) and subsequently monitored for changes in LH secretion in the presence and in the absence of exogenous insulin. Prior to insulin withdrawal, estradiol decreased both LH pulse frequency and pulse amplitude. Moreover, after 96 h of insulin withdrawal, estradiol potentiated the decline in LH pulse frequency (47% reduction in LH pulse frequency in the presence of estradiol versus 26% reduction in LH pulse frequency in the absence of estradiol). These findings support the contention that insulin and/or insulin-dependent changes in glucose availability modulate LH(GnRH) pulse frequency, and that such effects are potentiated by, but not dependent upon, gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

Insulin regulates blood glucose by promoting uptake by fat and muscle, and inhibiting production by liver. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is mediated by GLUT4, which translocates from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane. GLUT4 traffic and insulin secretion both rely on calcium-dependent, regulated exocytosis. Deletion of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 results in constitutive expression of GLUT4 at the plasma membrane. Inhibition of channel activity stimulated GLUT4 translocation through a calcium dependent mechanism. The synaptotagmins (Syt) are calcium sensors for vesicular traffic, and Syt VII mediates lysosomal and secretory granule exocytosis. We asked if Syt VII regulates insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells, and GLUT4 translocation in insulin-sensitive tissues mouse model. Syt VII deletion (Syt VII -/-) results in glucose intolerance and a marked decrease in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in vivo. Pancreatic islet cells isolated from Syt VII -/- cells secreted significantly less insulin than islets of littermate controls. Syt VII deletion disrupted GLUT4 traffic as evidenced by constitutive expression of GLUT4 present at the plasma membrane of fat and skeletal muscle cells and unresponsiveness to insulin. These data document a key role for Syt VII in peripheral glucose homeostasis through its action on both insulin secretion and GLUT4 traffic.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3',5-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) was shown to stimulate insulin secretion from electrically permeabilised islets of Langerhans incubated in Ca2+/EGTA buffers. cAMP-induced insulin secretion occurred in the presence of either sub-stimulatory (50 nM) or stimulatory (greater than 100 nM) concentrations of Ca2+. Similar effects on secretion were obtained in response to 8-bromo-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) or the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. Forskolin (0.2-20 microM) increased adenylate cyclase activity and enhanced insulin secretion from the permeabilised islets. These results suggest that, in electrically permeabilised islets, cAMP-induced insulin secretion is not dependent on changes in cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   

Regulation of surfactant secretion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lung surfactant is synthesized in the alveolar type II cell. Its lipids and hydrophobic proteins (SP-B and SP-C) are stored in lamellar bodies and secreted by regulated exocytosis. In contrast, the hydrophilic proteins (SP-A and SP-D) appear to be secreted independently of lamellar bodies. Regulation of surfactant secretion is mediated by at least three distinct signaling mechanisms: activation of adenylate cyclase with formation of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase; activation of protein kinase C; and a Ca(2+)-regulated mechanism that likely results in the activation of Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. These signaling mechanisms are activated by a variety of agonists, some of which may have a physiological role. ATP is one such agent and it activates all three signaling mechanisms. There is increasing information on the identity of several of the signaling proteins involved in surfactant secretion although others remain to be established. In particular the identity of the phospholipase C, protein kinase C and phospholipase D isomers expressed in the type II cell and/or involved in surfactant secretion has been established. Distal steps in the secretory pathway beyond protein kinase activation as well as the physiological regulation of surfactant secretion, are major issues that need to be addressed.  相似文献   

cGMP is a second messenger widely used in the nervous system and other tissues. One of the major effectors for cGMP is the serine/threonine protein kinase, cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), which catalyzes the phosphorylation of a variety of proteins including ion channels. Previously, it has been shown that the cGMP-PKG signaling pathway inhibits Ca2+ currents in rat vestibular hair cells and chromaffin cells. This current allegedly flow through voltage-gated CaV1.3L-type Ca2+ channels, and is important for controlling vestibular hair cell sensory function and catecholamine secretion, respectively. Here, we show that native L-type channels in the insulin-secreting RIN-m5F cell line, and recombinant CaV1.3 channels heterologously expressed in HEK-293 cells, are regulatory targets of the cGMP-PKG signaling cascade. Our results indicate that the CaVα1 ion-conducting subunit of the CaV1.3 channels is highly expressed in RIN-m5F cells and that the application of 8-Br-cGMP, a membrane-permeable analogue of cGMP, significantly inhibits Ca2+ macroscopic currents and impair insulin release stimulated with high K+. In addition, KT-5823, a specific inhibitor of PKG, prevents the current inhibition generated by 8-Br-cGMP in the heterologous expression system. Interestingly, mutating the putative phosphorylation sites to residues resistant to phosphorylation showed that the relevant PKG sites for CaV1.3 L-type channel regulation centers on two amino acid residues, Ser793 and Ser860, located in the intracellular loop connecting the II and III repeats of the CaVα1 pore-forming subunit of the channel. These findings unveil a novel mechanism for how the cGMP-PKG signaling pathway may regulate CaV1.3 channels and contribute to regulate insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Somatostatin is an inhibitor of hormone secretion through specific receptors (sst1-5). The aim of this study was to investigate the putative regulatory role of somatostatin analogues on the secretion of insulin and glucagon by rat pancreatic islets. After 48 h exposure only the non-selective agonists (somatostatin, octreotide and SOM-230) inhibited insulin accumulation. The inhibition of insulin secretion was accompanied by increased islet insulin contents. None of the analogues showed a consistent effect on the glucagon accumulation in the medium after 48 h. Since we observed a difference in the regulatory effect between the non-selective and selective analogues, combinations of selective analogues were studied. Combination of sst2+sst5 agonists inhibited the medium insulin accumulation, while combination of sst1+sst2 analogues caused a decrease in glucagon accumulation. After removal of somatostatin a rebound effect with increased insulin secretion were observed. This effect was reversed after 6 h. For SOM-230 insulin secretion continued to be suppressed even after the analogue was removed and returned to control values after 3 h. As for glucagon secretion there was an initial decline after culture with octreotide, while the other substances failed to induce any changes. In summary, non-selective somatostatin analogues or combinations of receptor selective analogues may cause inhibition of hormone secretion from rat pancreatic islets. For insulin and glucagon, combinations of sst2+sst5 and sst1+sst2, respectively may exert this effects. Thus, our data suggest that more than one sst must be involved to down-regulate islet glucagon and insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Glucose tolerance progressively declines with age, and there is a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and postchallenge hyperglycemia in the older population. Age-related glucose intolerance in humans is often accompanied by insulin resistance, but circulating insulin levels are similar to those of younger people. Under some conditions of hyperglycemic challenge, insulin levels are lower in older people, suggesting beta-cell dysfunction. When insulin sensitivity is controlled for, insulin secretory defects have been consistently demonstrated in aging humans. In addition, beta-cell sensitivity to incretin hormones may be decreased with advancing age. Impaired beta-cell compensation to age-related insulin resistance may predispose older people to develop postchallenge hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes. An improved understanding of the metabolic alterations associated with aging is essential for the development of preventive and therapeutic interventions in this population at high risk for glucose intolerance.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the way in which fetal insulin secretion is influenced by interrelated changes in blood glucose and sympathoadrenal activity. Experiments were conducted in late gestation sheep fetuses prepared with chronic peripheral and adrenal catheters. The fetus mounted a brisk insulin response to hyperglycemia but with only a minimal change in the glucose-to-insulin ratio, indicating a tight coupling between insulin secretion and plasma glucose. In well-oxygenated fetuses, alpha(2)-adrenergic blockade by idazoxan effected no change in fetal insulin concentration, indicating the absence of a resting sympathetic inhibitory tone for insulin secretion. With hypoxia, fetal norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine secretion and plasma NE increased markedly; fetal insulin secretion decreased strikingly with the degree of change related to extant plasma glucose concentration. Idazoxan blocked this effect showing the hypoxic inhibition of insulin secretion to be mediated by a specific alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanism. alpha(2)-Blockade in the presence of sympathetic activation secondary to hypoxic stress also revealed the presence of a potent beta-adrenergic stimulatory effect for insulin secretion. However, based on an analysis of data at the completion of the study, this beta-stimulatory mechanism was seen to be absent in all six fetuses that had been subjected to a prior experimentally induced hypoxic stress but in only one of nine fetuses not subjected to this perturbation. We speculate that severe hypoxic stress in the fetus may, at least in the short term, have a residual effect in suppressing the beta-adrenergic stimulatory mechanism for insulin secretion.  相似文献   

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