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Sources of inorganic carbon (Ci) for photosynthesis and calcification and the mechanisms involved in their uptake in scleractinian corals were investigated in microcolonies of Galaxea fascicularis. Direct measurements of Ca2+, pH and O2 on the surface and inside the polyp's coelenteron were made with microsensors. Gross photosynthesis (Pg) and net photosynthesis (Pn) were measured on the surface. Light respiration (LR) was calculated from Pg and Pn. The effect of light/dark and dark/light switches on Ca2+ and pH dynamics on the surface and inside the coelenteron were followed. To evaluate the different sources of Ci for photosynthesis and calcification, Ci-free seawater and 6-Ethoxyzolamide and Acetazolamide, inhibitors for carbonic anhydrase (CA) were used.In normal seawater, Pg was about seven times higher than Pn, the LR was ca. 80-90% of the Pg. Thus, most of the O2 produced in Pg are immediately consumed in respiration, indicating the presence of a highly active internal C-cycle. As the internal C-cycle is highly active, a large part of the Ci for calcification will have passed through the metabolism of the symbiont. The high LR provides ATP for energy requiring processes in light.Ci for photosynthesis and calcification can come from seawater in the form of free Ci, respiration of photosynthates (internal C-cycle) or respiration of the ingested plankton. These sources form a common carbon pool (C-pool) that is used for the different processes.In Ci-free seawater, Pg decreased by about 12.5%, indicating that most of the photosynthetically fixed Ci can temporarily be supplied from internal sources. The initial decalcification, observed directly upon the switch to Ci-free seawater, showed that the Ca-pools in the coral are exchangeable. Part of the Pg in Ci-free seawater may depend on this decalcification for its Ci supply.Three localities of CA were defined. One on the surface facing seawater and one on endodermal cells facing the coelenteron, while the third is intracellular. The inhibition of CA decreased Pg by about 30%, while it increased the concentration of Ca2+ as a result of a decrease in its precipitation. The reduction of photosynthesis and calcification by CA inhibition demonstrated that both processes need the enzyme for the supply of Ci. The pH on the surface and inside the coelenteron decreased upon 6-Ethoxyzolamide addition indicating a role of CA in pH control.  相似文献   

The characteristics of valine uptake by isolated microcolonies of Galaxea fascicularis (Linnaeus 1758) were studied under various conditions including light, dark and feeding. The results demonstrated the presence of: (1) a linear component which might represent either a diffusional transport or a low-affinity carrier-mediated transport (apparent carrier affinity >250 mol·l–1), and (2) a high-affinity active carrier-mediated transport (apparent carrier affinity about 5 mol·l-1). The latter is mediated by two different systems: (i) a Na+-dependent carrier, stimulated by light and operative in both fed and unfed polyps, and (ii) a Na+-independent carrier, light insensitive and present only in unfed polyps. Competition experiments with other amino acids show that the Na+-dependent carrier is highly specific for neutral amino acids, as indicated by the high inhibition constants of basic and acidic amino acids. Our results suggest that the energy supplied by zooxanthellae photosynthates is necessary for the process of amino acid uptake, and that the Na+-dependent carrier responsible for valine uptake by G. fascicularis is similar to the B0,+ system.Abbreviations AA amino acid(s) - AC/HC ratio autotrophic/heterotrophic carbon - ASW artificial sea water - DOM dissolved organic material - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - K 1 apparent inhibition constant - K m apparent affinity of the carrier - SE standard error - V max maximal rate of absorption  相似文献   

The rate of calcification in the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis was followed during the daytime using 45Ca tracer. The coral began the day with a low calcification rate, which increased over time to a maximum in the afternoon. Since the experiments were carried out under a fixed light intensity, these results suggest that an intrinsic rhythm exists in the coral such that the calcification rate is regulated during the daytime. When corals were incubated for an extended period in the dark, the calcification rate was constant for the first 4 h of incubation and then declined, until after one day of dark incubation, calcification ceased, possibly as a result of the depletion of coral energy reserves. The addition of glucose and Artemia reduced the dark calcification rate for the short duration of the experiment, indicating an expenditure of oxygen in respiration. Artificial hypoxia reduced the rate of dark calcification to about 25% compared to aerated coral samples. It is suggested that G. fascicularis obtains its oxygen needs from the surrounding seawater during the nighttime, whereas during the day time the coral exports oxygen to the seawater.  相似文献   

In order to investigate nutritional interactions in the symbiotic scleractinian coral-zooxanthella association, fatty acids of the coral Galaxea fascicularis were analysed in two groups of cultured microcolonies. The first group was fed with Artemia sp., while the second group was starved. After an initial 1-month period during which both groups were subjected to the same normal light conditions (constant irradiance of 125 E·cm-2·s-1 and 14:10 h light:dark), a light cap was used to cover the aquarium and keep all the microcolonies in permanent darkness for 20 days. During the light phase of the experiment it was shown that the nutritional status lead to large variations in the percentage of saturated, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Palmitic acid (C16:0) was the most abundant fatty acid in both groups. Important differences between fed and starved microcolonies occurred during the dark phase of the experiment. In the fed group the dark phase was characterized by a significant increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Particularly arachidonic acid (C20:4 n-6) became the most important fatty acid followed by docosatrienoic acid (C22:3 n-3). A slight increase in these two fatty acids was also found in the starved group but the bulk of polyunsaturated fatty acids was significantly decreased. In this group, palmitic acid remained the most important fatty acid while an increased concentration of cis-vaccenic acid (C18:1 n-7) was found at the end of the experiment. The increased concentration of cis-vaccenic acid might indicate that bacteria serve as a source of energy. While the number of zooxanthellae per milligram of protein and the chlorophyll a to protein ratio strongly decreased in the starved microcolonies immediately after the beginning of the dark period, the decrease in fed microcolonies was delayed for about 10 days. Furthermore, after 20 days of dark incubation the chlorophyll a to protein ratio was the same as measured at the beginning of the dark period. This suggests that in the dark the metabolic requirements of the zooxanthellae are in part met from the animal host through a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.Abbreviations CZ cultured zooxanthellae - FAME fatty acid methylester(s) - FDM fed dark microcolonies - FLM fed light microcolonies - MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid(s) - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid(s) - SDM starved dark microcolonies - SFA saturated fatty acids - SLM starved-light microcolonies - SW sea water - TFA total fatty acids  相似文献   

Clode PL  Marshall AT 《Protoplasma》2003,220(3-4):153-161
Summary.  Field emission scanning electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated preparations of the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis revealed organic fibrils which have a diameter of 26 nm and are located between calicoblastic ectodermal cells and the underlying CaCO3 skeleton. Small (37 nm in diameter) nodular structures observed upon this fibrillar organic material possibly correspond to localised Ca-rich regions detected throughout the calcifying interfacial region of freeze-substituted preparations by X-ray microanalysis. We propose that these Ca-rich regions associated with the organic material are nascent crystals of CaCO3. Significant amounts of S were also detected throughout the calcifying interfacial region, further verifying the likely presence of organic material. However, the bulk of this S is unlikely to be derived from mucocytes within the calicoblastic ectoderm. It is suggested that in the scleractinian coral G. fascicularis, nodular crystals of CaCO3 establish upon a fibrillar, S-containing, organic matrix within small but distinct extracellular pockets formed between calicoblastic ectodermal cells and skeleton. This arrangement conforms with the criteria necessary for biomineralisation and with the long-held theory that organic matrices may act as templates for crystal formation and growth in biological mineralising systems. Received April 30, 2002; accepted September 11, 2002; published online March 11, 2003  相似文献   

This work investigated the effect of light and feeding on tissue composition as well as on rates of photosynthesis and calcification in the zooxanthellae (zoox) scleractinian coral, Stylophora pistillata. Microcolonies were maintained at three different light levels (80, 200, 300 μmol m−2 s−1) and subjected to two feeding regimes (starved and fed) over 9 weeks. Corals were fed both natural plankton and Artemia salina nauplii four times a weeks and samplings were made after 2, 5, and 9 weeks. Results confirmed that feeding enhances coral growth rate and increases both the dark and light calcification rates. These rates were 50-75% higher in fed corals (FC; 60±20 and 200±40 nmol Ca2+ cm−2 h−1 for dark and light calcification, respectively) compared to control corals (CC; 30±9 and 124±23 nmol Ca2+ cm−2 h−1). The dark calcification rates, however, were four times lower than the rates of light calcification (independent of trophic status). After 5 weeks, chlorophyll a (chl-a) concentrations were four to seven times higher in fed corals (7-21 μg cm−2) than in control corals (2-5 μg cm−2). The amount of protein was also significantly higher in fed corals (2.11-2.50 mg cm−2) than in control corals (1.08-1.52 mg cm−2). Rates of photosynthesis in fed corals were 2-10 times higher (1.24±0.75 μmol O2 h−1 cm−2) than those measured in control corals (0.20±0.08 μmol O2 h−1 cm−2).  相似文献   

Coccolithophorids are one of the dominant groups of marine phytoplankton. They are found in large numbers throughout the surface euphotic zone of the ocean, and are able to form large-scale blooms that persist for long periods of time. Coccolithophorid cells are covered by species-specific calcium carbonate crystals of various structures. In the process of calcification in coccolithophorids, Ca2+ is absorbed into cells from the culture medium, and a coccolith unit is formed inside the cell. Then, the coccolith unit extrudes to the cell surface where it is constructed into crystal layers. The formation of these crystals is regulated by cellular metabolism under different environmental conditions. The carbon biogeochemical cycle in the coccolithophorids involves both photosynthetic and calcification processes, which not only play an important role in population dynamics, but also in the global carbon cycle and climate change. However, one important question remains, namely, whether the relationship between photosynthesis and calcification is species-dependent. Previous studies have yielded controversial results, even in the same species. In this paper, we selected Pleurochrysis carterae, a coccolithophore species that frequently blooms in coastal areas, to study the relationship between calcification and photosynthesis. First, we studied population growth in a batch culture over several days. For batch cultures, P. carterae was inoculated into a 10 L bioreactor at an initial cell density of approximately 5 × 104 cells mL-1. The culture conditions were optimal for cell growth. Dissolved oxygen (DO) was detected during all the culture period, and the rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution was calculated according the DO changes during the 12-h illumination period. Algal samples (10 mL) were collected during the population growth phases. The calcium carbonate content on the cell surface was determined each day by chemical titration. Next, we studied the relationship between photosynthesis and calcification at the cellular level by observing patterns of recalcification during a 12-h period. In this study, non-calcified cells were obtained by decalcifying calcified cells collected during the exponential growth period in MES-NaOH buffer solution (pH 5.5). The non-calcified cells were inoculated into culture media containing different concentrations of Ca2+ (0, 5, 20, 40, 50, or 100 mg L-1). The rate of recalcification was determined by microscopic analyses in which the number of recalcified cells per 100 cells was counted at 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 h of culture. Ca2+ absorbed into the cell was detected by measuring the fluorescence intensity of Fluo-3/AM labeled Ca2+. The rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution in the non-calcified cell cultures was detected by measuring the changes in dissolved oxygen during the 12-h illumination period. The results showed that during the population growth period, the rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution was inversely related to the calcium carbonate content per cell. When the amount of calcium carbonate on the cell surface increased, the relative photosynthetic ability (the rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution) decreased, and vice versa. Both recalcification rates and photosynthetic oxygen evolution were affected by the extracellular calcium concentration. Non-calcified cells showed different recalcification abilities at different extracellular Ca2+ concentrations. The recalcification rate of non-calcified cells was positively correlated with the extracellular calcium concentration when [Ca2+] in the medium ranged from 0 to 100 mg L-1. However, photosynthetic oxygen evolution was suppressed at higher cell calcification rates, especially when extracellular [Ca2+] was 50–100 mg L-1. Our analyses of the population growth process and the cell recalcification process confirmed that photosynthesis is inversely related to calcification in P. carterae.  相似文献   

This study investigates the physiological responses in the hermatypic coral Galaxea fascicularis exposed to salinity stress (from 37 ppt to 15 ppt) for 12 h, combined effects of reduced salinity (from 37 ppt to 20 ppt) and two temperatures (26 °C and 32 °C) for 12 h and combined effects of reduced salinity (from 37 ppt to 25 ppt) and two temperatures (26 °C and 29.5 °C) for 10 d. The results demonstrate that the coral is tolerant to 12 h exposure to extremely low salinity (15 ppt). The study also shows that combined effects of temperature and low salinity aggravate the damage on the photosynthesis of the symbiotic dinoflagellates in 12 h exposure to 20 ppt sea water. This study suggests that high temperature (29.5 °C) aggravates the damage of trivially low salinity (30 ppt) on the holobiont (the coral and its symbiotic dinoflagellates) in 10 d exposure. However, high temperature (29.5 °C) may have an antagonistic effect between temperature and low salinity (25 ppt) on metabolism of the holobiont. Based on the above results, we suggest that (1) the true mechanism of corals exposed to combined effects of low salinity and high temperature is complicated. This calls for more studies on different corals. Future studies should aim at investigating long-term low-level stress in order to simulate in situ conditions more accurately; (2) when corals exposed to extremely severe combined stressors for short-term or trivially severe stressors for relative long-term, the combined effects of two stressors (such as low salinity and high temperature) may be negative, otherwise, the effects may be additive.  相似文献   

The uptake kinetics of zinc (Zn), an essential nutrient for both photosynthesis and calcification, in the tissue of S. pistillata showed that the transport of Zn is composed of a linear component (diffusion) at high concentrations and an active carrier-mediated component at low concentrations. The carrier affinity (K m=28 pmol l−1) was very low, indicating a good adaptation of the corals to low levels of Zn in seawater. Zn accumulation in the skeleton was linear; its level was dependent on the length of the incubation as well as on the external concentration of dissolved Zn. There was also a light-stimulation of Zn uptake, suggesting that zooxanthellae, through photosynthesis, are involved in this process. An enrichment of the incubation medium with 10 nM Zn significantly increased the photosynthetic efficiency of S. pistillata. This result suggests that corals living in oligotrophic waters might be limited in essential metals, such as zinc.  相似文献   

 The uptake of 45Ca and/or 14C by the skeleton of coral colonies has been commonly used to investigate the processes of calcification. This study reports the differential uptake of these tracers within different regions of the skeleton and tissues of individual corallites and polyps of the hermatypic coral Galaxea fascicularis. Incubation in 45Ca in the light resulted in 80 percent of the 45Ca taken up being deposited in the skeleton. Autoradiography of transverse and longitudinal slices of freeze-substituted polyps and corallites showed that in the light 45Ca was incorporated into the exsert septa, the outside of the thecal walls of the corallite and the inner edges of the septa. Incorporation did not occur in the costae. The radioactivity in the skeleton was considerably greater than in the tissues. In the dark, or in the presence of the photosynthetic inhibitor Diuron, 45Ca was taken up by the exsert septa and was patchily distributed in the corallite walls which suggests that it was not a result of isotopic exchange. The differential incorporation of 45Ca onto the exsert septa was confirmed by scintillation counting. Negligible radioactivity remained in the extrathecal coelenteron after a brief 5 min rinse in non-radioactive seawater. Only 0.1% of 14C taken up in the light was incorporated into the skeleton and this was confirmed by autoradiography. In the presence of Diuron or in the dark, very little 14C was incorporated into tissues or skeleton and in autoradiographs was either not evident in the skeleton or the distribution was similar to that seen in autoradiographs of 45Ca uptake. These results show that the deposition of 45Ca, and therefore calcium carbonate, occurs at specific loci on the skeleton of a corallite. In the dark, deposition occurs specifically at the growing points of the corallite. Differential deposition of calcium carbonate within individual corallites has not been previously reported. Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   

The relation between irradiance, skeletal growth and net photosynthesis was studied for the scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis to provide experimental evidence for mediation of light-enhanced calcification through photosynthesis. The hypothesis was tested that skeletal growth and photosynthesis are linearly correlated.A long-term experiment was performed in a closed-circuit aquarium system, in which four series of nine nubbins (single polyp clones of a coral colony) of Galaxea fascicularis were exposed to four light treatments (10L:14D): 144 W T8 fluorescent lighting providing an irradiance of 68 µE/m2/s and 70, 250 and 400 W Metal Halide lighting providing an irradiance of 38 µE/m2/s, 166 µE/m2/s and 410 µE/m2/s, respectively. Growth of these nubbins was measured as buoyant weight at different time intervals in a 294 day experiment. A light-saturation curve for photosynthesis was measured in a respirometric flow cell using a 54 week Galaxea fascicularis colony grown at 60 µE/m2/s.No saturation of net photosynthesis of Galaxea fascicularis was found at the irradiances tested. The specific growth rate (µ, in day- 1) of the coral nubbins increased with irradiance. Whereas irradiance varied 11-fold (38 to 410 µE/m2/s), buoyant weight (increase after 294 days) increased 5.7 times (2243 to 12374 mg), specific growth rate (1-294 days) increased 1.6 times (0.0103 to 0.0161 day- 1), while net photosynthetic rate increased 8.9 times (0.009 µmol O2/min/cm2 to 0.077 µmol O2/min/cm2). The increase of specific growth rate with irradiance was less than expected based on the increase in net photosynthetic rate with irradiance. This discrepancy between potential energy produced in photosynthesis and energy used for skeletal growth indicates that skeletal growth is not limited by photosynthetic potential at high irradiance levels.  相似文献   

In the egg of the reef coral Galaxea fascicularis, four proteins (named GfEP-1 to -4) are stored in high abundance. In the present study, a cDNA containing a full-length open reading frame for GfEP-1 was cloned, and the translated protein sequence was compared to the N-terminal sequences of GfEP-2, -3, and -4. GfEP-1 and -2 were shown to be generated by processing of a precursor of 1439 amino acids, and GfEP-3 turned out to be a partial fragment of GfEP-2. The precursor protein contained regions which exhibited similarities to vitellogenins (Vgs) in bilaterian animals (oviparous vertebrates and invertebrates including nematodes, arthropods, and molluscs). This study reports the first cloning and characterization of a full-length cDNA encoding a Vg in a non-bilaterian animal, and argues that the emergence of Vg as a precursor of egg yolk proteins predated the divergence of the cnidarian and bilaterian lineages.  相似文献   

Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica are the predominant coccolithophorid species that produce blooms in the ocean and affect the global environment. These species are capable of carbon fixation by both photosynthesis for organic matter production and by intracellular calcification for coccolith production. Both processes were strongly affected by the nutrient status in a laboratory culture. The coccolith production was stimulated by the addition of a high concentration of sodium bicarbonate and by the depletion of phosphate. Interestingly, when the calcification was stimulated, the increase in cell number during algal growth was greatly suppressed and then the cell volume increased. When the growth rate was increased under nutrient-sufficient conditions, the cells became very small in size and most of them bore few or no coccoliths. The data from laboratory experiments show that the cell growth and calcification proceeded apparently independently at different phases. We, therefore, assume that the coccolithophorid blooms in the ocean might be separated into two phases; firstly, the increase in cell population might be triggered by an adequate supply of nutrients to enhance algal growth and then the calcification might subsequently be stimulated when the nutrients become depleted by substantial algal growth.  相似文献   

Seven coral reef communities were defined on Shiraho fringing reef, Ishigaki Island, Japan. Net photosynthesis and calcification rates were measured by in situ incubations at 10 sites that included six of the defined communities, and which occupied most of the area on the reef flat and slope. Net photosynthesis on the reef flat was positive overall, but the reef flat acts as a source for atmospheric CO2, because the measured calcification/photosynthesis ratio of 2.5 is greater than the critical ratio of 1.67. Net photosynthesis on the reef slope was negative. Almost all excess organic production from the reef flat is expected to be effused to the outer reef and consumed by the communities there. Therefore, the total net organic production of the whole reef system is probably almost zero and the whole reef system also acts as a source for atmospheric CO2. Net calcification rates of the reef slope corals were much lower than those of the branching corals. The accumulation rate of the former was approximately 0.5 m kyr−1 and of the latter was ~0.7–5 m kyr−1. Consequently, reef slope corals could not grow fast enough to keep up with or catch up to rising sea levels during the Holocene. On the other hand, the branching corals grow fast enough to keep up with this rising sea level. Therefore, a transition between early Holocene and present-day reef communities is expected. Branching coral communities would have dominated while reef growth kept pace with sea level rise, and the reef was constructed with a branching coral framework. Then, the outside of this framework was covered and built up by reef slope corals and present-day reefs were constructed.  相似文献   

‘Resilience’, the capacity of the coral symbiosis with dinoflagellate algal symbionts (‘zooxanthellae’) to recover after bleaching, is a little-studied but crucial aspect of coral responses to bleaching stressors. This study investigated the response of the zooxanthella population in the coral Porites cylindrica after bleaching either naturally on a shallow subtidal reef or experimentally in response to elevated temperature and darkness. Coral resilience was influenced by the nature and duration of the stressor. Corals strongly bleached by natural stressors were less resilient than those that had been partially bleached; and a similar recovery profile was obtained for corals experimentally bleached by exposure to elevated temperature, in which recovery was slower for corals thermally-stressed 96 h than for 72 h. The opposite trend was evident for corals exposed to darkness, indicating that the bleaching trigger had a strong impact on coral resilience. When P. cylindrica recently recovered from bleaching was subjected to a repetition of bleaching stressors, it did not display acclimation, i.e. experience-mediated acquisition of resistance to bleaching stressors. The zooxanthella populations in all corals tested throughout the experiments were typed by PCR-RFLP as clade C, indicating that coral responses were not accompanied by any substantial change in zooxanthella composition at the cladal level.  相似文献   

Live-collected samples of four common reef-building coral genera (Acropora, Pocillopora, Goniastrea, Porites) from subtidal and intertidal settings of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, show extensive early marine diagenesis where parts of the coralla less than 3 years old contain abundant macro- and microborings and aragonite, high-Mg calcite, low-Mg calcite, and brucite cements. Many types of cement are associated directly with microendoliths and endobionts that inhabit parts of the corallum recently abandoned by coral polyps. The occurrence of cements that generally do not precipitate in normal shallow seawater (e.g., brucite, low-Mg calcite) highlights the importance of microenvironments in coral diagenesis. Cements precipitated in microenvironments may not reflect ambient seawater chemistry. Hence, geochemical sampling of these cements will contaminate trace-element and stable-isotope inventories used for palaeoclimate and dating analysis. Thus, great care must be taken in vetting samples for both bulk and microanalysis of geochemistry. Visual inspection using scanning electron microscopy may be required for vetting in many cases.  相似文献   

The fringing reef off southern Molokai, Hawaii, is currently being studied as part of a multi-disciplinary project led by the US Geological Survey. As part of this study, modeling and field observations were utilized to help understand the physical controls on reef morphology and the distribution of different coral species. A model was developed that calculates wave-induced hydrodynamic forces on corals of a specific form and mechanical strength. From these calculations, the wave conditions under which specific species of corals would either be stable or would break due to the imposed wave-induced forces were determined. By combining this hydrodynamic force-balance model with various wave model output for different oceanographic conditions experienced in the study area, we were able to map the locations where specific coral species should be stable (not subject to frequent breakage) in the study area. The combined model output was then compared with data on coral species distribution and coral cover at 12 sites along Molokais south shore. Observations and modeling suggest that the transition from one coral species to another may occur when the ratio of the coral colonys mechanical strengths to the applied (wave-induced) forces may be as great as 5:1, and not less than 1:1 when corals would break. This implies that coral colonys mechanical strength and wave-induced forces may be important in defining gross coral community structure over large (orders of 10s of meters) spatial scales.  相似文献   

Porites cylindrica and Porites lutea fragments of colonies were inflicted with five different injury types: chisel, file, Water Pik, osmotic and cement injuries. The fragments were maintained in outdoor aquaria for a period of 240 days under light intensities varying from 2-5% to 70-90% of incident surface photosynthetic active radiation (PAR0). During the exposure, changes in weight of the fragments, the rates of regeneration of the injuries, abundance of algae and animals settled onto injured areas were monitored. The regeneration rate of the injuries depended on interspecific differences in corals, injury types, number and composition of algae and animals settled onto the lesions, and light and temperature conditions. Competitive interactions between polyps and settlers occurred after colonizers settled onto the damaged surface or the live tissue. It is noteworthy that recovered coral tissue generally overgrew about 100 algal species with or without inhibition of coral growth by algae. In the summer period, the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula covered some lesions (osmotic and cement) by 100%, thus reducing dramatically the regeneration rate of the inflicted injuries and also caused coral bleaching when in direct contact.  相似文献   

Estimating the impacts of global and local threats on coral reefs requires monitoring reef health and measuring coral growth and calcification rates at different time scales. This has traditionally been mostly performed in short-term experimental studies in which coral fragments were grown in the laboratory or in the field but measured ex situ. Practical techniques in which growth and measurements are performed over the long term in situ are rare. Apart from photographic approaches, weight increment measurements have also been applied. Past buoyant weight measurements under water involved a complicated and little-used apparatus. We introduce a new method that combines previous field and laboratory techniques to measure the buoyant weight of entire, transplanted corals under water. This method uses an electronic balance fitted into an acrylic glass underwater housing and placed atop of an acrylic glass cube. Within this cube, corals transplanted onto artificial bases can be attached to the balance and weighed at predetermined intervals while they continue growth in the field. We also provide a set of simple equations for the volume and weight determinations required to calculate net growth rates. The new technique is highly accurate: low error of weight determinations due to variation of coral density (< 0.08%) and low standard error (< 0.01%) for repeated measurements of the same corals. We outline a transplantation technique for properly preparing corals for such long-term in situ experiments and measurements.  相似文献   

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